The lesson on social science on the topic "Special age: adolescence. Teenage age who studied

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is one of the most famous Russian writers. The most famous novels are "Anna Karenina", "Sunday", "War and Peace", as well as the trilogy "Childhood, adolescence, youth". Many works of the Great Writer were shielded, so in our time we have the opportunity not only to read, but also to see the heroes of the novels. One of the shielded books is complete interesting events Trilogy "Childhood, Advocacy, Youth". Summary The novel will help better understand the problem of the work. Perhaps someone will have a desire to read the novel in full.

Roman "Childhood, Advocacy, Youth"

Lev Nikolayevich wrote his novel for five years. The work of "childhood, adolescence, youth" tells about the life of the boy in different periods His life. The book describes the experiences, first love, resentment, as well as the feeling of injustice, which are experiencing many boys in the period of growing up. In this article we will talk about the trilogy, which Lion Tolstoy wrote. "Childhood, adolescence, youth" is a work that definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Childhood, adolescence, youth". Small content. The first book. "Childhood"

The novel begins with the description of Nicholya IRTENEV, who has been taking 10 years ago. Karl Ivanovich, Teacher, leads him to his brother to his parents. Nicholya loves his parents very much. Father announces boys that he takes them with him to Moscow. Children are upset by such a decision of the Father, Nikolenka likes to live in the village, communicate with Katten, with her first love, and go hunting, and he also does not want to part with her mother. For half a year, Nicholya lives at grandmother. On her birthday, he reads her poems.

Soon hero understands that he was in love with the Sonechka, with which she recently met, and recognized in this Volodya. Suddenly, his father receives a letter from the village that Nicholya's mother is sick and asks them to come. They come and pray for her health, but everyone is no sense. After some time, Nicholya was left without a mother. It left a deep track in his soul, since his childhood ended.

Second book. "Defense"

The second part of the novel "Childhood, adolescence, youth" describes the events that occurred after Nikolyak with his brother and his father moves to Moscow. He feels changes in himself and in his attitude towards the world around. Nikolyma is able to empathize and sympathize. The boy understands how the grandmother suffers, who lost his daughter.

Nikolyka is increasing deeper into senses, believing that he ugly and not worthy of happiness. He envies his handsome brother. Babushka Nikoleki report that the children played with gunpowder, although it was only a lead fraction. She is sure that Karl aged and looks badly at the children, so she changes to Hoverner. Children are hard to part with their teacher. But the new teacher-French does not like Nikolenka. The boy allows himself to keep him. By incomprehensible reason Nicholyka is trying to open the key to his father's portfolio and breaks the key. He thinks that everyone is configured against him, so Hoverner strikes and swears with his father and brother. It is closed in Chulana and promise that they are carved by rods. The boy feels very lonely and humiliated. When he is released, he asks for forgiveness from his father. Nicholes begin convulsions, which turns everyone in shock. Slipping twelve hours, the boy feels better and it's nice that everything worries him.

After a while, Brother Nikolyki, Volodya, enters the university. Soon the grandmother dies, the whole family is hard to lose the loss. Nicholya cannot understand people who swear due to grandmother's inheritance. He also notices how his father has come and concludes that with age, people become calmer and softer.
When it remains a few months before entering the university, Nikolyka begins to prepare hard. He meets Dmitry Nehhludov, familiar Volodya by university, and they become friends.

Third book. "Youth"

Roman "Childhood, adolescence, youth" in the third part of the part tells about the time when Nikolyak continues to prepare for admission to the University of the Mathematical Faculty. He is looking for his purpose in life. Soon the young man enters the university, and his father gives him the crew with a kucher. Nicholya feels adults and tries to smoke the handset. It begins to sick. He tells about this case Nehhludov, who in turn tells him about the dangers of smoking. But the young man wants to imitate Volodya and his friend Dubkov, who smoke, play cards and talk about their love adventures. Nikolyka goes to a restaurant where champagne drinks. He has a conflict with Hop. Nehlyudov soothes him.

Nikolay decides to go to the village to visit the grave of his mother. He recalls childhood and thinks about the future. His father marries again, but Nikolai and Vladimir do not approve of his choice. Soon, his father begins to get badly laid with his wife.

Studying at the University

Studying at the university, Nikolay meets with many people, the meaning of the life of which is just enjoying. Nechlouds are trying to enjoy Nicholas, but he amenable to the opinion of the majority. Ultimately, Nikolai fails exams, and Dmitry's consolation regards as an insult.

One evening, Nikolai finds his notebook with the rules for himself, in which he wrote for a long time. He repents and crying, and later begins to write for himself a new notebook with the rules, which is going to live all his life without changing their principles.


Today we talked about the content of the work that Lion Tolstoy wrote. "Childhood, adolescence, youth" - Roman with deep meaning. After reading his brief content, each reader will be able to make certain conclusions, despite the fact that it has not read it in full. Roman "Childhood, Advocacy, Youth" teaches us not to closes with your experiences, and be able to sympathize and empathize with other people.

The work of Tolstoy "Advocacy" and its analysis is one of the parts of the autobiographical trilogy of Tolstoy "Childhood. Defense. Youth". Here we see the continuation of the life of the story of Nicholya Irtenyev. Unlike "childhood", the execution period is involved in the work and it begins at the age of fourteen. Now Nikolai lives in Moscow, in the house of her grandmother, where he moves with his family after the death of the mother.

The grandmother suffers greatly after the loss of his daughter and not engaged in grandchildren, not engaged in children and father, who is frivolous, and also a player. Analyzing the story of a thick "adolescence", we see that Gutener Karl-Ivanovich, who, at the request of Grandma, was fired, and in his place they took the sophisticated French championer, with whom Nicanya did not have a relationship.

In the work we see that the main character In the house grandmother was alone and every day his loneliness increased. It seemed to him that he was not native that no one would love him. By itself, in adolescence, the guy of Robot, insecure, considers himself ugly. He often spends time alone with him, from the side observes the surrounding and often reflects on life. In his spiritual kindness, he contributed to the marriage of the maid Mask and the servant of Vasily, although Nikolai himself was in love with Masha, but he was afraid of the feelings to admit.

After the death of Grandma Nikolai and his family continues to live in her house, which moved to her sister. Nikolai is preparing for admission to the institute and finds himself a friend in the image of Nehludov, who often came to Volodya - Brother Nicholya.

In the work, we see how do not happen only external changes With moving to Moscow, but also internal. It the world Perceives differently, he opens about the meaning of what is happening. Here are shown complex relations Hero with adults.

Thanks to the analysis of the work of "adolescence" of Tolstoy on chapters, we see that the author through the image of Nikoles showed us thin world And the psychology of adolescents, because many of us in the main hero will learn themselves. Many of us in adolescence considered themselves unnecessary, unloved, it seemed to us that we were strangers, not relatives, at this age many appear complexes, the first true friendship, love. For these reasons, this work was relevant then remains relevant and at our time.


1. Road to Moscow
2. Life in grandmother's house
3. The game with gunpowder and the story of Karl Ivanich
5. Punish
6. Love Masha and Vasily
7. Death of Grandma
8. Friendship with Nehludov
9. Preparation for admission.

Test in social science Additionality - a special time of life for students of grade 5 GEF. The test contains 10 tasks and is designed to verify knowledge on the topic of a person.

1. To the mainstream age periods Human life is related

1) Childhood
2) Defense
3) Youth
4) maturity
5) Old age
6) all named

2. Teenage years - Advocacy - divided into two stages. Write down what.

3. What of the listed characteristic of adolescent age? Select three correct answers and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) rapid growth
2) discipline
3) courtesy
4) shiny shift moods
5) Fast fatigue

4. That the listed refers to the concept independence? Write down the numbers under which the features are indicated.

1) the desire to do everything in its own way
2) confidence in their forces
3) the ability to set goals and seek them
4) refusal to any help
5) Estimation of adult requirements
6) the ability to make important decisions

5. Is the judgment that a person can live alone and think only about himself?

1) Vero
2) incorrect

6. The rules of behavior in society include

1) ability to communicate with other people
2) the ability to listen
3) the rejection of the opinion other than its own
Specify the number, superfluous in this list.

7. Find in the list of words that indicate good relationship A person to another person (people), and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Cardichship
2) envy
3) Goodwill
4) empathy
5) arrogance

8. Are the following communication judgments are true?

A. Communication is a business or friendly relationship of people.
B. "There may be a person without a lot, but not without a person" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

1) is true only
2) true only b
3) Both judgments are true
4) both judgments are incorrect

9. Do you agree with the opinion that the truth is born in the dispute, but the dispute should be benevolent?

10. Read the excerpt from the trilogy L.N. Tolstoy "childhood. Defense. Youth "and answer questions.

"I hardly believe me, what were the favorite and constant items of my reflection during my adolescence ...
... all the abstract questions about the appointment of a person, about of the future life, about the immortality of the soul already introduced to me; And my child's weak mind with all the heat of inexperience tried to understand the questions ... "

1) What features of adolescence noted the writer?
2) Could the teenager solve the questions interested in him? Find the confirmation in the passage to your reply and write it down.
3) L.N. Tolstoy - the great Russian writer. What other novels, story, stories for children Do you know? Write their names.

Answers to the test of adolescence - a special time of life:
1-6, 2 junior and senior, 3-145, 4-236, 5-2, 6-3, 7-134, 8-3.

Surprisingly knew how to write Lion Tolstoy. "Childhood, adolescence, youth" - Roman autobiographical.

Moreover, the author's idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is emphasized creative: to follow not chronology, but the primary stages of the formation of a person. The classic is not just going into memories, but tries on the example of the main character show the main in the life of every child, teenager, young men. It is noteworthy that he appeals to all parents to all parents - do not miss these principal moments in the education of their children. And this writer succeeds.

Book of memories of children's and youthful impressions

Structurally, the book makes up three stories whose name is mentioned in the name of the novel. The work of the work covers six years of cultivation of the main character of Nicholya Irtenyev. The narrative is carried out by him, but already in adulthood. Therefore, there is a non-depth of thought in it.

The "Childhood" of Leo Tolstoy talks about the life of Nikoles in the family estate of IRTENEV. From the first pages of the reader disarms the children's directness of the boy. The classic truthfully and masterfully shows how in his soul his hero is the struggle of the most controversial feelings. The composition of the book has its own characteristics.

A fundamentally author does not retells (as it has been established in writings for children) Chronology of the stay of Nicholya Irtenyev in the parental estate. A more subtle author's style follows the "childhood" of Lion Tolstoy. The story tells only about those episodes that most influenced the formation of the feelings and consciousness of the boy.

Roman about the importance of kindness in education

The book penetrately shows how important that in a small, growing man with educators initially laid a kindness. It is she, dominating in a good child, in the future stores it, helps with various tests not to harm, not become indifferent.

The "Childhood" of Lion Tolstoy shows the reader that in this regard, Nikolyka is extremely lucky. After all, some of the coldness of the parents was compensated by the influence of wonderful educators. The German governance Karl Ivanovich, the will of the fate of the homeland and family, loved him as his own son. Yes, and not he alone favored to the little Hirt. Natalia Savvishna, a cute bright Russian woman working in a courtyard, put him an understanding of the importance of kindness in the character of man.

According to the logic of the classics, the child's kindness directly affects the development of creative principles. This conclusion brings the reader "Childhood" Lion Tolstoy. The summary of the story itself can be reduced to several characteristic episodes reflecting the formation of the personality of Nicholya.

Characteristic episodes from "Childhood"

At the very beginning of the book (this moment is important psychologically) Little Hirtienev, who asleep in the lesson, wakes up the Gutener Karl Ivanovich, hitting a fly swatter, sitting on his head. The boy first got angry at his teacher. The one dressed in a bathrobe with a cap at that moment it seemed to him nasty. The essence of this episode is in the early change of a surge of the negative Nicholya for a pacification. After all, he actually loved Karl Ivanovich very much and was grateful to him for the warmth, which he paid for an elderly German.

The child's consciousness undergoes the confusion of two began: creative and rational. This is important to mention, leaving the "childhood" of Lion Tolstoy. The brief content of the corresponding rather stressful episode looks quite peacefully. Thoughts and feelings are buried inside the child. Nikolyka paints the scene of the hunt for which his father took him.

He had only blue paint. And he decides to create his own blue Mir. Nicholya drew first a boy on a horse, next to him - hunting dogs, hare. But then something was not charged. Originated obsessive thoughtthat this does not happen. The boy has twisted. He at the place of the hare depicted a bush, then a cloud, and then broke his drawing. Pretty vitality of Nicholya. It can be seen that it is so strong fantasy that it exceeds rationalism. Apparently, the same creative beginning burst in orphanage and in the author itself.

"Childhood" Lion Tolstoy contains another characteristic episode. The author fails to think that real man Live (but not "man in a case") should play in childhood, because the childhood itself is one big and fascinating game. So people are formed. Game B. childhood - it is very important. After all, it is brought up by directness, collectivism. The appropriate episode shows how Nicholya with other children, staying in complete delighted, sat down on the ground, depicting the rowers. It is significant that his elder for a couple of years Brother Volodya, calling the game "nonsense", remained aside. Is such cold inconsistency implies kindness? It is not surprising that two of these people close to the blood - brothers - does not bind strong friendship. Indeed, can ice and the flame be seized, glowing souls and preliminary calculation?

"Childhood" - the key part of the novel?

On the importance of the connection between the child with the family and the whole world, installed through love, writes Lion Tolstoy ("Childhood"). The brief content of the work displays these deep, nicenki genes with family. It is no coincidence that the story has a sudden cool turn of the fate of the boy, the tragic event - mom dies.

Characteristic that further development The plot in the two subsequent agents only continues the logical chain starting from the childhood stage. Without the causticity of Lukovo, we will say that it is the story "Childhood" - the key part of the whole novel. It is impossible to understand its essence, reading only the two subsequent parts - "adolescence" and "Youth". And all because the adolescence, and the youth of Nicholya act as a kind of exams for the kindness and heartiness laid down in his personality since childhood.

"Advocacy" and "Youth": how to grow up, remaining yourself?

Consistently shows us the stages of the mature of the man Leo Tolstoy. Childhood, adolescence, youth. Like all the guys, does not bypass Nicole, a desire to resemble adults. He fears to show so natural for his age cordiality, believing that other adolescents will perceive it as a "childishness". The matured protagonist, from whose person is written by the story, expresses the fact that at this stage deprived of "clean pleasures of tender child affection".

Hirt leaving to the house to Grandma, Moscow Baryn. Soon there happens an incident that caused stress and even the loss of the consciousness of Nikole. Grandma who did not understand, dismissed Karl Ivanovich's beloved Nicholy, taking the governor-french in his place. The psyche of the teenager could not stand it, he was in a stressful state: he received a "twice" on history, inadvertently broke the key from the father's cache. And when the new governor Saint-Zherus dressed him, the boy went to the conflict with him: showed the tongue, and then even hit. After punishment (Nicolec closed in Chulana) he had convulsions ending with fainting. However, his home forgave him, the world reigned again in his heart.

The story demonstrates that the teenager Nicholya retained children's sincerity and kindness. After all, he, observant, thus stunned the father to marry the godded maid maid, in love with the tailor of Vasily.

"Youth" introduces us to Hirtienev - a university student. Student life led him from the ideals of childhood. Nicholya disoriented. The form prevails above the content. It is superficient in communicating with people, blindly trying to follow the laws of fashion, considers it a fundamental to walk lectures, rude, lead a celebrating life. The payback comes in the form of a failure on the exams.

HRITENEV is aware of what he paid for, and firmly decides for himself for all subsequent life - to improve moral.

Instead of imprisonment

Roman L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood, adolescence, youth" is worth reading and reread it. The seeming ease of the syllable and fascination of the narrative of a wonderful storytellor hide a deep thought.

Carefully read the book catch her essence: they begin to understand how the personality of a good and decent person is being formed from orphanage and what challenges will have to overcome in his youth.

Being in the Caucasus, Tolstoy starts the creation of a novel on the formation of a person's personality, intending to entitle it generally: "Four era of development." The novice writer hits an extensive and interesting intention of the narrative of childhood, adolescence, youth and youth. The fourth part of the intended work was not written, and it was in the trilogy, which became the first significant creation of Tolstoy and his artistic masterpiece.

Analysis of "Childhood"

Trilogy "Childhood. Defense. Youth ", the analysis of which we will spend, opens by" childhood ". Tolstoy, working on it, survived the real creative fever. It seemed to him that no one had never felt so much and did not portray the beauty and poetry of childhood. The little hero is Nicholya Hirt, - living in the atmosphere of the patriarch and landlord life, perceives the world around him in his serenity, like a happy, idyllic and joyful existence. There is a lot of grounds for this: all of him love, there is warmth and humanity around the child in relations between people, the growing person lives in consent to the world and opens in front of him; He is experiencing a feeling of harmony, which the writer is extremely valuable. It is impossible not to love with such characters of the book, as a teacher Karl Ivanovich, Nanny Natalia Savishna. Tolstoy shows the striking ability to trace the smallest movement Human soul, shift of experiences and feelings of a child. N. G. Chernyshevsky called this feature of the writer "Dialectics of the Soul". It manifests itself when the young hero knows himself, and then when he opens his reality surrounding. These are the scenes of children's games, hunting, bala, classes in classroom room, Mother's death and Natalia Savishns, the circumstances, when the complexity of human relationships is revealed, injustice, disagreement of people with each other, when bitter truths are found. Often the child exhibits aristocratic prejudices, but he also learns to overcome them. Formed sincerity little heroHis confidence in the world, naturalness of behavior. In the story, "Childhood" is very tangible to the autobiographical element: many episodes resemble the child's childhood, a number of discoveries of a child reflects the views and the search for the writer himself. At the same time, the author tends to be generalized in the disclosure of the pores of childhood, and therefore was very distressed by the name - "The History of My Childhood," which was given to the top publishers of the contemporary magazine, where she was printed. "Who cares to the history of my childhood? "He wrote Nekrasov, defending the typical of the depicted.

Analysis of "adolescence"

The second part of the trilogy is "adolescence," continuing many motives of the previous work, at the same time significantly different from "childhood". Nicholya Irtienev increases the analyticalness of thinking. He reads F. Schelling, and he has the need for philosophical to comprehend the world. There are alarming questions about where the soul is going after death, what is symmetry, there are subjects outside of our relations to them. Chapters "Ride for a long", "Thunderstorm", " A New Look»Reflect the new phase of the spiritual development of the hero. A new idea of \u200b\u200bthe world appears: the boy is aware of the many other people's lives, which was not seen before him, "... Not all the interests," the IRTENEV arguments, "there is a different life ... There is another life, which has nothing to do with us .. . "This is thinking about a wide and diverse world becomes an important milestone in spiritual development Teenager. He seek social inequality enough; Katya helps him understand the existence of the rich and poor, Karl Ivanovich reveals him to the measure of his misfortunes and the degree of his alienation from the world. There is growing separation and Nikoles with the surrounding people, especially since he is clearly aware of his "I". The misadventures of IRTENEV (chapters "Unit", "Promit"), which is even more exacerbating the disorder with the world, disappointing in it, conflict with other people. The existence is likened to life in the wilderness, the blackery of the color of the narrative and the tension of its plot, although there are still a bit of external events in the narration. But it is planned to overcome the mental crisis: important role This is played by friendship with non-farm, confessing the idea of \u200b\u200binternal improvement. Critic S. Dudyshkin noted the high artistic advantages of the Tale "Defense" and called the author "True Poet."

Analysis of "Youth"

"Youth" is the third part of the trilogy published in the "contemporary" in 1857, it tells about strengthening a new look at life, about the desire of a hero to "moral improvement". Dreams transferred in the chapter of the same name, strengthen the young man in this desire, although they are sufficiently tears from real life, and soon the inability of the hero will be detected to fulfill its intentions. High ideas about life are replaced by a secular idealcomme Il Faut. (Blagovospitality). However, sincere confession of IRTENEVA testifies to his grave to truthfulness, nobility, about the desire to become externally and internally perfect. And the story in the last chapters about the arrival of the young man to the university speaks of the hero to new people, the allocations, whom he meets here about the recognition of their superiority in knowledge. IRTENEV acquires communication with people, and this is a significant milestone in the history of its ripening. However, the last chapter of the story is called "I Fant". it frank confession In the collapse of the former morality and philosophy, disappointment in the assimilated lifestyle and at the same time - the key to the further maturation of the personality of the hero. It was not by chance that the critic P. Annenkov wrote about the "heroism of the inner honesty", manifested with Tolstoy in "Youth".