At what time do they go for an ultrasound scan for pregnancy. Justification of the ultrasound method. The condition of the female reproductive organs

Today, ultrasound or echography is considered the most common, safe and highly effective method of research and assessment of the development of pregnancy. It is based on the principles of echolocation, when ultrasound penetrates the tissues, reflects off them and displays an image of the fetus during pregnancy.

It is preferable to conduct ultrasound in the first trimester transvaginally, using a vaginal probe. This method gives the most accurate representation, at this stage of pregnancy, about the development of the embryo than the abdominal method of examination with ultrasound.

Why is the first ultrasound scan necessary during pregnancy?

The most important task of the first ultrasound is to consider all the processes taking place inside the uterus, and determine whether everything is in order with the embryo and the organs and tissues necessary for its development. Ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy is necessary to diagnose possible malformations in the embryo and various chromosomal pathologies. If ultrasound, in conjunction with genetic studies, confirms the risk of detecting pathology in the fetus, then pregnancy can be terminated at an early stage.

In the first trimester, with an accuracy of 2-3 days, you can establish the gestational age of the embryo. Subsequently, the obstetrician-gynecologist will focus precisely on this age, throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy

Usually, the doctor decides when to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy. Most often, the first ultrasound, as planned, is carried out at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy.

It is at this moment that one can optimally evaluate and consider the anatomical features of the fetus and, in particular, the thickness of its collar zone, which is considered a marker of Down's disease. But very often women conduct an ultrasound scan much earlier than the period recommended by doctors.

  • An ultrasound scan for 1 week of pregnancy is necessary in order to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy, cystic drift and to confirm the presence of a uterine pregnancy. If the pregnancy is confirmed, then an ultrasound scan for 1-3 weeks of pregnancy will allow you to accurately establish the gestational process and clarify the gestational age. If pregnancy is not confirmed, ultrasound is able to identify possible gynecological diseases or functional conditions in the patient that caused a delay in menstruation.
  • An ultrasound scan for 3-4 weeks of pregnancy can already show the formed umbilical cord of the embryo, the rudiments of the upper and lower extremities and the auricles. The doctor at this stage can take a picture of the unborn child, which at this stage has very tiny dimensions, about 2-4 mm.
  • By 10-11 weeks, the fetus reaches the required size for assessing its main anatomical structures. Ultrasound for 10-11 weeks allows timely and reliable diagnosis of possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which may be incompatible with life. During this period, it is already possible to distinguish the movements of the embryo, see its kidneys, bladder, liver and stomach. The nasal bone is normal, and is also formed by this time. If the process of ossification occurs later than this period, then this may become a reason to suspect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. To evaluate the results of an ultrasound scan, the physician must be highly qualified, have technical skills and experience.
  • The most reliable and accurate information about the state of the embryo and woman's organs can be obtained from an ultrasound scan at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. Until this time, in many cases, except when a woman has pulling pains in the lower abdomen, spotting or other complaints, doctors do not recommend an ultrasound scan and consider it optional. This is due to the fact that most accurately, with the help of this study, most of the organs and systems in the fetus is possible only by this time. During this period, it is possible to suspect, but not definitively identify, abnormal development in the fetus. Most often, for this, the thickness of its collar space is measured. Normally, it should be 2-3 mm. If an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy is deciphered with the presence of an edematous zone in the neck, which is more than 3 mm, then the doctor may suspect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If this sign was recorded, then an ultrasound scan is performed again at the gestational age of 14 weeks, to re-measure the thickness of the collar space in the fetus. All research data are recorded in a special protocol, which is transferred to the woman, and then goes to her obstetrician-gynecologist. Very often, women do not understand the data of the research result recorded in the protocol, and they begin to worry unreasonably. In this case, all questions that arise can be resolved by specialists. It is also advisable to make copies of all studies and keep them with you. It is advisable to carry out all repeated ultrasound examinations "above the plan" on the same apparatus and with the same doctor.

An ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy should also be performed in order to clarify the data on the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the place of attachment of the placenta, as well as signs of probable abnormalities, such as detachment of the placenta or hypertonicity of the uterus.

The doctor compares all the indicators of the ultrasound study with the table, which describes the norms of fetal development during this period. The result of an ultrasound scan carried out at 12 weeks is deciphered as "norm" if all the generally accepted indicators in the table coincide with the parameters of the fetus at the time of the study.

Despite the fact that a lot of time must still pass before the baby is born, an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy will be the first, a kind of acquaintance between the mother and the baby, and the doctor can record this event on video.

  • If it happened that the first ultrasound was pushed back to the 15th week of pregnancy, then in this case the doctor can carry it out abdominal, moving the sensor along the front wall of the woman's abdomen. At this time, one can notice a more active work of the cardiac activity in the fetus and the very height of the formation of the central nervous and skeletal system. The length of the fruit is approximately 10 cm from the sacrum to the crown, and the weight is approximately 70 g.
  • In addition to the doctor's recommendations, parents can independently undergo an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks of pregnancy in order to find out the sex of the unborn child. This is not a recommended and mandatory medical examination. Also, if a woman undergoes an ultrasound scan for the first time at 16 weeks, this makes it possible to identify, and in some cases confirm or refute the predisposition of the fetus to Down syndrome.
  • In cases where a woman undergoes an ultrasound scan at 17 weeks of pregnancy, then her fetus will weigh about 100 grams, and its length will reach 12 mm. Ultrasound at this time is carried out due to possible deviations in the structure and development of the placenta, in order to track it. At this stage, the placenta and fetus develop rapidly.
  • An ultrasound scan at 18-19 weeks is carried out if a woman is undergoing a study for the first time. At this stage, the fetus already has the ability to hear and distinguish between noises, and its closed eyes react to light. At this moment, all organs and tissues are almost completely formed. The size of the fruit is approximately 20 cm and the weight is 200g.

The benefits or harms of ultrasound during pregnancy

Today, ultrasound is prescribed for all pregnant women, without exception. This research method has a huge number of advantages. For example, if a woman worked in hazardous work, if she had miscarriages before, then it is simply necessary for her.

Modern ultrasound is:

  • early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy;
  • accurate determination of the timing of pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of possible pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • identification of pathologies that make it possible to start surgery immediately after the birth of the baby;
  • a full assessment of the fetal circulatory systems, diagnostics of hypoxia, which is very easy to eliminate;
  • determination of the location of the fetus and the presence of an umbilical cord entanglement.

But, despite the fact that ultrasound has so many advantages, many women refuse to carry it out, considering it harmful to the fetus. This is because many people mistakenly confuse ultrasound with X-ray radiation.

Some argue from scientific research that ultrasound beams, in high doses, can negatively affect the genetic level.

Is the third ultrasound done when examining the baby and the placenta by a doctor?

By the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it was determined for each pregnant woman to undergo an examination of the condition of the fetus by the method of ultrasound diagnostics, that is, to undergo an ultrasound scan. The purpose of this order is to prevent the birth of children with severe hereditary diseases. In this case, a woman within 12 weeks must register for pregnancy in the antenatal clinic at the place of residence.

Terms of planned ultrasound examination

An ultrasound examination is carried out as part of a triple screening. For an informative conclusion, a woman must do not only a diagnosis with a doctor, but also take a blood test on the same day. Thus, physicians receive more reliable results, supported by the results of biochemical analyzes.

For what period of time to do ultrasound is established by order No. 457 of 12/20/2000. The study periods correspond to the trimesters of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnostic has strictly defined goals.

Determining the duration of pregnancy

Pay attention to the fact that the so-called obstetric term appears in the determination of the timing of pregnancy and the conclusions of the diagnosticians!

What does this mean? Doctors do not keep records of the real gestational age, they count from the 1st day of the last menstruation, if only because the woman herself sometimes cannot say as a result of which sexual intercourse she became pregnant. The calculations include a standard menstrual cycle of 28 calendar days. At the first visit to the antenatal clinic, you need to know exactly the date of the last menstruation, with this information, the doctor will calculate the number of weeks of pregnancy.

The real time is specified at all ultrasound sessions, especially the first trimesters. In the process of diagnosis, individual parts of the fetal body, their length, circumference are measured and correlated with development tables. The ultrasound method, especially in the early stages, is the most reliable indicator.

It is generally accepted that the difference between obstetric and real pregnancy is 14 calendar days. But this is true in about 25% of cases, sometimes the difference can be as much as 3 or 1-1.5 weeks. This is due to the peculiarities of the process of fertilization of the egg.

The goals and methods of planned ultrasound during pregnancy

Each ultrasound scan is done for a specific purpose, it is important that the timing of the examinations is strictly observed. In this case, the information content will be maximum.

The first is done as part of a comprehensive examination, which should identify gross chromosomal, genetic pathologies and defects in the anatomical structure of the fetus. It is performed in the period from 11 to 14 weeks.

What is done as part of the first diagnosis of the state of the ovum by ultrasound?

  • A normal pregnancy is detected, while an ectopic pregnancy is excluded;
  • Clarify the duration of pregnancy in weeks;
  • Reveal gross fetal heart defects;
  • Check for the presence of internal organs (liver, stomach, abdominal organs);
  • Measure the main musculoskeletal dimensions such as BPD, CTE;
  • Analyze the place of attachment of the placenta;
  • Measure the length of the cervix;
  • Assess the condition of the umbilical cord;
  • Analyze the risk of placental abruption;
  • Fix if there is hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • Calculate the volume of amniotic fluid.

To detect chromosomal abnormalities, measure:

  • The thickness of the collar space (TVP) of the fetus;
  • The length of the baby's nasal bone.

The first ultrasound examination is a source of valuable information about how the ovum and the baby's place were formed, one of the most important examinations of the early period. The information received up to 14 weeks on the basis of the first ultrasound scan, coupled with blood tests, allows you to make decisions about whether to continue carrying a pregnancy or terminate it.

Ultrasound of the first trimester avoids the birth of children with organ pathologies such as Edwards, Down syndrome, Cornelia de Lange, also with malformations of the cardiovascular system, neural tube and other abnormalities.

If any abnormalities in the development of the fetus are suspected based on the results of an ultrasound scan and a blood test, then the woman is referred for additional examinations. In such cases, you need to consult a geneticist, it is possible to do research directly on the tissues of the fetus or amniotic fluid, such as amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy.

The second planned ultrasound of the fetus, carried out in the period from 22 to 24 weeks, is aimed at obtaining information about the development of the fetus, the state of the placenta and umbilical cord. What actions does the doctor perform during the second planned examination with ultrasound waves?

  • Clarifies the number of fetuses in the uterus;
  • Measures the parameters and functional development of the internal organs of the fetus;
  • Corrects the duration of pregnancy;
  • Determines the gender of the unborn child;
  • Eliminates congenital malformations of the functional systems of the fetus;
  • Analyzes the state of the placenta, its localization and structure;
  • Concludes on the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • Clarifies the height and weight of the baby.
Not all malformations can be considered in the early period, therefore, the second ultrasound is no less important than the first. On it, doctors can see signs of diseases that are incompatible with life. In this case, you can have time to make an interruption for medical reasons.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed in the third trimester in the period from 30 to 34 weeks. During the procedure, 3 ultrasounds look at the same indicators as in the second trimester, only at the same time they are guided by other age norms. Considering that the due date is approaching, attention is paid to the position in which the child is in the uterus. The degree of aging of the placenta and the condition of the cervix are assessed.

At this time, dopplerometric diagnostics of the state of the vessels of the umbilical cord, uterus and middle cerebral artery is still required.

It is important to comply with the indicated deadlines in weeks and not to delay the ultrasound scan. The periods are determined according to the trimester of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnostic has strictly defined goals.

If bearing the fetus proceeds with normal indicators, then the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy is always prescribed at the beginning of the 2nd trimester. If there is a suspicion of a pathological process, ultrasound can be used at an earlier date, in which case, transvaginal ultrasound is most often used.

When and how do the first ultrasound scan for pregnant women

The first scheduled ultrasound scan during gestation is done at a period of 11-13 weeks. It is during this period that the child reaches sufficient size to assess the anatomical parameters and compare them with generally accepted standards. Most often, at this stage, ultrasound is performed by the abdominal method, when the sensor is guided over the abdomen, thus, the ultrasound waves penetrate through the abdominal wall.

If the doctor suspects the formation of a pathological process, then the first ultrasound during pregnancy is done at an earlier date. In this case, a transvaginal examination method is prescribed, which involves the introduction of an ultrasound sensor into the vagina of a pregnant woman. The method allows already in the first weeks it is possible to establish the date and fact of conception, to see the dynamics of the development of the embryo.

Ultrasound of a pregnant woman by a transvaginal method is considered the most harmless and absolutely not dangerous for intrauterine development. If you need to determine the localization of the attachment of the ovum, then this method will show the exact location. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, appropriate therapy will be prescribed.

1 ultrasound after IVF in most cases is prescribed in the third week after the embryo transfer, and the next study is already on the 5th, in order to determine the fetal heart rate.

What does the first ultrasound scan show during pregnancy

First of all, on the 1st ultrasound examination, they look and confirm the fact of conception, and then the parameters of the development of the embryo are assessed:
  • at 1-3 weeks, the first ultrasound during pregnancy shows the place of attachment of the ovum, the size of which is about 3-4 mm, and the risk of ectopic formation of the fetus is also excluded;
  • at 3-4 weeks the embryo reaches 4-5 mm, you can consider the initial stage of the formation of the limbs and the umbilical cord;
  • starting from 5-7 weeks, you can hear the fetal heart rate;
  • period from 8-11 weeks of gestation, ossification points and bones appear.
Scheduled ultrasound, at 11-13 weeks of gestation, is the most informative and takes place in the abdominal way. At this stage, you can not only count the number of fingers in the baby, but also visualize the internal organs (stomach, bladder, kidneys). Diagnostic measures for determining the sex of the baby at the stage of the first ultrasound are not determined, since this information will be available in the middle of the second trimester.

Transcript of the first screening

Initially, the number of embryos is entered into the protocol of the ultrasound examination of the pregnant woman. In the presence of multiple conception, each fetus will be assessed separately.

In the future, when decoding, the coccygeal-parietal size (CTE - the distance from the beginning of the head to the coccyx) and heart rate (HR) are determined. These parameters must correspond to the norms, any deviation indicates a functional pathology of the formation of the baby.

Additionally, an analysis is used for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards and others), which is carried out by studying three markers. For this purpose, the thickness of the collar space is assessed using ultrasound, and blood is taken in parallel to determine the level of hCG and protein-A.

Among other indicators, the location, condition and location of the chorion is studied, the heterogeneous structure of which may indicate an infectious process inside the womb.

During prenatal diagnosis, the condition of the woman's internal organs is also assessed. The uterine cavity, appendages and the genitourinary system, which, with the active growth of the baby, will experience a significant load, are subjected to a particularly thorough examination.

In the process of early screening, after studying all the parameters, the doctor will definitely show the woman her baby inside the womb. In some clinics, you can record the first ultrasound on video.

Video that is shown on the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy

At this stage of life, it is impossible to imagine modern obstetrics without ultrasound. Therefore, many girls, want to know for what time frame, and how safe it is, do ultrasound for impatient mothers during pregnancy.

How long does it take to visit an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound examination is prescribed by a specialist three times throughout the pregnancy.

  1. At nine to eleven weeks.
  2. Sixteen to twenty-first weeks.
  3. Thirty-two to thirty-six weeks.

If the leading doctor has any doubts about the state of health of a pregnant woman or a pregnant fetus, he prescribes an ultrasound scan at an earlier date.

Also, an examination can be carried out just before childbirth to determine whether the patient will be able to give birth naturally.

First pregnancy study

It is better to do an initial ultrasound scan in the ninth to eleventh weeks.

During the study, it is revealed:

  1. The rate of pregnancy.
  2. Timing.
  3. Fetal heart rhythm.
  4. The number of fruits is set.
  5. The threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy is determined.
  6. The condition of the placenta, uterus and hip organs.
  7. The exact dates of the birth of the child are established.

The first ultrasound diagnosis is very important:

  • For girls who have undergone premature birth.
  • Married to a close relative.
  • For a woman who has had an infectious disease.
  • Having a child with Down's disease.
  • Over the age of thirty-five.
  • Previously frozen fruit.

The first trimester examination takes place in two stages:

Ultrasound screening is performed first, then if a transvaginal examination is expected, preparation is not needed.

The abdominal view requires urea filling. Thirty minutes before the examination, you should drink half a liter of liquid.

Blood from a vein is taken on an empty stomach.

Even before the first study in one day, it is better to go on a diet for a more accurate blood test.

The results of the first examination indicate the need for another ultrasound examination in the second trimester.

What are the results of the second ultrasound scan for pregnant women?

For the second examination, expectant mothers go with the hope of determining the gender of their child. It is from the twentieth week of pregnancy that it is better to determine who will be born, a boy or a girl.

Although the child can lie in such a position that the doctor will not be able to see his genitals.

During the second examination, the specialist does:

  • Measurements of the circumference of the fetal tummy.
  • The hip bone.
  • Determines the fetal head circumference.

Due to these results, the doctor identifies the norm of the developing baby. On this inspection, he gives an assessment:

  • Blood flow in the vascular system of the placenta.
  • The position of the placenta.
  • The state of the amniotic fluid.

The study makes it possible to establish the pathology of fetal development. It is necessary to do genetics when identifying any deviations in the development of an intrauterine baby.

It is better to prevent pathology than to lose a child at the twentieth week of pregnancy.

Mothers with pathologies in the early stages of the study must undergo ultrasound diagnostics at the twentieth week of pregnancy. At this time, the treatment will bring positive results.

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy

At the thirty-second week, the baby takes the required position inside the uterus. Therefore, a specialist can determine in advance the course of labor. Based on the examination of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to establish the weight of the baby, body size, and calculate the exact day of birth.

At this time, the position of the placenta is assessed. If it is not normal, then a surgical intervention is prescribed - a cesarean section.

The third examination involves Doppler sonography, with the help of which you can see the movement of blood through the vascular system of the fetus and identify heart defects.

The most dangerous is the third trimester. During this period, the problem of the occurrence of blood enrichment in the umbilical cord or placenta may appear.

In the third trimester, it is best to observe the fetal gastrointestinal tract, cranial section, brain structure, and the size of the lateral ventricles of the brain.

Readings are given on the size of the cisterna magna. All these studies help to exclude various brain defects, signs of intrauterine infection.

It is possible during these periods to examine the baby's chest, the structure of the facial bones, the spine. This is very important to exclude fetal malformations.

To make an examination of the uterus preparing for childbirth is the primary task of the gynecologist - obstetrician, the condition of the placenta of the woman in labor is important. Ultrasound diagnostics assesses the amniotic fluid, which is important for the course of childbirth and the development of the child.

Types of ultrasound diagnostics for expectant mothers

  1. Diagnosis is transvaginal.
  2. Abdominal examination.
  3. Dopplerometry.

A transvaginal examination is performed in the first ultrasound examination. He should be appointed by a specialist for more informative diagnostics in the early stages.

Preparation for such a study is not needed, you just need to grab a condom for the procedure, which is worn for examination (ultrasound sensor) to protect the pregnant woman from various types of infections.

This inspection should reveal:

  1. Presence of conception.
  2. Embryo development.
  3. Determination of the threat of fetal failure.
  4. The condition of the ovaries and uterus.
  5. Pathological phenomena.

If there is a need to do an ultrasound scan after ten to twelve weeks, then such an examination will not bring any threat. Wherein:

  • The condition of the cervix is ​​assessed.
  • If the patient has had uterine surgery, the doctor must evaluate the scar.
  • Determination of the location of the placenta.

A transvaginal examination can be performed as many times as the leading gynecologist deems necessary.

Abdominal ultrasound

Ultrasound picture

In the third - fifth week, with an abdominal examination, it is possible to identify the fetal egg, to determine an ectopic pregnancy and pathologies of other organs.

This examination cannot be replaced by anything during pregnancy. Objectives of abdominal examination in the second trimester:

  • Establishing the correct date, the condition of the cervix.
  • Determination of fetal heart contractions, gender and location.
  • Revealing the position of the head, buttocks of the crumbs.
  • The structure and volume of amniotic fluid.
  • Study of the brain, blood vessels.

This type of examination is carried out with the patient's body lying on the left side, in order to avoid pressing the inferior genital vein.

An abdominal examination can be done only after 20 - 24 weeks; in the early stages, examination by this method is made difficult by the internal organs.

Doppler ultrasonography of pregnant women

The most reliable Doppler ultrasound information about blood vessels:

  1. Umbilical arteries.
  2. Uterine.
  3. The arteries of the embryo are mid-cerebral.
  4. With the aorta of the fetus.

Ultrasound diagnostics are shown:

  • When the mother's blood sugar is found.
  • Blood pressure.
  • For kidney problems.
  • In cases where multiple fruits are detected.
  • The speed of maturation of the placenta.
  • With slow development of the fetus.

The study usually begins with a study of the blood flow in the uterine arteries in the twentieth week of pregnancy.

Then the umbilical artery, the aorta and the middle cerebral artery of the fetus are examined. This is done to understand the body's adaptive response to the action of a damaging factor.

At normal, in the two arteries of the umbilical cord, the blood flow is the same.

Each artery carries blood approximately to the middle of the placenta, as a result of which the difference in the coefficients should alert the doctor in terms of unilateral pathologies in the vascular network.

What are the effects of ultrasound diagnostics on the condition of the fetus?

Not being able to find out how the formation of the embryo is going, entails in some cases disastrous consequences. It is better to prevent pathologies by means of ultrasound diagnostics than to look at the torment of the baby for the rest of his life.

Routine ultrasound examinations do not harm the fetus and the gynecologist - the obstetrician can prevent pathology in the early stages of pregnancy.

Perhaps there are rare cases when it is more risky not to use diagnostics.

Allegations of the dangers of ultrasound research have not been confirmed by anything or anyone, therefore routine examinations using ultrasound are necessary.

Qualified specialists are confident that ultrasound diagnostics is the safest and easiest to perform procedure, it simplifies monitoring the course of pregnancy. You can only do an examination with the direction of the leading gynecologist. The desire of some mothers to visit ultrasound diagnostics very often in order to satisfy their curiosity is unacceptable.

Usually three ultrasound examinations are done during pregnancy. They are planned, that is, the sonologist cannot but conduct them in order to judge the correct development of the fetus. Consider why and when routine ultrasound is done and what they show.

The timing of ultrasound examinations during pregnancy is strictly regulated... And such a schedule is approved by the Ministry of Health. Each medical institution can make certain adjustments to it, but in general, all clinics adhere to a strict medical research schedule.

First screening, 14 weeks

So, the first ultrasound examination during pregnancy is carried out for a period of 10 to 14 weeks.... On it, the doctor receives valuable information about the condition of the unborn child and the functioning of the mother's organs that can support his life. If at this time the mother's inability to bear the fetus is determined, then the question of drug abortion is raised.

in most cases it is done for a period of 18 to 22 weeks. In this period, it is clearly visible whether the fetus has developmental abnormalities, and whether there is a pathological condition of the female genital organs. At this time, such pathologies can still be corrected. However, if the examination shows gross disturbances in the life of the fetus, then the issue of interrupting gestation is also resolved, this time by the method of abortion.

The third examination is usually done at 30-34 weeks... The purpose of its holding is to find out such important information:

  • determination of the method of delivery (in this period, for example, there may be indications for a cesarean section, which have not yet been, say, during the second examination);
  • finally establish the time of delivery;
  • the degree of development of the baby;
  • determine whether the baby will need emergency help in the first minutes after birth.

You cannot ignore the planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy, since this is sometimes the only way to find out the degree of development of the baby.

Ultrasound screening of the third trimester of pregnancy

When can the examination be done?

Usually, the fetus can be seen in the uterine cavity from the fifth day of the delay in the next cycle. That is, it can be seen in the third week of the gestation period. At such an early stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to visit the ultrasound diagnostic room in the following cases:

  • when discharge appears, and regardless of their color and quantity;
  • when a woman is worried about pain in the abdomen (in its lower part);
  • with the appearance of severe weakness and dizziness.

Such signs most likely indicate that the ovum is not fixed in the uterus, that is, an ectopic pregnancy is developing.

Recently, however, more and more foreign clinics do not advise women to undergo the first ultrasound examination before the 10th week of pregnancy.

About the first ultrasound examination

As already noted, the latest date for such a survey is no more than 14 weeks. But at the same time, doing it earlier than the 10th week is also not recommended. Only if there are certain medical indications, then it can be carried out much earlier.

Not only if you suspect a pathological pregnancy before the 10th week. There are approved indications for which you need to do earlier:

  • if there is pain in the abdomen (and not only below);
  • if there is a history of spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy;
  • in cases where pregnancy has occurred with the help of in vitro fertilization;
  • if the woman has ever had fetal malformations;
  • when pregnancy occurs during the stimulation of ovulation.

The positive side of such an early ultrasound examination of the fetus is that it makes it possible to detect such pathologies of the fetus that will be incompatible with life in the future. In these cases, an artificial termination of pregnancy is done.

Very rarely, invasive methods of fetal diagnosis are required. For this, amniotic fluid is usually examined. Much less often, a biopsy of the future tissue of the placenta is done.

When a pregnancy is terminated due to the nonviability of the fetus, the harm to the body of the matter is much less than if an abortion is performed at a later date.

What will the second ultrasound show?

Usually the term of such a study is 22, less often the 24th week. Between the first and second ultrasound, an additional examination may be prescribed if a woman has changes in hormonal levels.

The tasks of such a survey at this time are as follows:

  • determine the exact size of the child;
  • determine his gender;
  • determine if he has dangerous pathologies of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • such an ultrasound scan makes it possible to determine possible violations in the condition of the placenta and, based on its results, to carry out its more detailed diagnostics;
  • allows you to determine the presence of calcium deposits in the placenta;
  • find out the volume of amniotic fluid in the uterus (both an increase and a decrease in the amount are equally dangerous).

At the same time, they can do a Doppler examination. It makes it possible to see the state of the vessels of the uterus, placenta.

Third ultrasound

If there are no abnormalities in the ultrasound scan (on the second study), then at about 32 - 34 weeks, the next, third examination is done. In this interval, a repeated Doppler examination can be done. This is necessary in order to more accurately trace the dynamics of the development of the baby's circulatory system and the mother's placenta. In the same period, it is very important to do a blood clotting test (again, to detect possible problems that may complicate the course of labor).

A second ultrasound is done only when the fetus is found to lag behind the growth indicators, and also if there are any problems in the bloodstream. In this study, ultrasound shows:

  • congenital malformations (their detection is no less important than in the second trimester);
  • hydronephrosis of the kidney (that is, when fluid accumulates in the renal pelvis);
  • the location of the fetus (cephalic presentation is normal, and if the child is in an uncomfortable position, the issue of premature delivery can be resolved in order to save his life);
  • severe fetal malformations (artificial termination of pregnancy and childbirth is done);
  • the size of the child (the doctor assesses how they correlate with the age norm);
  • location of the placenta;
  • the position of the baby's head (sometimes it can turn as much as 180 degrees).

Diagnostic methods

There are two ways of performing ultrasound diagnostics: transabdominal and insertion of a transducer into the vagina.

Conducting transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy

In the case of a vaginal examination, a condom is put on the ultrasound probe. This is done mainly for hygiene reasons. Then it is inserted into the woman's vagina. By placing the probe closer to the uterus, the doctor can better see the fetus, uterus, its tissues, and the placenta. This method of examination is used most often in the early stages. It is desirable that the bladder is empty.

In the case of a transabdominal examination, a small amount of clear gel is applied to the woman's abdomen. This is to ensure that there are no air bubbles between the skin and the sensor, which impair visualization. The doctor moves the ultrasound probe over the abdomen to look at the fetus and uterine tissue.

There is no need to make any additional preparations before such studies.... The only requirement is to maintain the hygiene of the skin and external genitalia. It is not necessary to adhere to a diet and drinking regimen before these types of examinations.

Why do 3D research?

Currently, three-dimensional ultrasound is gaining popularity. Many parents think it is more accurate and correct. In fact, this is just an additional diagnostic test. Sometimes a specialist with a conventional two-dimensional ultrasound machine can examine the fetus and the placenta and draw the necessary conclusions.

Such research attracts future parents primarily by the fact that it allows you to see the image in three projections. It will appear three-dimensional and of very high quality on the screen. It also allows you to record the child's movements on electronic media. And they can be burned to disk or other electronic media.

Is this research harmful?

It is known that a planned ultrasound scan can hardly be avoided, since all women undergo it. Provided that the pregnant woman complies with all the instructions and advice of the doctor, she was registered on time, then the number of such examinations is at least three. It happens that such ultrasounds need to be done more.

All studies carried out using ultrasound are absolutely harmless. Today there is no evidence that ultrasound is harmful to do and that it leads to any consequences for the female body.

Moreover, the woman does not feel any discomfort during the procedure. Ultrasound is completely harmless to the baby, as well as touching the skin of the sensor (or finding it in the vagina). The intensity of such radiation is so low that it does not cause any chromosomal changes, does not affect the living cells of the fetus.

However, pregnant women are not advised to abuse such examinations on their own initiative. This means that they cannot be done when you want to. For such a harmless study as ultrasound, there are still terms and indications.

Should such research be neglected?

Of course, at different stages of pregnancy, ultrasound examination helps to detect fetal pathologies, and at the earliest stages. In many cases, it helps to avoid many of the adverse consequences for a woman. And you shouldn't give it up. Moreover, it is harmless to the mother and her unborn child.

Every woman should have at least three ultrasound examinations. The doctor also decides for what time frame an unscheduled diagnosis is needed. If he insists on conducting an unscheduled examination, one should not ignore him, since the child's health may depend on this.

It is the ultrasound examination that helps the child to be born healthy, and the mother to be happy.