Types of pensions in the Russian Federation. Types of labor and social pensions in Russia. Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners and types of pensions in the Russian Federation

The question of the size of the old-age pension worries many Russians. When calculating benefits, it is necessary to take into account the subsistence minimum approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. paid to the elderly in 2017? The amount of income of an elderly person depends not only on the place of residence of the person. The category of the recipient of the pension affects the amount of payments.

What is the old-age pension: types of pensions and conditions for their appointment

There are several types of payments: insurance, social, state.

old age insurance

Funds from the budget are paid to men aged 60 years. Women can apply for a pension after reaching the age of 55. The Pension Fund annually tightens requirements for applicants. The income of the candidate depends on the place of residence. For example, what kind of old-age pension in 2019 is due to elderly residents of Moscow? A social standard of 14,500 rubles has been approved in the capital. Recipients of modest benefits are eligible for additional payments.

The list of people who can make payments earlier than usual include:

  • pensioners who have worked a certain number of years in hazardous work;
  • disabled children;
  • women who have given birth to at least 5 children;
  • Soldiers injured in the course of their duties.

The amount of the fixed payment is adjusted depending on economic indicators.

Social old age pension

There is a category of older people who cannot qualify for insurance payments. The reason may be insufficient length of service. In this case, the person will be paid a monthly social pension. The state provides support to the small peoples of the Far North. They have the right to retire 5 years earlier than other citizens.

Social pensions are paid to disabled people who have been assigned a certain group. To confirm disability, you must pass a medical examination. Financial support is provided to families who have lost a breadwinner. Children can receive benefits up to the age of 18. Upon admission to a university for a full-time department, payments can be extended up to 23 years. What is the minimum old age pension in 2019 will be paid to the elderly? The Ministry of Finance plans to increase the cost of living by 253 rubles. Benefits will be recalculated in January next year. The living wage will reach 8,703 rubles.

State old age pension

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident are entitled to state payments. The right to receive a pension is granted to local residents who were taken out of the affected area. Financial provision is due to elderly people who have received a disability due to man-made disasters.

Category of the elderlyWhen can I get a pension
Persons who were taken out of the resettlement zone

Local residents who were registered in the accident area

People who worked in contaminated areas

The right to receive payments arises 3 years ahead of time.

As an additional bonus, the state adds 6 months for each year of stay in the exclusion zone.

Citizens who decided to leave a dangerous place of their own free will. They took advantage of the right to resettlement and moved to a new place.A person is paid benefits 2 years earlier than ordinary pensioners.

To this period must be added 12 months for every 3 years spent in the radioactive zone.

People who permanently live in a privileged zoneThe state reduces the requirements for the retirement age by 1 year.

Additionally, a person can achieve a reduction of 12 months for every 4 years that he spent in this region.

State pensions are paid from the budget to employees who participated in a rescue operation in conditions of high radiation. will be paid to the liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters in 2019?

Age at which a person can apply for pension benefits
The category of people who are entitled to receive a state pensionMenWomen
Participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant50 45
People who were taken out of the infected area50 45
Victims of a man-made disaster who received a disability50 45
Elderly people who become ill due to radiation exposure55 50

An elderly person must provide the staff of the institution with his passport. Applicants must bring their workbook with them. It should indicate that the person does not work anywhere. The liquidator needs to collect medical documents that confirm the fact of living in the zone of radiation contamination.

Terms of appointment

Employees of the Pension Fund review the applicant's documents within 10 days. After that, they are obliged to make a decision and inform the elderly person about it.

What if the benefit is less than the living wage?

The owner of a modest pension should contact the local branch of the Pension Fund. To apply for an increase in the amount of payments, you must prepare the following documents:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • documents indicating the amount of surcharges.

The solution to the issue of raising pensions is within the competence of the regional authorities. With a negative conclusion of the commission regarding the payment of the allowance, the elderly person can apply to the court.

What is the minimum old age pension in Russia due to the elderly in 2017? The income of poor citizens cannot be less than 8,540 rubles. In case of loss of a breadwinner, the process of obtaining additional payments is simplified.

The applicant does not have to prove his right to increase the amount of benefits. The amount of the pension is subject to automatic recalculation to the subsistence minimum, which is valid in the region. The cost of living depends on several parameters:

  1. The cost of products that a person needs.
  2. Prices for non-food items that are necessary to meet basic needs.
  3. The cost of social services.

The living wage is recalculated quarterly. Moreover, the calculation of the indicator takes place not only at the federal level. Regions independently set the minimum pension. The federal surcharge is paid if a person's income does not reach the all-Russian subsistence level.

The value of a regional pension may exceed the minimum amount approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The minimum amount of payments due to pensioners

Many people are trying to get a modest pension increase. The amount of the subsistence minimum can differ many times depending on the region of residence of the pensioner. However, allowances are only for non-working pensioners. In case of employment, the payment of additional funds is terminated.

What is the minimum old age pension will be installed by the federal authorities in 2019? Next year, payments due to pensioners will reach 8,703 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension

  • recipients of individual pensions paid by large organizations;
  • heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • people who took part in hostilities;
  • WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of accidents that occurred due to man-made causes.

Increased pensions are provided to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the FSK. Pilots who test equipment can count on the maximum payments from the budget. Deputies do not live in poverty when they reach retirement age. War invalids receive about 50,000 rubles. Large benefits are paid to employees by procurators and municipal officials.

Several factors affect the amount of the pension:

  1. Applicant's income level.
  2. At what age did the person decide to retire?
  3. Length of work experience.

An increase in pension can be achieved if you apply for payments later than the due date. The maximum amount of old-age benefit depends on the number and value of pension points. The government constantly indexes the value of the coefficient. In 2017, a person cannot earn more than 8.26 points. This significantly limits the potential income of a pensioner.

What documents do the employees of the Pension Fund require from applicants

What categories of people are entitled to an old-age pension? Which documents will require in the Pension Fund? These questions arise for most older people who are not familiar with the procedure for processing payments. To receive a pension, an elderly person must write an application in accordance with the model.

Before visiting the Pension Fund, collect all the documents necessary for calculating the pension:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • documents that confirm the fact of work experience.

Often a person does not have some documents. In this case, the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must inform the applicant about this. A person is obliged within 3 months to collect the papers that are needed to apply for a pension.


There are several types of pensions: old-age, social and state. The federal authorities provide support to older people who receive a modest pension. The amount of the benefit cannot be less than a certain level necessary for a normal life. In 2017, the lower income limit for a pensioner is 8540 rubles.

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Pensions are a special type of monthly cash benefit, which is established for citizens who have lost their ability to work due to age or illness. In the Russian Federation, pensions are divided into two main types: state and labor. Next, we will consider in more detail the classification of each of these types, as well as the process of transferring from one security option to another.

Types of pensions for state pension provision

Pensions under the federal program are assigned in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by Russian law. All provisions relating to state security are detailed in the law issued on December 15, 2001. In accordance with this legal act, this allowance is assigned:

  • Persons who were in the public service and have reached a certain age, or in the event of a disability;
  • In order to compensate for the damage caused to well-being during military service, as a result of global catastrophes, as well as in case of disability or loss of a breadwinner;
  • In the event that a person has lost his ability to work in order to provide him with the means to live.

Payments from the state are divided into the following types:

  • For long service;
  • According to the age;
  • By disability;
  • Public;
  • As a result of the loss of a breadwinner.

Types of old age pensions

Old-age security is assigned after a person reaches a certain age. In Russia, this age limit for women is 55 years, for men - 60 years. The main types of old age benefits are:

  • Insurance - their main condition is that a person has experience and special accumulative points;
  • Social - rely on persons who have Russian citizenship and have reached the established age;
  • State payments - persons affected by various man-made and radiation disasters can count on this option of benefits.

The following categories of citizens are entitled to receive old-age payments from the state:

  • Federal and municipal employees;
  • Military;
  • Persons who received the award of "besieged Leningrad";
  • Victims from radiation or man-made emergencies;
  • astronauts;
  • Disabled persons and other categories.

A necessary condition for the appointment of state payments is that a person has at least five years of experience.

Types of disability pensions

Disability pensions are also divided into labor, social and state. Let's take a closer look at each of these types.

Labor payments related to the loss of health are assigned only if the person was employed before the acquisition of disability and he has a work experience.

Social benefits are provided to those disabled people who do not receive other types of provision. This category of citizens includes disabled children, as well as persons who were injured as a result of a criminal offense.

Benefits from the state are also paid to those persons who have lost their only breadwinner, who was a soldier or suffered from radiation exposure or a man-made disaster.

Types of social pensions

Types of survivors' pensions can be:

  • Labor - for relatives of the insured deceased breadwinner;
  • For state support - if the family has lost its breadwinner - a soldier, or a victim of various kinds of disasters;
  • Social - for other categories of persons who have lost their breadwinner.

Also, by decision of a special commission, another type of benefits can be assigned - for caring for a family member who has lost his ability to work and is unable to independently serve himself.

Types of insurance pensions

Insurance-type provision is a special version of monthly benefits, which is designed to compensate the insured person for the previously received monthly income from his work activity. There are three types of insurance payments:

  • old age;
  • due to disability;
  • In the event of the death of the breadwinner.

This allowance is paid only to insured persons with seniority.

The procedure for processing a transfer from one type of pension to another

The law allows the transition of citizens from one type of pension to another. For example, an elderly woman, after the death of her husband, can switch from her type of payment to a higher pension of the deceased spouse. Also, any citizen has the right to choose for himself the most optimal option for benefits. To make such a transition, a person must meet certain conditions, take care of collecting the package of required documents. It should then proceed as follows:

  • Personally come to the branch of the pension organization;
  • Prepare and submit an application for the transition from one type of benefits to another;
  • Attach to the application all the necessary papers confirming the right to these actions - to find out what documents are needed for this, a citizen can directly in the organization;
  • Obtain a receipt from the pension authority stating that the application has been accepted for consideration;
  • Wait for a decision on your case, which will be made within the next 10 days.

At the same time, the main condition for the implementation of such a transition is the existence of a legal right to the type of benefit to which the pensioner is going to switch.

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The pensions provided for by the OPS are formed at the expense of paid by employers (insured) for their employees and for themselves in the Pension Fund. Exists several types such pensions:

For citizens entering into labor relations for the first time, there is an opportunity choice of pension: form only insurance or transfer part of the funds to the funded pension.

Currently, the general rate of insurance premiums in force in the TSO is 22%. This value has two parts:

  • solidarity tariff at a rate of 6%, intended for fixed payments to current pensioners;
  • individual tariff in the amount of 16%, transferred to the personal accounts of citizens when forming only or in the amount of 10% - when forming insurance and, which accounts for the remaining 6%.

According to the new rules, the transferred funds are converted into conventional units - pension points, and the money itself goes to the payment of current pensions. Each year, the government indexes the value of these points for inflation to prevent their depreciation.

Insurance (labor) pensions

The insurance pension is the main type of pension in Russia. All citizens who have entered the OPS system, which means they have received SNILS, are insured persons. The role of the insurer of such pensions is RF Pension Fund.

The following formula is used to calculate this type of payment:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK + PV,

  • joint venture- the size of the insurance pension;
  • IPK- number of pension points;
  • SPK- the cost of the individual coefficient;
  • FV- the amount of the fixed payment.

Disability Insurance Pension

To calculate this type of pension payment two conditions are required:

  1. issuance of a document recognizing a citizen as disabled;
  2. insurance experience.

State survivor's pension

This pension payment is established by those who served on conscription, citizens exposed to radiation, astronauts and candidates for them.

The right to a state pension under the SPC have disabled family members, in the first place - children under 18 years old, parents and spouses. The amount of compensation depends on the category of the recipient.

The pension payment to the family members of the deceased serviceman who served on conscription is paid in full regardless of the fact of work.

Non-state pension provision

In addition to the state OPS system, we have a functioning system in our country. This type of pension provision allows citizens to form another additional pension on a voluntary basis.

To receive this type of payment, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with any NPF and make payments within a certain period.

Funding sources non-state payments are:

  • personal contributions of citizens to their future pension or in favor of third parties;
  • employers' contributions for their employees under the corporate payment system;
  • the fund's income from investing the funds received.

Non-state pensions are assigned with the right to. This type of pension payments can be unlimited or carried out for several years, depending on the terms of the concluded agreement. Different NPFs offer different pension plans.

Non-state funds for the formation of pension payments operate on the basis of a license from the Bank of Russia.

Social payments of the Pension Fund

  1. . It is set for non-working pensioners if the amount of their material support does not reach the minimum level in their region.
  2. . They are appointed to certain categories of citizens: veterans, heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Glory, the disabled, former minor prisoners of concentration camps and victims of radiation.
  3. . It is established on a non-declarative basis for citizens who have been assigned a EDV. It includes three components: medical, sanatorium and transport. You can receive NSO both in kind and in cash.
  4. . Paid to citizens of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1,000 rubles (disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, former minor prisoners of fascism) or 500 rubles (served in the army in 1941-1945, widows of those killed in the Second World War, former adult prisoners of fascism and awarded the badge "Resident besieged Leningrad).
  5. . It is an independent payment, that is, it does not depend on the type and size of the established pension. Aircrew members and coal industry workers are entitled to it if they have the appropriate length of service and only in case of leaving work.
  6. , . They are established for one non-working citizen for each disabled person. The payment can be compensatory (in the amount of 1,200 rubles for caring for a disabled person of group I or a person who has reached 80 years of age) or monthly. The latter is assigned to a parent or guardian in the amount of 5,500 rubles (the rest in the amount of 1,200 rubles) for caring for a disabled child or disabled since childhood of group I.
  7. . Compensates for the expenses associated with the funeral of non-working pensioners, and is appointed on the condition that citizens apply for it within six months.
  8. . Issued once only to citizens of the Russian Federation at birth or adoption second child or subsequent. You can use the capital after the child is three years old to improve housing conditions, educate children or mum's funded pension. Also, the state provided lump sum payments from these funds.


The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created for the state management of the financial resources of pension provision in our country. The PFR budget is set annually by the government and its funds can be paid to citizens

Material support for disabled and economically vulnerable persons is the basis of the social policy of each state. Today, about 42.7 million citizens of the Russian Federation are pensioners. Most of them receive old-age benefits based on seniority.


Pensions are funds paid monthly to certain individuals. There are three main groups of citizens who receive material assistance from the state:

  • people who have reached retirement age;
  • disabled people;
  • disabled people who have lost their breadwinner.

Below are the types of pensions in the Russian Federation, depending on the length of service of citizens. There is also the possibility of receiving non-state payments.

insurance pension

One of the main types of material support that most of the disabled citizens receive. A labor pension is funds allocated to individuals on a monthly basis as compensation for earnings. Payments are designed to compensate for the income that citizens received during their employment or disabled people after the death of a family member who supported them.

There are three types of labor pension:

  • according to the age;
  • by disability;
  • on the loss of a breadwinner.

For each of the above categories, a different amount of payments is assigned. A feature of the insurance pension is the obligatory presence of work experience for the recipient.

old age

An old-age pension is assigned to citizens who have reached a certain age, and only if they have a minimum length of service. Women from the age of 55 and men from the age of 60 can receive payments. Representatives of some professions have a lower retirement age threshold. The minimum is five years. In this case, only the period of work during which the pensioner made insurance premiums is counted.

The amount of payments is not the same for all citizens and is calculated individually. The labor pension is made up of two parts - insurance and funded. The state approves a fixed amount, which is the basis of payments. In addition to the economic condition of the country, the size of the pension also depends on working conditions, length of service and wages.

Early retirement

Above is the minimum age that a beneficiary of old age support must reach. However, representatives of certain professions or workers in the northern part of the state are entitled to early retirement.

The list that entitles the specialists involved in them to receive insurance payments ahead of schedule is presented in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Work in these areas requires great physical effort, responsibility or has a negative impact on health. At the same time, not only the retirement age changes, but also the minimum length of service.

In addition to the type of work, other indicators are also taken into account. Thus, the minimum retirement age is being reduced for workers in the Far North, the visually impaired, and other categories of citizens.

By disability

As in the previous case, only those citizens who have seniority can receive insurance premium. Disabled people of any group - I, II or III can apply for it. It does not matter when a person received a disability - before, during or after the working period. It also does not matter whether a person has the opportunity to continue working or not. The pensioner can continue to work and receive material support.

To assign an insurance pension, a person must undergo a medical and social examination in a state institution, where he will be assigned a disability group. As can be seen from the table above, the fixed part of payments directly depends on the disability group. The amount increases if citizens worked in the Far North or have dependents. So, as of April 2016, for persons with disabilities (1 pension was equal to 9118 rubles per month. However, the same citizens who have two dependents are entitled to 12157 rubles.

This type of pension is issued for a fixed period. At the end of it, a person must come to confirm his status. In case of failure to appear for a medical and social examination, the payment of a pension is suspended.

On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

Some persons who were supported by a deceased or missing family member also receive an insurance pension. These include the following groups of citizens:

  • minor children, grandchildren, sisters / brothers of the deceased breadwinner, or they are under the age of 23 when studying at a university full-time.
  • they are the same if they acquired a disability before the age of 18.
  • father, mother, their parents or spouse if they are disabled or have reached retirement age.
  • disabled dependents.
  • grandfather, grandmother, parent, spouse, brother, sister or child of the breadwinner, if they are caring for the minor grandchildren, children, brothers or sisters of the deceased.

The size of the survivor's pension (its fixed part) does not differ depending on which category the dependent belongs to, unless he is an orphan or lives in the Far North. If a person has committed a crime that resulted in the death of the breadwinner, he does not have the right to receive material support.

For state support

Types include a broad category of payments that do not require seniority. Payments for state collateral is assigned under the following circumstances:

  • according to the age;
  • by disability;
  • on the fact of loss of the breadwinner;
  • for years of service;
  • social pension.

old age

This type of material support is received by persons who have suffered due to man-made or radiation accidents. The retirement pension is determined by different conditions, depending on the status of citizens, duration and place of residence, the connection of their diseases with the consequences of the disaster. At the moment, such payments are received by persons affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

45 (for women) and 50 (for men) years

50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years

Liquidators of the consequences of the disaster (in the period from 1986 to 1987).

Liquidators of the consequences of the accident (in the period from 1986 to 1987).

evacuated citizens.

Persons engaged in work in the exclusion zone.

Persons who became disabled as a result of the disaster.

Citizens who have received radiation sickness or disability associated with exposure to radiation.

loss of a breadwinner

State pension is paid to disabled family members of the deceased under the following circumstances:

  • the death of a serviceman from injuries caused during conscript service, or within three months after its completion;
  • death of citizens who suffered as a result of a man-made or radiation disaster;
  • death of an astronaut during the flight, preparation for it or in the performance of official duties.

The amount of the survivor's pension differs depending on the degree of relationship, type of activity and cause of death.

For years of service

There are 4 groups of pensioners applying for these payments:

  • federal civil servants (experience in civil service - from 15 years);
  • military personnel
  • astronauts;
  • flight test personnel.

Representatives of the last two categories must have a length of service of at least 20 years for women and 25 for men. If persons left work due to illness, this period is reduced by 5 years. Military pensions in Russia cannot be received by citizens who served on conscription.

By disability

The following groups of persons can receive the state pension:

  • victims of a man-made or radiation disaster;
  • participants in the Second World War;
  • received the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • military personnel;
  • astronauts.

Citizens receiving disability payments can continue their work without suspension or material assistance. Military personnel become retired if their status was caused by an injury during their service or within three months after its termination. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and citizens awarded with the badge "ZHBL" receive payments regardless of the fact that they were recognized as disabled as a result. Persons who have been injured due to a man-made or radiation accident may apply either for this type of material support or for an old-age pension.

Social pension

The following categories of disabled citizens can receive payments:

Retirees are entitled to benefits even if they receive other income and employment. The exception is citizens over 60 (65) years old.

Simultaneous receipt of two pensions

The following groups of people have the opportunity to receive two types of payments:

  • citizens who received a disability during hostilities;
  • participants in the Second World War and citizens with the sign "ZhBL";
  • widows and parents of servicemen who died during military service;
  • families

Such citizens can receive material support, which is a labor pension and a state pension.

Social benefits

The pension for non-working citizens cannot be lower than the subsistence level. If the funds received by a person do not reach this amount, he can apply to the FIU for a social supplement. This takes into account the total amount of payments received by this citizen. If the pensioner is engaged in labor activity, he cannot apply for additional payment.

Pension Fund

At the moment, insurance and state pensions are calculated and assigned through the PFR. The pension fund has all the necessary information to make social payments. Thanks to interaction with state institutions conducting medical and social examination, registry offices and other organizations, the PFR is aware of the presence or absence of justifications for receiving pensions by individuals, calculates and accrues funds to needy citizens.

Non-state payments

The above types of pensions in the Russian Federation are not an exhaustive list of possible financial support. Citizens can receive payments by entering into an agreement with a private organization.

A common way to provide for yourself in case of disability is an agreement concluded with a non-state pension fund. Participants make regular contributions to the organization, and the latter, in turn, invests contributions. The profit is distributed among the members of the NPF equally. At the same time, the age at which participants begin to receive pension payments is determined not by law, but by contract.

An alternative solution is life insurance. Organizations also function by investing the contributions of members. At the end of the contract, the person receives the insurance amount, and in the event of his death, the funds are transferred to the heirs.

There are several types of pensions in Russia. You will learn about what these pensions are, how they differ, to whom they are assigned, from our article.

Russian pension system

The pension system that has developed to date in Russia is a set of legal norms and legal, economic and organizational institutions that allows citizens to have regular financial support in the form of pensions. Pensions mean not only payments to citizens who have reached retirement age, but also payments to citizens who are entitled to it on other grounds (disabled people, dependents and other categories of citizens).

The legal basis of the pension system of the Russian Federation is the normative legal acts (NLA). The whole array of legal acts is based on six federal laws. They define the concept and types of pensions. The entire pension system in Russia is based on them.

The names of these six laws are shown in the diagram below.

What types of pensions exist in Russia

There are the following types of pensions in the Russian Federation:

The diagram below shows the types of Russian pensions.

Types of insurance pensions

insurance pension- This is one of the main types of pensions in the Russian Federation. An insurance pension is a monthly cash payment to persons who have reached retirement age, as well as a payment to disabled family members of a person entitled to an insurance pension in connection with his death.

In Russia, there are the following types of insurance pensions:

Types of pensions for state pension provision

State pension- this is also one of the main types of pensions in Russia. The state pension is more correctly called the state pension provision. The payment of this pension is made by the state in accordance with the law on state pension provision 166-FZ.

In Russia, there are the following types of state pensions:

Funded and non-state pensions

funded pension is another type of pension. It is assigned only to those citizens who voluntarily decided to form a funded pension. This pension is a monthly payment of pension savings formed from employers' insurance premiums and income from their investment.

Non-state pension (voluntary) is a pension formed and paid in accordance with the terms of agreements with non-state pension funds. The formation of this type of pension is made at the expense of contributions from employers and employees themselves, as well as income received from investing contributions.