Isolation of colostrum during pregnancy: norm and pathology. Colostrum during pregnancy: when it appears, the norm and deviations Medical procedures, taking medications

Everyone is waiting for the baby to be born. Mom is literally sitting on her suitcases - all things and documents are ready for the maternity hospital. The child develops and grows, resembling a papaya in size.

Feelings at 36 weeks pregnant

At 36 weeks, the baby continues to grow and gain weight. He moves in his stomach, moves his legs and arms. Mom feels these movements well and must constantly listen to them. With a normal pregnancy, the baby should make about 10 movements within 12 hours.

A lot of women worry before childbirth, especially if they are the first. And the closer the birth, the more anxious the soul of the expectant mother. By the end of pregnancy, many women become nervous, moody and irritable because of their inner fears. Do not worry, because childbirth is a natural process and they will definitely come someday, there is no getting away from it. Therefore, everything should be taken for granted.

The woman is already very tired by the end of her pregnancy. The abdomen becomes heavier, it is difficult to walk, there is stiffness and limited movement. A little more time and the baby will be born, it will become much easier. Therefore, you should have time to enjoy your position, relax more and breathe clean air. Set yourself up for the best, do not worry.

Changes in the mother's body at 36 weeks of gestation

The belly became huge, making the movement of the expectant mother less and less limited. At a period of 35-37 weeks, the baby's head goes into the pelvis, the stomach drops and it becomes easier for the mother to breathe. But this is not always the case, and the expectant mother has to breathe heavily until childbirth. This happens if the birth is not the first and the woman has already given birth.

A woman is gaining less and less weight - no more than 300 grams per week. Training contractions can often occur. They usually don't last long. In the evenings, a woman may be disturbed by swelling of the legs, which usually disappear by morning.

The pelvic bones move apart and the ligaments soften. As a result, pelvic pain may occur. The uterus presses on the internal organs, which contributes to the increase in the processes of urination and defecation. The cervix becomes softer and shorter - this is how the body prepares for an early birth. There is very little time left for them. However, some babies can't wait to be born: childbirth at 36 weeks is not uncommon.

The breasts fill with colostrum, which will become breast milk after the baby is born. Breast size at the ninth month increased by about 2 times.

Baby at 36 weeks

If the pregnancy proceeds normally and childbirth occurs this week, then at this time the weight of the child will already be within the normal range. Now the child's body weight is 2600-2800 grams, and the height is 46-48 cm.

The baby becomes less active, there is less and less space for him. He has already settled down in the position in which he is to be born (head down and facing his mother's back).

The baby is already sucking his thumb - preparing to eat after his birth. In addition to sucking movements, he can already perform swallowing and respiratory movements. The baby reacts to familiar voices and melodies with active actions.

Cheeks become plumper. The child continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat. The little heart is already fully formed. All other organs and systems are also completely ready for birth. Fully formed skin and subcutaneous tissue.

At this time, the child learns to breathe through the nose. Prior to that, he received his portion of oxygen through the umbilical cord through his mouth.

What's new?

The baby has turned upside down and is ready for its birth. In addition, the following events take place this week:

  • the stomach sank and it becomes easier for the mother to breathe;
  • the baby learns to breathe through the nose;
  • the child is able to distinguish shades of taste;
  • the child develops memory - he can already remember everything he hears;
  • the bone tissue has strengthened, but the skull is still very fragile.

A child born at this time is already able to breathe independently. At 36 weeks, the baby is already considered full-term.

External development of the fetus

External signs of the development of the child for a period of 36 weeks are as follows:

  • the baby becomes plump and round, accumulating subcutaneous fat (up to 30 grams daily);
  • fully formed skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • the nails protrude above the phalanges of the fingers, with which the child himself can be scratched;
  • the amount of original lubricant is reduced.

In an unborn child, the eyes are blue or gray-blue in color, which will change a few months after birth.

Internal development of the fetus

The internal signs of fetal development at week 36 include the following phenomena:

  • the heart is fully formed;
  • all body systems are ready;
  • subcutaneous fat accumulates;
  • lungs are fully matured.

The bones and muscles of the child become denser. The skull is still quite fragile, so it can be deformed when passing through the birth canal. This makes the birth process easier.

Weight gain at 36 weeks pregnant

The optimal weight gain by 36 weeks is about 12 kg. By the end of pregnancy, weight gain of up to 16 kg is considered the norm. If there is a small bust - it's okay, after giving birth, the mother will quickly get rid of the excess.

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Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 36 weeks

Many women for a period of 36 weeks may be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the back, pelvis, chest;
  • constipation and other digestive disorders;
  • frequent urination and defecation;
  • headache;
  • varicose veins;
  • intermittent sleep;
  • breast enlargement, colostrum leakage.

Since the child presses on the nerve endings, there may be a feeling of numbness in the pelvis while walking. For a long time, there is a weakening of the pelvic ligaments and joints before childbirth.

What happens to the stomach at 36 weeks pregnant

The abdomen at 36 weeks is huge. But this is not always the case. Some women have a relatively small belly for a long time, which is a cause for concern. One of the reasons is lack of water, the other is a small fetus. And sometimes, just because of the physique of a woman, the stomach may seem small.

Regardless of the size of the abdomen, for a period of 36 weeks, it begins to fall. This is due to the fact that the fetus itself descends - its head rests on the bottom of the pelvis. This suggests that childbirth is about to come. It becomes easier for the mother to breathe, heartburn disappears and the pressure of the uterus on the upper organs decreases.

For a long time, you should take care of your stomach. Without fail, doctors recommend wearing a prenatal bandage - it greatly facilitates pregnancy, relieves stress on the back and helps reduce skin stretching. It is advisable to lubricate the skin of the abdomen with special anti-stretch marks.

For a period of 36 weeks, you should carefully listen to your condition. If the stomach becomes stiff, the back and lower abdomen hurt, you should call the gynecologist and consult. Perhaps these are signs of uterine hypertonicity and early delivery.


At a period of 36 weeks, the size of the uterus reached 35 cm. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 36 cm and its upper point is located 15 cm above the navel.

As the baby descends towards the birth canal, the woman may feel uterine contractions. At the same time, the cervix can expand, narrow and open up to 10 cm. This causes the start of training contractions.


Pain at the end of pregnancy often worries women. The uterus enlarges, stretches and presses on the internal organs. A large belly causes a shift in the center of gravity, and this additionally loads the back and lower back.

Pain in the hip joints occurs due to softening and relaxation of the ligaments and joints. In addition, most pregnant women develop hemorrhoids, which is also accompanied by severe pain in the anus. The disease is treated with special means for pregnant women, prescribed by a doctor.

If a woman has pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, and there is also a feeling of “petrification” of the abdomen, you should consult a doctor. This may be a sign of increased uterine tone, which often leads to preterm labor.

For longer periods, women may have pain and swelling of the legs. This is due to a weak outflow of blood due to the strong compression of the pelvic veins by the uterus. This is the norm when the edema itself disappears by morning. But sometimes swelling can be a symptom of preeclampsia - a dangerous complication of pregnancy. Therefore, any such condition requires a doctor's consultation.

To avoid negative symptoms, doctors advise following a number of recommendations:

  • walk every 10-20 minutes - you can not stay in the same position for a long time;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid (up to 1.5 l);
  • in the morning and during the day, perform special exercises for pregnant women;
  • rationally and gradually eat during the day.

By the end of this week, the expectant mother will feel much more comfortable - her stomach will drop. It will become much easier for a woman to breathe, she will not have shortness of breath so often. But another problem will appear - the expectant mother will have frequent urination.

Discharge at 36 weeks pregnant

In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of discharge. They acquire a more viscous consistency. This means that the cork gradually comes out, closing the cervical canal. If it has a light brown or pink tint, this is a sign that labor will begin soon.

The presence of infection is evidenced by purulent, curdled, cloudy mucous discharge. However, they may be accompanied by itching or burning. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If there is any amount of bloody discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance. Blood most likely indicates placental abruption. Urgent hospitalization is needed, as the condition is dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

You should go to the hospital if there is a liquid discharge resembling white or yellow water. Most likely it was the amniotic fluid that started to break. They may come off gradually, not all at once. In any case, you should be under the supervision of doctors until the end of childbirth.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

For a period of 36 weeks, the following examinations and tests can be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound (if not done before), which evaluates the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and its quality, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus, heartbeat and circulatory system;
  • blood test for AIDS;
  • blood chemistry;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • a smear from the vagina to assess the microflora on the eve of passage through the birth canal.

Once a week in the normal course of pregnancy, a woman is required to visit a doctor. At the same time, her blood pressure is measured, weighed, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen are measured, and the heartbeat of the child is listened to.


For a period of 36 weeks, it is better not to have sex. Orgasm can provoke uterine tone and lead to premature birth. Do not disturb the child, especially since the birth is about to come. It is known that male sperm has the ability to relax the uterus and stimulate the onset of labor. The female genital tract is now very vulnerable. And even with the protection of both partners, it is easy to infect.


A pregnant woman in the third trimester should not overeat. Eat small meals several times a day.

Mom should give up the following products:

  • pastry, cakes, sweets, pastries;
  • black chocolate;
  • peanut;
  • citrus fruits in large quantities;
  • seafood;
  • sushi;
  • canned food;
  • spicy, fatty, smoked and fried foods.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of flour products. You should not eat exotic fruits and vegetables, it is better to give preference to food products known specifically for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. The menu of a pregnant mother should resemble a children's diet.

Expectant mothers are advised to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth. It is better to drink compotes on dried fruits, not strong tea, plain water, drinks without gas. Dairy and sour-milk products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat will become preferable.

What to do this week

  • the last planned ultrasound, if the woman did not do it before;
  • learn all about childbirth, you can attend courses to prepare for the upcoming birth;
  • choose a maternity hospital and find out the rules for entering it;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed in the hospital;
  • collect things for the hospital.

Dangers and Complications

At 36 weeks pregnant, the following complications may occur:

  • late toxicosis (high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness);
  • oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios;
  • bleeding from the vagina (abruption or placenta previa);
  • clumsiness;
  • varicose veins.

Various diseases can provoke similar pathologies during pregnancy - these are anemia, diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels, as well as smoking and a large weight gain. Body weight over long periods must be carefully monitored. The maximum increase for a period of 36 weeks should not exceed 200-300 grams. The amount of fluid you drink should not be more than one and a half liters per day.

If you experience any complications during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. With such violations for long periods, a woman is usually placed in a maternity hospital.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • count the number of movements of the child (10 times in 12 hours);
  • protect yourself from worries, stress and irritation;
  • maintain a positive attitude;
  • control your weight;
  • monitor the condition of the arms, legs and abdomen;
  • do not have sex to avoid infection of the birth canal or to induce labor;
  • do not get sick with colds and other infections;
  • wear a prenatal bandage - a belt supporting the stomach;
  • be outdoors;
  • sleep on the left side;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
  • prepare the necessary things and items for the hospital.

36 weeks pregnant is a long time. This is a long-awaited time for a positive attitude and confidence that everything will be in order and the delivery process will end successfully with the birth of a long-awaited baby.

It is advisable for a future mother to listen to calm music and watch positive films, do not neglect your own vocals. Children always like mother's songs, no matter how they sing them. After birth, they will be happy to listen to their mother's voice.

The end of pregnancy will come soon, so you need to have time to enjoy this state. And complete confidence can be achieved in communicating with the same mothers, attending courses for women in labor and listening to the advice of women who have recently given birth.

At the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby weighs already from 2300 to 2800 grams, its height reaches 46 cm from the crown to the sacrum. In the coming month, the baby will gain some more weight, but even now he is fully formed to be born healthy. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby gains up to 28 grams of weight every day.

The child's face now has chubby cheeks. He continues to periodically suck his thumb, practicing before sucking delicious milk from his mother's breast. The bones of the baby are already quite dense, elastic, but they do not lose their elasticity so as not to be injured when passing through the mother's birth canal. Since the head of the child is very voluminous, the bones of the skull remain quite soft, all the plates are not yet fixed to each other. When passing through the mother's birth canal, they are able to move, shrink, going one after another, and at the same time reliably protect the baby's brain from injury. After birth, the baby will have a characteristic, "flattened" shape of the skull, which then gradually forms a neat, well-shaped head.

The child's liver 36 weeks pregnant accumulates iron in itself to help the process of hematopoiesis of the baby throughout the first year of his life. The hairs on the child's head grew even more, became thicker. The vellus hair on the baby's body disappeared completely, or thinned considerably, leaving single specimens on the skin. At the 36th week of pregnancy, the boy's testicles were finally formed; in girls, the labia are pursed and closed together, covering the labia minora.

How does the expectant mother feel?

In some pregnant women, at the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the baby's head is already descending into the small pelvis. In connection with this event, the woman notes that it has become much easier for her to breathe, but her urination becomes more frequent. Now the baby is pressing down with all his strength, on the muscles of the small pelvis, and the woman can feel diffuse pain in the perineum, on the surface of the thighs, in the lower back.

Due to the fact that the bottom of the uterus no longer supports the diaphragm and stomach, the expectant mother feels that heartburn and shortness of breath have stopped. It becomes easier for her to breathe, she is again full of strength and energy, and at such moments she can easily do household chores that she could not do in the last months of pregnancy. But we must remember that lightness and temporary euphoria are deceptive - fatigue will be strong if the expectant mother does not allow herself to rest. Excessive zeal and hard work can lead to contractions. In your zeal to “make a nest” for the baby, it is important not to overdo it, because the future mother will still need strength!

The mammary glands began to actively produce colostrum - the breast becomes wet due to moisture oozing from the nipple. A woman needs to wear a special padded bra in order to comply with the rules of breast hygiene. Under no circumstances should you try to express colostrum.

What is colostrum?

Colostrum precedes the appearance of a woman's milk. This is a small kitchen for a baby who has just been born. The nutritional value of colostrum is very high - it is rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements, in the mother's colostrum there is a very valuable protection that it gives to the child from the first minutes of his life - immunoglobulin. A child who receives the first drops of colostrum immediately after birth acquires a strong immunity to diseases. Colostrum populates a beneficial microflora in the sterile intestines of the baby, if you do not give the child colostrum in the first minutes of life - his gastrointestinal tract will be populated by a completely different microflora taken from hospital air and dust, but no one can predict what it will be - useful or harmful will take.

There is no point in risking your baby's health. If a child is born on time, with normal vital parameters, nothing prevents him from sucking his mother's breast. For several feedings, the baby will feed on mother's colostrum until her mammary glands begin to produce milk.

In order to prepare the mammary glands for feeding a child, the expectant mother must follow the rules breast hygiene. To cleanse the nipple and breast from drops of colostrum released in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman can practice washing the mammary glands with clean boiled water. In such water, you can add a decoction of chamomile. It is better not to use soap, as it dries the delicate skin of the areola and nipple, and cracks may appear on it. There are cosmetics that serve as a good prevention of stretch marks on the chest and cracked nipples. If you do not have such a remedy - do not despair - wipe the mammary glands daily after an evening shower with natural oil - olive, sesame, hazelnut oil. The oil must be allowed to soak in, the remnants should be blotted with a napkin.

As often as possible, you should leave the mammary glands open - so that they receive air baths, “breathe”, and become tempered for the process of feeding the child in the future. You should not rub oil or cosmetics too vigorously into the nipples and areola, because irritation of the nerve endings in the chest can lead to premature contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. If in the mammary glands at 36 weeks of gestation or a little later, there is a feeling of fullness, pain, you should apply a cool towel to your chest, then change it to a warm one. So alternate several times, finishing the procedure with a cold towel. Nursing bra you need to buy in advance, it should be foreseen that with increased lactation, a woman’s breasts will become a little more.

  • Related links:

Text every mother at 36 weeks of pregnancy counts the days until delivery. is the property of the Ru project. Belongs to the section You can comment on the problems described in Pregnancy calendar 36 weeks, breast hygiene, breastfeeding bra leaving a comment.

Elena 2013-03-06 00:55:12

I am also at the 36th week of pregnancy, swelling, shortness of breath, increased heart rate and pressure jumps. In the direction I got to the 13th maternity hospital, the doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist said that in no case should you take diuretics (canephron), this is very bad for the child. You need to figure out what is causing the swelling. In my case, after a complete examination, problems with the kidneys were revealed, it is still impossible to treat, but in order for the legs not to hurt and to reduce swelling (to improve blood circulation), they prescribed Detralex (helps)) the legs do not hurt)!! And from the pressure of Kankor. I have tried different drugs before, which were prescribed in the w / c, did not help .. And there are a lot of side effects from them. So, for any reason, see a doctor, you can also go to the 13th maternity hospital, there is a record ... All the best to you)

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Sveta 2011-08-26 17:51:26

Hey, we've made it here!
Let's go scary! And then there was the terrible dyspnea. At the first, I didn’t even know what it was, but at the second, I tortured me.
But better with weight! At the first time I managed to gain 20 kg! And at the second - only 6!
I had to look for new shoes because of the swelling, and everything is going quietly by the next weeks.
Good luck everyone!

[Reply] [Reply with quote][Cancel reply]

The weight of the baby already reaches 2.75 kg, full height - 46 cm. The height of the uterus above the navel is 14 cm, above the pubic symphysis - 36 cm. Weight gain can now stabilize at the level of 11.5-13.5 kg.

36th week of pregnancy

The baby's movements are not as strong as before, because he continues to grow, and there is no more space in the uterus, a certain amount of water is already absorbed by the mother's body. The baby is cramped, but it’s still too early to go outside, you need to get better even more in order to come out into the world as a chubby healthy strong man. During this period, most often the baby is engaged in sucking his finger, so he is preparing to suck his mother's breast in 3-5 weeks.

At this time, many women notice that droplets of colostrum begin to stand out from their breasts.. For some, the flow of colostrum is so abundant that you have to put special pads in your bra. Do not worry, this is quite normal, as the mammary glands are preparing for such an important period as breastfeeding. Little colostrum is produced, but these few drops after childbirth play a very important role in the development and health of the baby. This is not yet milk that will become food for the child, but a very fatty first meal that contains a huge amount of immunoglobulins that help strengthen the immunity of the newborn, prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, and reduce the risk of infection by pathogenic flora.

Immediately after giving birth, you will be laid on your stomach and attached to your chest so that he receives these valuable droplets. Milk will usually arrive on the 3rd day, and before that, the child will have enough colostrum. Don't worry that you won't be able to breastfeed your baby. Only 1-5% of women cannot breastfeed for physiological reasons; in all other cases, breastfeeding fails due to ignorance or unwillingness to know how to breastfeed properly.

Before giving birth, it is desirable to already begin to prepare the breast for feeding. This is usually required in the case of the first birth. If you have successfully fed your first baby, then now you have nothing to fear. If breastfeeding did not work out with the first child, this does not mean that it will not work with the second child. It’s better to look for modern literature, talk to consultants on, they will help you identify the mistakes that were made then and advise what to do to prevent them now. If you have inverted nipples, then you need to pull them out, and also massage them out after a shower with a terry towel. A contrast shower is very useful for the breast, it will not only prepare it for lactation, but also help maintain its elasticity and beauty. But you can’t be zealous with massage, since breast stimulation can cause uterine tone and provoke premature birth.

Now an increasing number of children are born by caesarean section, statistics show that now the percentage of "cesareans" has grown from 4% (in the 70s of the XX century) to 25% in our time. A caesarean section is a surgical operation when an incision is made in the abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus, through which the child and placenta are delivered.

Indications for a caesarean section:

1. Delivery by caesarean section in previous births. It is possible that after a previous caesarean section, a woman may be given the opportunity to give birth naturally. The danger is the seam on the uterus, as it can disperse during contractions and attempts. Therefore, the ultrasound doctor will assess the condition of the scar and make a decision that will be the best for the health of the mother and child. If during childbirth it is possible to monitor the condition of the fetus, then the woman is usually given the opportunity to try to give birth herself without surgical intervention.

2. The fruit is too big. It happens that even a small woman gives birth to a “4-kilogram hero” without any problems, and it happens that a large woman cannot give birth to a child with a normal weight of 3-3.4 kg. It all depends on the width of the inner pelvis, which is determined only in the process of childbirth itself. Then it will be seen whether the woman herself can give birth or will have to do a caesarean section.

3. Fetal hypoxia. If the child does not respond well to contractions, does not move forward, then a caesarean section may be indicated to avoid his death.

4. Prolapse of the umbilical cord during childbirth, when the umbilical cord goes ahead of the child, which is dangerous for his life.

5. Breech presentation of the fetus. Some highly qualified doctors are able to successfully take delivery, and when the child goes forward with legs, but more and more often, surgery is now prescribed to avoid the risk of injuring the baby.

6. Detachment of the placenta. This condition is fraught with great blood loss for a woman and a risk to the life of the fetus.

7. Placenta previa, when it prevents the fetus from exiting through the birth canal.

The advantage of caesarean section over natural childbirth is only to reduce the risks to the health and life of the child and mother. The disadvantages of this procedure are that, firstly, this is an abdominal operation, and there is a high risk of complications, infections; secondly, after a caesarean section, the recovery period of a woman lasts longer than after a natural birth. In addition, many modern psychologists and psychiatrists argue that people who were born by caesarean section have a weak will to win, they develop more complexes, often they take unreasonable risks to their lives.

But even with all this, do not consider a caesarean section as an unsuccessful outcome of your pregnancy, your goal was to give birth to a healthy baby, and surgery is sometimes the only way to achieve this main goal in a woman's life. In any case, the decision to have surgery can only be made in consultation with your doctor, who should tell you and your husband about the risks of vaginal delivery and caesarean section.

Colostrum is a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of pregnant women and. It stands out due to the hormonal restructuring of a woman under the influence. Its development is indirectly indicated by the increase in the breast of the future mother and the increase in her sensitivity. At this time, there is an expansion of the tubules and ducts, an increase and inclusion in the work of the lobules of the gland.

Colostrum is a viscous, sticky, sweetish liquid that ranges in color from rich yellow to translucent. The color intensity decreases. At the heart of this nutrient fluid is albumin protein, which helps the baby to adapt to our world as much as possible.

The chemical composition of colostrum:

  • albumins and globulins - proteins (up to 6-7%);
  • water (84-88%);
  • bifidumbacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP;
  • milk sugar (lactose) - carbohydrates (up to 5-5.5%);
  • fats (4-5%);
  • mineral salts;
  • food enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease);
  • hormones.

information The density of colostrum is about 1.050-1.060. Its calorie content is about 150 kcal per 100 ml.

Appearance time

From the first days of pregnancy, the female breast begins to prepare for, certain changes occur in the hormonal background. This leads to the fact that from the moment the baby is conceived, the production of colostrum begins.

  • Almost always a woman (before) does not feel or notice this, because the amount of this nutrient fluid is minimal. However, there are cases when the appearance of colostrum is the first woman. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • (from 13 to 28-30 weeks) colostrum production begins more actively, and many women notice yellowish sticky droplets on their clothes. These secretions may not be daily, appear regardless of the time of day and have a different amount (from 1 drop to 1-2-5 ml).
  • (from 30-31 weeks until childbirth) in most women is accompanied by the release of colostrum of various amounts. It acquires a less saturated color, but its amount does not change significantly.

Breast discharge during pregnancy is associated with several environmental factors:

  • emotional situations (both positive and positive moments);
  • taking a hot shower;
  • after prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • after massage of the mammary glands;
  • hot drink (water, or others).

information After childbirth, colostrum becomes even more transparent, but still retains its yellow color and chemical composition. It stands out for the first 3-7 days, after which it is replaced by mature white milk with a slightly different composition.

Properties of colostrum

The yellow secret of the mammary glands performs a number of functions:

  • Saturation of the child's body with immune cells (proteins). The immune system of the baby begins to work from the 6th month after birth, therefore, starting from the oral cavity, the necessary cells are detached from the colostrum, which are involved in protecting the child from pathological microorganisms coming from the environment.
  • Settlement of the intestines with beneficial microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). It promotes the absorption of milk and other products that the child will receive, normalizes, and prevents the reproduction of pathological microorganisms.
  • Accelerating the excretion of meconium (original feces that fill the entire intestines of a newborn baby) and preparing the intestines for the first portions of milk.
  • Binding of excess bilirubin from the blood and intestines of the baby, which prevents.
  • Enrichment of the child with essential vitamins and minerals, which are essential from the first days of life for tissues and organs.
  • Saturation of the baby's blood with antioxidants that help to adapt to a new environment, especially in the respiratory system.
  • Acceleration of maturation of the intestinal epithelium due to growth factors (cortisol, insulin, insulin-like growth factor - IGF, epidermal growth factor - EGF).

important Colostrum is extremely nutritious and essential for a child in the first days of life. During its production during pregnancy, it accumulates many nutrients and has an ideal composition, starting from the first in the delivery room.

Norm and deviations

Despite the fact that colostrum is actively produced from the first stages of pregnancy, not every woman can observe its release. This is not a cause for concern. It is quite possible that the lobules and ducts of the mammary gland have a fairly dense network and these drops of yellow liquid do not require an exit, or there are few provoking factors and they are quite rare. The absence of colostrum during pregnancy in some women is included in the concept physiological norm, as well as its appearance in early pregnancy.

A small or rare release of colostrum, its absence, or, conversely, its large amount does not indicate the amount of milk after the birth of a baby. These are two different processes with different influencing factors and even hormonal levels.

Rarely enough, but a minimum number of blood inclusions may appear in colostrum during pregnancy. In the absence of any other symptoms, this is also within the normal range. The ducts gradually expand, the mammary gland is rebuilt, and this can periodically lead to rupture of small capillaries and the release of blood.

Colostrum in the absence of pregnancy

A rather rare occurrence when there is no pregnancy, and colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands. This may be due to an increased content of oxytocin or prolactin, the development of an inflammatory or tumor process.

important If such a condition occurs, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to avoid serious consequences of the disease.

What to do with colostrum

There are no hard-to-implement rules for the development and release of colostrum. Care of the mammary glands is quite simple:

  • Wearing for pregnant and lactating women (made of natural fabrics, soft material, appropriate size, not constricting the chest).
  • Washing the mammary glands with clean warm water 1-2 times a day, without the use of soap (for inflammation and colonization of microorganisms).
  • Using a soft towel to wipe or blot the mammary glands (without sharp and rough movements, avoiding soreness and rubbing).
  • Apply specialized pads between underwear and nipples (you can use ordinary cotton pads, gauze, handkerchiefs). Change them regularly to prevent infection.
  • (accelerate lactation and).
  • Do not express colostrum (it will speed up lactation and increase uterine tone).
  • Use moisturizing creams (this will prevent stretch marks on the breasts and reduce the risk of cracked nipples, both during pregnancy and lactation).
  • Follow the rules (reduce carbohydrate intake - flour products from refined wheat flour, sugar, potatoes and white rice, consume large amounts of animal and vegetable proteins, and, and increase fat intake 1 month before birth).

dangerous In case of pathological impurities, pain, poor health, uneven enlargement of the mammary glands, you should immediately contact the district gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy.