Conspiracy and prayer helpful tips. A very strong prayer, conspiracies and amulets. How to save a person from alcoholism and drug addiction

This book is your key to understanding the forces of light and a guiding thread on the path to them. You will learn all about the hierarchy of angels and demons, which since the beginning of time have been waging an irreconcilable struggle for human souls. Armed with a powerful shield of miraculous prayers, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from any attack of dark forces: be it an evil eye, damage, love spell, curse, or a thrown word in anger. Learn to ask for protection from your guardian angel and the Forces of Light. You will find out which icon to bow to when addressing the patron saint with one or another request. Prayers, conspiracies, charms, containing a powerful energy charge, will give healing from ailments, love and harmony to your family, and your children - health, obedience, love of life, academic success and personal happiness.

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The given introductory fragment of the book A powerful prayer shield for all occasions. Prayers, amulets, conspiracies (L.N. Melik, 2013) provided by our book partner - the company Liters.

Part one

Forces of Light and Darkness

Look for great meaning in everything. All events that occur around us and with us have their own meaning. Nothing happens without a reason ...

Nectarius Optinsky

And, having called his twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and heal all weaknesses.

Gospel of Matthew

God and His powers are with us

"All heavenly ranks, Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Authorities, Beginnings, Archangels and Angels, pray to God for me, a sinner, merciful and merciful to you ..."

This petition is set out in the rules for Divine Communion, which were published in 1906 in the Pochaev Lavra, and is pronounced during the prayer for the coming sleep.

My father, constantly reading and studying religious literature, often brings up very interesting data. And this time he discovered an interesting fact about the prayer to the Honest Cross, printed in the Psalter in 1651-1652 in Moscow during the time of the Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia Alexei Mikhailovich. Here is this prayer:

“May God rise, and disguise Him. And let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let it disappear, as the wax melts from the face of the fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are signified by the sign of the Cross, and let us rejoice in the river: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, they will drive away the demons by force on You, our drunken Lord Jesus Christ. who descended into hell and trampled the power of the devil and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary.

Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the holy heavenly powers, always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Later, the words "heavenly powers" were removed from prayer. Why? But we, Orthodox Christians, need to know and remember what these forces represent for us, to which we turn in our prayers. And of course, the invocation of the heavenly powers to help is of great importance. Most often, referring to the heavenly forces, we mean angels and archangels. What do we know about them?

In the beginning, first of all, the visible world and man, God created heaven out of nothing, that is, the spiritual, invisible world, or angels.

All the ranks of angels, all the heavenly host, are mated together, cannot be compared with the Holy Spirit. God created all spirits, and created all good, graceful ones. Some of them, of their own free will, remained good. Others, also of their own free will, departed from God and became the beginning of all evil.

Good spirits are called angels and are divided into other authorities, they live in heaven, descend to earth and perform actions on it.

Evil spirits are called demons, demons, devils, but the most important of them is called the devil, or Satan. Their place of residence, according to the definition of the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Ephesians, is heavenly, or the air, the surface of the Earth, or the underworld. In all these spheres, they act according to the law of limited beings; angels are also subject to this law (that is, they are limited in their actions). Angels always appear to people in the form of people glorified by the grace of God.

Scripture speaks of their face, chest, arms, skin, clothing, that they fly, sit, speak, hear what they say. Scripture attributes to them the same feelings that a person has: sight, hearing, smell, touch.

Two angels came to Sodom in the evening in the form of husbands. Lot invited them to his home as travelers, not knowing that they were angels. The angels warned Lot that Sodom and Gomorrah would be burned with brimstone and fire from the Lord from heaven.

The movement of the angel from place to place, his occupation of a certain place, is especially depicted by the Evangelist Luke, when he describes the Archangel Gabriel, who appeared to Zechariah and preached to him the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord. At the same time, the archangel stood on the right side of the censer altar.

The same archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Galilee city of Nazareth to the Blessed Virgin Mary and announced to Her that She would become the Mother of God. He entered her dwelling, fulfilled the command of God and left her.

The Gospel of Mark says that the myrrh-bearing wives, having come to the tomb (cave), in which the body of the Lord was laid, saw there a young man dressed in white clothes and sitting on the right side. It was an angel. Evangelist Matthew says that this angel, descending from heaven, rolled the stone into the grave cave and sat on the stone. His face was like lightning, his clothes were white as snow.

Demons also have the ability to move from place to place for wandering to different places. The Lord said about an unclean spirit that when he leaves a person, he passes through waterless places, seeking rest. And he returns again, but with a lot of even more evil spirits, and lives in a dwelling. Spirits have their dwelling place, their abode.

So, let's start with the Light Forces, called angels and archangels.

Angels and Archangels

Angel - in Greek and Hebrew means messenger.

Angels represent the lowest rank of the hierarchy who communicates directly with people.

Angels are incorporeal spirits (therefore invisible) and immortal, like our souls, but God endowed them with higher powers and abilities than a person. Their minds are more perfect than ours. They always fulfill the will of God, they are sinless and occupy the highest step in the series of creation.

According to the definition of St. Athanasius the Great, "Angels are living creatures, intelligent, disembodied, capable of chanting, immortal."

Many times angels appeared in a visible way, taking on a bodily form, when God sent them to people to say or proclaim His will.

At baptism, God gives every Christian a guardian angel, who invisibly guards a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, does not leave even after death.

Angels appeared in Christian art at the end of the 8th century. Seraphim and cherubim are often depicted with six wings, which may have eyes. Angels usually have halos and a pair of wings and can hold scrolls, crucifix-related items, or musical instruments.

In Judaist, Christian and Muslim mythologies, these are disembodied beings who serve the one God, fight with his enemies, give Him praise, transfer the will of the Divine to the elements and people. Those angels who fell away from God turned into demons. God created countless numbers of them.

As for the appearance of angels, it is impossible to describe it with any certainty, because the true angelic appearance is inaccessible to human perception.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov points out that "Angels were created in the image and likeness of God, just as man was subsequently created." According to Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, the image of God in angels, as in man, is contained in the mind, from which the thought is born, and in which the thought is contained, and from which the spirit emanates, which promotes thought and revives it. This image, like the Prototype, is invisible, just as it is invisible in people. He governs the whole being in the angel as well as in man. Angels are beings that are limited by time and space and, therefore, have their own external appearance.

Angels often appear to people in the form of fiery symbols, and, as Pseudo-Dionysius says, theology “represents fiery wheels ... both fiery animals and men, as it were, lightning-like,” sometimes they take the guise of people, animals and plants.

Guardian angel

As soon as we left the holy font of baptism, as soon as we were born into spiritual life, each of us sees a spiritual guardian, one of those holy blessed Spirits who “see the face of the Heavenly Father”. This guardian is our guardian angel. He is inseparable from us all our lives, protects us from all dangers, warns against all troubles, inspires good intentions, holy thoughts, helps in good, distracts from evil, rejoices with us when we do something good, and grieves and cries when we fall in sin, when we darken our souls with some kind of evil. He incessantly prays for us, he will be with us when the angel of death appears for our soul, will accompany us through the terrible transitions (ordeals of the soul) to the throne of the Most High, he will be with us at the Last Judgment of Christ when the book of our life is opened, our behavior, will be ready to protect us, to pray for us to the Lord.

The early Christian theologian Origen believed that each person had one good angel who taught him, and one evil one who tempted him all his life. In the Middle Ages, the belief in guardian angels was widespread.

We must admire the mercy of God towards us, sinful creatures, since the Lord has appointed His holy angels to keep us from evil spirits that always seek to harm our bodies and souls. As Psalm 90 says: “For he will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you in their arms, so you do not stumble on a stone with your foot. "

And now that you have become a little familiar with the concept of angels, I want to bring to your attention the interpretation of the ancient saints about angels. Read them carefully, reflect. There is really something to think about here.

About angels

So, the angel is an entity gifted with the mind, always moving, possessing a free will, incorporeal, serving God, having received immortality for its nature by grace. What kind of essence and definition is known only by the Creator. It is called incorporeal, and also immaterial in comparison with us, for everything that is compared with God, who alone cannot be compared with anything, turns out to be both gross and material, because only the Divine in truth is immaterial and incorporeal.

So, the angel is a rational nature, and endowed with the mind, and possessing free will, changeable at will, that is, voluntarily changeable. For everything that is created - and is changeable, is invariable - only that which is not created. And all that is reasonable is endowed with free will.

He is incapable of repentance because he is incorporeal. For man received repentance because of the weakness of the body.

He is immortal, not by nature, but by grace. For everything that began also ends because of its nature. But God alone is eternally existing, or rather, He is even higher than eternity. For the Creator of times is not dependent on time, but He is above time.

Angels are the second, comprehended only by the mind, retinues who have light from the first and beginningless Light: they do not need language and hearing, but without a spoken word communicating their own thoughts and decisions to each other.

They are descriptive, for when they are in heaven, they are not on earth, and they are sent by God to earth - they do not remain in heaven, but they are not limited to walls, and doors, and door locks, and seals, for they are not limited ... For by nature, and in the proper sense, only that which is not created is not limited. For every creature is limited by the God who created it. They have sanctification from the Spirit, they prophesy with the assistance of Divine grace, they have no need for marriage, since they are not mortal.

And since they are minds, they are also in places that are comprehended only by the mind, not being described in a bodily way, for, as far as their nature is concerned, they do not take form as bodies, and do not have a threefold dimension, spiritually present and act , wherever they are ordered, and cannot be here and there at the same time and act.

Whether they are essentially equal or different from each other, we do not know. Knows only one God who created them, Who knows everything. They differ from each other in light and position, or, according to the light, they have a position, or, according to the position, they participate in the light, and illuminate each other due to the superiority of rank or nature. But it is clear that those angels who stand above communicate both light and knowledge to those who are below.

They are strong and ready to fulfill the Divine will, and due to the speed inherent in their nature, they immediately find themselves everywhere, wherever Divine beckon commands, and protect the regions of the earth: and rule peoples and countries, depending on how the Creator commanded them, and manage our affairs, and help us. In general, both by Divine will and by Divine command, they are above us and are always near God.

They are difficultly inclined to evil and are unshakable not by nature, but by grace and attachment to good alone. They see God as much as possible for them, and have this food.

Being above us, as incorporeal and free from all passion, they, however, are not dispassionate, for only the Divine is dispassionate.

They are transformed into whatever the Lord God commands, and thus they appear to people and reveal Divine secrets to them. They are in heaven and have one occupation: singing praises to God and serving His Divine will.

Angels differ among themselves in the degree of perfection and in the nature of their ministry and are divided into several ranks.

Initially, the angels were one, but later, in the kabbalistic tradition, a division into nine angelic ranks appeared. These nine ranks are divided into three triads. According to this hierarchy, the angels proper, together with the archangels and principles, belong to the third triad, which is characterized by close proximity to the world and man.

And as the holiest, most sacred, and the most excellent in theology Dionysius the Areopagite says, all theology, that is, the Divine Scripture, named nine heavenly entities, the Divine priestly instructor differentiates them into three triple classes. And he says that the first class is the one that is always near God and which is allowed to be united with Him in the closest way and directly: the class of six-winged seraphim, and the many-read cherubim, and the most holy thrones.

The second: the class of Dominions, and Forces, and Authorities, and the third and last: the class of beginnings, and archangels, and angels.

The rank of the archangels “communicates with the first that turns to the premium Beginning through the authorities, conforms to it as much as possible, and preserves unity among the angels in accordance with leadership. With the latter, it is communicated by the fact that he, as a rite determined for teaching, receives Divine illumination through the first Forces according to the property of the hierarchy, transfers them with love to the angels, and through the angels informs us to the extent that someone is capable of Divine insights. "

Some, of course, say that angels came before all creation, just as Gregory the Theologian says: "First of all, He invents angelic and heavenly powers, and this thought became a deed." Others, however, say that they occurred after the emergence of the first heaven. And that they happened before the formation of man, everyone agrees. I agree with the theologian. For it was necessary that, first of all, an essence comprehended only by the mind was created, and under such circumstances - an essence perceived by feeling, and then this very person, consisting of both.

Those who say that angels are the creators of any kind of entity are mistaken. For as creatures, angels are not creators. But the Creator of everything, the Provider, and the Preserver is God, who alone is uncreated, and praised and glorified in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thus, all this can be represented in the form of a diagram, which is mentioned in the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius (in the 15th century A.D.) and in the Epistles of the Apostle Paul (Col. 16; Eph. 21):


The angelic ranks are divided into three hierarchies: higher, middle and lower. Each hierarchy consists of three ranks. All the ranks of the heavenly powers bear the general name of angels - in essence of their ministry. The Lord reveals His will to the highest angels, and they, in turn, enlighten the rest. Thus, the mysteries of God follow a descending hierarchy from seraphim to angels, and each subsequent hierarchy is dedicated only to the knowledge that it is able to contain at a given level of its spiritual development.

Only the last two faces have contact with people: this is where all the angels of biblical origin, named and unnamed, are included.

Seraphim - this is the name of the highest and closest to God of the nine ranks of the angels. Translate literally - "Those that burn, warm."

Pseudo-Dionysius explains this by the fact that the seraphim are in constant rotation around God, therefore, the heat they emit is like lightning.

They surround the throne of the Lord and, therefore, are the closest servants, executors of the will of the Heavenly King. According to the description of the prophet Isaiah, they had wings (6) - belonging to birds, faces - belonging to humans and legs - belonging to all animals. But this does not mean that the seraphim were like earthly beings. The closest servants of the Heavenly King, as being incorporeal and perfect, cannot be such. The description of the prophet only shows in what visible form he saw them. The song of the seraphim included a threefold repetition of the name Holy, indicating the trinity of the person in God.

In the vision of the prophet Isaiah, the seraphim have a human appearance, different from ours, with six wings, symbols of higher spiritual abilities. The first pair of wings signifies the fear of God, the consciousness of one's insignificance before the Creator. They cover their faces with them, as unworthy to look at the Lord of hosts. The second pair of wings covers the legs, as unworthy for the Lord to look at them. The third pair of wings is for constantly flying and tirelessly fulfilling the heavenly commands of your King and Lord and incessantly singing the song: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts! All the earths are full of His glory! And the sound of their voice shook the foundations of the building, and the temple was filled with the smoke of incense. "

Seraphim are always depicted in tongues of flame, singing praise to God, and rule the heavens. They are also considered fiery, because they are enveloped in the flame of eternal love.

As you know, Lucifer came out of the rank of seraphim. The fallen prince was actually considered an angel who overshadowed everyone else until he was deprived of God's mercy.

As for the name of the seraphim, it clearly shows their incessant and everlasting striving for the Divine, their fervor and speed, their ardent, constant, unremitting and unremitting impetuosity, also their ability to really elevate the lower ones to the higher, to excite and ignite them to a similar heat, to have an enlightening a force capable of driving away and destroying all obscuration.

Cherubim - in the heavenly hierarchy of Dionysius the Areopagite, they are placed next to the seraphim in the first face, thus occupying the second place among the nine angelic ranks. Cherubim act as guards. The Cherubim was assigned to guard the path to the Tree of Life. Their images in human form, but with wings, were placed in the Holy of Holies - over the ark of the covenant and in the cleansing house.

The word "cherub" occurs for the first time in Genesis in the words: "And (God) placed in the east of the Garden of Eden a Cherubim with a flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life." Cherubim are mentioned when creating the Temple of Solomon. They are depicted in the form of a person, but with wings. The Lord appears to be seated on cherubim, which makes it possible to see their special closeness to God. Cherubim surround the throne of the Almighty and the Lamb in heaven and incessantly day and night glorify His infinite perfections, not only in the great work of creation, but also in our redemption. In them is the fullness of the higher life and the highest reflection of the glory of God. Dionysius says: “The name of the Cherubim means their power to know and contemplate God, the ability to receive the Upper Light and contemplate Divine splendor at its very first manifestation, their wise art to teach and impart to others the wisdom given to them themselves”.

Thrones - "many-eyed" - are presented as fiery wheels, symbolizing Divine greatness. They are the third rank in the angelic hierarchy. These are the angels of justice, and it is their responsibility to fulfill God's decisions.

And when Dionysius says that "God is judging us justly," he means thrones. Thrones are apparently the most unusual angels in appearance, as they are portrayed as wheels of fire. Corresponding descriptions are found in Elijah, who was taken to heaven by a fiery tornado.

According to the medieval mystic Jan Ruisbrok, seraphim, cherubim and thrones never take part in human conflicts, but are with us when we peacefully contemplate God and experience the constant love of our hearts. They generate Divine love in people.

Pseudo-Dionysius reports: “The name of the Highest Thrones means that they are completely free from any earthly attachment and, constantly rising above the distant ones, approximately strive for the higher, with all their forces motionless and firmly attached to the truly Highest being, accepting his Divine suggestion in complete dispassion and immateriality, means also the fact that they bear God and obediently fulfill His Divine commands. "

Domination Is the first rank of beings given free will to ensure the daily functioning of the universe. It is believed that this rank "Rules over the Angels, who constantly praise God, through them flows the mercy of God, and therefore the Dominions are sometimes called" the ways of mercy. " Dominions are the face from which angels "rule" over entire countries come from.

According to Pseudo-Dionysius, “The significant name of the holy Dominions ... means some unflattering and free from any low attachment to the earthly, elevation to the heavenly, standing above any humiliating slavery, alien to any humiliation, removed from all inequality to oneself, constantly striving for true Domination and as much as possible sacredly transforming into the likeness that is perfect to Him, both itself and everything subordinate to it, not clinging to anything that exists by chance, but always wholly turning to the truly existing and incessantly partaking of the sovereign Godlikeness ”.

The forces known as "sparkling" or "shining" are angels of miracles, help, blessings that appear during battles in the name of faith. It is believed that David received the support of the Forces to fight Goliath. The powers are the angels from whom Abraham received power when God told him to sacrifice his only son Isaac. The main responsibilities of these angels are to perform miracles on Earth. They are allowed to interfere with everything about physical laws on Earth, but they are also responsible for enforcing those laws.

These ranks, the fifth in Dionysius' scheme, are given valor as well as mercy to humanity.

Together with the Dominions and Authorities, the Forces make up the second triad (rank). Pseudo-Dionysius says: “The name of the holy Powers means some powerful and invincible courage, as far as possible imparted to them, reflected in all their God-like actions in order to remove from themselves everything that could diminish and weaken the Divine illumination given to them, strongly striving for imitation of God, not remaining idle from laziness, but unswervingly looking at the highest and all-strengthening Power and, as far as possible, in its own strength making Her image, completely turned to Her as the source of Forces and God-likeness, descending to the lower powers to impart power to them. "

Authorities occupy a special place in the hierarchy due to the fact that God created them first. The authorities protect the world from being taken over by demons, protect our souls and act as God's helpers against evil. They are believed to reside in the region between the first and second heavens and patrol it to prevent the "devil's infiltration".

At the personal level, the Authorities intervene whenever a struggle between good and evil begins.

"Let every soul be submissive to the highest authorities, for there is no authority not from God, the existing authorities from God are established ..."

After our death, the Authorities help us to pass to another world.

In Christian mythological concepts, Power is an angelic being. According to the Gospels, the Authorities can be both good forces and minions of evil. As Pseudo-Dionysius says, “The name of the holy Powers signifies an equal to the Divine Dominions and Powers, a harmonious and capable of receiving Divine insights, the Order and the device of premium spiritual dominion, not using the sovereign powers given to evil automatically, but freely and respectfully to the Divine, both self-ascending and leading others to Him and as it is possible, likening to the Source and Giver of all power and depicting Him ... in the completely true use of their sovereign power. "

Beginnings Are legions of angels defending religion. They constitute the seventh face in the hierarchy of Dionysius, next immediately before the archangels. The beginnings give strength to the peoples of the Earth to find and survive their destiny. Dionysius claimed that this face "watched the leaders of men." They are also believed to be the guardians of the peoples of the world.

In the Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul says: "For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor beginnings, nor powers, nor present, nor future, can separate us from the love of God in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord."

Pseudo-Dionysius says: “The name of the heavenly Principalities means the God-like ability to command and govern in accordance with the sacred order, befitting the commanding Powers, both by themselves wholly addressing the Beginningless Beginning, and in others, as is characteristic of the Leadership, to guide Him, to imprint in oneself, as far as possible, the image of the source Beginning and finally, the ability to express His premium leadership in the improvement of the commanding Powers ...

The proclaiming order of the Leadership, Archangels and Angels alternately rules over human Hierarchies, so that the ascent and turning to God, communion and union with Him, which from God benevolently extends to all Hierarchies, is implanted through communication and poured out in the most sacred harmonious order " ...

All earthly ruling activities should be aimed at pleasing God and protecting faith in God from any encroachment on the true interpretations of serving God, protecting the true path to God, according to the Holy Gospel and the commandments of Jesus Christ.

Archangels - in the Christian faith, they represent senior angels.

The host of angels, according to Holy Scripture, is numerous. And only seven main angels in the Orthodox Church have personal names, namely: Michael; Gabriel; Raphael; Uriel; Salafail; Jehudiel; Barachiel.

Of the seven archangels, the Holy Church recognizes Michael as the Supreme Spirit.

"Who, like God" - signifies his name; who, like God, expresses all his deeds, the Hebrew "likeness of God" is the protector of people. He was the first to rebel against Dennitsa (Satan) when this one rebelled against the Almighty. And we know how this first terrible war ended: the overthrow of Dennitsa from heaven.

Since then, Michael has not ceased to work for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children.

Therefore, the Archangel Michael is always depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or sword in his hand, having a dragon under his feet, that is, a spirit of malice. The white banner adorning the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the angels to the Heavenly King, and the cross with which the spear ends makes it known that the fight against the kingdom of darkness and the victory over it by the archangel himself is committed in the name of the Cross of Christ, accomplished through patience, humility , selflessness. Sometimes he is depicted with scales (symbolizing justice), with which he weighs souls on the Day of Judgment.

Michael the archangel. His name is found three times in the book of the prophet Daniel, in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude and in the Revelation of St. John. The prophet Daniel (X: 13) calls it one of the first princes, and in the chapter XM (Art. 1) the great prince, standing for the sons of their people... The Holy Apostle Jude calls him Michael the Archangel (v. 9). The book of Revelation (XII: 7) describes the battle in heaven, in which Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and the angels fought against him (XII: 7). The veneration of the holy Archangel Michael in the Orthodox Church dates back to the most ancient times. He is commemorated on November 8 and September 6 according to the old style.

The second place among the Archangels belongs to Gabriel , his name means "Power of God" (Hebrew). This archangel, in the work of serving human salvation, is especially a herald and minister of the omnipotence of God.

Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles. The Holy Church depicts him sometimes with a paradise branch in his hand, which was brought to them by the Mother of God, and sometimes with a lantern in his right hand, inside which a candle is burning, and in his left hand with a jasper mirror, or with lilies, or giving lilies to the Virgin Mary (white lilies are a symbol of purity).

Gabriel (Luke, I: 19) - one of the seven main angels, raising the prayers of people to God. First of all, God commanded the archangel Gabriel to explain to the prophet Daniel the vision of a ram and a goat, as well as the mystery of the seventy weeks (Dan., VIII: 16; IX: 21). In the Quran of Mohammed, he is given special honor and praise.

Raphael , or "Help and healing of God" (Hebrew "healer of God." Comrade, III: 16), is the name of the third archangel. There is a whole book in the Holy Scriptures, which describes how this archangel in the form of a man accompanies the righteous Tobias. He freed his bride from an evil spirit, restored sight to his aged father Tobit, and then ascended from them to heaven. Therefore, this archangel is depicted with a healing vessel in his left hand, and leading Tobias with his right.

The angel guarding humanity, especially the pilgrims, is usually depicted in the attire of a pilgrim with a pilgrim's staff, a shell and a bottle of water.

The name of the fourth archangel - Uriel , that is, "Light, or the fire of God" (Hebrew), an angel who sends a person the light of Divine wisdom, is most often depicted with a scroll and a book or with a sword, and in his left hand with a flame descending downward. As an angel of Light, he enlightens the minds of people with open truths that are useful to them, and, like an angel of Divine fire, he ignites hearts with love for God and destroys in them impure earthly attachments. This archangel is the patron saint of people devoted to science.

Uriel (3 Ezd., IV: 1; V: 20). An angel sent by God to Ezra to instruct and explain to him the secret ways of God.


The fifth archangel is the supreme minister of prayer - Salafiel .

Pure and fiery prayer itself can serve instead of a cherub for the soul, protecting it from hostile forces. But what are our prayers? Weak, short, impure, cold. And so the Lord has given us the whole face of prayer angels with their leader Salafiel, so that with the pure breath of their lips they warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they raise our petitions to the throne of grace. When you see an archangel on the icon, standing in a prayer position, with his eyes down, with his hands on his chest, then know that this is Salafiel.

Salafiel - Prayer to God (3 Ezd., V: 16).


The sixth archangel has a golden crown in his right hand, and a whip (whip) of three red branches in his left. This is because the duty of this archangel, with the face of angels, is to encourage with the reward of the eternal blessings and to protect the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people who work for the glory of God, which is why it is called Yehudiel (Jehudil), or the Praise of God (3 Ezra, IV: 36).


The seventh archangel "Blessing of God" (4 Ezd. 36), as his name means, Barachiel ... He is depicted with many colors of pink in the bowels of his clothes.

Since the blessings of God are different, then his ministries are diverse.

Angelic powers

In Holy Scripture, we most often meet by the names of three archangels:

1. Heavenly Archangel Michael.

2. Participant of the Annunciation Gabriel.

3. Raphael the healer.

The place of residence of the holy angels is heaven. The Lord told us this: "The angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." It is clear from many other passages of Scripture that heaven is the abode of angels.

As we already know, being in heaven, they are sent by God to earth to fulfill various commands of God. At the second, and His terrible coming, the Lord will send His angels with a great trumpet voice, and will gather His elect from the four winds from the end of heaven to the end.

Angelic forces are a tremendous protection and support for us. Since ancient times, there is evidence of the appearance of angels to people and the help they provide. When we turn to the angels in prayer, we have great help and protection.

For the celebration of the Cathedral of the Holy Angels, the Church chose November - the ninth month of March (from which the year began before) in accordance with the number of 9 angelic ranks. These 9 ranks, according to the teaching of the Holy Church, are divided into 3 hierarchies: upper, middle and lower, each hierarchy contains 3 ranks. You've already read everything about hierarchy.

"The Archangel of God, the ministry of divine glory, the Angels of the ruler, and the men of the mentor, ask us something useful and great mercy, like the incorporeal Archangel"

(Kontakion, ch. 2).

Divine Light

You have all noticed that in the image of all the saints, a halo, or a luminous disk that surrounds their heads, is common. It is also called a halo. It comes from the Greek "chalos" (a round wooden flooring on which a bull walks, turning the millstones in a mill). The word was brought back to life in the 16th century, when astronomers began to use it to name the aurora caused by the refraction of light from the fog they saw around the sun, moon, and other planets. Theologians have adopted this word to designate them "the crown of glory" over the heads of angels, saints and martyrs.

Halo as a symbol of the light emitted by the Divine person is not only Christianity. In ancient times, this concept was widely used to denote power and greatness.

I will digress a little from the topic of Christianity and want to inform you that, for example, Buddha in Indian art is sometimes depicted with an impressive red halo. Greek and Roman deities were also often depicted with halos; Zeus and Jupiter had blue halos, Roman emperors, who considered themselves deities, were also depicted with halos, especially in outdoor sculptures: an impressive halo protected the head from birds. In Byzantine art, Satan was depicted with a halo, symbolizing the radiation of power. Now we will never portray evil with a halo, but it turns out that such were the times.

For the first time, halos appeared on Christian images during the reign of Constantine in the 4th century. Until the 12th century, the halo resembled a golden plate. Later, ornamental border and radial beams of light were added. For simplicity, by the end of the 16th century, this form was reduced to the familiar golden circle.

There are four main types of halos: for living saints and persons such as the pope, the halo is square; when depicting one of the characters of the Trinity, especially Christ, the shape of a cross or three rays; for God, a triangular halo. The fourth form is the mandorla, an oval halo that includes the entire body, originated from the symbol "fish". At first, the symbol depicted a cloud in which Christ descended.


These symbols come from two biblical stories. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew prophet of the 6th century BC e. Ezekiel recorded his vision of the throne of the Lord, and around the four beasts: "The four of them had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side, and the four of them had the face of a bull on the left side, the four of them also had the face of an eagle."... The same four beasts are mentioned in the Revelation of Saint John: "And the first animal was like a lion, and the second animal was like a calf, and the third animal had a face like a man, and the fourth animal was like a flying eagle."

The early Christians interpreted it as follows: man, the king of the earthly world, corresponds to the love of Christ, the bull, the king of domestic animals, symbolizes the strength and sacrifice and corresponds to the Suffering of Christ on the Cross, the lion is the king of beasts, it symbolizes pride, royal dignity and corresponds to the Resurrection of Christ , the eagle, like the king of birds, symbolizes dignity, mercy, divinity, it corresponds to the Ascension. This interpretation of the symbols of the Evangelists was given by Saint Jeremiah, who wrote: “The first, with the face of a man, denotes Matthew, who began to write, like a man, a book of all generations about Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, the second — Mark, in which the voice of the Lion growling in the wilderness is heard:“ Prepare yourself for the path of the Lord ". " Similarly, Jeremiah defines Luke as a bull, because he begins his Gospel with the scene of the sacrifice performed by the priests in the temple, and later emphasizes that self-sacrifice was the main thing in the life of Christ, while the eagle corresponds to John (according to tradition, it is the very same John who was the apostle and author of Revelation), since he began his Gospel "like an eagle rushing to the best", and began with the Divine Word: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ".

These symbols also appear as emblems next to or behind figures of evangelists, who are often depicted with quill, ink, and scrolls or books. Sometimes Luke was depicted with a portrait of the Virgin Mary, because it was believed that he painted one portrait. Matthew and John have other emblems as apostles.

Emblems and symbols of the apostles

I have never come across the emblems and symbols of the apostles before, and I was very interested in this information, I think it will also be interesting to you, because we have one goal - to the Light, to God.

In the earliest depictions of the apostles, they were painted in the form of 12 sheep standing on either side of Christ - the "shepherd", or Agnus Dei - the Lamb of God. But in the Middle Ages, each apostle found his own symbols in painting, sculpture, and stained glass. Here are the emblems and symbols of the 14 apostles (the original 12, and later joined by Matthias and Paul).

Andrey symbolized by an oblique cross (usually silver or gold on a blue background, since it was assumed that it was on a cross of this shape that he was crucified). Like other saints who were fishermen, he sometimes had a fish as an emblem. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.

Bartholomew traditionally depicted with a butcher's knife, in memory of the fact that he was skinned alive, is also depicted with a piece of leather on his hand.

Jacob the Elder , the first of the apostles to be executed, is sometimes depicted with a saber, with which he was beheaded. He is considered the patron saint of the pilgrims, primarily to the Holy Land, and therefore sometimes in his image there are such details as a staff, a travel bottle and a folding shell. Pilgrims often placed shells in their hats as a symbol of good luck on the journey, but shells also had practical value - they were used as spoons. Jacob is the patron saint of Spain.

Jacob the Younger (Christ's brother) is depicted with a stick, with which he was killed by a blow to the head by Simeon.

John can be depicted with a bowl from which a snake slips - a reminder of the legend that a poisoned drink was served to John, but the poison did not harm John, since he crossed the bowl.

Judas Iscariot sometimes depicted with a bag for money, which recalls the words from the Gospel of John, said by Judas to Mary Magdalene: "Why not sell this myrrh for three hundred denarii and give it to the poor?" He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. In painting, Judas's beard is often painted as red - this is the color of both cowardice and betrayal.

Judas is depicted with a mace - a symbol of his martyrdom in Persia, a staff or with a carpentry quadrant - a hint of his profession, and also with an oar, boat hook or ship - symbols of his missionary travels.

Matthew , like an apostle, carries a bag of money, as an allusion to his position as a tax collector for the Roman state (which is why he is considered the patron saint of bankers and accountants). Sometimes he carries a carpenter's ruler and quadrant, or the objects of his martyrdom - a lance, an executioner's ax, or a halberd. In the 15th-17th centuries, he was often depicted with an ax on a lance.

Matthias was not the first apostle, he was chosen to the place vacated after Judas Iscariot. His emblem is the objects of his martyrdom - the battle ax with which he was killed and an open book.

Paul often depicted as a short man with a bald head in front and a long beard. Maybe with a book, as a sign of the contribution he made in promoting the teachings of Christ. His main emblem is the saber, with which he was beheaded and which also serves as a reminder of his words addressed to Christians - to arm himself with the "saber of the spirit." Paul is the patron saint of preachers.

Peter also carries a saber, in memory of the fact that he cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Other emblems include a fish and a rooster as a sign of his renunciation. As Christ said at the Last Supper: "Even the rooster will not crow today, as you deny Me three times." The rooster is also a symbol of Peter's repentance and his service as the first pope. Its main symbol is an inverted cross and two crossed keys, since Christ gave him “the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”.

Philip often depicted with a T-shaped cross, since it is believed that Philip was hanged by his head on a high post. Also, his symbol is a basket of bread - in memory of the fact that he fed five thousand people.

Simon sometimes he appears with a fish in one hand, which contains a hint of his occupation, and also with a saw, the subject of his martyrdom in Persia.

Thomas carries a spear as it was pierced by it. He is also the patron saint of bricklayers and architects, his symbol is the carpentry quadrant.

Judas Thaddeus (Judas Jacob or Levvey) is the brother of Jacob Alpheev. The Gospel of Matthew (10: 3) and Mark (3:18) mention Thaddeus or Leveus, called Thaddeus; according to the unanimous opinion of the interpreters, this is the same Judas.

In the Gospel of John, Judas at the Last Supper asks Jesus about his coming resurrection. Moreover, he is called "Judas, not Iscariot" to distinguish him from Judas - a traitor. Now the majority of biblical scholars consider the apostle Judas and Judas, “the brother of the Lord,” to be different persons. According to legend, the Apostle Judas preached in Palestine, Arabia, Syria and Mesopotamia and died a martyr's death in Armenia in the second half of the 1st century AD. e. The alleged grave is located on the territory of the Armenian monastery of St. Thaddeus in northwestern Iran.

The sacred meaning of the seven

Throughout the centuries, the number "seven" has had tremendous esoteric meaning. In Christianity, this figure has a sacred meaning.

We call on the help of the seven holy angels of God. This:

Monday: Archangel Michael - "Who, like God";

Tuesday: Archangel Gabriel - "The Power of God";

Wednesday: Archangel Raphael - "Help and Healing of God";

Thursday: Archangel Uriel - "Fire and Light of God";

Friday: Archangel Salafiel - "Prayer to God";

Saturday: Archangel Yehudiel - "Praise be to God";

Sunday: Archangel Barachiel - "Blessing of God".

But it turns out there is also an eighth day. I myself found out about it not so long ago.

Eighth day: Archangel Jeremiel - "The judgment of God, the height of God."

The eighth archangel Jeremiel is the angel of the new day of the world, the day of the century to come, which began with the salvation of mankind by our Lord Jesus Christ and proceeds mysteriously in this century as counted weeks.

Although the number of angels is immeasurably large: tmy (tma - a thousand) themes, according to the expression of Holy Scripture, there are only seven archangels. Why are there only seven main archangels, no less and no more? This is the secret of creation, known only to the Lord, the Creator of angels.

We can note with reverence that the sevenfold number is a sacred number: for if we see the kingdom of grace, we will receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments. If we look at the kingdom of nature, we find seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days of creation, and so on.

How can one comprehend this great, sacred number?

The number "seven", as perfect from the beginning of the world by God Himself, was chosen and sanctified to represent many of His mysteries and actions: on the seventh day, the Lord rested from all works; the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are numbered by the prophet Isaiah, many other images-symbols with the word "seven" are revealed to man.

If you are truly looking for the Light and if you are carrying Good, you will definitely do:

Seven Works of Spiritual Mercy

1. Fix the sinner

2. Unable to teach

3. Give good advice to the doubter

4. Pray for the salvation of the neighbor Lord

5. To comfort the sad

6. Endure untruth with patience

7. Forgiving enemies

Seven Deeds of Bodily Grace

1. Feed the hungry

2. Thirsty to drink

3. Clothe naked

4. Let the wanderer into the house

5. Visit the sick

6. Go to prisoners and ransom prisoners

7. Bury the deceased

Seven Sacraments of the New Testament:

Baptism, chrismation, repentance, communion, priesthood, marriage and sanctification of oil.

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Wisdom, reason, conscience, strength, knowledge, piety and fear of God.

Seven sins of mortals with opposite virtues:

Pride is humility;

love of money is non-covetousness;

fornication - chastity;

anger is patience;

voluptuousness - fasting;

envy is brotherly love;

despondency is prayer.

Apocalypse - The Revelation of John the Theologian about the second coming of God and the Last Judgment contains the mysterious symbolism of the number "seven".

Seven Ecumenical Councils:

Developed the Rules of Church Life and freed the Church of Christ from turmoil and heresy.

1st Nicene(325) - formulated the first part of the Creed, defining the Divine Son of God.

1st Constantinople(387) - established the second part of the Creed, defining the Divinity of the Holy Spirit.

Ephesian(431) - gave a definition of Jesus Christ as the incarnate Word of God and Mary as the Mother of God.

Chalcedonian(451) - gave the definition of Jesus Christ as true God and true man in one person.

2nd Constantinople(553) - once again confirmed the teaching about the Holy Trinity and about Jesus Christ.

3rd Constantinople(680) - confirmed the true Humanity of Jesus Christ through the knowledge of His human will and actions.

2nd Nicene(787) - proclaimed the icon as a true expression of the Christian faith.

The Creed contains seven sections:

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

2. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, true God, true from God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Who was all. For us, for the sake of man and for our salvation, he descended from heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and the suffering of lice, and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

3. And packs coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, but His Kingdom will have no end.

4. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-giving One who proceeds from the Father, Who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the prophets.

5. In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

6. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

7. Tea for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the century to come. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer is divided into: invocation, seven petitions, or seven petitions, and praise.

Church week. Resurrection:

It counts seven days, seven days in a row.

Resurrection, or a week, her main holiday (free from earthly labor, from deeds - not practical). The people used to say: "We are not doing today," that is, "we are celebrating." On this day, he went to church to praise God, to pray for the Fatherland, for the health of the living and the repose of the departed Orthodox Christians. The rest of the days are weekdays, that is, days of vigil, vigor, work.

The Orthodox Church has established a special veneration for each day:

Resurrection, or a week, - Little Easter.

Monday- incorporeal ranks (angels and archangels).

Tuesday- The Baptist of the Lord and Forerunner John.

Wednesday and friday- The Mother of God and the Cross of the Lord.

Thursday- to the Apostles and Saint Nicholas.

Saturday- to all the saints and the dead.

Evil forces and their hierarchies

... And the angels, who did not retain their dignity, but left their dwelling place, are kept in eternal bonds, under darkness, at the judgment of the great day.

Jude 1: 6

But besides the angelic world, there is also the world of evil spirits. These are angels, according to the word of the Apostle Jude, who did not retain their dignity, but left their dwelling place. They are fallen angels. They are in eternal bonds, under darkness, until the judgment of the great day. This is the devil, Satan, the demon.

All angels were created good, so that they love God and each other and from this life of love have constant great joy. But God did not want to force love, so He left the angels free to choose - whether they themselves want to love Him - to live in God or not. As long as the devil was bright and holy, he dwelt in heaven. And then an unfortunate transformation took place there, and a large assembly of angels separated from the holy host of heavenly forces, became an assembly of dark demons, with a fallen cherub at its head. One, the highest and most powerful angel, named Lucifer, was proud of his power and strength, did not want to love God and do the will of God, but wanted to become like God himself. He began to slander God, oppose everything and deny everything, and became a dark, evil spirit - the devil, Satan. The word “devil” means “slanderer”, and the word “Satan” means “enemy” of God and all that is good. This evil spirit seduced and carried away many other angels, who also became evil spirits and are called demons.

As a consequence of this transformation, there was a great battle in heaven. Then one of the highest angels of God, the archangel Michael, spoke out against Satan and said: “Who is equal to God? Nobody is like God! "

And there was a war in heaven: the archangel Michael and his angels fought against Satan, and Satan and his demons fought against them. And as a result of this battle, the serpent (Satan) and his angels were thrown down.

This is how evil arose in God's creation. Everything that is done against God, everything that violates the will of God is called evil.

The place of residence of the fallen angels became the heavenly space, the earth's surface and the abyss, or hell. There they are tormented in their anger, seeing their powerlessness before God. All of them, out of their impenitence, have become so entrenched in evil that they can no longer be good. They try to seduce every person with cunning and cunning, instilling in him false thoughts and evil desires in order to destroy.

At present, the abyss, tartar, hell, the underworld, the interior of the earth serve as the abode for the devil, the head of the fallen angels.

The holy prophet Isaiah announced this dwelling to the fallen archangel: “But you have been cast into hell. Into the depths of the underworld. " And this was accomplished over the prince of air power by the power of the Savior of mankind, the God-man. This Savior is a great angel - God, who has the key of the abyss and who descended from Heaven, becoming human, and used his flesh, prostrating himself on the Cross, to bind the serpent, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and Satan.

Being imprisoned in a material prison, the devil must necessarily have a material nature, otherwise no prison can keep him. Before the second coming of the Lord, Satan will be released from prison and will go out to deceive (tempt) the people around the world.

“And there was a war in heaven: the archangel Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels fought against them.

But they could not resist, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceived the whole universe, was cast out to earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and did not love their souls even unto death.

And so have fun, heaven and those who dwell on them! Woe to those who dwell on earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you in great rage, knowing that he does not have much time! "

(Rev. 12: 7-12).

Demons have by nature such an external appearance, like angels, that is, the appearance of a person in his body. By this resemblance to man, the Lord called the devil man.

Demons have distorted themselves by the destruction of good in themselves, the birth and development of evil. For this reason, the Scripture calls them beasts, and the main of them - a serpent: "The serpent was the wisest of all the beasts that lived on Earth."

The rage and fall of the demons were reflected in their appearance. Job the devil saw a terrible monster.

The devil (slanderer, seducer) - this is an evil angel by his deceit and efforts to seduce people and instill in them false thoughts and evil desires.

Satan - a Hebrew word meaning an enemy and an enemy in general. In the Holy Scriptures, this name is applied to the devil, who is the leader of evil spirits, the enemy of God and the tempter and destroyer of human souls. The apostle Peter was tempted by Satan.

Demons - servants of the devil. They send evil eye and damage, in every possible way harm people and through them to God. They especially hate marriage. It is impossible to come to an agreement with demons, because they are ossified in evil and do not want to do anything that is related to good.

Christianity identifies demons with fallen angels. They retained supernatural abilities from their angelic past, namely: power over space and the elements, the ability to inspire people with thoughts and deeds. In addition, they retained the ability to become invisible and change their appearance at will. As a rule, the characteristic sign of the appearance of an imp is the suffocating smell of sulfur. They can appear in the guise of angels, take the form of this or that person, or turn into monsters or animals - reptiles, birds or black dogs and cats.

Among the host of demons, the most famous are the main servants of Satan - Beelzebub, Azazel, Belial, as well as Mephistopheles, who tempted Doctor Faustus.

Sorcerers classify spirits in various ways. There are spirits of the seven planets, every day of the week, every hour, and so on. There are also elementals.

The spirits of each element also have their own characters and habits. So, for example, the spirits of the air are very evil and cruel.

Water spirits appear in the form of women, they are deceitful and cruel.

Earth spirits usually dwell in forests. They are sociable and try to knock the traveler off the road, "fool".

Underground spirits are especially malevolent. However, sorcerers resort to the help of fallen angels.

The devil(With Greek- slanderer, deceiver) - evil angels by their cunning and efforts to seduce people and instill in them false thoughts and evil desires.

“Your father is the devil,” the Lord says to the unbelieving Jews, “and you want to fulfill the desires of your Father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth; for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of lies "

(John, VIII: 44).

The devils do not manifest themselves in our world on their own, they need to be summoned with special spells and a special ritual. Already summoned by the devil, persons with certain abilities can drive in anywhere. Just as the devil is summoned with a special ritual, so for his expulsion there is a special ritual that is used by exorcists. There are a lot of devils, and they are all subdivided according to their sphere of influence and have different ranks.

Some demonologists of the past built a hierarchy of demons according to their attributed ability to induce people to commit the seven deadly sins.

Binsfeld (1589) gave the following list:

Lucifer is pride

Mammon is greed

Asmodeus is debauchery,

Satan is anger

Beelzebub - gluttony

Leviathan - envy

Belphegor is idleness.

Among the evil spirits, there is a special mention of Beelzebub - the prince of the devil, and Asmodeus - the devil-seducer.

Many devil are the source of disease. The most powerful devil are Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astaroth.

Later, in 1801, Francis Barrett, an occultist born two centuries later, changed the list of devil and classified sins. Mammon became the prince of tempters and seducers, Asmodeus - the avenger for the evil done, Satan - a symbol of deception (serving witches and spellcasters) and Beelzebub - false gods. In addition, Python was presented as the prince of the spirits of lies, Belial - the repository of vice (cards and bones), Merihim - the spirits that cause infectious diseases, Abaddon - the wars and Astaroth - the accusers and inquisitors.

Since the devil were rebellious and fallen angels, they established their ranks as angelic, creating a demonic hierarchy.

First face

1. Beelzebub was the prince of the seraphim and the next after Lucifer.

Since all the princes, that is, all the heads of the nine angelic choirs, are fallen, then you should know that Lucifer, Beelzebub and Leviathan, who led the entire rebellion, were the first to fall away from the choir of seraphim. But the fourth was Michael, who first opposed Lucifer, and all the good angels followed him, so now he is the most important of them. Beelzebub inclines people to pride. And as John the Baptist took the place of Lucifer in Paradise thanks to his humility, so Beelzebub has his adversary in heaven - the Apostle Evangelist John the Theologian.

2. Leviathan is a prince of the same degree, inciting people to sins that directly contradict faith.

Opponent: apostle peter.

3. Asmodeus , a fallen seraphim, who has tremendous power, which he has not lost until now, and is the prince of base desires.

Opponent: apostle luke.

4. Balberite was the prince of the cherubim. He persuades people to commit suicide, all kinds of fights that happen for almost no reason. He inclines people to slander and the use of obscene words.

Opposed to him saint barnabas.

5. Astaroth inclines people to an idle pastime: all kinds of drinking, merry companies, idle and empty pastime - that's what he imposes on people. He also tempts people to be idle and lazy.

Opposed to him Apostle Bartholomew.

6. Verren , also the prince of thrones, following Astaroth, inclines people to intolerance towards each other and thus to a quarrel. This is a wicked and treacherous devil.

He is opposed Saint Ananias and holy martyr Alexander of Rome.

7. Gressil ... The third in a row of Thrones, inclines people to uncleanness and slovenliness. He takes pleasure in watching people swarm in the mud, smiling with dirty forelocks and exuding a stench.

Opposed to him Saint Simeon.

8. Sonnelon - the fourth in a row of thrones, arouses hatred of enemies among people. And by this he annoys God.

Opposed to him apostle paul.

Second face

9. Carro , the prince of powers, inclines people to hard-heartedness. He is happy when the commandment of God "love your neighbor" is not fulfilled ...

Opposed to him the apostle evangelist Matthew.

10. Carnivan - also the prince of powers, inclines people to obscenity and shamelessness. He takes pleasure in watching low scenes of debauchery, he laughs and laughs when women are humiliated, he brings people to bestiality, bisexuality, oral sex and other shamelessness.

Opposed to him Simon Zealot.

11. Elle - Prince of Dominions, incites people to take possession of someone else's property.

He is opposed Apostle Philip and holy unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian.

12. Rosier - the second in the line of Dominions, with sweet speeches inclines people to lust.

Opposed to him the evangelist saint mark.

13. Verrier - the prince began, inclines people to break the vow of obedience and incites them to blasphemy.

Opposed to him Apostle Fadeus.

The third face

14. Belial - the prince of forces, incline people to arrogance and vanity. He takes pleasure in watching a worthless person boast of his position.

Opposed to him Saint Josiah.

15. Olivius - the prince of the archangels. Encourages people to be cruel and ruthless towards the poor, disadvantaged and orphans.

He is opposed Saint Cleopas and the reverend Sampson the Stranger.

How can you apply what you just learned in practice? Knowing about that saint or apostle who opposes the reigning devil will help you choose the right prayer depending on whose name you will call for help during the prayer for the deliverance of the given devil-tormentor.

The number of the devil was legion. Saint Macarius of Egypt prayed to the Lord to allow him to see the forces of evil, the eyes of the saint were opened, and he saw the devil "numerous, like bees."

The number of devil is more than half of the total population of the world, but nevertheless in the fight against evil they are opposed by the following archangels and angels:

Michael - "Who is like God";

Gabriel - The Power of God;

Raphael - God the Healer;

Samuel - the Strongest;

Anael - Hear me, Lord!;

Sashiel - Justice of God;

Cassiel - Throne of God;

Uriel - Fire and light of God;

Jeriel - the Height of God;

Salafiel - Prayer to God;

Jehudiel - Praise of God;

Barachiel - Blessing of God.

Their life is eternal, therefore, in your prayers, you need to resort to the help of these archangels.

The devil's net

The evil fisher-devil daily catches each of us in his net. And how many of these networks, and how many unwary ones fall into them! And each of them has its own name. These are the most common networks in which he catches us: a network of anger and enmity, a network of covetousness, a network of addiction to pleasure, entertainment, a network of pride, doubts about the truths of faith, a network of unbelief, a network of envy and ill will, a network of avarice or passion. hoarding money, a network of gluttony, drunkenness, a network of fornication, a network of addiction to clothes, when a person thinks only about decorating the body, and does not think about decorating the soul with virtues, a network of despondency, murmuring, a network of false shame, a network of condemnation of a neighbor, a network of idle talk, and slander.

And you never know these nets for the destruction of our souls are thrown by the enemy of the human race!

Life is the sea, we are fish, the devil is our fisherman, his cunning and cunning, combined with the cunning of our flesh and the world, make up the net with which he perfectly catches his fish.

Beware of such a skillful catcher and such dangerous nets! Avoid them!

A powerful weapon against the devil

There is a powerful weapon against the spirits of malice prayer- earnest, humble, pure prayer. There is no time in which prayer to God would not be necessary for us, prayer for our inner man is the same as breathing for the outer. A person stops breathing, at the same time he stops living. Likewise, a soul that is not accustomed to prayer ceases to live the life of God and is dead to God and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, the Christian soul, at every temptation, immediately rushes mentally to God. Protect yourself with the cross and prayer and - by this, conquer!

In the part of the book "Prayer Shield" I cite wonderful prayers that have extraordinary power. Reading them, you will see for yourself. They are your weapon.

The manifestation of evil spirits to people

We all have repeatedly heard eyewitness accounts of how they encountered evil spirits. Moreover, these manifestations are very different from each other, and can be almost the same both in terms of influence and in visible outlines. People very often come across brownies, devils, poltergeist phenomena, all kinds of spirits, and less often - these are demons, devil and the highest devilish ranks. Let's touch a little on such a phenomenon as poltergeist.


Poltergeist Is a German word for spirit (geist) making noise or din (polter). In the Legion of Demons, these are the demons with the lowest potential for evil. Very often they get along with some people, and they, in turn, call them affectionately barabashka. Yet they are demons, not spirits. The manifestation of the presence of these demons is characterized by such features as noises or knocks, steps on the floor or ceiling, and by the speed of the step and its severity, one can judge what rank the demon has settled in your house. Objects can move and ignite spontaneously in your house, inscriptions appear anywhere. The manifestations of levitation and telekinesis very often knock the inhabitants of a house or apartment off balance. Very often, the demon steals small objects, and later these objects can be found in the most unexpected places.

Poltergeist demons are very fond of the clanking of chains or the ringing of a small bell, therefore, in order to "catch" such a demon, from ancient times they use the noise of chains followed by their sharp twisting or the ringing of a bell in order to drive the demon into a trap, that is, into a separate room, doors which were closed, special seals were put on them under the singing of psalm 90, the same seals were put on the windows, and the one who lured the demon entered into single combat, and it was not always possible to defeat the demons. But if the one who volunteered to exorcise the demon turned out to be weak, he either died or ran away from the room, in which case the demon eluded and began to create such atrocities from which it was simply impossible to escape.

Brownie is a fairly common phenomenon in our life. Various stories about brownies fill our lives, and we cannot fully find out what he threatens us with. They live in close proximity to people, without causing them much harm, occasionally showing their appearance, if they are dissatisfied with something, they can strangle their owners (meaning people living in the house where the brownie settled). The sizes of brownies are very different - from a small shaggy man to a giant covered with thick wool. As a rule, he is not expelled, but if he begins to cause harm, they try to get rid of him.

The devil in his appearance is rarely shown to people. There are many eyewitnesses who have encountered devils in their lives, and the description of the trait is the same for all, and it does not differ from its generally known appearance. He settles in energetically dysfunctional houses and in houses where the name of the devil is very often called. The harm from his presence is significant. Devils are excellent telepaths, they know your innermost thoughts, and they begin to play on them. If you are a greedy person, the devil constantly supports and inflames your greed to fury, if evil has settled in your heart, the devil will rekindle your feelings until you have the desire to kill the person. The devil can push a person to any crime. If the devil meets resistance from a person, then he pushes him to commit suicide. You can resist the devil by fasting, prayer and personal resistance and rejection of sinful deeds.

The demon manifests itself in the physical body even less often than the devil, he prefers to remain invisible. Its effect on a person is more powerful than the effect of a devil and is extremely destructive.

Witches prefer to work with demons, and they, in turn, easily come to an agreement, because after the death of a witch, these become completely dependent on the demon and serve him in the most rough work. They promise their witch many blessings. But the witch should be aware that the human race is hated in the "kingdom" of evil, because it is precisely because God created man that war arose in heaven. The devil and his legion of evil spirits need to humiliate the human race, disfigure its souls and, laughing, show God: "Look what you created, this is what they did, and they were created in the image and likeness of God."

It is not easy to cast out a demon, since a person in whose body there is a demon becomes very strong physically, and when the demon is driven out, it is necessary to restrain the patient, and it is very dangerous if a demon possessed person breaks free, since in a rage he can kill more than one person who stands on his way.

Spiritual vision

(according to the works of St. Ignatius)

According to the saying of the Holy Fathers, who belong not only to the Eastern Church, but to the entire Universal Church, one can see what a great difference there is between the being of God and the being of an angel, demon and soul, although the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Fathers call God the Spirit, and angels, and demons, and human souls by spirits. They are called incorporeal, insubstantial for the reason that they do not have our flesh, our gross materiality, are not subject to our senses, which makes them different from the category of material objects subject to our senses. They are called reasonable, mental, according to the main distinguishing property, mind or spirit, the ability not only to think, but also to feel spiritually.

The way the ancient Christians understood the nature of spirits and the word "spirit" are accurately explained by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. Under the general name of spirit, much and differently is said in the Holy Scriptures. Especially it is necessary to distinguish that spirit which is called the Holy Spirit. So, the name of the spirit is related to many objects of nature. And the angel is called spirit, and the soul is called spirit, and the blowing wind is called spirit, and great power is called spirit, and an unclean deed is called spirit, and the enemy demon is called spirit. Beware when you hear the word "spirit" so as not to confuse the name of one for the other. When it comes to the spirit, it is necessary to add to each specific case with words that reflect the quality of this spirit.

If Scripture speaks of the spirit of the human soul, then it adds the word "man" (human spirit), if it speaks of the wind, then the spirit of the storm is expressed, if it means a demon, it calls it an unclean spirit so that we know what subject I am talking about, and so that we didn't think it was talking about the Holy Spirit.

No creature is equal to the Holy Spirit.

There are quite a few skeptics who will say with a smile: "Spirits, what nonsense, there are no spirits and cannot be."

However, let's not rush to conclusions and statements. After all, not always what you do not know does not really exist. We can't know everything, so let's see what they say about it ...

In the modern world, many doubt the existence of spirits, many reject them. Even those who acknowledge the existence of the soul reject the existence of spirits. If souls exist after their separation from bodies, then we can say that spirits also exist. If we admit that the souls of villains exist on a par with the souls of good people, then this means that there are spirits of good and evil. We can say with complete confidence: "They exist!"

He who rejects the existence of spirits rejects the existence of Christianity. Therefore, according to the Holy Scriptures, the Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil and by His death to abolish the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil. If there are no fallen spirits, then the incarnation of God has no meaning.

According to our weak knowledge of Christianity, it is difficult to find the correct teaching and vision of the spirits to which we belong in soul and must share eternal bliss (heaven) and eternal torment (hell).

The vision of spirits is purely personal for everyone. One can see the spirit with bodily eyes, and one can see spiritually, that is, with spiritual eyes: the mind, the heart, purified by God's grace. In the ordinary state of his sinful life, a person does not see spirits either sensually or spiritually, since he is stricken with sinful blindness.

To fight the enemy, you have to see him all the time. Without the vision of spirits, fighting them is meaningless. One can only get carried away by them and fall into slavish obedience to them.

But let's think about the sensory vision of spirits.

Sensual vision of spirits

When man was created by God, his body was immortal, alien to diseases and fleshly sensations inherent in him at this time. With such a body, with such senses, a person was capable of sensory vision of spirits, could communicate with them.

The holy body of a person did not serve as an obstacle to communication with spirits. Clothed in it, a person was able to live in paradise, and now only saints are able to stay there.

With the sinful fall of man, his soul and body changed. This fall for man became his death.

Visible death is the separation of the soul from the body (before those who had already died in connection with the departure from the true life that God gave us).

We are born already killed by death.

Diseases of our body are a consequence of the fall of the sinful person. Our body has become on a par with animals. The body serves as a dungeon and a coffin for the soul. In this state, our bodily senses are unable to communicate with spirits and cannot see, hear or feel them. The holy spirits left a person, as not worthy of such communication, and the fallen spirits hold the soul of a person in captivity in order to strengthen their strength over him.

We, sinners, need to know that communication with holy angels is not peculiar to us and that communication with rejected spirits, sensually appearing to a person who is in sin, is peculiar to us - these are demons, not holy angels. Although the demons, appearing to people, take the form of bright angels for deception, they try to assure that they are human souls, and not demons, although they reveal secrets, one cannot believe them. They have mixed truth with falsehood for the most convenient seduction.

In my practice, I often came across people who claimed that Jesus was always with them, that he dictates what to do, what item and in what sequence to take, even dictates how to cook borscht.

But you must understand that it can only be demons, since Jesus would teach other truths. He would help the soul to find the Spiritual Light, and not please the body and stomach.

In Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul says: “And no wonder: because Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light. Therefore, it is not a great matter if his servants take the form of ministers of righteousness: but their end will be according to their deeds. "

Every person should know that one cannot trust spirits when they appear in a sensible way, not enter into a conversation with them, not pay any attention to them, consider their appearance the greatest and most dangerous temptation. During this temptation, all thoughts should be directed to God with a prayer for mercy. The desire to see spirits, curiosity to know something about them is a sign of great folly. The knowledge of spirits is acquired in a completely different way. For the inexperienced, open communication with spirits is the greatest calamity, or is the source of the greatest calamities.

The Bible says that during the fall of the first people, God pronounced judgment on them even before being expelled from paradise, making them leather garments and putting them on. Leather robe denotes our sinful flesh. In our sinful body, evil and good are mixed, and we are attracted now to evil, now to good. Demons are always directed towards evil.

For a safe entry into the world of spirits, each person needs a certain time for wandering around the earth, according to the law of God. We call this wandering earthly life. The frivolous and those who do not know Christianity are carried away by curiosity, ignorance, unbelief, not realizing that by entering into such communion with the spirits, they can inflict the greatest harm on themselves: people who have surrendered to sinfulness and departed from God enter into this communion for the most vicious motives for the most vicious goals.

At God's discretion, spirits appear only in times of extreme need for the purpose of saving and correcting a person.

The sensual vision of spirits without the spiritual is a superficial concept of them.

The spiritual vision of spirits is achieved only by true Christians, and people of the most vicious life are most capable of the sensual.

Who sees spirits and is in sensual communication with them? Magi, people exhausted by drunkenness and debauchery.

Christian asceticism alone achieves the correct, legal entry into the world of spirits. The true Christ ascetic is brought into vision by God Himself, the sensual vision of spirits is given only to some ascetics.

Evil spirits are bound (powerless) in their actions in relation to the ascetic Christ by the power and wisdom of God guiding them, and, despite the fact that they breathe anger against the servant of God, they cannot inflict on him the evil they would like. If the demons see that any of the Christians begins to strive and prosper towards God, then they approach him and begin to put obstacles in his path: sinful thinking. Not having time to seduce the heart with a secret action through lust, they approach in a different way and attempt to frighten with empty ghosts, taking on various images - now women, now animals, now reptiles, now the greatest giants. If during this attempt they find a soul strengthened by faith and hope, then they bring with them the leader (the devil).

We must fear only one God. Demons should be despised and not feared. The great weapon against them is an honest life and faith in God. They know the grace that the Savior gave against them to the believers and said to his seventy disciples: “Behold, I give you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and nothing will hurt you. However, do not rejoice in this that the spirits obey you: but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. "

If the demons come to you at night and start talking about the future, talking about themselves - we are angels, then do not believe them. They lie. Do not listen to them and do not pay attention, but immediately mark yourself and your dwelling with the sign of the cross, turn to prayer, and you will see they disappear. They are timid and extremely afraid of the sign of the godfather, because the Savior deprived them of their strength by the cross and betrayed them to shame. One can quickly distinguish between the presence of good spirits and the presence of evil ones. The manifestation of holy spirits does not produce confusion in the soul. The prophet Isaiah says about the holy angel: "He will not cry out and lift up his voice, does not allow him to be heard in the streets." This is because the holy angels are present with the Lord, who is our joy and the strength of God the Father.

On the contrary, the invasion of evil spirits is accompanied by noise, thumping, sounds and screams, similar to that made by ill-bred children, pirates and robbers. From their presence, fear, longing, aversion from exploit, laziness, despondency, fear of death, sinful desires appear in the soul.

Do not be afraid at the sight of evil spirits, be calm, pray: joy and such a state of mind are a sign of the presence of holy spirits.

The Lord does not allow us to be deceived by evil demons. When the devil approached the Lord with temptations, the Lord forbade him with the following words: "Depart from Me, Satan, for it is written: 'Worship the Lord thy God and serve Him alone."

Do not be proud of the power of casting out demons and the gift of healing diseases. The one who does not exorcise deserves no surprise. As long as the Lord is with us, until then the enemies will not be able to harm us.

The fallen spirits hate the human race so much that if they were allowed by the right hand of God, they would destroy us instantly.

Man arbitrarily rejected communion with God and the holy angels, voluntarily entered into communion with evil spirits rejected by God, hostile to God, submitted to evil spirits. Salvation to fallen man is given by God: by giving the right to choose to accept or reject this salvation. For a person, either captivity or struggle is inevitable. Fallen spirits try to keep a person captive.

A person is helped by the Divine grace given to him at Holy Baptism, without which the struggle with the spirits and liberation from captivity are impossible.

An example in asceticism was shown over Him by the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, who accepted all our weaknesses, except for sin: first the tempter devil appeared to him in the wilderness, then, after the victory over the devil, the holy angels approached the Lord and served him. This is how the Gospel proclaims to us.

Experienced instructors forbade the young monks an intensified feat of fasting, vigil, and seclusion, at which feats the spirits soon began to appear sensually and deceived the ascetic, leading him to damage and death.

Very few are capable of openly fighting demons. The only correct entry into the world of spirits is Christian asceticism. God himself brings spirits into this vision.

Whoever invades the sensory vision of spirits independently acts wrong, contrary to the will of God: it is impossible for such a person to avoid deception and damage following deception.

The very intention of entering into the knowledge of spirits has its origin in deception and self-deception.

Spiritual vision of spirits

Man is less shielded for sensory vision than for spiritual vision of spirit. Saint Tikhon of Voronezh said a lot about the blindness of the spirit in his cell letters. What kind of blindness of spirit is this? "What kind of blindness of spirit?" - the sages of the world may ask and, without waiting for an answer, they will call all this idle talk. And this blindness is such that it can be called death. Jesus said: "I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind." Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard this and said to Him: "Are we blind too?"

The absence of blindness is not a sign of vision. Fallen people, who did not want to admit their blindness, remained blind, and those born blind, who realized their blindness, received their sight of the Lord Jesus Christ. Blindness is in our mind and heart. For this reason, our mind cannot distinguish between spiritual sensations from spiritual and sinful sensations, especially when the latter are not very coarse.

Because of the blindness of the spirit, all our activities become false. And the Lord called the scribes (scientists) and the Pharisees blind leaders, who do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and do not allow a person to enter it.

With a true spiritual feat, the grace of God, implanted in us by Holy Baptism, begins to heal us little by little from spiritual blindness through emotion.

In contrast to blindness, we begin to enter the state of vision. In the state of vision, the viewer is the mind, and it is called mental.

The state of spiritual vision is delivered by the Holy Spirit, and it is called spiritual.

This is how it differs from contemplation. Every person can contemplate whenever he wants.

Vision is inherent only in people who cleanse themselves through repentance, and it does not come by the will of a person, but from the touch of the Spirit of God to our spirit, that is, by the all-holy power of the All-Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of spiritual and intelligent visions is well set forth by Hieromartyr Peter, Metropolitan of Damascus.

Affection is the first spiritual sensation delivered to a heart overshadowed by Divine grace. From a spiritual sensation comes a spiritual vision, and, as it is said in the 33rd Psalm of Holy Scripture, “Taste and see how good the Lord is! Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. " From doing with compulsion, warmth is born, which kindles in the heart. Doing this helps our mind and heart to see, and deep down it is called seeing. These visions give rise to the warmth of the soul and heart. From this warmth, an abundance of flow of tears is born.

As long as there is sensation, as long as there is vision. If the sensation stops, the vision also stops. The gateway to spiritual vision is humility.

Vision is the reading and acceptance of the spirit of the New Testament. With the termination of affection, communication with the New Testament ceases.

Instead of abiding in the soul of humility that does not resist evil, there is justice, which casts out "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." We involuntarily move from the New Testament to the Old Testament.

The first spiritual vision is the vision of one's sins, which are covered by forgetfulness and ignorance. From the vision of our fall, we move on to the vision of our afflicted being and the reasons for its fall. Then the world of fallen spirits is gradually revealed. A seductive and deceptive view of earthly life, which seemed to be endless, and the visible facet of it is death, is recovered. In the Gospel, as in a mirror, we clearly see our fallen nature, and the fall of humanity, and evil spirits. In order to distract us from living according to the Gospel commandments, from spiritual vision, from liberation from the bondage of passions, from resurrection of the soul, in order to keep us blind, in death, in captivity, fallen spirits wage a fierce struggle. Deceit and malice are characteristic of fallen spirits.

Fallen spirits were created good, alien to evil, but by their voluntary fall they assimilated evil for themselves, became alien to good.

It was said above: the fall of men consists in mixing good with evil, the fall of demons is in the complete rejection of good, in the complete assimilation of evil.

“I recognize all Your commands as just: I hate every way of lying,” says the Holy Spirit about His guiding a person to salvation, and the opposite - the spirit of wickedness - opposes any commandment of the New Testament, hates any God-pleasing life.

According to the Gospel commandments, fallen spirits are known, a sense of their vision and struggle with them is acquired. Fallen spirits act on us with various thoughts, various "dreams" and touches.

All these actions are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Dreaming demonic affects the soul and leads to sin. From the touch of demons, carnal passions are aroused and diseases are generated that are not affected by ordinary human healing.

“We pray to God to reveal to us our passions and grant healing from them. That He would reveal our sins and give us true repentance. He revealed to us the fall of humanity, its redemption by the God-man, the goal of our earthly journey and eternity awaiting us either in endless pleasures or in endless torments, prepared us and made us capable of heavenly bliss, in order to remove those seals from us and destroy those manuscripts according to which we must be cast into the dungeons of hell! We pray to God to grant us purity and humility, the fruit of which is spiritual reasoning, faithfully distinguishing good from evil. We pray to God that He would grant a spiritual vision of spirits, through which we could see them in the thoughts and dreams they bring to us, break off communion with them in our spirit, overthrow their yoke, get rid of captivity.

Our destruction lies in communion with fallen spirits and in their enslavement.

Let us refrain from striving for sensual visions of spirits, in an order not established by God. We do not need a sensual vision of spirits to complete our earthly difficult journey. For this we need another lamp, and it has been given to us. "

"Thy word is a lamp for my night, but I do not forget Thy law,"- said in Psalm 118, verse 105. In due time, appointed by the only God and known to the only God, we will certainly enter the world of spirits. This time is not far from us!

“May the All-Gracious God grant us to spend earthly life in such a way that even during it we would break off communion with the fallen spirits, enter into communion with the holy spirits, so that, having left the body (temple), we would be numbered among the holy spirits, and not among the rejected spirits. Then, in inexpressible joy, we will see the ranks of holy angels and the ranks of holy people in their wonderful, not made with hands, at their eternal spiritual feast.

Then let us know and see the fallen cherubim with his dark hordes, then the God-given sight of demons will satisfy our curiosity, without any danger to us, as sealed by the finger of God in immutability and in the inability to deceive and damage by evil. "

The doctrine of fallen spirits

Fallen spirits and the reasons for their fall

As you already know, until the time when the devil was a bright and holy angel, he dwelt in heaven. An unfortunate transformation took place in heaven, and a large assembly of angels separated from the holy host of heavenly forces, became an assembly of dark demons, with a fallen cherub at its head. Many of the highest angels, from the Dominions, Beginnings and Authorities, are carried away into fall and destruction (Eph. 6:12). Here is what Saint Cyril of Jerusalem says about this: “So, the first culprit of sin and the originator of evil is the devil. It is not I who say this, but the Lord said: 'Because at first the devil sinned' ”(1 John 3: 8). Nobody had sinned before him. He sinned not by nature - by necessity, having acquired an inclination to sin, otherwise the guilt of sin would fall again on the One who made him so. On the contrary, being created good, by his own will, he became the devil, from his deeds he received a name for himself (the devil in translation means "slanderer"). Being an archangel, later called the devil for slander, he was a good servant of God, became Satan in the full meaning of this name, because Satan means "adversary." And this is the teaching of the spirit-bearing prophet Ezekiel. He, crying for Satan, says: “You are the seal of perfection, the fullness of wisdom and the crown of beauty. You were in Eden, in the garden of God ”(Ezek. 28:12, 13). And after a few words: “You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in you” (Ezek. 28:15). It is very well said: “it was not found in you”, evil was not brought in from outside, but you yourself gave birth to it. In the following words, the prophet also said the reason: "Thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thy wisdom was ruined from thy vanity, for that I will cast you to the earth" (Ezek. 28:17). According to this, the Lord says in the Gospel: “I saw Satan falling from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18). One can see the agreement of the Old Testament with the New. “The devil fell and took many with him into apostasy. He puts lust in those who obey him. From him adultery, fornication and everything that is only evil. Through him our forefather Adam was cast down and that paradise, which by itself bears wonderful fruits, exchanged for the land bearing thorns. "

After the fall of evil spirits from heaven into the heavenly or airy region (Eph. 2: 2), the world of celestials became completely inaccessible to them, and therefore all their malicious attention is exclusively turned to the land close to them, so that here between people they sow evil. Evil, therefore, constitutes the essential need of demons, who think of nothing but evil, find no comfort or pleasure in anything other than evil activity. The feeling of goodness, like the Kingdom of God, is hateful to them.

The Holy Apostle Paul calls the fallen angels “the spirits of heavenly wickedness” (Eph. 6:12), and their head - “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2: 2).

According to the teachings of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, “... fallen spirits descended from the height of spiritual dignity, they fell into fleshly wisdom more than humans. People have the opportunity to pass from carnal to spiritual wisdom; fallen spirits are deprived of this opportunity. People are not subject to such a strong influence of fleshly wisdom, because in them the natural good is not destroyed, as in spirits, by a fall.

The main sin is a frenzied hatred of God, expressed in terrible, incessant blasphemy. They took pride in God himself, obedience to God, natural creatures, they turned into uninterrupted opposition, into irreconcilable enmity. Therefore, their fall is deep, and the plague of eternal death with which they are struck is incurable.

Demons cannot do anything to the Creator, who, being an almighty God, is inaccessible to any influence from the creature. Therefore, they turned all their anger at a person who is the image of God, and, knowing that the Lord loves His creation, they strive to harm the object of His love as much as possible. "

About the devil and demons

“Of these angelic powers, the angel who stood at the head of the earthly rank and to whom the protection of the Earth was entrusted by God - was not born evil by nature, but was good and happened for a good purpose, and did not receive himself from the Creator at all and a trace of depravity, - not enduring both the light and the honor that the Creator gave him, by autocratic will he changed from what is in accordance with nature to what is against nature, and became proud against God who created Him, willing to resist Him, and the first, having fallen away from good, found himself in evil. For evil is not anything other than the deprivation of good, just as darkness is the deprivation of light, for good is spiritual light, and equally evil is spiritual darkness. So, the light created by the Creator and happened is good, for God has made everything in sight, alike: and all good is great, according to an autocratic desire, it has become darkness. But together they were carried away and followed him, and together an infinite multitude of angels who stood under his authority fell. " So, being of the same nature with the angels, they became evil by voluntarily rejecting the disposition of the heart from good to evil. Further, they have neither authority nor power in relation to anyone, if they do not receive permission from God to carry out the purposes of His economy, just as happened with Job, and in the same way as it is written in the Gospel about pigs. With the permission of God, they both have power, and change, and are transformed into the form in which they want in accordance with their imagination. And, of course, neither the angels of God nor the demons know the future, but they predict: angels, when God reveals to them and commands them to predict, therefore, what they say comes true. Demons also predict: sometimes because they see what is happening in the distance, sometimes because they guess why they often lie, and they should not be believed, even if they tell the truth many times in the way that we said ... They also know the Scriptures. So, every vice was invented by them, also unclean passions, and although they are allowed to attack a person, they have no power to act violently with anyone, because it depends on us to withstand the attack and not withstand, therefore, the devil and his demons, also for his followers, unquenchable fire and eternal punishment are prepared. One should know that what exactly death serves for people, that for the angels the fall serves. For after the fall, repentance is impossible for them, just as for people it is impossible after death.

External, bodily composition and properties of fallen spirits

Saint Macarius the Great says that angels have an image and appearance, just as the soul has its own image and appearance, and that this image, the external appearance, of both the angel and the soul, is the image and appearance of the external person in his body. The same saint of God notes that angels and souls, although very subtle in their essence, nevertheless, with all their subtlety, are still bodies. According to Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, “... they are thin, ethereal bodies, since, on the contrary, our earthly bodies are very material and coarse ... in a word, a complete likeness of a visible person in a body. The beauty of virtue and God's grace shine on the faces of the holy angels, desperate malice is the character of the fallen angels, their faces are like the ugly faces of villains and criminals between people. " The demons have distorted themselves by the destruction of good in themselves, the birth and development of evil in themselves. This was reflected in their appearance. For this reason, the Scripture calls them beasts, and the chief of them - a serpent (Apoc. 12: 9). “Do not betray the soul that confesses to Thee by a beast” (Ps. 73:19). “Their natural appearance is terribly terrible and disgraceful, so Job saw the devil as an ugly monster and depicted him with a terrible painting of the word” (Job., 39–42).

The Holy Scriptures indicate that demons have the same feelings that a person has: sight, hearing, smell, touch, it attributes to them the ability to speak, to fallen spirits it attributes the shortcomings of fallen humanity, dumbness and deafness. The Lord Himself called one of the demons deaf and dumb. “The spirit is deaf and dumb,” the Lord told him. “I command you” (Mark 9:25), and the deaf spirit, who did not hear the voice of the holy apostles and did not obey their command, heard the voice of God, and immediately, terribly tormented and mooing, fulfilled the command of God. At another healing of a man possessed by a demon, the Gospel says that this demon was him (Luke 11:14).

The substance of which spirits are composed is much more subtle than the substance of the human body, it is for this reason, according to Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, that "spirits in their actions are much freer, in abilities much more developed than people." In the Acts of the Holy Apostles it is indicated that the angel of the Lord "caught Philip" and carried him to Azot (Acts 8: 39-40). In the book of the prophet Daniel, we read that an angel brought the prophet Habakkuk from a distant place to feed the prophet Daniel, languishing in the den with lions (Dan. 14: 31–39).

The ability to quickly overcome space is possessed not only by angels, but also by demons. Demons have the ability to transfer from place to place not only rough earthly matter, but also people. In the Gospel of Matthew, we read that the devil, tempting the Lord Jesus Christ, took Him to the holy city and put him on the roof of the temple, then took Him to a very high mountain (Matt. 4: 1-11). In the life of Saint John, Archbishop of Novgorod, it is written about the journey he made on horseback from Novgorod to Jerusalem and back. Moreover, the entire journey took place in the second half of the night, that is, it took about two to three hours. This indicates that the speed of movement of the fallen spirits, although very high, is far from unlimited.

Demons, like angels, have the ability to produce amazing changes in visible nature. In the Book of Job, we read how, under the influence of the devil, fire, which seemed to human eyes to fall from heaven, burned up the flocks of sheep belonging to Job, along with the shepherds. Here we learn about how, as a result of the actions of an unclean spirit, a hurricane began, which destroyed the house where the children of Job were gathered, and they perished (Job, 1: 9). In the book of Tobit, it is written about the demon Asmodeus, who killed seven husbands, for whom Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, was alternately passed off (Tob., 3: 8). The action of spirits on matter by means of a substance unknown to us, as well as many other properties of angels, are depicted in the following story of Holy Scripture. The angel appeared to the future Israeli judge Gideon, and when he prepared the sacrifice, “The angel of the Lord stretched out the end of the rod that was in his hand, touched the meat and unleavened bread, and fire came out of the stone and ate the meat and unleavened bread, and the angel of the Lord hid himself from sight him "(Judges 6:21).

The abode of the fallen spirits

There is so much wisdom in the angels, just as much deceit and cunning in the infernal spirits.

According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, spirits have their place of residence, their abode, corresponding to their nature and arbitrarily assimilated qualities.

The most insidious of all spirits are those who lived in evil and who at the same time internally acted deceitfully, because deception penetrates deeper into thoughts and intentions, destroys all spiritual life in a person. Most of them are called geniuses. They become invisible, fly like ghosts, secretly inspire evil. However, the Lord protects from these geniuses the person whose transformation there is hope, for they have such an ability that they can not only destroy conscience, but even arouse in a person that hereditary evil that would remain hidden. Therefore, in order for a person not to get involved in such evil, the Lord established that hell would be completely closed.

Hell is the abode of the fallen angels, the heavenly space, which is otherwise called the air, the abyss, the lower layers of the spiritual world, this is a place remote from God, devoid of light and bliss. Satan reigns there. In relation to souls, the word "hell" means a state of intense sorrow and torment.

The insidiousness of the infernal spirits is evident from their terrible tricks, which are so numerous and varied that only their listing would constitute a whole book, and a description would require more than one volume. Rotating in close contact with humanity, they inspire terrible thoughts, influencing feelings through suggestion. With these tricks, the inhabitants of hell torture each other.

The entrances to hell are called gates. There are main gates to hell, small gates are led to it, they are visible when they dissolve to let the hellish spirits pass. These small gates leading to the main ones are opened from the side of the spirit world. These entrances are everywhere.

Hell has its own kind of "floors", according to the shade of evil this or that spirit gets to its "floor" and bears a well-deserved punishment there.

Hell constantly attacks the heavens and tries to destroy them, but the Lord constantly protects the heavens.

According to the testimony of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, “... the space between heaven and earth, all the azure abyss we see, the air, heavenly, serves as a dwelling place for the fallen angels, cast down from heaven. In the Book of Job, the fallen angel already appears to be wandering in the immeasurable space of heaven, he wandered over it, quickly flew over it, tormented by an insatiable anger towards the human race ”(Job 1: 7). So the fallen angels are scattered in multitudes in midair.

The impact of evil spirits on people

“The devil tortures from everywhere,” says St. Gregory the Theologian, “looks out for where to depose, where to hurt and find what is unprotected and open for blow, the more he sees purity, the more it becomes to desecrate ... The evil spirit takes on a double image, scattering that one , then another network: he or the deepest darkness (obvious evil), or turns into a holy angel (hides behind the sight of goodness and seduces minds with a meek smile), which is why special care is needed so as not to meet death instead of light ”. The Holy Apostle Paul also warns of the need for special care and vigilance, saying, "... that Satan himself takes the form of an angel, and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants take the form of servants of righteousness, but their end will be according to their deeds."

(2 Cor. 11: 14–15).

And in the struggle with a person, fallen spirits affect his mental, sensory and volitional spheres. Demons can kill people, infect them with diseases and enter them (that is, take possession of their body).

They enter the human body with their whole being, just as air enters it.

The demon, having entered a person, does not mix with the soul, but dwells in the body, forcibly possessing the soul and body. At the direction of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov "Gases have in a special development the property of elasticity, that is, the property of taking different measures of volume, it is obvious that demons also have this property, according to which a lot of them can be placed in one person, as the Gospel says about it"(Luke 8:30). Entering a man, according to the testimony of St. John Cassian, “Demons induce a terrible darkening of the rational feelings of the soul,<это происходит>like those from wine, fever, or excessive cold. " But the demon cannot make our soul its receptacle. "Unclean spirits, - claims the same saint, - not otherwise penetrate into the bodies of those possessed by them, as having mastered their minds and thoughts in advance. Having bared their minds from the clothes of the fear of God, the memory of God, evil spirits attack them as disarmed and deprived of God's help and God's protection, and therefore conveniently defeated, and finally, arranging dwellings in them, as if in the possession presented to them. " Saint Gregory the Theologian also speaks of this: "The devil cannot completely take possession of us in any way: if he strongly takes possession of some, then only by his own will those who are seized without resistance"(James 4: 7). Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that the direct instillation of an evil spirit into a person occurs only with the special connivance of the Lord and is often a consequence of the passionate and frivolous life of the sinner.

Not possession, but mastery of a person through the external subordination of the forces of the soul to his demonic will is observed much more often than demonic possession. Judas is a typical example of this. The words of the Gospel “Satan entered Judas” should not be understood to mean that Judas became possessed by a demon in the full sense of the word. St. John the Theologian says that through the passion of love of money, Satan first penetrated into the soul of a disciple (John, 12: 6), then more fully took possession of his heart (John, 13: 2) and, finally, decisively possessed him (John, 13 : 27). Here we see a vivid example of a demon's gradual mastery of the soul of a sinner through the ever-increasing passion of love of money.

One of the main ways of the influence of unclean spirits on people is the impact on their mental sphere by bringing there various sinful thoughts. Being out of reach of the bodily senses of a person, the demons, acting on his mind, bring there various thoughts that a worldly person who does not lead a spiritual life takes for his own. And if he accepts them without any resistance, agrees with them, then through this action, or rather, inaction, he becomes a conductor of someone else's evil will, gradually taking possession of him completely. " Often,- says Saint Anthony the Great, - being invisible themselves<злые духи>, seem to be reverent interlocutors, in order to deceive with a semblance of an image and entice those seduced by them into whatever they want. " Demons, knowing that people love the truth, take on the guise of truth and by this means pour poison into their followers. So the devil once deceived Eve, saying to her not his own words, but supposedly repeating the words of God, while distorting their meaning (Gen. 3: 1). So he deceived the wife of Job, teaching her the excess of love for her husband, and hence blasphemy against God. “Blaspheme God and die" (Job 2: 9), - she said, believing that for blaspheming God a person is immediately subjected to death and thus ends his grievous earthly torment. So the devil deceived and deceived all people, perverting the essence of things, and carried everyone into the abyss of evil.

In addition to the mental sphere, fallen spirits can also have an adverse effect on the sensual and volitional side of the human soul. This is what the Monk Nilus of Sinai writes about this: "When an envious demon does not have time to set memory in motion, then he acts on blood and juices in order to produce imagination in the mind and fill it with images through them." Acting on the body, the demon arouses in a person a feeling of lust, rage, anger, and the like. This is clearly seen in the example of St. Justina, in which a demon sent by a sorcerer kindled a feeling of lust and voluptuousness, but was driven away by the prayer of the saint.

Acting on the volitional sphere of the human soul, the demon, as it were, deprives a person of strength, energy, the ability to take decisive action and any action in general, but he departs during prayer, being defeated by the power of Christ.

Evagrius, a monk, writes that demons differ in the degree of evil and powers, performing various ministries. Saint John Cassian confirms this, saying that “Some of them delight in unclean and shameful lusts, others love blasphemy, others anger and rage, others are comforted by sorrow, others by vanity and pride — and each of them enters into human hearts that passion that he himself delights in, but not all of them excite the passions together, but alternately, depending on how the time, place and acceptability of the tempted require. " The same ascetic testifies to the spiritual invisible warfare: "The weakest spirits start to attack the novice and the weak, and when these are defeated, then the strongest are sent", but this happens as the spiritual strength of the soldier of Christ multiplies.

As you can see, demons have a kind of "specialization", being in evil, they have some freedom, because they can choose from many evils one that is most pleasant for them. They live by this passion, try to kindle it in a person, through that gaining access to his soul and body. In addition, it is quite admissible to assume that demons can feed and strengthen themselves due to the energy of a person transformed into passionate delight. If, according to St. John of Damascus, angels “contemplate God as much as possible for them, and have this food,” then demons, for whom contemplation is impossible, apparently, can receive energy indirectly, through a person, adapting his energy for their nutrition. To do this, they first have to make a person like themselves, through that gaining access to his soul. A passionate and sin-loving person is an excellent breeding ground for fallen spirits. Inflating the energy of passions in him, devouring his life forces, the demon feeds and strengthens in such an environment. In addition, after taking possession of the sinner, the fallen spirit uses his body as a tool to receive greater delight in passion. This is another reason why a passionate and sin-loving person is literally covered with demons.

At the same time, it should be noted that fallen spirits can endow their servants with a special demonic type of energy, which allows the obedient executors of the will of the forces of evil to work tirelessly in the field of increasing sin. But due to their destructive nature, deprived of the ability to create, demons ultimately destroy their followers.

Why do demons need sacrifices?

Another form of food for the demons is sacrifice. Here is what Saint Basil the Great says about this: “Demons, being devoted to lust and passion, enjoy and feed on sacrifices to a large extent. While the victims are being burned, the blood turns through burning into vapors and, thus decomposing into thin parts, passes into a state corresponding to the nature of demons.

All of them, of course, feed on fumes, not so that they eat it or fill their belly, but like some animals, oysters and others of this kind, which take food with their whole being. For this reason, the demons greedily devour the gases emanating from the burning of the victims, and draw in the smoke of smoking incense, like substances adapted by them for food. "

Reasons the Lord Permits the Existence of Evil Spirits

For people, the devil has become an instrument of testing, by which they are tested and by which the faithful to Christ are separated from the lovers of sin. For God does not force man to be saved, but gives everyone the opportunity to either fight the devil, or enter into an alliance with him. As St. Ignatius Brianchaninov testifies, “The commandment given by God in Paradise and prohibiting the eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has not been canceled. She stands unshakably like the commandment of God. A person is constantly tested by it until now. The devil is constantly present with him and advises him to partake of the forbidden fruit, forcibly attracts to this partaking, as one who has received the right - the right from our initial obedience to the devil. He never ceases to seduce us with thoughts of sin and peace, inflating our passions beyond measure. This fiery weapon moves in the hand of the fallen cherubim, and the tree of life - good, unalloyed to evil, becomes inaccessible to us by the righteous judgment of God. "

Temptations and thoughts allow us to manifest our autocracy and purity of heart. Saint Isaac the Syrian teaches that the grace of God leads everyone into temptation in order to gradually teach wisdom and the ability to despise the spirits of evil: "Grace permits that those sent were sent to him<человека>temptations, corresponding to his measure, in order to bear their strength to man. " He goes on to say: “Know that to what extent the soul does not have sufficient strength for great temptations, in the same way it is insufficient for great gifts ... God does not give a great gift without a great temptation”.

Saint Gregory the Theologian also testifies to the need for such temptations in the development of the personality of a new person, saying that fierce battle is necessary in order to "... so that the devil would be subjected to a terrible disgrace here, fighting with those who are weaker than him, so those who ascend in virtues always have their glory, purifying themselves like gold in a furnace."

Spiritual remedies for fighting evil spirits

“No one thinks of the devil that he seems to be so strong that he can prevent us from walking the path leading to virtue. True, he seduces and seduces the negligent, however, he does not restrain by force and does not coerce "," If we live immorally, we become an easy prey for the devil. " "Always out of my negligence, the demons take a chance against me to rebel", - Saint Maximus the Confessor testifies (Philosophy. T. 2. S. 322). That evil is born in ourselves, this is what the Lord Himself says: “ For from the heart, - is talking , - evil thoughts come out "(Matt. 15:19). But this happens to those who, through negligence, leave the natural seeds of goodness in themselves uncultivated, as it is said in the parables: "I walked past the field of a lazy man and past the vineyard of a poor-minded man: and now all this was overgrown with thorns, its surface was covered with nettles and its stone fence collapsed."(Prov., 24: 30-31). And the soul from such negligence, deserted and abandoned, by necessity it remains to grow thorns and thistles and test what has been said over itself: "I expected him to bring good grapes, he brought wild berries."(Isa. 5: 2, 4), while it was said about the same soul: "I planted a vine of choice"(Isa. 5: 2). It is similar to this in the prophet Jeremiah, who on behalf of God says: "I planted you like a noble vine - the purest seed, how did you turn into a wild branch of someone else's vine"(Jer. 2:21).

Athanasius the Great says: "The devil himself confesses his powerlessness, and thus, we will not lose heart, we will not feed fear in our souls, we will not invent for ourselves incentives to fear." saying: “Wouldn't a demon come and shake me? Would he not delight me and cast me down? Or: "Wouldn't you have attacked suddenly and caused confusion?" " We will not at all give room for such thoughts and grieve like those who perish. Let us always imagine and think that since the Lord is with us, our enemies will do nothing to us. They are what they find us, coming to us, they themselves become in relation to us, and what thoughts they find in us, such and ghosts present us (offering us a temptation in what we are greedy for).

The Lord destroyed the power of Satan and his hordes of demons, taking away from them all power to commit violence against us: "Having taken away the strength from the authorities and authorities, imperiously subjected them to shame, triumphing over them with Himself"(Col. 2:18). " Only through sin and passions do demons cling to the soul, and it, while in sin, is blinded by them and is, as it were, clothed in them. This is the kind of clothes made of demons that the Lord removed from our nature by the fact that we were given a new life, the points of contact with us or adhesion to us were taken away from the demons, and, on the contrary, the force that reflects them was poured in. "

The Holy Fathers of the Church testify to the possibility of deliverance from demons with the help of the grace of God.

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem: “The most evil counselor is the devil, he lets everyone in, but he will not overcome those who do not obey him. Therefore close your door and remove him from you, and he will not harm you. If you accept a lustful thought without disgust, then by means of thoughts it will take root in you, bind your mind and carry you into the abyss of evils. "

Saint John Chrysostom: "If the devil is a predator, then it depends on us not to let him plunder."

Saint Gregory of Nyssa: “When our nature fell into sin, God did not leave our fall by His Providence, but to help everyone's life he gives some angel, from those who have taken an ethereal nature, but, on the other hand, the corrupter of nature contrives to do the same by means of some crafty and malicious demon, which would harm human life. A man, being among an angel and a demon, by himself makes one stronger than the other, by his free will choosing a teacher from two. A good angel foretells the good of virtue to thoughts, which are revealed to those who are successful in hope, while the other shows material pleasures from which there is no hope for good. Therefore, if someone shuns that which beckons to the worst, striving for the best and putting vice as if behind him, and turning his soul, like a kind of mirror, face to the hope of good, so that in the purity of his own soul all the images and representations of the virtue indicated to him be imprinted, then his brother greets him and helps him: for by the gift of the word and the rationality of the human soul, the angel is in some way a brother to man. "

But angels are only our helpers, and we must fight for our souls ourselves.

"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you,"- says the holy apostle James (4: 7). We just need not to weaken in the fight against the enemy and wage the war with patience, remembering the Lord's commandment: "By your patience, save your souls"(Luke 21:19). For your victory over the devil, you will receive an eternal reward in the Kingdom of Heaven. If the devil attacks us especially hard, then this is the first sign of his weakness, for if we were defeated by him, he would have nothing to fight in us.

Saint John Climacus: "No one can testify so much about the defeat of the devil and demons as their cruel attack on us." "But the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet"(Rom. 16:20).

The Holy Fathers and teachers of the Church indicate very effective means for fighting the devil: Faith, the word of God, invoking the name of Christ our Savior, the fear of God, humility, sobriety, prayer, the Sign of the Cross. We ourselves can and should use them in the fight against evil spirits, but there are those that can only be used with the help of priests.

Now let's take a closer look at these concepts.

1. faith Is an insubstantial shield against an invisible enemy. The devil throws various poisonous arrows at us, but we have a strong defense - faith. "Above all, take the shield of faith with which you can quench all the arrows of the wicked one."(Eph. 6:16). The devil often throws the arrow of lust for shameful pleasures, but faith, recalling judgment and cooling the mind, quenches this arrow. If we believe in God, then we are not afraid of demons, for the Lord sends us his help. "The destroyer will not find a place for himself in us if he is protected by the shield of faith."

2. The Word of God. "The spiritual sword for fighting the devil is the verb of God", "Oppose him<искусителю>the word of the belly, which is bread sent from heaven and giving life to the world, "- says St. Gregory the Theologian. "The destroyer will never find a place for himself in us, if he repels it with the sword of the Word of God." "Demons must be driven out, following the example of Christ, with the words of Holy Scripture."

3. The invocation of the name of Christ our Savior. "In My Name They Will Cast Out Demons"- Said the Savior (Mark, 16-19). The Church Fathers and teachers testify of the fulfillment of the promise of Christ. Saint Justin the Martyr says: “We always pray to God through Jesus Christ to keep us from demons that are alien to God-worship and whom we once worshiped, so that after turning to God through Christ, we may be blameless. For we call Him a helper and Savior, from the power of whose name the demons tremble, and now we conjure in the name of Jesus Christ, Crucified under Pontius Pilate, they obey us, hence it is obvious to everyone that His Father gave Him such great power that demons obey the name and the economy of His former suffering. "

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem: “All kings, when they die, lose their power along with their lives, and the whole Universe worships the Crucified Christ. We proclaim the Crucified, Whom the demons tremble. There were many crucified at different times, but the invocation of another one who was crucified did when expel the demons? ... And to this day the demons still tremble at the name of Christ, the power of this name is not weakened by our vices. And we are not ashamed to offend the venerable name of Christ and Christ Himself ..., ... We are not ashamed to hear how they silently reject Christianity, speaking in defense of our Savior, as if ashamed to be His believing sons ... The mind cannot overcome demonic dreams by itself, yes never dares to do this, for, being cunning, our enemies pretend to be defeated, plotting to overthrow the fighter through vanity, when calling on the name of Christ, and they will not endure a minute to stand up and malice against you ... (with the help of the power of this name), conveniently drives them out by skillful skill, puts the invisible, military forces of the enemy to flight, and as soon as he recklessly dares to rely on himself alone, he will fall and break. "

4. Fear of god... He who, because of love, fears of offending his Creator and constantly carries in his heart a grateful memory of God's mercies and the fear of being ungrateful for them, is not afraid of either the devil or man: for he is not afraid of death, trusting in eternal life, given by God ...

Saint Ephraim the Syrian: "The fear of God is a strong pillar in the face of the enemy, do not destroy this pillar and you will not be taken captive."

"He who fears God does not fear the striving of demons against him."

5. Humility... No one is afraid of the humble, because a hand is not raised against the humble, he is not afraid of hardship and torment, because humility does not allow him to feel hurt from the persecution of the enemy, all evil will be smashed against the wall of his humility. Saint Simeon the New Theologian says: "What is more courageous than a contrite and humble heart, which easily puts the shelves of demons to flight and completely drives them out." The Monk Abba Dorotheos testifies: “When Saint Anthony saw open all the snares of the devil and, sighing, asked God: 'Who can escape them?', God answered him: 'Humility avoids them, – and added: - They do not even touch him, "that is, to humility."

6. Sobriety- spiritual vigilance. " Negligence and absent-mindedness of the soul- says Saint Basil the Great, - must correct the attention of the mind with a more collected and strict, and every minute one must constantly occupy the soul with meditation on what is beautiful (that is, what is truth). When the devil begins to build his intrigues and with great power tries to let his thoughts into the silent and at rest dwelling soul, like some kind of fired arrows, suddenly ignite it and produce in it long and indestructible memories of once printed in it, then by sobriety and intensified attentiveness must reflect such attacks, just as a wrestler with the most strict caution and resourcefulness of the body deflects the blows of the opposing opponents. "

Saint John Chrysostom: “Yes, it’s scary, beloved, to be caught by the wiles of the devil, for then the soul seems to get entangled in nets and, like an unclean animal wallowing in the mud, delights in it, so they, having surrendered to a sinful habit, no longer feel the stench of sins, therefore it is necessary watch and stay awake, so as not to give the wicked demon any access to us from the very beginning, so that, having darkened our minds and blinded the eye of our soul, he would not force us, who cannot, to gaze at the light of the Sun of Truth, like those deprived of visible sunlight, strive for abyss ". “If we are careful to dispose of our actions, then we will receive great mercy from the Lord and will avoid the wiles of the devil. When the devil sees that we are vigilant and careful, then, knowing that his attempts (on us, for our temptation) will be useless, he will retire with shame. "

Venerable Hesychius, presbyter of Jerusalem : "The devil, like a roaring lion, walks with his hordes, looking for someone to devour"(1 Peter, 5: 8). "May our heartfelt attention, sobriety, disobedience to the thoughts the devil beckoning upon us, and prayer to Christ Jesus, our God, are never suppressed, for better help than Jesus cannot be found for you, but your whole life."

Rev. Nilus of Sinai: "If you want to successfully wage war with hordes of demons, then block the gates of your soul (feelings) with solitary silence and apply your care with paternal words, so that, having learned, thus, to recognize the thorns of thoughts, burn them with anger (for evil thoughts and rejection)."

Saint Theodore the Studite: “Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spirits of evil in heaven(Eph. 6:12) and against the evil adversary of our devil, who deceived our forefather and through this was the reason for his expulsion from paradise of sweetness to this earth. Since then, from generation to generation, he has persecuted the human race, teaching him all kinds of evil. He now thieves enters and goes out and catches souls not affirmed and not listening to himself. That is why we need great sobriety against him, great vigilance, great prudence and diligence, so that he does not attack and hurt us. Knowing his plans and intrigues, we will arm ourselves in every possible way and begin to resist and repel him, not being lazy and not slacking either ourselves or him, just as he does not act and does not make indulgences, seeking our death. At least he repeatedly attacked a day and failed, everything stands his ground, no matter how he starts to struggle, and again attacks even more, taking with him other spirits of anger, so we should not retreat or relax ourselves, with such daily and hourly attacks on us. Even though we have shown a lot of attention and strenuous effort, we will not successfully change it (that is, despite our success), but will always keep equal zeal, excitement and resistance against him. "

Saint Nicephorus: “The devil with demons, after through disobedience made a person an exile from paradise, gained access to mentally shake the rational strength of a person ... And one can not otherwise be protected from this, as the memory of God unceasing. So, only the unceasing memory of God and His mercies, the constant vigilance of a soldier in the service of the Heavenly King to subjugate His enemies can give a person salvation from the wiles of the devil and his demons, and therefore from all human misfortunes on earth and beyond the grave. "

7. Prayer... Prayer is the means of our communication with God: our soul talks with God, therefore, by prayer we ascend to heaven. Faith is drawn from prayer, for in prayer a person feels the happiness of grace emanating from God, and can no longer doubt the existence of God. Through prayer a person is cleansed, protected, saved. In prayer, a person feels his soul, recognizes himself as a spirit independent from the body, able to ascend to his Creator Himself and see Him with his spiritual eyes. (It speaks of real prayer, coming from the soul, and not of just pronouncing prayer words, memorized by heart, when they do not delve into what is being said, do not feel what is said due to the absence of thought, occupied with earthly thoughts, outside prayer.)

The power of prayer is not in many words, but in sincerity. In prayer, in the first place - not our will, but the will of the father (Matt. 6:10).

Thy will be done

Our life passes in constant plans that we build for long periods of time, and none of us is given to know whether we have found the best solution. We can not be sure whether our actions are correct in relation to anyone else. We can judge another, and we do not even remember the commandments of God: "Do not judge ... With what judgment you judge, you will be judged like that." We constantly pray to God to send us the blessings we are asking for, but we ourselves cannot in any way know whether what we are asking for is actually good. Everything is open to God, and the Lord does not accept all our requests, since he does not want a bad end for any of us. And our requests very often at the end stage can lead to undesirable consequences, and in the end we get not what we would like. God wants us something more and better than what we ask of Him in prayer. Therefore, any prayer must be ended with the words: "Thy will be done."

Saint Basil the Great says: “If during the prayer the devil began to fill in crafty dreams, the soul will not stop praying, but judging that the appearance of such thoughts occurs in us due to the urgency of the inventor of cunning, let us all the more forcefully fall to God and pray to Him to scatter the crafty barrier of the obscene ones that remain in our memory.<молитвенному состоянию>thoughts, so that by the striving of his mind, without hindrance, without any delay and instantly, ascend to God, then the invasion of evil thoughts will not a little interrupt the path to prayer, if such an uprising of thoughts continues, due to the urgency of the warrior with us, then in this case we should not despair and leave the feat halfway through the work, but endure, continuing to pray until God, seeing our steadfastness, illumines us with the grace of the Holy Spirit, which turns the libeller to flight, purifies and fills our mind with Divine light and gives that, that our thought in silence serves God with joy. "

Saint Isaac the Syrian believed that if you do not reject help against evil, that is, prayer, then the Protector and Helper will never move away from a person.

Saint Simeon the New Theologian: “A Christian who performs prayer as if some kind of work and feels<во время молитвы>, as if he endures violence, compulsion and torment against his will, such one should not think that he has freed himself from the hand of the devil, let him know that he is mentally<его мысль>still held under the yoke of the wicked tormentor. "

Therefore, in communion with God, free, unconstrained prayer is needed, which would constitute the life of the soul.

Saint Gregory of Nyssa: "We must pray, for the consequence of prayer is that we are with God, and whoever is with God is far from the opposing agent." And further: "He who fears the enticement of the wicked one, let him pray that he will not be in the power of the wicked one." And so we will pray, for in prayer we come into communion with God and come to know Him.

8. Sign of the cross- according to the expression of the church song: "The cross destroying demons" (Canon to the Cross, p. 3, tr. 2), "the repeller of demons" (p. 6, tr. 4), "The cross is raised - and soulless spirits fall down" (p . 6, tr. 4).

His Grace Theophan the Recluse speaks of the meaning and power of the Cross of the Lord as follows: “Heaven and earth have been reconciled by the cross, the Spirit of grace has been brought down into the sanctification of all, and into the denunciation of all by the power to advance<силою Креста>for all the power of the enemy, demons cannot look at the Cross: they run from one sight of it, as in the face of the wind. The sign of the Cross is a fence for believers and a victorious weapon against invisible enemies. "

Saint John Chrysostom says: “The Cross should not only be depicted with a finger, but a heartfelt disposition and complete faith should precede it. If you portray him in this way on your face, then not one of the unclean spirits will be able to approach you, seeing the sword with which he is wounded, seeing the weapon from which he received a mortal wound. After all, if we also gaze with trepidation at those places where criminals are executed, then imagine how the demons are horrified when they see the weapon with which Christ destroyed all their power and cut off the head of the serpent. So, print the Cross in your mind and both<мысленно>a salutary sign of our souls. When we have the Cross with us, then the demons are no longer terrible and not dangerous. "

Saint Anthony the Great says, "That the demons are especially afraid of the sign of the Cross of the Lord, for by the Cross, having taken away their strength, the Savior put them to shame."

Saint Ephraim the Syrian expresses the same thought: "Never forget to protect yourself with the Cross, and you will break the nets that the devil hid for you, for it is written:" On the path I walked, they secretly set nets for me. "(Ps. 41: 3). Always seal yourself with the Cross, and evil will not touch your spirit. "

Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica: "And not only in the image of His Cross, because it is a sign of Christ's victory over the devil and over the entire horde of resistance forces: why do they tremble and flee when they see him depicted."

9. Repentance and communion... Saint Ephraim the Syrian says: “Blessed are those who, caught in the enemy's net, managed to break his bonds and hid, fleeing from him, like a fish escaping from the sea. A fish in the water, if, being caught, breaks the net and disappears into the depths, it will be saved, and when it is taken out onto land, it cannot help itself. So we, while still in this life have the power from God, to break the bonds of the enemy's will and by repentance cast off the burden of sins and be saved. And if this terrible command overtakes us and the soul leaves, and the body is committed to the earth, then we are no longer able to help ourselves, just as a fish taken out of water and enclosed in a vessel can no longer help itself. "

Saint John Damascene: “It depends on us to abide and virtue and obey God, who calls us to it, or to move away from virtue, that is, to live viciously and follow the devil, who, not against our will, attracts us to vice. Repentance is a return from the devil to God. "

10. Spell. According to the definition of Saint Gregory the Theologian, "Spell is the expulsion of demons"(part 5, p. 286).

Saint Justin Martyr: "We who believe in the Crucified Jesus our Lord conjure all demons and evil spirits and keep them in our power." And again: "Every demon is defeated and subdued through an incantation in the name of the Son of God."

"Stay awake and pray lest you fall into temptation"(Matt. 26:41).

Fighting Light and Dark

The light of heaven is not natural, but spiritual, because it comes from the Lord God, that is, Divine love.

Light for angels is Divine truth, because angels are spiritual beings, not natural ones. Angels borrow their minds from Divine truth, and mind is inner sight.

Light is given to angels as they accept Divine truth. Therefore, the heavenly angels are called angels of light. People differently accept the love of the Lord God and receive light from God according to these opportunities to receive this light. The purer the life of a person, the subtler the vibrations emanating from his body, the more the Divine Light fits into him: “... Jesus spoke to the people and said to them: I am the light of the world, whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John, VIII: XII). As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world ”(IX: 5). “Then Jesus said to them: for a long time the light is with you, walk while there is light, so that darkness does not overtake you, and he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going, as long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you will be sons of light, I light came into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me does not remain in darkness ”(John, XII: 35, 36, 46). “Light came into the world, but people loved darkness more than light” (III: 19). John says about the Lord: “There was a true light that illumines every person” (John 1: 4, 9). “The people sitting in darkness saw a great light, and light shone on those sitting in the land and in the shadow of death” (Matt. II: 16). “I will make you the light of the people, that my salvation may be extended to the ends of the earth” (Isa. XLIX: 6). “The saved nations will walk in his light” (Apoc. XXI: 24). "Send Thy light and Thy truth, they will bring me" (Ps. XLII).

“When the Lord was transfigured before Peter, James and John: and his face shone like the sun, but his clothes became white like snow, or they became shiny, very white, like snow, as on the ground a whitener cannot whiten” (Matt., XVII : 2; Mark, IX: 3).

“In the word, garments denote truths, which is why it is said in David: You dress with light as with a garment” (Ps., See 2).

When angels look at a person, then if he is good, then he sees him as a person of beauty corresponding to his good, but if he is evil, then a monster, the ugliness of which corresponds to his evil. From this it is clear that in the heavenly light everything becomes apparent, because the heavenly light is Divine truth.

Every Christian knows from the word of God that a person's own life remains with him after his death; in many places the word says that a person is judged and protected according to his deeds and actions.

Those living in evil do not want to believe that their state after death would be in accordance with their life in the world, but they think, especially when they are sick, that the Kingdom of Heaven can be given to everyone, one by the mercy of God, no matter how anyone lives, and that it is given to each according to his faith. About the fact that a person is judged according to his deeds, it is said: "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward each according to his work" (Matt., XVI: 27).

“And I will reward each of you according to your deeds” (Apoc. II: 23).

“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life, and they were judged by the dead according to what was written in the books, in accordance with their deeds. Then the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and hell gave up the dead who were in them, and each one was judged according to his deeds ”(Rev. XX: 12, 13).

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and does them, I will liken to a wise man who built his house on a rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not fulfill them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand ”(Matt. VII: 24, 26).

“Many will say to me that day: 'Lord! God! Did we not prophesy in your name? and did they not drive out demons in your name? and did not you perform many miracles in your name? "And then I will declare to them:" I never knew you, depart from Me, you workers of iniquity "" (Matt. VII: 22, 23).

“Then you will begin to say: 'We ate and drank before You, and You taught in our streets.' But He will say: “I say to you: I don’t know you, where you are from, get away from Me, all workers of unrighteousness” ”(Luke, XIII: 26, 27).

“... And I will repay them according to their deeds and according to the works of their hands” (Jer., XXV: 14).

"... Great God, mighty, whose name is the Lord of hosts, the Great in counsel and mighty in works, whose eyes are open in all the ways of the sons of men, to give to everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works" (Jer., XXXII: 19).

"... And to each according to his ways, and I will reward him according to his works" (Hos. IV: 9).

"... As the Lord determined ... to deal with us in our ways and in our works, so he did to us" (Zech., I).

After death, a person forever remains as he is, according to his will and according to the dominant love in him.

Faith alone, by itself, does not remain in the soul if it is not based on heavenly love.

Everything about religion and faith - "the strongest prayer or conspiracy against the enemy" with a detailed description and photos.

Each person, without even suspecting, has his own ill-wisher. Our enemies are both covert and overt. Not wanting to hide their hatred, they can cause irreparable harm not only to you, your health, but also to your loved ones. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you can use conspiracies against ill-wishers.

A conspiracy from enemies is a very serious ritual that allows you to protect you from haters at home, envious people at work, of which there are very, very many in our modern life.

For you to have enemies, you do not have to quarrel with anyone. In our world, it is enough to be able to do something better than others, and someone will surely envy you, and will want ruin and ruin. But do not despair, you need to be stronger than your enemies and use some tricks:

  1. Buy your personalized icons from the church. Put one icon in your bedroom, and always carry the other with you;
  2. Start every morning with a sip of holy water;
  3. Hide an aspen twig near the entrance to the house;

A ritual to pacify an ill-wisher

If you have a meeting with a supposed enemy and you cannot avoid this meeting, read this slander three times:

“Whoever an evil person (name), against me, the servant of God (name), or against my dog, or against my cow, or against my horse, or against my gun will have anger, so that (name) would be an evil person from the bank of the blue Collect sand from the sea, drink all the water from the blue sea, count the trees in the forest, gnaw a stone with your teeth, but you can't stipulate me and my craft. A dashing, evil person would have ached heart and bones and joints, like the power of God in a forest aches roots from the earth. And as by God's grace thunder thunders and an arrow flies after the devil, so the same arrow would fall on the evil man (name). Be my words strong and marks. "

Such a conspiracy will give you more confidence and pacify your enemy.

Conspiracy to neutralize the enemy

“I see, I see, you bastard! Stop (stop) your poison. Reptile over reptiles, already over snakes, king over kings, come out, do not harm. And I will go to the Lord God Jesus Christ, I will ask him for a fiery sword, with your sword I will inject poison, I will burn out with fire. "

Guardian from evil people

The strongest conspiracies are used to make amulets. On a small piece of paper, write the following words:

“The amulet will protect, keep from evil. Everything that the witches conjured, everything that the enemies sent, will not get close to me, it will return to them twice. Amen".

The piece of paper is folded four times and pinned to the waist with a pin. Such a piece of paper is always worn on the belt. She will serve you as a strong amulet against evil people and enemies, will not allow them to damage you and cross the threshold of your house.

Handkerchief hex

This ritual is powerful enough. A new clean scarf is needed for the ceremony. Before leaving the house or going to work, whisper the following words to him:

“The angels and seraphim of heaven, All the Lord's servants are honest, they will protect me from unexpected evil, they will protect me from the evil eye. Evil damage will not reach me, all that is in this handkerchief will go. "

With a spoken handkerchief, you need to wipe your face and put it in your pocket. After the ritual performed in this way, neither damage nor the evil eye will stick to you. Before the next exits from the house, you need to repeat a similar ritual each time.

Poppy seed plot

A small pinch of the charmed poppy should be poured onto people entering your house, regardless of the status of the person and your attitude towards him. Poppy for the ceremony is poured into earthenware, crossing it three times. They say these words:

“I will cross the poppies, I will not let evil people near me. If someone comes with a bad one, he will quickly go back. If he takes something with him, the devil will take him. "

For people who do not wish you anything bad, such poppies are not scary, but your ill-wishers will no longer want to appear in your house.

Prayer from enemies

“Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit. Lord, save me from all evil, from intrigues, inventions, secret ideas, nets, hunters, poisons, swords, conspiracies, persuasions, cunning, insidious negotiations, from an enemy visit, from imprisonment, from bribery and a sword, from a word spoken In the heat of the moment, from an enemy conference, from a false promise, from flooding water, from a drowning wave, from an animal, from fire, save me Lord, save me, from the violent wind, save me from the ice, save me! Save the Lord from the evil sorcerer, save me, from a terrible ailment, from an early death in vain, from an inverted cross, save me, Lord, save me. Keep away my thought, mind my flesh, mind my living red blood, mind my wild dashing thought. My Guardian Angel, pray for my soul, everything that I said, that having forgotten I did not say, come word by word and save me (name) from all evils. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer like this will provide you with strong protection against your enemies at work and will prevent them from plotting against you.

To protect yourself from enemies, whether you are at home, at work, or in a public place, read the Our Father prayer. The most powerful conspiracies cannot compare with this prayer if you repeat it every day. You will always be under reliable protection.

Conspiracy - return

A strong conspiracy to a person who says nasty things to you, wishes you bad things have words - boomerangs. Say these words to your enemy:

“All mine will remain with me, all yours to you and will return. All yours - into your bodies! May it be so!".

After the spoken slander, you will see fear in the eyes of your ill-wisher, all his bad energy returned to him. Similarly, when you meet a gypsy woman on the street, you can tell her in response:

"It will come back to you!"

The result will not be long in coming. The gypsy will immediately retire without harming you.

A conspiracy from enemies does not have to be learned by heart. Conspiracies and prayers are just a way to turn to God. It is only important to correctly determine the goal in order to apply one or another strong conspiracy from ill-wishers and enemies.

Feedback from visitors


the chip is worth your session

Mehribanesli, it's very expensive, so learn it yourself it's very interesting, learn the cards - guess, learn your hands - guess, learn faces, figures, gait, voice, smell, astrology, pharmacopoeia, medicine and guess, guess, and you will have a lot of things in 10 years in this case it will turn out, and also - NLP and you can "get" anyone to the fullest and make them do what you want, not he. Later you will be able to "reach" for thousands of kilometers to see and hear whoever you want and to guide him at a distance, it is interesting. learn, learn, learn, as the Great Lenin bequeathed. Here's all the magic - black, gray, white, magic is one and the church forbids it because it exists. You cannot prohibit what is not. I hope you understand everything and slowly move along this steep, narrow path up to the top of the mountain. Good luck to you. Nino

Hello, I would like to know you are studying. Best regards Mehriban

Good evening, please tell me the conspiracy. I live with my mother and father in the same house, my parents divorced for 2 weeks, my father has been constantly humiliating us for the last 2 years, as soon as he doesn't humiliate us, scandal, we need to sell and share the house in order to get rid of it, so he goes to great lengths so that the house is not put up for sale, does everything so as not to sell.Please tell me how to get rid of the tyrant's father, really, my mother and I get tired of eternal scandals

a very sinful question for your stupidity and a very simple answer is given to everyone according to his sins ... go with your mother to church and ask for forgiveness for yourself and for him and give everyone and him a magpie about health and evil will go out of his heart from your hearts. and separately a large candle with a request for mutual understanding in the family, get on your knees. and most importantly, if you wish evil by the blood of your dear, then this most terrible evil usually falls on your children.

I just read I'm waiting for the result thanks

I want my enemies to die. I have been to the other world because of them, I have tried a lot, but the result is zero. Maybe someone will tell you how to get rid of them. Thanks in advance.

What the hell is going on ?!

Maybe someone knows and will tell you why a person every New Year at the festive table gives guests toothbrushes as a gift after 12 hours, and so every year how to neutralize it

why does a person give toothbrushes to all guests every New Year after 12 noon at the festive table, and so every New Year

Do not give a dick to him?

Everything that concerns damage and punishment of enemies - you cannot do this with prayers ...))))

All black magicians, who are in the battle of psychics, sign contracts with the channels and go to PR)…. I have not heard that at least one fatal outcome has made….

All who do not advertise like this are worthy of respect ... After all, the coolest sorcerers in Ukraine. For example, the Organization of Dark Templars, no one has heard of them, but politicians of this rank go to them - Mama don’t cry, there’s a constant column of Merciers and Renzhyks from the Eos ...

Hello! And how to contact Alexander Aramovsky.?

To which of the magicians should I turn with a request?

My mother-in-law doesn’t give shit to me, wants her husband to open me to death, does help me for years, I suffer from her. Tell me, pozh-hundred, and the conspiracies provided on your site can be carried out by uninitiated people who have never practiced magic?

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Effective conspiracies to help eliminate the enemy and punish him

Unfortunately, no one is immune from clashes with ill-wishers. However, it is quite possible to resist their influence, neutralize negative energy and take revenge on such people. Moreover, there are a lot of proven methods that our ancestors still used. Among them there are strong magic spells and special prayers, which are accompanied by rituals and help people protect themselves from enemies (conspiracy-protection, slander on the amulet). You can find the most popular conspiracies against enemies in this article.

Magical texts that act in two directions at once - protect the performer and help punish the villain, the bad person, are considered the most popular. In addition, such conspiracies protect the author from troubles of a different nature and even damage.

Whether you want to punish the offender, take revenge, harm your enemy or get rid of him, magic will be the most effective method possible. However, even a strong conspiracy is not able to change the enemy's attitude towards you. This should be taken into account when carrying out any conspiracy against the enemy. Even after a special ceremony has been performed, the ill-wisher will still think and speak badly of you. Basically, spells and prayers will help create an energetic biofield. This protection will be an obstacle to negative influences and bad thoughts of a person.

We speak from enemies with a pin

This conspiracy helps to limit the impact of bad people. To protect yourself and block the path of the enemy's evil thoughts in your direction, perform a ceremony with a pin.

Having bought a new pin, go home with it. To make it a talisman against enemies, whisper the words of the prayer above the hairpin three times:

"I stab, burn, drive away the enemy."

Then say "Amen" and pin the pin to the clothes. It is advisable to always carry this protective amulet with you.

Rite of passage with candles

This conspiracy will help to block the path of the negative energy of the enemy, to get rid of his messages and, in general, to destroy everything that was said and conceived by him earlier. It "works" only when you know the name of the enemy. This spell is very powerful, so after using it, you will not have to resort to more radical methods of revenge (cause death, subject to punishment).

You can get rid of the enemy in this way if you purchase three candles in the church in advance. You also need to determine when the full moon will come. Then take the candles in the evening. Place them on the table in front of you and light them. Looking at the fire of the candle in the center, say the words of the prayer nine times in a row to get rid of the negative "burden" and the enemy itself:

“As devils scatter from the sight of God, as a burning flame goes out from water, as an arrow wounds the body, so let the servant of God (the name of the enemy) not build intrigues for me. So that I, the servant of God (my name), would not even see up close, I would not hear the voice. Let him not scold me, not discuss, not bother me, not interfere, not remember. As the dead lie in silence before singing, so even if the servant of God (his name) does not curse me, he does not remember me with an evil word. Amen".

Then wait silently for all the candles to burn out. When only cinders remain, remove them from the table and hide in a secret place. The effect of the conspiracy will be noticeable in the coming days. A specific person weaving intrigues behind your back (at work) will stop unceremoniously invading your life.

Rite of passage if the name of the enemy is not known

It happens that a streak of failures follows for a long time and there is no visible beginning or end of it. In such cases, it is not clear where the source of evil comes from, how to get rid of it, and who should be punished.

To neutralize the negative impact, destroy its consequences and eliminate the "invisible" ill-wisher, use this conspiracy. It will be possible to punish the enemy if you perform the following ceremony.

On a full moon evening, take and light some candles. Looking at the blazing flames, read the magic words of the conspiracy:

“Lord Almighty, please protect me, my family, relatives and friends, my home. Save the fruits of my labors from the enemy-enemy, do not let the secret enemy destroy my work. Protect me from those whom I know and whom I do not know. Amen".

This conspiracy from enemies at work or among neighbors is very strong. However, the result may not be visible anytime soon. In situations like this, it is better to repeat the rite against the secret enemy.

Powerful text from a constantly harming foe

There are also more serious magical measures that are included in the section of black magic. Such spells are not recommended to be used. They are used when serious methods of confronting the enemy are needed. As a rule, they help:
  • eliminate the object of the negative;
  • take revenge on a person;
  • destroy the spells sent to their side.

Such protection is effective, but it can also affect the fate of the performer himself.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • scissors
  • two ordinary candles
  • a few hairs from the head of the enemy.

In the middle of the night, start implementing your plans. First, place the candles on the table and light them. Then take your hair and use scissors to cut the bun in half. At the same time, the following words should be pronounced:

“I cut with sharp scissors, cut the hair of the servant of God (the name of the owner of the hair), I punish him. Let all the evil and dashing, which I wished for, departed from me, and returned to him. All my troubles will turn him into a strong grief, which will not end for a long time. May all his sins return to him. "

After saying the words, burn the enemy's hair, while pronouncing the spell during the procedure:

"Let everything burn, because my word is strong."

Having done such a ceremony, you will be able not only to get rid of the harmful enemy, but also to return to him what was sent in your direction a hundredfold. You learned how to get revenge and hurt bad people at work or in the neighborhood by paying them back with the same coin.

A stronger conspiracy against an evil foe in the form of a spell on death or approximate punishment is a different kind of magic. Such magical texts are called corruption and can cause not only the expected effect, but also various consequences. Usually, they are reflected in the author of the conspiracy. Therefore, before using magic and powerful conspiracies (for example, to death), it is better to think it over carefully.

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the intrigues of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nastiness, intrigue and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help to escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. Getting rid of enemies is difficult, but we will help you deal with them. Rather simple spells will help you to punish the enemy, to protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to write.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are enough enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, making them suffer and suffer. There is a proven conspiracy that removes your insecurities and makes enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (called a name) looks after God's servant (your name) or a cow, dog, or my horse, then he will never be good for him. I collect sand from the sea, I take away your anger. Trees cannot be counted and all sea water cannot be drunk, so this man cannot overcome me. Let the wicked man's joints ache, as the roots of God’s power in the forest breaks. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magical neutralization of the enemy

Some particularly powerful rituals are designed to make the abuser fear you. Such conspiracies are read from enemies once, with the right hand laid on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who interfere with your life, mentally pronounce the spell:

“Not me to suffer, but you. From evil thoughts, Lord, protect me, take black deeds away. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are wax. From intrigues and unnecessary evil, my prayer is strong. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai. "

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who decide to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious and spiteful critics who interfere with career advancement, get their photos. For a spell from ill-wishers at work to be effective, the shot must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of whom is your nemesis. To carry out a magical ceremony, take scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it harder on the photo you have obtained. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. Procedure for performing actions:

  1. Cast a spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots are enough).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - so be it."
  4. After reading the conspiracy against the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. Conspiracies from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Some spiteful critics are read spells for food, others - for three candles. Here is the full text of the "working" spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that many of the adversaries' undertakings go to a dead end. Let (mention of a name or names) take their hands off me, they do not achieve their task. I am winding a black thread, I wish the enemy to be chased away. Let (name of the enemy) torment with envy, but he cannot take my strength. He will always stray, lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

You will defend yourself with a powerful conspiracy from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both for the Slavs and for representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“Saint Elijah I call upon to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly host, earthly and water forces, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I am leading the Guardian Angel to battle, all his power of the evil-doer will punish him. Help, heavenly host, to cope with an unpleasant person. Whoever thinks unkind - stop, who gets rid of me - warn me. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Conspiracy on a scarf

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief, you can confuse the enemy, prevent his aggressive actions. This is a strong defense against enemies, but you need to cast a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of points:

  • we speak a handkerchief in a whisper;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before leaving for work;
  • wiping your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • the spell can restore health, ward off corruption and create good conditions for business.

The handkerchief will create a bunch of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

“Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants, and unexpected guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil corruption from the house. What is stuck will go into a handkerchief. "

Rite of passage with poppy seeds

The poppy conspiracy is considered a preventive rite - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of a person and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Transfer the poppy seeds to a clay container.
  3. Cross the food 3 times.
  4. Read the conspiracy.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - just toss grains into a jacket or shirt pocket. This can be done when the guest wants to go to the toilet. Everything will be all right with the well-wisher, and the potential enemy will start having problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. At whom a bad thought was born, she immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, they do not encroach on my ruin and health. If the enemy steals anything, the devil take him. "

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. The candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and start reading the prayer:

“Lord, save me from intrigues and nets, insidious notions and evil ideas, swords and poisons. Let not the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and the enemy's will hit me. Hot words, false promises, drowning wave, wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, they will protect me from early death, ailments and an inverted cross. Keep away from me. Amen".

Reflexive slander

There are slanderous words popularly called "boomerangs". The spell below is read mentally in the face of an enemy swearing with you. Procedure:

  1. Memorize the text.
  2. Say the slander in your mind.
  3. Seeing the fear in the eyes of your opponent, add: "It will come back to you."

The refund spell works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts are in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a talisman from enemies

Experienced healers recommend conspiracies so that enemies are afraid, combined with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Get out the loose gray poppy and start the ritual on Thursday. An important point: change in the store when buying poppy is not taken. The very same protective poppy crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“A month is behind me, the sun is red in front of my eyes. If the adversary is planning a dangerous one, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to ruin my enemies and destroy the dastardly plans. Key and tongue lock. Evil scatters. Amen".

We have presented the simplest and most effective rituals used by our ancestors in everyday life from time immemorial. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major religious holidays. Some of the rituals fall under the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

Why Believe in a Jewish Conspiracy? It is much better to believe in an Orthodox conspiracy. Moreover, it really exists.

Two years ago, in the town of Rameshki, Tver Region, local priest Aleksey Golyakov had an accident and seriously injured his spine. This happened a few weeks before his wife Svetlana (Fotinia) was to give birth to her twelfth child. The priest was hospitalized in Tver, but it immediately became clear that it would not be possible to save him in the regional hospital. I need a serious operation in one of the best clinics in Moscow. Father Alexei's fellow countryman, the rector of the Moscow Church of St. George the Victorious in Koptevo, Father Sergius (Wild), learned about the misfortune. The parish was mobilized in a matter of hours. We rushed to the Botkin hospital - they said that the operation could be done free of charge, but first we need to draw up paperwork, and this is precious time. They ran to the Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery - the same answer. Someone advised to go to the 67th Moscow hospital to the head of the department of traumatology and neurosurgery, Georgy Dzukaev. He did not bother with administrative solitaire, but simply said: "Take it." When asked: "How much?" - he shook his head negatively and replied: "To the glory of God."

The operation was successful, but it was not possible to save Alexei's father. Several weeks of hospitalization in Tver turned out to be fatal. When the surgeon Dzukaev looked at the pictures and learned that the priest with a damaged spine was lying in the regional hospital on an ordinary old bed with a broken lattice, he darkened and said that he hoped only for a miracle and that the risk of postoperative complications was very high. And so it happened. A few weeks after the operation, Alexei's father developed meningitis. He died on Good Friday.

Meanwhile, other parishioners, not hoping for a free operation, launched a powerful information campaign to raise funds on the Internet. In a matter of days, the news of the tragedy in Rameshki spread throughout all Orthodox electronic resources. “There were so many calls that the batteries at my phone ran out four times a day,” recalls Regina Ventskunaite, a parishioner of the Church of St. George the Victorious. “While I was on duty in the hospital ward, I had to go outside to get donations every ten minutes. They came in jeeps, came under their own power - someone gave thousands of dollars, someone hundreds of rubles, someone offered to help with action. After the father's death, I called people, offering them to take the money, but not a single person agreed. "

It was decided to give the money to the widow. They helped a lot to improve the shaky financial situation of the Golyakov family. It turned out that the wives of priests, in the event of the death of their husbands, are entitled only to penny child benefits. Even if the priest has at least 20 children, neither the church nor the state guarantees their further well-being. All hope is only for him - for an international Orthodox conspiracy.

This story is one of hundreds, maybe thousands, when this method worked. Matushka Fotinia is still receiving money from all over the world, she was helped to place older children in universities, new friends are constantly calling her, she lost her husband, but gained dozens of relatives in Christ. All of them are participants in a secret conspiracy. Against those doctors who refused to save a person without the appropriate accompanying documentation. Against those postal workers who pull out money sent to the mother of twelve children from envelopes. Against those employees of the guardianship authorities who almost took the widow of the priest to a psychiatric hospital, and her children to an orphanage - only on the grounds that after the death of her husband, which coincided with childbirth, she fell into a deep and prolonged depression. This was prevented only by the long arms of the Orthodox conspiracy. After the intervention of influential lay people, the widow was transferred to a good Moscow clinic, and within a month she was a normal person. The doctors of this clinic said that if she had stayed in the provincial madhouse, she would never have returned from there.

I was in Rameshki, communicated with Mother Fotinia. She called the names of the people who helped her. Among them there were a lot of non-poor businessmen, influential officials, church hierarchs, famous athletes, popular artists, major politicians, there was even one businessman who is listed as a prominent representative of the criminal world in the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Equally variegated was the ethnic composition of the "conspirators": Russians, Jews, Tatars, Lithuanians, Ossetians, Armenians, Italians, Swedes, French, there was even one Roma from Serbia and a Macedonian family. These people have only one thing in common - religion. And an indispensable requirement that their names do not get into the press. Because it is said: do good in secret and the Lord will reward you openly.

And now try to tell me that this is not a conspiracy. A real secret international Orthodox conspiracy. Several hundred people united on a religious basis, used their influence and financial capabilities, put pressure on the necessary levers - and resolved the situation in accordance with their ideas of justice. And, as far as I know, after this first experience, the conspiracy did not cease to exist. Many of those who helped Matushka Fotinia have since kept in touch with each other, help those who have already despaired of achieving justice in difficult situations, and some acquaintances among the conspirators have grown into mutually beneficial commercial relationships.

It seems to me that this is a very correct and effective approach. Instead of fooling yourself and those around you by exposing the intrigues of the world behind the scenes, identifying Jewish Masons and just Masons - why not build your own Orthodox conspiracy. First at the parish level, then in your neighborhood, city, country, world? Don't you like the fact that people from the Caucasus have taken over the markets? Start your own economic expansion, weave a network of influence, promote your people to the necessary administrative and economic heights. And don't say it's unreal. The starting opportunities for such expansion are ideal today: there are thousands of Orthodox parishes and monasteries in Russia - isn't that enough? Yes, as long as they are mainly spiritual centers and, God forbid, they will not cease to be. Yes, while the parishioners of these churches most often stand together only for prayer, and outside the church sometimes they don't even recognize each other by sight. But what prevents to do so that parishes become centers of attraction not only for spiritual life, but for social and even economic activity?

They may object to me: the main thing in church life is prayer, liturgy, and repentance. I agree. But the ultimate goal of both, and the third is the salvation of souls. But does not guide a person on the true path not only in the spiritual sphere, but also in the economic one serve the same purpose. An unemployed person is more prone to sin, and a rich person who does not know how to dispose of his wealth in a divine way also risks ruining his soul. And to bring this scattered social choir into harmonious correspondence is no less important task of the church than the church service or the restoration of churches and monasteries.

As a matter of fact, this process has already begun and cannot be stopped. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of incidents similar to that of Mother Fotinia. The situation is changing not by decrees and orders, but by the same conspiracy method. People see the problem, people understand that they cannot pass by, people unite and solve it. An Orthodox journalist makes a piercing publication, an Orthodox entrepreneur uses his financial capabilities, an Orthodox official uses administrative resources, an Orthodox scientist activates his intellectual potential, an Orthodox student takes on the role of coordinator of common efforts, an Orthodox pensioner recalls that she was once a teacher to the prosecutor general, and so on. ... The conspiracy took place. The problem has been resolved. Effectively and without fanaticism.

And in the process of solving it, it suddenly turns out that an Orthodox entrepreneur has long been looking for an intelligent assistant and an Orthodox student is very suitable for this role. And an Orthodox official has long been unable to find a sensible tutor for his children. So the pensioner is attached. And the scientist has been knocking around with his promising invention for ten years, but he lacks an entrepreneurial streak. And an Orthodox businessman is in the business of venture capital. And everyone is good - and God is a candle.

In Russia, the phrase "new Orthodox" is being heard more and more often. Actually, this article was the beginning of a conversation about them.

In various newspapers, "effective conspiracies" for diseases sent by readers constantly appear, but Alevtina Kartushenko's conspiracy in "Voskresnaya Gazeta", No. 7, 2004 "from geese and cysts" made me take up my pen.

The Orthodox Church treats conspiracies extremely negatively, considering them one of the forms of magic, which is always destructive, even if it is white.

There is no gray color in the spiritual world, there is only Light and darkness, God and Satan. And a person cannot be between them, i.e. neither with God, nor with a devil, but by himself. The moment a person consciously rejects or removes himself from God, sinning, he falls into the environment of evil spirits.

Prayer to God (not empty yoga meditation!) Is the main means of communication with God. We ask in prayer for mercy, protection, admonition, healing in sickness, blessings in deeds, etc. In the case of prayers to the saints ("the intense prayer of the righteous can do much" (James 5:16), their context is always as follows: "the holy saint of God ... pray to God for me (us), that is, it is not the saints who help, but God, whom they asked for us sinners with their effective prayer.In contrast to the sects, the Orthodox Church, remembering that with God "all are alive" (Luke 20:38), considers the departed righteous to be an integral, invisible heavenly part of Christ's Church. then we can freely ask the saints in heaven to pray for us, just as we ask our living loved ones or a priest to "pray for me."

At the same time, it is important that the prayer, even if it is short ("Lord, bless!", "Lord, save and preserve!"), Be constant: "... pray ceaselessly" (1 Thess. 5:17), - this is how St. the apostle Paul. At such moments we are really with the Creator. And all the benefits received after prayer will be unambiguously beneficial for a person, since they were accomplished by God.

Have "healers", sorcerers and their clients ever wondered what power is used to execute conspiracies and magic spells? Here is an example of a conspiracy supposedly from cancer: "As dry, sick, not growing, not living, burns with it, an evil growth from the slave (name) Amen will burn with it." And while you still need to perform some magical actions with dry birch branches. Where is the direct appeal to God, saints or angels? Where is it written, "Lord, have mercy and heal"? This is not there! And it becomes clear that if the result after a conspiracy or spell is achieved, and God was not asked about this, then the executor, undoubtedly, are only demons who, in order to lead people into sin, can do seemingly "useful" deeds. Although magic has never worked in cancer, worse, the malignant process was aggravated even worse!

The danger of magic is that a person instead of God asks for the help of demons!

It may be objected that there are many conspiracies with prayers. Well, let us analyze them using the example of the method "from gusts and cysts" from Alevtina Kartushenko.

The first thing that catches your eye is the presence of just magical rituals: "two threads are not black", the need to "bury the threads under the threshold of a house, a barn, a gate where they walk", etc. This destroys the entire effectiveness of any canonical prayer read at the same time, since you cannot turn to God while holding onto the hand of a demon. And in our case, reading "Our Father ..." only enhances the destructiveness of these actions.

In Orthodoxy, there are different types of prayers: prayers of praise and gratitude to God, repentance, prayers for help in all matters and, of course, for healing, while each of them should be pronounced in accordance with their purpose, and not confused. "Our Father ..." is not a prayer for the healing of bodily ailments.

"Our Father ..." is a special prayer, it is a prayer, one might say, of the chosen and truly perfect Christians, since it is a "double-edged sword" with which one can both grow spiritually, conquering hell, and seriously injure oneself. "And leave us our debts, as if we also leave our debtors ..." - it says in it. With these words, a Christian asks God to forgive him of his sins, as he himself forgives the sins of others; forgives people who have caused any (!) offense, harm, have not paid money debt, stolen property, etc. Coming to this highest Christian prayer, I repeat, you need to forgive any sin committed in relation to us, anyone! And then some, praying "Our Father", then curse for the empty trifle "What would you be dead!", "Serves you right!" There is no doubt that the time will come when God will also "forgive" the one who is praying ... Man will not rejoice at this "forgiveness"!

So, the patient (s) with "lumps and cysts", not realizing that you yourself need to forgive the sins of your neighbor; while asking "... and deliver us from the evil one," he himself, blasphemously cunning, commits godly magical actions! Moreover, he baptizes the threshold and the gate, under which the threads are buried, sanctifying the constantly trampled and desecrated places ... Worse, on Alevtina's advice, the patient still smears himself with urine! According to the Church, the use of urine in treatment leads to:

1) to physical desecration associated with the use of sewage inside the body;

2) to moral desecration, for the Creator has laid a disgust for uncleanness: "And if the soul touches something unclean, the uncleanness of human ... then that soul shall be destroyed from your people" (Lev. 7:21);

3) to spiritual defilement for, having trampled upon the commandments of the Lord, people seek urine. And you have to be what a bold person, so that, on the eve of getting drunk or smeared with filth, proceed, for example, to Holy Communion?

Thus, one cannot even imagine how a sick person is defiled from such treatment and spiritually overthrown!

But what is truly a great craftiness with which demons teach "healers-grandmothers" is that you can get rid of warts "on legs" simply by bandaging them with cotton. thread (silk are untied) of any color ... And they will eventually disappear without any conspiracies and digging in the ground, and to prevent complications, they need to be regularly lubricated with alcohol or lotion. Everything! But look how cleverly the demons arranged the simple dressing procedure, turning it into another method of casting a person down into grave sins!

Reading such "healing" advice, I sometimes just want to shout: "Good people! Think with your head, and not in other places, before advising and doing this !!!". And in order not to fall into these traps, always ask the priest for advice and blessing ...

Maxim Stepanenko, supervisor
Missionary department of the Ufa diocese
Russian Orthodox Church

From time immemorial, conspiracies and prayers have been used by people in a variety of matters - from love and family matters to finance and career. Indeed, situations often arise in life, a way out of which is very difficult or even impossible to find on your own, and then the help of higher powers is needed. People turn their prayers and conspiracies to them. And more often than not, help does come. That is why, over the long millennia of human history, many cultures, civilizations and states have disappeared into oblivion, but the tradition of prayers and conspiracies has not been interrupted for a day, and today people resort to them and receive help just like many centuries ago.

Although conspiracies and prayers are used for the same purpose - to get help from higher powers in solving our problems, they have a different essence and act in completely different ways. Conspiracy is a magic rite, prayer is religious. A conspiracy can appeal to a variety of forces - the forces of light and the forces of darkness, natural elements, to the living and inanimate. Often, a conspiracy does not use rational forces, but the very spiritual and natural energy, which the magician directs in the direction he needs. Prayer refers only to God or subordinate saints.

There is another important difference. A conspiracy, like almost any magical rite, although it often looks like a request to one or another supernatural force, is, in fact, an order. When uttering a conspiracy, a person hopes not for the mercy and goodwill of the forces to which he turns, but expects that his very words and actions will force these forces to help him. Therefore, in conspiracies, it is very important to observe the form of the ritual. For the conspiracy to succeed, it is important to pronounce the right words at the right time and do the right things in the right order.

At the same time, although the prayers have an established text for centuries, people who pray hope that the Lord will hear not so much their words as their hopes. The finished prayer text simply helps a person express what he feels and what he desires. At the same time, the believer is not at all sure that his prayer will be heard and his request fulfilled. After all, this is not an order, but a request, and only God is given to decide whether a person deserves it.

And finally, it should be understood that conspiracies and prayers should not be confused and resorted to at the same time. And it is better to make a choice between them forever, since religion and magic contradict each other. From the point of view of religion, any magic is a conspiracy with the forces of evil and Satan himself. Therefore, a true believer will not resort to conspiracies and any other magical rites. He expects help in his troubles and problems only from God.

Rituals that use conspiracies and prayers can be applied in a variety of situations with their help, you can solve a variety of life problems.

From damage and evil eye

Prayers from corruption and evil eye are very popular and effective. If you notice that something is wrong with you, then you should conduct a special ceremony with spring water, in which a special prayer is used from damage and the evil eye. This ritual belongs to the means of white magic, so it can be performed several times until you feel relief. It is necessary to collect spring water in a cup and, retiring in a separate room, read a special prayer-conspiracy on it.

It is imperative to start it with the following words:

"Forgive and save me, Lord, a sinner (s), Thy Servant (s) (own name)".

“The Mother of God Mary took water from a natural spring, she took it and baptized it with a holy cross, such water helped well from damage and the evil eye. All the unkind looks, male and female, for girls and guys intended by that water were eaten away and did not achieve their goals. So there is no damage to the evil eye and in the Servant (s) of God (s) (own name), they will not stir up his (her) blood and his (her) heart will not dry up. Amen".

Having spoken the words, you should rinse your face with the spoken water. After the ceremony, you should carefully observe yourself, listening to your own inner feelings and focusing on your own subconscious. Such a ceremony is also allowed to be carried out in order to remove damage or the evil eye from a loved one. In this case, you will need to watch him.

If almost immediately after the ceremony you feel weak and sleepy, this means that the ritual was successful and the negativity is leaving you. All that is needed in this case is to have a good rest and gain strength. If, after such a powerful ceremony, nothing happened, then this means that poor health is caused by other health problems, and it is necessary to undergo an examination at a medical institution.

Very often children, due to natural insecurity, become victims of an accidental evil eye or damage. These are very dangerous effects, so they must be removed. If you notice that your child is often naughty, do not rush to punish him. Most likely, he is under the influence of the evil eye or spoilage, which led to certain health problems.

A special rite will also help to get rid of alien negativity, in which a prayer conspiracy from damage and the evil eye is used. First, you need to wipe the baby's face with holy water from the temple and wipe it with the hem of your own clothes, and then lick it crosswise. Then you need to read the well-known and very effective prayer "Our Father" three times. After this, the magic words of the conspiracy prayer should be pronounced.

They sound like this:

“Help me, Servant of God (proper name) Most Holy Theotokos. I gave birth to my baby, the Servant of God (the name of the child), so give me the strength to save him from damage and the evil eye and protect him in the future. There will be no more evil flaws on my child, accidental or induced by an enemy. With a prayer to you, Most Holy Theotokos, and with my strong word I conjure everything bad from my child for dense forests, for wide fields I drive away. Everything bad will go away and will never return, to the Servant of God (name of the child), will never return. It will be the only way. Amen".

Protective rite

When you fear that you might be spoiled, you need to carry out a special protective rite that uses a conspiracy prayer. You can write the text of such a spell on paper and carry it with you at all times. In this case, it will serve as a talisman.

Magic words sound like this:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name) bow low and hope in You, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to all the Saints' thrones, to all angels and archangels, to all seraphim and cherubim. Forgive me, Lord Almighty, all earthly sins of the Servant (s) of God (s) (own name), forgive me the sins known and unknown. I confess, the Servant (s) of God (s) (own name) only to you, my Lord. Hear my request, Mighty Heavenly Forces, and save me from cruel death and from vain death, from an unkind eye, black envy emanating from a dashing person, from evil words from unkind hearts. So that I do not fornicate along the back roads, but only see the bright path to the Kingdom of God. I trust in you, and I entrust my life. So be it. Amen".

For a conspiracy prayer to be effective, you need to be a believer. In addition, you must also be sure to believe in the power of magic. Equally important is your confidence in the effectiveness of any ritual that uses a conspiracy prayer.