Conspiracies and rituals for Shrovetide. Folk magic. The ceremony of forgiveness takes place in the evening, after dinner. Shrovetide is usually celebrated

Shrovetide is a holiday that symbolizes the departure of winter and the beginning of spring. The custom of saying goodbye to winter was left to us by our pagan ancestors. The festivities last a whole week, always starting on Monday. Shrovetide conspiracies are distinguished by special magical power. With their help, you can attract various benefits into your life, get rid of bad habits and cleanse your home of negativity.

The beginning of the festivities

The first day of Shrovetide week is popularly called “meeting”. It is believed that it is on this day that winter meets spring. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, as soon as the first asterisk appears in the sky, the oldest representative of the fair sex in the house should go to the pond or krinitsa and ask for a month to blow on the dough:

"Look out the window for a month, show your golden horns, blow on the dough."

You can't eat the first pancake on Monday. It should be taken out on the porch and laid as a delicacy for dead souls. When putting a pancake on the porch, you need to say:

“Relatives from the other world, we are waiting for your greetings, here we have left the first pancake for you.”

On the first day of Shrove Tuesday, it is customary for the newlyweds to travel around the village in beautiful, carved sleighs and visit everyone who was at their wedding festivities. Also on Monday, they made a straw stuffed animal, dressed it in women's clothes and sledged it throughout the settlement. A conspiracy read on the first Monday after the oil week will help to double your cash receipts, you should come to the place where the largest folk festivals were held and find money there.

Having picked up a coin, read the conspiracy:

“(His name) did not walk on the ground for a long time, he found the money. As I went to them, so let them now go into my hands by themselves. How many people were here for Shrovetide, so much may I have money. "

On Monday, we read Shrovetide conspiracies that protect against the witch's evil eye:

"A witch, a witch, a branded devil, how not to drink all the water from the reservoirs of the world, how not to gnaw all the trees on the ground, you cannot ruin my life, damage my house and harm my relatives."

The ritual can be performed outdoors, looking up at the starry sky.

Fortune telling

Tuesday is popularly called "flirting". On this day, the future husband was chosen over pancakes. According to the preferences of gourmets, it was possible to find out what the character of a man is and decide whether to associate his life with him:

  • with caviar, a real strong man prefers pancakes, who has a harmony on the farm and his children-wife are always dressed like sweets;
  • pancakes with red fish are preferred by an intelligent guy, they did not appreciate such people in Russia, because they are not accustomed to living in the village, they have only higher goals and the spiritual world in their minds, but they are not accustomed to earthly affairs;
  • pancakes with cottage cheese are loved by flexible, gentle men who need a woman commander nearby so that they can unquestioningly carry out her commands;
  • people who try to please everyone like pancakes with sour cream, they always agree with everyone, do not have their own opinion;
  • butter in pancakes is put by gentle, gentle men, ideal in relationships, but not in household chores, because besides talking about their love, they do not know how to do anything else;
  • pancakes with eggs can only be eaten by the most unpleasant person, in a simple way, a bore, he performs all duties only on the knurled, but for more he is not enough, he always grumbles, not cheerful;
  • loving guys love pancakes with jam, such a man will have time to do everything at home, to provide for his family, and to run to his neighbor to the left.

How to remove negativity

A cleansing ritual with a Shrovetide conspiracy was held on Monday. To carry out the ceremony, you need to collect clean snow in a large basin. The basin, along with the snow, should be brought into the house and wiped off completely from head to toe, rubbing carefully. During this procedure, conspiracies should be read all the time:

“Come out, pour out all corruption and malice from my body. Let the icy snow flow down with water and wash away all slander and other people's evil slander. All angels and archangels drive away corruption from me. Amen".

From what remains in the basin, a snow man should be fashioned. Draw his eyes, mouth and nose. Next, you need to write your name backwards on the snowman and read this conspiracy 33 times:

“Whoever caused the damage, took it back, but could not return it. I never do anything bad to anyone and do not wish, and the one who does not live according to honor, let him himself receive retribution for his evil. "

When the snowman melts, the water should be poured out at the intersection, away from your house, on the same evening, do not leave the used liquid in the house overnight.

How to protect yourself from envious people

An envious person is a deeply unhappy person who cannot find his place in life, therefore he envies every little thing. Their negative energy pours out on everyone around, often from such a flow one can suffer greatly. When a person is envied, he starts to get sick, fails after failure. To protect themselves from such influences, a special spell is read on the last day of Shrovetide.

“Higher powers, I hope for your favor, I ask for protection. As I will walk along the path, neither envious nor enemies will meet me on the way. On the narrow path I will only meet friends, I welcome them to my home. All my paths are clean, there are no pebbles on them, no swampy swamps, no deep holes. "

For greater efficiency, you should cast the spell three times.

How to lure money into the house

To perform the ritual, you will need snow collected from the intersection. For snow, you need to put a golden penny at the crossroads to pay off. At home, light a green lamp and start casting a spell over the snow.

“As the snow melted in the field, the water increased in the river. As I (name) went along the path, wherever I went, they can't give me a refusal anywhere, they offer work everywhere. I will choose a business to my liking, but it’s profitable but okay I’ll cope with it ”.

As the snow melts, you need to wash your face with water and pour the rest of the liquid through the window onto the street.

A spell to instruct the walking husband on the true path

The ritual is held on the last day of the oil week. If your husband walks on other women or looks at other people's skirts, read this spell over the pancake dough:

“As I ate pancakes, but went out the door, I could not step back. The green longing for home and his wife immediately overpowered him. As he looks at others, so let him now only look at the lawful spouse, he does not know life without her, but does not turn his head around. "

Pancakes need to be made from the charmed dough. Make tea for the pancakes, or even better, put your favorite alcoholic drink, on which you should also, first, read the conspiracy:

“As I tasted the drink, I noticed my wife again. Now others will not be seen everywhere, only I have sunk into my heart and soul forever, so I stayed there, took all the free space in my hands. "

Dryer for husband

With the beginning of the Pancake Week, they begin to cook pancakes every day. So on the second day of the festivities, the first pancake should be eaten by itself, the second should be fed to the birds, and on the third, read the hex:

“As melancholy walked, tossed about, so I got into a pancake in this one. Whoever eats it now will dry up for me (name). "

This pancake must be eaten by your husband. The very next day you will notice how his behavior and attitude towards you will change. With the help of such a ritual, you can revive a former passion or return the feelings of a husband who is about to leave.

Protective spells

From our ancestors, many signs and conspiracies have come to us, which correspond to the days of the celebration of the carnival. Magic these days is very strong, it is a sin not to use it for the good of the family. Some of them are successfully used in modern life.

  1. On Monday, they make a talisman for prosperity and satiety: under the pan in which the dough is kneaded for pancakes, you should fold a handful of coins and read the corresponding plot, after which the coins should be hidden and kept in the house until the next butter dish.
  2. On the second day, conspiracies are read that will help ward off death and illness from the house. At night, it is customary to put a treat to the housekeeper and ask him for protection and help.
  3. On the third day, you need to hang a broom at the doorstep and read the following words: "Do not let witchcraft into the house, drive away witches from the doorway."
  4. On Thursday they read a conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family. In a jug of milk, you should put as many grains of wheat as there are people in your family and say: "just as the grains in the jug do not crowd and push, so peace in my family is peace".
  5. On Friday, you should put a talisman against fires and thieves. On a piece of white paper, you need to write a conspiracy: "The light walls in my house cannot be burned with fire, evil people will bypass us, the angels will not give us offense."

Many are interested in what Shrovetide is and when it is celebrated, let us answer bluntly that most of them have no idea about this holiday at all. The Russians have this saying:

First damn coma!
Second to my acquaintances
Third distant to all relatives
And the fourth pancake for me

This does not mean that the first pancake baked in a pan should not work or crumple. The meaning is completely different, for whom this is the name of a bear and it was necessary to cajole it with pancakes for Shrovetide, and this proverb was formed from this. It is celebrated on the second day after the vernal equinox and represents the farewell of winter of the goddess Marena to her castle, the so-called palace located far to the north. The name of this ancient holiday Komoeditsa is the personification of the astronomical phenomenon of the beginning of spring. For the villagers, this is essentially an agrarian agricultural new year and the conspiracies on this day are more devoted to agriculture. If you have already baked pancakes, the most desperate fed the bear, then you can proceed to spells.

Conspiracy to be good with the harvest

If you are engaged in gardening and you have a summer cottage, then this conspiracy is for you. Everyone wants to have a good harvest in their garden and vegetable garden, but not everyone understands how to make it come true. This ritual is intended to wake up the land in your area. Take a piece of wood, shave it off in the form of a male symbol, fumigate with incense and herbs. Walk around your site three times in a circle clockwise, dig a hole in about the middle, fill it with wine or beer, throw grains there and dip the prepared symbol three times into the hole, then bury the hole, and the symbol must remain in the garden for this, dig in a column and attach it to it. While walking around your site, read this conspiracy

Get up earth wake up with dew rain wash your face, so be it, Goy!

Conspiracy for a cow to milk well

In the morning, you need to go into the barn to collect a bunch of hay and run it three times along the back from head to tail with this hay through the wool, saying conspiratorial words:

I drive dry grass on my back to be children with milk and for me to milk the cow well and not have mastitis yet, a cow with hay and I with milk.

Tie this bunch in a barn somewhere in the corner on a hammered carnation, let it hang until the next carnival just so that the cow does not get it. Milk yield will increase, be sure, just do not bring it to the point of absurdity, you still have to feed the cow well. You will see migratory birds at this time, take a straw and put it in the nest so that the chickens rush well

Shrovetide charms

Many conspiracies and charms have come to us from antiquity, which must be done on Shrove Week before the start of Great Lent.

On the first day of Maslenitsa, we make a talisman for a well-fed life within the walls of our home. Under the container in which we put the dough or knead pancakes, put 5 coins, saying: “Maslenitsa has come - it has brought satiety and prosperity to the house. Coins are kept under the bowl - we have a satisfying meal all year round. Prosperity will come - my house will pass the troubles ”. These coins must be kept in the house until the next Shrovetide.

On the second day, we brave death and illness from home. We give treats to any pet with the words: “A tasty morsel for the living soul, for the deceased - a reminder in the tuesok. To rest the dead in peace - to avoid disease and death alive. Everyone is happy to live and not grieve until the future Maslenitsa. " If he did not finish the treat, we throw the leftovers outside the house (and the infield).

On Wednesday, we hang a broom on a nail at the front door in the corridor (a talisman against witchcraft) and read the conspiracy: “Sweep, broom, a dashing thought from my yard, a dashing sentence, a dashing person. Witchcraft and evil eye - a cesspool, good and mercy - a wide road. Those who come with good will find shelter with us, those who bring evil will disappear beyond the threshold. "

On Thursday, Shrove Tuesday, we put a jug of milk on the table, dropping the cooked wheat grains into it, according to the number of residents in the house. We say the words of the incantation: “Just as the wheat is not cramped in this jug, so it is not cramped for us in our house. I whisper, I call, I conjure all the saints to send us peace and harmony. Let our house be rich in love and understanding. So that everyone here is related to each other and never swears at the other. "

On Friday, we put a talisman on housing against fire, natural disasters and thieves. We write on a piece of paper: “My house is about four corners, about light walls, about a nice roof, all others higher, in a good hour put in a good place. Neither fire, nor wind, nor stone, nor water, nor an evil person can take it. My house has a century to stand - to avoid all troubles. May it be so! Amen!" Then we burn the note on a white plate, and scatter the ashes in the yard in the wind.

On Saturday we are talking about a good neighborhood. We hang a pancake on the fence (or on the balcony) with the following words: “Damn blush and smooth I give the fence, to such an agreement, so as not to swear with neighbors, to remain in good friendship.” We treat our neighbors with pancakes.

On Sunday we bake a small amulet pancake for good luck for all family members. Everyone should start lunch with this little pancake, saying to himself: “Maslenitsa will go away, it will bring me happiness and good luck. To live for me and my family is not to grieve, to avoid evil, to keep good luck. " And the wish made after eating such a pancake will definitely come true.

Maslenitsa is the most famous and widespread traditional Slavic holiday, marking the change from winter to spring. The celebration of Shrovetide during the week is accompanied by the performance of ancient rituals, and it seems as if the whole holiday is saturated with magical power. That is why the Shrovetide conspiracy for money has not lost its relevance and effectiveness in our time. Shrovetide is bright, satisfying and cheerful people associate only with the most positive emotions. Therefore, all rituals and conspiracies for money must correspond to her spirit. Fighting with someone during Maslenitsa week is fraught with bad consequences throughout the year. And no one knows which area of ​​a person's life this will affect. Therefore, avoid conflict situations and be in a good mood throughout the holiday.
Money conspiracy through pancakes

Pancake money conspiracy

This is the simplest and most effective money conspiracy that can improve even the most deplorable financial situation.
Bake as many pancakes early in the morning as you and your family members can eat. It is very important to calculate such an amount so that everyone is full and happy, and there are no extra pancakes left. As you fry, mentally say the following words:

“How many hearty pancakes will we eat,
Our life will be so full from now on and forever and ever.
How much sweet honey and butter will we eat
Our life will be so sweet from now on and forever and ever.

Gather the whole family at the table, and put cooked pancakes, honey and butter on the table - the amount of additives must also be calculated correctly. In the process of eating, everyone needs to have fun and rejoice, in no case show negative emotions. Do not tell anyone about your conspiracy, otherwise it will not work.

Melted Snow Conspiracy

This is a very powerful conspiracy. It is possible only if not all the snow has melted on Shrovetide. Prepare a new yellow or red candle ahead of time. On the first day of the holiday, you get up at dawn, go to the nearest intersection, collect a handful of snow in a bowl, and leave a yellow coin in return. Bring the snow home, drown it with candle fire, and say the following words:

“As a yellow (red) candle drowns the snow,
So my lack of money and poverty melt away.
How much water comes in the rivers
I get so much wealth. Amen!"

After the snow melts, the water must be splashed into some nearby body of water. As a result of the execution of this conspiracy, your financial condition will go on a positive track, and throughout the year you will receive a fairly large sum of money once.

Getting rid of old things for Shrovetide

If during Shrovetide week you have the opportunity to go out of town, take some old and unnecessary things with you. Light a fire, throw your things into it, and while they are burning, mentally ask the festive spirit of Shrovetide to take with you all your problems and sorrows, and leave you only the good and necessary. In this ritual, your emotional attitude is very important and try to ask sincerely, you can even promise the spirit some action, just do not forget to have time to carry it out before the scarecrow is burned. At the end of the petition, say

“My word is strong. As it is tied, it will not be untied. Amen!""

Shrovetide conspiracy on a coin

Choose the day and place of the most massive crowd of people at the time of the festive festivities. Walk among the people until you find a coin. Most likely, sooner or later you will find it anyway, but if you don’t come across it in any way, then today it is better to abandon the conspiracy. Once you find the coin, take it in both hands and say the following words three times:

“As I have found a coin, so let money find me from now on. May it be so!"

After uttering the words, immediately hide the coin in your pocket. And then keep it at home in a secret place for a year. She will become your talisman for financial well-being until the next holiday.
It was not in vain that our ancestors paid such great attention to the celebration of Maslenitsa. To this day, many families honor and strictly observe it. In the holiday, along with traditional comic amusements and amusements, rather serious rituals of honoring family ties are intertwined. Forgiveness Sunday alone is worth something, foreigners are still amazed at the scale and sincerity of this ritual. During the period from Monday of Great Lent, it is necessary to temporarily stop the use of conspiracies

To make a wish come true

The most common on Shrovetide was a magic ritual or conspiracy to fulfill desires. It is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy on Forgiveness Sunday, before going to bed: “Light up, a clear star in the skies, for the joy of the baptized world, Light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox You look, star, in the house of God's servant (name). You, bright star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (say your desire). Amen". When the reading of the conspiracy is over, you must cross yourself three times and bow. Conspiracies and rituals to raise money Our ancestors celebrated Maslenitsa as the beginning of the new year, the onset of spring and the awakening of the earth - mother. Therefore, many ancient rituals on Shrovetide were aimed at increasing the fertility of the earth, at the growth of offspring in animals and welfare in human families. Some of these rites have survived to this day, and are still used in villages.

A ritual to attract money and good luck

But at the same time, one must understand that this ritual will work only for those people who respect money. Anyone who understands that money plays an important role in a prosperous human life and is the equivalent of human labor can use this ancient ritual
To carry out the ritual, you need to kindle a fire, burn as many old unnecessary things as possible in it. Thus, you symbolically make room for the new. And looking at the fire, one must say the following words of the conspiracy: “I burn the old unnecessary, I invite the new good. Let everything that has become obsolete go away. Let the new profit bring. Let the unnecessary turn into ashes, From the ashes will be reborn with new successes! " Of course, it is best to carry out such a ritual outside the city, in an open space. And in an urban setting, you can conduct another ritual to attract profit and money. To do this, you need to go to the venue of the holiday on the second day of the Pancake Week. And we need to find a coin there. You need to pick it up with your left hand, while saying these words of a conspiracy for wealth: “I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name) walked (walked) and found money on my way (found). As I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name) came to this money (came), so let the money come to me in the future by itself. As there were many people at this place on Holy Shrovetide, so may I always have a lot of money. Amen". This coin must be hidden in the house and kept for a whole year. And a year later, on Shrovetide, you need to go to a holiday and throw this charmed coin in the square.

Conspiracy from enemies

In order to protect oneself from anger, insidiousness, corruption, one must read the defensive conspiracy every day during Shrovetide week. It is necessary to get up in the morning facing the rising sun and utter the words of a conspiracy that protects from evil: “Maslenitsa will protect from all evil, All evil and bad will turn away from me. On the first day, every evil eye will be reflected from me. On the second day, all spoilage will evaporate from me. On the third day, the evil conspiracy will be shattered into pieces. On the fourth day, everything will respond to the offenders. On the fifth day, evil thoughts will turn to dust. On the sixth day, all my troubles will end. On the seventh, luck and strength will return to me. " This protective conspiracy will become your magic armor, which will be very difficult to break through.

The old Slavic Maslenitsa holiday is gaining popularity in Russia again. People are happy to immerse themselves in its cheerful, reckless atmosphere with bright festivities, hot lush pancakes, sleigh rides and other amusements.

But even today, not everyone knows what Maslenitsa is, where did the custom of celebrating it come from, and what, in fact, needs to be done to celebrate it according to all the rules.

The word "Maslenitsa" in Russian is used, as a rule, in two meanings. The most common of them is the name of the folk festival preceding Lent week, during which exuberant fun reigns, carnival processions, folk festivities with mummers, sleigh rides, snow battles, etc. are held.

In addition, Maslenitsa is called a scarecrow, which symbolizes the harsh winter and which is solemnly burned at the end of the holiday.

The Maslenitsa holiday exists among most European peoples and is celebrated everywhere with equally stormy fun, designed to relieve people of the stress of a long and harsh winter. It is a pagan spring festival that is characteristic of most agricultural cultures.

With the advent of Christianity, it has not lost its significance for the people, but the dates of its holding have changed slightly. If in the pre-Christian era Maslenitsa was celebrated at the time, now it is tied to the beginning of Great Lent, and its end falls on Forgiveness Sunday - the feast of Christ's arrival in Jerusalem.

The main meaning of the holiday remains the same as it was a thousand years ago: people solemnly see off the passing Winter and greet the Sun, which every day will linger in the firmament longer and longer, warming the earth and awakening its fertility.

Therefore, the more fun Maslenitsa is celebrated and the more fun it is celebrated, the better the life-giving forces of Nature will awaken and the greater the harvest in the new year.

Maslenitsa begins to be celebrated a week before Lent. Since Monday, the hostesses have been baking lush pancakes every day, generously seasoned with butter, and treating them to their family, guests and passers-by.

In many localities, a strict order of visiting was previously observed, the echoes of which remain in the people's memory to this day. So on Wednesday, the son-in-law was supposed to come to his mother-in-law, and she wholeheartedly regaled him with delicious pancakes.

Shrovetide week is a time of fun, not limited by religious and social norms. On these days, it is customary to change or dress up in animal skins and walk around in this form or dance in the main square. This is where the roots of the lavish carnivals still take place in many Catholic countries.

In Russia, Shrovetide Week was mainly devoted to simpler amusements: these days, old and young people rode on sleds pulled by the best horses and on small sledges from hills, built snow fortresses and took them by storm, sang songs, danced and feasted. The nobility and the intelligentsia attended theaters, where they gave only comedies, took part in balls and other amusements.

In Russia, the main symbol of Maslenitsa is a lush golden pancake, generously watered with melted cow butter, flavored with sour cream, cottage cheese or sturgeon caviar. The pancake dough must be started with milk, and yeast gives it splendor.

Pancakes are baked in the morning during the whole butter week. Everyone knows that after the beginning of Lent, dairy products will be strictly prohibited, so they gorge themselves on them for future use.

During Shrovetide, each housewife offers pancakes with a variety of fillings: cottage cheese, mushrooms, eggs and green onions. Pancakes with red and black caviar have become a classic combination and even a symbol of the holiday.

In general, the pancake filling of pancakes can be any, except for meat products. Another name for Shrovetide is cheese week, i.e. times when you can eat cheese and other dairy products.

The final of the holiday is usually the solemn burning of the effigy, symbolizing the end of the harsh and cold winter. The life-giving fire destroys cold and cold, warms the earth and awakens the fertile principle.

This joyous event is celebrated with a massive round dance around the burning effigy, singing songs, dancing and riding a horse-drawn sleigh.

Although Maslenitsa is a noisy and cheerful holiday, however, when celebrating it, one should not forget about the upcoming Great Lent and the fact that life will not end at the end of the holiday.

You should not overeat too much pancakes, so as not to harm your health, and revel in alcoholic beverages, as well as perform actions for which you may be ashamed later.

In addition, during the oil week, it is forbidden to eat meat and meat products, but cow butter, cheese, sour cream and food with the addition of milk are allowed. On Wednesdays and Fridays, fasting is canceled and meat is allowed.

During the week before Lent, the Slavic traditional holiday is celebrated - Maslenitsa. The ceremonies and rituals performed during this time will help you get rich, get rid of diseases and find personal happiness.

Shrovetide is a folk holiday that has a long history. Initially, the celebration was pagan, but over time, the Orthodox Church included it in the calendar of church holidays.

The Shrovetide celebration always starts on Monday and lasts the rest of the week. On Sunday evening on the eve of the holiday, young people went out into the street to cheerfully meet him. Pancakes are the main dish of Shrovetide. They are baked in large quantities, treating relatives, friends and acquaintances with them. During the festive week, it is customary to visit the guests and eat the offered treats satisfyingly.

Rituals for Maslenitsa week

During Pancake Week, our ancestors performed many rituals. At this time, they said goodbye to winter and joyfully greeted the coming spring, staged fistfights, burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, and scattered its ashes over the fields so that they would bring a good harvest.

Each day of the week was celebrated in a special way and got its name:

  • Monday - "meeting";
  • Tuesday - "flirting";
  • Wednesday - "gourmet";
  • Thursday - "wide Thursday";
  • Friday - "mother-in-law's evening";
  • Saturday - "get-togethers";
  • the last day of the week is "Forgiveness Sunday".

Among the rituals that our ancestors performed, the following are especially popular:

  • agricultural;
  • marriage and family;
  • memorial.

Marriage and family rituals for Shrovetide

The most important Maslenitsa rituals include marriage and family customs.

For the newlyweds, they arranged "bride shows". They were placed in full view of the entire street and forced to kiss many times. Peasant women, who had been married for a little over a year, were harnessed to a sleigh, and they had to roll their friends around the village, singing funny songs and telling jokes during this.

On Friday, the young sons-in-law went to visit their mother-in-law "for pancakes." The mother-in-law treated her son-in-law and complimented him, so to speak, “cajole”, so that he would treat his wife well.

Another Shrovetide rite was practiced by our ancestors - the punishment of single guys. For unmarried young men, stocks were hung around their necks, on which a log was tied. The log symbolized the "soul mate" sitting on the neck. With a log, the guy had to walk around the village all day, listening to the ridicule of his fellow villagers.

On Forgiveness Sunday, Maslenitsa celebrations ended. The purpose of this day was to reconcile the quarreling relatives and consolidate good relationships. On Forgiveness Sunday, they tried to eat up or distribute all the food prepared for the holiday to the poor. On this day, they went to the cemetery and worshiped the ashes of relatives, leaving pancakes on the graves.

Memorial rites for Shrovetide

Maslenitsa funeral rites are connected with the baking of pancakes, the burning of a Maslenitsa effigy and the preparation of memorial food. Traditionally, dishes were prepared from fish, which through its dumbness in folk culture personified the souls of the dead.

For fortune telling, they used snow, considering it the personification of the souls of the dead. During the preparation of buckwheat pancakes, melted snow water was added to the dough.

Weaving and spinning were forbidden during Shrove Week. These prohibitions were observed for fear of causing harm to the souls of deceased relatives present nearby. The evening hours on Pancake week were considered holy.

According to our ancestors, non-observance of these prohibitions could bring a lot of misfortunes and misfortunes.

The Shrovetide bonfire also belongs to the memorial rite. It served as a kind of invitation on the eve of the fast of the deceased ancestors to a hearty supper.

The purpose of the Old Russian Maslenitsa was to appease the spirits for all subsequent days of the year.

Agricultural ceremonies for Shrovetide

The ancient Slavs always took the first baked pancake to the street as a gift to Yarila and Vesna. He was laid on the ground so that the Sun would warm the fields, and Spring-Red would come faster.

Ice slides were very popular during Maslenitsa week. In ancient times, it was believed that the farther you slide down the hill, the greater the yield of flax will be.

Shrovetide is a kind of celebration of gluttony. It was believed that the more satisfying the holiday takes place, the richer the year will be.

Today, many are waiting for Maslenitsa not only to eat deliciously and have good fun, but also to carry out various rituals. One of the most popular rituals is considered to be a ritual for wealth.

If during the Maslenitsa week you manage to be outside the city, then you can conduct an old rite on Maslenitsa to attract money. You need to kindle a fire and burn your old unnecessary things in it. Getting rid of the old, you open the way for the new in your life.

While things are burning, read this conspiracy:

“I burn old and unnecessary things,

I open the door to a new one in my life.

Let all unnecessary go away

And Shrovetide will bring me good luck and profit ”.

There is another effective Shrovetide ritual that will help you get rich. It is necessary at the end of the Maslenitsa week, i.e. on Monday, visit a public festivities. Walk there until you find a coin. Raising a coin with your left hand, read the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), walked, found a coin on my way. As I came to this money, so let the money go into my hands by itself. Let how many people were for the holidays, so much money I will have. Amen!".

Bring the coin home and keep it until next year. A year later, when local festivities will be held, the coin must be taken and thrown in the place where you found it.

Shrovetide ritual for marriage

If you are lonely and dream of meeting a soul mate, during Shrovetide, perform a simple ceremony that will help you soon find personal happiness.

The Maslenitsa marriage ritual is held on Sunday. Come to a crowded place where the holiday is celebrated, and, finding yourself among the walking people, read the conspiracy to yourself:

“Shrovetide has come and brought joy to everyone. Bring Shrovetide happiness to my life, send me my destiny. May a worthy person meet on my way, with whom I will find happiness forever. May it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to cross yourself three times.

Love spell on Shrovetide

To make the guy you like reciprocate, use a love spell on pancakes on Shrovetide.

To do this, replace the pancake dough and add some holy water to it. When you knead, read the love spelling words:

“I bake pancakes, I want you to like it. As with Shrovetide, spring comes to us, the sun warms up, and the snow melts, so the heart of the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) will melt. He will think about me and miss me, miss me and grieve without me. As I say, it will be so. Amen".

After that, bake pancakes and treat your loved one.

Shrovetide rituals for health

During the holiday, you can perform a health ritual. Knead the dough into pancakes, and when you fry them in a skillet, say the following:

“I fry pancakes, add health to myself. As these pancakes become rosy, so I become healthier. May health come to me, and all ailments disappear. My word is strong, but my work is smooth. Amen".

Eat the baked pancakes yourself and treat your loved ones with them.

Video: Maslenitsa rites

Perhaps Maslenitsa is one of the happiest holidays in our country.

It has been preserved among the Slavs since pagan times, when the dead were commemorated on Shrovetide. The holiday, which was considered sad, eventually turned into merry Maslenitsa festivities. Since then, the tradition has remained to bake pancakes - the same ruddy, round and hot as the sun. After all, Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter and a meeting of spring warmth and renewal.

To the tradition of baking pancakes on Shrovetide, new ones were also added: horse-drawn sledding and sleigh rides from the icy mountains, mother-in-law gatherings, fistfights. Shrovetide traditions and rituals combine the completion of the period of winter holiday rituals and the opening of spring holidays and rituals - so they are unusual and interesting.

Shrovetide is traditionally celebrated for a whole week before Lent. In 2014, Maslenitsa week starts on February 24th and ends on March 2nd. Each day of the festive week is dedicated to special rituals and has its own name.

Traditions and rituals for Shrovetide

Monday - meeting. On this day, pancakes began to be baked, the first pancake was given to the poor in commemoration of the dead. By Monday, the booths and swings were being completed.

Tuesday - flirting. On the second day of the holiday, guys and girls invited each other to eat pancakes and go downhill. They also invited relatives and acquaintances to visit.

Wednesday is a gourmet. On this day, the son-in-law and other guests come to the mother-in-law for pancakes. And in the evenings they sang songs about a caring mother-in-law who treats her son-in-law with pancakes.

Thursday - wide revelry. On the fourth day of Shrovetide, people indulged in all kinds of festivities - fistfights and skating along the streets began.

Friday - Mother-in-law of Vespers. Now the sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to visit them, treated them to pancakes and various goodies. On this day, they said that "the mother-in-law has a beloved son".

Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings. On Saturday, the daughter-in-law invited her husband's sisters to visit and gave them some interesting gifts.

Forgiveness Sunday. On the last day of Pancake Week, everyone asks each other for forgiveness. In response, you need to say: "God will forgive." Thus, freed from sins and offenses, they saw off the winter and welcomed the spring.

Clean Monday. On the first day of Great Lent, the farewell to Maslenitsa ended. On Clean Monday, a compulsory ritual was washing dishes, and also washing in the bathhouse.

Signs and fortune-telling on Shrovetide

How many pancakes you bake for home, so many sunny days you will attract. Each pancake gives one sunny day a year. If there are few pancakes, there will be a lack of harvest, and if there are too many, then the harvest will perish from drought.

If you do not burn everything broken and unnecessary on Shrovetide, then old problems will pass into the new year. Get out of the old stuff from home - you will dress up in novye in a year!

If children are given a lot of whistles and they whistle at them, then all migratory birds will return.

Those who skimp on treats on Shrovetide will be ruined in a year.

If Shrovetide was generous and rich in treats, then all the benefits will be in the house.

At Pancake Week, the first pancake was used to judge what was expected during the year before the next Pancake week.

  • If the pancake flips easily, then this year you will get married
  • A pancake stuck to the pan - there will be no wedding for three years.
  • If the pancake has straight edges, then you will be happily married.
  • If the edges are torn and uneven, then, probably, she was going to marry the wrong person.
  • If the heat is in the middle, then the husband will be faithful, and if from the side, he will look at others.
  • How many holes are in the pancake - there will be so many children.
  • If the first pancake turned out to be rosy - to health, if pale - to illness.
  • Thin pancake - life will be easy, thick - difficult.

On Forgiveness Sunday, pancakes with different fillings were baked and treated to all passers-by. According to signs, if a man takes the first pancake, a boy will be born, if a woman - accordingly, a girl. If all the pancakes are taken apart, then a happy fate awaits. How many pancakes remain, so many years to sit in girls.

And with the onset of darkness, the girls went out into the street with a pancake in their hands and asked the first man who came across his name. And then, as in, the name of the betrothed will be the same as that of the passer-by.

Closer to night, the girls went to bed, and in the morning they interpreted the meaning of the dream that they had that night. If you dream that she is eating a pancake, then luck and success with the guys await her. If he bakes a pancake in a dream, then prosperity will reign in the house for a long time. You can also, secretly from your mother, put a frying pan under the bed under the bed, on which pancakes were baked and say: "The betrothed-mummer, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes." Whom in a dream my mother treats with pancakes, he will be her son-in-law.