Session in the sensory room. Educational activities for children of primary preschool age in the sensory room


All the given classes have the following structure: the ritual of the beginning of the lesson; relaxation, which allows children to relax and relieve muscle tension; end ritual.

Game tasks are both developing and therapeutic: they develop mental processes and form a psychologically healthy child.

Lesson #1
"Introducing the Magic Room"


- develop the cognitive sphere of children;

Activate voluntary attention, mental abilities;

Develop proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills;

To form the ability to correlate visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination;

Develop sensory organs and vestibular apparatus;

To consolidate the ability to convey their feelings and sensations in a coherent speech;

Develop communication skills;

To form the ability to relax in the process of ideomotor movements and representations of images;

Build self-regulation skills.

Materials and equipment:floor tactile paths; dry pool; balancing board; fun balls; aqualamp; fountain plant; cube "Twizzler"; tangled spirals; center of tactility; calm games center; a center that develops activity; directional light projector; mirror ball; light squares; soft flooring; audio cassette.

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Game "Greetings":

Guys, our "veselki" are smiling at us. They are very happy that we came to visit them. Smile at them and greet them cheerfully, wave your hand and say "Hello!"

And now we will go on a journey ... It will begin with this big waterfall.(We consider the landscape on the photo wallpaper.)See how water falls from the top of the mountain, how it sparkles and crumbles into colorful splashes. And next to it is another waterfall - a small one.(fountain plant).Come closer to him and listen to the murmur of water, running down the ledges of the mountain.(Listen to the sound of water.)

- And what little bright birds live in our forest - how loudly they chirp!(An audio recording of "Voices of the Forest" sounds.)

- The sun is shining, it's hot. Let's put on our shoes and go into the woods along the path barefoot.(Walking on sensory floor paths.)We will follow each other so as not to go astray. Our path begins with this large green clearing, then - along the bottom of the forest lake, along the pebbles ... - and further into the forest along the path, along the bridge.(In the course, the teacher asks the children about their feelings.)

- How do your feet feel?

And now we will go through the magical forest, where the seasons change each other every few steps. You need to follow the trail so as not to stumble and not fall into the water. Extend your arms to the sides. Look carefully at what time of the year you pass, and name it.

Now put on your shoes and go to this multi-colored clearing.(Soothing background music plays.)

- Two guys will play with toys on this panel(center developing activity),and two - to roll the balls along this spiral: one throws the ball, and the other catches it at the exit. Listen carefully to where the ball is, so as not to miss it. Do this in sequence.

Come to this spiral. Throw the ball, watch it carefully and catch it on the way out(tangled spiral). (After a few minutes, the children change places.)

Guys, one of you who played in this clearing can move on to the next one.

Who wants to play with toys on this panel? Please! And who will look at the precious materials in our trunk?

And who wants to travel through the labyrinths?

(In the course of the game, the teacher asks about feelings, offers to change places.)

Guys, here's another chest! Let's see what's in it.(Opens.)

What's this?

That's right, these are squares from different fabrics. Choose which one you like. Throw your handkerchiefs as high as you can; watch them fall down.

And now it is necessary not only to throw up the handkerchiefs, but also to try so that they do not fall to the floor longer. To do this, you need to blow on them - like this!(Display)

Come closer, look: what an interesting lamp! It's called Aqualamp means water lamp. What is floating there?

What color are the balls?

(Invites everyone to watch a ball of a certain color.)

- note, how the color of the water changes. What color of water do you like best?

Place the palms of your right hand on the glass. How do your palms feel?(Children talk about their feelings.)

The whole day we traveled with you through the magical forest! The night is coming, it's time to rest. We will rest in this large clearing. Settle on it(soft floor covering).And someone can on this island(soft island).

(3 sounds relaxing music yk a.)

- Lie down comfortably, relax.(Turns on the projector, aims it at the mirror ball.)

- A wonderful summer night is coming. Bright stars lit up in the dark sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calmness covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms, legs... You feel how your body becomes light, warm, obedient.

Breathe easily and freely. We rest in peace

We fall asleep with a magical dream. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The breeze blows your body with a light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The stars go out, the morning comes. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful.

Stretch, smile, open your eyes and stand up!

We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feeling throughout the day.

10. The ritual of the end of the lesson. Farewell to the "merry".

Guys, let's smile at the "merry" and say goodbye to them: "Goodbye!"

Remember our "merry ones" and smile like them - and then you will always be in a good mood.

Lesson #2
"Colors and Mood"


- creating a cheerful, optimistic mood; - activation of passive children;

Development of the cognitive sphere: attention, memory, thinking;

Consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum;

Color therapy;

Stimulation of the imagination.

Materials and equipment:floor tactile tracks; a center that develops activity; dry shower; aqualamp; soft flooring; "merry". .

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson:

Guys, our "veselki" greet us. Let's smile at them just as they smile at us, and wish the "merry ones" and all people health. What word do we say?

- "3hello!"

And now we will go along our forest paths. Don't forget to talk about how your feet feel.(Calm, quiet music sounds.)

Let's go to this green meadow. You will play with the toys that are here.(center developing activity).

- This tube is called aleidoscope. Each of you, playing him, will tell me what he sees interesting: what figures, what color.

Look at this bracelet. What color are the lights on it? Take circles of the same color from the box. Remember which light is lit first, which is second, which is third. Show them to me in the order in which they light up.(bracelet with colored lamps).

And now let's come to this colored waterfall.

(Dry shower.) Listen to me carefully: I will say which side will pass under the waterfall.

What color are the streams of water? Coming out from under the waterfall, you will tell me what mood you are in and what you felt under the streams of water.

Approach the colored aquarium. What color balls do you see there? Each of you will watch your ball(aqualamna).

(Psychologist called enters the name of the child and the color of the balloon he will observe.)

- Guys, you see that the water is changing its color. You will name the color of water in one word:blue, red, green, yellow.

6. Relaxation "Rainbow" (lying on a soft surface):

Close your eyes. Imagine that you have a screen in front of your eyes. On the screen, you see the colors of the rainbow that you like. a) on the screen blue. It is a soft, soothing color.

It is like water in a river or lake. Blue color and the sky. It refreshes you like a hot bath;

b) red color gives us energy and warmth. From the red color we become warmer even in the cold. From the red color is more cheerful and joyful in the soul;

c) yellow brings us joy and smile. He warms like the sun. If we are sad and lonely, he cheers us up;

d) green color - color of nature. If we are sick and not feeling well, green helps us feel better.

Now open your eyes. What did you think about when you looked at blue, red, yellow and green? Have you noticed that different colors affect mood?

3 lesson number 3
Game "Help friends"


- development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking;

Development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers;

Development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form;

Stimulation of search and creative activity;

Creating a positive emotional state.

Materials and equipment:pendant "merry"; fountain plant; calm games center; double helix; center of tactility; dry pool; game "Easy squares".

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Greeting game.

Guys, imagine that you are in a sad mood. What is your facial expression? Show!

Look in the mirror: what sad faces you have! Let's try to cheer each other up. Let's tell each house what we like about it. We will speak in turn, and everyone will hear something good about themselves.(Game "Compliments")

- Well, did your mood improve? Let's greet our "merry ones" and smile at them the same way they smile at us.

Come to the magic castle(fountain plant).Take a close look at the castle and the nature around it. Who do you think lives in the castle?

Is your character evil or kind?

And what can be done to make him better?

Look at the waterfall that runs down from the mountains. Let's listen to the sound of water.(They listen to the sound of water.)

We pass to the green clearing. Here you can play with these spirals.(Double and single coils.)Watch and listen carefully for where the ball is and catch it as it exits.

Let's take a closer look at this panel.(the center of quiet games).Feel the toys in turn and say which toy you like to touch more than the others, and which you don’t like and why.

6. Exercise "Sea of ​​​​balloons"(dry pool):

- And now we will swim in the sea of ​​balloons. Let's all roll over on our tummy and swim.

Now let's roll over onto the back. We continue to swim.

And now let's lie quietly on the waves. Close your eyes and imagine that you are calmly rocking on the waves of the sea...

(4-5 minutes.)

- This is where our game ends.

7. The ritual of the end of the lesson. Farewell to the "merry":

Guys, let's smile at the "merry ones" and say to them: "Goodbye!"

3 lesson number 4


- development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention;

Development of design abilities;

Continued development of the eye;

Development of eye-hand coordination;

Consolidation of knowledge of the colors of the spectrum;

Removal of emotional stress;

The development of the imagination.

Materials and equipment:games "Collect a square", "Put on a ring"; aqualamp; soft flooring; floor tactile squares; merry pendant.

Lesson progress

Guys, we will now go along our forest paths. Today we will name the color of the path we are walking on.(Floor sensors s tracks.)

Come to this table. We will assemble such a square from parts. Be careful - and you will succeed. The game is called "Collect the square".

Now let's play with these toys. The game is called "Put on the ring." When you put on a ring, you say whatit's colors. Let's see who we have the most accurate, who will put on all the rings faster than others(water toys).

We will play the game "Find the color", I will show the color, for example, red, and you will look for all red objects in this room. And so we will search and name all the colors.

- Now lie down on our soft sofa, turn your face to the magical aquarium and watch how the water changes in it. Once the water changes color, you name it.

Roll over all on your back Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in a beautiful place - by the sea. Great summer day! Blue sky, warm sun... You feel calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of freshness and vivacity covers your entire body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong, obedient. You are warm and pleasant. The rays of the sun caress our body. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, I want to get up and move.

We open our eyes - we are full of strength and energy. Try to keep these feelings for the whole day.

8. The ritual of the end of the lesson.Farewell to the "merry":

- Guys, let's smile at the "merry ones" and say to them: "Goodbye!"

Lesson number 5
"Let's pretend..."


- formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions;

Continuing learning to determine your mood;

Teaching ways to lift the mood;

Development of courage and self-confidence, overcoming shyness;

Self-regulation of the mental state.

Materials and equipment:mirror; clown hats; soft flooring; aqualamp.

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Greeting "merry".

Let's pretend that we are monkeys. Come to the mirror and show me without words: a cheerful monkey, sad, surprised, crying, laughing, frightened, singing, joyful.

Well, how? Has your mood improved? Show your mood.

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Influenced, no doubt

All of us are in a mood.

Who's having fun?

Who is sad?

Who got scared?

Who is angry?

Dispels all doubts

Good mood.

And now we will find ourselves in a circus. Let's go out to this green meadow and become clowns. We become couples, facing each other. The clowns on the right will be cheerful. Show this mood on your face. And now the cheerful ones will try to cheer up the sad ones so that they smile and everyone becomes cheerful.

Now the clowns will play the game "Funny Exercise".

(Cheerful, cheerful music sounds. The psychologist models the situation, and the children portray Yu t appropriate action.) -In order for the car to work, you need to start the engine.

A sleeping man is like a turned off car.

- The body gets tired during the day and needs rest.

But there is a new day ahead and many interesting things to do and adventures. You need to prepare yourself for them: turn on, “start” your body. Let's all jump together!

Each of you is the master of your own body. You are awakened cats, stretching either the front or the hind legs.

And now you are ladybugs fallen on your back. Can you roll over on your stomach without help?

Now let's take a deep breath and turn into balloons. A little more - And fly!

Stretching up like giraffes.

Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong.

And now we are nesting dolls. Let's swing from side to side.

Let's get the plane going! We spin the propeller with all our might. - Guys, you got a big charge of vivacity and self-confidence for the whole day. See you soon!

6. The ritual of the end of the lesson.

Lesson number 6
"Be careful!"


- continued development of mental processes: voluntary attention, its stability and switchability; mental abilities; memory, imagination, perception;

- the formation of the ability to correlate the speech form of the description of objects with graphic;

The development of tactile perception of the receptors of the feet and hands, the ability to convey their feelings in coherent speech;

Development of eye-hand coordination;

Continued learning to control your body, relax, get rid of overstrain.

Materials and equipment:floor tactile squares; calm games center; cube "Twizzler"; balancing board; aqua lamp; game "Easy squares"; soft floor covering.

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Greeting "merry".

Guys, let's go along our forest paths.

We walk slowly, without haste, listening to the birds singing, the murmur of a stream in the forest.

We go out with you to the meadow.(Center for quiet games.)

P look carefully at this panel, at the toys and objects that are located on it. Each of you will choose an object for himself, but does not say what he has chosen. The rest must guess what it is from the description and name the item.(The game "Describe the object.")

And now we will cross the abyss along the magic ropes. I will name each the color of the rope, along which he will get over to the opposite side of the abyss.

The teacher rewards those who completed the task faster.

We will continue our journey through this magical forest, where every 4 steps the seasons change. You need to follow in the footsteps that are drawn, and name the seasons that you follow. Do not forget that the back should be straight and arms spread out to the sides.

And now, guys, lie down on our soft sofa. We will watch the balls in the magic lamp. Everyone chooses their own color of the ball and watches it.(Exercise "Dance of the ball".)

7. The ritual of the end of the lesson. Farewell to the "merry":

Guys, let's smile at the "merry ones" and say to them: "Goodbye!"

Lesson number 7
"Walk in the Enchanted Forest"


- develop mental activity, voluntary attention, memory, imagination, perception;

- to form the ability to convey their feelings in speech;

Develop proprioceptive and kinesthetic sensitivity;

Promote the development of the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements;

- to teach self-regulation of the mental state, relaxation;

Continue to form knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Cultivate empathic feelings, the desire to provide emotional and physical support to each other.

Materials and equipment:center of tactility; floor tactile tracks; a small pool of water; ribbed bridge; balancing board; soft flooring; mirror ball; projector.

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson:

Let's say hello to our "merry ones", smile at them just like they do at us, and say to them: "Hello!"

Guys, today we are with youwe will travel through the magical forest.

And now let's go to this green meadow and listen to the chirping of birds in a magical forest.

Now we will go along the forest paths. We will walk slowly, carefully look under your feet, and we will talk about what the legs feel. Our path starts from this forest lake. We follow each other without interfering with each other.

At the end of the path, we come to the bridge, walk along it and go to the magical seasons, where every 4 steps the seasons change each other. It is only necessary to follow the footprints so as not to drown in a turbulent river. As we pass, we name the time of the year in which we find ourselves.

And in this clearing we will examine, feel the toys and tell what they are like to the touch.

What surface did you like the most and why?

And which ones didn't you like? Why?

What is the surface of these toys like?

6. Exercise "Find and show a toy":

Guys, I will now talk about what surface you need to find a toy with. And you will show it to me.(hard, soft yu, cold, fluffy, slippery, smooth.)

And now we have come to the waterfall. Let's listen to its noise and watch the jets of water, which, murmuring merrily, run down.

- Let's now rest next to the waterfall.

Great summer day! Blue sky, gentle, warm sun... You feel absolutely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of vivacity and freshness covers your entire body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong and obedient.

The breeze blows over everything body light freshness. The air is clean and clear. Breathe easily and freely.

We calmly rest, rest and fall asleep ... Breathe easily, evenly, deeply ...

We open our eyes, wake up like cats: we want to get up, stretch and move.

Smile at each other and get up. Our mood is upbeat and cheerful.

This is where our walk through the magical forest ends. Smile at the "merry ones" and say goodbye to them.

8. The ritual of the end of the lesson.

Lesson number 8

"Fear has big eyes"


- to continue work on destabilization and destruction of pathological stereotypes (increased levels of anxiety and fears, feelings of tension), emancipation of children;

Develop their weakness and self-confidence;

To develop verbal and non-verbal forms of expression of emotions, facial expressions and pantomime, fine motor skills.

Materials and equipment:pictures with images of Baba Yaga, dog, wolf, spider, snake; markers; paper; downy mittens; audio recording of "Voices of Nature"; basket.

Lesson progress

1. The story of S.A. Fonkin "How to overcome fear":

There are many terrible things in the world: long dark corridors and suspicious dogs with large fangs; wolves hiding in a dense forest; spiders with long hairy legs; poisonous and biting snakes; thunder rumbling overhead and flashing lightning.

And Baba Yaga from fairy tales? Togo and look will move into the house or fly into the open window when none of the adults are at home.

But in reality, it only seems so. There is nothing interesting in the dark corners - there is only dust .. Think: where can anything come from if the house is closed with tight locks?

Dogs never attack small children. And if the dog sits and guards something, do not approach it - it is at work.

The sal-si wolves have been hiding from people in distant forests for a long time. They are even taken under guard. Think: where will the wolf appear in the city?

Spiders, except for torment, do not offend anyone. Snakes at the sight of a man try to run away. Think about it, if you don't grab a snake by the tail or threaten it with a stick, why would it fight a giant man?

Thunder is just a loud sound. Can sound be harmful? Baba Yaga lives only in fairy tales. She can't get out of the book. Think! If you will not be afraid, then you will conquer all fears - every single one?

(Children are invited to stand up and look into dark corners to make sure no one is there.)

Guys, remember how dogs behave towards a person if they don’t tease them?

That's right, a dog is a friend and helper of a person.

What do you think, will the wolf be able to live in the city? Why not?

Who did the spider try to offend in "Fly-Tsokotukha"? Can a spider hurt a human?

(Children compare the size of a spider and a man with a psychologist.)

- Guys, but there are also poisonous spiders. They must be feared, and one should not walk barefoot in the forest.

And in what fairy tales does Baba Yaga live? Name them. Who wins all the time?

You see, guys, a person is the smartest, and he can defeat any creature, even if not always by force, but with his mind - for sure.

- Guys, come to me, close your eyes. Let's imagine that we are in the forest: the breeze rustles in the foliage of the trees, the brook murmurs, the birds chirp. We sat down in the meadow.

How good, joyfully and calmly to rest: But what is it? Here a branch crackled, here another one... Who is it? How scared we got!

We huddled together and froze.

Eyebrows raised, eyes wide open.

The mouth was opened.

We are afraid to move and breathe.

The head was pulled into the shoulders, the eyes were closed.

Oh, scary!!! What is this huge animal?

And suddenly at our feet we heard: “Meow!”. One eye was opened, - and this is a kitten! The other eye was opened.

Take your "kittens" in your hands.(Children take down mittens.) -Guys, tell us about your "kittens". What are they? - You see, guys, what kind of "kittens" are affectionate. And we thought what it was? .. Whom did you imagine?

In fact, they were little kittens. That's why people say. "Fear has big eyes". Listen to how this is said in V. Kudryavtsev's poem "Fear".

Fear has big eyes,

Fear has not teeth - fangs,

Fear has a belly like a barrel.

Fear has desire

Grab, bite, even eat!

The coward will invent fear

And plaintively gasps "Ah!"

And I'm not afraid of anything:

Think of fear - and laugh!

By now, you may have remembered your fears. Let's put the kittens in a basket and draw our biggest fear.(Children draw with felt-tip pens.)

(During the work, music sounds, a quiet conversation is conducted individually with each child about what he draws, what color his fear is.)

- Now take your fear into your hands and tear it into its smallest pieces.(Children tear the drawings by pinching).

- Collect your fear in your hands and come to me. Look at your palms: see what is left of your fear? He got scared!

Open your palms, blow away your fear - let it scatter!

Think again. See what your fear has become. Can you find it?

No, your fear is gone.

Listen to what happened to Dima in the poem "Happy Mistake":

Fear scared me so much

In the dark at the gate

That in fright I shouted "Ah!"

Quite the opposite:

I shouted "Ha!"

And instantly fear

Crawled under the fence.

He chickened out on his own!

And the word "Ah!"

I have since forgotten!

Guys, the word "Ha!" you need to remember and always tell his fear so that he himself is afraid of you.

And now we all together will say loudly to our fear “Ha!”. Raise your arms up, inhale deeply, lean forward, lower your arms and exhale: “Ha!”.

Don't forget the word "Ha!" And to all your fears, failures, sorrows, say it. Let's say "Ha" again! your fear - let it go forever.

Lesson number 9
"Journey to a Deserted Island"


- learn to navigate in the space of the room using the plan;

To consolidate the ability to analyze the elementary contour scheme "Labyrinth";

To form the ability to correlate the speech form of the description of objects with the graphic;

To consolidate modeling techniques;

To consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, safe behavior;

To develop tactile perception of the receptors of the feet and hands, the ability to convey their feelings in coherent speech;

Continue to develop mental processes: voluntary attention, its stability and switchability; mental abilities, elements of logical thinking; memory, imagination, perception; self-regulation, internal emancipation; the ability to control your body, breathing, get rid of stress and overstrain;

Cultivate collectivism, empathic feelings, the desire to provide emotional and physical support to each other.

Materials and equipment:tactile floor paths; center of tactility; map; labyrinths;cards with images of modes of transport; toy "Lion"; fountain plant; wood; mosaic.

Lesson progress

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Guys, today we are treasure hunters: we will look for treasure on a desert island. We will look for him according to this plan.

We will use different modes of transport to get to the island. I will now distribute tickets to you, on which the vehicle is depicted. And you, please, think about how to describe it, and try to do it in such a way that the other guys can guess what is shown on your ticket.(The game "Describe the subject".)

Ticket pictures: plane, car, train, horse, ship, bus.

So we arrived on a desert island. Why is it called uninhabited? What do you think? What do we need to remember and know in order to survive on such an island? ..

(To be all together. Help each other. Take care of each other. Do not eat unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. Be wary of wild animals, snakes, insects, crocodiles, strangers. Be careful when crossing swamps and rivers.)

I have a plan of the island, and it shows the place where the treasure is buried. Let's take a closer look at the plan. At the very beginning of the plan, there are labyrinths through which we must go. But first, you will mark your path through these labyrinths and tell us what dangers await us.

(Hands out leaflets with labyrinth diagrams.)

Guys, the one who first "passes" through his labyrinth on the plan will go ahead.

And now we will go through a real labyrinth Let's look at the map ... Our path starts from the water, and in g the path along which we must go. Be careful! Help each other - after all, there is an abyss on both sides. Remember, you need to move in small steps, slowly. Now take off your shoes: we will go barefoot through the labyrinth.

During the promotion, the teacher asks the children questions:

How are your legs feeling now?(Hard, prickly, soft, warm, cool, ticklish.)

After completing the maze, the children put on their shoes.

Let's look at the map, where we should move on ... That's right, to this bush. Be careful, guys, someone is hiding there... Who is it? A lion!

Are you afraid of him? And let's all scare the lion together so that he runs away. We turn into lions.(Asana "Lion".) We growl very loudly! Again! Look, the lion ran away - he was afraid of us.

You are probably tired and hungry. Now we will make a halt. Where can we stop - look at the map. Maybe in this clearing, near a beautiful waterfall? How beautiful it is, how the water runs down its ledges, how it murmurs! What beautiful plants around!

- Let `s have some rest. Lie back, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in the forest on a beautiful summer day. There are many beautiful plants around you, bright multi-colored flowers. You feel completely calm and happy. Pleasant feeling of freshness and vigor covers the whole body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong and obedient. The breeze blows your body with a light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful - you want to get up and move.

We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feeling for the whole day.

We had great rest? But everyone is probably hungry. What are we going to cook for lunch?

On the first? (The game "Chefs" - modeling from a mosaic.)

For the second? (Modeling "Porridge" - from a mosaic.)

- Let's look at the map. We have very little left before the treasure. Where do you think the treasure might lie?

Yes, I also think under the tree.

Look what a beautiful tree! Let's show you what it is.(Asana "Tree".)

- Now let's look for the treasure. Here he is. Open the chest lid. What lies there? Guys, look: these are strips of precious old metals. Who's favorite stripe? Show the strip you like best. Feel it and tell how it is, what your eyes see and what your fingers feel.

Treasure you take with you to the group(Center of tachility.)

- And so our extraordinary journey came to an end.

9. The ritual of the end of the lesson.

dark sensory room - this is a specially organized environment filled with various kinds of stimulants. They affect the organs of sight, hearing, smell, touch and other sense organs. Upholstered furniture of calm colors, subdued light, pleasant aromas, soothing music - these are the characteristics of a sensory room that help a child (adolescent, adult) develop their sensory-perceptual abilities, feel coziness, comfort, tune in to positive perception and communication with those around them people.

One of the main conditions of a dark sensory room is to create a darkening sufficient to observe light effects.

Sensory room equipment and its use

To fill and maintain our sensory room, modern equipment from ALMA is used.

The equipment in the sensory room can be divided into two main functional blocks:

Relaxation - it includes soft coverings, ottomans, pillows, mats, mattresses, beds, a dry pool, devices that create diffused light, an aromatherapy installation and relaxation music.

Activation block - it includes all equipment with light-optical and sound effects, touch panels for hands and feet, interactive equipment of the latest generation.

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"Master class classes in the sensory room"

Topic of the lesson: "Magic in a dark room».

Target: Preservation and strengthening of the psychophysiological and emotional health of students with the help of the multi-sensory environment of the sensory room.


Prevention of psychophysical and emotional stress;

Creating a positive emotional mood;

Formation of perception of color, sound, rhythm, coordination of movements of one's own body;

Relief of anxiety;

Development of attention, achievement of the effect of relaxation;

Development of positive communication of children and interaction with each other.

Musical accompaniment: audio recordings of the groups "Zodiac", "Space", music waterfall.

Lesson progress.

I.Organizational moment.Nastroy for the lesson.

Hello dear children and respected adults!

I welcome you all to our magical room. I see that some of my words were surprised: what is the magic, because it looks like an ordinary room. I'll give you a little hint, guys: the magic lies in the unusual objects that are in this room.

I will announce the topic of our lesson a little later, but for now we begin work.

Guys, I want us to give each other a smile. Our magic ball will help us with this. I throw the ball to you and give you my smile, you throw the ball back and give your smile.

With such a positive attitude, we will begin the lesson.

II. Entry into the topic of the lesson. Adoption of group rules.

Today we will have an unusual activity - a journey-study on the topic: "Magic in a dark room."

Guys, as a child, I dreamed of flying into space. And even now, if I were offered, I looked with pleasure at our beauty - the Earth and went for a walk on the Moon. Would you like to go to space and become explorers of other planets? (children answer). And to become astronauts-researchers of other planets.

- Today we have such an opportunity! We have received an unusual letter, which I will now read to you. (The teacher-psychologist reads the letter).

Hello dear guys!!!

Luntik, a resident of the Blue Star planet, is writing to you.

When I learned that such smart, beautiful and friendly children live on Earth, I decided to ask you for a favor.

Help me, please, to collect the stars that were accidentally lost.

To do this, I invite you to my planet of the Blue Star. Sincerely, Luntik.

Before the flight, I must introduce you to the rules of a real astronaut:

    Listen carefully, don't get distracted.

    Speak calmly.

    Don't break discipline.

    Follow the commands of your commander (i.e. me).

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

A) Exercise "Qualities of a real astronaut."

Guys, let's think about what character traits a real astronaut should have?

(attentive, strong, courageous, reliable, cheerful, active, fair, inquisitive, sociable, polite and etc.)

Conclusion: The most important thing in space is to be in a team, to support, help and rescue each other. These qualities are useful to us today.

b) Let's fly.

- Well, now it's time to start. Stand in a circle, hold hands, this is our rocket, we count: 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 - start, raise our hands “Hurray, we are flying!”. (Children make the sound "Uuuuu" and swing their arms. The teacher-psychologist performs movements with the children.) The light is turned off, light music is turned on, "Mirror Ball".

- Excellent! We are in flight, and now we are all in a state of weightlessness. Do you know what it is ? (Weightlessness is a state when there is no earthly gravity and a person soars like a bird. Such a state usually happens in space). Get up and try to fly: slowly, smoothly, beautifully, to the music. The teacher-psychologist monitors the expressiveness of the movements of children, “flies” together.

- And now let's all fly up to the porthole together (panel "Infinity"). Guys, look here and imagine that there, somewhere far away, our planet is visible.

Do you see her? What is she? What color is she? Can you see mountains, seas, cities? What about people? ( Children talk about what they saw).

And now everyone in a circle, join hands. The ship's crew, prepare to land!

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, raise their hands up.

Children express emotion of joy. Music is playing, you can turn on the light.

- So, we are on the Blue Star planet, but do not rush, because it is unfamiliar to us and dangers may lie in wait for us here. Be careful! Help each other! Let's get ready to leave the rocket!

(The teacher-psychologist and the children “get out” of the rocket along the bridge. The teacher-psychologist gives clear instructions to the children, helps those who fail):

We walk along the bridge, keep our balance, the back is straight, arms to the sides.

The teacher-psychologist invites children to dream up:

Guys, let's take a look around... How many interesting things are here!

C) psycho-gymnastics. Projector "Solar" (replaceable disk "Forest").

- Look, we have a space forest in front of us. Tall trees grow in the forest. Show what? And under them bushes of unprecedented beauty grow. They are not as tall as trees. And what? Show. And grass and moss grow under the bushes. Show how low the grass is, and the moss is even lower. ( Children show with movements the height of trees, shrubs, grass).

Tell me, is this space forest similar to the one we can see on Earth?

Guys, look at the path here. Let's walk around the Blue Star and explore it. The path is narrow and you need to walk along it very carefully. (They pass along the sensory path on their toes, on the way there is a bubble column).

D) Bubble column.

Look what an unusual fountain with bubbles! What does it look like the most?

Catch one bubble with your eyes and follow it.

Touch the column and tell me what you feel? (heat-cold, smooth-rough, vibration).

How many bubbles?

What color are they? m (blue, yellow, red, etc.)

Well done!!!

D) Dry pool.

Oh what is it? This lake! What an unusual, bright, iridescent it is! Surely someone lives there! Shall we look? (Children approach the dry pool and look for the inhabitants there with their hands). Well done! Here are the inhabitants of our magical lake

And it's time for us to hit the road. The path is in front of us (children walk along the path on their toes).

E) Fairytale flower.

What else is on this planet? Look, even flowers grow here!

(Children find a beautiful flower, are surprised at it, admire it, smell it).

Guys, do you know the name of this flower?

This is the magical flower of Ylang Ylang. Let's smell it again and gain health and strength before a long journey.

As long as we keep going. (Children find traces of aliens, follow in the footsteps).

G) Dry shower.

(A melody sounds with the sound of murmuring water).

Look at the waterfall in front of us. Do you like to swim? Then let's get closer to the waterfall. Consider it carefully. How many flowers does it have?

Today we have overcome a difficult path and are a little tired. Let's wash away our fatigue in the jets of this waterfall. Enter the waterfall, imagine that you are standing under streams of cool water. Feel how the water passes through you and takes everything unnecessary and bad with it. Just look, the stars have scattered so far that they even swim in the streams of the waterfall. We need to collect them, too, before they are carried away by the current. Now let's sit down and talk...

Which of you managed to imagine a real waterfall?

Can you feel the water?

Did you enjoy swimming in our waterfall?

What did you feel while swimming?

IV. Final part.

- Unfortunately, our journey is coming to an end. It's time to return home to Earth. Our friends have been waiting for us there for a long time.

We stand in a circle, hold hands. Raise your hands, take a breath (take off) we fly, hold hands, lower and exhale. Landed!

The light turns on, the starry sky and music turn off.

Our journey is over. We returned to our planet Earth, to our native school!

Just look how many friends (guests) came to meet us. We returned from space travel not empty-handed, but with gifts. Guys, let's give our friends (guests) magic stars that bring good luck. (Children give stars to all the guests present).

Teacher-psychologist: Konchakova K.I.

I, a teacher - a psychologist, work in MDOU No. 312, a compensatory type. The preschool institution works according to the program of V. I. Usakov “Creation and functioning of a health-preserving environment in a preschool educational institution”, which involves the comprehensive development of the mental abilities of children, as well as the development and correction of all psychological processes.

Preschool educational institution No. 312 of a compensating type has a number of features compared to a conventional kindergarten:

  • This institution is intended for children from 2 to 7 years old with tuberculosis infection, early manifestations of tuberculosis infection, with small and subsiding forms of tuberculosis.
  • Children temporarily enter and leave the kindergarten on the basis of the conclusion of the medical commission, that is, preschoolers are sent to this kindergarten from other preschool institutions, which cannot but affect the emotional sphere of the child to a greater or lesser extent.

There are two speech groups in the preschool institution, the planned work of which provides for the holding of a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation twice a year. Based on the diagnostics, it was found that more than half of the children in these groups have insufficiently developed motor skills, both fine and general, some children have difficulties with perception, memory, thinking and imagination.

As we know, to solve the psychological problems of children and adults in Russia, innovative equipment appears to help the psychologist.

In 2007, from the funds received for winning the competition of municipal preschool institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory within the framework of the regional target program "Children" 2007-2009. sensor equipment was purchased. And the psychologist's office was transformed into a Sensory Room.

At present, hundreds of organizations in various fields in Russia use Sensory Rooms and Psychological Unloading Rooms with lighting equipment in their work.

But, unfortunately, there is a problem - this is the lack of methodological support for the development and implementation of classes in the Sensory Room, so it turns out that there is a room, there is the latest equipment, but you don’t know how to properly organize and start work.

Let's start by defining what is a Sensory Room? This is a specially organized environment, consisting of many different kinds of stimulants that affect the organs of vision, hearing, touch and vestibular receptors.

In our kindergarten, the tasks of the Sensory Room are as follows:

  1. Correction of mental processes;
  2. Correction of children with increased aggressiveness;
  3. Psycho-emotional development of children;
  4. Sensory and cognitive development.

Preschool age is positive for the development of perception; on its basis, memory, attention, and thinking develop. The formation and development of higher mental functions is based on the complex process of integrating the external world into the internal one, therefore it is very important to pay special attention to the development of perception in various psychological disorders.

Corrective and developmental work in the Sensory Room is aimed at the gradual inclusion of all sensory flows through the stimulation of various sense organs.

Classes in the Sensory Room last no more than 30-40 minutes, the occupancy of subgroups depends on the size of the room, if it is not large, then the number of children should not exceed 6-7 people. Before bringing children to the Sensory Room, in my opinion, you first need to figure out how to beat it.

Since the leading activity in preschool age is the game, it is natural that the lesson will be held in the form of a game.

I would like to say right away, since a large number of stimuli can cause negative emotions in a child, acquaintance with the Sensory Room should begin when all stimulants are turned off.

“A magical journey in the psychologist's office”

Target: development of perception, creative thinking, fine and general motor skills.


Children, look, we are in a magical room. Oh, but only the magic from this room has disappeared somewhere. Look at our box! Maybe in it we will find the answer, where did the magic go and how to return it. Let's see?

(You need to beautifully arrange any box that you have)

Picture 1



Here is the answer, our room was bewitched by an evil wizard, but we still have a chance to disenchant it. Here on a piece of paper we are given tasks and it is written that if we cope with them, then gradually the room will be filled with magic. Will you guys help our room bring back the magic?



In order to disenchant this magic tube and the fish swimming in it, it is written here that you and I must collect all the fish scattered around the room and arrange them on the table, large to large, and small to small. As soon as everything is finished, the magic pipe will light up, and the fish in it will come to life.

Figure 2.


Collected, and the bubble column caught fire.

Figure 3


So, we coped with this task, well done! Let's see what task we have ahead of us. Look, there is a ladybug here, but unfortunately all the butterflies and flowers flew off on it, and the legs are unlaced. We need to quickly put it in order and then a wonderful waterfall will sparkle in front of us.

Figure 4


We collected a ladybug and then a waterfall sparkled.

Figure 5


And now we have the last task. Look at the wall, there is a tree on it, it once sparkled and was very beautiful. And in order for us to bring him back to life, we need to stomp our feet, and now clap our hands, and now shout loudly.

Children: They stomp, they clap, they shout and the tree lights up.

Figure 6


Well done, thank you for helping me disenchant my magical room. Look how much magic we have here. And do you like it yourself?



And for the fact that you helped me to disenchant this room, I will invite you to visit me as often as possible. And now the guys can examine and touch everything in detail for five minutes!

Figure 7

The lesson should end with a positive mood, each child should look and touch all stimulants.