Life energy - where to get it? Psychic energy, human life force (physis) - how to increase, accumulate and maintain

Do you know the situation when after a hard day at work you come home completely exhausted? All the energy has gone somewhere, and there is no strength for anything. Fatigue just comes in waves. This is all due to the fact that we are wasting our energy on completely unnecessary things.

Proper control of vital energy is just as important as accounting for finances, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Without this, there will be no complete harmony. Therefore, in order to feel great throughout the day, you need to know where our energy is spent and block all channels of its leakage. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this.

Where does life energy go?

unfinished business

If a person has a lot of things that are abandoned in a fit of laziness or for some other reason, then they simply suck out vitality. Some people often dream of their problems hanging over them like a sword of Damocles. This category "" can also include broken promises and monetary debts.


The more a person lies in life, the less energy he has left for creation. This is due to the fact that you need to constantly come up with some details so that the lie is not revealed. In order not to waste energy through this channel, you should be as honest as possible with your loved ones, friends and, above all, with yourself.

Fear and constant distrust

Like lies, these states can devastate a person and make him weak. The body begins to experience constant stress, which burns energy. To avoid this, you need to constantly engage in self-development and increase self-confidence. Our perception of the world depends on the internal attitudes that need to be cultivated in ourselves. One from the slightest problem at work, and the other from extreme situations.

Constant experiences

There is a category of people who experience negative emotions for any slightest reason. Worrying about nothing takes a lot of energy. It is necessary constantly, and for this there are special psychological techniques that need to be learned.

Lack of contact with nature

This rule is relevant for residents of megacities, since in rural areas such a problem does not exist. The river, trees, birds singing, grass - all these things feed the energy of a person. That is why you need to constantly travel out of town and relax.

Gossip and empty talk

Gossip wastes our energy. This is especially reflected in the psychological state of a person. By definition, one who constantly discusses other people's problems cannot have positive energy. Chattering idle also does not bring any benefit. Therefore, if you begin to understand that a conversation with a girlfriend or friend begins to flow into an empty channel, you should end it immediately.


This feeling primarily harms the person who experiences it. No wonder there is such a saying that "they carry water on the offended." It is always worth forgiving the people who hurt you. So you can become much freer and make room for positive emotions. draws a lot of energy out of a person.

sleep deprivation

This is one of the most important factors affecting our energy levels. Where will she come from if the body and psyche do not have time to relax after a hard day's work. It is necessary to adhere to the exact schedule of waking up and going to bed.

Bad habits

Everyone knows that they take a lot of energy and health. However, many people neglect this. Minimize alcohol, smoking, overeating and life will change for the better. For some people it's simple, and you need to get rid of it.

Finally, we will give you a simple piece of advice: if it is difficult for you to keep track of the consumption of your life energy, manage it in the same way as. Make a list of energy losses and think about what expenses can be cut, and what useful things it is better to increase the amount of energy spent on. Thus, you will make room for creation, and this gives strength, and Vital energy will gush out of you.

Modern science and medicine have ceased to actively deny the vital energy of a person, and even centers for its study appear. But in reality, science is only approaching this difficult-to-studied object. In the same ancient texts that describe yogic practices, practical methods of working with energy are given, its sources are described, the laws by which it operates, and much more. So what is human energy?

Human energy is an invisible, invisible force that makes elementary particles, organs and systems of our body interact with each other. This is what collects and holds the elementary parts in a single whole.

The term "energy" is found in all cultures among different nations, for example: in China - "Qi", in India - "Prana", and in ancient Russia - "Alive". Hence the word "live", "life"!

Energy is invisible. We can register and study any kind of energy not directly, but through its manifestation. For example, electric current. It is not visible, but it is well felt when the heating device or lighting is turned on. Electromagnetic waves are not registered by our sense organs. But through radio and television, they manifest themselves as image and sound. Also human energy. She is invisible, but she manifests herself. And by these manifestations it can be registered.

How does energy manifest itself in a person? Very noticeable! A high level of energy is the presence of strength and a thirst for activity. This is enthusiasm, good mood and well-being. This is delight. This is the feeling of love. Low energy level - weakness, laziness, heaviness in the body and mind, bad mood, depression. In other words, one of the manifestations of energy is an emotional background. Emotions of a higher order correspond to a high level of energy, a lower order to a low level. So where do you get energy from? Ancient texts describe four sources...

These sources are well known to us and at first sight banal. But this is only at first glance. Food is the first source. Pay attention: how long can we go without food? On average, 40 to 60 days. Without damage to health (and sometimes even with benefit) up to 21 days. For this reason, this source of energy is considered to be not the main one. With proper nutrition.

The next source of energy is sleep. Without sleep, we can survive no more than 3-4 days. And then the fuse will work, and the body will turn off - you will fall asleep anywhere.

The next source is breath. Not the air itself, but the whole process of breathing. We can only live for a couple of minutes without breathing. For the physical level of existence, this is the most important source of energy.

And the last, most powerful source of energy is a positive mindset.

Positive mindset

This is the first, main, most subtle and powerful source of energy. Pay attention, when we think positively, we are filled with joy, we are happy. When we are happy, we are full of energy! We are full of enthusiasm and desire to act. To be more precise, the source of energy is the external environment - Nature. It gives colossal strength, a huge boost of energy for activity, building plans, faith in yourself and in the future. Nature gives great enthusiasm, endowing man with incredible power.

Nature simply gives energy to man, which man transforms into activities and relationships. But there is a condition: Nature gives energy exactly as much as a person is ready to take. And this readiness is due to a certain emotional state, and this, in turn, is due to a positive mindset.

Only in this emotional state, the treasured channel opens, through which we are given energy for everything that happens in our life. Remember the state of successful people. As a rule, they are in high spirits - they are positive, cheerful, full of life and active. Many attribute their condition to the state of their affairs. But, alas, the opposite is true.

The state of affairs of successful people is determined by their emotional state, and the latter arises from the ability to think positively.

So what is a positive mindset? First of all, this is a natural state of mind and a certain way of thinking, which are given from birth, and which we voluntarily give up. See the world through the eyes of a three year old and you will understand the source of his enthusiasm. To achieve, or rather the return of a positive state of mind, yoga describes and teaches to follow three positions.

The first is the relationship to the outside world.- to life, circumstances and people around us. When a negative situation comes into our lives, most often we ask ourselves the question “why am I doing this?” and “who is to blame for my problems?”. Such a statement of the question is called the position of the victim. It creates a negative mood and takes away energy. And still gives rise to complaints. Complaining fills the mind, which switches it from solving the problem to the complaints themselves. The chain closes, and it is no longer possible to break out of it; in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the outside world, i.e. in response to an undesirable situation, ask yourself the question “why do I need this?”. The answer will come quickly. And this answer will allow you to gain experience, often a harmonious solution, and therefore benefit. And when we realize that we receive something from the outside world, we rejoice. A positive state of mind arises and our energy grows.

This approach to life also has a name - the position of the student. Therefore, when an angry shop assistant yells at us, we need to learn from experience, to learn. Learn to master your emotions at this workshop. Learn to switch this person from a negative state to a positive one, because he yells at us from the fact that he is ill. And understanding this, be satisfied with the fact that life has sent us a lesson in the firmness of qualities. When you start asking yourself the question “why do I need this?”, life itself will show you positive lessons.

The second point is to choose what to let into your mind. You can contemplate the beauty of nature, works of art, animals. And you can watch a thriller or an action movie. You can visit the exhibition. Or a site with unambiguous content. You can discuss the topic of personal development. Maybe a neighbor. There are thousands of examples.

The third position is the hygiene of the mind.

In life, it is not always possible to protect yourself from adverse impressions. An accident on the road, an unpleasant story heard, some kind of sudden event. In our age, information flows are of high density, so the issue of mental hygiene is more relevant than in ancient times. And in ancient times it was daily. Yoga introduces the concept of mental hygiene - this is a regular cleansing of impressions. It is achieved through breathing techniques and meditation.


Breath is the most important source of energy on the physical level. In the process of breathing, we release liquid and carbon dioxide, and receive oxygen and free electrons from the outside. During respiration, not only gas exchange takes place, but also the body receives energy from the environment. Air is the carrier of universal energy - prana. It is called universal because it supports not only physical, but also mental and emotional processes within us. With vast knowledge in this area, the ancient scientists created a breathing system that has survived to this day in the Vedic texts.

The basis of this system is to increase the useful volume of the lungs. and at the same time the time for the cycle of inhalation and exhalation. This leads to more energy and a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes, i.e. prolongation of youth.

Our lungs are made up of three lobes. These lobes are located one above the other and communicate with each other at the top, just like a bunch of grapes with a branch. This feature makes the lobes of the lungs independent of each other. Inhalation and exhalation is carried out by the intercostal muscles and the abdominal muscles, which straighten the chest (and the lungs along with it) in a certain way. So that when inhaling and exhaling, the lobes of the lungs follow each other, from bottom to top. For some reason, we have lost proper breathing motility and breathe with only one lobe of the lungs. Men breathe with their stomachs, i.e. lower lobe of the lungs. And women breastfeeding, ie. middle share.

No one breathes in the upper lobe. It turns out that we breathe a third of the total volume. According to breathing, we get the volume of prana.

In yoga, there is a concept - full yogic breathing, when all three lobes of the lungs are involved. In order to find it, there is a technique - a three-stage pranayama, which develops the ability to breathe with the full volume of the lungs. Through training, after a while, proper breathing becomes natural. You can learn this technique in breathing courses.

But proper breathing is only part of the process of obtaining energy.

The amount of prana in the air is also important. Prana is the life energy bestowed by nature. Therefore, prana is where nature is - among trees, mountains, rivers. In cities where the landscape is not natural, there is very little prana. And practically it is not in rooms without windows, air-conditioned rooms and basements. The exceptions are parks - pranic oases of cities. We city dwellers are encouraged to visit the countryside and parks more often. Ventilate apartments - use outdoor rather than air-conditioned air more often.

Notice where our enthusiasm and what are our activities when we don't get enough sleep? During sleep, we receive a portion of energy, which we then spend during the day. Sleep is an extremely important source, since the type of energy obtained with its help holds the elements of the nervous system in a bundle. A person can live three to four days without sleep. Then the nervous system is destroyed, and this is the personality of a person. In simple terms, a person goes crazy. The connections in the cerebral cortex are destroyed. The reason for the destruction is the lack of energy that keeps the elements of the nervous system in a bundle.

It is necessary to replenish the supply of energy through sleep competently, with knowledge of the laws by which it exists. The laws are simple. The energy of sleep depends on the impact of the Sun and Moon on the Earth and all living things. The interaction of these celestial bodies acts in such a way that only the dark time of the day is possible for rest and energy gain - ideal is sleep from dusk to dawn. Have you noticed that when you wake up late, lethargy, laziness, lack of enthusiasm and inertia of thinking persist? The person feels overwhelmed and dissatisfied. This happens because at dawn the sun begins to take away the energy accumulated during the night from a sleeping person. Useless spending included.

How, in this case, to build a daily routine, given the city life? The less effective actions of the moon and sun can be determined and neglected. That is, the time of weakened lunar influence, when the benefits of sleep are not yet great. And the time of the weakened solar, when its action does not yet burn the energy accumulated during the night in full force. The full action of the moon begins at 22:00 and ends at dawn. And solar activity increases from full dawn (about 6.00 am) until 9.00 am local time.

Thus, the effective sleep time is determined: from 22.00 to 6.00-8.00 in the morning (MSK).

This interval allows you to achieve three favorable positions: to accumulate energy in the best period; in good volume (8-10 hours of sleep) and fit into the social sphere. But he is not accurate either. If you decide to take the issue seriously, then you must take into account the seasonal transition, the difference between local (real) time and the capital. Therefore, when determining the daily routine, it is easier to be guided by the current time of dawn and sunset and your opportunities in the social sphere of life. The main thing is to understand the mechanism of accumulation of this type of energy and avoid extremes - such as hanging out after midnight and getting up in the late morning hours.


What do we know about food? We know that food is the building block of which we are made. And the building material should be healthy, light and full. But even at this stage, we are guided by only two indicators - taste and shelf life. In the East they say: we are what we eat. And this is fair. By eating an apple, we accept the building material of which this apple is composed. His energy. its information structure. The apple becomes us, and we, accordingly, become it. We eat pork - the logical chain is the same. The topic of nutrition is extensive and requires separate consideration, so now we are only concerned with one aspect of it - energy.

What we do not know at all: food contains prana - energy in its purest form. Prana exists only in fresh foods. Most of all in cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, in fruits growing on the surface, there is much more prana than in root crops. In the process of cooking, prana is destroyed. Less when stewing and boiling, more when frying. The microwave oven destroys prana completely. There is no prana in canned and frozen foods. How to determine the presence of prana in products? Prana is life. The life of a product is its natural freshness. And here it is important to understand that natural freshness is not an expiration date.

Advice from yoga- it is necessary to eat only freshly prepared food, because. 3-4 hours after cooking, the prana contained in the dish is destroyed. Therefore, it makes no sense to cook for the future, to which we are so accustomed. And of course there is no benefit from semi-finished products.

The second component of food energy is psychic energy - the connection of taste with a positive mindset. Eating with pleasure, we experience joy and come to the very first source of energy. There are secrets to eating. Sometimes, having eaten to satiety, we continue to look with our eyes on the table for something else tasty, have you noticed? This happens because a person is saturated not with the amount of food, but with prana and psychic energy. And for a feeling of satiety, we mistakenly take a feeling of heaviness in the stomach - a built-in defense mechanism.

Have you noticed that people who are under a lot of stress eat a lot and gain weight? In this way, they try to compensate for the lack of energy that comes from a negative mindset. Knowing that food intake is energy intake, it is necessary to pay attention to taste, i.e. be aware of every piece you eat, its entire flavor palette. To do this, you need to eat slowly and exclude TV, chatter and reading from the diet. Then you can get enough of a small amount of food.

The next aspect of nutrition and the source of energy is the psychic energy of the person who prepared the food, i.e. his emotions and thoughts at the time of preparation. What does it mean?

Please note: the most delicious food is food cooked with love. The mood of a woman preparing food is reflected in her taste. And the taste is on the psychic energy of those who eat the dishes. How it works? All organic matter that we eat, as well as you and me, is 90% water. Water is not only a chemical substance, the basis, the foundation of the structure of organic substances. Due to its cluster structure of molecular bonds, water has the property of recording, storing and transmitting a huge amount of information in a small unit of volume. Recording information on water is carried out through sound and electromagnetic waves. Thus, water "hears" and "reads thoughts". But the most important thing is that she remembers everything.

In ancient times, special mantras or prayers were sung during cooking to cleanse food of bad information. They allowed not only to purify the food, but also to rearrange the women who prepared it in a gracious way, who at the time of preparation, with their mood, made an undoubted contribution to the taste. They also sang or said prayers before eating in order to drive away all the bad thoughts and the state that the eaters brought to the table.

What can be done in our time?

First, you need to learn how to cook with love. This is the most important thing in cooking. To love those for whom this food is intended. Love the foods you cook with. Love the cooking process. You need to cook in a good state, in a good mood and good mood.

Secondly, while cooking, you need to be concentrated on food. Since food records our emotional state, it will also remember the attitude towards it at the time of preparation. If you treat food with indifference, then it will respond with the same - indifferent taste. Thus, in order to cook tasty and blissful food, you need to take your mind off the TV, phone and household chores. And all attention to concentrate on the cooking process.

Thirdly, during cooking, it is advisable to turn on quiet, calm, soothing music. In this way, you will improve your mood (and this affects the taste) and clear products of unnecessary information. We are accustomed to consider food as the only source of human life. Fortunately, this is not the case. Despite the fact that nutrition is not the main supplier of energy for life, it is the very first and most important aspect that forms a person not only at the physical level. Through a huge number of factors, nutrition has an impact on the formation of our consciousness, and therefore personality.

Any personal growth begins with proper nutrition. We are what we eat. And if you think about this phrase, it takes on a new meaning.

Articles about Health

Where does life energy go?

And what can be done to accumulate it?

It is human nature to be born healthy and as energetic as possible. In childhood, we actively run, frolic and it seems that our energy will never end. Yes, and in our youth we are actively involved in sports, we manage to do a lot, learn a lot, learn, acquire a specialty, give birth to children. And now, by the age of 30, we sometimes feel tired. Where does the vital energy go, why do we begin to feel less strong, cheerful, sometimes less purposeful, and the quality of our life, it would seem, with the solution of many life tasks is somewhat deteriorating. As we age, our vital energy is dwindling away bit by bit.

To restore energy in the body, you need to work purposefully, naturally, you need to take it from somewhere. Healthy lifestyle, folk medicine implies the maximum saving of their natural energy sources, and also, its multiplication.

It will not come from anywhere if we consciously, purposefully do not work on this state. Then we can restore health, and life will be more interesting. And not like that you come home from work and fall down to rest in order to do something at home. And if this is not done, then even before the deviation in health, you can get.

Information on energy restoration came to us from the East. In ancient China, it was determined that energy - runs along energy channels - meridians, and even developed a method for determining human health by the conductivity of these meridians.

In India, it was determined that energy is the surrounding Prana, but in order to take it, you need to properly interact with the environment.
We Europeans believe that energy is our food, this is physical culture, this is auto-training.

Sooner or later, a person will face this question if he thinks about it. How to maintain the energy of your body in order to live, preserving vital energy in our age with an ever-accelerating pace of life.

The first source of vitality is food! You need to eat right. Nutrition in health is the most important part of our life force. All the power is in the meat, so says the advertisement of one of the famous Moscow meat-packing plants. Yes, proteins, their amino acids, are important. But in small quantities. Meat is not a living food, it is necessary when a person is engaged in hard physical work, and it is advisable to eat such food two or three times a week, and no more. Than to replace these proteins, it is better to eat eggs, milk, sea fish. These foods are easier to digest and less slag-forming.

These are all sources of energy. And they can extend our age, or shorten it.

But vegetables, fruits, wild edible plants in your area, garden greens are the energy of the sun and eating it is very useful, it is quickly digested. And although there are not even big calories at all, nevertheless, it is very useful for maintaining vitality. Properly prepare a light breakfast, the basis of the health of the coming day.

Nutritionist Aleksey Kovalkov states that an oatmeal breakfast seasoned with dried fruits and nuts is the basis of daily joy, which is supplied to the body by tryptophan, the amino acid of joy. Next, a cup of green tea, with the addition of a spoonful of honey, a little cheese. In addition to the speed of preparation, you are cheerful and full of energy, because the body spends very little energy on digesting this breakfast. Why do we not follow the path of a healthy lifestyle, but go some other way, destroying energy, health. We end up destroying life. I have been eating this breakfast every morning for three years now, and believe me, I will not replace it with anything for the rest of my life.

The energy that we received from our parents at the time of conception can be saved, or it can be thoughtlessly squandered as an inheritance, but it can also be increased.
The task of a caring person about health is to multiply. And it is better to acquire knowledge about this direction of human health from experienced people than to gain experience by losing health. At the end of life, all this is realized, but it will be too late. If the inherited energy received at the birth of a person is completely used up, then death occurs. Such is the law of nature.

Besides, we receive energy from the Cosmos, through acupuncture points. Or vice versa, we can involuntarily give it away, also through correct or incorrect behavior. If we enjoy life, nature, endless fields, open spaces, sea and river smoothness, mountain peaks, emerald grass of the first greenery, a beautiful blue horizon, sometimes pink, golden domes of temples, a bottomless starry sky, then the vitality of a person is restored. Strength and health appear. The nature there is so permeated with flows of aerons that a person is saturated with vital energy. Therefore, you need to realize this and constantly feed on this source of energy. It is important that only the channels of perception of this energy are not blocked.

For in order not to block these channels of energy perception, you need to try to be in a balanced state. Calm. At this time, try to dissolve in this environment, discard all troubles and bring yourself into a joyful state. It helps me so much that if I stay for 10-15 minutes near a large body of water, then I become, as it were, renewed. It helps when I am in the snowy endless fields of our open spaces. So much so that the joy itself is absorbed by the body, after a 30-minute walk I become a completely different person. I also explain this with movements. Smart people came up with a name for this update - meditation. At this time, harmony is restored in the human soul. This is very important when a person is in harmony with himself. Energy in this state does not go away, but accumulates.

By themselves exercise restores energy in the body, but not at home. If it is in nature, then recovery is more intense. Jogging, breathing exercises, water procedures - rubbing, dousing, and simply rubbing with cold water dramatically increase a person's energy. And, if you feel bad, well, you don’t have any strength, go to the bathroom, take a contrast shower and your strength will be restored. And if you don’t have the strength to take a contrast shower, then just wash yourself with cold water up to your waist, rub yourself with a hard towel, do self-massage several times during your morning wash (2-3 times), believe me, your strength will be restored and you will have enough strength for some urgent urgent matters.

Dancing, good music, a good movie, an interest in an interesting person, a good conversation with an intelligent person, classical painting is like a breath of clean fresh air, all this increases vitality.

selective communication. Communication with an unpleasant person (essentially with a vampire), who only complains about life's hardships, but essentially pumps out the vitality from you. Try to exclude such communication from your life. It will not lead to anything good, after such communication you become very bad, unpleasant. If the environment is disorganized, it is you who can direct the actions in the right positive direction. In many posts on the site it is noted: do not apply negative assessments of any person. Look for positive qualities in each person, in the soul from positive assessments it becomes better. Your mood improves, the energy of life is saved.
But loud pop music, movies with scenes of violence, politics, negative information - this is not a method of accumulating energy and this is not for you. All this destroys the energy-informational shells of a person.

Do not follow anyone's lead, you should have your own life path, learn to refuse, there will be fewer problems. Of course, I'm not talking about if a person seriously asked you for help. Such assistance must be provided. But without getting confused. In general, courage, self-control, confidence, optimism are the main allies of your life.

Never find out with anyone a relationship, it will not lead to anything good. A Russian proverb on this subject says: “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel!” All this will allow you to save vitality.

Someone who loses energy at work you need to correctly realize what depends on you, you must fulfill. What is beyond your control must be dealt with. Well, they don’t give us a decent salary now for the majority of society. And no matter how hard you try in your work, you still can’t get higher. So, maybe calm down. The basis of spiritual life is humility. Christianity teaches this in every prayer. At least, there will be no unmotivated expenditure of vital energy, and hence the loss of health. This should not only be understood, but also applied in your life.
I will give you one of the Christian prayers “Lord! Give me the peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me the strength and will to change what I can change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”

When irritated during communication, there is a sharp release of vital energy into space, a person quickly loses a lot of energy, then the pressure rises, and the heart starts to hurt, and other organs spasm, for example, the stomach, so is it necessary to bring yourself to this painful state, so that later drop by drop collect vitality for recovery. Frequent irritation leads to damage to liver cells. Fear, unreasonable excitement lead to kidney damage. So is it worth being afraid of something or someone in order to get kidney problems. Understand one thing, now with the Internet, you can find any answer to any difficult question. Study, arm yourself with knowledge (and knowledge is power), transform knowledge into action, and you will be invulnerable!

You need to realize that that each person came into this life to solve their problems, and no one needs to be remade in order to for it to be positive. Of course, if this is a family member, then you need to influence him, but not by losing your life energy. But if you are an educator, a teacher, you need to give positive examples, maybe more than once, but you should not achieve it by losing vital energy. Let them solve their own life problems. Ultimately, life itself will teach. Or maybe he won’t teach, then there will be other lessons, more difficult. This also needs to be understood.

Next aspect: When a person talks a lot, he loses vitality. Therefore, speak to the point, and within the limits of your tasks. Not for nothing, all sages recognize the usefulness of silence as one of the important virtues.

And yet, it happens that you need recognize past mistakes. Sometimes they poison your life for years, and do not allow you to freely and easily go through life. What needs to be done in this case: Christianity provides for repentance in such cases - to apologize, go to church, pray, confess. You can even ask for forgiveness in absentia, you will feel better and your vitality will not go away, your health will be slowly restored. And continue to build your life in accordance with the Christian commandments. People have not come up with anything wiser than life in accordance with Christian commandments.

The onset of any disease is usually accompanied by a loss of vitality and tone.

A person feels weakness, feels discomfort, he is tormented by drowsiness. At the same time, there is a decline in mood, irritability, absent-mindedness. It takes more time to recover. Often naps are required. Of course, a long sleep, in such cases, is necessary. Get enough sleep, distract from your work and home problems. The fact is that emotions go away during sleep. The brain is still cleared of daytime emotions.

Take care of yourself at this time, get rid of everything that annoys you, irritates you. Analyze why you are losing vital energy. Finding the cause, try to eliminate these causes. Analyze the psychological reaction to these stimuli, perhaps you are violating the Christian commandments? Restore your spiritual strength: after all, the most important thing in a state of mind is love, this is a joyful state. We need to restore optimism. Pessimism, in itself, is a powerful loss of vitality. Take a closer look - who has more spiritual strength - an optimist or a pessimist?

Then in the body appears the corresponding image of the vice - the disease. It is from here that the roots of a decrease in human immunity and susceptibility to diseases stem. Immunity directly depends on the level of a person's faith in God, and when it falls, the result is vulnerability - both internal spiritual and external physical.

So only healthy lifestyle, traditional methods of treatment, healthy psychology will help you make the most of life's potential.

Probably, there is no person who would never think about where his vitality comes from for work, vigorous activity, and why it is sometimes so difficult to force yourself to do even the simplest and most familiar things. The vital energy of a person is the engine that sets in motion his body, gives inspiration, encourages actions and decision-making.

Most people have less achievement than potential energy, so their energy is used by those who have goals.

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Numerous works on psychology, created by well-known and not so well-known authors, set out a number of systems of views, concepts and ideas that determine what a person's vital energy is. For a person who for the first time in his life is seriously interested in this direction, it is not so easy to delve into the essence of the psychology of energy and draw constructive conclusions for himself, to benefit from what he read, which could serve as a guide to action.

This article attempts to explain to the reader, without overloading him with technical terms, obscure ideas and theories of psychology, on which the reasons that prompted him to show interest in this topic are based. As a rule, a person who is satisfied with his life will not become interested in what the vital forces are, where they come from, and where they disappear so unexpectedly and without a trace.

If you are reading this article, it means that something is not going the way you would like, and you definitely want to correct the situation by identifying the causes and outlining a plan of action to get out of their existing situation. Of course, the main thing for you is to find the right path, but it will be quite difficult to do without theoretical justification.

Often you hear the phrase: "I have no strength ...".

The continuation could be like this:

  • go to work;
  • do sport;
  • maintain a relationship with a certain person;
  • prepare for exams.

The list can be continued indefinitely. Not understanding what is the real cause of an unsatisfactory state and mood, a person generalizes them with one concept: strength. What are these very forces, where do they come from and where can they disappear without a trace?

The life energy of a person is his potential for action.

It can be represented in the indivisible unity of two components: physical and moral. Good health, a strong body, bodily perfection - this is what belongs to the first category, and a complex of psychology, internal attitudes and thoughts - to the second.

If we compare a person with a computer, physical energy is his “hardware”, “hardware”, which obediently follows the instructions of the “software”, that is, moral energy. That is why these elements must be in complete harmony, their clear interaction will ensure the high-quality work of the entire system - a person will live and develop as a full-fledged personality.

Here the most important point is the realization that work on oneself must be carried out in two directions at the same time. The life energy of a person must have a reliable source of nutrition, without which there is, and cannot be, any activity. Physical health is sports, proper lifestyle, rational nutrition. The spiritual is the adoption of deliberate decisions, the development of positive views and the elimination of all harmful and destructive attitudes.

The vital energy of a person gives strength to satisfy all his vital needs, both primary and secondary. It is customary to refer to the primary needs of the body, such as nutrition, and to the secondary - those that have a psychogenic orientation. This is the desire for respect, the acquisition of knowledge, intellectual development. The need for the implementation of both those and others is expressed in purposeful behavior. It is on the availability of internal resources, vital energy, that the development of a person as a person depends.

Where and why does a person's vital energy disappear?

Without vital energy, none of us can carry out any action. Very often you can encounter such phenomena when a person becomes so inert and passive that he does not want to go to work, he loses the desire to communicate with others and loses interest in his appearance. This condition is usually called depression, and few people can determine the reasons for which such a helpless state occurs.

The most important thing in such a situation is to convince a person that he must find a reasonable way out of this situation. Without his conscious desire, it will only get worse, leading to unpredictable consequences. You can turn to the help of a psychologist who will approach the solution of the problem professionally, but still it is worth making an attempt to restore the condition on your own.

Such a state can be formulated in such a way that the vital energy of a person has dried up, “leaked out”, and first of all, one should find where and why the “leak” has formed. What could be the causes of exhaustion? You can try to analyze and determine what exactly was the impetus for acquiring such a state.

There can be many reasons why a person's vital energy has become low.

First of all, it is fear, one of the basic instincts. It has a destructive effect on us, it is quite difficult to resist it. This can also include resentment, misunderstanding, claims gathered in a whole tangle of claims to themselves and the world around them. A person can develop irrational and ineffective internal attitudes, or psychogems, and become their unwitting victim himself.

For example, if, by coincidence, several events in life in a row turn out to be unexpected and unpleasant, a person has an opinion that the whole world has rebelled against him. This is a conspiracy theory, which is nothing more than a cognitive distortion, a misinterpretation of the situation. In this case, you can develop a destructive and destructive attitude: “All the people around are vile, treacherous and unreliable. Whatever I do, this cannot be changed, I cannot go against the majority. Unknown forces are working against me, and the whole outcome is a foregone conclusion.

There is nothing surprising that, having perceived such an attitude as a final and firm conviction, a person gives up, and with the further development of such a course of affairs, even suicidal thoughts may come. Another thing is if, after a series of failures, he says to himself: “All this is nothing more than a coincidence. And since I am a resourceful, intellectually developed and purposeful person, I will find a way to cope, and I will solve all problems, even if gradually.

Restoration of a person's vital energy is possible only with his active position and conscious desire.

Between the incoming events that his brain perceives and meaningful actions that express his reaction, there is a very important, most significant process - interpretation. The course of further events depends on how the received information will be processed.

If a person approaches the analysis of the situation critically, he will understand that not everything is so scary and categorical. It is important here not to rush into making decisions, but still try to figure out whether he correctly perceives what is happening to him. After all, ridiculous accidents are not a reason to be disappointed in life. If it seems to him that he has been betrayed, he should find out whether this is really so, and not take the seeming as real. Perhaps at work there were claims against him, but he could also make a mistake that can really be eliminated. If on the way home on the same day he got stuck in the elevator, this does not mean that the whole world took up arms against him, but that the light went out in his area, and there were many like him.

Unfortunately, a person becomes a victim of his own delusions, which eventually form a kind of "eaters" of energy. They take over the initiative, completely controlling behavior and actions, and the person begins to act according to unconstructive and incorrect patterns, losing the remnants of vitality. Conflicting with the outside world, he finds himself in a state of conflict with himself, which inevitably leads to a decadent mood.

We often look back

Very often, thoughts arise in a person’s head that begin to transfer him to the past, make him remember unpleasant situations, or assume failures in the future. They only seem uncontrollable, in fact they can and should be driven away, and not allowed to create a solid but destructive attitude. After all, it is precisely such reflections that eat up the vital energy of a person.

Destructive and harmful to oneself is the desire of a person to strive to ensure that everything around him happens with his participation or under his direct control. He has an opinion that he can and should correct the situation, but it does not make the slightest sense to adjust the whole world to fit his ideas. He is not so helpless that he cannot cope without someone's participation.

A vivid manifestation of this desire to keep everything under control is a feeling of jealousy. It seems to a person that he should check every step of people close to him, be interested in everything that happens to them, constantly doubt their sincerity. He begins to ask them questions that will not only annoy, but repel them from him, the further, the more. It is not surprising that the vital energy of a person will disappear, and then completely dry up.

Imagine a black cloud - this is your fear. Fear is energy, energy has consciousness, which means your fear hears you. He is not malicious and did not come to torment you. You have taken it into yourself. He came to teach you

Viilma Luule

Restoring the vital energy of a person is difficult, but quite real. In order for him to have a desire to restore his potential, gather strength and continue an active struggle with all destructive installations, he may need the help of others. Here the most important thing is to convince that nothing irreparable has happened, that everything is in his hands, and that you just need to set yourself up for further activities.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what serves as a source of positive emotions. They will be the mechanism that will launch the restorative forces and will contribute to making the right decisions. Coming to the conclusion that everything around is not as bad as it seemed before, a person will drive away all bad thoughts and develop restorative beliefs. These include phrases such as:

  • "I can achieve everything I dreamed of"
  • “I will resume my sports activities”,
  • "I will not allow my mind to be manipulated"
  • "I am the master of my fate".

If a person has a desire to write on a piece of paper everything that makes him suffer, worry and suffer, this can only be welcomed. Since such an approach will indicate that he is beginning to realize why his vital energy was disappearing. It will become easier for him to analyze each of the points, and determine what should be done so that the situation does not repeat itself.

Among the main tasks will be a program to strengthen and restore physical fitness. Playing sports, the absence of ailments, will contribute to a positive attitude towards the outside world, and will become a source of raising vital energy. Here, no specific advice should be given, since everyone chooses the sport that will lead a person out of an unenviable sport. Some will go to the gym, some will resume their morning runs, and some will go to the swimming pool.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that on the way to restoring the vital energy of a person, one should take care of physical health and prevent the formation of harmful and destructive internal attitudes developed on the basis of deeply erroneous and false conclusions and beliefs.