Winter crafts with children 3 years old. Marathon "Winter's Tale" Creative task: "Winter crafts

Kindergartens will soon begin preparing for the winter and winter holidays, decorating the playrooms with crafts made by children's pens. Simple, but cute and sincere winter crafts for kindergarten with their own hands are suggested to be made by an Active Mom.

Christmas trees made of threads

The Christmas tree is one of the brightest symbols of the New Year. We offer to make a bright designer Christmas tree from threads. To make it, you need a ready-made base - a foam cone or a cone made of cardboard - and colored threads. The threads can be woolen, and if you want the herringbone to be fluffy, synthetic "grass" threads are an excellent option. Having fixed one end of the thread at the top of the cone, you just need to wrap the entire cone with it to the bottom, where you can secure the other end. You can decorate the Christmas tree with beads, buttons, pompoms.

Toys made of cotton wool and cotton pads

Cotton wool is a popular winter craft material because it looks a lot like snow. In addition, even the smallest children from the nursery can make toys with it. Adults only need to print a template with Santa Claus, a penguin, a snowman, a house, mittens, hats - any New Year's heroes or winter items that can be decorated with snow. Well, then the work goes to the little creators: in their hands, glue and cotton wool will work wonders and cover the winter house with snow, make Santa's fluffy beard, warm hats and mittens.

With the help of cotton pads, you can create whole winter pictures:

Snowmen from paper plates

Disposable paper plates are another source of inspiration for winter kindergarten crafts. So, they make excellent snowmen. It is enough to fasten two plates together and decorate the snowman by making him eyes, a nose, a scarf, pens, a hat, using paper, felt, buttons, plasticine. These snowmen can be used to decorate children's lockers in the garden.

Bright stars and snowflakes

These easy-to-make stars can decorate a garden tree or hang from the ceiling. If in the summer you did not throw away ice cream sticks, but saved them in the hope of using them for home art, this is definitely an idea for you. Form a star or snowflake from ice cream sticks and glue them together. Color the shape or leave it unpainted. Wrap randomly with threads, paste over with buttons. Hang on a string.

A wreath on the door made of mittens

A cozy wreath made of bright cardboard mittens will undoubtedly decorate the door of your child's group. It will be great if each child brings a mitten and such a wreath will become a symbol of a friendly children's team.

Crafts from napkins

Lace round napkins are another great creative material. You can make airy snowmen from them to decorate curtains or a large Christmas tree.

And you can create such a nice openwork Christmas tree.

Do not be afraid to entrust the children with a part of the work - the winter crafts we offer for kindergarten without difficulty and with minimal help from parents will make any child 4-6 years old. But how much joy the baby will have from the realization that he has made such beauty with his own hands!

What could be more fun and exciting in the cold season than doing DIY crafts on the theme "Winter"... When it is cold and snowing outside the window, the child has a lot of time for creativity, moreover, the weather itself gives inspiration. And the New Year holidays are approaching, so crafts will come in handy for decorating an apartment and a Christmas tree. The baby has a variety of materials at his disposal, so you shouldn't be limited to paper, for example, you can take pasta and use it to create a bright decorative Christmas tree.

DIY children's crafts on the theme of "Winter"

Most Popular DIY children's crafts on the theme of "Winter"- these are Christmas trees, but the materials that can be offered to a child to implement this idea can be the most diverse. For example, you have at your disposal a variety of curly pasta, which will be a great material to decorate a magnificent New Year's beauty.

The basis will be a disposable wine glass, it has a conical shape, this is the shape we need the basis for the Christmas tree. You can make bases with cardboard or plastic, but the disposable glass is strong enough so it won't deform under the weight of pasta and a layer of glue.

We will take pasta in the form of small bows, with them the Christmas tree will turn out to be really beautiful, lush. And you should also cook miniature pasta of various shapes, which will play the role of decor, will become small Christmas balls that decorate our New Year's beauty.

In order for the elements to be reliably held on the base, ordinary PVA glue is not enough, it is advisable to use a glue heat gun. To make the craft look realistic, we need green spray paint, and gold paint for coloring.

At the glass, you need to separate the leg, we will need it at the very end of the craft. Turn the cone wide side down and start glueing the elements from the very bottom. The pasta bows are fixed on a drop of hot melt glue.

"Bows" should be glued close to each other, staggered rows. Make sure that there are no holes between the elements, through which the plastic base of the glass is visible. If small gaps remain, you can then paint over them with green spray.

When you get closer to the top of the head, the whole "bows" will no longer fit, so the top of the head can be filled in halves, as shown in the master class. Of course, as long as the pasta retains its natural color, the craft looks completely unattractive, but as soon as you paint it green, it will immediately take on a magical look. Additionally, the tips of the "twigs" can be decorated with sparkles.

Once the paint is dry, you can glue the stand. The role of the stand will be played by two legs from a glass, glued together along a narrow base, as shown in the master class. Now the coasters need to be glued to the wide part of the glass with hot melt glue.

It remains only to decorate the finished Christmas tree with small curly pasta - first they must be painted with golden aerosol on both sides and let the paint dry. Then stick small elements in random order over the "bows" or fill in the remaining gaps with them.

Several curly pasta can be glued together and get an asterisk to decorate the top of the head.

When making pasta with children, you can take not only "bows", but also other fancy-shaped pasta - spirals, shells and tubes. Depending on what form of pasta you will use, and your craft will be completely different. The base can be made of cardboard by rolling it into a cone, or pasta can be pasted over an empty glass bottle of champagne or mineral water. On your own, you can choose the color of the paint in which you will paint the finished craft.

DIY original crafts on the theme of "Winter"

Together with your children, you can do original crafts on the theme of "Winter" with your own hands, and these can be not just individual handicrafts, but whole winter compositions. What elements can be present in such a composition? Of course, a house with snow-covered covers, which stands among bare trees and lush green Christmas trees in a snow-covered meadow. Next to the house there will be a snowman, visited by forest guests - gnomes or hedgehogs.

As you can see, this is a complex and multi-stage work in which you can involve a group of children, each of whom will have their own task. And then the individual crafts will form an integral composition.

The main element of the composition is a house, it is very interesting to make it, because the child will literally fold it over a log. The main element is snow, according to tradition, this role will be played by ordinary cotton wool, which must be fluffed up with flakes. It is with cotton that we will cover the roof of the house and the clearing itself. The flakes can be used to cover bare tree twigs and spruce branches. If you still have artificial snow in the aerosol that you used to decorate the glasses for the New Year, you can also use it.

How to make crafts on the theme "Winter" with your own hands

Now that we have an idea, how to make crafts on the theme "Winter" with your own hands, you can start creating it. First, we will make a paper house, it will be built from paper tubes. You can take plain white paper and then paint the walls of the house with brown paint, or use brown paper (colored one-sided) right away.

An A4 sheet must be cut into three parts along the side length, as a result you have rectangles, each of which we will twist into a tube. You will need a lot of tubes - about 11 pieces on each side, the total number is about 50, if necessary, you can twist the tubes already in the process. The edge of a dense tube must be smeared with glue stick and glue it to make a tube.

Our foundation will be thick cardboard - you can cut a square or rectangle. Glue the tubes on all sides so that the tips of the two protrude beyond the perimeter of the base. Long tubes will be on the sides, and two more should be shortened slightly by cutting off the excess part, then gluing to the base. Long tubes should alternate, for example, if in the first layer we laid long ones on both sides vertically, then in the next row - long ones should be horizontally. Thus, you will get the effect of a log cabin, exactly as in the picture.

Laying out the next row, it is necessary to grease the tubes of the previous row with a thin layer, and it is better to fix the corner joints with PVA glue for reliability. When you have three rows on each side, it's time to decide where the door to your magic house will be located (who knows, maybe you will have a house for Santa). Select one of the sides and mark the door in the middle - there should be a hole in this place. When you glue the next layers on this side, the tubes must be cut. Make sure that the cuts are at the same level along the entire height of the door on both sides.

The height of the windows should be half that of the doors, but both the windows and the door should end at the same level. Therefore, when you have made three rows of the door, you can begin to form windows on the side walls.

After the walls have become solid again, it is necessary to complete another 2-3 rows and start forming the roof. For the roof, the tubes are installed only on two opposite sides in the form of a triangle. Each next row of tubes should be shorter than the previous one by only a few millimeters. In total, the attic will consist of 10 rows of tubes.

DIY crafts on the theme of "Winter": ideas

The main element of ours is almost ready, but it should be decorated to make the house look like a magical Christmas story. It is necessary to fix the door by gluing it also from the tubes, but this time placing them vertically. The doorway can be decorated with brown cardboard with a carved edge, as shown in the master class.

Make a frame and shutters on the windows, and then glue the curtains with colored paper, fixing them on double-sided tape on the back of the walls.

The roof will be made using thick colored cardboard, you can choose any color, but it is better to take a dark one so that its natural color can be seen under the snow. We will make not just a straight roof, but with tiles.

Of course, the creation of shingles is a long and painstaking process: you will need yellow, orange or terracotta thick cardboard, sharp scissors, as well as a sheet of paper and a pencil to draw the template. The tile is a wide strip with a wavy edge, then the finished blanks must be glued with an overlap, covering the entire roof surface.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to do DIY crafts on the theme "Winter", ideas for decoration you can glean in the photos.

For a house, you need to arrange a snow-covered meadow, you can put our pasta Christmas tree next to it, and a few more hedgehogs created from cones and plasticine. And, of course, there will be a cute New Year's snowman next to the house.

DIY crafts on the theme "Winter"

Probably the most - these are various applications, which depict Christmas trees, snowflakes and snowmen. The child has a variety of materials at his disposal to help him create a beautiful paper-based snowman. Children can use cotton swabs and cotton pads, then the craft will turn out to be voluminous.

You have already seen the variants of the proposed composition - DIY crafts on the theme "Winter", photo we have picked up in our master class. A snowman must be present in the composition, otherwise, what kind of winter is it ?!

Together with the mother, the child can make a truly adult craft - a bright and original snowman from a white sock. You can buy specially terry socks for this craft, then the snowman will receive additional volume due to the specifics of the material. To make the snowman stable, it should be filled with heavy material, especially the very bottom. For example, you can use small cereals, then the toy will also give you an unforgettable tactile sensation. The rest of the snowman is filled with padding polyester.

And do not forget about the main element of any winter decor - protruding snowflakes, which can be cut by the whole family, competing to find out who will make the most beautiful snowflake. Ready-made snowflakes can be decorated in the form of a garland or glued to the window in a soapy solution.

Winter in our strip lasts a long time. And what can you do to keep your baby busy on long winter evenings? Why not start making winter crafts with him? Even preschool children can make them with their own hands. At the same time, many parents will need winter crafts for kindergarten. Therefore, the ideas presented below will be very useful. You just need to allocate one evening and, together with your beloved baby, start to create magic.

Typically, winter is associated with snowflakes, snow, winter sports, snowdrifts and the New Year. Based on this, it is necessary to select materials for the implementation of ideas.

The easiest way will be to make a panel or drawing.... But it should not be simple, but made in some interesting technique. The canvas of the drawing can be filled in:

  • Mankoy.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Plain water.
  • Crushed eggshell.
  • Sugar and many others.

The use of these materials involves gluing them to a cardboard base.

New Year's installations are a favorite type of creativity for children. To do this, you just need to take an unnecessary empty box, for example, from under the shoes, cut off two walls from it. Thus, there will be a floor with two corner walls. From this it will be possible to make the basis for an amazing winter landscape, forest or scene. You can use cotton wool as snow, make trees and houses from cotton swabs or newspapers, twisted into a tube, and painted with brown paint on top.

Crafts can also be made from empty plastic bottles or paper, from burned out light bulbs - literally anything you can find at home. For example, from a plastic bottle and light bulbs, you can get an unusual penguin or dog. From threads, you can make voluminous figures of snowmen, as well as unusual interesting panels using the technique of nitkography or from thread chips.

It is worth considering in more detail , from which you can create crafts on a winter theme with your own hands.

Burnt out light bulbs

It is very good if you have a large light bulb. You can make a real New Year's penguin out of it. To make such a craft, you will need the following tools:

Step-by-step instruction

The unusual penguin is ready!

Plastic bottles

You can also make a penguin or Santa Claus from plastic bottles. The scheme is quite simple and similar to the previous one. For the craft, you need to take two empty plastic bottles of the same size and shape. Only the bottom should be cut off from one, and the second should be cut in half and, using tape or glue, glue the top and bottom of the first bottle to it. This will create a bar.

Now it needs to be painted white and allowed to dry. In the same way as with the light bulb, it is necessary to draw the outlines of the front part for the penguin. If Santa Claus is being made, then you need to draw a face. These parts remain white, and the rest is painted black for the penguin or red for Santa Claus. After that, you need to paint the face and draw other necessary details. A scarf and a cap are put on top, if Santa Claus was made, then a beard should be glued from felt or cotton wool.

It turns out to be a rather interesting craft, which is easy to do with your child from unnecessary things.

Panel from cotton pads

It's hard to imagine a winter without a snowman. Kids love to sculpt them in yards, fiddle in the snow, making lumps out of it. However, it will be quite interesting and simple to make this winter hero at home from scrap materials. For the creative process you will need:

Step-by-step workshop for making a snowman

The unusual winter panel is ready!

Panel made of semolina, plasticine or thread

This is another interesting and exciting option for creating a picture on a winter theme. The child will simply be delighted with such an activity. To make such a craft, you need to take colored cardboard, a simple pencil, PVA glue, semolina or sugar.

Snowman made of thread

You can make a beautiful, large and delicate snowman from threads. This will require the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step manufacturing scheme

In principle, you can decorate such an original snowman at your own discretion, you just need to show your imagination.

Christmas trees made of balls of thread

For a children's exhibition, you can also make a composition in the form of a Christmas tree from balls of thread. To make it you will need:

Master class step by step

A Christmas tree can be made without a base from a pot and a leg, while the cone will be made of glomeruli. It will be much faster and easier.

Christmas wreaths

These wreaths are classics of the genre. All New Year's fairs are literally overwhelmed with them. You can decorate any room with wreaths on New Year's holidays. Most often they are made from scrap materials, they can be used:

To make a New Year's wreath, you only need to understand the principle: first of all, a base is made of cardboard or a ready-made purchased foam ring, after which it is decorated at will. The selected elements are glued to it quite tightly. They can be combined with each other, in conclusion, the wreath can be decorated with a bow or ribbon on the side. The finished wreath is hung on the entrance or interior doors.

Child psychologists say that a child should make crafts for school or kindergarten on his own, and parents should only help. According to experts, this affects the development and self-esteem of the baby.

New Year is a magical holiday for every child. You just can't count how many crafts you can create yourself for children's exhibitions. Children will be happy to join the creative process. After all, any child loves to sculpt, draw and glue something.

Winter craft

Children can do winter crafts with their own hands on their own or with the help of their parents. They will decorate the house, the New Year's table, become a gift for educators or teachers. A lot of winter crafts can be made from scrap materials.


Winter is a beautiful and magical time of the year. One of its main characters is a snowman. It can be made from cotton wool. We need:

  • White sheet of paper.
  • Colored markers.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Glue.

How to do:

  1. Draw a snowman on a white sheet. We paint his hat and scarf, make eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. We make small balls of the same size from cotton wool.
  3. We take the glue. Glue the balls evenly on the snowman's belly.

In this way, you can make a picture, a postcard, a Christmas tree toy. DIY winter-themed crafts can be decorated with sparkles, sequins, tinsel.

Christmas tree made of ice cream sticks

What New Year is without a fluffy beauty? A Christmas tree made from ice cream sticks is very easy to make. To do this, you need to take:

  • Sticks.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Lacing.
  • Rhinestones, beads, buttons.
  • Paints.

How to make a herringbone:

  1. We paint one stick in a bright color at will. This is the base of the tree.
  2. Cut several sticks into pieces of different lengths, about 1, 3, 6, 9 cm, and paint them green.
  3. Letting the details dry.
  4. We attach the string to the upper end of the base with glue. Cut an asterisk out of yellow paper and glue the string on top.
  5. We position the short sticks so that a herringbone is obtained. Top to bottom, from shortest to longest. We glue it.
  6. Decorate with rhinestones, beads.

Children make winter crafts with their own hands for the kindergarten, connecting imagination. Spruce can be made in any color and decorated with decor as desired.

Christmas tree decorations

With the onset of cold weather comes winter fantasy. Do-it-yourself craft makes it possible to translate your ideas. Christmas tree decorations can be made from a variety of materials. Handmade, they will delight children and adults. Such a toy will be exclusive, warm and sincere.

Parents can help kids create DIY winter crafts. This is not only a fun activity, it develops imagination, motor skills, teaches how to use glue, scissors.

Colored bows

Do-it-yourself winter crafts for the garden need to be made simple and easy so that children can cope with their manufacture on their own. What you need:

  • Dye.
  • Sequins.
  • Threads.
  • Bow-shaped pasta.

They are very simple to do. We paint the pasta with paint in any color, and until it dries, sprinkle with sparkles. After drying, we tie a thread and hang it on the Christmas tree. From such bows, you can make an elegant garland.

Christmas tree toy made of light bulbs

If you have experience in drawing, you can make funny faces, faces of snowmen. But for children, the easiest way is suitable. We need:

  • The bulbs are oblong.
  • White acrylic paint.
  • A piece of sponge.
  • Sequins.

It is very simple to make such a toy:

  1. Cover the light bulb with a layer of acrylic paint with a sponge. Let it dry.
  2. Then cover with a second layer and, until it dries, sprinkle with various sparkles.
  3. Then we shake off those that are not glued. The decoration is ready!

DIY winter crafts for children should evoke only positive emotions, bring joy to the house.

Salt dough toys

This technique has long been used for sculpting. Salted dough can be made at home. It makes beautiful volumetric figures or paintings. Such a winter craft for a kindergarten with your own hands will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to make dough? Pour a little water into a cup, a tablespoon of oil and pour one glass of flour and salt into a cup. The consistency of the dough should be similar to plasticine, knead well and not be liquid. Then we put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for about 2.5 hours.

After our dough has dried, you can make it colored immediately by dividing it into parts and adding food coloring. Or immediately sculpt figures from it and paint them with paints after baking.

To make a shape such as a herringbone, roll out the dough and cut out the pattern with a knife. Touch each edge with your hands. Then bake in the oven on a low heat. Once the Christmas tree has cooled down, you can paint and decorate it as desired.

You can mold a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a cockerel and any heroes of fairy tales or cartoons from salted dough.

Felt to help

DIY winter crafts for school can be more difficult than for kindergarten. Many children already know how to sew, and soft felt will come to their aid.

For this you will need:

  • Multi-colored felt.
  • Threads.
  • Needle.
  • A little padding polyester.
  • Ribbon.
  • A sheet of paper and a pencil.
  1. We choose the shapes we like: a herringbone, a bell, a gnome. We draw a pattern on a sheet, cut it out.
  2. We apply it to the felt and circle it, leaving about 0.5 cm at the edges for the seams. We cut out two blanks.
  3. We carefully sew each piece, leaving a small hole.
  4. We put in a synthetic winterizer, a ribbon. Sew up the remaining hole.
  5. We decorate as desired.

Do-it-yourself winter crafts for school made of felt can decorate a large Christmas tree at a holiday or become gifts for teachers. Having shown imagination, you can sew many wonderful toys.

Sweet wreath

DIY winter crafts made from sweets are becoming very popular. Children can make a beautiful and delicious Christmas gummy wreath. After the holidays, you can eat it.

What is needed for him:

  • Round or oval gummies.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Blank for a wreath.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We string each gummy with a toothpick. Do it carefully.
  2. If there is no ready-made base for the wreath, make a blank from the newspaper. Crumple the newspaper and give it the shape of a blank, you can wrap it with duct tape.
  3. Gently stick the gummies into the wreath so that they fill it evenly, without gaps.

They can decorate a festive table or hang on the door of the children's room. It is better to make such a wreath just before the New Year so that the marmalade does not dry out.

Newspaper tree

The best winter crafts with your own hands, of course, are obtained from scrap materials. Everyone has old newspapers or unwanted books at home. They can be turned into an incredibly stylish herringbone.

What is needed for this:

  • Newspapers, book sheets.
  • Curly scissors.
  • A piece of thick cardboard.
  • Wooden skewer.
  • Glue.

Transforming a newspaper into a beautiful herringbone:

  1. Cut out a small square from the cardboard.
  2. Grease the tip of the skewer with glue. We stick it into the cardboard, let it dry.
  3. We cut the newspapers into squares of different sizes with curly scissors.
  4. Starting with the largest ones, we string them on a skewer so that the corner of the lower tier looks out from under the side of the upper one.
  5. Having strung to the crown with the smallest squares, decorate the Christmas tree with a ribbon or glue a paper star.

Such trees can be made in different sizes, supplemented with a garland of beads.

Cut out the snowflakes

DIY winter crafts for children are beautiful and sparkling, what could be better in the New Year? Paper snowflakes are made incredibly simple, but they turn out to be delicate and graceful. To make them, you will need white sheets, scissors and imagination. We fold the paper several times to make a triangle. Cut out the pattern, make curved lines. The less of the leaf remains, the more delicate the snowflake will turn out.

You can use ready-made templates, but it's much more interesting to create your own. You can make a garland of ready-made snowflakes by attaching them to a thin string. Use napkins, corrugated paper, candy wrappers, or foil instead of paper.

Candy spruce

Do-it-yourself winter craft for kindergarten makes it possible to dream up. A sweet gift is a favorite delicacy of little fidgets. You can make a Christmas tree of sweets for yourself or give it to your family. Necessary materials:

  • Chocolate candies in a shiny wrapper.
  • Glue gun.
  • Cardboard.
  • Tinsel.

The birth of a delicious and sweet Christmas tree:

  1. We make a cone out of cardboard and fix it with glue.
  2. We start from the bottom row. Glue the candies in tiers.
  3. Try not to drip a lot of glue so that the sweetness doesn't melt and the wrapper doesn't melt.
  4. Decorate with tinsel. The Christmas tree is ready!

Using candies in different candy wrappers, you can make the spruce brighter and more shiny.

Bouquet "Winter-winter"

In the cold season, fresh flowers are not very relevant. Craft "winter bouquet" with your own hands can be made from materials that nature gives us. What can be found on the street:

  • Spruce twigs.
  • Spruce cones.
  • Sticks.

You will also need glue, ribbon, thin wire. The cones can be glued to the sticks with glue or with a wire. From all the materials collected, a do-it-yourself "winter bouquet" craft is going to be made. We tie the twigs from below with a golden ribbon. To make everything silver, sprinkle with glitter hairspray or special paint. From red beads, you can make a rowan branch by stringing them on a wire.

Snowman made of thread

DIY winter crafts can be fun and funny. This is exactly what a snowman made of strings will be like.

The technique is very simple, the main thing is to prepare the necessary materials:

  • Threads.
  • PVA glue.
  • Air balloons.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.

First of all, we inflate balls of three sizes: for the lower part, for the head and for the pens. For convenience, pour the glue into a cup. First we dip the thread in glue, then we begin to wrap it around the ball so that a mesh is formed. When all the round pieces are ready, they need to be hung up and held in this state until completely dry. After that, we take a needle and burst the ball inside the blanks. We take it out. Using glue, we connect all parts of the snowman together. We glue the eyes and nose. Optionally, you can make a hat, scarf, glue buttons.

Such a snowman turns out to be very delicate. You can make Christmas balls in this way using multi-colored threads.

Christmas decorations made of colored paper

It often happens that the simpler the decor, the better the green beauty looks. Toys, garlands and various pendants can be made from colored paper. A few of the simplest options:

  1. We take red and green paper. Cut into strips of different lengths. We make a ring out of each. We connect all the parts together and fasten. Attach the ribbon on top. The beautiful decoration is ready. You can make different shades.
  2. You can make a "flashlight" from the colored stripes. This requires paper and glue. We place a short strip in the middle, long ones on the sides. We fasten it at the top and bottom, so that the sides form arcs, and the shape becomes similar to a flashlight.
  3. You can make a postcard. Think about which picture to portray. Then cut out the necessary shapes from colored paper. Make an applique. Decorate the card with buttons, sparkles, rhinestones.
  4. Having made many cones from paper of various sizes, you can assemble an original Christmas tree. The more details, the taller and more elegant the tree will turn out.

With the New Year comes winter fantasy. A hand-made craft will not only delight you during the holiday with its interesting appearance. It's also a great way to spend time with your kids. Gather all the materials you find in the house. Connect your imagination and make beautiful holiday decorations. Do not use perishable food in your crafts. For school or kindergarten, fir trees and snowmen are suitable, for the house - snowflakes and Christmas tree decorations.

Hello friends!

And the white winter, began suddenly, Came out and sweeps, sweeps, sweeps! And, I will decide for myself what to do tomorrow, And tomorrow -…. Remember this song by Sofia Rotaru, for some reason I sang it exactly when I decided to take one very exciting theme. The article will be devoted to crafts for the New Year. Do you know why? Yes, because again we were asked to bring something interesting and unusual to the kindergarten and school. So my mother had to sit and “break” her head again.

By the way, if you don't go far and be primitive, you can do it for a New Year's exhibition, for example, or maybe? Yeah, in my previous notes, we already conjured on this topic. I think that even Santa Claus will be delighted with such works))). Ah ha ha. How do you think?

All the same, there is nothing more wonderful when we all together begin to prepare for winter and decorate absolutely everything with beautiful winter decors of the room. Whether it is shops, apartments or childcare facilities, etc. Thanks to all this, the mood rises and a festive mood reigns, which happens once a year. The smell of tangerines, the chiming clock and all this happens when we all look forward to it on the night of December 31 to January 1. Do you agree?

Well, let's start creating, take note of the work option you like and get down to business faster. Choose the material at your discretion, it can be absolutely anything, use improvised means or waste, in general, everything that is called

Well friends, are you ready to go to the world of magic? Then quickly turn on your imagination and ingenuity, let's take unnecessary things and make masterpieces of them. If you still don't know how to do this, then just these master classes and a bunch of ideas will help you. Go for it!

For the first craft we will need:

  • glue gun
  • tinsel
  • paper
  • wire
  • CD wheels - 12 pcs.


1. From a sheet of paper, cut out a pentagon with sides 6.5 cm. Attach it to the disk, and where the vertices are, put points on the surface of the disk.

3. Now drill along the marks with a drill to make the holes. Take the wire and fix all the blanks so that the ball eventually comes out.

4. Such a nice thing should turn out, already glitters and flickers.

5. It remains now to conjure, glue multi-colored tinsel along the contour of each circle.

When doing this, use a heat gun, just be careful not to burn your fingers.

6. As a result, a wonderful charm awaits you, which is even a pity to give), and if you hang it on a chandelier or decorate such a street Christmas tree, it will be generally wonderful.

By secret. You can take it with you to school or kindergarten and take first place at the exhibition. Good luck!

The next version of crafts for the New Year, or even winter, so to speak, is a fabulous house. Wow, tell me, I can see how your eyes lit up. Do you want to create the same snow composition? Then contact me for templates, I send them to everyone absolutely free.

These works are made in the style of vytynanka, but many like them very much. In addition, you can then decorate such products with tinsel or beads, sequins to create a festive atmosphere.

One template will be given to the tree, but you will need to cut out two blanks from it, and then either grease them with glue or sew them in the center. This is necessary for a three-dimensional effect.

If you don't want that model of the Christmas tree, then take just such a newspaper beauty. In general, you know, I recently had a post on my blog, and there I gave so many awesome ideas on how to make a Christmas tree, that wow, you will obviously be delighted. Therefore, if you want, you can go right now here. Well, if not, then do it this way:

The next cool option, and you can even say a souvenir in the form of a deer. Moreover, it is made from an ordinary bottle of champagne or beer. Can you take any fruit drink, depending on who you want to give it later, or put it on the table on a festive night?

Next, the next moment, you probably know that no winter is complete without snowflakes. So why not take advantage of this and make a whole mountain of them. They can be cut using a stencil or accordion technique. This method allows you to make the product bulky. See the instructions right now. But in this note, you will find a lot more

So, the snowflake was created and now what? The craft is of course ready. And you can make 7-8 such fluffs and, moreover, of different sizes, put on a stick with a stand. Do you understand what I'm getting at? Yeah, and make another New Year's masterpiece. Take a look, how do you like such a miracle?

Charming and beautiful, see the following work, which is made of satin ribbons (can be replaced with paper strips). You need to roll each strip into a loop and glue it to a paper cone.

For preschool children, I propose a job about the same, but instead of needles, there will be ordinary green balls.

If you want to amaze everyone with your ingenuity, then make toys from eggshells, and you can do this completely safely. Puncture two holes with a diameter of 5 mm and 2 mm in the egg on both sides, and then begin to let the polyurethane foam into the largest hole.

That's the whole trick, from a small hole, then you will see the foam, as it appears, so stop filling the testicle.

Thus, such a "ball" will be strong and stable, and then decorate it with decoupage, as if you do not know how to do this, you can read it here, or expect my next note on New Year's toys. In a nutshell, then you have to take a regular napkin with a pattern and separate all the layers, then leave only the last one, dip it in PVA and stick it on the egg, let it dry.

And now attention, another novelty of this year is a craft for the New Year made from salted dough. Wow, you rest in peace. The same phrase stuck to me from the cartoon about the Barboskins. Well, glue a cone-shaped figure out of cardboard, the inside of an almost finished product is already shown.

How to make dough, do you know? If not, then here is the recipe for you, spelled out in the picture.

Use your hands to apply the testicle to the cone and smooth it out, and the layer should be 1.5 cm.

Then scissors the dough and the crown of a tree will come out like needles and twigs.

Put a star on the top, do it with a toothpick.

Well, after voila, in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

You can decorate with beads or large beads, glue them to the workpiece.

For creative individuals, I propose to make magnets in this topic. To do this, take a piece of cardboard and cut out the symbol of the new year from it.

Then tie it in a spiral with a thick thread and fix all the ends with glue. Glue the magnet to one side.

Now the most interesting thing remains, this is the design, I propose to do it this way in the form of coffee beans.

Or you can build a toy in the shape of a snowflake, take ice cream sticks as a basis, glue them at the base.

And then glue the multi-colored buttons.

Perhaps you will be overwhelmed by another beauty, from which you will not take your eyes off))). Take a look.

By the way, they often make a little penguin in winter, just like from the cartoon Tororo, using plastic bottles.

Well, since in the coming year a pig or a hog will be a symbol, I propose to make it exactly. And you know from what? Yes, from regular socks. See all the steps of work in these pictures.

Or take the work of snowmen in approximately the same way.

An excellent gift, well, and a craft will be a ball. Which you can paint with acrylics and draw absolutely any picture.

Or do it yourself decoupage. Remember how it's done? If you find it difficult, this is how we decorated eggs for Easter. In short, you need to take a napkin and separate all layers, leaving only the last one with the picture. Soak it in glue and attach it to the workpiece, let it dry.

Or go the other way, transparent balls can be filled with anything, for example, rubber bands. Looks good, huh?

Here are a couple more ideas.

A ball with a photo inside looks magical and beautiful.

You can glue any bows you like.

And here's what you found - an asterisk. Which will coolly fit into the forest beauty, or it will act as a keychain for a bag.

Even out of walnuts, this is what the crazy hands have built.

From PVA glue, you can create any pattern or snowflake, then let it dry and remove from the parchment. You can add more colors and color the sketch.

I propose another version of paper fluff, and it will be voluminous and with a fringe. First, learn how to fold the sheet correctly, since such an origami-based craft is being done. If you have any questions, write, or read in more detail

Now one more toy, in the form of a snowman made of pompoms. The idea itself is pretty simple, and the souvenir comes out adorable.

And by the way, speaking, you can apply all the options considered in the article for Christmas. Here, for example, is another masterpiece of thread and glue, watch MK in this video and wind it on your mustache.

If you are fond of artistic activities, then you can easily paint ordinary light bulbs and put knitted hats on them.

Crafts with the symbol of the Year of the Pig for the New Year 2019

Friends, now we proceed to the most important part of our article. Probably all of you are eager to get a selection of handicrafts in which pigs made from improvised means will be presented. In other words, from what is always at hand. So, I want to immediately remind you that I have a cool article on my blog on, if you need diagrams and descriptions, then contact me.

Another article will be released soon, in which you will find a bunch of new and cool ideas on how to make the main symbol of this year. By the way, is it a boar or a pig?

Well, for now, let me introduce such a character made of woolen pom-poms.

Probably the simplest option is a paper craft in the form of a face.

Or create an applique with children.

You can also perform a postcard, or a congratulatory sheet.

A souvenir made of cones, which cute little pigs came out from the author, also looks wonderful. Bravo!

You can create such a pig from polymer clay or modeling dough.

And if you want to find an easier job, look at this photo of a plasticine pig:

And here's baby Peppa drew).

Well, now my friends want you to watch a couple of videos, maybe take something new and interesting from there as a basis. I tried to find various subjects for you.

Look what a gorgeous pig in a dress is.

And this is a craft for our youngest children, besides, it is also on a stick, you can arrange:

For those who are fond of soft fabric toys. Here are a couple of ideas.

Take the felt from it you get brave work, see what kind of pig). Moreover, it is given with a scheme for cutting.

In general, choose the one you like.

Do not forget that for bulkiness, a felt toy needs to be filled with padding polyester or cotton wool.

The next craft is made from egg packaging.

Souvenirs from pine and spruce cones for home

I think that I will begin to acquaint you with the easiest options at first, and only then they will be more difficult. The first composition will be from an ordinary jar, tie the neck with threads, and hang real spruce or pine cones.

Fill the inside of the jar with pine twigs and place a candle.

This work can be slightly complicated and all materials can be decorated in an unusual way. Want to know the details? Then see for yourself. A glass container can be decorated with ordinary semolina, which will look like a snowball on the product. To do this, paint the cereals white with chalk.

Then apply PVA glue to the jar and dip it into the semolina. Let dry.

After the rump, arrange the neck and tie a bow.

Now decorate the pinecone with snow. In semolina + add more sparkles, mix. You will need to dip the cone, and so that it sticks to it, first dip the cone in PVA glue (a small piece of where the cereal will stick).

Thus, proceed according to plan, first dip in PVA, then in semolina, and so on.

Another option, you can also glue gold jewelry, dip the lump in glue, and then in them.

The product can be planted on the bark of a tree by gluing it with a heat gun, as well as beads and a branch of a Christmas tree.

A nice souvenir will also come out with acrylic white paint.

Add a bow and beads.

In general, a wonderful composition will be released, from which everyone will remain crazy.

Also, you can easily cope with such a craft. Glue each cone in a decorative pot, but first paint them with acrylics.

Glue a star to the top, as expected, so that the product reminds everyone of the Christmas tree.

Well, if you want a real beauty, then glue the cones to the base in the form of a cone with a thermal gun and decorate with bows and other knick-knacks of winter decor.

In addition, you can imagine this kind of work in the form of a wall decoration. Just remember that you need a foam ball.

Well, I could not resist, from another super-good option, which I found on the site gifts for ru, this is a topiary. How charming and exciting it looks.

All work steps are written right on the slides.

Workshops and paper craft ideas for the New Year

To be honest, last year we didn't have much time to bring work to the exhibition. Therefore, we made such a creation out of cardboard and decorated it with plasticine. A regular plastic sour cream lid was used as a stand.

Or here's another option, take a cardboard cone and glue any decorations on it.

And this year, the child was made by Thomas, they took an ordinary sleeve, pasted over with paper and glued sweet souvenirs.

Well, what about Santa Claus, without him anywhere, friends! Let's do it using origami technique.

Fold in the same way, I mean, use the bunny origami technique.

Quite an unusual work in the form of a wreath, but it is attractive because it is made of paper hands, or maybe legs))).

And here's another idea, the work is made of corrugated paper. This is usually done at Christmas.

On one English-language site, I saw such a job with wishes. You spin the circle, it turns and the desire falls out. For work, you will need two blanks of different diameters, on one of which a window will be cut.

To make the magic circle spin, make a hole in the center and glue a juice tube or a toothpick to the largest circle. In fact, the idea is good, because you can use it to hold contests and joke.

If you are interested in such a turntable, that is, all templates and sketches in Word format for printing, please contact us, I will send them to e-mail for free.

Also, it is not difficult to build a volumetric ball of newspaper tubes, cover them with aerosol paint. And then glue a ball or a symbol of the year on it.

Now I also want to present one work that you may recognize, it is from our childhood. For her, you will need to make templates in advance on office paper, choose, there are more and less. Due to this, the ball will have a different volume and size. Make 5 cuts with scissors along the lines of each piece.

Well, and in conclusion to this chapter I want to show one more ball, it is quite delicate. You need to cut out the sample in duplicate using the kirigami technique first. And then glue or stitch two blanks.

Here are some layouts for you to cut.

And here is the finished product.

At leisure, they have already tried it in the family circle. Don't forget to decorate with rhinestones or sparkles.

DIY felt toys with patterns

Now for those who are fond of needlework, but I want to note right away that I have another note on my blog that contains different ones. And now, as for the New Year, I propose to perform such a miracle from pieces of felt.

Cut out squares from the materials, and then collect them with a needle into one large pile.

Or take this Christmas tree as a basis.

By the way, you can make a huge green beauty and hang it on the wall.

If you like soft toys, then here are sketches and patterns for them.

The Christmas tree needs toys, these are balls, bells and crackers.

Also a winter house and reindeer.

Do anyone you like, but of course you can't do without Santa Claus or Santa.

Beautiful works for the New Year's competition to school

Well, we're ready to be surprised. Take, then these ideas and go ahead to take prizes. Look at the first masterpiece, this is a jar, and from it the author created an amazing snowman. Inside is a battery-powered candle.

You can also build a winter composition, take an ordinary glass jar and arrange it, for example, put a car in it, and on top of the car an artificial little Christmas tree.

Tie a container with a ribbon or other decorative thread, hang beads.

And then add any decor so that it is immediately clear that this is a vase in New Year's style. Now place the spruce branches and enjoy.

Quite an interesting idea to make a Christmas tree from coffee beans. They are glued to a paper cone rewound with dark threads. Then add some decorations.

You can also create a miracle from candy. Take note of it too.

Here's another button beauty, how do you like such a masterpiece?

If you are an avid needlewoman, then you can also embroider a picture with your grandfather.

In addition, the beaded masterpiece also looks great.

I have one more composition in my collection, but I will write a separate note about it and show you a master class. So, don't miss it. A real masterpiece will come out in the form of a lamp, and imagine how cool it will look on New Year's Eve.

Or make a Christmas tree like this, disguise a plastic bottle, pour gypsum into a pot to fix the barrel from a stick.

And if you want to charm the teacher, then present him directly on the chalk board with the following.

And now I propose to build a sweet ball, only it will not be edible. Use a glue gun to glue the round gummies onto the foam blank.

Also, don't forget to add a string or loop of ribbon.

Similarly, arrange the same blank with beads. Or, put the beads on an English needle and stick them into the blank.

I think I'll show you a couple more ideas, it will be a tangerine topiary.

How to make a garland for a city Christmas tree

Probably the most affordable and budget option that remains at all times is a garland of colored paper in the form of rings. I remember how I used to sit and glue such round pieces as a child.

You can make a craft in the form of hearts, which are fastened together with a stapler, and the figure itself is made of paper or strips or decorative shiny paper.

You can do the work in a rainbow style from double-sided cardboard.

Well, paper novelties are also in use.

By the way, if you want your butterflies to flutter, then there is another cool idea. Watch this video, you will see everything for yourself. A bright and very cool garland came out from the author.

Or use regular cotton wool.

You can figure out something from scraps of fabric:

Of course, such options are more suitable for apartment buildings, but a garland of buttons is perfect for the street.

They also make masterpieces from ice, just add dye or paint to the water and the pieces freeze. By the way, you need to immediately put the thread so that it also grabs.

For home and outdoors, such a creation from thread pom-poms is suitable.

There is also such a variant that is within the power of those who are engaged in knitting and can easily master this pattern. Take the triangles of this snowflake as a basis and tie them around the disk, and then connect them in a chain.

Unusual crafts "Winter's Tale" to the kindergarten for the exhibition

You should understand that all the same, when a child carries a craft to kindergarten, he does it together with his parents or older children. So now I propose to consider different options for what you can bring. For example, take this star-shaped grandfather and decorate any winter composition with it. There is both applique and coloring.

Also, from cotton swabs or discs, you can build something that looks like a picture with your child.

Here's another souvenir that might come in handy as well.

Such masterpieces are also created from PVA threads and glue.

I also like work from plastic bottles or other utensils, such as spoons.

Now, as for winter compositions, you can create them from all sorts of things, it can be twigs and even plastic tiles, from which you will make Santa Claus's house. Use cotton wool instead of snow, and they even lay out the Christmas tree from pasta. See all for yourself, friends.

Well, and my favorite work, which has already been discussed above, who needs blanks, write.

But she looks like a night light at night.

And finally, one not difficult version of the New Year's clock with sweets, see the step-by-step instructions in the pictures.

Beautiful cards for the New Year 2019 for children (MK and templates inside)

Postcards can be made either from paper or cardboard. You can take absolutely any plot as a basis, even a coloring, and sign the necessary words or a poem on the reverse side. Take your pick.

Among other things, you can just like this, you can arrange a postcard in the form of winter characters.

And also make a voluminous congratulations.

Or use the ideas that are made using the scrapbooking and quilling technique.

But watch the postcard master class in this story, the author will show you as many as five ideas. Moreover, such work can be done in a few minutes.