Urine analysis in newborn girls. With the help of improvised means. You have already appreciated the pros and cons, it's time to move on to practical exercises

The study of urine, which a person undergoes throughout his life, is a very informative and accessible way of diagnosis. The data obtained in this case helps to determine congenital or acquired disorders of the functions of the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract, the presence of infectious or autoimmune diseases, changes in the metabolism of various substances. According to the results of the study, it is possible to promptly assume the presence of pathology, carry out its confirmation or exclusion by other methods, and then develop a therapy regimen.

The most common type of urine test, a general analysis, is prescribed for routine examinations (for example, when undergoing dispensary examinations), as well as for suspected diseases of the urinary system. If any abnormalities are found in the normal urine formula, then the next step is to collect urine for or microbiological examination, as well as other diagnostic methods.

Only after being born does the baby become an “object” for research. His urine can be a source of very valuable information, so a modern observation system includes regular collection of urine from the infant for study. In these cases, the parents are faced with a rather difficult task: how to collect urine from the baby correctly.

Collecting urine from your baby can be tricky.

At what periods in the life of a young child is urine collected for analysis

The developed scheme of examination of infants pursues, first of all, preventive tasks. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of serious pathology on the part of the internal organs, having discovered its initial manifestations, than to engage in long-term treatment later. In addition, early diagnosis of certain diseases can greatly improve the prognosis for the health and even life of the baby.

A comprehensive study of the health status of a newborn begins already in the maternity hospital and continues throughout all subsequent months.

If we consider the period of a child's life up to 1 year, then at certain times blood and urine are taken, feces are examined, instrumental examination is carried out (ultrasound of internal organs, hip joints, brain), and a newborn baby is consulted by doctors of narrow specialties.

A child's urine can tell a lot about their health.

According to the adopted observation scheme, pediatricians prescribe a general urine test at certain periods of the child's life:

  • 1 month, while the doctor receives information about the state of the urinary system and the presence of sugar, which makes it possible to judge the health of the pancreas;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 12 months.

The study of urine during these periods is planned, that is, it is performed in the absence of any complaints from parents about the state of the urinary organs of their baby. Naturally, when pathological abnormalities appear in an infant (frequent and painful urination, very rare urination, impurities in the urine, pain in the tummy, symptoms of intoxication and other signs of ill health), it is necessary to take a general urine test more often for timely diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

This method of urine research allows you to assess the physical properties of urine (color, acidity, transparency, odor, specific gravity), as well as to learn about the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells in the resulting sediment, to determine the presence of microorganisms and some chemicals. Cell counting is carried out by the method of "visual fields", when a laboratory assistant examines the components of urine under a microscope, so the normal content, for example, of the epithelium looks like 5-10 in each field of view.

Different types of cells are counted in urine under a microscope

But the general analysis does not allow you to find out the content of erythrocytes or leukocytes in a unit of urine volume, it can only determine the excess of their number in the fields of vision. Therefore, the doctor often prescribes to collect urine from the child for analysis according to Nechiporenko, during which the exact number of these cells in 1 ml of urine becomes known. If bacteria or microscopic fungi were found in the general analysis, then it becomes necessary to collect urine from the newborn for microbiological examination, during which the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is simultaneously determined.

What are the requirements for urine collected from a child?

Needless to say, how valuable the results of all of these tests are for diagnosis. Therefore, for the correct collection of urine from newborns, parents must know some requirements and strictly follow them:

  • the collected urine sample should not contain any foreign matter;
  • the minimum amount of urine is 15-25 ml, it is quite enough to determine all the necessary parameters;
  • the portion of urine should be medium, collected in the middle of the act of urination (this rule can be observed only in boys);
  • the sample must be fresh, it is allowed to store urine for no more than 2 hours (to ensure the maximum reliability of the results), therefore, it is necessary to collect urine for analysis from the baby not in the evening, but in the morning;
  • collection of urine should be carried out in a sterile container.

Special containers are very convenient to use

At first glance, it is not easy to fulfill all these requirements, and many parents find it very difficult and do not know how to collect urine from a baby without hassle, quickly and on time. Meanwhile, now all the necessary devices and devices are on sale for this, with the help of which it will not be a problem to correctly collect morning urine for either boys or girls.

What are the ways of collecting urine in newborns?

Gradually, the grandmother's method is becoming a thing of the past: with the help of a clean plate. But still, it is sometimes used, especially if parents are unable to use modern methods. To do this, the baby is placed with his ass on a cleanly washed, boiled water and dried plate, preferably warm, and then the expectation of the act of urination begins.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that babies pee frequently and regularly, approximately every 10-20-30 minutes depending on age. Therefore, it is not difficult to "lie in wait" for urine excretion, it will not take much time even in the morning, when the baby's urine needs to be taken to the laboratory faster for analysis, without allowing it to be stored at home. The resulting portion of the liquid is poured into a clean container or jar and transported to the clinic. In this case, it is important that more than 2 hours have passed from the moment of urination to the beginning of the laboratory test.

Collect urine quickly and comfortably with a urine bag

Collecting urine from an infant can be made faster and more accurate. To do this, you should use special devices called urine bags, which are available in every pharmacy. These are a kind of transparent polyethylene bags, in the upper part of which a slot is made, decorated with adhesive tape. The urine collector with this slit is applied to the child's perineum so that the genitals are inside the bag.

Urination will occur only in the receiver, but in this case it becomes impossible to collect the average portion of urine (but the urine will be exactly free of impurities and it will not be able to wet the baby's linen).

At the pharmacy, you can buy a urine bag for a boy, which has notches for the testicles. Universal models can be applied to both boys and girls. The collected urine is quickly drained into a jar or plastic container with a screw cap, also available at the pharmacy, and taken to the laboratory for testing.

A homemade urine bag from the bag is also easy to use

If such urine collection devices cannot be purchased, then you can use ordinary plastic bags taken from the factory packaging. It is important that such a package has not been previously used. Its edges are partially cut through, the child's legs are inserted into the holes, and the top is tied with two knots on the sides. This homemade urinal is suitable for babies of almost any age. The resulting urine is poured into a jar, closed and submitted to the laboratory.

You can also collect urine in a very simple way, for which you need a plastic container from a pharmacy or a glass jar. This method is only suitable for boys of any age. Parents pick up the baby and keep the container ready. As soon as urination begins, the container is placed under the stream. This method is good in that it is possible to collect an average portion of urine in the required amount, 15-25 ml.

All these methods should be applied so that the child does not experience negative emotions and behaves calmly. Collecting urine from newborn babies sometimes requires some creativity. To speed up urination, you can give your baby a drink, massage his tummy, or turn on a tap of water. If the urine is collected correctly, in compliance with all the above rules, then the obtained research results will be reliable and you will not need to donate it again.

In some clinics, a child's urine test is prescribed to monitor health at 3 months, at 6, 9 and 12. And of course, the question of how to collect urine from a baby worries parents. There is no need to worry, because for a long time moms and doctors have developed a number of special methods that are easy to use.

Collection for general urine analysis must be carried out clean. The ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the material prepared for analysis will affect the correctness of the result. In order to prevent re-collection of the material, it is important to correctly collect the urine, following the general rules:

  • Urine is collected in the morning, it is less concentrated.
  • The container must be clean.
  • It is important to wash your hands before the procedure, wash and wipe the baby dry.
  • The maximum amount of urine is 20-30 ml (no need to fill the container completely).
  • The container is tightly closed with a lid.
  • It takes about 1.5 hours to deliver it to the laboratory; over a longer period of time, the urine becomes cloudy.
  • To preserve the composition of the analysis, do not store the container in a warm place.

In what container should urine be collected?

A jar or plastic container is best for collecting urine from a one-year-old toddler. For younger children, you will need another device - a urine bag.

An important point in preparation for collecting urine from a one-month-old baby is the capacity. You can take both special materials and home containers. Most suitable fixtures:

You can buy a plastic jar to collect urine.
  • Jars. To collect urine, it is allowed to use jars of different volumes. Glass jar, small volume (100-200 ml). It is sterilizable, so plastic and tin containers are not suitable.
  • Plastic container. A special collection is sold in any pharmacy chain. Convenient, they are an excellent replacement for glass jars. The factory packaging eliminates the need for additional processing of the container, the lid closes tightly and prevents leakage.
  • Polyethylene urine bag. The polyethylene bag is quite convenient to use for both a newborn and a child up to one year old. The urine collection bag is not intended to be carried.

How to collect urine from babies in different containers?

Using the drainage bag correctly

A special urine bag is available at the pharmacy. Together with him, you must immediately take care of the container for transporting urine. The bag is attached in the genital area (between the legs) with adhesive tape. The glue does not cause allergies, so there is no need to worry about a possible skin reaction in your child.

Urine collection algorithm

Before the procedure, the child should be washed well. There will be no opportunity to skip the first jet or collect the middle portion. The procedure algorithm is as follows:

After preparing the urine bag, it must be attached to the baby's genital area.

  1. Open the bag and take out the urine bag.
  2. Peel off the protective tape.
  3. Attach in the genital area.
  4. In order for the urine to go directly into the urine bag, it is undesirable to sit, lie, it is better to take the child in your arms.
  5. Wait for filling.
  6. Peel off and pour the urine into a prepared container.

The best time to collect urine is 15-20 minutes after waking up, in the morning. In other periods, it is difficult to know when the baby will urinate. Therefore, it is better not to wait, but to induce the process of urination, provoking a natural desire to pee. For example, open a tap with water - pouring liquid will quickly trigger a natural reflex.

Advantages and disadvantages

The polyethylene container is convenient to use if you need to collect an analysis from infants. At the first meeting, it is not always possible to immediately attach it. Therefore, it is better to buy two urine bags at once. 2 options are offered: for boys and universal. The hole in the boy's bag has 2 indentations. There is no special package for a girl (newborn or one-year-old), so you need to use a universal one. During the gluing technique, it is important to keep an eye on the tapered end, which always faces downward.

The study of urine is a simple laboratory diagnostic method with high information content. It gives a fairly complete picture of the infant's health status. If for an adult patient, collecting the secreted fluid does not present any difficulties, then how to properly collect urine from a baby girl?

The result of the analysis depends on how we take urine and when it is delivered to the laboratory. Improper collection of urine can lead to a distortion of its study. Therefore, this procedure must be given close attention.

Urination in infants

The frequency of urination, the amount of excreted fluid, and its composition depend on the age of the child. For the first time, an infant may urinate immediately after birth or during the first hours of life. The adaptation of the baby's body to new conditions occurs during the first 7 days.

At this time, his kidneys secrete a small amount of urine, that is, there is a transient oliguria and uric acid infarction, characterized by a change in the color of urine and its transparency.

The urine is cloudy and has an unusual yellow-brick color, which leaves marks on the diaper. This state of the urinary system is the norm. After a week or towards its end, the transparency of urine is restored, and the color acquires a characteristic light yellow tint.

Urination in infants is more frequent and becomes more rare with age. It depends on a number of reasons and conditions in which the baby is. In this case, feeding a small child with breast milk or milk formula plays a role, how many months he is, in what temperature regime he is.

Normally, the daily frequency of urination in a baby gives the following indicators:

  • from 0 to 6 months - 20 - 25 times;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - 12 - 15 times.

It is believed that boys should urinate 2-3 times more often than girls. The amount of fluid excreted also changes as the child grows and the volume of his bladder increases. If a 6-month-old child has a one-time discharge of 20-30 ml, then in a one-year-old baby this volume increases to 25-45 ml.

Thus, the normal daily urine output in a child from one month of age to one year ranges from 300 to 500 ml. In infants, the first months of life are characterized by frequent urination, which becomes more rare as they grow older.

But if the discharge of urine becomes more frequent and is accompanied by certain symptoms, it becomes necessary to collect urine from the baby and send it to the laboratory for research.

How to take urine for analysis from a girl

Since urination in infants occurs reflexively as the bladder fills, collecting urine from newborns for analysis is quite difficult. This is especially true for girls, since in this case a certain skill is required. You can collect the secreted liquid using improvised or specialized tools.

Using a urine bag

The most comfortable and most common way to collect urine from an infant is to use a disposable urine collection bag for girls, which is offered by the pharmacy chain. It has a number of advantages over other means for this procedure, namely:

  • budget cost;
  • sterility;
  • the presence of a graduated scale in milliliters;
  • high-quality fixation of the product on the child's body;
  • adhesive tape does not cause allergic reactions and irritation of the skin of the child.

The urine bag is a plastic bag that is attached between the girl's legs and, if she peed, the urine does not spread, but collects in it. How to properly collect urine from a newborn girl using this specialized tool?

Technically, this is not difficult, but the child must be prepared for this procedure. For this, the following activities are carried out:

  • washing the child with running water and baby soap from the bosom to the anus;
  • thorough drying of the genitals with a napkin or soft towel.

After the child has been prepared, the urine collection procedure is started. To do this, the girl is laid on her back with her legs spread apart. After opening the bag with the urine bag, the girl's genitals are placed in the opening of the hygiene product, leaving the anus area outside of it.

After removing the protective film from the adhesive tape, the urine bag is carefully glued between the girl's legs. For better retention on the child's body, additional fixation of the product with a diaper or diaper is recommended.

It is better to keep the girl in an upright position, since the secreted liquid, without spreading over the bag, will drain into the receiver. After the urine has been collected, the urine bag is carefully removed from the baby, the end of the bag is cut and the urine is poured into a sterile container or jar.

A similar method can be used to collect urine from a baby boy with a urine bag. The child also undergoes hygiene measures before the procedure, after which his genitals are placed in a sterile bag, and he is fixed on the body. In this case, the pharmacy chain offers disposable urine bags specifically for boys.

And how much urine needs to be passed for a general analysis in a baby, and how much of it needs to be collected? As a rule, children under 2 months old are enough to study a minimum amount of 5 - 10 ml of excreted fluid.

How many ml of urine should be collected from an older child? An older baby at the age of 6 months secretes a significantly larger volume of fluid. In this case, 30-50 ml of urine can be collected for urine analysis.

But if it is not possible to purchase a disposable children's urine collection bag at the pharmacy, then it is enough to use the means at hand.

Using the package

The collection of urine for newborns can be a regular new plastic bag with handles. How to collect urine with such a device? To make an impromptu urine bag, the handles of the bag are cut and tied on the girl's thighs.

Such fixation on the body of the baby of the improvised means is not airtight. Therefore, the child must be kept upright while collecting urine, as fluid can leak in such a urine collection bag for newborns.

The main disadvantage of this method is:

  • lack of sterility of the agent used, which may affect the reliability of the test result;
  • discomfort during the procedure for the baby;
  • inability to control the amount of fluid released. In this case, it is difficult to determine how much urine is needed for analysis and how much has already been collected.

With a saucer

You can use another method to take a urine test for a baby girl using a plate or saucer. For this, the dishes must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

The child undergoes compulsory hygiene measures. If her age is less than or slightly more than 3 months, when the child is not yet sitting or standing, it is better to collect urine with a saucer in a prone position.

The secreted fluid will drain to the bosom, which will avoid bacterial contamination of urine from the intestines. As soon as the urine appears on the saucer, it must be drained into the prepared sterilized container.

And how can you collect urine from a boy using the means at hand? In this case, it is better to collect the separated liquid using a jar, which must first be sterilized.

Having prepared the baby boy, you need to wait for the urination to begin. Substituting the jar under the stream of urine, its volume is recruited, which is enough for laboratory research.

In some cases, taking urine for analysis in an infant is carried out using a catheter. As a rule, this method is used according to indications to clarify the diagnosis, in the presence of a pathological process in the baby's body and in a hospital setting.

How to take urine for analysis

Delivery of a general urine test (OAM) by an infant is an important study of the child's health. Therefore, on the part of the parents, an attentive attitude to this event is required. How to correctly collect urine from a baby in order to get a reliable analysis result and a picture of the state of the urinary system of the child's body?

Analysis collection rules

In order not to distort the result of decoding the study of the allocated fluid, certain rules must be observed:

  • it is necessary to take only morning urine for analysis, that is, immediately after the child wakes up and on an empty stomach;
  • the correct implementation of hygiene measures before collecting urine;
  • use a disposable sterile urine collection bag to collect urine;
  • it is allowed to collect the secreted fluid by the baby in full, without dividing it into portions;
  • delivery of biological material to the laboratory for research no later than 2 hours after urine collection.

What not to do when collecting tests

To avoid errors in the study of biological fluid in an infant and not to get a distorted result that can affect the diagnosis of the child's health, the following points must be excluded:

  • transport urine in a urine bag, it must be poured into a special sterile container or sterilized glass container;
  • collect urine from a used diaper by squeezing it out, since the released liquid will have not only various impurities, but also bacterial contamination;
  • collect urine long before it is sent to the laboratory;
  • keep urine in the refrigerator for a long time or freeze it;
  • collect the secreted liquid into a pot, followed by pouring it into a glass container;
  • collect urine for analysis while taking medications, especially diuretics, both by the child and by the nursing mother;
  • it is undesirable to collect biological fluid from a baby using a plastic bag, since an unreliable result can be obtained due to the lack of sterility of the product.

The birth of a baby is a significant event. Young mothers are so happy that all difficulties seem to them to be absolute trifles. But this confidence disappears immediately after leaving the hospital, when the parents are alone with the baby. While you were in the hospital, everything was under the control of doctors and nurses, but when you found out that in order to make sure of the child's full health, it is necessary to pass the first tests in his life.

And then the thought immediately arises: "How to collect urine from a baby, boy and girl?" With the stronger sex, everything is more or less clear, since the anatomical feature allows you to come up with a lot of ways, but with little princesses, everything is much more complicated. Many parents are puzzled over how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is the age when the child lies almost all the time, so a difficult task arises for young mothers. It is difficult to do this without the use of any improvised means, but it is possible.

Collection without special means

You have probably already noticed the peculiarities of the functioning of the intestines and kidneys in your baby. There should not be any problems with the regimen, because from the very first days of being at home, everything becomes clear - as a rule, the emptying of the bladder occurs almost immediately after a meal, regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or he eats from a bottle.

Within 10-15 minutes after the baby has eaten, you need to carefully observe her in order to understand how to collect urine. The girl is 3 months old, or even longer - up to 6 months, the arrangement of the organs is such that in the process of urinating over a horizontally lying body, you will see a small fountain, but its height is enough to substitute a low container and collect urine.

As soon as the child begins to strain at least a little and it becomes noticeable that the baby wants to go to the toilet, you need to quickly and without unnecessary fuss (so as not to frighten the child), bring any suitable container to the place between the legs. Therefore, for mothers who do not use diapers for babies, this method is most convenient.

How to collect an analysis at 3 months is more understandable than that of an infant who is only a week old, since the child by this time already confidently holds his head, and some especially nimble ones even try to sit down. And if the baby has sat down, then the scope for imagination is endless. Many resort to the help of strong dads. The father can carry the baby right on the pot for a long time, talking with the offspring, until the necessary action occurs, and then all that remains is to pour the contents of the sterile pot into the boiled dish. Mom, of course, can also do this, but here there is a double benefit: the baby will talk to dad, and at this time mom will either do household chores or just rest.

Collection using a urine bag

The simplest advice on how to collect urine from girls is to buy a urine collection bag. Going to any pharmacy, you can purchase such products. They are inexpensive, and the task is facilitated many times over. It looks like a Velcro pouch that holds it to the crotch. Moreover, each gender has its own type - the boy has one design of the urine collection bag, and a different one has been created for girls.

An important recommendation about this purchase: buy several pieces at once. Firstly, since the baby is spinning, the first attempt may fail to attach this "device" as it should. This is not easy to do without experience. Secondly, you can never immediately determine whether the urine bag is whole or not. You can, of course, consider it more carefully, but no one can give a 100% guarantee - this is already a question for the manufacturer's honesty.

General collection rules

In theory, everyone knows how to collect urine, but in practice it is not always possible to do everything right. This knowledge will be useful to any mother, since periodically a situation arises when you need to know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is the age when additional examinations may be required, at which it is necessary to take tests. There are general rules.


First of all, it is, of course, hygiene. It is necessary to wash the baby only with special baby soap. It will be in liquid form or an ordinary solid piece - it does not matter, but it should be a quality product that will not cause allergies or irritation on the skin.

The girl must be washed from the lower abdomen towards the back. After that, do not lubricate the skin with any means - neither creams nor emulsions. Sprinkle diaper rash, if suddenly they are, is also not worth it. This can always be done after the analysis has been taken. It is enough to lightly blot with a napkin and remove excess water.

Sterile container

The container in which you will collect urine must be sterile. This can be a special plastic container sold at a pharmacy, or any other jar. From the reviews of experienced parents, we can conclude that containers from under any mashed potatoes are well suited, only before use it must be thoroughly treated with a detergent and put in the microwave for 1 minute with water. Treat the lid of the jar with boiling water.

Urine collection - morning activity

The third basic rule is that all procedures are done in the morning. And the tests are usually taken from 8 to 10 hours. If suddenly your child has done "his business" much earlier, then it is easy to get out of this situation by placing a container of urine on the refrigerator door at the very bottom. For a few hours, nothing will happen to the content.

If suddenly the results of the analysis turn out to be bad, the main thing is not to panic right away. Retrying again will be easier because you know how easy it is to collect urine from a newborn. It often happens that it was not possible to carry out the hygienic measures correctly, or the analysis was simply performed incorrectly. Before you believe the scary words of a pediatrician, you need to consult a pediatric urologist.

It is very important to master this skill and know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is an interesting age, when the baby already hears and understands everything, therefore, during the procedure, the mother should speak in an affectionate voice and smile. Then this event will not cause unpleasant emotions in the child. Mom's nervousness and panic will definitely affect the baby, and she will feel discomfort.

Every person had to collect urine at least once in their life. This analysis is very important in the diagnosis of diseases, as well as for their prevention. Young children, like adults, also need regular urine tests to make sure they are healthy, growing and developing normally. If there is nothing difficult in collecting urine from an adult, then in a newborn or one-month-old baby, collecting urine is difficult. In this article, we will talk about how to collect urine from a baby boy and a girl.

How to collect urine for analysis using a urine collection bag?

Difficulties in collecting urine are due to the fact that urination in young children is involuntary. They cannot be asked to urinate, or they cannot be kept urinating for a while. It is remarkable that there is a special device that allows you to collect urine from a newborn - this is a pediatric urine collection bag, specially created for children. It is a small dense bag with a hole. The hole is edged with adhesive tape to secure the pouch to the baby's skin.

Prepare for urine collection. First of all, you should take care of the cleanliness of the baby's skin, as well as the cleanliness of the containers for collecting urine. So, at the very beginning, the child must be thoroughly washed with soap. Then wipe the baby's skin dry with a terry towel. Nappy creams, powders and oils should be set aside for now - they will not be needed. If your baby's skin becomes oily, the bag will not adhere well.

How to collect urine from a baby girl?

In girls and boys, the structure of the genitals is different, which means that urine will be collected in different ways. So, the girl is washed and lies on the back. You need to attach the urine bag to the genitals. It is done like this: the adhesive tape is peeled off at the hole. The place marked with a cross is attached to the place of the perineum where the border of the anus and genitals passes. Further, with movements of the hand in the upward direction, the rest of the opening of the urine bag is glued to the pubic zone. The urine collection bag is installed. The girl needs to be covered with a blanket or diaper and wait for the bag to fill.

How to collect urine from a baby boy?

In a boy, urine is collected somewhat easier due to the structural features of the male genital organs. Before collecting urine, the boy should also first be washed and dried with a towel, without smearing with cream after that. The opening of the urine bag is put on the boy's penis and secured. Now you need to let the boy lie down for a while.

General rules for collecting urine from children

Usually, newborn babies urinate often, so mommy does not have to wait long to collect urine. But if urination is delayed, and the baby begins to be capricious, you can feed him. Often, when babies are breastfeeding or feeding from a bottle, they urinate. To speed up the collection process, you can open the tap with water. Probably, the baby will hear the sound of water and want to pee.

When the newborn urine bag is full, you can remove it and transfer urine. Pour the collected material with clean hands and into a sterile jar. You can take any neonatal urine bottle and sterilize it at home. But it is advisable to buy a special sterile test jar at the pharmacy in advance. It is necessary to pour the entire amount of urine into it, gently pick it up with clean hands, and take it to the laboratory.

So how much urine is needed for analysis? To conduct an accurate study, it is desirable that there is 15-20 ml of urine. But since babies piss little by little and they have a small bladder, you need at least 10-15 ml of urine for analysis, but not less! It is important to pour into a container as much urine as ml was in the urine collector, but not less. Thus, so much urine is needed for the analysis of the baby so that there is a 1 cm mark on the jar.

Another important point is that for a reliable analysis, urine must come to the laboratory fresh, no later than 3 hours after collection. You should never collect urine in the evening, and even store it in the refrigerator! For analysis, you need fresh morning urine for children.

If the baby urgently needs to check the urine, and there was no pharmacy urine collection bag at home, then you can try to collect urine in other, alternative ways.

T-shirt package... An ordinary small bag is taken, most importantly, new, clean and without holes. After the baby has been washed and dried, the bag is put on with a hole between the legs, and the bag handles are tied on the baby's hips. It turns out a "diaper" from a bag. With this method of collecting urine, the baby must be held upright. If laid horizontally, the urine will flow. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that urine is not collected in a sterile bag, which can adversely affect the diagnostic result.

Jar... Many mothers manage to collect urine for their baby using a regular container - a jar. They do it this way: during wakefulness, the washed baby is undressed, laid on the bed and played with him. And next to it is a jar. As soon as the baby starts to write, the mother "catches" the stream of urine in the jar. Of course, this method requires a lot of vigilance from the mother and is only suitable for collecting urine from boys.

Paper cup. Another way to collect urine from a boy is to take a paper cup, punch a hole in it about the size of your baby's organ, and gently slide your penis into that hole, as shown in the picture on the left.

Saucer... An almost flat saucer or plate can help out the girl's mother. The algorithm of action is the same as when using the above-described method with a jar. You just don't need to catch urine. It is important here not to skip filling the container and remove it in time. This urine collection technique is also inconvenient. It requires prolonged wakefulness of the baby naked. On a summer day, this is not scary, but in the cold you can catch a cold for an infant. In addition, not every kid will like a cold vessel under the booty.

There is an old grandmother's method of collecting baby urine - squeezing fluid out of the diaper... A cloth that absorbs moisture well is placed between the legs of the baby. After the infant has urinated, the urine is squeezed into a jar and analyzed for verification. Do not collect urine this way! Together with urine, tissue particles and various impurities will enter the container. The submitted analysis will be unreliable.

A child over 6 months old who can sit can be potted to collect urine. But the pot must be sterilized beforehand! If the child is one year old, you can also wear a urine bag.

Urine collection rules

So, there are several options for how to collect urine from a child. When using any of them, it is important to comply with a number of requirements:

  • An important rule: washing the child should precede the collection of analysis.
  • Clean, sterile dishes are the key to reliable urine testing.
  • For laboratory research, you need to provide only morning urine, you need to collect and pass the test quickly!
  • Urine stored in the refrigerator cannot be taken for analysis.
  • To get the correct result, it is advisable to donate at least 15 ml of urine.

It was mentioned above how to help the baby to urinate as soon as possible: feed him, give him a drink, let him hear the sound of water pouring out. In addition, you can put a warm towel on the tummy for babies and moisten it with warm water. Before collecting urine from a child, it is best to trace the interval between urination. Having specified this interval, mother will not have to watch the baby for a long time in the future.

Let's summarize

Urine testing is needed not only for adults, but also for children. Collecting urine from babies is not an easy process. Using a pediatric urine collector makes this task easier. Using the urine collector is simple and convenient. There are other ways of collecting urine besides the bag, but they are less convenient and less unreliable. Therefore, if mom is worried about how to properly collect urine for a general urine test, then it is better to purchase a urine collection bag.

And, as always, we present to your attention the advice of a specialist on how to properly use a urine collection bag for children: