Center for Child Neuropsychology at the place of residence. Childhood neuropsychology. Center for Child Neuropsychology

In our life, where there is so much work and fatigue, children are a cheerful, bright, pleasant and joyful sparkle. We are happy when they achieve certain successes in life, and we are sad when any troubles and bad weather touch them. functions - an important component of the entire formation of the child's personality. The pathologies of this development are dealt with by several branches of science at once, in particular, children's neuropsychology.

The history of the emergence of neuropsychology as a related science

Neuropsychology is an important area in psychology. It originated at the intersection of several disciplines such as medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, and psychology. The subject of this science is the study of the features of the dynamics of mental processes and the personal sphere, which are manifested in local brain lesions.

The founder of neuropsychology can be safely called A.R. Luria, who developed the theory of systemic dynamic localization of higher mental functions. This theory forms the basis of a related science that studies in different conditions.

What does modern childhood neuropsychology do?

It is known that any mental activity is carried out due to the work of all areas of the brain. And knowing which parts of the brain work when a person performs a particular activity is central to the neuropsychological approach.

Childhood neuropsychology studies the formation and development of the child's mental sphere in the process of its development. Unfortunately, recently the number of children with mental development problems has been growing. The reasons that led to such problems may be damage to the central nervous system of the child in the perinatal period, pathology of childbirth, the development of pathologies of the nervous system in the first three months of life, and so on. Today, childhood neuropsychology offers a set of measures aimed at early identification of the causes of abnormal development and timely action.

What pathologies of mental functions does this science deal with?

Usually, with the defeat of the HMF, such mental ones as speech, perception, thinking, active attention, and types of mnestic activity are disturbed. Sometimes changes affect the personality of the child, his emotions suffer. Disorders of the brain in the motor and sensory spheres can be especially pronounced. Recently, many researchers are paying more and more attention to such an industry as children's neuropsychology, which studies the development of mental functions of children in normal and pathological conditions, that is, in comparison.

How are psychology and medicine related in this branch of knowledge?

As already mentioned, neuropsychology was formed on the basis of theoretical data from psychology and medicine. Medical knowledge allows psychological science to understand and study various mechanisms and causes of mental disorders. Therefore, in the development of all kinds of neuropsychological rehabilitation programs aimed at improving the patient's well-being, both psychologists and doctors are involved.

Periods of age-related development of children

It is believed that from 0 to 3 years of age, the development of a child is very intensive.

It all starts from the infancy, when the baby only knows how to eat, sleep and rejoice at the sight of an adult. Then he turns into an independent inquisitive kid who has a sufficient number of skills and abilities in his arsenal. This time is very happy for him and memorable for his parents. However, the first words, steps, a poem, a drawing, a plasticine craft will become possible only with the timely development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, and so on.

At the age of 3 to 7 years, the world of people opens up for the child, subject communication goes to a secondary level. The kid imitates adults in everything, all his actions and deeds are motivated and have a goal. Interest in the environment increases, forms of active interaction with peers develop, personality traits are formed, moral and ethical properties are formed, qualities such as respect, cooperation, and the ability to defend one's opinion are acquired.

Reasons why parents go to the Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology

Parents of children with learning difficulties and behavioral problems seek help from neuropsychologists and other specialists working in the field of child neuropsychology. More often they began to deal with the problems of children's stuttering, tics, emotionally unstable behavior, no less parents are worried about fears and increased anxiety in children.

A children's neuropsychologist develops individual programs for working with problem children, conducts psychocorrectional classes while helping parents decide at what age it is best to send a child to school, determines the level of his development.

The reasons for seeking help from a neuropsychologist are:

  • hyperactivity, restlessness, or excessive lethargy in the child;
  • various movement disorders (underdevelopment of motor skills, increased or decreased tone, motor awkwardness);
  • underdevelopment of mental and cognitive processes, such as memory, perception, attention, thinking;
  • Difficulty learning to write, counting, and if the child cannot read.

Methods to help neuropsychologists

The Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology, where parents often turn for help, is the main diagnostic base for a child with developmental problems, because a psychodiagnostic procedure is necessarily prescribed. This is important for identifying the characteristics of the child's mental sphere. Then psychocorrectional measures can be assigned.

Methods of psychodiagnostics include the study of the state of mnestic abilities, active attention, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere, etc. Psychocorrectional classes contribute to the full or partial restoration of damaged mental functions necessary for full development and successful learning, at the expense of other preserved functions. In this case, a neuropsychologist draws up a work program that is relevant for a particular child.

Classes are held both in group and individual form. It should be noted that such assistance should be provided by a neuropsychologist (or a specialist who is well versed in such an industry as childhood neuropsychology). Informative in terms of corrective exercises is Yu. V. Mikadze's manual "Neuropsychology of Childhood". To consolidate the result, it is very important for parents to work with their children at home.

Center for Child Neuropsychology: Reviews of Parents

Each parent, raising his child, believes and hopes to grow a full-fledged harmonious personality. Our life is full of difficulties and trials that not only a child, but also an adult cannot cope with at times. Uncertainty in their abilities, resentment, fears, social rejection, statements, weak cognitive abilities, communication problems are frequent companions of modern children. Fortunately, with the emergence of various neuropsychological centers, this problem is being solved today.

Thus, the Research Center for Children's Neuropsychology, founded in 1999, provides assistance to children with mental development problems at a very high level. This center is unique and is the only one of its kind in Moscow, since the high professionalism of the specialists working there guarantees the high quality of the assistance provided. It should be noted that the reviews about him are only positive.

We (a child of 9 years old) turned to this center (a branch of the Airport) with poor academic performance in the Russian language, hoping for professional help and new methods. After testing, we were told that it was necessary to undergo a general correction course, which consists of 20 lessons and costs 46 thousand. No other option is possible. For more than two months we attended this course, neither the family nor the teacher noticed any improvement. The child crawled, walked along a string, etc., mainly did this block, and not the development of memory and attention. But most An interesting thing happened later .. Neuro-linguist Yemelyanova refused to work with my child. The child cried on the street, and I felt and (I still feel) deceived. What I don’t wish you.



7 495 506-39-40

3 years ago

Hello everybody! The Pediatric Neuropsychology Center is the only place where my child was REALLY HELPED AND WILL CONTINUE TO HELP! My child is 6 years old. There were a lot of problems: neurology (SDV and MMD), and speech therapy (throat "p", unrelated speech, lack of grammatical structure, answers out of place), and inability to find causal relationships, and inability to describe pictures and answer questions, and problems "left-right", and an immature emotional background, and restlessness and inattention (I did not want to do anything for more than 5-10 minutes), and unwillingness to communicate with children. All these problems began to appear at the age of 4. I, naturally, did not sit idly hands". We passed several commissions, and we were recommended classes in the correctional pedagogical center "Overcoming" in Vykhino and in the "Peasant outpost" in Tekstilshchikov. Thank God, we live not very far from these centers. For a whole year we have been tirelessly engaged 3 times a week and with a speech therapist, and with a defectologist, and with a psychologist. These are budget centers. Classes for 20-30 minutes The problems did not disappear anywhere (if only the defectologist helped to learn more about the world around him), on the contrary, the son began to bully, molest children, be capricious. By chance, from a psychologist friend, I learned that there are neuro-psychological centers somewhere in Moscow, and maybe we should go there. I searched the Internet and found only 4 such centers in Moscow. One is just not far from us, on Saratovskaya Street. I went there. The very kind administrator, after listening to me, said that first you need to do a neuro-psychological diagnosis. We passed the diagnostics (these are special tests that allow us to determine which areas of the brain are not formed or under-formed and which areas of the brain and how they work in the implementation of various functions, well, like how a child reads, how he writes, how he remembers, etc., that is give a complete answer WHY THE CHILD HAS ALL THE PROBLEMS). They said that there is a choice: to study at home on an individual special program or take a course of 20 hour lessons in a playful way 2 times a week with a possible repeat after 2 months with specialists at the center. Knowing that my child will not do anything at home, I chose the second option. And I DID NOT GUESS! My child was transformed before our eyes. Literally after 10 lessons we forgot about the problem of "left-right" forever, my son began to jump on one leg alternately (before that he could not jump at all), began to play board games aimed at logical thinking, memory, quickness of reaction, and win over me without giveaway, became more attentive and has been sitting quietly for 40 minutes. Along the way, in the same center, we began to study with a speech therapist and a psychologist. also for an hour. After 5 lessons, the son "growled" correctly, the sound was automated and we forgot about the "r" forever too. We are still dealing with grammar and descriptions of pictures, because this is a long and difficult process, because there is a problem of disorganization of his body, when it is difficult for a child to relax and control himself. The psychologist works with an emotional background, and the son already understands how to behave in various situations, in the garden he began to play with the children. In general, I am 100% SATISFIED! And I want to say a huge thank you to the neuropsychologists of the center Chulanova Olga Vladimirovna, Mironova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Frolova Olga Sergeevna, Korepanova Svetlana Vladimirovna, speech therapist Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna, psychologist Yegorova Svetlana Viktorovna for their highest competence in their work! We have been doing it for 1.5 years - the results are wonderful, the dynamics are positive! But this is on condition that you at home will reinforce the results obtained. That is, if a specialist says to do some simple exercises at home or play certain games, then this is necessary for your child. And you definitely need a recommendation from a neurologist. By the way, a wonderful neurologist cooperates with the center (we had to turn to her because our neurologist quit his job at the clinic). Therefore, I advise everyone, if your child has problems with memory, speech, inattention, restlessness, etc. - go quickly to this center! There, your child will have an individual approach and real help! The only negative is that all classes are paid. But it's worth it. THERE ARE VERY COOL SPECIALISTS, AND THEY WORK NOT FOR MONEY, BUT FOR THE RESULT! And you will definitely get results! I was convinced of this on my own son!



Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology in Tekstilshchiki+7 495 506-39-40 Russia, Moscow, Saratovskaya st., 14/1

3 years ago

We took two of our three children to this center. The middle one had problems at school, she missed letters in words, even if she copied from a textbook, there were problems with mathematics. We went through a course of correction, we were given recommendations on what to do at home ourselves. Indeed, one cannot expect that all problems will be solved by specialists in the center. You have to be ready and connect yourself. And although there is a lot of work, and there is little time, my husband and I harnessed ourselves, began to study with the child, perform all the tasks of a neuropsychologist, and it went well. My daughter is now studying for grades and grades - I am surprised myself. And her memory has become better - before she learned poetry with difficulty, now in five minutes. On their recommendation, we went to a neurologist, drank all kinds of vitamins, it also helped. As for the prices, I don’t know, I found it on the site, not right away, though :-) but found it :-) And we took one course, it was enough for us, no one fiddled us for money further. And the result was. But we were told right away that everyone had to connect in order to have a result, and we connected :-) When the question arose of preparing the younger for school (he has his own difficulties), they immediately knew where to go. We took a course with Olga Vladimirovna (neuropsychologist), then they asked about preparing for school, they said that you can go to a regular preparatory school. We went to a preparatory school at our school, then in the summer we went to group classes with a psychologist Anna Borisovna Vladimirskaya, and the child went to first grade :-)



Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology in Tekstilshchiki+7 495 506-39-40 Russia, Moscow, Saratovskaya st., 14/1

3 years ago

Novice specialists work in this center, they were convinced by their own example. They have no experience and deep understanding of what they are doing. They are engaged with children, as I understand it, according to a knurled pattern, thoughtlessly. Of course, I would like to trust the child to an experienced specialist. Wouldn't recommend to anyone.



Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology in Tekstilshchiki+7 495 506-39-40 Russia, Moscow, Saratovskaya st., 14/1

4 years ago

Good day! We also went to the center even before school, because we could not learn to sit, we did everything very slowly and did not want to study at all. At first we hoped that we would cope on our own, we studied with a speech therapist and additionally in kindergarten. But the improvements were not very significant until we heard from friends about the center for child neuropsychology. They took two children there themselves and were pleased with the results. And we turned to a neuropsychologist and took a course. They helped us a lot. My daughter has changed - she became collected, flexible, more patient, stopped answering at random. And in the copybooks it became better to write letters and numbers. And she somehow matured, began to do her homework with pleasure, seeks to help in everything. Now it is the 1st grade, and so far everything is fine. The teacher has no comments, he even praises quite often. I am glad that we went through classes with a neuropsychologist on time. and we have such a stable result! Thank you very much to the specialists of the center!



Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology in Tekstilshchiki+7 495 506-39-40 Russia, Moscow, Saratovskaya st., 14/1

4 years ago

Hello everybody! We went to this center with a child for a course of neuroscience and also to a psychologist. We were initially very skeptical about all of this, especially my husband. BUT the results were great. The child began to study better, it became easier for him to do his homework, we stopped calling him a hundred times so that he would hear and do what was needed. At school, the teacher began to praise Maxim and also noticed that he became much more inclusive and organized. Thank you very much to the entire team of specialists for such a professional work. Now we will also go there with our youngest daughter, it's good that there are specialists for the little ones.



Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology in Tekstilshchiki+7 495 506-39-40 Russia, Moscow, Saratovskaya st., 14/1

4 years ago

I want to tell all parents about this center. The divorce is complete for money. There are no prices on the website. One amount was announced on the phone, and upon arriving there another amount was named. Secondly, such neuropsychologists as I think I do not need. There is a lot of information in books and on the Internet, at the end go to a free clinic, where I will tell you the same thing. And give 1400 in 45 minutes. to play with the child, I do not see the point. I have much more experienced specialists, from whom my child has a result. And any parent can correct the behavior of the child and his learning ability. And turn to a good neurologist in time. And this center is really pumping out bakby. Don't go there if you don't have extra money. There is not a single bad review on the official website, since a moderator works there, I tried to write a review there, but then after I wrote, there was a window that my review would probably be posted on the site after being checked by a moderator. So dear business is yours, but I no more foot there. If anyone needs help, write in a personal message, I can advise specialists who know their business, only they are very rare in Moscow. [email protected] I've tried so much in Moscow that I could already buy a car with this wasted money.

We are glad to welcome you to the official website of the Scientific Research Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology. A.R. Luria. Let me introduce you to information about our Psychological Center. Perhaps she will help you make the right choice.

The Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology was established in 1999. Now we employ more than forty qualified specialists: neuro-psychologists, psychologists - early development specialists, neurolinguists, child and family psychotherapists, speech therapists, etc., including 1 doctor of psychological sciences and 4 candidates of psychological sciences.

The Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology has four departments in different districts of Moscow, which allows children to study close to home.

Many people know the favorite saying of Alexander Romanovich Luria that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. Our Children's Psychological Center in Moscow is a model for the practical application of the developments of Russian psychology, and first of all, the ideas of A.R. Luria and L. S. Vygotsky in the practice of neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of learning and behavior difficulties in children.

The complexity of the approach is ensured by the combination of individual and group methods of cognitive, motor, emotional-personal correction and body-oriented therapy at each lesson.

One of the forms of work in our children's psychological center is classes in dyads. Conducting classes in dyads is unique, since it combines the advantages of a group lesson (play, competitive moments, the ability to communicate and increase motivation for learning) and individual work (the ability to pay more attention to each child separately). Carrying out classes in dyads requires from the leading specialist a double return of energy and special skill and professionalism both in their creation and in the process of the lesson itself. Particular attention is paid to the question of the optimal composition of dyads. The methods of work in dyads were scientifically substantiated, tested, protected, and positively recommended themselves during the 14-year work of the Center.

We attach great importance to working with parents, both in the form of family consultations, training seminars for parents, and by publishing popular articles and books for parents.

The specialists of our Center are regularly invited to the media as experts and consultants on issues of child psychology and neuropsychology.

The Research Center for Child Neuropsychology is the basis for the professional training of specialists and students from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and a number of other leading universities in Moscow and foreign countries.

The key to the success of our work is two conditions:

1. Highly qualified specialists, and it is supported by a permanent scientific and practical seminar. There is an exchange of experience between the staff of our Center and leading specialists of other related organizations, and also, jointly (using the method of brainstorming), it is discussed how best to help a particular child.

All innovative technologies are introduced into practice, described in books and articles, and presented at scientific conferences. In less than 20 years, the staff of the Center has published more than 26 books and 70 scientific articles, took part in many domestic and international congresses and conferences.

2. Favorable psychological climate of work... This is important, first of all, for the children with whom we work, since a child with a sad and traumatic experience of failure and censure should, thanks to classes with a child psychologist, go through a situation of success and make sure that Learning is easy!

This is ensured not only by the professional, but also by the personal qualities of the specialists of our children's neuropsychological center. Therefore, our hymn contains these words:

Can he share the light
Who knows how to glow himself,
Who is the soul of his particle
Can gladly give.