What is "Destiny"? Does it exist and is it worth believing in it? A look at fate in positive psychology


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Do Orthodox believe in "fate"?

Fortune tellers, magicians, belief in fate and doom, the influence of a name on a person's life. Don't go there, don't call it that, don't do it - where do superstitions end? How does Orthodoxy feel about this? Vladyka Roman, Bishop of Yakutia and Lena, answers.

Fate as the ability to manage talents

Many people believe in fate. On the other hand, the Church teaches us that there is God's providence. So are we free or not to change something in our destiny?

Regarding the understanding of the meaning of fate in the life of every person, there are two extremes.

The first one is that the Creator invented the fate for us, and we, in accordance with this, must go our own way.

The second one, quite the opposite, has made itself especially loud in the last decade. It's about the fact that no one is our master. We ourselves are the masters of our life path and forge our own destiny.

Here Orthodoxy is somewhere in the middle. Golden mean.

On the one hand, calling us to being, to eternity, the Lord endows each person with certain talents and abilities. And using these talents and abilities, we must, by benefiting our neighbors, inherit and be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Is this conditional? No, because, unfortunately, even in a small proportion we do not use the talents and abilities that we have.

And therefore it is very important not only to enter into the plan of God, but to reveal these talents and abilities. And only then, thanks to the presence and vision of these talents, make your own way.

Can we influence our own destiny?

On the one hand, we have what God gave us - talents.

And on the other hand, we have the right to use them ourselves. We may not develop some (due to inattention and negligence), but we can develop some. It determines our destiny.

Here is a talent given to me. What is this, fate? No. This is a divine help for my development and formation. It's not a doom, it's not a condition. This is not determinism.

It's a gift from God, and I'm free to use it. They may become an artist, or they may not. I can follow my parents, who, for example, were doctors. And I use God's gift, and I choose myself. Somewhere in the middle is the Orthodox teaching.

Fatal mistakes are grave sins

- They say that in order to make the right decision at some fateful moment, for example, before a serious operation or on the eve of a move, you need to ask the priest for a blessing. If he gives a blessing, you can act, and if not, you should wait.

It is very important to make decisions not alone, to do it alone a little presumptuous. There are always parents who know more than we do. There are always wise mentors or friends. And church people always have a confessor - one who knows the inner world of a person more than the person himself.

It is right to make decisions collectively, taking into account advice, but not relying only on oneself.

- Somehow they told me: in youth you can make any mistakes, except for fatal ones. When I asked how they differ, they answered that the latter leave an imprint for the rest of their lives. How to avoid them?

Fatal errors [can] be understood as falling into some kind of sinful passion.

For example, falling under the passion of drug addiction is just scary because the imprint is imposed on the rest of your life. A person must understand that he is sick and remains so for life.

And other passions - alcoholism, fornication - falling into them once, a person must remember and not allow himself to repeat these mistakes again.

About the influence of a name on a person

- When a child is born, parents very carefully choose a name for him, believing that it leaves an imprint on his entire future fate. This is true?

I am sure that there is no such direct influence of the name. Usually parents, when naming a son or daughter, use two arguments.

Firstly, according to tradition, they dedicate in memory of significant ancestors (grandparents), which is quite normal. Continuing the family, traditions, the good that was before.

The second is a dedication in honor of the memory of some saint. The heavenly patron does not predetermine our fate, he covers and intercedes prayerfully and is a worthy example of how to live, how to overcome sin, be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and salvation.

Astrologers offer us their predictions according to the horoscope. Numerology by date of birth can calculate what awaits a person in the future. But do some predictions come true?

We said that God and I decide our fate. God and man. And in such cooperation. But not some mathematical laws, the laws of planetary motion.

How much I will be open to God's providence, God's action, which is always for the good, how much I will be in tune with the will of God - this [my life] depends on.

And those supposedly come true forecasts are all tricks of the dark forces that just want to turn a person away from God, His commandments, from a worthy spiritual life and place their hope in some momentary or insignificant things, in numbers, the Moon, the Sun, the stars.

- It happens like this: a person is unsuccessful, often gets sick, becomes discouraged, but then he decides to move, the climate changes. Everything is becoming better. Is there a human will here, or is everything happening according to God's providence?

This is a very complex issue, because it is considered and decided on an individual basis.

This is not to say that a change of place will be an absolute boon for everyone. No. In most cases, on the contrary, the rejection of one's homeland and roots leads to sad consequences.

Sometimes it is useful when there are chronic illnesses or prescriptions from doctors. But it is important to remember that it is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place. And if I have a pile of these problems that are pressing, leading me to despondency, despair, then I will take these problems to another place.

Without cleansing myself, without transforming myself, without eradicating that nasty and bad thing that presses and causes despair in me, I will take it. I'm not going anywhere from myself.

Take it, tell your friends!

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It is not known when a person began to wonder whether it is possible to change his fate. Perhaps even in ancient times, when people learned to be aware of themselves in the world, to separate themselves from it and acquired the ability to introspection.

Freedom of choice or predestination?

Be that as it may, the very fact of raising the question of predestination or freedom to choose one's own destiny makes it clear that once a person managed to change his destiny! After all, if he asked this question, if he noticed that his actions are determined not only by some divine or natural forces, but also by his attitude to the world, actions and will, then he noticed the existing freedom of choice.

Rain falls from the sky not at the will of a person, but a person is free to choose to get wet under it or hide and stay dry.

A classic image from fairy tales (both Russian and Greek, Indian, Scandinavian - every nation has it!) monomyth- a hero at the crossroads of three roads - proof of the idea that formed in ancient times about free will and the ability to choose one's own destiny!

Each person more than once in his life comes to the "crossroads of three roads", when "you go to the right - you will find a wife, if you go to the left - you will lose your horse, if you go straight - you will disappear yourself."

There are many scientific, pseudo-scientific, fantastic and sci-fi theories (on which books are written and films are made) about a multitude of worlds, dimensions, options for a person's life, the ability to turn back time, and so on. For example, there is a hypothesis that a person exists in several alternative dimensions at once and lives a separate life in each, lives a different destiny.

A person constantly makes a choice, and it is precisely the set of consistently made decisions that is fate. Yes, perhaps the choice is not always made consciously and it is always conditioned by something, but still it is made by the person himself, and not someone for him.

For example, a person automatically pulls his hand back if he touches something hot. This unconditioned reflex serves the instinct of self-preservation. But there are cases when not only people, but even animals passed through the fire if they needed to save their offspring. It turns out that the person able to overcome predestination, to change one's very nature, to tame the instinct for the sake of the goal, which means to change fate by an effort of will.

There is also an opposite point of view. Fate- this is a series of predetermined events that do not depend on the individual. No matter how hard you try, what will be, will not be avoided. Freedom of choice and will is an illusion. Man is limited bodily, physiologically, intellectually, socially, and so on. He can act only within strictly defined limits, and all the main events in his life were determined long before his birth.

Yes, perhaps a person is limited in choice, but the choice given by life is so wide that it is difficult to notice its limitations! For example, a person cannot see ultraviolet rays, but most people do not have such a desire! Needless to say, people do not want to see much of what is given to them, out of hundreds of possible options, they choose the usual, each time the same thing, limiting themselves: they think as they used to, act out of habit, raise children as their parents raised them , even in love make the same mistakes.

But it is impossible to change life by continuing to live as before! Having the opportunity to change the course of events, people themselves choose doing nothing or life "at random", and then sigh: "This is fate - there's nothing to be done ...". Do not confuse laziness, unresponsiveness and unwillingness to develop with evil fate.

A look at fate in positive psychology

In psychology, as in other sciences that study human nature, there is no unambiguous answer to the question "Is it possible to change fate?". But psychology is helping science. If the psychologist cannot help the client to reveal his inner potential, do some work on himself, develop as a person in order to have the opportunity to improve the quality of life (in fact, change fate), he will try to make the client changed attitude from the negative to the more positive.

The most important and necessary skill
in life, it is the ability to distinguish a situation in which something can be changed by active actions from one that will not change, and all that remains is to change the attitude towards it.

Many modern psychologists working in line with humanistic and positive psychology, They say that as long as a person is alive, he can do anything if he wants to!

People experience clinical death, recover from incurable diseases, survive in incredible accidents, man-made disasters, in inhuman conditions. Millions of people have experienced and are experiencing hunger, cold, unemployment, poverty and war. Yes, of course, not all! But perhaps in a couple of decades people will find a way to significantly prolong life, and someday they will achieve immortality.

The most independent of the will of man seems to be the fact of his birth. A person only by about three years of life begins to understand that he lives, gradually realizes what the world around is and that there is an “I” in this world. Birth, according to most people, is the real destiny, which cannot be changed on its own.

But today there is an alternative view of this phenomenon. Some esotericists and philosophers argue that a person, even before his birth, chooses his parents and the time when he should be born.

In psychology, there are also directions and schools that adhere to this point of view. For example, during a session Holotropic Breathwork(method of transpersonal psychotherapy) people relive their birth, see past lives and feel themselves in some kind of outer space, where they can remember how and why they chose these parents and such a body for a new life.

From this point of view, it turns out that, being still only a kind of ideal, and not a material entity, a person is already shaping his own destiny.

Today, an increasing number of scientists and ordinary people come to understand that the idea forms matter, in particular, to the fact that The thought is material. Being ideal in nature, it is able to transform, change and transform into physical matter.

A person determines his being and builds his destiny not only by his actions, but also by thoughts. What are the thoughts, such is life, what is thought and dreamed about, then it comes true.

It is known that for people with a strong will, believing in themselves, purposeful, confident that they build their own lives, fortunetellers cannot predict fate. Such people also do not succumb to mass and gypsy hypnosis, manipulation and "zombie".

There is no predestination for the one who believes in himself and that he the creator of his own destiny.

Today, palmists do not hide the fact that the lines on human palms do not remain unchanged, they change, appear and disappear in the course of life, as a person chooses his path.

Everyone can predict your own fate! It is enough to analyze your thoughts and actions. After all, it is not difficult to guess what will happen if you smoke a lot, treat your loved ones disrespectfully, do not raise children, endure an unloved job for a long time. You don't have to be a fortune teller to do this.

Lifeworlds and dimensions

By and large, everything is decided by what a person sincerely believes and how he relates to life. If you believe that fate is a strict predestination, fate, fate, then life will seem to be the course of events that are predetermined and do not depend on a person.

If you believe that by working on yourself, setting and striving for goals, developing your personality, intellect and abilities, you can write your own history on your own, life will be a work, a creation of human hands.

A person sees the world as three-dimensional, but according to scientists, there are much more physical dimensions, perhaps an innumerable number of them. Psychology also studies measurements, only this dimensions of inner worlds. And in this regard, how many people, so many dimensions. A pessimist sees the world in a gray light, for an optimist the world is bright and bright. And this is not just a metaphor.

More recently, German scientists have found that with severe forms of depression, people really begin to see the world in gray. The sensitivity of the neurons of the retina to contrasting shades is disturbed, as a result, the world literally dims.

It is important to remember that people with opposite beliefs and ingrained views on the world and destiny are unlikely to understand each other, because they seem to live in different worlds. Everyone has their own truth and their own right to it.

It is impossible to fully imagine what another person feels and thinks, how he lives. One grew up in the midst of violence, he has a villainous fate, and the other grew like a hothouse plant, and for him fate is infinitely kind.

Do you believe in fate?

Psyche is a function of the brain, which consists in the subjective reflection of objective reality. It turns out that the entire visible world is just a reflection of reality, because a person perceives it biased.

Certainly there is congenital mental features, but there are also those that formed, are brought up, mature. There are also things in the external world that a person either can or cannot influence.

For example, everyone is waiting for a miracle and hopes that fate will send him love, a woman or a man with whom he can live happily for the rest of his life.

If a person made an effort, was looking for a partner, and not just waiting for him to knock on the door, people will say: “Deserved, searched, did not give up, that's why I found it!”. If he did not seek, but met love by chance on the street, they will say: “Luck smiled at him! He has a happy share!

But how to know for sure that in the first case the meeting depended on the efforts made, and in the second there was not a single, even insignificant action that would not lead to acquaintance?

A person cannot change innate reflexes, given genetic characteristics, social and natural disasters, cannot force a betrothed or betrothed to appear in his life by the power of thought, but he can indirectly influence all these events, be able, given their likelihood, better organize your life.

The past is invariable, but the present is in the hands of man. The past cannot be relived or changed, but you can always change your attitude towards it and take care of the future in the present.

If you have a choice what to believe, then why not believe in good, in what fate and life can be changed for the better? Especially since other people did it! There are a great many examples of how a person has radically changed fate for the better!

If the individual is sure that everything is bad, it will get worse and nothing can be changed, then there is no need to try. In this case, there is no personal responsibility, no volitional decisions are made, no efforts are made - the person is passive. If so, then the freedom of choice for such a person and the opportunity to change his fate, indeed No. But this is also a personal choice.

If a person believes that everything in the world is arranged correctly and harmoniously, that everything always happens for the best and everything will be fine for him personally, it is only worth
make enough effort, he has a completely different, kind, creative faith and, accordingly, a different fate, not an evil fate, but a smiling fortune.

How to relate to life, what is meant by the word "fate", and how to answer the question of whether it can be changed, everyone chooses for himself! This choice always remains with the person.

But, of course, it is better to believe in a happy lot, that with your own active actions, positive thoughts, self-improvement, creative ideas, purposefulness and optimism, you can make yourself happier, and in case of problems, do not lose heart, but draw conclusions, changing your life. and fate for the better!

Can a person change his life? Or are all the events that happen to us predetermined by fate? Who among us has not asked this question. Should you believe in rock? Or is it the lot of losers, fatalists and deeply religious people. Perhaps everything is in our own hands, perhaps man forges his own happiness?

Over the past decade, the famous American film "Final Destination" has been one of the highest grossing projects in the world. The tape, filmed in the horror genre, tells the idea of ​​​​the existence of such a thing as the fate of a person. According to the plot, the main characters, who miraculously escaped death in a plane crash, begin to pursue death. The project literally promotes the idea of ​​predetermined fate.

Of course, the film "Destination" is only the imagination of the writers and director. However, this plot is often touched upon by numerous authors, citing examples from the life of cases where people are pursued by evil fate.

For example, one of the American publishing houses last year published the story of one girl. As in the case of Final Destination, a young American woman once escaped death at the hands of a crazed killer at the cinema's premiere. After some time, the victim again went to the cinema, where she was attacked again. This time it ended in death...

There are many such situations and examples. This raises the question, perhaps faith in the tricks of fate is not unfounded, and popular beliefs regarding the fact that if you are destined to be killed, then you will not die of illness, right?

Unfortunately, there is no consensus on this issue either in religion, or in philosophical teachings, or in any of the world's cultures. People's attraction to mysticism has been observed for hundreds of years. At the same time, common sense often takes precedence over violent fantasies. Even the most famous fortune tellers, astrologers and palmists claim that everyone has the power to change their lives. But for this you need the desire and desire to change something in your destiny. The probability of realization of all predictions without exception is no more than 80%. There are a huge number of cases when a prescription changed on the astral map of a person in the practice of astrologers and predictors. For example, a person leading a vicious lifestyle was destined for murder. Having taken the path of righteousness, this sign disappeared on its own.

To believe or not in fate is the business of each of us. Each side of the coin has its pros and cons. But at the same time, do not forget, you should never give up. All religions and philosophies do not encourage despondency at all and promote faith in a better life. I would like to note that successful people never pay attention to failures, finding positive moments in every event of their life!

Many of us believe, even somewhere deep in our souls, in various forces that govern not only our lives, but all processes in the Universe. Sometimes, in order to decide on this or that act, on this or that action, it is extremely necessary for us to receive some sign of fate. It would seem that there is nothing more stupid - to wait for an incomprehensible sign, because it is better to act immediately and not think, but such is the peculiarity of a person. What are the so-called "Signs of Fate", to believe in them or not - I will try to understand this not a simple issue together with you.

Of course, each of us has repeatedly encountered situations that at first glance defy logical explanation. But they completely changed the situation - for example, this is a chance meeting of a friend who, having learned that you are looking for a job, gave the phone number of a friend and you got a highly paid job. Although until that day they had not seen a friend for several months, or even years, and after the meeting again, your paths did not cross.

There are many such examples. We often consider this to be just a coincidence and nothing more. However, even in the biography of famous people, famous personalities, there were just such meetings that allowed them not only to change their lives, but also becoming the first step on the path to success and recognition.

If you dig into the biographies of celebrities, you can find very, very many such cases. How do such signs of fate come? Their paths are different, but no matter how they overtake you, you must not miss them.

What if it's a dream?

For example, the path along which the notorious sign of fate can come to you is a banal dream. Of course, here everyone will immediately remember the famous chemist Mendeleev, who dreamed of a table of periodic elements, which radically changed the whole science and served as an additional impetus to its development.

But fateful dreams came to other famous people. So, Tom Parker dreamed of the death of Elvis Presley, for whom he worked. At the same time, the dream haunted him several times. Even though he tried to forget it. However, he remembered a few years later when he heard the news of the death of the idol of millions - the main thing is that death happened exactly as he saw it in a dream. That is, from a drug overdose.

American President Abraham Lincoln also had a prophetic dream, but it pointed to his untimely death from a bullet.

That is, if people could always find out which dream is prophetic for them and which is not, perhaps they could really change their lives or avoid trouble. Is it possible? Hardly. Often we do not remember dreams, and we try to dismiss the rest and forget them as quickly as possible.

Other signs of fate

Sometimes the signs of fate can be ordinary coincidences, a phrase accidentally dropped by someone addressed to you.

People who do not believe in otherworldly forces, horoscopes, do not take the signs of fate seriously either. Of course, this is not surprising, especially now - in the age of digital technology. Well, what could be the secret signs of fate?

But, nevertheless, horoscopes and predictions of famous soothsayers are still very popular. And most of us - even those who do not believe in omens - do not want to meet a black cat, and when returning home from the elevator, be sure to look in the mirror. That is, everyone is also afraid to “jinx” their deeds and undertakings.

Why is this happening? Is it all about the remnants of the past, which are firmly planted in our minds and are passed down from century to century, from generation to generation. I wouldn't say so. Therefore, I propose to study in more detail certain signs that accompany us throughout life.

There are tips for everything!

About dreams, as signs, I have already mentioned above. Now I propose to dwell on the so-called clues that give us life. They surround us from all sides, we just don’t want or don’t know how to notice them.

Therefore, it is important to be attentive to everything that happens, to the events that happen to you and your friends. Sometimes the sign may even show up in the song on the radio you just turned on. It is important to correctly match the problem that you were thinking at that moment or shortly before turning on the receiver and the words of the song.

Of course, it is necessary to understand that all signs, omens are divided into two categories:

  1. Good ones.
  2. Bad.

The goal of the first is to push you to a certain decision, to literally force you to perform certain actions. The purpose of the latter is, on the contrary, to warn against certain actions and deeds. Each of us, including myself, tends to believe only in a good, positive development of events, and therefore bad signs often go unnoticed.

In order to see and understand the clues of fate, it is important to learn to perceive the world around us, listen to the events that occur in life and correctly analyze them, even if they were random. Perhaps it is behind them that the answer to the question lies.

Asking the right question is the key to getting the right answer.

It is extremely important to learn how to ask the right questions. This refers to questions of fate, those for which you need to get a clear answer-hint. You should not constantly torture yourself, waiting for an answer, trying to find it in any action or event that accompanies your life.

The sign of fate will come unexpectedly. Of course, a legitimate question immediately arises: “But how to understand it and not miss it in a series of everyday worries?” Believe me, as the specialized literature on worldview and personality formation says, such signs do not go unnoticed. A person immediately understands that fate really sends him a message.

By the way, remember the good old fortune-telling from books? When you need to name the page and line number above or below. As children, we took all the words written in that line literally, and therefore simply laughed at them, but if we analyze them, it turns out that they also carry a certain meaning.

Don't be afraid of obstacles

As I read on one forum where people who are interested in astrology gather, believe in the fate and universal destiny of each person, often a lot of signs are sent to us, almost a hundred. However, we simply ignore them, do not notice, but at the same time we continue to moan when that very notorious instruction comes.

Do you want a specific example? Fine. Let's say you decide to write another article. You do everything right, first you collect information, add your own experience to it, analyze everything, structure the text, but the material, one gets the impression, simply does not want to go down on paper. How to be? Just - calm down and leave the venture for a while. It is likely that while doing a completely different thing, you suddenly realize what you did wrong or what else needs to be done in order for the article to turn out after all. Awareness will come unexpectedly, sometimes - even at the most inopportune moment for this.

Therefore, when doing something, do not try to peck your forehead at a closed door. It is not a fact that the door will be able to break through, but the fact that you will fill the bumps or even break your head is quite likely.

That is why obstacles should not be feared and feared. Most likely, they are just those very signs of fate. The main thing is not to perceive obstacles as insurmountable difficulties. Treat them philosophically. Difficulties are just aimed at ensuring that you can reconsider your attitude to the problem being solved, find another way to implement your plan. Now we agree - that difficulties are the notorious finger of fate?

IMPORTANT. A person can only notice the signs of his fate! Nobody will help him with this. Remember this! Therefore, learn to feel your life, its events and correctly analyze everything that happens around you and your life. This will contribute to the development of intuition, and it is simply impossible to do without it in solving certain problems! In addition, the correct assessment of certain events will help relieve tension and fear for your life, add confidence and bring harmony to your relationship with fate.

It is even hard to imagine how many people saved their lives just because certain difficulties prevented them from catching their train or plane! (However, one should not confuse one's chronic lack of punctuality and forgetfulness with signs of fate).

In this section, we considered an example of a "bad" sign. And what is a good one? The complete absence of difficulties. If you started some business that you constantly put off or were afraid to start, and everything unexpectedly succeeds in an unexpected way, then this is a positive sign. Of course, in the future, certain difficulties may arise, but you should not be afraid of them. And take it to heart too - after all, the beginning of your work was positive, which means that the result will also be positive!

In conclusion

This article is primarily intended for women. After all, they are more prone to various mystical events. This can be caused by several components:

  • emotionality;
  • susceptibility;
  • psychological instability in some periods;
  • impressionability.

Of course, there are also men who believe in mysticism, but still, most of them remember the omens that fate supposedly gave them after a negative event has occurred and there is no turning back.

But on one site specializing in the psychology of people, the opinion was expressed that believing in various signs, as well as horoscopes, is characteristic only of those people who do not believe in themselves - such an attitude to life allows them to write their failures.

How one relates to the signs of fate is a private matter for everyone. I'm not going to campaign for anyone. However, you need to understand that no one can give a scientific justification for the fact that omens are actually fiction, relics of the past that have come to us since pagan times. Therefore, my advice is this - do not fight the signs of fate or try not to notice, better try to use them to your advantage!

And in general - be prepared for the fact that completely unexpected events can happen in life at the most inopportune moment. And we are talking not only about the negative, but also about the positive. Moreover, such events can completely change the measured course of your days!

And the most important thing! If you have been planning to start a business for a long time, then stop waiting for the signs of fate. After all, this article is just this sign from above, which says - stop postponing, it's time to start and do it! Everything will work out for you! After all, it cannot be otherwise!

By the way, my dears, tell me if you had signs of fate in your life, what they were expressed in and how you used them.