What you need to know about your first pregnancy. About stereotypes and hidden resources. Psycho-emotional state during pregnancy: asking questions to a psychologist. Video

Pregnancy is a welcome event in every family, so couples strive to learn about the joyful event as soon as possible. Everyone knows how to understand that a girl is pregnant - over time it becomes obvious by some signs.

But there are other less noticeable factors that help determine pregnancy much earlier. In addition, there are subtleties in the use of tests, which sometimes sin with inaccuracy. Timely determination of pregnancy allows not only to please loved ones, but also to adjust the lifestyle and habits for the harmonious development of the unborn baby.

In contact with

The first suspicions arise when menstruation is delayed, so sometimes a girl's assumptions about pregnancy appear after a couple of days, and sometimes such a question may not arise even after a week. But when he does get up, the purchase of a test immediately follows, establishing an almost final verdict. An exception is the test done in the early days - its result is sometimes inaccurate.

To understand that a girl is pregnant early, it is recommended to opt for a more expensive test. It is more sensitive to hCG, a pregnancy hormone present in the urine of a girl who will soon have a baby. Therefore, before the delay appears, it is better not to skimp, but after it happened, to carry out procedures will do absolutely any test.

Two stripes indicate positive result... Sometimes the second streak is mild. The reason for this may be an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, which is extremely unsafe for health. First, you need to do a few more tests in order to confirm or deny the results obtained. It often turns out that the first test was of poor quality and flawed. Otherwise, you must immediately contact a specialist.

How can a guy tell if his woman is pregnant?

It is difficult to determine exactly how long after a girl realizes that she is pregnant, but it hardly takes more pair weeks. And if she wants a child for a long time, then, probably, after a week she knows for sure.

At 1 week

For girls in a position, excessive irritability is characteristic, but it is also observed in other people for completely different reasons.

The bottom line is that it is possible to establish an unambiguous verdict only through surveys, everything else is assumptions.

However, men often wonder how to understand that a girl is 1 week pregnant, immediately after suspicions arise. In the early days, brown droplets can be found on the underwear of the second rug, signaling implantation bleeding. There is nothing wrong with that - just the embryo moves along the genital passages in search of a place where it will settle.

However, there are other versions of the origin. brown spots... They also appear when using hormonal contraceptive drugs or after too passionate intercourse - damage to the walls of the vagina.

At an early date

Sometimes information is hidden from other halves for some time. How to find out that a girl is pregnant in the early stages, the following list will tell:

  1. She has increased fatigue, she gets tired noticeably faster and does not get enough sleep even when she goes to bed on time. Poor night sleep is a common occurrence for women in interesting position, and if she complains that she is sleeping at work, then this only confirms the correctness of the assumptions. To understand whether a girl is pregnant or not, a friend among her colleagues will help a lot, who will observe her at your request.
  2. A couple of weeks after conception, the breasts become hypersensitive, and gentle touching will help to quickly detect this. Small bulging pimples appear on the nipples, which do not pose a health hazard, but signal that the girl will soon become a mother.
  3. A few weeks after conception, there is an increase in trips to the toilet, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, which puts pressure on the walls of the bladder.
  4. At the end of the first month, the sensitivity and susceptibility to odors increases. Moreover, the aromas that the girl previously liked now provoke an attack of nausea or vomiting. Even the smells of food, most often of animal origin, can cause disgust. A source especially negative reaction serve tobacco smoke or harsh perfume. This feature is quite substantial and reliable.

Useful video

Young women are often worried about the state of pregnancy that has come, but how to understand that you are pregnant at an early stage, because its main signs will manifest themselves a little later. Experts say that already in the first week after fertilization, changes begin in the body that any woman can notice in herself if she knows about them:


  1. How do you know if your girlfriend is pregnant? If for some reason you don't want to ask her directly about it, watch for changes in her behavior.
  2. If a man suspects, the girl, most likely, also asks this question, which means that she may be aware of. Then her attitude towards the man and those around her changes: after all, the coming change in life always affects psychology and perception of the world.
  3. The appearance of excessive nervousness, a change in food preferences and a disgust for your perfume, which she liked yesterday, will be weighty signs of pregnancy.

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to her own feelings in order to understand that pregnancy has finally come. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then it can be quite difficult to understand the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage.

Conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. For this to happen, the egg must be fertilized with a sperm. During ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus, if at this time it meets a sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall of the uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After which the egg begins to divide rapidly. So quickly that by about the 8th week of embryo development, vital organs are laid.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

In the early stages, it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can find out the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are due to the changes that have begun in the body and the hormonal surge:

    Increased salivation, which can be not only during meals, but also at any other time. Leg cramps, which most often occur at night during sleep. A metallic taste in the mouth can appear as early as the first week of pregnancy. Increased growth hair on arms, legs, abdomen. In addition, a light pigment line may appear downward from the navel. Problems with gastrointestinal tract- diarrhea, constipation, bloating. Feeling of slight discomfort, as if a cold begins. Attacks of tiredness and weakness in the body are often added to it. Have emotional women frequent mood swings are noted. Sleep failure, the appearance of insomnia or, on the contrary, drowsiness. The change sexual desire... Woman on initial dates pregnancy can lose sexual appetite or, conversely, want intimacy more often than usual. Severity in the lower abdomen, which is caused by the flow of blood to the internal genitals. Specific tingling sensations in the area of ​​the uterus can be noted during the period of attachment of the embryo to the organ wall. Pulling pains in the lower back, which resemble premenstrual pain. Headache that comes on suddenly and does not stop throughout the day. At the first sign of pregnancy, the breasts can also become very sensitive, especially to touch. In some cases, breast sensitivity, on the contrary, may decrease. Feelings of chills and heat, despite the fact that there is no real increase in body temperature. Increased or lost appetite. In the first case, a woman may want to eat the most unusual combinations products that I would not have paid attention to without being pregnant. Nausea can occur both for no apparent reason, and as a reaction to any smell or taste. Often, along with nausea, heartburn, pain in the stomach area can occur. Increased sensitivity to smells can manifest itself in the form of dislike for the previously liked by the woman aromas, as well as in the desire to inhale previously unpleasant odors. The feeling of discomfort in a seated position can already appear in the first weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, allergies may begin to develop, even if the woman has not previously experienced any allergic reactions on anything.

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant do not always end in success. Sometimes instead of normal pregnancy ectopic may occur. This means that the ovum is fixed outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity... Signs of early pregnancy during development fetal egg outside the uterus are:

    Bloody issues uncharacteristic color - brown, brown. Sharp pain lower abdomen, which increases with a change in body position. Weakness in the body, chills, indicating the beginning inflammatory process... Downgrade blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting, general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgical intervention.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine the "interesting position" by the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation:

    Changes in basal body temperature, it is measured in the rectum immediately after waking up in the morning. During menstruation basal temperature is 36.2-36.7 degrees, after the monthly end, its indicator drops by about 2 divisions. During ovulation, the basal temperature begins to rise again and by the end of the cycle can reach 37 degrees. If there is a noticeable increase to 37.1-37.3, then, most likely, pregnancy has occurred. Sometimes the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation can be added, such as breast enlargement, darkening of the nipple areola. Breast tenderness can also indicate pregnancy. In addition, during the entire "interesting position", starting from the first weeks, colostrum can be secreted from the breast - yellowish or white discharge from the mammary gland, which are harbingers of the appearance breast milk. Vaginal discharge can also be a sign of early pregnancy. When ovulating cervical canal the cervix begins to develop a large number of mucus, which promotes fertilization, while it has a raw consistency egg white... If conception occurs during ovulation, mucus may continue to be secreted in the same amount, which indicates pregnancy. A delay in menstruation is the main symptom of early pregnancy. The fact is that if conception did not occur, then the uterus begins to reject the layer of the endometrium, in which the egg was supposed to be fixed, after which it comes out in the form of menstruation. Therefore, if the fetus is fixed on the wall of the uterus, then menstruation does not come.

These early signs of pregnancy in the first week are not entirely accurate, so when they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or resort to other methods of determining the "interesting position".

Toxicosis during pregnancy

To one of early signs pregnancy after a delay can be attributed to toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as a foreign body. Toxicosis most often manifests itself in women who have a tendency to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

    There is regular nausea, which sometimes ends with vomiting. Dizziness. Feeling of general malaise. Disgust at the sight of food.

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, a woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. If the toxicosis is too severe, it is recommended to seek a qualified medical help, otherwise there may be a threat of miscarriage. Normally, with a moderate manifestation of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman's body gets used to the fetus inside.

When the belly starts to grow

After realizing the fact of the onset of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur with her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what sensations during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, a noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy as early as 5-10 weeks. They also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts note that at such a short period of pregnancy, the abdomen can begin to increase not only from the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. At about the same time, a woman needs to update her wardrobe in order to fit a growing tummy there.

Growth rate is very important, as the doctor can determine from it possible pathologies- polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the body hCG level Is a hormone that is secreted by the placenta during gestation. An analysis for hCG can be taken already 10 days after conception, it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, the delivery of an analysis for hCG makes it possible to track intrauterine development the child until the time when the deadline will allow an ultrasound scan. This test is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to get the most reliable results, you must adhere to following recommendations:

    On the day before the test, it is necessary to do without significant physical work or playing sports. Blood for analysis must be taken on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal. When receiving hormonal drugs you should discuss the test with your health care provider and notify them, as some medications can affect the test results.

A small amount of the hormone secreted by the placenta is in the urine, according to this principle they work pharmacy tests for pregnancy.

Definition of pregnancy using ultrasound

Having noticed the first signs of pregnancy, after a week of delay, you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, it should be remembered that the embryo is about 4 mm in size, so it is rather difficult to consider it. For this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

Gynecologist when examined with a device ultrasound diagnostics notes following changes in the organs of a woman:

    The uterus is an elastic organ, which softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy, in addition, after a while, its growth is noticeable. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, its density also changes.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative for determining pregnancy, since it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the state of the internal genital organs or the development of the fetus.

Use of iodine

Many women wonder how to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test. This can be done using ordinary iodine, which is found in any home first aid kit... There are two ways to help determine if you are pregnant:

    Need to wet paper napkin in the morning urine, then drop a little iodine on it. If the stain becomes purple, then we can confidently talk about the onset of pregnancy. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. After that, a little iodine must be dropped into the liquid. If the drop dissolves quickly in the urine, then the test result is most likely negative. In the presence of pregnancy, the drop will linger on the surface of the urine for some time.

Despite the fact that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee precise definition pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda test

The signs and sensations of a first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations of an "interesting state", a woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. You can do this with regular baking soda.

To do this, it is necessary to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. Then you need to drop a teaspoon of soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to fizzle and foam, then the woman is not pregnant. If the soda falls to the bottom of the container as a sediment, then we are talking about successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, however, women who have tested it, in most cases, confirm its effectiveness.

Grandma's methods

How was pregnancy previously defined without tests? There are many alternative methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. Most common following methods definitions of pregnancy at home:

    It is necessary to take clean dishes and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink. After that, you need to add a little of the first urine to the water. If she dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if a precipitate in the form of flakes has fallen, then, most likely, the woman is preparing to become a mother. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a 1: 1 ratio. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred, if the liquid has become cloudy and a precipitate has appeared, then pregnancy takes place. When using this method, it should be remembered that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is minimized, it is advisable to use homemade grape wine. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, then a precipitate will fall out in the form of flakes. However, this method should be treated with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, large amounts of protein in the urine may clot and be mistaken for sediment. It used to be said that during pregnancy, a woman may dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific justification, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy, fresh fish can really dream. It is necessary to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. At the same time, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy. Dandelion leaves should be poured with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lost their color and became covered with bubbles, then we are talking about a successful conception. A small amount of urine must be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then mixing should result in a liquid blue tint... You can also use chlorine bleach instead of toothpaste, the result will be the same. Fortune telling on onions... To do this, you need to plant two bulbs in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which does not. Which of them will germinate faster to a size of 4 cm, that result is positive.

It is worth remembering that folk methods definitions of pregnancy do not give 100% of the result, therefore, in order to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That's why future mom interested in what are the first signs of pregnancy on early stages, in order to determine the "interesting position" as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean at all that a woman will feel them all on herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on an intuitive level or does not even know about conception until the time of delay in menstruation.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman should contact antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Even desired pregnancy- always stress for the spouses (albeit with a plus sign), because it leads to strong changes in the life of the family. These changes begin with a woman, because from the first weeks of pregnancy she begins to feel herself in a new way. Innovations are also evident on physical level, and on the emotional: some feel sick during pregnancy, others constantly want to sleep, others say strong appetite... Women become very impressionable, vulnerable, suspicious.

Men only see external changes: the body was rounded, the belly appeared. What happens in this case in the body and in the soul of the expectant mother - they can only guess. Sometimes husbands are simply lost and do not know how to find an approach to a pregnant spouse. So that in such important period the relationship between husband and wife did not deteriorate; men will be helped by some advice on communicating with their wife.

Try to understand and understand what is happening with your spouse

It is best to start with theory: read encyclopedias and magazines about pregnancy with your wife to understand what processes are taking place in the spouse's body. Since a man cannot bear and give birth to a child himself, having experienced the whole gamut of sensations, it is important for him to be at least theoretically savvy in these matters. This will help to maintain conversations with your spouse (and they are almost all about one thing during pregnancy), to understand what she is talking about after the next visit to the doctor. Such participation is very much appreciated by expectant mothers, and pregnancy seems to become common.

Help your wife around the house

Pregnancy is a big burden on the body, however, the responsibilities of the expectant mother, either at work or at home, are not diminishing. Even if the spouse does not complain about feeling unwell, do not doubt that very often it will be more useful and more pleasant for her to lie down and relax than to wash the dishes or do the cleaning, especially at the end of the term, when some household chores are simply physically difficult to do. Take on some of the household chores on yourself, without waiting for requests or reproaches: you can go to the store for groceries, vacuum, take out the trash.

Be patient with your wife's wishes and requests

The likelihood of a situation from an anecdote when a pregnant wife sent her husband on a winter night for strawberries, in real life very low. But other requests and whims varying degrees every expectant mother has absurdities. It's all to blame for changes in hormonal levels. Your wife may start to feel sick from your perfume, which she herself gave once. Strange preferences can appear in food: from "classic" pickles to something exotic. At the level physical sensations there may also be changes: a woman may begin to be irritated by touching some parts of the body. Be patient and understanding about this: remove what is not pleasant to your wife and try to fulfill her requests.

By the way, requests may concern not only the elimination of annoying odors and the purchase of "snacks". Pregnant women often need physical assistance: massage of the feet and lower back, assistance in putting on shoes (after all, with big belly very uncomfortable to bend over). Such help from the husband is very touching and important: by helping, you make it clear that you understand the position of the wife and accept all the changes that occur to her during this period.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

In general, advice for a pregnant woman is just rock that haunts her for all 9 months. Friends who have given birth, work colleagues, neighbors, relatives - all strive to give advice. No matter how you, as a man, delve into the wisdom of pregnancy, you cannot become an expert in this matter (unless you are a female doctor, of course). Is it because you can advise your wife? What have you read on the Internet or heard in your social circle? Believe me, the spouse is already provided with such advice. Instead of advising something, figure out what point of view the wife has on a particular issue (how to get rid of edema, how to give birth, how to feed) and just support her in this opinion.

Protect your wife from negativity

Pregnant women are very sensitive, sentimental and suspicious. Any unpleasant word or even a hint of it can cause tears and strong feelings in the soul. The emotional state of the expectant mother - important factor the successful course of pregnancy, so it is better to protect your wife from any negativity (programs or news that feature cruelty, murder, etc.). It is especially important not to let information about the problems of pregnancy and childbirth into the wife's mind. Here it is important to find a balance between just background information about some problems and outright "horror stories". Background information can be obtained in a book or encyclopedia for pregnant women, but access to Internet forums where women in paints talk about an uncomplicated pregnancy or difficult childbirth better to block.

It is worth protecting from negativity in communication. Some people, even before pregnancy, were unpleasant to their spouse, and with some, the relationship deteriorates already in the process. State of mind the expectant mother is much more important than duty courtesy, therefore, it is better to avoid meeting unpleasant faces, even if it is one of the relatives. For them, you can always come up with a legend about the poor health of the spouse.

Do not let conjugal love fade away

While waiting for the baby, the accents in the life of the family are greatly shifted. Husband and wife are preparing to become parents, and their marital feelings often fade into the background. This must be borne in mind by those who, through pregnancy and childbirth, seek to strengthen the family: the effect may be the opposite. In order for conjugal love not to fade away, it is necessary to maintain it, and during pregnancy this is the task of the husband. The fact is that a pregnant wife turns on a natural program and she thinks, first of all, about the offspring. Do not forget to pay attention to your wife exactly as a woman, and not just as the expectant mother of your child. Compliment, don't forget about romance with flowers and candles. This is a huge contribution to your relationship, because pregnancy is only the beginning of a new stage in family life, and without deep feeling love for each other is impossible to raise a child together.

Pregnancy cardinally changes the usual state of a woman: she has new taste preferences, pesters toxicosis, the belly grows in the end! Comprehensive information about these metamorphoses today can be found in any specialized online magazine. Meanwhile, the psychological state of a woman during pregnancy is no less important than the physiological aspects. Our article will tell you about the neuropsychic preparation for the upcoming motherhood.

A miracle happened: the pregnancy test "gave out" two strips! From that moment on, life changes to become even better and more beautiful. Only now, the expectant mother is not yet able to comprehend the obvious at once - for this she will need a lot of time, namely 9 months.

The inner world of a woman in a position is so complex and deep that her mood can change more than a dozen times a day: a minute ago she was laughing merrily, but now her eyes are in a wet place, and there is nothing strange about it. Sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability - all types of reactions to the outside world during pregnancy are exacerbated to the limit. All expectant mothers from the moment of conception to childbirth live according to special rules psychology.

Physiology divides the period of pregnancy into three fundamental stages, or trimesters. The same can be done from a spiritual point of view.

Features of the psychological state during pregnancy by trimester

First trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most emotionally unstable period for a mother-to-be. The female psyche is doing a tremendous job to adapt the pregnant woman to her new position. The condition of a woman during pregnancy is precarious and vulnerable, so she is often thrown to extremes: joy replaces regret and vice versa.

Moreover, the expectant mother is worried about an unclear excitement. This is not yet fear of childbirth and fear for the health of the baby, no. Rather, it is the anxiety of having to let go old life to open doors for change.

The health status of pregnancy in the first trimester also adds fuel to the fire: nausea, poor sleep at night and sleepiness during the day. severe hunger or complete absence appetite make the newly minted mom-to-be feel overwhelmed and tired. How not to be sad here? At this time, it seems to a woman that she is insolvent, dependent on outside circumstances and other people. But she is unlikely to find the strength to resist this feeling: on the contrary, she wants to become an object increased attention and guardianship.

The psychological mood during pregnancy is so changeable that it is really difficult for the expectant mother to put herself together: she often wants to cry, she is almost sure that no one cares about her, she is more and more often visited by sentimentality, and what she wants most is she and she herself does not know.

The reason for this emotional "kaleidoscope" lies in a fundamental restructuring hormonal system organism. It is hormones that are to blame for the fact that the way of thinking of a pregnant woman at the beginning of her new position acquires some features of a child's psyche. Psychologists believe that nature arranged it this way for a reason: such a kind of correction of consciousness will help a woman in the future to find mutual language with your child. This period is necessary for the successful development of motherhood.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the state of the expectant mother is still not stable: a carefree life will not give way to the inevitable growing up in one day. This duality of the situation is not always obvious to the pregnant woman herself, so she can take offense at loved ones for no reason, and also break down at them in moments of sudden outbursts of anger.

At this stage, fertile ground for the development of depression appears in the life of a pregnant woman: even the most harmless disagreements with her husband can emotionally break the expectant mother. At the same time, she needs family support more than ever.

Second trimester

A woman who is in a state of pregnancy in the second trimester rests in mind and body. Energy flows in her body, they flow as usual, and great health helps to tune in for the best. The expectant mother sleeps well again, has a healthy appetite and gives those around her a radiant smile.

At this stage, what she was waiting for with great excitement finally happens - the baby gives the first signs of life and pushes! The pregnant woman is no longer able to hide her joy, now she knows exactly how much she wants to become a mother. Self-confidence and rational thinking return to her.

Third trimester

At the final stage of the "interesting" situation, a sobering occurs. In the first trimester, being pregnant was a novelty for a woman, so she could not perceive the child as a reality. Now that childbirth is just around the corner, the baby is becoming the center of her universe. All desires and thoughts of the expectant mother are associated with him.

Smoothly approaching the most important event in her life, a woman pushes everything that does not concern her position into the background. Hobbies, work, even a beloved man - everything pales before the all-consuming desire to prepare your "nest" for the arrival of a son or daughter. If you answer the question, what is the state of pregnancy in the third trimester, then the word "immersion" characterizes it better than others. Immersion in yourself and your unborn child - distinctive feature late pregnancy.

The woman is again subject to excruciating mood swings: in general, she is most often seized by unreasonable irritability and anxiety. In fact, the subconscious mind of a pregnant woman already lives with anxiety before upcoming birth and potential pain.

The state of the body during pregnancy on late date burdens the expectant mother, and last weeks she endures the expectations of the child with hard work: it's hard to lie down, hard to walk, hard ... In addition, the woman's feelings are in great confusion: she wants to see her baby as soon as possible, but at the same time she is very worried about how the birth will go.

The last trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unique period in a woman's life - it is so unusual and amazing in terms of the complex of sensations.

What is the expectant mother afraid of

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is tormented by fear of the unknown and change. A woman will need a lot of strength to get used to her new position, which will undoubtedly affect her studies, work, and life in general. The most correct step at the beginning of pregnancy is to accept yourself and the baby who caused such emotional confusion. As soon as a woman can do this, she will feel incredible relief and a desire to learn to coexist with the child she carries under her heart.

Mothers who really wanted to get pregnant, from the first days of this wonderful condition, often begin to worry about the health of their future baby. Strong or weak will be born long-awaited child, will he have any unforeseen deviations, will the unknowingly taken pill of a strong pain reliever affect his development, how to protect himself from the harmful radiation of a computer monitor…. What terrible pictures a future mother will not draw, sorting through her memory different situations when she, in her opinion, stumbled.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all expectant mothers tend to fall prey to social superstitions regarding pregnancy. For example, which of the women has not heard that in position it is impossible to cut, sew and put on patches, otherwise the child will have many moles? And every woman will most likely remember how she, a pregnant woman, was warned to raise her hands so that the child would not get entangled in the umbilical cord. Such beliefs do not bring anything good and useful, except for increased anxiety. Most the right way to get rid of them is to perceive these collective "fairy tales" as nothing more than a reality of pregnancy, as one of its natural phenomena.

If unconditional trust in omens does not give a pregnant woman peace, it is better for her to turn to a professional psychologist, regular conversations with whom will put everything in its place and lead the expectant mother to peace of mind.

V last trimester pregnancy, a woman, consciously or not, begins to fearfully think about the upcoming test in the form of childbirth. The most interesting thing is that these fears are not unfounded: childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience, so everyone female fears absolutely natural. For example, a pregnant woman may be afraid not so much of painful sensations as of the development of certain complications during childbirth. There are frequent cases when the expectant mother is afraid to seem ... unattractive in the eyes of a loved one and medical staff at the time of childbirth.

However, most often a woman is afraid for her life and for the life of her child. Psychologists interpret these fears in their own way: a pregnant woman worries about her baby in advance, who, when born, inevitably goes through the stage of psychological death. He dies for intrauterine world to be born in another, outside world. Birth is the strongest experience of all human life, and in strength it is comparable only to death.

At the same time, one cannot discount the subconscious delusion that a woman should give birth in pain. Even all the latest research and methods in the field of obstetrics and gynecology taken together will not be able to drown out the human ancestral memory with which we come into this world. It remains to hope only for the reason and adequacy of the pregnant woman herself.

To ease the moral discomfort that complicates the last weeks before childbirth, you need to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to your baby: sign up for special courses and think over the scenario of your childbirth to the smallest detail - choose a maternity hospital, get acquainted with a doctor who will help in delivery.

The influence of the state of the expectant mother on the intrauterine development of the fetus and childbirth

All scientists agree that an increased degree of maternal anxiety and regular experiences affect the child's health in the most negative way. Also emotional stress can cause complications during childbirth.

From the second third of pregnancy, it begins to actively form and improve. circulatory system growing organism. Through the placenta and the umbilical cord, the fetus receives the lion's share of hormones whenever its mother succumbs to anxiety or depression. The negative perception of her condition by the expectant mother leads to the development of real functional disorders in the child's body. Prolonged irritation or the woman's anxiety makes the child just as upset, which he immediately informs mom about with a series of indignant pushes in the stomach.

An emotionally unstable pregnant woman is more likely to miscarry and premature birth, as well as serious violations of the course of childbirth, even if they began at the right time. Most often on this soil there is a weak generic activity, intrauterine oxygen starvation child, pathology of blood supply to the placenta.

A woman's positive attitude towards pregnancy works wonders - proven by medicine. When a pregnant woman happily feels like a vessel filled with precious contents, everyone retreats. chronic diseases, physiological malaise is more easily tolerated, and there is no room in the mind for fears and doubts. Mother's faith in herself, her unconditional admiration for the miracle of the birth of a new life, also charges the baby with positive energy, gives him a feeling of security and confidence that somewhere out there, in another universe, he is loved and awaited.

Psycho-emotional state during pregnancy: asking questions to a psychologist. Video

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but very exciting time, both for the expectant mother and for her husband, and, as practice shows, men go through this period much more difficult than women. What worries future fathers and how to behave properly with your pregnant lovers , we'll tell you today.

In the body of a pregnant woman major changes are taking place , and this absolutely normal natural process ... It is only natural for women, but men should prepare as much as possible for this period, at least theoretically, so that understand what will happen to your wife over these nine months and how to behave in a given situation.

Our advice will help your husband survive this wonderful and memorable period of time.


One of the most common problems in communicating with a pregnant wife is the speed with which she has mood can change ... Women do not always differ in emotional resilience, and during pregnancy, a man should be prepared for the fact that, literally, just now, a completely cheerful and sweet wife, suddenly, after a few minutes, she becomes irritated and nervous, may even cry.

It's hard for a man to understand because of what such dramatic changes in mood can occur, because there was no specific specific reason for this: you did not swear, the wife did not express dissatisfaction for any reason, nothing hurt her. What happened, the man thinks, maybe I'm to blame for something? Don't worry, you have absolutely nothing to do with it. It's all to blame hormonal background , which changes very quickly in pregnant women, and it is impossible to establish an algorithm for such jumps.

The best and only correct tactics in this case: calmness , restraint and understanding ... Hug your wife, calm her down, tell her that you understand everything, ask how you can help, suggest some distracting activity. If you wish, you can check with your wife what was the reason for such a sharp change in mood, but sometimes she herself will not be able to answer this question to you, since this is caused by the internal reactions of the body.

However, remember that pregnancy does not mean at all that literally in front of your eyes your wife will turn into a capricious hysterics, some women and girls behave as always, calmly, as usual, and not subject to any particular changes in mood .

The course of pregnancy and all accompanying factors, both psychological and physiological, are absolutely individual and we're just trying to prepare you for what difficulties in communication with your beloved pregnant woman may arise , but it is not at all necessary that they will definitely be accompany you throughout all 9 months, making your family life unbearable. Believe me, everything will be fine!

Daria Selivanova, psychologist, psychotherapist: “In order for the expectant mother to have fewer mood swings, she must have wide circle communication and interests. The world of a pregnant woman should not be confined to the four walls of an apartment, where the only source outside world is the husband. In this case, every careless word of the spouse will be perceived by the pregnant woman as a “sentence”, and the refusal to tell you about his day will be the unequivocal fact that he no longer loves you. Relax, pregnancy is a wonderful state that allows a woman to see herself in a new way, and not only the woman's mood, but also the state of the unborn baby depends on how positive it is. If the pregnancy is easy - go to work, if there are no signs of toxicosis - meet in a cafe with your friends, and discuss the size of diapers and the peculiarities of lactation with the same pregnant women, or those who have already given birth, and therefore much more experienced, mothers on the forums, if there is no opportunity to communicate live with them. During pregnancy, many women begin to be creative, for example, knit or sew for a future baby, felting from wool, beading, embroidering with ribbons will be an excellent activity, or maybe you will have the talent of a painter or interior designer. The main thing is that your occupation distracts you from gloomy thoughts and allows you to feel your importance. "


You are in luck and you are one of the lucky ones whose wives surprise with their gastronomic whims , wanting an orange, then salted tomato? Believe me, a pregnant woman is not bullying you, just with the course of pregnancy in a woman's body, metabolic processes are disrupted and the need for certain products can appear as quickly as quickly and disappear.

The woman understands the strangeness of her behavior, but, unfortunately, she cannot do anything about it. Try maximally satisfy taste preferences your wife and remember that more often than not it will be more important for her not to receive a particular dish, fruit or vegetable, but simply to know that you are sympathetic to her desires and state .

Vladislav, one of loving husbands, whose wife was in an "interesting position," says: “Being pregnant, Lenka often called me at work and asked me to buy something specific on the way home: either she really wanted green apples, although she didn’t like them in her life, then she demanded persimmons or sunflower seeds. I obediently brought all the ordered products home, although sometimes Lenka did not even remember that she asked me to buy it. We laughed together, I "trolled" her forgetfulness, traditionally offered pickles, which my mother gave Lenka from the dacha, and she, by the way, did not eat a single one during the whole pregnancy, and we solemnly ate all the products I brought together. We often remember this period at home with a smile, our baby is already two years old, but nothing has been forgotten. Recently I got into a conversation with a colleague at work, and he says that his wife did not have such "jokes" during pregnancy, she never wanted anything special and generally ate poorly during the entire pregnancy. It’s even strange somehow, but I thought that this happens with all pregnant women, because they even write jokes on this topic! ”


During pregnancy, every woman pays great attention his appearance , and is often completely unhappy with what she sees in the mirror. Your beloved may think that she has become fat and ugly, and because of her appearance she no longer likes her husband.

Support for a man during this period very important for any woman : the spouse needs to repeat the words daily about how pregnancy paints a wife , how he loves her like that and in every possible way show your love to his wife and future baby.

An excellent way to demonstrate and prove your love to your wife an extra (and during pregnancy almost mandatory) time can be little surprises and nice gifts... A light dinner made with your own hands, a CD with your favorite music or a ticket to good movie, not to mention traditional flowers and sweets, will not require serious financial investments from the husband, but they will help the wife to relax, forget about her doubts and realize that she is also loved as before.

One more favourite hobby all women that will help in the fight against bad mood and self-doubt - shopping ... Sometimes a pregnant wife refuses to buy beautiful things, arguing that there is no need to spend money on clothes that will be worn for a maximum of six months. Convince your beloved that it is absolutely not worth doing this, and go to special shop for pregnant women in order to acquire a beautiful, high-quality, natural and comfortable clothes... Seeing herself in the mirror, the expectant mother will certainly feel beautiful, and having bought a couple more new clothes for the future baby, she will be absolutely happy!

If the wife has any food restrictions , it will be great if this is her husband will support , also refraining from the usual diet. Fried, fatty, spicy, salty and preservatives should not be eaten by any person, regardless of gender or pregnancy, you won't argue with that? This is what is called proper nutrition thanks to which you are not only support your spouse , and you can also improve your digestion and reset excess weight... Believe me, your wife will appreciate your heroism!