What is pushing? Average duration of pushing. Contractions: how to recognize them

In the entire generic process, attempts take the smallest part, only a couple of hours or even a couple of tens of minutes. But they are considered the most important and cannot be dispensed with during childbirth. The duration of the attempts depends on many factors. For example, the size of the baby, the physiological characteristics of your body and the number of births before that.

What is pushing during childbirth

Labor pains begin only when the cervix is ​​fully open and ready to release the baby into the world. In general, this is the main task of attempts: to help the baby to be born and push him out of the mother's womb.

When the pushing begins, the woman's abdominal muscles and diaphragm contract. This creates a strong abdominal pressure inside, which helps the mother push the baby out. Attempts usually begin when the frequency of contractions becomes very high and the contractions themselves are very long and painful.

When labor attempts begin

As statistics show, in women who give birth for the first time, attempts at childbirth can last about two hours. If the birth is the second, then their duration is almost halved, and in the third birth and further, attempts during childbirth can take only fifteen minutes.

You can also add that the first attempts during childbirth begin regardless of the woman's desire and is caused by the fact that the child, with his weight, begins to strongly press on the cervix while making rotational-translational movements in order to get through the birth canal. But attempts differ from contractions in that a woman has great difficulty, but can control them. After all, this is precisely the main goal of childbirth, so that the mother and the child jointly make every effort for his birth.

Of course, most women who have already given birth say that they were looking forward to the attempts, because this meant that only a few hours, or even minutes, remained before meeting their baby.

They also describe pushing during childbirth as a sensation similar to having a bowel movement. In this case, an irresistible desire arises, as it were, to empty the intestines and begin to push. You should not restrain this desire, but unless obstetricians forbid it. Indeed, sometimes the first attempts begin even before the cervix is ​​fully opened. It is in this way that a woman can best cope with the role she has prepared for herself and give birth to a healthy child.

How to control labor during childbirth

When the contractions are just beginning, the woman is quite capable of relieving her condition on her own. To do this, she takes the most comfortable postures and breathes correctly. She cannot control her contractions, because the opening of the cervix does not occur at her will. But when the period of attempts comes, the mother can show her skills as much as possible and become an active participant in the generic process. It is very important to feel the attempts during childbirth, and therefore doctors do not allow pain relief during contractions.

Moreover, when a woman begins to push, then she does not pay attention to the pain from contractions at all, as she is completely focused on pushing correctly.

When a child walks along the birth canal, the organs that are nearby are compressed and therefore there are cases that during childbirth there is an uncontrolled cleansing of the bladder and intestines. But do not pay attention to this, because it is all natural. It is better to focus all your attention on helping the child and listen carefully to the doctors.

The more correctly you push, the easier it will be for the child to be born. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that too quick a birth is also undesirable as it will be very stressful for a baby. Therefore, when doctors ask you to stop pushing, then you need to listen to them and hold back the pushing for a while.

So, you are giving birth. You have contractions, the intervals between them have become very short, and the strength has increased. After another examination, the doctor said that the cervix had opened. What's next?

In the first stage of labor, contractions contributed to the opening of the cervix, conditionally they could be called opening. Now, when the "path is open", the task of contractions is to help the fetus leave the cozy mother's womb, in which he lived for 9 months.

The second stage of childbirth begins, which is called the period of exile, and the contractions in this period are called the exorcists. A bit dissonant, we do not actually expel the baby from his shelter, but help the most beloved creature in the world to be born, but, you must agree, the wording "the period of the birth of the most beloved creature in the world" is somewhat long for official documents.

It lasts 1-2 hours in primiparous, and in multiparous - depending on the number of births and individual characteristics - from 5-10 minutes to 1 hour (on average 30 minutes). During this period, contractions become stronger, their duration increases, and the intervals between them are reduced. Soon, attempts are added to the contractions.

Attempts are contractions of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm (the muscle septum that separates the chest and abdomen). The average duration of the push is 10-15 seconds. Thanks to attempts, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which, coupled with an increase in intrauterine pressure (due to contractions), allows the child to move along the birth canal. Attempts occur reflexively, since the fetus being born with its presenting part (head or pelvic end - depending on the type of presentation 1) irritates the corresponding nerve endings in the cervix, vagina and pelvic floor muscles. Attempts occur involuntarily, but, unlike contractions, a woman can control them.

What to expect from pushing?

Most often, attempts are felt as an unusually strong, uncontrollable desire to empty the intestines, pronounced unpleasant pressure on the rectum and involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles. However, if you do not experience these feelings, you should not think that something is wrong with you. This is an individual feature of the body. In this case, the doctor will tell you that it is time to push. The contractions during this period are the strongest and most prolonged, but most women claim that after the attempts are joined to them, the pain decreases. At present, pushing does not relieve pain, since any anesthesia, decreasing sensitivity, reduces the effectiveness of pushing. Now the development of drugs is underway that, removing pain, would not "turn off" attempts. Most often (although not always), after the onset of attempts, the woman's mental state improves, since she turns from a "passive observer" into an active participant in the childbirth process.

You should know that, passing through the birth canal, the fetus squeezes all internal organs in the immediate vicinity. It is not surprising that during the birth of the fetus, the intestines and the bladder are simultaneously emptied. Do not be embarrassed by this circumstance - on the contrary, an attempt to prevent this and control your shipments only hinders the process of childbirth. Know: (1) you are not at fault; (2) it happens to almost every woman in labor; (3) no one in the delivery room will be surprised by this; (4) all secretions will be immediately removed, so that the child's contact with them is completely excluded.

Somewhere in the middle of the contraction period, you can see that the head (or buttocks) of the baby, which appeared in the exit from the vagina during the contraction, disappears again after it is over. Do not be alarmed, this is a normal phenomenon, which is called head penetration (or buttocks), and means, soon you will get to know your child. When the presenting part stops "hiding" outside the contraction (eruption), you will be transferred to the delivery room or, if you have an individual ward, you will be offered to move from the bed to the delivery table. This is where the culmination and completion of the "period of the birth of the most beloved creature in the world" takes place.

Does anything depend on the woman in labor?

Yes, and a lot. Attempts are a crucial part of the birth process. If during the fights nothing depended on the woman, then with the attempts she becomes the main character. The position in which you will give birth is largely determined by where it will take place. There are maternity hospitals where vertical labor is practiced 2, but most women give birth on the delivery table in a "standard" position. In this case, the woman in labor lies with her legs bent at the knee and hip joints, and during the attempts, increasing the contractions of the abdominal muscles, she leans forward and takes a half-sitting position. Do not think that since this position is accepted in all maternity hospitals and the woman did not participate in her choice, then she is absolutely non-physiological. This is not the case, and many women, who have the opportunity to choose the position in which they are to give birth, take exactly this. In this case, the mother's body, as it were, repeats the shape of the birth canal through which the baby has to pass, which facilitates his movement; the child presses with his weight on the birth canal, which contributes to their stretching, in addition, it is convenient to push in this position. Also, this position is convenient for medical personnel, since it makes it more convenient to provide the necessary assistance.

As already mentioned, although the attempts occur involuntarily, a woman can control them to a certain extent, strengthening or restraining if necessary. However, unauthorized actions can harm both mother and baby. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to get together and clearly follow all the instructions of the doctor and midwife, without reasoning and not feeling sorry for yourself. The better you push, the more energy and will you put into it, the faster the baby will pass through the birth canal.

Correct breathing, necessary during the entire period of childbirth, does not lose its relevance during attempts. Firstly, at this moment, the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen more than ever. Secondly, it helps to conserve strength and push more effectively.

At the beginning of the attempt, take a good breath - this is necessary in order to immediately after this take a full, deep breath. Hold your breath, and without exhaling (this is very important!), Push with all your might - as much as you can hold your breath. When you feel that there is not enough air, exhale slowly. (During inhalation, the diaphragm drops down and participates in the labor act, with a sharp exhalation, the diaphragm quickly rises up, the pressure exerted on the fetus all this time stops abruptly, and the baby can hit the head against the pelvic bone and get injured.) Then do it deep again. inhale, hold your breath and push.

Usually, during one contraction, a woman feels the need to push an average of 3 times. It is better to push well several times than to try to do it continuously throughout the entire contraction: in this case, you will only lose strength, and the fetus will suffer from a lack of oxygen. If you do not feel the pushing or they are too weak, then you will be guided by a doctor and a midwife.

Where should the efforts be directed?

This is a very important question. It is not only the applied force that matters, but also where it is directed. It only seems that everything is simple: you need to "push" the child out of yourself, making every effort for this. Some women push, as obstetricians put it, "in the face." The woman in labor is very tense, but since her efforts have no direction, they do not lead to the advancement of the child; the process is delayed, and the vessels of the eyes and face may burst in a woman. In such a situation, if the expectant mother does not change tactics, doctors will have to "push for her", squeezing the child with their hands through the front abdominal wall, and if the child begins to suffer, then apply forceps. You yourself understand that neither one nor the other is desirable.

So "where to push"? As already mentioned, in most cases, attempts are felt as a strong desire to empty the intestines (the fetal head irritates the nerve endings responsible for this act). Don't resist this urge. Do not be embarrassed, these are natural and correct feelings. Imagine that you are actually emptying your bowels, and do your best to do so. Pain is another guide. The fetal head stretches the tissues of the birth canal, and you experience severe pain and burning in the vagina. You need to push to the point of maximum pain, increasing it. Increased pain indicates that you are doing everything right, and the child is moving along the birth canal.

Is continuous effort necessary?

In the process of giving birth to a fetus, there are times when it is necessary to reduce the force of attempts. Moving along the birth canal, the child presses on the birth canal, stretching them to the width necessary for its passage. The vaginal mucosa and pelvic floor muscles are able to stretch quite strongly. If this process occurs smoothly, then the soft tissues of the birth canal gradually adapt to stretching. If the second stage of labor proceeds too quickly, the unprepared soft tissues of the birth canal cannot withstand such a load, ruptures occur. In cases where doctors see that a perineal rupture is about to occur and it is impossible to prevent it, they resort to episiotomy (the perineum is cut). This is done in order to avoid complications in the postpartum period. a cut wound heals better than a lacerated wound.

With a rapid birth, the fetus also suffers. It is squeezed out of the birth canal with great speed, its members do not have time to adapt to travel through such a narrow canal, powerful pressure is exerted on the spine and head, as a result of which the baby can be injured. Therefore, when the midwife tells you not to push, you should stop pushing. Relax quickly and gently exhale through the lips folded into a tube. Sometimes your doctor may tell you not to push for one or more contractions to help your child move forward or to help you rest and gain strength. You will not be able to stop the pushing, but you can significantly weaken it in your power. It is necessary to relax as much as possible, and breathe often, often, slightly opening your mouth, and superficially, "like a dog."

Childbirth: happy ending

If the birth proceeded normally and the baby cried out immediately after birth, it is placed on the mother's belly. The joy of this moment completely overshadows and erases from the memory the pain and fear just endured. After the birth of the child, there is a short break in pushing (up to 15 minutes), and then, when the separated placenta enters the vagina, the woman again feels the desire to push. But these attempts are much weaker and do not require much physical effort. The woman strains slightly, and the placenta (placenta and membranes) is born. The birth is over. Now you are the mother and the owner of the most precious treasure in the world. Congratulations!

1 The most favorable presentation (i.e. position in the uterus) of the fetus is cephalic presentation (head down position). If the buttocks or legs of the child are felt in the lower segment of the uterus, they speak of breech presentation. You can read more about this in the articles by E. Chernukha "Breech presentation of the fetus" (No. 11/2001) and "Labor with breech presentation" (No. 12/2001).

2 See V. Zaborsky, N. Kuznetsova, "Vertical childbirth", No. 2, 2002.

Anna Koroleva
doctor of the Association "Medicine 2000".

An article from the March issue of the magazine.


After a day of contractions it was already unclear to me where one ends and the other begins, how can I push three times during a fight ??? And yet, I think, the incision was made at the very beginning, so as not to mess around for a long time, the end of the shift was already ... But everything passed quickly, and it is not clear why. The main thing is that the little lyalok is healthy, he laughs, and I can no longer remember what was where it hurt. Thank you all, everyone is happy ...
And it seemed to me that it was impossible to control attempts.
If you have not yet given birth, no matter how much you read and listen, for you personally, everything will be different. And definitely good.

11/04/2008 13:53:04, Aunt

This is how it turns out it should be in science!
When I was giving birth, the midwife told me to restrain my attempts. And she left the maternity hospital (I was left alone). I honestly tried to restrain my attempts, and then even grabbed my crotch with my hands, as there was already a child's head sticking out like an orange, completely covered by stretched tissues. All my screams come up, since already "EVERYTHING !!!" - she ignored and only shouted from the corridor: "it's too early". When another midwife came to my loud swearing mothers, she had such eyes ... She roared like a beluga, called my midwife, they urgently moved me to a chair, ordered me to push hard, (the midwife straightened my tissues on the baby's head) and I just relaxed (did not push at all) - and the child, like an octopus, just slipped out along with the waters.

05/12/2008 18:44:03, Natalia

I was told "to push" - and I strained :))). NOT THIS WAY!!! YOU NEED JUST RIDING !!! :))) - this is the simplest and most understandable recommendation. There was no "point" of pain, - everything ached during the contraction, but by the end of labor, when you know that everything is about to be resolved, you simply do not pay attention to it. Just when there is a fight - more air in the lungs and "pooping" what is urine - and so on three times per fight; at some point they asked to wait with this case - they tried to remove the head without tearing, but it didn't work out - they cut the crotch a little bit, and after the head was born, everything else "popped out" just like that :), and squealed so offended :).

03/12/2008 10:18:31 AM, Athirrita

As far as I understand, it depends on attempts whether there will be perineal ruptures or not. and if the delivery is partner, is the husband present at this stage? it is probably not very pleasant if the intestines begin to empty with him.

Oh, scary! And if it hurts, you’ll forget everything at once: where to breathe, where not to breathe, when pushing ... when what ... Well, okay, what can be inevitable. Let's give birth somehow! :)))

07/20/2006 15:21:35, Avalanche 05/18/2006 04:38:14, MamantonOK

Having given birth to two boys, I can not understand in any way how to control attempts%) My boys were born completely arbitrarily, one might say regardless of my desire, and even more so the desire of doctors (so that they neither demand nor be indignant about the desire to give birth faster). The first time, during an attempt, they managed to shove me into a chair (swearing softly), and the second time the doctors turned out to be more humane and I gave birth on the bed with two attempts. And there are no breaks and problems for the kids. The main thing is to listen and hear your body, and everything will be fine :))

05/18/2006 04:28:20, MamantonOK

When the attempts came, I was delighted - the pain of the contractions decreased and I also understood that soon the baby was about to be born. I can say that during the attempts there was less pain, a burning sensation in the vagina and the feeling that you could "crack" or "burst" were. Breathing did not help me to miss one push and I tore (slightly-1 cm), it didn't hurt either. The attempts lasted from their beginning to the birth of the child for about 1h15min. In the article I was glad that in repeated childbirth this period is much shorter and easier. I disagree with only one statement that the incision supposedly heals faster than when it is torn. In my home birth, it was precisely "torn" and healed in 8 days. But who told from friends and here, too, many write that they can unsuccessfully incision and damage the rectum, and even this incision does not heal well and there are frequent cases of suppuration or repeated tissue divergence ... I do not like that now in the RD they cut shche during labor "just in case", although it may not be necessary - the child is not so large and the mother's tissues are elastic. In the end, the child himself knows what kind of passage he needs and provides it for himself.

Interesting. And while pushing, I did not feel at all neither the point of maximum pain, nor muscle contractions, respectively, I controlled only the muscles of the face (relaxed) and breathing. I tried to push, as ordered, but did not feel whether I was doing more pushing or not. The doctors simultaneously pressed on my stomach, so who did what ..
after eruption (when the head does not retract back) I think that the woman in labor will no longer be able to go anywhere. It's like a spacer in one place. You don’t look like it. very painful and uncomfortable.

I don’t know about the others, but for me these attempts came as a complete surprise. How many were told in the classroom, and all the same - after the contractions such spontaneous contractions began, I was completely confused and forgot how to push and what was happening in general.

09/25/2002 19:08:44, Nadya

Thanks for such a useful article.
Now everything seems not so scary. Let's see how it will be in reality and write another response.

05/12/2002 01:26:17, Katya

When you imagine what to expect, it's no longer scary :)) In general, Eh, everything is the same as what happened to me during menstruation, but stronger. We will endure :)) And we will do everything right ... we can say that there is experience :)))

23.04.2002 06:50:09

Thank you, helpful and interesting. I remembered my birth and my mistakes in them. True, I think that a lot
depends on the obstetrician and the doctor, as it turned out, they are also wrong.

04/16/2002 16:00:27, Yana

Good article. By the way, in European maternity hospitals, the technique of pushing "on a smooth exhalation" is also practiced, and not only on holding the breath - many are more comfortable this way and do not strain their face at all. Unfortunately, this is not accepted in our country, but you can try.

Comment on the article "What is Attempt?"

Childbirth: what happens to the baby during labor and labor. With the onset of true labor, regular contractions will help smooth and dilate the cervix. Each subsequent contraction will help the cervix to open, flatten and achieve ...


It seemed to me that if without stimulants, droppers and other ctg with a tether to the bed, then everything that before attempts is quite experienced. Moreover, both times my water left at home, and the entire opening was "dry". You can live, just find a comfortable position and breathe)) It is terrible only on the back and unbearable when they watch the opening on the fight. Standing and on all fours is quite yourself. I just infuriated that this tall table, between contractions I would have to lie down and rest, but there is not enough time to climb there and here.
At the last fights, when you have to somehow manage not to push and you are too much too much, I suddenly remembered something I read somewhere "to press on the sacrum" seemed to help :)

Look at Aleksandr Kobasu "Natural Childbirth", he tells everything perfectly, there is it on YouTube. I breathed as he advised, it hurt, but bearable. The main thing is to breathe, relax, rest between contractions, even 1 minute))

There is one delivery with an epidural, although it was adjusted without. During childbirth, he insisted on anesthesia.In my case, after the introduction of anesthesia, labor activity did not weaken, contractions and attempts After the EP, she says, she suffered in the process, it was very painful, it hurts during childbirth, after childbirth ...


I join the curious questions, congratulations or how :)))
I won't tell you on the topic, I gave birth both times myself, but in terms of contractions, my body is such that nifiga does not feel until the very birth, so anesthesia is not necessary, I would not miss :)
The only thing was that they injected something the second time (I don't remember the names of the drugs well). And the child's reaction to this was definitely. At the moment we are trying to find out if the existing problems of the child are a consequence of all this. It is clear that no one will say for sure, and I am unlikely to have a third birth :) But if there were, I would not give anything to prick. Only if the reason is really serious, and so - let everything be natural. IMHO, it takes much longer and more expensive to clean up the consequences than to endure the process of childbirth.
Everything, IMHO of course.

For what purpose are you interested? Soon to give birth, but I missed everything?))
I had the first ones with an epidural, they did it late and badly. For my taste (and when I was young, I myself made epidurals to other unfortunate people), doing this business during labor is rather troublesome. It is necessary to fix the body motionlessly. If the rolls are twisted, then curling up and lying motionless is problematic. I personally got anesthetized on one half of the body - the leg, the half-buttocks and part of the belly, with the other half I continued to feel everything perfectly.
It also let me down that they immediately put me to bed, topped up the anesthetic catheter and fussed in every possible way, to no avail. The back hurt for a long time and strongly at the puncture site.
The second time I was smarter, did not give up, walked to the last, did it quickly and without pain relief.
Well, in general - you get to compare the first and second births, but this is not very correct. The first ones are longer and more complicated by default, well, more often than not.
My third birth, I hope, will be) and I hope even faster than the second) I would run)

The second birth was 3 times faster (the first time a day under droppers). The contractions were, in principle, painless for me personally: faster, the attempts were longer (but my son was big for me, 4 kg and the head was big), the sensations during the contractions are somewhat sharper than ...

From the point of view of physiology, attempts are arbitrary contractions of the muscle groups of the anterior abdominal wall, due to which the fetus is born.

Attempts appear in the second stage of labor - from the moment the cervix opens completely - up to 10 cm, and their end coincides with the moment the baby is born.

In the case of a complete opening of the cervix at the beginning of the second stage of labor, thanks to uterine contractions, the fetal head moves downward, while "along the way" squeezes the walls of the rectum. The muscles of the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall, in response to irritation of the rectal receptors by the head of the fetus, begin a reflex contraction: this is characteristic of the onset of attempts. The fetus presses its head on the muscles of the pelvic floor and on the rectum of the woman in labor, while causing her to want to empty the intestines - and the urge to defecate. This phenomenon is an attempt.

When to start pushing

Before starting attempts, you need to call a doctor in order to determine the location of the child's head. It is necessary to start pushing only in a situation when the head has passed almost the entire birth canal and lies on the pelvic floor with its parietal surface. The presence of premature attempts in a woman leads to a violation of the uteroplacental circulation, rapid depletion of labor, the appearance of weakness of attempts and hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the baby.

The desire to push in all women can occur at different times. In the event that it appears when the head is low, however, in the absence of full opening of the cervix to the end, then due to the advance of the head with the help of the force of attempts, a woman in labor may experience a rupture of the cervix. A woman in labor is advised to use a special breathing pattern in order to curb the occurrence of premature attempts.

  • Step 1. Take a full deep breath with your chest.
  • Step 2. Hold your breath, as if swallowing air, with a parallel tension of the abdominal muscles (the main muscle groups of the buttocks, thighs and face are in a state of relaxation). Then you need to smoothly increase the pressure on the bottom, gradually straining the abdominal muscles with greater force to provide constant assistance in moving the child along the birth canal.
  • Step 3. Make a smooth exhalation.
  • Step 4. If there is a feeling of shortness of breath - you need to exhale smoothly, avoiding a sudden exhalation with a "jerk". A sharp exhalation with a "jerk" can lead to a sharp decrease in intra-abdominal pressure and a quick "retreat" of the child's head back, as a result - the appearance of severe TBI - traumatic brain injury. Immediately after a smooth exhalation, without rest and relaxation, you need to inhale and push.

All these actions must be repeated three times during a full attempt.

After pushing, you need to take a full breath and restore even calm breathing with a state of complete relaxation. This way, you can recuperate faster for the next push.

Attention! The midwife will ask you not to push when the head is removed - then it’s right to breathe “doggy”.

What to do during a push

During the attempt, you need to press your chin tightly to your chest, grab your knees with your hands, then spread them apart and pull them as much as possible to the armpit. The main force of attempts should be directed to the point of development of maximum pain sensations. The appearance of an increase in pain after an attempt is evidence in favor of the correctness of your actions and the correct movement along the birth canal of the baby.

Average duration of attempts

This period in primiparous lasts an average of two hours, and in multiparous - within one hour. Its average duration can be influenced by various factors. For example, using an analgesic technique such as epidural analgesia, primiparous women can lengthen the second stage of labor on average to three hours, and in multiparous women, up to two hours.

The presence of a large fetus, weak labor, a narrowed pelvis, hyperextension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall can also increase the duration of this stage of labor. In contrast, women with well-developed abdominal muscles have a shorter expulsion period during labor.

Gap prevention activities

It is necessary to start protecting the perineum from the moment the head erupts, that is, when the child's head does not "go away" in the opposite direction between attempts. With three fingers of her right hand, the midwife prevents the head from moving quickly during the push; as a result, the skin in the crotch area is gradually stretched and tears are thereby prevented. The fetal head normally passes through all the birth canal in its smallest diameter - that is, in a bent state (with the chin pressed against the breast). To prevent ruptures, the midwife grasps the baby's head with two fingers of the left hand and closely monitors its correct movement through all the birth canal.

The occipital region of the head is erupted first, after the crown is erupted, in the future the baby's head is completely unbent and a face is born. From the moment when the fetal head begins to unbend, until the full birth of the face, the woman in labor should not push. The integrity of the perineum depends not so much on the correct actions of doctors as on the behavior of the woman herself during childbirth.

With the help of breathing "doggy" through the mouth, it is possible to weaken the attempts to a great extent. In 95 - 96 percent of cases, the head is born with the face facing back; in the future, the child turns his face either to the right or to the left hip of the mother. With the external rotation of the head, the internal rotation of the shoulders is simultaneously carried out, after which the anterior shoulder is born, which is located at the pubic articulation, then the posterior shoulder, which is located at the sacrum. In the future, the birth of the child's legs and torso occurs without much difficulty.

In this article:

Before childbirth approaches, any woman is seized by various fears and worries. She thinks about how long the childbirth lasts and how painful this process is, worries about the baby's health. To dispel all doubts and worries, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming event and tune in only to the positive.

The length of labor usually depends on how long it takes. The more children you have, the faster, as a rule, the baby is born. There are also concepts such as rapid and protracted labor, for which you also need to be prepared in order to agree to stimulation or caesarean section if necessary.

Remember that childbirth is an absolutely natural process and during pregnancy your body has time to fully prepare for it. Therefore, you should not be afraid of anything, it is better to tune in to a quick meeting with the baby and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Any childbirth takes place in several stages, the duration of which is individual for each, but still there is a certain time frame for them. Let's find out how long they last.

Stages of labor

Stage number 1 - fights

At this stage, the cervix should fully open up to 10-12 cm. This period is also divided in time into several intervals. The first woman may not even feel, it is called latent (early, latent). Contractions at this time can be confused with training ones and they can be almost imperceptible. But if they grow and the intervals between them are gradually reduced, then even at 37-38 weeks this is already a reason to go to the hospital.

The length of this period depends on several factors:

  • a woman's ability to relax;
  • hormonal background of a pregnant woman;
  • readiness of the cervix.

The latency period usually lasts from 4 to 6 hours, but sometimes it can reach 12 hours. This period of time is best spent on the move. The woman can stand or walk slowly. But if she is very tired, then you can try to sleep as much as possible.

Contractions are usually not painful and occur over a significant period of time, which gradually decreases. To make the cervix open faster, it is necessary to regularly empty the bladder. And if suddenly at this stage you are not yet in the hospital, you should urgently go there.

During the active period of contractions, pain gradually increases, and the interval between them is less than 5 minutes. The fetus sinks, the baby is almost ready to be born. This stage usually lasts 4 to 8 hours and ends when the cervix is ​​10 cm dilated.

You need to know that when using epidural anesthesia, this period lasts longer, and stimulants, on the contrary, speed up the process. The main thing is that at the stage of active contractions, the woman tried to relax and not panic. The most painful is the disclosure from 8 to 10 cm, when the cervix is ​​not yet fully ready, and attempts have already begun. It is better to spend this time lying down, and in no case pushing. It can take from several minutes to several hours. Depending on how many children you have.

Stage number 2 - attempts

So, the uterus opened 10 cm and the most crucial moment begins - attempts. It will require a lot of strength and endurance from you. At this point, you should fully concentrate, listen to the doctors and follow all their instructions as much as possible. The intervals between contractions will be slightly longer, allowing for rest. During the first birth, the baby will be born gradually and it is very important to listen to the advice of the midwife so as not to harm him.

Don't panic! The sooner you calm down, the sooner the baby will be born. The attempts usually last from a few minutes to 1 hour, depending on the availability of stimulation and the order of delivery. Finally, you can get to know your baby.

Stage number 3 - the birth of the placenta

This period can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Some time after the birth of the child, attempts begin again, which require much less effort, as a result of which the afterbirth is born. After that, the child is applied to the breast for the first time and all painful sensations are instantly forgotten.

Duration of the first birth

The first birth is always a very exciting event. The woman is very worried, because she does not know exactly what she will go through. She asks herself a number of questions. How long is the first birth? How to behave correctly? How painful is it? There is really nothing to worry about.

Previously, it was believed that the first birth should last no more than 24 hours. True, now these terms have been slightly reduced. The normal time for the birth of the first child, doctors consider the period up to 18 hours. But on average, they happen within 11-12 hours.

The total time is calculated from the moment the contractions begin to the birth of the placenta. Contractions usually last about 10 hours and may initially go unnoticed by the mother-to-be. The second stage takes no more than an hour and at the end of it, a baby is born. Then comes the third, which lasts no more than 30 minutes and does not require special efforts from the woman in labor.

If the first birth occurs within 4-6 hours, then they are called rapid. If the period is even shorter, then it is impetuous. But if their duration is more than 18 hours, then childbirth is protracted. In this case, doctors usually resort to stimulation or decide whether to have a caesarean section.

How long does the second, third or subsequent labor last

It would seem that once having given birth to a child, a woman no longer needs to worry about how the second birth will take place. She knows how to behave, remembers all sensations and emotions. But she still worries about her baby. Don't worry. The body is completely ready and already familiar with the process of labor, you just have to relax as much as possible and tune in to a quick acquaintance with the baby.

The second, third and subsequent births, as a rule, pass much faster than the first. The second birth is 2-3 hours faster. The norm for them is considered to be from 7 to 8 hours. In this case, contractions usually last 6-7 hours, attempts last no more than 30 minutes, and the afterbirth is born 15 minutes after the birth of the baby.

Still others last even faster, like all subsequent ones. This is due to the fact that the cervix, which once experienced labor, opens faster. Normally, third births last 6-7 hours, and sometimes less. At the same time, contractions continue for 5-6 hours. The attempts may end within a few minutes, depending on the behavior of the woman in labor. The fact is that a child, as a rule, is not born gradually, but immediately. And the more a woman listens to doctors and pushes correctly, the faster a newborn will be born. The afterbirth is born in about 10 minutes.

If you are planning a second, third or subsequent birth, it is better to go to the hospital in advance. Because there is a risk that after the start of the contractions, you may simply not have time to get to him.

What is the danger of prolonged labor

First, if the contractions last long enough, the woman becomes very tired. She loses strength and panic. Because of what, the chances of giving birth on their own are becoming less every hour.

Secondly, if the waters have receded in the first hours of labor, and the attempts have not begun for a long time, there is a risk that the child will get an infection. In this situation, the doctor is forced to prescribe antibiotics to keep the baby healthy. Thirdly, if the child is entangled in the umbilical cord, he is experiencing oxygen starvation and if the woman does not succeed in giving birth naturally, the doctors decide on the speedy completion of labor and perform a cesarean section.

What is the danger of rapid or rapid childbirth

Such childbirth threatens to injure the child and the birth canal of the mother. Very strong contractions of the uterus, as it were, press the baby's head into the birth canal, which can lead to damage to the cervical spine in the fetus. In addition, the soft and movable bones of the baby's skull during the rapid delivery process can be displaced incorrectly, which will lead to the development of various abnormalities in the baby.

The mother, as a result of a very fast delivery, can get tears of the cervix and perineum of varying degrees, which doctors will sew up immediately after delivery. That in the first month after giving birth will bring quite a lot of inconvenience. In addition, serious ruptures can lead to significant blood loss, which can adversely affect the health of the mother.

When is stimulation used during childbirth?

If the mother runs out of strength or labor is not strong enough to avoid complications, doctors have to resort to stimulation of labor with drugs. This decision largely depends on the condition of the woman, the conditions of the hospital, as well as the qualifications of the doctor leading the birth.

With the introduction of stimulants, contractions become stronger and more painful, which leads to the need to use pain relievers during childbirth. But there are cases when it is impossible to do without stimulation. For example, if after the discharge of waters, labor is absent.

You shouldn't be afraid of any of these situations. These are the exceptions rather than the rule. In most cases, both the first and subsequent births in all proceed normally. But you need to know these nuances in order to be prepared for the fact that at a certain moment you may need medical intervention that will help keep you and your baby healthy. And no matter how long your childbirth will last, the main thing is that it goes without complications and you finally see the desired baby.

Useful video

Despite the fact that childbirth is a process that has long been regulated by both nature and doctors, a lot of it depends on the expectant mother herself. Especially - in the period of pressure, when the baby is already actively moving towards the exit. And here mommy must make sure that he goes through this difficult path as quickly as possible. And for this she must know how to push correctly during childbirth.


What are attempts and why are they needed

Attempts can be considered the most important stage of labor, since it is thanks to these strong muscle contractions that the mother helps her baby go through the birth canal faster and be born. Yes, here, unlike contractions, the woman in labor can already actively participate in the process, additionally straining different muscle groups during the push.

This period of labor begins when the cervix has opened and is ready to miss the baby. The reflexive attempts at this are superimposed on the contractions, which by this time become even more frequent, strong and painful. However, many women in labor note that when it came time to push during childbirth, consciousness seemed to switch to pushing and the pain was not felt so much.

The onset of this period can be felt by a woman herself, since the mechanism of pushing causes a sensation similar to when you really want to go to the toilet "in a big way." Thanks to this "idea" of nature, a woman in labor has an irresistible desire to empty her intestines. As a result, she pushes and thus helps the baby to move faster.

How long does the sweating period last

The duration of the pushing period is very variable and depends not only on how to push during childbirth. Several factors can have an impact here.:

. the state of the expectant mother(both physical and moral);

. physiological aspects(the ratio of the size of the pelvis of the mother and the head of the child, the presence of deviations or pathologies);

. presentation and size of the baby;

. what kind of pregnancy is this?;

. intensity and coordination of labor.

For example, most primiparous mothers have a longer period of effort than multiparous ones. And for the birth of a medium-sized baby, you will not have to push as much during childbirth as at the birth of a strong man. That's why the stage of attempts can last from 10 minutes to 1-2 hours.

The most important thing at this stage of labor activity is not to arbitrate, but to strictly follow the doctor's commands. Because he knows better (in the literal sense of the word) when it is necessary to help the effort, and when to relax. At the same time, you need to breathe so that the maximum strength, which is no longer so much, is spent on straining. But let's return all the same to how to push correctly during childbirth.

For this we made a selection of the most useful recommendations:

1.on the eve of attempts, try to follow these tips:

Breathe calmly and as deeply as possible - both on inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, try to inhale air deeply into the stomach;

In anticipation of the next attempt, hold the exhalation a little, leaning forward and pressing your chin to your chest. At the same time, grasp your knees tightly with your hands, spread them as far as you can, squeeze them to the armpits and expect the maximum height of the attempt;

2.When pushing, do the following:

Start pushing during childbirth gradually, focusing on your feelings, that is, during the peak of the urge;

On the next push, give maximum effort to help the baby move. In this case, you need to push down, using the diaphragm and everything below it, and not in the face and eyes. And you need to do this until you feel that you are sorely lacking oxygen and you need to breathe urgently;

Try not to reduce your efforts to push the baby forward with the arrival of each new attempt. The resulting pain and burning sensation in the perineal region should, if possible, be ignored. Moreover, if you push correctly during childbirth, these unpleasant sensations should intensify, signaling that the baby is already very close to the exit;

Control your breathing - it should be smooth, even and rhythmic. And no sudden exhalation and fragmentary inhalation - they can reduce all your efforts and the efforts of your child to zero;

There is one more essential point in how to push during childbirth - do not shout. Screaming is a significant expenditure of energy that could speed up the birth of a baby and reduce your anguish;

Remember such a simple standard for women in labor, which you must fulfill: at least 3 attempts in 1 fight - without rest and breaks.

3. In between contractions, try to relax and rest as much as possible. And again - listen to the nursing staff who are giving birth to you.

It is the doctor or midwife who is your coordinator for how and when to push during childbirth. Otherwise, when forcing the process, you may suffer (due to tissue ruptures or discrepancies in the pelvic bones), and when tightening - the baby (due to hypoxia). At the same time, of course, listen to yourself: childbirth is a mechanism inherent in a woman by nature. Therefore, the body itself will give you clues both at the level of sensations and at the level of subconsciousness. But most importantly - do not be afraid and tune in to the fact that soon everything will be over, and your baby will be put on your chest. You just need to try hard and be patient a little.

How to push correctly during childbirth, video