What does the saying in the shirt was born. The child was born in the fetal bladder. The baby was born in a "shirt": what does it mean and what are the dangers

Why do they say: "born in a shirt - fortunately"?

Yes, there is such a sign ... all this is superstition ... it is believed that being born in a shirt or shirt is fortunately ...

The unborn baby has an important organ for his life - the fetal sac, which consists of temporary organs and leaves the mother's body immediately after the birth of the child. In the people, temporary organs (placenta and fetal sac) are called "afterbirth". When they say about a person: “He was born in a shirt,” they thereby note his rare luck in life: if a child appeared in the afterbirth shell and remained alive, he was incredibly lucky from the very beginning. In this shirt - a fetal sac, you can die. But they are rarely born in a shirt.

It usually happens like this: the fetal sac breaks, amniotic fluid flows out, the baby is born, and after it is born, that is, it leaves the mother's body, the placenta (baby place) is the same placenta with all the membranes that surrounded the fetus.

Previously, it was customary to save the "shirt". It was dried on the stove and kept in a chest with clothes.
The expression "born in a shirt" reflects the mythological views on a newborn child. Even A. A. Potebnya wrote in his work “On the share and creatures related to it”: “According to the view of German mythology, souls before their birth are at the goddess Golda (Slem Yaga) behind a cloud. Each time a soul descends to earth to take on a human form, it is followed by one, two, three other souls as its guardian spirits. In Scandinavian mythology, where this belief is especially developed, such a spirit is called fylgia (weil er dem menschen folgt [according to Grimm's explanation. - V.V.], se adjungens), hamingia (felicitas). The appearance of these satellites on earth, simultaneously with the birth of man, is in some way also a birth. Their residence is in the beginning of a shirt, with which the head of a newborn (glückshaube) is sometimes entwined, with which Russian is obviously connected. believe that being born in a shirt is happiness.

This belief was widespread among the Slavic and other Indo-European peoples. Prof. N. F. Sumtsov, in his study “On Slavic Folk Views on a Newborn Child,” wrote: “It often happens that a child is born in the membrane, in the so-called shirt. For many peoples, this shirt serves as an undoubted sign that the newborn will be happy in life. From the ancient Romans, lawyers bought the shirt, recognizing its mysterious ability to give success in business. A similar view of the shirt as applied to the legal profession existed in Denmark and England. Even at the beginning of the last century, English newspapers published about children's shirts for sale. In France, children born with a membrane are considered happy: the French expression “être né coiffé” is known, meaning happy children. In Germany the belief in the lucky shirt is so strong that midwives often steal it for their children (Mühlhause, Die Uhrrelig. d. deutsch. Volkes, 1860, 11). Exactly the same belief in the happy meaning of a child's shirt is widespread throughout Russia. Fifty years ago [i.e. e. in the 30-40s of the XIX century. - V.V.] in the nobility, when starting some serious and difficult business, they borrowed a children's shirt from acquaintances if they did not have their own [Avdeeva, Notes on the Old and New Russian Life. SPb., 1842, p. 138.—V, V.]. In the Kharkov province, the hymen, gathered on the head of a newborn, is called a cap. The cap is considered an omen that the newborn will eventually become a bishop. Everywhere the shirt is carefully preserved, and sometimes it is sewn into the most wearable dress of a child who had the good fortune to be born in it.


  • http://1001.vdv.ru/books/1001/0709.htm- article Where did the expression "born in a shirt" come from?
  • http://wordhist.narod.ru/roditsja_v_soro...- article History of words.

"To be born in a shirt" is a very common expression...
"To be born in a shirt" means to be born a lucky, fortunate person. "Shirt" or "shirt" is an outdated name for fetal membranes that did not burst during childbirth.

"Water bag" protects the baby

Thanks to the fetal bladder, the child is protected from ascending infection, that is, various viruses and bacteria that can enter from the vagina. Among other things, during contractions, the fetal bladder serves as a kind of "water sac".
Is "born in a shirt" really lucky?

Most often, the amniotic sac ruptures spontaneously. However, it happens that this does not happen. Why does this happen?

There can be two reasons: the density and excessive elasticity of the bubble; a small amount of amniotic fluid.

With this turn of events, the following problems may arise:

1. The progress of the presenting part slows down.

2. The placenta exfoliates prematurely.

3. Fetal asphyxia sets in, that is, oxygen is not supplied. In such a situation, it is important to perform an amniotomy in time, that is, an opening of the fetal bladder, otherwise the child may be "born in a shirt", that is, in the fetal bladder, which will create an additional threat to his health and life. That's why, if the baby was lucky "to be born in a shirt" and survive, he is truly lucky!

They should appear like that, it’s just that for many it breaks, because it’s not strong enough

They gave birth in the field, and in the forest, and in the bathhouse,

My pierced, doctors

= now they pierce artificially, but earlier it was possible to give birth in the shell

My mother gave birth to me in a shirt))) She told me that this shell was torn off from me.

And my mother gave birth to me in a shirt)))

My mother-in-law gave birth to all three sons in a shirt, everyone is alive and well!!!

Babies should always appear "in the shirt", it's just that for many it is torn, because it is not strong enough. At birth in a shirt, the child does not receive practically any injuries and birth stresses (as well as the mother) - everything happens "like clockwork". The young mother, being in good health after childbirth, should free the child from the shirt, knowing this duty of hers, without panic and in pleasure. Well, if something tragic happens to the mother during childbirth, then what kind of happiness can a child have? - it's better to die right away - happily - and not realizing that there is grief in life ...

But, for example, animals - so many are born"in a shirt" - and nothing, their mothers literally for maternal reasons - in order for milk to appear - they eat these shirts - and do not even store them for years!

While pushing, the dog usually lies on its side, but there are bitches who prefer to push while standing or sitting. You should not prevent her from doing this, you just need to make sure that at birth the puppy does not hit the floor.

During the next attempt, a dark smooth bubble is shown from the “loop” of the bitch, which can immediately go back, and this will be repeated several times until it finally completely comes out.

Do not rush the birth of a puppy, a healthy bitch is quite capable of handling it herself. She first gently breaks the amniotic sac, freeing the puppy, then gnaws through the umbilical cord, and eats the placenta. She should not be prevented from doing this, since the substances contained in the afterbirth have a beneficial effect on labor and lactation. However, with a large number of puppies, part of the placenta still needs to be removed so that eating them does not cause digestive upset in the bitch. If the umbilical cord is long and the afterbirth did not come out after the puppy, then after biting the umbilical cord, it remains in the birth canal and must necessarily come out before the birth of the next puppy. You need to carefully observe - how many afterbirths came out, there should be as many of them as puppies.

The puppy can walk head or foot - it does not really matter if the amniotic sac and umbilical cord are intact. If the puppy comes without an amniotic sac (it can burst into the bitch's vagina before the puppy is born), you need to help him be born as soon as possible, otherwise he will suffocate. To do this - but only at the moment when the bitch is pushing - you need to grab the protruding part of the puppy with your hand and gently, by the skin, pull it in the direction - out and down if it goes back up, or - out and up if it goes back down, which is much less common in normal births. In any case, you need to pull the puppy very carefully, slowly and along the arc of the spine, so as not to damage it.

If the bitch does not try to handle the born puppy or does it clumsily, she needs help. Carefully tear open the membrane of the amniotic sac, cut the umbilical cord 2-3 cm from the puppy's abdomen, wipe it with a diaper, remove the mucus from the mouth with clean gauze and bring it to the bitch's muzzle so that she licks it. If the puppy does not make squeaking sounds and it has difficulty breathing, securely fixing the head, shake it with a sharp downward movement. After the puppy has squealed, it is put to the nipples of the bitch, making sure that he starts to suck.

During the next attempts, already born puppies are transferred to a pre-prepared insulated box, which is placed right there, near the muzzle of the bitch.

Puppies are born at intervals of several minutes to several hours, although very prolonged intervals are undesirable. The greater the number of puppies, the shorter the intervals between their births, as a rule.

Why do they say: "born in a shirt - fortunately"?

Yes, there is such a sign ... all this is superstition ... it is believed that being born in a shirt or shirt is fortunately ...

The unborn baby has an important organ for his life - the fetal sac, which consists of temporary organs and leaves the mother's body immediately after the birth of the child. In the people, temporary organs (placenta and fetal sac) are called "afterbirth". When they say about a person: “He was born in a shirt,” they thereby note his rare luck in life: if a child appeared in the afterbirth shell and remained alive, he was incredibly lucky from the very beginning. In this shirt - a fetal sac, you can die. But they are rarely born in a shirt.

It usually happens like this: the fetal sac breaks, amniotic fluid flows out, the baby is born, and after it is born, that is, it leaves the mother's body, the placenta (baby place) is the same placenta with all the membranes that surrounded the fetus.

Previously, it was customary to save the "shirt". It was dried on the stove and kept in a chest with clothes.
The expression "born in a shirt" reflects the mythological views on a newborn child. Even A. A. Potebnya wrote in his work “On the share and creatures related to it”: “According to the view of German mythology, souls before their birth are at the goddess Golda (Slem Yaga) behind a cloud. Each time a soul descends to earth to take on a human form, it is followed by one, two, three other souls as its guardian spirits. In Scandinavian mythology, where this belief is especially developed, such a spirit is called fylgia (weil er dem menschen folgt [according to Grimm's explanation. - V.V.], se adjungens), hamingia (felicitas). The appearance of these satellites on earth, simultaneously with the birth of man, is in some way also a birth. Their residence is in the beginning of a shirt, with which the head of a newborn (glückshaube) is sometimes entwined, with which Russian is obviously connected. believe that being born in a shirt is happiness.

This belief was widespread among the Slavic and other Indo-European peoples. Prof. N. F. Sumtsov, in his study “On Slavic Folk Views on a Newborn Child,” wrote: “It often happens that a child is born in the membrane, in the so-called shirt. For many peoples, this shirt serves as an undoubted sign that the newborn will be happy in life. From the ancient Romans, lawyers bought the shirt, recognizing its mysterious ability to give success in business. A similar view of the shirt as applied to the legal profession existed in Denmark and England. Even at the beginning of the last century, English newspapers published about children's shirts for sale. In France, children born with a membrane are considered happy: the French expression “être né coiffé” is known, meaning happy children. In Germany the belief in the lucky shirt is so strong that midwives often steal it for their children (Mühlhause, Die Uhrrelig. d. deutsch. Volkes, 1860, 11). Exactly the same belief in the happy meaning of a child's shirt is widespread throughout Russia. Fifty years ago [i.e. e. in the 30-40s of the XIX century. - V.V.] in the nobility, when starting some serious and difficult business, they borrowed a children's shirt from acquaintances if they did not have their own [Avdeeva, Notes on the Old and New Russian Life. SPb., 1842, p. 138.—V, V.]. In the Kharkov province, the hymen, gathered on the head of a newborn, is called a cap. The cap is considered an omen that the newborn will eventually become a bishop. Everywhere the shirt is carefully preserved, and sometimes it is sewn into the most wearable dress of a child who had the good fortune to be born in it.


  • http://1001.vdv.ru/books/1001/0709.htm- article Where did the expression "born in a shirt" come from?
  • http://wordhist.narod.ru/roditsja_v_soro...- article History of words.

"To be born in a shirt" is a very common expression...
"To be born in a shirt" means to be born a lucky, fortunate person. "Shirt" or "shirt" is an outdated name for fetal membranes that did not burst during childbirth.

"Water bag" protects the baby

Thanks to the fetal bladder, the child is protected from ascending infection, that is, various viruses and bacteria that can enter from the vagina. Among other things, during contractions, the fetal bladder serves as a kind of "water sac".
Is "born in a shirt" really lucky?

Most often, the amniotic sac ruptures spontaneously. However, it happens that this does not happen. Why does this happen?

There can be two reasons: the density and excessive elasticity of the bubble; a small amount of amniotic fluid.

With this turn of events, the following problems may arise:

1. The progress of the presenting part slows down.

2. The placenta exfoliates prematurely.

3. Fetal asphyxia sets in, that is, oxygen is not supplied. In such a situation, it is important to perform an amniotomy in time, that is, an opening of the fetal bladder, otherwise the child may be "born in a shirt", that is, in the fetal bladder, which will create an additional threat to his health and life. That's why, if the baby was lucky "to be born in a shirt" and survive, he is truly lucky!

They should appear like that, it’s just that for many it breaks, because it’s not strong enough

They gave birth in the field, and in the forest, and in the bathhouse,

My pierced, doctors

= now they pierce artificially, but earlier it was possible to give birth in the shell

My mother gave birth to me in a shirt))) She told me that this shell was torn off from me.

And my mother gave birth to me in a shirt)))

My mother-in-law gave birth to all three sons in a shirt, everyone is alive and well!!!

Babies should always appear "in the shirt", it's just that for many it is torn, because it is not strong enough. At birth in a shirt, the child does not receive practically any injuries and birth stresses (as well as the mother) - everything happens "like clockwork". The young mother, being in good health after childbirth, should free the child from the shirt, knowing this duty of hers, without panic and in pleasure. Well, if something tragic happens to the mother during childbirth, then what kind of happiness can a child have? - it's better to die right away - happily - and not realizing that there is grief in life ...

But, for example, animals - so many are born"in a shirt" - and nothing, their mothers literally for maternal reasons - in order for milk to appear - they eat these shirts - and do not even store them for years!

While pushing, the dog usually lies on its side, but there are bitches who prefer to push while standing or sitting. You should not prevent her from doing this, you just need to make sure that at birth the puppy does not hit the floor.

During the next attempt, a dark smooth bubble is shown from the “loop” of the bitch, which can immediately go back, and this will be repeated several times until it finally completely comes out.

Do not rush the birth of a puppy, a healthy bitch is quite capable of handling it herself. She first gently breaks the amniotic sac, freeing the puppy, then gnaws through the umbilical cord, and eats the placenta. She should not be prevented from doing this, since the substances contained in the afterbirth have a beneficial effect on labor and lactation. However, with a large number of puppies, part of the placenta still needs to be removed so that eating them does not cause digestive upset in the bitch. If the umbilical cord is long and the afterbirth did not come out after the puppy, then after biting the umbilical cord, it remains in the birth canal and must necessarily come out before the birth of the next puppy. You need to carefully observe - how many afterbirths came out, there should be as many of them as puppies.

The puppy can walk head or foot - it does not really matter if the amniotic sac and umbilical cord are intact. If the puppy comes without an amniotic sac (it can burst into the bitch's vagina before the puppy is born), you need to help him be born as soon as possible, otherwise he will suffocate. To do this - but only at the moment when the bitch is pushing - you need to grab the protruding part of the puppy with your hand and gently, by the skin, pull it in the direction - out and down if it goes back up, or - out and up if it goes back down, which is much less common in normal births. In any case, you need to pull the puppy very carefully, slowly and along the arc of the spine, so as not to damage it.

If the bitch does not try to handle the born puppy or does it clumsily, she needs help. Carefully tear open the membrane of the amniotic sac, cut the umbilical cord 2-3 cm from the puppy's abdomen, wipe it with a diaper, remove the mucus from the mouth with clean gauze and bring it to the bitch's muzzle so that she licks it. If the puppy does not make squeaking sounds and it has difficulty breathing, securely fixing the head, shake it with a sharp downward movement. After the puppy has squealed, it is put to the nipples of the bitch, making sure that he starts to suck.

During the next attempts, already born puppies are transferred to a pre-prepared insulated box, which is placed right there, near the muzzle of the bitch.

Puppies are born at intervals of several minutes to several hours, although very prolonged intervals are undesirable. The greater the number of puppies, the shorter the intervals between their births, as a rule.

Born in a shirt be born in a shirt Razg. Only owls. More often past. temp. To be lucky, happy in everything (about a person who is lucky, happy, who is lucky). From noun. with meaning faces: brother, young man, friend ... was born in a shirt.

I was born in a shirt, I'm lucky in everything. (V. Veresaev.)

... Wasn't he born in a shirt! He did not transfer money ... (I. Bunin.)

... They treated the wound, the doctor examined it carefully ... said that a soldier in a shirt was born ... The shoulder joint was not broken, but only hit by a fragment. (V. Astafiev.)

Leva is like a father, only Leva is lucky, he was born in a shirt. (I. Ehrenburg.)

Patient and intelligent from his boyhood, Mozhaisky did not know what fatigue meant. Although ... it seemed to his colleagues that he was simply born in a shirt. (S. Vasiliev.)

(?) Shirt- here: "amniotic sac covering the body or head of a newborn baby." According to superstitious ideas, one who was born in such a shell (which is rare) will be happy and lucky in life. This shell is called differently by different peoples (cf .: cap- Polish, Czech, etc., film- Hung., father's coat- Mong. etc.). Expression be born in a shirt- originally Russian. Shirt- "Russian men's shirt with a slanting collar", it was worn out, girded and was considered a sign of material well-being.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what is "born in a shirt" in other dictionaries:

    BORN IN A SHIRT- The expression was born in a shirt in everyday colloquial speech became stronger as a term that denoted the presence of a membrane in a newborn that envelops his body or parts of the body (cf. Pomyalovsky in the story “Vukol”: “Vukol was born in a shirt, with a long ... ... History of words

    Born in a shirt- Razg. Express. The same as being born in a shirt. He almost shouted to the whole house that Vera Pavlovna was ungrateful, that she was born in a shirt, that she was honored with the happiness of becoming Salnikov's wife (Pismsky. Rich groom). From the popular belief among the Slavic ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Born in a shirt- See Born in a shirt (SHIRT) ...

    To be born in a shirt in a shirt Razg. Only owls. More often past. temp. To be lucky, happy in everything (about a person who is lucky, happy, who is lucky). From noun. with meaning faces: brother, young man, friend ... was born in a shirt. I'm in a shirt... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    be born- be born, be born; (sv. and sv.) was born and (sv.) was born; (sv. and nsv.) was born and (sv.) was born; (sv. and nsv.) was born and (sv.) was born; St. and nsv. 1. Get to receive life as a result of childbirth, appear to be born. Who was born to you? ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    be born- give birth / be born / be born / be born; (sv. and nsv.), was born / was born and, (sv.), was born /; (sv. and nsv.), was born / was born and, (sv.), was born / was born; (sv. and nsv.), give birth / elk and, (sv.), gave birth / s; St. and nsv. see also be born, birth... Dictionary of many expressions

    To be born in a shirt (in a shirt)- Razg. Be lucky, lucky. DP, 73; FSRYA, 393, 447; ZS 1996, 158; FM 2002, 467; Versh. 6, 114; BMS 1998, 496; Mokienko 1986, 31, 57 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    to be born in a shirt- (inosk.) About a lucky man Without a shirt, unlucky cf. He was born into the world in a shirt under a happy zodiac. He was lucky... Polonsky. Ignoramus. 17. Wed. I won’t understand, I won’t think of it... Oh, on an unfortunate day, In an untalented hour, Without ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    To be born in a shirt- In a shirt to be born (inosk.) about the lucky one. Unhappy without a shirt. Wed Into the wide world he was born by his mother in a shirt under a happy zodiac. He was lucky... Polonsky. Ignorant. 17. Wed. I won’t understand, I won’t come up with ... Oh, in ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    born in a shirt- Born (born) in a shirt 1) To be born covered with an amniotic sac (about a baby or a cub of an animal) 2) who About a lucky, happy person ... Dictionary of many expressions

It has already become a catch phrase and the main synonym for good luck. If a person avoids impending danger, then they say about him: “I was born in a shirt.” On the other hand, a logical question arises: how does he manage to constantly get into trouble?

The expression "to be born in a shirt" can sound both in direct (when a child was born in an unruptured fetal bladder, in the old fashioned way called a shirt), and figuratively (when a person is very lucky) senses.

Hello baby in a shirt!

All women in labor are so tired and exhausted by the process of giving birth to a new person that they usually do not notice the nuances of the birth of their baby. And the fact that the child was born in a shirt, they understand only from the words of the obstetrician, who considers it his duty to inform the mother of this important detail.

Why are children born in the "capsule" of the amniotic sac considered unusually lucky? According to obstetrician-gynecologists, happiness lies in the fact that the baby remained alive during the passage of the birth canal. Being in the fetal bladder, which performs a protective function only in the womb, and at birth turns into a rather dangerous object that blocks the baby's access to oxygen, the child can suffocate during childbirth.

If, being born in a shirt, the baby remains alive and well, then he was extremely lucky from the first seconds of life.

Both shirt and cap

During childbirth, various options for the release of the placenta (it is also the fetal membrane) occur: it happens that the child appears in it, as in a certain sphere, and it happens that the shirt is torn during labor and sticks to the baby's body. It happens differently: the film remains on the head of the newborn. In this case, they say that he was born not only in a shirt, but also in a cap.

In ancient times, such a “decoration” of a baby served as a sign that determined his subsequent life path. It was said that a child who was born in a cap would definitely become a bishop.

Why didn't the shell break?

If earlier such an event as the release of the fetal bladder along with the baby was given a mystical meaning and the birth of this child was shrouded in an aura of mystery and unusualness, now even a woman in labor from the most distant village can receive an exhaustive explanation of this phenomenon from physicians: the film remains intact due to its density or excessive elasticity, also a small amount of amniotic fluid can serve as a cause of integrity.

The consequences of this "miracle" can be very serious:

  1. The presence of the fetal membrane significantly slows down the progress of the fetus through the birth canal.
  2. The process of exfoliation of placental tissues may begin.
  3. Fetal asphyxia (oxygen deficiency) may occur.

So if a child was born in a shirt, then he is just a good fellow that he survived. Of course, well done and the birth team, which noticed deviations in time and allowed the baby to be born.

And yet the share of mysticism remains

No matter how doctors around the world explain to a wide audience the groundlessness of attributing miraculous properties to the fetal film, they are unlikely to be listened to by those who believe in the power of the amnion (inner shell) and placenta (middle shell).

In ancient times, when midwives were called to give birth, they did not disdain to steal the fetal membrane from those who were born in a shirt, and from those who were born separately from their bladder. From the point of view of any grandmother, in the first, in the second case, the film retains its ability to attract good luck and luck, so they took it as a reward for a successful birth.

The ancient Roman lawyers behaved no better than midwives. These did not hesitate to buy a baby afterbirth from women in labor and from the same attendants, believing that this talisman would bring them unusual success during a court hearing.

In European newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries, there were entire columns of advertisements devoted to the sale and purchase of elements of the fetal bladder.

In Russia, they acted more simply - in a neighborly way they took a loan for a while, if success in a new business was urgently needed.

In any case, it was believed that if a person was born in a shirt, then fate personally gives him a sign of happiness and luck. If such a sign did not follow, well ... the situation can always be corrected with the help of a purchased talisman.

Scientific conclusions about the "miraculous" bubble

People with higher medical education have never wondered what it means to be “born in a shirt”, and the rest are not advised to rack their brains over this “mystery”. All successes-failures are exclusively in the head of a person, and no fetal films can affect the level of his success.

If you lay down the program: “You will definitely be happy, because you were born in a shirt,” it will definitely work. If you lay another: "You're lucky, because no shirt has anything to do with it," it will also work, and no less successfully.

But still, according to the scientific and medical point of view, there is a use for the fetal film. It can become the basis for moisturizing and anti-aging cosmetics (this property of the placenta is already widely used by leading cosmetics companies).

Knowing the molecular structure of the bubble, American scientists are trying to get the same artificially. For what? To save premature babies. By placing a prematurely born baby in a familiar and comfortable environment for him, doctors are going to increase the viability of premature babies.

Everyone knows such an expression as "born in a shirt." So they say about people who are very lucky. In fact, under shirt" or "shirt" means the fetal membranes that did not burst at the time of the birth of the child. The expression is very reasonable, because when the baby was born and survived in this situation, it was not even just luck, but great happiness. To date, in such cases, an obstetric procedure is carried out, which is called "amniotomy". It is this manipulation that makes it possible to avoid a large number of complications in the state of health, both for the woman herself and for her baby.

The protective function of the "water bag".

fetal bladder is responsible for protecting the fetus from infections - bacteria and viruses that enter the baby from the vagina of the expectant mother. In addition, during contractions, the fetal bladder turns into a kind of "water sac". The uterus begins to shrink at a rapid pace, as a result of which the pressure inside it increases and amniotic fluid, the volume of which is about 200 ml, moves down. The lower part of the bladder enters the internal os and helps the cervix to open up.

"Born in a shirt" - how is it?

In most cases, the fetal bladder ruptures without anyone's help. This happens if the neck uterus opened completely or almost completely. At the same time, amniotic fluid is poured out. But it also happens that even with the full opening of the neck, the bubble remains intact.

This may be due to two reasons:

  • the bubble is too tight or elastic;
  • too little amniotic fluid.


1. Slow advance of the presenting part.

2. Early detachment placenta.

3. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the child. If in this situation the bladder is not opened, the child may be born with a membrane, placenta and water. State child can be extremely difficult.

That's why they say that people born in the "shirt" are very lucky.

Many mothers ask themselves the question: “Why pierce the bubble if it bursts on its own? Why assist in the discharge of amniotic fluid? We think that, based on all the above information, it becomes clear that amniotomy is the only way to save the baby's life.

Amniotomy is an artificial gap bladder performed by a doctor.

This procedure is necessary in order to "start" labor and avoid complications during childbirth.

When is an amniotomy performed?

1. Prolongation of pregnancy.

If childbirth does not occur after 41 weeks of gestation, then the doctor stimulates birth process through amniotomy.

In this case, the placenta begins to "age", as a result of which it is no longer able to perform its functions. The fetus is deficient in nutrients and oxygen.

2. Preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a failure of the function of many organs and systems.

Main symptoms are the occurrence of protein in the urine, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Their manifestation suggests that the condition of the woman and her baby is at risk.

If the fetus is full-term and signs of preeclampsia are pronounced, then the doctor recommends an amniotomy.

3. Rhesus conflict.

When carrying a baby, the negative Rh of the woman conflicts with the positive Rh of the baby. IN blood mothers form antibodies that fight the erythrocytes of the fetus, perceiving them as a foreign body. In some cases, the only way to save the baby is through childbirth. To stimulate labor and use the rupture of the fetal bladder.

4. With intermittent and ineffective contractions that last for several days.

In this situation, amniotomy is one way to induce normal childbirth.