A delicate problem. How to get back to normal life? How to get over depression and get back to normal

How to get back to normal after a stroke?

A stroke is always an unexpected blow that divides life into "before" and "after". People who have suffered a stroke lose the opportunity to work and live as they did for many months and even years. But this does not mean that their position is hopeless.

There are many known cases when those who survived a stroke fully recovered and returned to their normal life. Of course, you will have to work hard to recover from a stroke. But today there are many effective methods of rehabilitation. Timely rehabilitation therapy, support from loved ones and self-confidence can restore health and minimize the damage caused by a stroke.

Stroke and its consequences

A stroke is a violation of blood circulation in one of the vessels that feed the brain. An area of \u200b\u200bbrain tissue deprived of oxygen is damaged and, in the most severe cases, dies. An ischemic stroke, during which an artery is blocked, is not as dangerous as a hemorrhagic stroke, in which a vessel breaks and a cerebral hemorrhage occurs. Ischemic strokes account for 70-85% of cases, and this is, so to speak, good news. Rehabilitation after ischemic stroke is easier and faster.

The consequences of a stroke can be very different - it all depends on in which part of the brain the accident occurred. Most often, after a stroke, weakness develops in an arm or leg, up to paralysis. Loss of strength in the limbs can be accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity, dizziness, impaired speech, memory, orientation in space and vision. In severe cases, a patient who has suffered a stroke becomes as helpless as a newborn child. He will have to re-learn to walk, talk, move, do the simplest work. And the sooner this training begins, the better the results will be and the faster a person can return to his usual way of life.

Stroke recovery: when to start?

Rehabilitation after a stroke should begin in the very first days after a stroke, while still in a hospital. The first priority is to make the brain cells work and take over the functions of the affected cells. The simplest and most effective way to "stimulate" the work of nerve cells is therapeutic massage. At first, this is a gentle rubbing and kneading, then you can move on to more intense massage and electrical stimulation techniques.

Many people lose their ability to move after a stroke. But strict bed rest is contraindicated for those who have suffered a stroke! The most common complications of stroke - bedsores and pneumonia - are caused by immobility. Therapeutic exercises are of great importance for recovery from a stroke. There is no need to invent anything - exercises for those who have suffered a stroke have been developed for a long time and give excellent results. It all starts with passive gymnastics, then, as the condition improves, the patient moves to the active level of training. The load should build up gradually. These activities will help you first learn to feel your body again, and then - and control it.

If the ability to speak has suffered as a result of a stroke, then the patient will need classes with a speech therapist and neuropsychologist. They also need to be started as early as possible, while still in the hospital.

The task of the first stage of rehabilitation is to restore the victim's ability to move independently and to take care of himself.

Rehabilitation therapy in the first weeks after a stroke is also important because it gives the patient the right attitude.

It was noticed that those who did not perform the necessary exercises immediately after the impact, later got used to depend on loved ones, and, considering their illness incurable, did not show the desire to work on themselves, thereby greatly inhibiting the recovery process.

Rehabilitation after discharge

After 3-4 weeks, most stroke patients return home from the hospital. Moreover, with proper restorative therapy, about 80% of patients may well leave the ward on their own, even if relying on a cane. The worst is over, but from this moment on the person will have a long period of rehabilitation, at the end of which he can fully regain his health and well-being.

To achieve the greatest effect, rehabilitation is best done in special centers.

The point is that recovery from a stroke must be comprehensive. At home, a person will be looked after by relatives who are loving, but poorly oriented in medicine. The help that they can provide to the patient is not enough. But for a speedy recovery, you need to follow a lot of rules. A patient after a stroke must perform special exercises every day, engage with a speech therapist, and adhere to a special diet. A person who, before the trouble happened to him, was active, lived a full life and made all the decisions himself, experiences helplessness very hard. Because of this, many fall into depression and apathy. The future seems hopeless to them. In this case, the help of a professional psychologist is needed.

Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are needed, which cannot be carried out in a domestic environment. In addition, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, since there is always a risk of a second stroke. It is very difficult to provide all these conditions at home. But specialized rehabilitation centers have the necessary equipment and highly qualified specialists. Staying in such a center is healthier and safer than trying to recover at home.

A stroke is always an unexpected blow that divides life into "before" and "after". People who have suffered a stroke lose the opportunity to work and live as they did for many months and even years. But this does not mean that their position is hopeless.

There are many known cases when those who survived a stroke fully recovered and returned to their normal life. Of course, you will have to work hard to recover from a stroke. But today there are many effective methods of rehabilitation. Timely rehabilitation therapy, support from loved ones and self-confidence can restore health and minimize the damage caused by a stroke.

Stroke and its consequences

A stroke is a violation of blood circulation in one of the vessels that feed the brain. An area of \u200b\u200bbrain tissue deprived of oxygen is damaged and, in the most severe cases, dies. An ischemic stroke, during which an artery is blocked, is not as dangerous as a hemorrhagic stroke, in which a vessel breaks and a cerebral hemorrhage occurs. Ischemic strokes account for 70-85% of cases, and this is, so to speak, good news. Rehabilitation after ischemic stroke is easier and faster.

The consequences of a stroke can be very different - it all depends on in which part of the brain the accident occurred. Most often, after a stroke, weakness develops in an arm or leg, up to paralysis. Loss of strength in the limbs can be accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity, dizziness, impaired speech, memory, orientation in space and vision. In severe cases, a patient who has suffered a stroke becomes as helpless as a newborn child. He will have to re-learn to walk, talk, move, do the simplest work. And the sooner this training begins, the better the results will be and the faster a person can return to his usual way of life.

Stroke recovery: when to start?

Rehabilitation after a stroke should begin in the very first days after a stroke, while still in a hospital. The first priority is to make the brain cells work and take over the functions of the affected cells. The simplest and most effective way to "stimulate" the work of nerve cells is therapeutic massage. At first, this is a gentle rubbing and kneading, then you can move on to more intense massage and electrical stimulation techniques.

Many people lose their ability to move after a stroke. But strict bed rest is contraindicated for those who have suffered a stroke! The most common complications of stroke - bedsores and pneumonia - are caused by immobility. Therapeutic exercises are of great importance for recovery from a stroke. There is no need to invent anything - exercises for those who have suffered a stroke have been developed for a long time and give excellent results. It all starts with passive gymnastics, then, as the condition improves, the patient moves to the active level of training. The load should build up gradually. These activities will help you first learn to feel your body again, and then - and control it.

If the ability to speak has suffered as a result of a stroke, then the patient will need classes with a speech therapist and neuropsychologist. They also need to be started as early as possible, while still in the hospital.

The task of the first stage of rehabilitation is to restore the victim's ability to move independently and to take care of himself.

Rehabilitation therapy in the first weeks after a stroke is also important because it gives the patient the right attitude.

It was noticed that those who did not perform the necessary exercises immediately after the impact, later got used to depend on loved ones, and, considering their illness incurable, did not show the desire to work on themselves, thereby greatly inhibiting the recovery process.

Rehabilitation after discharge

After 3-4 weeks, most stroke patients return home from the hospital. Moreover, with proper restorative therapy, about 80% of patients may well leave the ward on their own, even if relying on a cane. The worst is over, but from this moment on the person will have a long period of rehabilitation, at the end of which he can fully regain his health and well-being.

To achieve the greatest effect, rehabilitation is best done in special centers.

The point is that recovery from a stroke must be comprehensive. At home, a person will be looked after by relatives who are loving, but poorly oriented in medicine. The help that they can provide to the patient is not enough. But for a speedy recovery, you need to follow a lot of rules. A patient after a stroke must perform special exercises every day, engage with a speech therapist, and adhere to a special diet. A person who, before the trouble happened to him, was active, lived a full life and made all the decisions himself, experiences helplessness very hard. Because of this, many fall into depression and apathy. The future seems hopeless to them. In this case, the help of a professional psychologist is needed.

Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are needed, which cannot be carried out in a domestic environment. In addition, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, since there is always a risk of a second stroke. It is very difficult to provide all these conditions at home. But specialized rehabilitation centers have the necessary equipment and highly qualified specialists. Staying in such a center is healthier and safer than trying to recover at home.

Recovering from childbirth is an important process that doesn't feel like a vacation. The near-fantastical images of celebrity moms popping up on carpets a couple of weeks after giving birth and looking utterly irresistible are not something to look forward to when going through postnatal stress. Of course, the desire to return to your usual life and become a first-class housewife and wife again is commendable, but do not forget that each body experiences recovery in its own way, so we decided to put together a detailed guide for you to return to your daily balance.

Physical health

During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body goes through serious changes associated with intense physical and psychological stress, a lot of stress, hormonal changes and the body's vulnerability to various kinds of diseases. That is why the first thing you need to pay attention to is how quickly your body recovers.

1. Sleep

The first and most important thing in the recovery process is sleep. With the advent of a child, worries become much more, and there is less time for sleep. In the first weeks, you should not think about returning to work and maintaining a household, as you just need strength not to drive the body into even more stress. Doctors recommend sleeping at the same time as the baby to recuperate faster and stay awake longer in the future.

2. Caring for the perineal area

Despite the fact that in modern medicine there are enough ways to reduce pain and problems during childbirth, this process is still painful and requires additional care for the perineal area, especially when it comes to episiotomy. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will not be able to go anywhere for a long time, as your genitals will need more attention. Recurrent pain can get in the way of returning to sex life, and even more so to training. All you need is peace, quick access to water and, of course, medical advice.

3. Symptoms

Increased attention is necessary not only for the genitals, but also for everything related to your body - sudden bleeding, pain in the chest or perineum, as well as dizziness and other problems can cause an infection. If you want the recovery process to go as quickly and safely as possible, do not neglect consulting a specialist, even in cases when it seems to you that nothing terrible has happened.

4. Body

You can get your body back in shape pretty soon thanks to proper nutrition and exercise. But do not forget that not every body is ready for intense exercise in the first weeks after childbirth, so it would be completely irrational to expose the body to additional stress in pursuit of the dream of a "perfect figure".

But practicing fitness at a certain time can be very beneficial, since the muscles need to restore their former tone and strengthen the weakened parts. Doctors do not recommend exercising during the first month, and for some mothers, physical activity may be contraindicated for the next nine months. To make the body better tolerate stress, and after it it would be easier to get in shape, many women practice

Psychological health

Postpartum depression is far from a myth. Many mothers experience symptoms of this kind of mental recovery after childbirth, among the problems of which are not only mood swings, but also more serious psychological trauma. That is why in the process of your recovery after the birth of a child, it is imperative to include the necessary measures that will help you more easily cope with the psychological stress.

1. Psychologist

Turning to a specialist is always a rational decision, especially if you feel that you cannot independently experience the processes taking place in you. The support of loved ones is important, but sometimes it is the doctor who must help the mother who recently gave birth to a child, if necessary, prescribe a course of treatment.

2. Walking

But many women in our country are in no hurry to turn to specialists, since the qualified help of a psychologist is not as popular among Russian women as among women abroad. To maintain your psychological and emotional state in the first weeks after the birth of a child, you must not forget about your lifestyle. The first thing that can bring tangible benefits is walking, with or without a child, if there is someone who can help you. Get out of the house every day, at least for a short time. This will save yourself the risk of falling into a "confined space" and relieve the stress accumulated during the day. In addition, fresh air has a good effect on immunity, and a change of environment will allow you to take a different look at what surrounds you at home.

3. New acquaintances

The first weeks after the birth of a child, of course, will limit you in everything that concerns your usual interests, but nevertheless, do not forget about the fact that you need communication. Many women begin to socialize with other mothers and attend themed events with their children. This type of activity will significantly expand your social circle and allow you to acquire support, both emotional and material. Maybe it will be completely different from what you have been doing before, but in any case it will be useful.

4. Travel

Travel is another good way to cope with psychological stress. Firstly, this suggests that you do not stop your life, and even vice versa - now it has become even more fulfilling, and secondly, this way you allow yourself to continue your development and the development of your child. should no longer be a new source of stress, as with proper preparation, such an event can be turned into an amazing adventure that will positively affect your health.

5. Sex

Requires preparation and awareness of what is happening with your body. Despite this, there is no reason to completely abandon the usual way of life. Many women say that the consequences of childbirth can affect the comfort of intercourse: discharge, pain; but not at all on their desire and ability to be aroused or reach orgasm. In addition to being feasible, post-pregnancy sex is also a powerful emotional and physiological stimulator of your recovery - if you feel like you really want to. Even if your libido is undergoing constant changes due to hormonal surges, you can always return sex to your life, you just need to correctly approach the issue of its organization.

Restoring balance

Over time, psychological and physiological problems will fade away, you will get used to your new routine and learn to quickly cope with the difficulties that arise on your way. It is at this moment, when your health has strengthened, you can think about how to move on and begin to restore other areas of your life.

1. Joint concerns

To save time on cleaning or other household chores, do not wait for the child to fall asleep, do the work with him. It is very useful for young children to observe everything that happens around them - they also find it interesting, but for you it is an opportunity to do something small, but important around the house.

2. Perfectionism

If you want to learn how to balance between a child and order in your home, then you will have to lower the bar on how everything should look a little. To relieve yourself of unnecessary stress, you need to get used to the fact that you are now a mother, which means that you should not be afraid to be imperfect. Sometimes you won't be able to keep up with preparing a fancy dinner or keeping your living room crystal clear. All of this shouldn't matter.

Do not forget to thank yourself for what you managed to accomplish in a day and rejoice even in small victories. Plus, don't forget to ask for support. Maybe your husband can cook while you are busy with others. Do not neglect the help that your loved ones can provide, because you can learn something new from them, or you can simply use the free time to do something pleasant for yourself.

3. Work

Perhaps the most difficult part is precisely work and a comfortable return to it. If you plan to return to work as early as possible, then you need to consider how not home for some time will affect your new routine. If it is not possible to hire a nanny, then you will have to plan which of the relatives can replace you.

At first, it's best to consider working remotely. Of course, even this kind of work is still work, and you can hardly be productive if you are constantly distracted, but nevertheless, it will free you from stress and unnecessary worries about what is happening at home while you are away. In any case, no matter what place your career takes in your life, you need to be able to prioritize.

Ask a psychologist

Hello, my name is Natalya, I have three children, in the last two years I have been raising them alone, my husband and I have separated, he lives very far from us, does not communicate with children and does not help me financially ........ as a designer at a furniture factory, the salary leaves much to be desired, money is sorely lacking, and I also have to rent housing, while I study at the correspondence department of the Pedagogical University. One is very difficult, I want a relationship with a man, but who needs other people's children ... and other people's problems too, it seems that my appearance is all right, and the men just strive to get into my bed ... I recently buried my father , my mother has been living with another spouse for a long time, our relationship with her does not stick, no matter how I try to communicate with her, she apparently does not need it, there are almost no friends, so familiar, I just don't really keep in touch with them, they are somewhere go regularly, but I am more comfortable at home, with children, they are all in pairs, well, what should I do in their company? get out of this vicious circle, out of these endless problems, I don't know ... tell me what to do?

Psychologists' Answers

Hello Natalia. You are a happy woman, you just don't know about it. You have a great career as a mother. You are purposeful, proactive. You just have to learn to love yourself more than virtual love for men. At the moment, without a man, you feel inferiority. This is a distorted idea. Patriarchal, from feudal times. Learn to be self-sufficient without a man. Love yourself not as a single mother, but as a beautiful, beautiful woman with a wonderful mother’s fate. It is with this state of love for yourself that you can have a friend without a cynical desire for bed, but how a person who sees a person in you. Because there is a rule -How I treat myself, others treat me the same way. You love a man more than yourself, and you come across someone who loves himself more than you. And now everything will happen differently .Just be sincere in love for yourself. Everything is just beginning! Be healthy and optimistic!

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Hello, Natalia!

I understand your situation. You seem to have sunk deeply into despondency. Despondency is not the best comrade; it entangles hands and interferes with action. It would seem that for experiences there are weighty arguments "three children", "men only strive to climb into bed" ... But these arguments are more likely not about "unlucky", but about the fact that you are picky and you are not interested in "first come across" men - those who are not ready to take care of your children, those who are not ready to help financially, those who are not ready to be interested in your inner world, but only in your body. And this is good.

It would be helpful for you to roll up your sleeves now and sort out your emotions. Deal with them. Listen to the voice of reason. Support yourself and your children. Do something nice for yourself. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the man you dream about will pass by, seeing your sad, puzzled face.

Understand that you are a mature person, you have a much better situation than young girls who do not know what they want in life. This is a powerful resource! You have fortitude (otherwise you would have "broken" long ago). You will succeed, just pull yourself together!

I wish you happiness!

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