Child-parent relationship. Presentation on the outside world "Parents and children" presentation for the lesson on the outside world (grade 4) on the topic Loving a child means preparing him for life

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Prepared by: Primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 4 named after A.V. Suvorov Tukanova Oksana Nikolaevna

Lesson objectives: 1. to form students' new concepts - internal fertilization, gestation, breastfeeding, teaching offspring, the role of men and women in the family; 2. develop logical thinking, speech of students; 3. to cultivate a respectful attitude towards parents. Equipment: textbook "Man and Nature" (author A. Vakhrushev et al.), Workbook for the textbook, presentation "Parents and Children", interactive whiteboard, computer, multimedia projector, "Dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov ".

Remembering what we know How many babies must be born to a fish, frog and an elephant in order for at least two of them to survive? How many offspring do you think should be born so that the population does not decrease? And what is the difference between the reproduction of animals and people?

Solving a problem, discovering new knowledge Look, are a man and a woman different in body structure? Why do you think? How else is the role of men different from the role of women in the family?

Before being born, the baby grows and develops for 9 months in the mother's body. From her, he receives everything he needs for breathing and nutrition, the circulatory systems of the mother and the child are connected by the umbilical cord. After birth, the umbilical cord becomes unnecessary and is cut. The baby in the mother's body is protected by a special liquid that protects him from shock and shock.

A newborn baby cannot eat ordinary food, because there is still nothing to chew on, and the internal organs are not sufficiently developed to digest it. For a whole year, the baby sucks breast milk, which contains all the nutrients. Milk is produced in the mother's mammary glands. Their development is one of the hallmarks of a woman's body.

For many years, the baby has been in need of parental care. They have to not only raise a child, but also make him a member of human society. Teaching children the intricacies of life requires people to have a real and strong family in which spouses - husband and wife - help each other raise a child. Therefore, it is so important for every person to choose a husband or wife, because they will have to live together and raise children.

Pair work Try to answer the question why only adults have children? The law prohibits them from having children earlier. The reproductive organs mainly develop by the age of 12-14. First of all, there is a lot to learn. We must learn to be responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our children Children still want to play with toys, and the child is not a toy The human body must completely complete its development Only adults have a passport

In a family, a man is a protector and breadwinner, he must be strong, smart and kind. It is these qualities that are valued in a husband. Men prefer to compete with each other in strength and agility.

In turn, a woman is primarily a mother and a loving wife. She should be gentle, caring, and attractive. From time immemorial, women have learned to be skillful housewives, to take care of their appearance, and to dress beautifully.

From childhood, the interests of girls and boys are different. She should be gentle, caring, and attractive. Boys often play outdoor games, they like to get to know the world around them and remake it in their own way. Sometimes they play pranks and fight. Boys strive to imitate their dad in everything.

Girls spend more time talking and playing with dolls. They love to read and dream, regret and care. Girls strive to imitate their mother in everything. As a result, by the age when a person can have children, he is ready to fulfill his role in the family.

Animals that have lived their entire lives without producing offspring are meaningless to nature. Man is a rational being, and his life goals are more varied. Contributing to the future of human society is not only about having children. A person retains the memory of himself, passing on his experience to other people, creating books, art objects, building buildings, as well as doing good and good deeds.

We apply the knowledge gained Why are women and men not alike? What is the difference between an animal family and a human family? What qualities would you like to see in your sister, brother?

We apply the knowledge gained

Finish the phrases * I was interested ... * I was doing tasks ... * I realized that ... * It was difficult ... * I was surprised ... * I concluded that ...

Homework P. 52 - 55, p / t p. 21, no. 1

Parent-teacher meeting Topic: Parents and their children.

  • Parents in the family are the main ones... As dad decides. As the mother decides, etc. Everything should not revolve around the child, so that selfishness does not develop, but the respect and authority of the parents grow.

Why do I love my mom? (children's answers)

I like my mom because she cares about me.

I like my mom, because she always treats me to tea in the morning and feeds dinner in the evening.

We love mom because she cooks, helps us and not only us, but other people as well.

  • I love my mother very much, because she always treats me.
  • I love my mom very much. I will not give it to anyone, because it is mine!
  • I love my mom because she loves me.
  • I like my mother because she is beautiful and kind.

I love my mother because she is beautiful, honest, cultured, kind, fair.

Why do I love my dad? (Children's answers)

  • I like my dad because he cares about me.
  • I love my dad because he is kind, smart.
  • I love my dad because he helps us.
  • I love my dad because he is my dad. No one has a dad like me.
  • I love my dad because he is smart and loves to build a dacha.
  • I love my dad because he is kind.

I love my dad because he is kind, sensitive, neat, honest and tall.

You need to treat a child like an adult and ask him for what he did.

  • Why didn't you?
  • Why did you do it badly? (So you are still small).

Household duties.

Whether you want or not, you must do it. It should be so! At the same time, dear parents, pay attention to the quality of the performance (not just how to fall behind, but WELL!). By cleaning all the children in the classroom, you can calculate how they help at home, their skills and abilities plus desire.

Fostering a sense of RESPONSIBILITY.

Promised - do or warn that you are not ready or can not do) You can not promise and not fulfill. Such people are treated with distrust and, therefore, are reluctant to communicate.

Raising hard work... The family works and the children must work. Parents plant, water, and children help, because you need to help mom, dad, grandmother, etc.

The concept "SHOULD!" children need to be educated from childhood. The whole life of a person is built on this word.

And children like to say “I want-I don’t want”, “I will-I will not”.

The ability of children to treat and give gifts.

  • You'll? I do not want.
  • Take it. I do not need it. The ability to make gifts is to give not what you don’t need, but what will be pleasant to the person to whom you are giving the gift.

Conversation with girls: How should you behave with boys? (according to etiquette). Conversation with the boys: How should a boy behave with girls? (according to etiquette). What is decent and how to behave indecently!

ETIQUETTE - these are the rules of human behavior among other people.

Nutrition for children. Immediately teach children the culture of food, so that they do not learn to overeat, but leave the table with the feeling: I would eat something else.

Learn to understand the benefits and dangers of food. (chips, croutons, Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, etc.) are delicious, but bad for the digestive system. Try replacing it with healthy food.

Homework quality: Securing the material. Some parents are not involved at all. Therefore, often some children do not perform d / h, and some poorly. If only to do, but you need to consolidate the material.

How children collect the satchel? Some children always have everything, while others always forget something at home. Children often lack pens, rulers, or erasers. This distracts from the lesson.

Accuracy should be shown in everything... Textbooks, notebooks: some always have covers, while others need to be told several times. What about parents? They don't seem to care!

Raise curiosity in children.

Study of artists, poets, poetry, etc. All this develops memory, speech, intellect, aesthetic taste, thinking. Help the children. Take part in consolidating the material. Ask the children to tell poems about artists, go with him to a museum, to an exhibition, etc.

Loving a child means preparing him for life.

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" Parents and children. How to help our children to become successful "PARENT MEETING 3A CLASS

The goal of upbringing: To teach our children to do without us ”Ernst Leguve Feeling the value of life is impossible without realizing two very important things: we need to be loved; we need to treat ourselves well.

This is what we believe in since childhood and what influences our behavior. Family values: - your masterpiece, which you create with your own hands. -depend on a good example.

The reactions of parents and adults to the expression of feelings - orders, commands and threats to keep the child and his feelings under control - they teach how to do it properly - give lectures and give advice, appeal to reason, showing their intellectual superiority - conviction that the child is always guilty , proving that they are always right and children are not. - ridicule and offensive nicknames, sarcasm and jokes that humiliate the child. - with the best intentions, attempts to analyze everything, find out all the details, sort everything out on the shelves - the desire to rid oneself of worries about the child, trying to perceive the child's problems easily.

Factors affecting emotional contact with the child Personal characteristics of the parents. The quality of the matrimonial relationship. Parental position (parenting style, educational confidence) Taking into account the child's age, personality traits, assessment of abilities or existing problems. Predictiveness of the position (the influence of parents is focused on the child's future or on momentary problems: obedience, discipline.

Rules for effective communication with a child Manifestation of mutual respect (trust, understanding, acceptance - Listening to make it clear and feel that you understand his state, feelings (listen and repeat what he has told). -Support and cheer up the child (smile, hug, look into the eyes, take hand, etc.). -Monitor your tone in conversation. -Encourage the child to talk by demonstrating his interest (“What happened next? Tell me about it). tells.

increase the child's self-esteem Encourage, praise the child for efforts, efforts, achievements, even the smallest; Help your child set realistic goals; When correcting mistakes, criticize the actions and actions, and not the child himself; Let the child feel real responsibility (increases importance in the family); Show and show your love for the child; How to make it successful?


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“The need for parental love is not only the strongest of all human needs, but also the longest. Hobbies will pass, passions that once shook our lives, many minutes of attachment will disappear, but love for parents and the need for reciprocal love remain with us until the end of our days. "Alla Spivakovskaya

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The success of raising children is directly dependent on the personal growth, harmony and mental balance of the parents.

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Love, acceptance, respect, understanding that parents will lay in their child in the first five years, he will carry through life.

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Child psychology identifies 3 main types of relationships between parents and their children: 1. Optimal type 2. Type of excessive involvement (authoritarian control) 3. Type of excessive detachment (emotional rejection)

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Parenting Aspects: What do the children themselves want? Basic care (food, warmth, clothing, etc.) Safety. Spiritual warmth. Promotion. Leadership and Limitation. Stability. It is important to clearly distinguish between parenting and parenting responsibilities.

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Parental support is a process: During which the parent focuses on the child's merits. Which helps the child to believe in himself and in his abilities. Who supports the child in case of failure.

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In order to show faith in the child, the parent must have the courage and desire to do the following: Forget past failures. Help your child gain confidence that he will cope with this task. Allowing the child to start from scratch, relying on the fact that the parent believes in him, in his ability to achieve success. Remember past successes and return to them, and not to mistakes.

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In order to support the child, it is necessary to: Build on the strengths of the child. Avoid highlighting the child's misses. Be able and willing to demonstrate love for a child. Introduce humor into the relationship with the child. Spend more time with your child. Show empathy for your child and faith in your child. Accept the child's personality. Let the child solve problems for himself where possible. Avoid disciplinary rewards and punishments.

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Words that support and that destroy his faith in himself: Words of support: Knowing you, I am sure that you did everything well. You do it very well. Do you have any thoughts on this? Are you ready to start? This is a serious challenge. But I'm sure. That you are ready for it. Words of disappointment: Knowing you and your abilities. I think you could do it much better. This idea can never be realized. This is too difficult for you, so I'll do it myself.

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You can support it through: Separate words (beautiful, wonderful, great). Expressions (“I'm proud of you,” “Thank you,” “Everything is going well,” etc.). Touching (touching the hand, hugging him, etc.). Joint actions (sit, stand next to, etc.). Facial expression (smile, nod, laugh).

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Inseparable friends - parents and children! Learn to be your child's friend. Criticize, not humiliating, but supporting. Teach your child to be honest with friends and not seek the benefits of friendship. Invite your child's friends to the house, communicate with them. If your child will trust you with their secrets as friends, do not blackmail him with them.

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When we express pleasure in what our child is doing, it supports him and encourages him to continue or try again. Then he enjoys himself. Genuine parental support for their child should be based on emphasizing his abilities, the possibilities of his positive sides. It is important that the parent learns to accept the child as he is, including all his achievements and failures, and in communicating with him to take into account the meaning of things such as tone, gestures, expressions.

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Test "Measure of care" Instruction: it is known that many disorders in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient attention to him by the parents. However, according to psychologists, overprotection can be as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how correct your educational position is. Before you 15 statements. At first glance, it might seem that not all of them are related to parenting. However, against each phrase, mark the number of points that correspond to your judgment on the matter. "Strongly disagree" - 1 point. "I would not be in a hurry to agree with this" - 2 points. "This is probably true" - 3 points. "Quite right, I think so" - 4 points. Assertions. 1. Parents should anticipate all of the child's problems in order to help him overcome them. 2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough. 3. A small child should always be held firmly while washing so that he does not fall or get hurt. 4. When a child does what he or she is obliged to do, he is on the right track and will be happy because of it. 5. It is good if the child goes in for sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as it is fraught with physical injury and mental disorders. 6. Parenting is hard work. 7. The child should not have secrets from the parents. 8. If the mother does not cope with her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father does not fulfill his responsibilities to support the family well. 9. A mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child's love. 10. Parents should protect the child from the negative aspects of life. 11. You should not teach your child to routine housework, so that he does not lose the desire for any work. 12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, children, everything would be less organized. 13. In the family's diet, all the tastiest and most useful should be given to the child first of all. 14. The best defense against infectious diseases is to limit contact with others. 15. Parents should actively influence which of the peers the child chooses as a friend.

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Dealing with Results If you have scored more than 40 points, then your family is most likely child-centric. That is, the interests of the child are the main motive for your behavior. This position is commendable. However, you have it somewhat sharpened. Psychologists call this overprotectiveness. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, make him follow their requirements, judgments, moods. As a result, the child develops a passive dependence on his parents, which, as he grows up, increasingly hinders his personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly noted: "Raising children means teaching them how to do without us." From 25 to 40 points. Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled because you give him sufficient, but not excessive, attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship. If you scored less than 25 points, then you clearly underestimate yourself as a teacher, relying too much on chance and favorable coincidence of circumstances. Business and marital problems often distract your attention from your child. And he has the right to expect great participation and care from you!

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Informometry (Form for parents) _____________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic) How do you most often call your child? What time does he usually come home from school? What do you do in your free time? Do you know who his closest friends and girlfriends are? What are their addresses? Who are their parents? What are their names, where do they work, who? How long has your child been friends with these guys? What is the child's favorite activity. What is the child's favorite color? What kind of movies does he like to watch? What books does he read? Who does he want to be? How much time do you spend with him, devote to him? Could you tell me what kind of child you have? What would you like him to change in himself? Can you name how much money a month you spend on yourself, on a child?

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Informometry (Form for schoolchildren) ________________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic) What are the names of your parents? What do you usually call them? Who do they work and where? What exactly do they do, release, what do they do? Who are your parents friends with? Can you name these people? How long have they been friends? How do you think why? How long has your child been friends with these guys? What is your parents' favorite pastime? What is your parents' favorite color? What kind of movies do you like to watch? What books do they read? When and where were they born? What time does their working day start and end? What salary do they receive? What do they most often call you?

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