Physiological weight loss with newborns. Body weight in different periods of childhood

Transient features of a newborn.

Degree - moderate total assessment is 6 -5 points

3 Degree Heavy 4 - 1 Ballbut

Moderate degree It is characterized by non-timber-pronounced cocanosis, clear, but slow heart cuts, rare and superficial breathing, satisfactory muscle tone, stored by the reaction to the introduction of the nasal catheter (or on the stood).

With severe degree Asphycia is observed a state of deep braking. Skin covers in newborns pale, cianotic mucous membranes, there is no breathing, heart tones are deaf, slow down (up to 60-80 shots in 1 min), arrhythmical. The muscle tone and reflexes are significantly reduced or completely disappeared.

VACCINATIONnewborn: 0-day - VGV; 1-4Dene-BCG.

Vgv. 0.5 ml in / m to the front of the thigh. BCG Internally 0.1 (Russia), 0.05 (foreign) on the boundary of the upper and middle third of the outer surface of the left shoulder.

The response to HBV has a transit nature during the first days. In the injection site may be soreness, small erythema, sealing.

Observations for BCG on the 5-6th, 10-11th day and further 1, 3, 6, 12 months

1 Means, 3 months, 6 months, with the formation of a crust and without it, ie, with the formation of a rift, into 12 months - a pigmented rutter in most cases from 5-8mm.

1. Transportation fever. Some children for 3-5 days there is a transient fever at which the temperature rises to 38-39 Grads at such a level is held several hours. Her cause is insufficient flow into the body of water, high protein content in colostrum, imperfection of thermoregulation, overheating, There is a primary sequestment of the intestines of bacterial flora. With a transient fever, a frequent applying to the chest is recommended, to carry out physical / cooling.

It is observed in the first 3-4 days of life in all newborns and does not exceed 10%, in the premature-12-14%. Recovery occurs to the 7-10th day of life. The decline in body weight is associated with the malnutrition of the child in the first days of life, the loss of water with urine, with feces, through the skin, light, jeeping, drying the umbilical residue. To prevent a large loss, you need an early applying to the chest, feeding on demand.

3. Skin Changes: Simple Erythema - Skin hyperemia, with a slight cyanotic tinge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brushes and stop. Developed as a result of the expansion of skin capillaries in response to new environmental conditions. Because C / at the temperature was 37-38 gr C, and room 25gr.s. Healthy docking is held from a few hours to 2-3 days, prematurely - pronounced brighter and saved 5-7 days. When erythema, the erythema marks a small and large-plastic peeling of the skin, especially clearly visible from the transferred.

4. Casic Erythema Appears in newborns for 2-5 days and is an allergic reaction. The condition is not broken. Hypertemed spots, papules, vesicles appear on the skin. The rashes are never on the palms, sole, mucous membranes. After 2-3 days, the rash passes. Recommend Baths with Rhr Kalia Permanganate, antihistamines.

5. Transportant jaundice Newborn is due to the accumulation in the blood and tissues of free bilirubin, which is generated during the decay of fetal erythrocytes. An immature child liver cannot in the first days to ensure the translation of a large amount of bilirubin into a non-toxic shape and separation from the body. Physiological jaundice appears on the 2-3rd day in the form of jaundice coloring of the skin, mucous membranes, the scool, while the feces and urine of the ordinary color. The liver and spleen do not increase, the general condition does not change. For 7-10 days disappears, in premature and injured children, 2-3 weeks are preserved. With a pronounced jaundice, also more often apply to the chest.

Sexual (honeynal) crisis. It is due to the transition of extractors from the mother to the fetus in the / in the period and with breast milk. Physiological mastopathy (brewing of the mammary glands) for 3-4 days, regardless of the floor, increases to the 7-10th day, then gradually decreases. An increase symmetric, the skin is not changed, a little secret is distinguished. It is recommended not to squeeze the secret, impose a warm sterile napkin. Bleeding from the vagina 2-3days 0.5-2ml, or mucous allocations of gray-white, in boys, hyperpigmentation of the scrotum.

Transient characteristics of the kidneys: Physiological Oliguria (4-5 times per day, then more often and by the 10th day to 20-25 times the newborn urins. The urine-acid infarction is at the form of crystals in the form of the urinary channels, the cause of its reinforced protein exchange occurs.

Watering turbid, on the diapers of brown stains for 7-10 days it passes.

Mekonia (original feces). It stands out in the first days without smell, thick, viscous weight of the dark green color, later becomes frequent yellowing with whitish areas (transitional chair), after 2-3 days it becomes k / o and yellow, several times a day.

Requirements for newborn care:

ZVN "heat chain" (№741 (335) Order)

1. The empty of the maternity hospital 25-26gr. FROM

2. Take a newborn in warm sterile diapers, dry.

3. Put the baby on the mother's chest (contact leather to the skin).

4. Re-dry the child, dressed in advance heated hat and socks, cover the diaper and blanket.

6. Clean the upper respiratory tract from the need for need.

7. Separate the child from the mother:

a) from the umbilical ring at a distance of 10 cm impose the first anatomical clamp;

b) Enter the second anatomical clip from the umbilical ring at a distance of 8cm. Plot between the first and second clamp process 96% alcohol and cross the sterile scissors.

8. After 30 minutes, measure the body temperature of the body (normally 36.5-37.5gr.s).

9. Perform the prevention of gobleniodi (within 1 hour): Treat the eyes of a child with 1% tetracycline ointment (erythromycin) ointment (for each eye a separate cotton ball).

10. Help mom start breastfeeding

(after the manifestation of signs of the child's readiness for feeding)

11. Leave a child on the chest at a minimum of 2 hours.

12. After 2 hours, put the child on a sterile changing table with heating and an additional source of heat.

13. Spend the secondary treatment of umbilical cord:

a) from the umbilical ring at a distance of 0.3cm to impose a bunch of clamp;

b) From the upper edge of the umbilical clamp at a distance of 0.3 - 0.5 cm. Crop the residue of the umbilical cord is sterile scissors.

14. Inspect the child and spend anthropometry

15. Fill out 3 birchs: childbirth history, mother's surname, date and time of child's birth, gender, weight, child growth (2 on a child's handles, 1 on the crib).

16. Dress the baby and get along with the mother to the postpartum separation. Free swaddling.

17. Transport the child to the postpartum separation together with mom.

18. Combine a round-the-clock joint stay

with mother and feeding child "on demand"

Note! Clothing for a child must be pre-warmed.

Note!1. The temperature of the maternity hospital should be at least 25 gr.

2. All procedures must be carried out by strict compliance with the "heat chain".

3. Hands honey. Personnel should be treated with a surgical way.

If the pregnancy passed without complications, the kid, most likely, immediately after birth will weigh 3-3.2 kg. But by the end of his stay in the maym maternity hospital, they notice that the baby lost a bit, because both indicators are recorded in the exchange card, which is issued when discharge. This difference involuntarily causes anxiety: because the pace of development of the baby depend on body weight. But in fact there are no reasons for excitement. Such a slimming in the first days after birth is a natural process that doctors call the physiological loss of a newborn weight, if it, of course, occurs at certain boundaries.

Borders of the norm

Slimming is primarily due to loss of fluid through the skin and through the lungs when breathing. In addition, the urine and meconium (original feces) begin to be released, which have accumulated during the intrauterine development of the child. And since the crumb takes from Mom quite a bit of milk, the volume of fluid it obtained by its organism is less than the amount of moisture that it highlights. There is also a value of the temperature and humidity of the indoor air, where the baby is located. Normal indicators are considered to be 18-21 ° C and about 70%. The higher the temperature and below the humidity of the air, the more the crumb sweats, and this contributes weight loss.

Maximum weight is usually reduced by the 3-5th day of life. Normally, the decrease ranges from 5 to 10% of the initial body weight. So, if a newborn weighs 3 kg, in the normal place it can lose weight for 150-300 g. But if Kroch was born prematurely, then in the first days of life this indicator can be up to 15% of the initial parameters. Children with an extremely low body weight (less than 1 kg) sometimes lose weight and by 18%. The boundaries are moved and under protracted birth or if the crumb has become a generic injury.

One of the conditions of rapid recovery is the early attachment of the baby to the chest. This can be done after 20 minutes after its appearance.

Correct care

It is almost impossible to prevent the weight loss of the weight of the newborn. But if you organize the right care and establish breastfeeding, the recovery will go faster, and weight loss will be minimal.

Healthy children are restored fairly quickly: already on the 6-8th, maximum 14th day of life, the kid pulls the previous weight. With normal care and breastfeeding, the baby will begin to add from 125 g to 500 g per week. The prolonged recovery or too much weight gain indicate health problems, such as an infectious process or congenital disorders.

You should also comply with drinking mode. Breastfeeding is breastfeeding, if he has a thick chair and it rarely urins, as well as in the summer, when it is very hot on the street. "Artificials" additional drinking is simply necessary. Between the feedings they must necessarily offer ordinary boiled water.

The growth and weight of the newborn baby is the first and, in principle, the only parameters that we know all our relatives and friends together with the joyful news about the birth of the baby. According to these indicators, it is possible to generally judge whether fastener or crumb was born. For us, this data, as a rule, do not mean anything else: about the weight of the newborn, it is already simply made to ask necessarily, but besides mom, it is unlikely that someone will be remembered. But for pediatrician doctors, the mass of the body of a newborn baby can tell about many things, so they together with other physiological parameters will measure it monthly during the passage of a planned inspection child.

Body mass of a newborn baby: set standards

The main anthropometric indicators make it possible to judge the pace of development of a newborn baby and indirectly about the state of his health. The first measurements are certainly produced immediately after the birth of a baby, and then repeated regularly.

To judge the well-being of a newborn allow the World Health Organization and Weights adopted by the World Health Organization. They are somewhat different for children of different floors and for born in time and premature babies. But nevertheless, on average, range from 2600 g to 4000 g, if we talk about weight.

Babies with a body weight at birth over 4 kg are considered large, and today there is a tendency to accelerate biological ripening, and therefore, to an increase in body weight of newborns. Born with weight not exceeding 2.5 kg, children belong to the category premature, and in this case, by accurate weight (together with gestational period of pregnancy) neonatologists determine the degree of prematurity of the infant. Insufficient body weight at birth is always evidence of the unfavorable conditions of the intrauterine development of the kid. But too large weight (more than 5 kg) is also considered a bad sign. Most often, major kids suffer from congenital hypoteriosis or are born in patients with diabetes of mothers. Children of both categories with insufficient and excessive weight - relate to risk groups for the development of psychomotor disorders and other vices and should be under a careful progression of a pediatrician.

As averaged norms for newborns Boys Adopted indicator B. 3400-3500 G, A. for girls - 3200-3400 g. However, as we have already mentioned, these indicators tend to increase. The baby is more likely to be born larger if his mom has already been pregnant in the past or if his parents are no longer young.

Body mass of a newborn baby: physiological decline

For the first time, what the mass of the body of a newborn baby should be, parents often think when they are watching a plumb in the first days after birth. This phenomenon in pediatrics is called physiological (transient) loss of the body mass of the newborn. It is always observed, that is, is an inevitable pattern: the baby in the first after the birth of a day loses moisture - through light and skin (swelling of the swelling), allocates urine and original feces (Mekonia), and also does not eat in sufficient quantity. The balance between the liquid obtained and lost these days is noticeably violated.

At the same time, all women come to all women in different ways, and even establish the process of breastfeeding, it is not equally quick and good. Also new children with different strength and activity are capable of sucking maternal breasts.

There are other factors affecting the loss of the infant weight at the very beginning of his life path. It was noticed that even if the newborn began to start proving from the first day, then a certain plumb was observed anyway. And it is also noteworthy that girls lose less newborn boys.

On average, the baby loses 6-8% of the mass of its body (which is approximately 200-250 g), but this figure can normally range from 5 to 10 percent of the body weight at birth. The maximum weight loss is observed for 2-4 days after birth. The firstborn and major newborns are prone to large losses. The risk of losing a lot decreases among babies, which put to the mother's chest during the first 6 hours after birth.

You should not worry about such losses: a browser, obtained by the baby immediately after birth, is very nutly and contains all the substances they need during this period. Moreover, after the first (or, in the extreme case, the second) week, the mass of the body of most newborns is restored and begins to actively increase. It should be borne in mind that premature and weakened kids always requires more time to adapt and restore than healthy babies: they lose (and significantly), and gain weight more slowly than daddy newborns.

In order for the baby well to gain weight, it is necessary to correctly organize the breastfeeding process (modern specialists insist on feeding on demand and on frequent applying to the chest at night), as well as maintain the optimal thermal mode of the baby (the processes of thermoregulation in infants are not yet set - they are not capable Keep and give the heat of the body when necessary).

Body mass of a newborn baby: increase in months

After a few days, the newborn baby begins to gain body weight, and quite actively. The premature and infants with insufficient weight in the norm should catch up with their peers on this indicator by the end of the first - by the beginning of the second month, while the major karapuses will be ahead of their peers in weight over the first year.

There are several simple and convenient formulas for which the physiological norms of body weight for the newborn can be treated. A peculiar point of reference is the semi-annual frontier: it is believed that on average the weight of the child in 6 months is 8200 g.

Body mass of a newborn to 6 months:

  • the body weight of the newborn \u003d 8200 - 800 * x (where x is the amount of missing month to six months);
  • body mass of newborn \u003d weight at birth (g) + 800 * x (where x is a child's age in months).

Body mass of a newborn from 6 months to a year:

  • body mass of a newborn \u003d 8200 + 400 * x (where x is the age of a child in months);
  • body mass of a newborn \u003d weight at birth (g) + 800 * 6 + 400 * x (where X is the age of a child in months).

However, it should be understood that the established norms are very conditional - this is just a landmark, the average, and each individual healthy and well-developed child has the right to distinct these landmarks. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the baby is gaining weight not as fast as infants that are on artificial feeding, since the maternal milk "works" mainly on the development of the brain, the formation of immunity and ensuring an optimal balanced complex of nutrients, and not to build muscle Mass, like, for example, animal milk and some mixtures. It is impossible not to mention the fact that the body weight is unlike other indicators can be easily changed under the influence of various factors, reacting to them very quickly.

The most actively newborn is gaining weight in the first 3 months: in the first month, the increase is 600 g, in the second and third - 800 g, and in each next month, the baby will dial about 50 g less than in the previous one.

On average, a newborn child during the first month of his life adds about 20 g every day, and during the second month about 30 g. But in general, it largely depends on the physiological features of the Krochi physique: whether it will be a major and chickened or elegant And small. In addition, in different weeks of one month, the child can gain weight, significantly exceeding the norm or does not reach it, but at the end of the month the total increase will be quite normal.

The standards of weight gains of a newborn baby for months are usually assessed in a ratio with an increase in the length of its body. For convenience in pediatrics, a table of growth ratios and a newborn weight ratio are created. According to them, it can be seen that upon reaching the child of the year his weight is approximately three times higher than the original, which was at birth (by 4-5 months the weight of the child doubles compared to the initial).

And finally, I would like to appeal to very clear young mothers (however, absolutely all women are increasingly worried about their Chad). It is not worth spending the newborn every day and, moreover, several times a day. During even one day, the mass of the child's body may noticeably change to any of the parties, but at the end of each experienced month to enter the established regulatory framework. And because more often once a week, there is no point in the weighing procedure, and may even be harmful. And it is always necessary to do this in the same thing and preferably in the same clothing (plus-minus).

In the end, the weight is far from the most important indicator of the well-being of your baby. The main thing is that he ate well, calmly slept and expressed absolute satisfaction with life.

Be happy!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Reading time: 3 minutes

Weight and growth are the main indicators at the birth of a child. When discharge from the hospital, the weight of the kid may decrease, which is quite natural for the newborn period. Loss of body weight kid worries parents, grandmothers and other relatives. But not a neonatologist because he knows causes of weight loss, and explains their excited moms and dads.


Physiological body weight loss

If weight loss does not exceed 8% of the child's mass at birth, there is no reason for concern. On the 3-5 day of the child's life, the maximum loss of body weight is observed, but after a week after his birth, the weight begins to recover. As for premature babies, the restoration of the body's mass of them occurs by the end of the second and third week.

Slimming is caused by loss of fluid through the skin and light, the separation of urine and the content of the intestine, which has accumulated for the intrauterine period of development. The baby in the first days of life consumes only a few milliliters of the colostrum, and the discrepancy between the amount of liquid consumed and the organism released leads to weight loss. The newborn consumes a large amount of energy, which is also reflected on the mass of the body. After 10-14 days, the kid on breastfeeding will receive the required amount of milk, and add from 130 to 500 g per week.

Factors affecting fast weight loss


Significant weight loss is observed in children born before the deadline. Such kids are difficult to adapt to the environment. Baby, born with a body weight over 4 kg, also lose weight more. Depending childbirth, early extinguishing of spindlewater waters or generic injuries lead to great weight loss.

A rapid decrease in body weight is affected by hypigalactium (reduced amount of milk) from the mother. In the first days of life, most newborns suck the chest sluggishly, which slows down the process of becoming lactation, and this in turn leads to loss of body weight. Dry air and elevated room in the room where the child is located, also contributes to the rapid weight loss.

Signs of dehydration of the body

If a decrease in body weight is up to 10% of the initial indicator, such signs of dehydration appear:

- The baby is thirsty;

- mucous membranes of a bright shade;

- pale skin;

- rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath;

- The child is disturbed and irritable.

With higher rates of loss of body weight, the signs of dehydration are expressed in this way:

- mucous membranes and skin dry;

- Breast of large springs;

- Tachycardia and shortness of breath;

- elevated body temperature;

- Restless condition is replaced by inaccessible.


Prevention of significant weight loss

In order for weight losses not exceeded the natural physiological level, it is necessary to observe the optimal temperature regime of the room in which the kid is located. Dressing a child is necessary in accordance with the air temperature. The optimal air temperature in the children's room is 22-24 degrees. Dry air in the room can be moisturized by a special device or water with a water-supplied tank from the baby's bed. Loss of fluid disrupts the heat transfer and leads to dryness of the mucous membranes, and this weakens the protection mechanism for possible infection. To protect the newborn from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, in its room it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily, rubbing not only the floor, but also the furniture. Early applying to the chest and free breastfeeding regime serve as excellent prevention of excessive decline in body weight.

If the indicators exceed all permissible norms, in this case you need to immediately consult a doctor, since such a state may indicate congenital pathology or the presence of an infection.

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Birth - a difficult period not only in the life of a woman. Passage through the labor paths is a strong stress for still only appearing a child. Changes to the external environment leads to the emergence of newborn responses, which are manifested in the form of transient or transition states.

Pediatricians stand out several transient (transient) states that may occur in infants in the first few days after birth. Usually these states do not require any treatment and after a small amount of time pass by themselves.

Physiological jaundice of newborns

Physiological jaundice (jaundice of newborns), associated with the enzymatic immaturity of the liver, occurs for 2-3 days after birth and disappears to 7-10 days. It is manifested by staining mucous membranes (conjunctive, oral mucosa), as well as the skin of the child in yellow color.

In the study of the blood, an increase in the level of general bilirubin is detected (not higher than 256 μmol / l for a duddy child and 171 μmol / l for premature increasing growth of this indicator not more than 5.1 μmol / hour).

The jaundice is easier if a nursing woman has enough milk. The "extra" bilirubin turns faster into Sterkobilin, which is excreted from the feet of the child, and in Urobilin, who leaves the body with urine. In addition, bilirubin, scoring the skin in a yellow color, is well destroyed in the light. Therefore, the baby's bed is recommended to be installed in a well-lit apartment zone and pay enough attention to walks with a child on the street (at least 3 hours a day).

Transient changes in the skin of newborns

Simple erythema newborns

Simple erythema newborn occurs as a response to the change in the environment, the removal of the original lubricant and the toilet of the newborn. Passes in 1-3 weeks.

Physiological peeling of the skin

In newborns, physiological peeling of the skin may appear on 3-5 days, more often on the stomach and chest. This condition is especially characteristic of transferring children.

Generic tumor

The generic tumor is the swelling of the predatory part, usually takes place for 1-2 day.

The skin of a newborn baby for 1-2 days after childbirth remains red (physiological erythema). Sometimes on the skin cover of the sacrum, abdomen, stop, head of the head, etc. The anatomical areas are observed foci of sealing bright red (phenomenon of toxic erythema). The occurrence of toxic erythema signals the predisposition to allergic reactions.

With a large number of foci, with their intensive coloring, the child can be assigned an additional drink (30-60 ml of glucose), as well as antiallergic preparations that contribute to the decrease in edema.

Acne newborns

Acne newborns is an neonatal pustuez, which manifests itself in the form of small red empty on the face, keeps up to 7 days.

Urinary infarction in newborns

Urinary infarction is a condition accompanied by the separation of bloody seals from the genital tract of the baby. It is caused by the fact that uric acid crystals damage the gentle, still emerging kidney tissue, causing its necrosis (death). This transient state passes independently for 1-2 days and does not represent hazards for the newborn.

Hypo- or hyperthermia in newborns

The thermoregulation functions are absolutely absolutely in all infants. The skin is still very thin, quickly loses moisture. Sweet glands function not in full, therefore, in the case of overheating, they cannot on time and to the desired degree to the increase in the sweating. Any supercooling can lead to an acute respiratory disease in the infant, and overheating threatens the occurrence of hyperthermic syndrome (T\u003e 38 ° C) with the risk of occurrence of febrile seizures.

To avoid adverse effects, it is enough to maintain in the room where a small child is located, the optimal temperature regime (24-25 ° C), and also to wear it adequately to the surrounding temperature conditions. Temperature of the body up to 37.5 ° C is normal for the child of the first months of life. To reduce heat loss, it is necessary to wear a cape, since the head of newborns is 20% of the entire body surface.

Physiological body weight loss

Weight loss up to 5-8% of the initial mass at birth is considered the norm. This phenomenon is associated with the fatherland from the child of the original urine, the Mekonia (Cala), as well as with the imperfect lactation of the mother. As soon as the milk has a woman starts to arrive and it will become enough, the first weight gains in a child will be marked, as a rule, on the 4th day from birth.

Sex crisis of newborns (Small Pubertat, Hormonal Crisis)

The sexual crisis of newborns is very important in the genital differentiation of the brain. In children who suffered it, the newborn period flows more smoothly. Such children are less likely the jaundice of newborns, body weight decreases at least.

White dots on the nose of newborns or Milia

Mysteries of newborns are a closed row of a child. They manifest themselves white points on the nose, on the forehead of the child. The condition does not require treatment and passes on its own by the first month of life.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin around nipples and scrotum

Hyperpigmentation of the skin of the nipples and the scrotum occurs in 10% of newborns, passes within 1-2 weeks.

Elevation of external genital organs

The edema of external genital organs occurs in 5-10% of children, passes alone after 1-2 weeks.

The increase in the chest sizes is noted in newborn children of both sexes. This is due to the hit in their blood of the mother hormone estrogen in the last period of pregnancy. Girls from the nipples sometimes there is a liquid resembling breast milk in appearance. It is strictly prohibited.

For more rapid resorption of the formed infiltrates (seals) in cases of pronounced loading of the dairy glands, the doctors advise applying compresses. For this purpose, Vishnevsky ointment is widely used. It is a thin layer applied to the bandage, which is applied to the region of the informs of the child and is placed under a polyethylene package. Compresses are usually left overnight, and for better fixation they are bombarded to the body of the child. 5-7 such compresses lead to a noticeable softening of infiltrates and to reduce them in size.

Deskvamative vulvoginitis in girls

Deskvamativational vulvovaginite manifests itself in 60-70% of girls, in the form of mucous seals from the germ-gray sequel. May appear on 3 days from the genus and gradually pass in 2-4 days. Treatment does not require.

Bleeding from Vagina (Metrragia)

Bleeding from the vagina in girls may appear on 5-8 days, it is not necessary to be afraid of this, they pass on their own for 3-4 days. Metrragia is 5-10% of newborn girls.

After the bustling of the umbilical cult (usually 3-4 days), an umbilical wound is formed in its place. In order to avoid its infection, the necessary processing should be carried out in a timely manner. It is enough 2 times a day to process the wound 3% hydrogen peroxide and a solution of diamond greenery (green). By 7-10 days, the umbilical wound will begin to epithelized and the balance of antiseptics can be stopped.

Transient states of newborns are called border, because they are very easily moving from the state of the physiological norm in pathology. That is why the child discharged from the hospital in the first month regularly examines the pediatrician and the patronizing nurse. However, it should not be very worried about the emergence of a child of one or another border state. In 97% of cases, they take place independently, not at all demanding any medical interventions.