Where you can earn a teenager. Sale of images and photos. Put clear goals

Now more and more schoolchildren think about how to earn their own money. This is connected with a complex economic situation in the country (and as a result, the complex financial situation of the family), and with the possibility of self-realization.

Council to parents: do not prevent the desire of your children to earn money on their own. Sit together with them and think what kind of business can do your child at his age. Council to adolescents: if you decide to make money, you do not need to hide it from parents, as you may have difficulties that will not overcome without parental care. Tell them about our intention, and they will surely support you and help.

It does not matter how old you are 12, 14, 16 - you can always find suitable ideas for earning. We offer you a few excellent ways, how can you earn a teenager money.

How to make a teenager in summer

Express delivery

If you live in a big city, you can easily find work in one of the courier services. It can be delivery of letters, correspondence, small cargo. Delivery of free press in residential buildings, in the end. A big advantage will be the presence of a bicycle - after all, it is much easier to deliver than to spread on foot. Also necessarily good knowledge of the structure of the city or at least the district in which you are going to work.

Work on mail

According to the composition of labor, such work is similar to the previous one. Only here to search for vacancies should not be in courier services, but right in the mail. If you do not have work in the postrose mail, it is possible that you will be asked to help in the department itself - to disassemble and classify the sending parcels, help lay documentation and so on. Of course, a lot of money for such work will not pay, but at least you begin with something.

Cleaning gardens or plots

Many government agencies (the same hospitals, for example), have something like a small garden with flowers, trees, etc. Ask, maybe they need help in cleaning foliage and caressing for plants. If they already have a gardener, for sure, he will not give up a young assistant.

In the same direction you can search for work and the area of \u200b\u200bthe city. To travel to various sections and plant vegetation - nothing complicated, and for nature lovers even interesting and informative.

Dog walking

This "teenage" business idea came to us from the United States of America. There is a walking of dogs for money - earnings number one for schoolchildren. We still have not so common, however, the idea is good. Many dog \u200b\u200bowners do not have enough free time for walking their pet, and some already just laziness do it. They gladly "give up" your animal for a while in the morning and evening so that the dog walks and did all his dog business.

How do you need to have such an earnings? First, love dogs, do not be afraid of them and be able to contact them. If you yourself have a dog - excellent. Secondly, be responsible. The dog is a living being, and while you will walk with him, you will be responsible for him. Try to pick up customers living near you, so as not to spend a lot of time on the road. Surely, in your neighboring houses there are owners of dogs. Write ads on the entrances, and they themselves ask for neighbors.

School lessons with students of junior classes

This part-time job is suitable for high school students. If you are perfectly remembering the school curriculum over the years, then you will not be difficult to help make lessons a student of primary school. Of course, wealthy parents will rather give preference to an experienced adult tutor, but not everyone has money for them, because their services are now expensive. If people with young-parent children live in your house, ask if you do not need to do English, mathematics or history with them? If it goes well, fame will spread about you at least for the nearest houses, and perhaps not yet one parent to contact you for help.

Counselor at the camp

More precisely, not the leader himself, but his assistant. The counselo can only be operated since 18 years old, as there is a criminal responsibility for each child in the detachment. But in most of each charge there is still an assistant who can be any years. The assistants perform various orders of counselors, and in essence can perform the same work, but only without criminal responsibility. However, the responsibility of moral here, of course, is available. Especially if it comes to the younger detachment. Such work is practically rest, as the sea, and all entertainment in the camp will be available to you. It is necessary to negotiate about earnings in each individual case, perhaps some camps do not imply salaries to assistants.

Split ads

Oddly enough, but on the split ads in the summer you can earn good money for a teenager. Some even manage to make money for the summer so much that it is enough to buy a good bike. Of course, you need to work much and, desirable, without intermediaries (advertising agencies).


It is soon suitable for girls, though, perhaps, for some special boys. Many girls are delighted with beautiful bracelets, hairpins, bows, etc. If you are interested in needlework and can do it all yourself (from beads, from fabric, from), then start making products to order. Calculate product price carefully so as not to be in a loss. It should be the cost of used materials + a small surcharge for work. If you feel good, you can become at least the "star" of your school on needlework.

Car washer

Excellent option for those in whose city there are often traffic jams. While the driver stands in a traffic jam, he will not be against the "Express" to the car. Wear a bucket with water and sponge, and rub the headlights, discs, hood, car rooms. Of course, a lot of money will not give you a lot of money, but from everyone to a little bit, and now you have already gathered a normal amount in your pocket for a couple of hours of work. In order not to carry the buckets and rags with you, you can agree with the guard on the nearest refueling and keep it all there.

Distribution of leaflets

Various companies are often looking for promoters, and if simple words, then distributors of advertisers. It is usually necessary to stand normally or near the metro stations, or at the entrance of large shopping centers. The work is absolutely simple, you only need to stretch the flyer to everyone passing by a person and tell him a few words. Payment for such work is usually hourly. However, you immediately get rid of the temptation to throw away all flyers and at the end of the day to go for the salary, since the activities of promoters are always controlled by the customer.

Repair of technology

Good suitable for high school boys who are interested in appliances and are perfect in it. To begin with, tell us all friends, familiar, relatives that you are ready to help break through any technology (or some particular). Since prices for your services will be somewhat lower than adult experienced repairmen, perhaps someone wants to save and call you. Let your mom and dad will tell everyone at work that their son will gladly repack a broken computer or printer for a moderate fee. Earns the shed radio, and you will have the first customers.

Some of the listed ideas earnings are suitable not only for summer. Therefore, you have the opportunity to get a small but stable income all year round!

How to make a teenager on the internet

The Internet is the place where many teenagers literally live. But on the Internet you can find not only entertainment, but also effective ways to make money, even for children and adolescents. How exactly can I do?

"Clicks" on advertising

The work is boring and rapidly bored, however, this is a good option for those who do not want to strain at all. You just need to register on a special sponsorship site, and then click on certain advertising banners, where and what exactly will you tell.

File sharing

For a certain amount of downloading your file with some file sharing (for example, Deposit Files, VIP-File, Letitbit), money will be charged. How to do it? Find a few files that really want to download a large number of people. It can be a new film, a new game that has just released the album of the popular group. Load these files to the file sharing. And then the most difficult stage begins. On a large number of forums, in communities of social networks, etc. Restore your file with reference to it. The more you leave such advertisements - the higher the probability that your file is downloading a large number of people. As soon as the download number will reach the desired one - your account will be listed on your earnings (as a rule, through WebMoney, so make yourself a electronic wallet in advance).

According to the current labor legislation, officially get a job, not even requiring some kind of qualifications, only an adult citizen can. But many parents believe that the earlier the child will understand how money goes, the greater the benefit to him. Plus, most teenagers today are striving for independent earnings to ensure their own needs that go beyond the necessary - fashionable clothing, modern gadget, unusual recreation, etc. For high school students, the search for a part time is not a serious problem. But to make money a teenager 12 years is much more complicated than the 15th flyer. Let's try to figure out what are the options for earning for this age category.

Where is a teenager to find official work

A 12-year schoolboy does not make sense to apply to the labor exchange or viewing sites with vacancies - there will be no proposals for his age. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, organizations can take to work persons who have reached the age of 14. And even in this case, there are a number of restrictions:

  • the vacancy should relate to the category of light labor;
  • work should not be associated with money;
  • working day can be a maximum of 4 hours;
  • the written consent of parents or guardians is necessary.

Why is the possibility of employment is provided from 14 years? Because at this age, the teenager already receives a passport, and with him you can conclude an employment contract. The twelve-year-old schoolchildren has no documents, and it is impossible to attract him to justice. All this causes certain difficulties in employers. So there is a chance to get a job in any organization, even in the neighboring hairdresser, coming there "from the street", for the 12-pillar there are practically no. But fortunately, the official employment methods of earnings are not limited.

How to make money schoolboy 12 years

Teens, not yet having passports, can earn money in the following ways:

  • provision of paid services to residents of their home, courtyard, microdistrict;
  • unofficial part-time in small organizations near the house;
  • collecting recycling;
  • participation in online earnings projects;
  • earnings on needlework.

Consider in more detail each of the ways further.

Important! Any employment attempts and earnings teenager should be controlled by parents, and best of all - to be made with their help.

Earnings on the provision of services

In the countries of Europe and the United States, part-time adolescents on the fulfillment of small orders is quite normal practice. Even in literature and movies you can meet a lot of confirmation of this fact. Schoolchildren are working on the post-mail, delivery of small cargo, haircut lawn, baby babisitality, etc. In Russia, this practice is not so much so much, but still present.

A teenager 12 years can fully fulfill a simple job, for example:

  • help in the garden or in the country area;
  • hike in shop and delivery of products;
  • walking dogs;
  • listen to younger children;
  • washing machines;
  • courier work, etc.

You can search for customers for such services with two ways with a shed radio or through ads. If you live in the private sector, the child can just get around all the neighbors along the street / quarter and offer its services. For residents of apartment buildings, it will be more convenient for accessories and stops within the advertisement microdistrict with the list of possible works.

Tip: Announcements worth writing from hand and specify the child's age in them - it will cause more trust and sympathy among potential customers.

Naturally, all this should be under the control of parents. They can (and even should) help with the search for a clientele, recommending the child with their neighbors and acquaintances. And, of course, everyone received from the outside the order should be controlled - to go with a teenager to the first meeting with the employer to make sure the safety of the proposal and the absence of fraud.

Important! Contract with customers should be in such a way that the teenager paid money immediately after each completed task. This will allow maintaining interest in the child to work, and in addition, protect him from fraud.

Unofficial part-time job in organizations

In any microdistrict there are many small offices that need cleaner services, janitor, courier for short distances or assistant to perform small orders. With such a work, a teenager 12-13 years old will quite cope. But to get it necessary for the help of parents.

Ideally, for a start, go through potential employers to adult. Parent Employees of the Organization will most likely perceive seriously than a schoolchildren. First of all, contact those offices (shops, hairdressers, car services, etc.), where you already know how the client - it will be easier to agree with them. Explain the situation, describe the possibilities of the child, and, if it turns out, agree on the interview. Pay attention to private organizations - to the network shop or the beauty salon of the student will not be accurate.

Important! The adolescent interview itself is better to send one thing - it will teach him more seriously to relate to the proposed work and adds points in the eyes of a potential employer.

Part-time excavation

Soviet schoolchildren always existed a completely legal possibility of part-time on the delivery of glassware. If you caught the times, remember that any drink, from milk to mineral water, was sold in glass bottles, which took the return in stores, paying for each sum. Accordingly, suitable for the delivery of the glass floor can be found in any house. And this process was perceived quite normal, he bought marginalness only after restructuring.

Nevertheless, the recyclable referee still exist. And there are not only glass floor, but also waste paper, and scrap metal, and non-ferrous metals. In addition, the delivery of things in recycling has recently become fashionable, with the development of the trend of concern about ecology. If your area has a point of reception of glass containers / waste / other secondary raw materials, you can offer your student to work with it. Of course, collecting bottles and scrap metal, is not a suitable way, how to make money in 12 years old girl, but for the boys it is quite suitable.

Earnings on needlework

Many schoolchildren are fond of various types of creativity - drawings, making decorations, beadwork, knitting, wood carving, etc. If the work of the teenager is neatly and beautiful, it may well earn on their sale. School fairs may become a trading platform, their own page in social networks or just a company of friends and classmates. By the way, parents can help here, showing the products of the child to their friends and colleagues.

Tip: In addition to selling work, the teenager can sell materials for creativity or make the simplest master classes on any stage of creativity and earn money.

How to earn a schoolboy for 12 years on the Internet

Pretty attractive, in terms of a teenager, looks like earnings on the Internet. It is in this area that at least at first, strict control of parents, and somewhere their participation. Not every banner promising instantaneous profits on the network leads to a trustworthy site. The main task of the parents is to help the teenager to cut off knowingly fraudulent projects, as well as teach the basics of cyber security to, be trite, do not adapt viruses on it.

As a network earnings for schoolchildren, 12 years old are the most suitable:

  • takes - siteson which they pay money for watching advertising;
  • screw systems - sites where certain actions are paid on social networks;
  • solution of the control and writing of abstracts to order;
  • sale of objects From network games.

The first two ways are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, since only a computer and an account in the social network are needed. But earn on such sites will be a bit. One view of the advertisement reference costs about three kopecks, action in social networks - from 10 to 25 kopecks.

To sell statuses and gifts from online games, a teenager will have to spend a lot of time in the very game. This seems to agree not every parent. However, the event may bring good profits.

To find orders for control and abstracts, a schoolboy can register at one of the websites of companies providing such services. In addition, on social networks for each city there are groups devoted to the decision of educational work to order, groups of schools and classes. You can accommodate the announcement of your services.

Important! Many sites recommend that adolescents are 12 years old to earn on Freelance Exchanges. However, this cannot be called a good idea - the corresponding knowledge and skills to develop a high-quality program, write a competent and informative text or create a good illustration, there are no schoolchildren of this age.

The second important point in which the teenager will need the help of parents is to receive payment for work via the Internet. Most sites and freeline exchanges are displaying money earned by users money on wallets of electronic payment systems. You can have any wallet anywhere. But in order to receive payments on it and withdraw money, it will be necessary to confirm it in the payment system, for which there will be a passport, which has a 12-year-old schoolchildren. Here are two options: use to confirm the passport details of parents or search for work sites that translate earnings on a mobile phone balance. But still the best solution will wait with the Internet earnings to at least 16 years, until you learn how to make money in real life.

In 14 years, the needs of the teenager increase significantly: he has an interest in entertainment and expensive gadgets, friends invite him to attractions and cafes. However, parents often cannot afford to allocate funds from the family budget necessary to meet such desires. As a result, the child is forced to learn to solve its financial problems independently.

Obviously, for this it should be found out how to make money to a schoolboy for 14 years. Today, improving your material well-being, a teenager can in three ways: to seek help to the state, try to independently find a place in a private company, or acquire some professional skills and become a freelancer.

Organization of labor teenagers

Is it possible to work from 14 years as a staff member? For a teenager, at this age, the law is already provided for the possibility of official employment. However, when applying for a schoolboy, the employer must fulfill several conditions:

  • Conclude with a minor employment contract;
  • Get a written permission to employment from his parents;
  • Send a child to a mandatory medical examination;
  • Fill out the workbook and reduss if the schoolboy does not have such;
  • Provide work for a 14-year-old teen without probation.

According to the Labor Code, during the holidays, the child can work no more than 24 hours a week; For the period of study, this rule is reduced by twice. At the same time, the employer must pay him a bet of at least a minimum wage adjusted with incomplete working day.

In addition, it is forbidden to work for schoolchildren 14 years old:

  1. In underground and basement;
  2. In casino, bookmakers and nightclubs;
  3. In religious and religious organizations;
  4. On the manufacture, transportation or sale of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and poisons, erotic goods;
  5. In positions related to the need to move items weighing more than 8.2 kg for boys and 5 kg for girls;
  6. At the same time in several posts part-time;
  7. Watching method, with business trips;
  8. For posts with full liability;
  9. In the night and overtime hours, on holidays and weekends.

After organizing an official position, a 14-year-old teenager must provide the employer of the following documents:

  • Passport or birth certificate;
  • Written consent of parents for employment;
  • Labor book and SNILS (if any);
  • Certificate from the polyclinic on the passage of the medical examination;
  • Certificate from the educational institution with an indication of the form of training;
  • Documents on obtaining education or professional skills (if work for 14 years requires a certain qualification).

When dismissal, the law also protects the rights of a teenager: to terminate the employer's employment contract concluded with him on its initiative can only with the permission of labor inspection and minors.

Where is the student to look for a job?

Children entrepreneurs are easiest to solve employment problems: in any business there will be uncomplicated and satisfying teenage duties. But if there are no businessmen among friends, the student will have to take advantage of other ways:

  • Educational establishments. In summer, schools often offer various part-time options for 14 year olds: for example, as assistants of counselors, utility workers or paintings for the repair of an educational institution. They pay here a bit, but stable. In addition, adolescents provide overalls and free food;
  • Employment centers. CZN not only accepts information about vacancies from companies, but also implements the High Graphic Employment Program. For example, in Moscow, work since 14 years old involves the improvement of the city, landscaping, mail delivery, office work, assistance to pensioners and other auxiliary activities;
  • Ads. In complimentary newspapers, at stops and even at the cash desks, you can often see ads for admission to the work of employees without qualifications, including adolescents. Waiting for a bus or minibus, it should be viewed - there is no information on the nearest posts on how to earn at age 14;
  • Dating. Even relatives who do not occupy important posts are probably numerous familiar: perhaps one of them is interested in employing a teenager. Who can work at 14 years old: young helpers are needed to calculate the goods in stores, processing documents or cleaning in offices;
  • Internet resources. Information on work for 14 year old adolescents in St. Petersburg or Moscow companies and youth employment centers also publish on the Internet on specialized sites;
  • Exchanges for freelancers. If you could not find a suitable part-time job for a teenager for a teenager in other ways to find, you can think about the quarry of the freelancer. On the Internet there are dozens of stock exchanges, on which customers place different tasks - from viewing advertising before the design of sites and software development.

Traditional ways to make money

Judging by the requirements of the Labor Code, the state will carefully take care of the protection of adolescent rights. However, such a policy often leads to the opposite result: fearing possible problems, sanctions and fines, employers prefer not to bind to minors. Fortunately, finding a suitable place where you can work in 14 years old schoolboy, yet real.


If the teenager has a positive effect on physical work, he will always find, who can work from 14 years. For example, the postal service often hires schoolchildren to deliver letters and newspapers, and commercial enterprises - to distribute catalogs and leaflets. Each employee serves a certain area; To facilitate access to mailboxes, the employer gives him the keys to the entrances and codes for intercoms.

Going to the route is allowed at any time: the main thing is to perform the specified work. Mail usually charges a teenage rate of 6000-8000 rubles per month, and private enterprises - a reward of 0.3-0.4 rubles per leaflet.


Promoters are the main team for various promotions. Work promoter for adolescents 14 years old includes distribution of leaflets passers-by on the streets, attracting buyers to shops, organizing tastings and presentations in supermarkets. This method of part-time is episodic: people are hired for a specific event that can continue for two to three weeks. However, the advertising agency with a dozen customers is quite capable of providing its employees to constant loading.

The working day of the promoter begins after lunch and continues on average 3-5 hours. For every hour, a conscientious teenager will receive up to 150 rubles.

Advertisement announcements

  • Ceramic figures and souvenirs from polymer clay;
  • Drawn or embroidered paintings;
  • Knitted clothing items;
  • Jewelry of beads and skin;
  • Topiaria and other souvenirs;
  • Soap and decorative candles;
  • Soft toys, handmade dolls.

The income in this area depends not only on skill, but also on the ability to organize sales. Experience shows that novice craftsmen get a month to 10,000 rubles.

Participation in government programs

State assistance may be very useful for a teenager trying to find a job for the summer. Not only employment centers, but also special youth employment committees acting in the city administration are collecting information about available vacancies.

What are the advantages of this option:

  • It is possible to find an official part-time job for schoolchildren from 14 years;
  • The contract is necessarily a contract;
  • The employer guarantees the compliance of the schedule to the Labor Code;
  • Work for adolescents is 14 years old complies with all security criteria;
  • Minor is guaranteed to pay;
  • Possible food at the expense of the enterprise;
  • Schoolboy is provided tools and overalls.

The list of shortcomings of a schoolboy's employment with the state of the following factors should be included:

  1. The number of places where you can work from 14 years is not enough for everyone;
  2. The salary is most often set at a minimum level;
  3. Everyone get the same remuneration, regardless of experience and skills;
  4. Jobs do not differ in variety.

In 2018, the employment centers were offered to young professionals during the summer period the following types of work in 14 years in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

  • Assistance to the educator of kindergarten;
  • Cleaning of premises;
  • Improvement and gardening of territories;
  • Cleaning surfaces from advertising;
  • Repair of playgrounds;
  • Delivery of correspondence and mail;
  • Care for older people;
  • Office work, documentation processing;
  • Binding of documents and sorting archives.

Such work at the age of 14 in St. Petersburg and in Moscow allows the student even on the terms of partial employment to receive up to 7,000 rubles per month.

Earnings on the Internet

Finding the right earnings on the Internet for adolescents is 14 years old: in the network, any active and inquisitive schoolboy is provided with the widest opportunities. It is much more difficult to get earned: for the output of money you need to not only create and verify the electronic wallet on the passport, but also to tie a bank card to it. Fortunately, there are several ways to solve this problem:

  • Schoolboy from 14 years has the right to issue a card at a bank with parental permission;
  • The child under the age of 14 will have to use parent card;
  • Electronic payment systems allow you to pay for small purchases in online stores without verification account.

Online Games

Multiplayer online games are not only a subject for parental concerns about the hobbies of their child, but also a promising source of income for a schoolboy. How can I make money at age 14:

  • Develop a game structure to a high level and sell an account to another;
  • Sell \u200b\u200bcollected gaming artifacts, armor and weapons;
  • Change the accumulated game currency for real money;
  • Remove the game video and earn donations or on advertising;
  • Take part in competitions with prizes.

Social networks

Schoolchildren are the most active users of social networks: here they communicate with the clock and are searching for entertainment. However, if you set the purpose of receiving the benefit from such a pastime, you can understand how to make a teenager for 14 years: Popular communities are able to bring good income.

First of all, it is necessary to create a group, fill it with interesting content, attract participants. When a public reaches a level of 10,000-20000 subscribers, it will turn into a valuable resource: each advertising publication in the ribbon will bring up to 1000 rubles to the owner. In the end, such a group can always be simply selling on the stock exchange for 7000-10000 rubles.

Writing comments and reviews

Only in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet there are tens of thousands of sites, forums and virtual stores. Each similar resource for attracting visitors needs to constantly replenish the information: without cope with this work, the webmasters are hired on copywriting and freelance of third-party authors.

How to make money Teenager 14 years old: You can write comments on the articles, enter into discussions with other visitors, place the advertising posts on the forums, publish reviews for goods in online stores. Each message clients are estimated at 10-20 rubles: in the evening it is easy to perform a dozen orders.

Task performance

To promote their web wizard resources need active users. In order to attract such owners of sites and publics, there are paid jobs on the stock exchanges like Advego and Workzilla. :

  • Subscribe to some public or account;
  • Take part in the voting;
  • Skip by link from the search engine;
  • Register on the website or forum;
  • Put like or make a repost of some post or pages;
  • Comment on news or someone else's message;
  • View video, click on advertising, subscribe to a channel;
  • Find the necessary information on the Internet.

Obviously, even in the absence of special skills and experience in this manifold, each performer will find suitable options. The most experienced teens manage to earn money on tasks up to 300 rubles per day.

Resource administration

Many webmasters own several resources at once, and therefore do not have time to control the work of each of them. The schoolboy will cope with the duties for administering sites, forums or dubs. How to earn at the age of 14 on the Internet:

  • Search for thematic information for the resource;
  • Do the simplest rewriting of texts;
  • Prepare images for publications;
  • Publish news and articles;
  • Post advertising messages;
  • Moderate posts and messages of other participants;
  • Answer simple subscribers questions.

For the administration of the resource they pay 5,000 rubles per month: while nothing prevents the teenager to take on service two or three sites at the same time.

Graphic processing

The Internet is the world of graphics and text. Images are necessary for webmasters for site design, copywrites to illustrate articles, marketers for creating advertising. What can be done in 14 years old knowing how to use graphic editors? Customers pay for retouching and preparing photos, the creation of advertising banners and collages for sites, issuing communities in social networks.

For example, if there are some skills, the development of "caps" for the YouTube channel or VKontakte group takes three to four hours. For such work studio take up to 500 rubles: even with more affordable tariffs, the teenager will receive a good income for the evening.

Sale of images and photos

In adolescence, many children are fond of photography. If, thanks to this passion, the schoolboy mastered the main secrets of skill and learned to make interesting high-quality pictures, he should try to make money on selling his work.

Sell \u200b\u200bphotos Full time through photo banks: These are a kind of copyright libraries, where any customer can choose and download the pictures you like for a small fee. Of course, pictures should be high quality - simple photos from the phone will not even be moderation on the site. There are more expensive frames on the topic of business, technologies, cooking, images of people at work: for each downloading of this picture, buyers pay up to 20 rubles.

Video on the topic

Posting video on YouTube

Millions of people are brought free to the Youtube entertainment videos, master classes, music videos, goods reviews, and movie trailers. How to make money at the age of 14: You can publish your materials on relevant topics - talk about travel, relationships, business and psychology, give advice on a healthy lifestyle and ways of care.

How to reveal fraudsters?

Unfortunately, the limitless possibilities of the Internet attract not only honest entrepreneurs. Even adults, despite the rich life experience, often lose their vigilance and succumb to fraudsters. Teenagers who think about how to make money at 15 years old, to deceive much easier: as a result of young age, they still have no critical thinking skills and reasonable caution. Therefore, parents must clarify the schoolboy that:

  • You should not believe the promises to earn a large amount in a couple of days;
  • If the reward for work is inadequately high, no one will pay money;
  • It should be understood that income even 50% per week is fantastic;
  • Should be refused to work for which it is necessary to pay;
  • There are no secret benefits that allow you to get rich instantly;
  • Do not participate in financial pyramids;
  • Gambling and casino should be avoided.

At 14, the teenager is quite capable of finding independence and start earning a little less than his parents. But we should not forget that his capabilities are limited: at this age, the main priority for schoolchildren is still studying. In order not to spend precious time and power, it is necessary to initially adhere to the correct strategy:

  1. Do not try to earn at once all available ways. It is better to choose two or three promising option and look good in them;
  2. No need to wait for the ideal conditions for the start. Start looking, it follows right now, without postponing this task for tomorrow;

Despite the difficult economy in the country, there are many ways to make money to a teenager. Moreover, all the investments that will need is a good idea and some free time. Here you first have several simple and profitable options.


Remember: Each saved ruble is earned money. Reduce unnecessary costs, and you will have more money as a result. No one regretted that he once saved money.

Open a good accumulative deposit.

If you just keep money in a shoe box under the bed, they will remain there, but will constantly tempt yourself to spend yourself.

Put clear goals

If you have a specific goal and the amount that is needed for its implementation, it will be much easier for you to achieve it. You will constantly have a direction in which you need to move. By the way, if you give to understand that you earn money to achieve the goal (for example, resting on the sea, a trip to the European language camp, buying a laptop), people will treat it with understanding, and even encourage you additionally.

Where can I make money to a teenager?

Come up with yourself a lesson for which people would pay you money, and feel about it to your own business. Sit with a child of acquaintances, walking a neighboring dog, to help the old woman living in your home - all these options can bring tangible attachments into your piggy bank. If it becomes just too lazy and want to quit everything, remind yourself that your hard work will lead to quite real results.

Perform home work

Agree with parents about your permanent duties for which you will receive pocket money. Try to work in good faith so that they see - it costs their money.

How to make money a teenager outside the house?

For example, make sure to care for the elderly. Now such ads can be found in any newspaper. Buy for your ward products, do hard work, eliminate various problems in the house and make any other things with which it may have problems. Try that you have a good, friendly relationship with this person. Remember that older people often feel lonely and love to spend time in a circle of young people - it makes them feel better. In a word, the better they feel in your presence, the more your fee will be.

Look for opportunities

Anyone who wonders "how to make a teenager money," you can advise you to search for work via the Internet or newspaper. You can also hand out leaflets and business cards at the subway, lay advertising on mailboxes and engage in other similar things. Tip: Work with a group of friends. Distribute duties after school or on weekends and together you will handle much faster. Yes, work in the group means that money will have to be divided, but you can make more work in the same time - quickly and, most importantly, safely. Car washes and service centers are another option, how to quickly make money to a teenager. You can wash cars, vacuuming the interior, polish the details of wax and perform other painstaking responsibilities.

Sell \u200b\u200band buy via the Internet

If you find some popular, or vice versa, a rare product on one of the sites, you can find a person who has been specifically searched for, and bargain with him. Before this, be sure to be sure about the security of transactions on the site.

Sale of photos

If you have a decent camera and you know the foundation of the composition of the image composition, try selling your photos on the Internet. In this lesson, you will not make a lot of money (although some earn only it and quite successful), but this is an interesting and fun way to combine hobbies and earnings.

If you understand something well, why not make money on it?

For example, if you are talented in sports, you can participate in tournaments with monetary prizes. Or maybe you can even get a school coach for the weekend. If your horse is knowledge, try to earn a tutoring. In short, make your strengths work on you!

Earn - not for the sake of earnings!

Oh neither paradoxical: if you do not work for money, but expand your own horizons, money will not make yourself wait long. Even selling hamburgers in a cafe, you get unique knowledge - learn management opportunities, analyze the organization of personnel. True rich people who have their own established business, do not work for money. They are a temporary concept, in contrast to the knowledge that is constant and priceless!

How to make money a teenager? Now you know the answer to this question!

Increasingly, and more often, adolescents are thinking about how to make money at the age of 16. Especially if you want to prepare for adulthood or just to fulfill the cost dream. After all, not every parent will finance the "whims" of a teenager. Next to your attention will be presented to the best training tips for children from 16 years. It is worth remembering that it is best to start building a career in summer or during a long vacation. Then you can work more. So, the income will only increase.


How can I make money at 16? A fairly common vacancies among schoolchildren is the place of the promoter.

The essence of earnings is the distribution of leaflets or in participation in promotions. For example, in tasting products. Payment is usually hourly. On average, the promoter earns 100-150 rubles per hour.

Thus, the part-time job of up to 4 hours (so much can work at 16 years old) brings about 700-800 rubles a day.

For employment requires a minimum of documents - usually only passports. Some companies hire promoters unofficially.

To date, this vacancy is found in each region of the Russian Federation. And it is not difficult to find a promoter. The vacancy does not provide any skills, nor knowledge, no skills at the employee.

Courier service

How to make money in 16 years? Work promoters usually fits girls. Young people in adolescence receive income easier.

The thing is that some companies offer vacancies couriers. Work is to deliver small parcels and mail to the addressee. Employment is simplified if the child has a personal bike.

Payment depends directly from the work done. It is also not difficult to work as a courier. But girls rarely take on such positions.

Dog walking

How to make money a teenager? At 16 in Russia, find its place in the labor market is problematic. And people begin to extract income from everything that will come up with.

In some regions, you can find proposals for dog brewing for money. Often, such services are provided with acquaintances, friends and neighbors. Offers are spread by a srangian radio.

In the hour of walking with one animal, you can earn from 100 rubles or more. The cost of the service is negotiated with the owner of the dog. At times, the teenager can walk several animals at once.

Important: Dog walking for money is very popular in the United States. In Russia, this work is not found too often.

Sale of Hend Made

How can I make money at 16? Previously reviewed offers do not require any special skills and knowledge from the employee. And therefore, they can be considered universal.

Some people (and children including) earn on selling handmad. Such work is in demand in the female half of society. Handmade things are considered fashionable in the modern world. And they pay good money for them.

You can sell anything - from furniture items to jewelry. The goods can be set to personally or offer its shops. Revenues depend only on sales success.

IMPORTANT: Earnings on Hand-Mad can be a good business. Especially if the seller has few competitors.

Support of children

How to make money in 16 years? Sometimes adolescents are engaged in accompanying young children to school, home, in mugs and sections.

Payment piece. Usually parents give money on the road, if it is necessary + direct payment of support services. It is from 150 rubles.

Most often accompanying teenage girls. But young people can also earn thus. The main thing is to find customers. In the modern world, the service mentioned is required to parents increasingly and more often.

Fast food cafe

How can I make money at 16? The next work common among adolescents is labor in the field of catering. Or rather - in the cafe. For example, workers in the kitchen or cashiers.

Typically, schoolchildren are offered vacancies of café staff for several hours. Payment is seamless, depends on the specific institution. In general, the hour of work is paid in 250-350 rubles.

A feature of the student under study is its full compatibility with the school. A child will be able to earn and gain experience permanently.

Among the disadvantages of the chosen direction of labor often allocate:

  • large teaching staff;
  • severe load;
  • fierce with salary in some employers.

Nevertheless, adolescents often prefer such a job. The field of catering really helps earn even schoolchildren. But they type for the relevant positions of persons from 14 years. And the main thing is to find a conscientious employer.


Where can I make money at the age of 16? Increasingly and more often children are gaining in cafes and restaurants as waiters.

The salary consists of hourly shift (from 150 rubles / hour) and tip. The work is responsible and requires a teenager accuracy. For employment, it is often necessary to have a medical record in a child.

Important: the child can not hire as a waiter for night shifts. It is allowed to work until 22 hours.

Some schoolchildren noted that the position of the waiter requires good excerpt. The child and even adult is not always easy to serve the tables. And so this type of work is not suitable for everyone.

Worker in the park

Where to make money at the age of 16? In summer, teens can contact in amusement parks. There are often gaining people to work for the summer.

Schoolchildren can take as sellers of sweet wool, pop root, toys in tents. In some cases, you can become an employee of a particular attraction.

Such work, as we have said, appears in the summer. Responsible employers ask about the presence of a medical record in a child. You can find someone who takes to work only on the passport.

Work in the park often provides for a huge load - most of the time will have to stand. But labor is paid worthy. Usually employers per hour pay 150-200 rubles + percentage of sales.

Sale of Mind

How to make money schoolboy at the age of 16? Some prefer to trade their knowledge and skills. Sometimes a similar approach allows us to work out at any time of the year. Then when the child has time.

Schoolchildren 16 years old can:

  • do homework for money;
  • offer services of tutors for young students;
  • solve control and independent work for the fee;
  • write essays for money.

If the child has special skills and knowledge, it can use them. For example, repair computers for money or create sites. Great start for freelancer! It is possible that it is the "whole trade in mind" in the future will be the main source of the profits of a young man.

Networking - Capture

Where can I make money at the age of 16? For example, on the Internet. Increasingly, and more often, schoolchildren are looking for work on the network. And successfully find it.

There is a way to work only to register on a specialized stock exchange (suppose, on Rucaptcha) and enter text from pictures on the screen. For each image pay from 5 to 30 kopecks. Some capping exchanges allow making up to 500 rubles a day.

Important: In Russia, you can earn a penny with the help of the site "Kolotibablo". This resource has a rating system that allows you to increase the cost of work over time.

Earnings on the Internet - Social Networks

You can earn money to a teenager on the Internet in 16 years with the help of a promoted account on a social network. For example, performing simple tasks. For example, "Put like" or "Make Repost".

To work, you need to register on a specialized stock exchange, sometimes - download a special program, and then pass authorization. After adding a page of a particular social network, you can choose tasks, perform them and get money for it.

Per month, such a method of part-time brings about 2-3 thousand rubles. It is best to work with these resources:

  • Vktarget;
  • V-Like;
  • Likesrock.

Now it is understood how to make money at the age of 16. If desired, this is not so difficult. The main thing is to find the sphere in which it turns out to work.