Where to get financial assistance for disabled people in the Russian Federation. One-time financial assistance from the state - conditions for obtaining

Material support from social protection for the population of the country is one of the important tasks for achieving social equality, rewarding for services to the state or stimulating the development of certain spheres of activity. Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive the material assistance due to him in 2018, subject to confirmation of the corresponding status or other criteria.

The state provides various types of material assistance to different segments of the population, but not all citizens know that you can get something from the state for free in 2018.This is often due to the fact that social protection authorities are not obliged to take the initiative and notify citizens about the possibility of receiving benefits ... Thus, you can get any kind of assistance only upon request, when you independently contact government agencies with an appropriate application and a package of documents.

Material assistance is support provided to citizens in the form of cash, food, hygiene and household items. It is provided to families and individuals who find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to job loss, illness and other circumstances. These can be payments paid monthly, annually, or one-time, the amount of which is determined taking into account a number of criteria, including the region of residence.

Types of material assistance

You can find out who is entitled to benefits, their types and the possibility of using for specific citizens in 2018 in the local social protection authorities.

Social contracts

A relatively new type of support for the population - the conclusion of contracts - has appeared in Russia only since 2012.They provide for the issuance of social (including material) support to the population, in response to which one of the following conditions is required:

  • job search;
  • passing a professional development program or training in the chosen profession;
  • running a personal subsidiary farm;
  • opening your own small business.

The program operates throughout Russia with the assistance of social security authorities and employment centers and is available primarily to families in difficult life situations.

Large families

Families with three or more children can expect to receive material assistance in 2018 in the form of:

  • subsidies for payment of utility bills;
  • child allowances in the amount of 1 minimum wage (until the youngest child is 16 years old)
  • a plot of land for farming or construction on preferential terms;
  • regional maternity capital for the 3rd or 4th child;
  • compensation for the cost of purchasing goods for newborns, collecting a child for school, etc.

You can check the complete list of available benefits for each family in special social structures.

Poor families

A special status of “poor” is assigned to families whose income per family member is less than the regional subsistence level. The amount is determined on the basis of income certificates of all family members for the last 3 months, but it should be borne in mind that each region has its own subsistence minimum. At the same time, assistance may not be provided if there are able-bodied, but not working family members, with the exception of:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • maternity leave;
  • loss of property due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicants;
  • inability to work due to health conditions.

On a note! In most cases, benefits are awarded to low-income families in which all adult family members are registered with the Employment Center or receive the minimum wage.

In 2018, families of pensioners and single elderly people who find themselves in difficult material or life situations are entitled to various types of social security benefits, including payments for:

  • Purchase of household appliances, replacement of plumbing.
  • Payment for dental prosthetics.
  • Improving living conditions (preferential mortgage).
  • Repair work in a residential area, which is written out on the basis of an act of inspection of housing or on the fact of work performed on the basis of the submitted receipts and contracts for the performance of work.

For pensioners, material assistance is also provided in kind - in the form of clothing, shoes, food, medicines.

In addition, in many regions in 2018 there are additional programs of material assistance for disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War and other categories of the country's population.

How to get a?

In order to receive material assistance in 2018, citizens should contact the local social protection authorities, where they will:

  • Write an application for financial assistance.
  • Provide original / photocopy of your passport.
  • Collect the necessary documents, the list of which will depend on belonging to a particular category of citizens and the type of state support program. These can be certificates of income, family composition and status, certificates of marriage / divorce and birth of children, certificates of an emergency, etc.)

Material support programs operate in different directions and additional extracts and certificates may be required to obtain them. Therefore, when first contacting the social security authorities, it is necessary to clarify all the conditions, necessary documents and other nuances of obtaining this or that type of material assistance.

For certain categories of citizens, the state provides material assistance. There are a lot of programs for which support is provided. They are carried out by both social protection authorities and employers.

A fairly wide range of people in a difficult situation can apply for help, so it is best, before you start collecting documents, to contact social protection and clarify which program you can apply for in 2019. Below we highlight the most popular community outreach programs.

Target contracts

At the end of 2012, amendments were made to the laws on social assistance. A new type of support has appeared - the conclusion of contracts with the population. In 2018-2019, these amendments remain valid. From the side of the state, under the terms of this agreement, social assistance is issued (including material assistance), and the citizen undertakes to undergo an adaptation program and fulfill one of the conditions:

  • job search;
  • undergoing training in a particular profession;
  • passing training programs;
  • opening your own small business;
  • maintenance of a subsidiary farm.

First of all, the possibility of receiving this type of support is available to families in need who are in a difficult situation. According to the data for the regions in which the project was implemented as a pilot, 50% of families were able to get out of a difficult life situation, and their incomes more than doubled. At the moment, the program operates throughout Russia. In 2019, it is being implemented with the help of social security specialists and the Employment Center.

How to get help for large families

Large families can also become applicants for help from the state in 2019. They are supported in several ways - in the form of benefits, allowances and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, large families before September 1 transfer funds to collect children for school. A prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

Federal law provides for subsidies to families with many children in the form of a reduction in monthly utility bills, child benefits, payments to mothers (they are equal to working people and can receive 1 minimum wage until the youngest child is 16 years old). Also, families in which 3 or more children can receive a land plot on preferential terms for running a subsidiary farm or building a country house.

Regional payments are more varied. First of all, regional maternity capital is assigned for the 3rd or 4th child (about 100,000 rubles, which can be directed to the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that offset the cost of purchasing baby supplies, groceries and clothing.

For the exact list of benefits you can qualify for, contact your local social welfare office. Increasingly, with the advent of the third and subsequent children, the income of family members is not enough to ensure a decent standard of living for everyone. In this case, pay attention to payments to the poor.

Income support program for the poor

The calculation of the amount of money per family member is based on data on the income of all able-bodied adults in it. It is necessary to submit certificates for the last three months to the social security authorities. The sums of income are added up among themselves, and then divided by all family members. If the amount received is lower than the subsistence level established in the region, then the family receives a special status. She becomes poor.

The value of the subsistence minimum is indexed annually; in 2019, each region has its own value. You can find it out in the administration of your district or in the department of social protection. Its average value in Russia this year is 8,200 rubles.

In some cases, no help is provided. For example, if the family has one or more able-bodied members, but they do not want to work. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property due to reasons beyond the control of the applicants;
  • maternity leave;
  • inability to go to work due to a serious illness.

However, more and more help is provided only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered for unemployment or are employed (earnings may be minimal). At the same time, the composition of the family can be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents with grandchildren.

In 2019, in addition to benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance to the poor is also provided. For example, the following list of support measures is available to a child:

  1. Meals twice a day in the school canteen.
  2. Providing a place in the lists of beneficiaries.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase or the issuance of school and sports uniforms free of charge.
  4. Free medicines are prescribed for children under 6 years of age.
  5. Once a year, compensation of 50% of the cost of travel for treatment in a sanatorium (applies to one accompanying person).

It became possible for parents in such families to receive:

  1. Preferential working conditions.
  2. Beginning entrepreneurs do not need to pay a fee for opening an IP.
  3. Reducing the retirement age.
  4. Getting a garden plot out of turn.
  5. Lower requirements and interest on mortgages.
  6. Tickets for visiting exhibitions and museum expositions (no more than once a month).
  7. Government payment for babysitting services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and you can find out more about it only at the social security department at the place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay material assistance in the form of benefits or one-time transfers, which is regulated by regional laws.

Other types of state support in 2019

The needy veterans of the Second World War can receive in 2019 one-time targeted assistance of up to 15,000 rubles for the purchase of necessary household appliances, replacement of plumbing equipment or dental prosthetics.

To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write a statement and prove the need to purchase equipment or prosthetics. Money for paying for dentist services is the easiest way - for this, it is enough to bring the appropriate certificates and an extract from the outpatient card to social protection.

Social package for pensioners - a measure of support that is guaranteed by the state. It is provided to applicants with an income below the subsistence minimum (subsistence minimum) or unprotected citizens of certain categories. The list of these persons is given in Art. 7 of the draft law "On State Social Assistance", this is Act No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999.

What social benefits he is entitled to, a citizen can find out at the local branch of the Pension Fund. An application is immediately submitted with a list of the types of assistance that the applicant needs. A special commission, within the agreed time frame, considers the application, considers the submitted documents and makes a decision on the advisability of assigning assistance.

Types of social support in Russia

Law No. 178 provides a list of the type and forms of social assistance that are guaranteed by the state. This can be a cash payment, subsidy, benefit, or relief. Let's consider the main options.

  1. Cash payments, there are three possible assignments:
  • social benefits, which are paid to a pensioner free of charge and provided with budget funds;
  • subsidy, this form of support provides for discounts or;
  • monthly payments in cash equivalent (MU);
  1. Social package in kind... This is support in the form of food, personal care products, clothing, medicine, and other essentials.
  2. Allowance... This is an additional payment, which equates a citizen's pension to the level of PM in the region.

As for the allowance, this social assistance can be guaranteed at the federal and regional levels. The federal supplement must equal the payment up to the threshold applicable in a particular constituent entity of the federation, but cannot be higher than the minimum retirement benefit in the country. Regional supplements are guaranteed by the regional authority, provided with funds from the local budget, and may exceed the average pension in Russia.

What is a social package for a pensioner, and what benefits does it include?

The comprehensive pension benefits package includes all the items that will be given below:

  1. Providing a citizen with reliant medicines, in which he feels the need, but does not have the proper funding for them;
  2. Granting the right to visit the sanatorium-resort area for the purpose of rehabilitation / health improvement. This preference is based on an annual basis;
  3. Allocation of funds or compensation of expenses on the way to the sanatorium complex and in the opposite direction. A water ticket is paid, and.

To what extent, and on what grounds the social package is provided, you can see in the law No.178. The social benefit is valid for one year. The accumulation of these preferences is not envisaged. If a citizen has not used them during the current year, then they will not be transferred to the next year.

This legislative act also provides that disability pensioners can issue free vouchers to a sanatorium twice a year. The state compensates the cost of travel in two directions for a person with disabilities, as well as the person accompanying him. The possibility of travel compensation for an accompanying person is guaranteed by government decree No. 328, which was adopted on December 29, 2009.

Who is entitled to a comprehensive social package in 2019?

The belonging of applicants for the social package is determined by federal legislative act No. 178. In accordance with this law, comprehensive social assistance is entitled to pensioners of the following categories:

The second condition for the provision of payments is that the monthly income of a citizen is below two living wages.

Married couples can also count on funding from the state if the age of one of the spouses has reached 70 years old. The second condition for the provision of assistance is that the couple's total monthly income should not exceed 33,600 rubles.

To get help, you need to contact:

  1. The Ministry of Social Policy;
  2. Department of Social Protection.

The department (committee) deals with the financing of citizens at the regional level.

The following procedure is maintained:

  1. Writing an application indicating the method of making payments (bank or postal transfer, cash withdrawal);
  2. Preparation of papers that confirm such data of the applicant as:
  • personality;
  • citizenship;
  • registration;
  • seniority;
  • age;
  • income level;
  • services to the homeland (if any);
  • disability (if any).

The statement and certificate of income must be submitted in the original. Photocopies are made from the rest of the documents, which must be certified by the applicant. A citizen can appear with an appeal to the social protection authorities in person or authorize his legal representative to do so.

Pensioners who find themselves in a difficult financial situation have the right to ask for support from the state. Assigned assistance, both in cash and in kind. People in need are provided with food, things, hygiene products and other essentials. People with disabilities are also required a vehicle to move and technical tools for rehabilitation.

The size and type of this type of support is regulated locally, where regional laws are adopted to regulate this issue. The issuance of aid is possible in a difficult life situation (flood, fire, earthquake, flooding, theft, death of loved ones).

To obtain this type of state support, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Contact the social security authorities at the place of registration;
  2. Write a statement indicating the desired form of support - material payment, food, things, housing;
  3. Collect the necessary papers, including:
  • the passport;
  • certificate of registration at a specific site;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • paper confirming the existence of a difficult life situation. This can be a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire) or ATS (theft of money);
  1. Submit documents to the multifunctional center / territorial unit. Wait for an answer. The term for consideration is determined locally and is usually 10-15 days;
  2. Getting help. If this is monetary compensation, then the applicant should contact the institution previously indicated in the application. This can be a post office, a bank, social security agencies.

Russian state policy in the field of social protection of the population is built on a two-tier system of legislation. Part of the preferences to all citizens of the Russian Federation who are beneficiaries are provided within the framework of all-Russian legislation. Regions have been given the right to develop and implement their own events for residents of the subordinate territory.

General principles of the capital's social policy for 2019

Social protection of the city of Moscow is a set of measures aimed at providing assistance to those most in need according to the following criteria:

  • insufficient income level;
  • inability to carry out labor activities for various reasons;
  • getting into a difficult life situation;
  • differently.
Hint: some of the all-Russian preferences are provided at the place of service. Beneficiaries should inform employers about their involvement in a particular category on a proactive basis.

Law No. 70 of 03.11.04 sets out the basic principles of providing support to the population for state money. The authorities set themselves the following goals:

  1. Maintaining social protection of the population at the already achieved level.
  2. Creation of conditions for adaptation of citizens in view of changes in the state social program.
  3. Allocation of funds from the budget of the capital to especially needy citizens on the basis of:
    • initiative statements of applicants;
    • compliance with the criteria set forth in legislation.

The main populations to be looked after by the authorities are as follows:

  • , labor, military service and;
  • repressed and rehabilitated;
  • honored citizens;
  • minors and students;
  • others.
Hint: Moscow residents can apply for eligible benefits via the Internet. Applications are accepted on the website of the State Services of the Government of the capital. Download for viewing and printing:

Social support for veterans

Veterans are entitled to the following types of assistance:

  • monthly charges in the amount of 200.0 rubles. (the amount is subject to annual indexing);
  • the use of all types of urban transport is free for them;
  • the budget makes compensation payments at the request of the beneficiary to pay half of the charges for:
    • electricity;
    • water supply and water disposal;
    • heating;
    • garbage removal;
    • natural gas;
  • dental prosthetics for this population group is carried out for budgetary money (with the exception of expensive funds);
  • provision of health-improving vouchers and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment (once a year);
  • relatives are paid a burial allowance in the event of the death of the beneficiary.

Hint: you should apply for all types of preferences to the social protection of the capital. You need to have with you:

  • passport and SNILS;
  • preferential certificate;
  • a certificate on the composition of the family;
  • otherwise (in some cases).

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Social support for Moscow pensioners

The third paragraph of the 70th law describes the following measures of social support for pensioners permanently registered in the capital:

  • use of all types of urban transport, including metro and electric trains, free of charge (you need to present a certificate);
  • in terms of medical care, beneficiaries are provided free of charge:
    • health-improving vouchers for disease profiles (annually);
    • dental prosthetics (every five years), with the exception of precious metal structures;
  • they are entitled to discounts on the purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • single pensioners receive in-kind assistance in the form of:
    • home care by social workers;
    • patronage;
    • cleaning of premises;
    • carrying out sanitary and hygienic procedures;
    • purchasing food and cooking;
  • elderly retirees who have crossed the 80-year threshold are exempted from paying contributions for building overhaul;
  • material assistance for the purchase of things for those in need;
  • benefits in calculating transport and property taxes;
  • relatives receive payments related to the burial of beneficiaries.
Hint: Social workers care for retirees for free. The wards should give them money for the purchase of products and hygiene products for personal use.

Benefit related to burial in Moscow

This type of support is due to citizens who have taken on a Muscovite. Both relatives and third parties can apply for it. There is only one criterion - the organization of a person's burial. In the capital, there are several amounts of assistance associated with the categories of the deceased:

  1. Social - RUB 5,562.25 Paid by the bodies of the Pension Fund within the framework of all-Russian legislation.
  2. The authorities of the megalopolis pay extra for 11,000.0 rubles. for each deceased (you should contact social protection).

If the deceased had the status of a disabled person or a participant in the Second World War, then the amount increases to 38,400.0 rubles.

Hint: if an employed citizen or a child of a worker has died, then you should apply for payment at the place of service.

Governor's scholarship

This type of assistance is targeted. A scholarship is awarded to students of Moscow universities who master the program well and have additional achievements. The amount of the payment is 6,500.0 rubles . per month. Accruals are not associated with the applicant's regular scholarship (carried out in parallel).

Hint: the heads of the capital's universities are responsible for the distribution of the governor's scholarship fund.

Social subsidy program

The capital program provides for several measures of gratuitous support for residents:

  • compensation for the costs of attending preschool institutions for minors;
  • assistance in paying utility bills to those in need;
  • support for citizens investing in housing.

Hint: allowances for kindergarten are drawn up in the accounting department of the institution. Discounts are of the following sizes:

  • 20% of the average monthly contribution (on average) for the first baby;
  • 50% - for the second;
  • 70% - for the third and each next.

Subsidizing utility bills

For an established category of citizens, the budget allocates money as assistance to pay unaffordable utility tariffs
in. These include:

  • citizens who are officially allocated apartments from the municipal and state fund;
  • tenants of private apartments (an agreement is required);
  • owners of residential premises:
    • apartments;
    • shares in apartments and houses;
    • members of housing cooperatives.
Hint: subsidies under interstate agreements are accrued to citizens of Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.

Support is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • income of all family members of the applicant;
  • utility costs within consumption rates.

According to the established rules, assistance is assigned for six months. In this case, the date of the application is taken into account:

  • if it was received before the 15th, then accruals are made for the current month;
  • if later (from the 16th to the end of the period), then from the first day of the next month.
Hint: recipients of subsidies are required to pay the full amount of payment for housing and communal services from their own funds. Assistance is transferred to them in separate accounts after the end of the reporting month. Compensation to debtors is suspended or completely terminated.

Budget support for the purchase of residential premises

In Moscow, there is a program to improve the living conditions of citizens. The following persons can become its participants:

  • not provided with space within the framework established in the Housing Code:
    • less than 10 sq. m per person in the apartment;
    • less than 15 sq. m - in the house;
  • living in a building unsuitable for this (if it is recognized as such by the Moscow authorities);
  • family members of a sick person in need of special care, living in the same apartment with other families, under a social rent agreement;
  • using living quarters that are not provided with basic amenities.

The applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • be registered as needing improvement in living conditions;
  • not to own other residential premises.
Hint: support for the purchase of housing in Moscow is issued by local administrations. Funds are allocated based on the norms established by the Housing Code (18 sq. M. Per one family member). Download for viewing and printing:

Social protection of certain categories of capital residents

In the 70th law, several categories of citizens are allocated to whom certain types of assistance are provided. These include the following:

  • victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • liquidators;
  • repressed and rehabilitated.

These groups of the population are entitled to assistance from the treasury in the form of:

  • monthly payments;
  • discounts on utilities;
  • provision of health-improving vouchers to sanatoriums without paying a fee;
  • extraordinary admission to medical institutions;
  • others.
Hint: an ID is required to receive preferences. It is drawn up by the social security authorities of the capital on a territorial basis.

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We describe typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

For a prompt solution to your problem, we recommend that you contact qualified lawyers of our website.

Last changes

A new social project will start in Moscow from March to December 2019. It involves the payment of compensation to federal and regional beneficiaries of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the purchase of preferential life-saving drugs. This social support measure can be used instead of the standard benefit in the form of free or partially paid provision of drugs. An exception is incapacitated persons.
Details of the project can be found on the websites of the mayor and government of Moscow.

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12 January 2018, 23:48 Mar 3, 2019 13:40

Poor families are one of the most vulnerable social strata of society. Due to the large population of our country, it is difficult for the state to provide all those in need with the necessary material and social benefits. But the state authorities are trying to solve this issue in favor of poor families, allocating them to the privileged category of the population.

Who is a poor family?

In accordance with legislative norms (Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997), a family can be recognized as a low-income family if the income of its members, per each, does not exceed the subsistence level established for the region of residence of the family.

To calculate the average per capita income for each family member, add up the sums of all benefits and payments received by family members (wages, unemployment benefits, various types of pensions, scholarships, etc.) accrued for the last three months.

The total amount is reduced by three times. This is the desired value of the average per capita income.

The main legislative act regulating the issues of state support for low-income families, as well as individual residents, is Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999.

This regulation defines the criteria for citizens in need of social support measures, their categories and the list of benefits to which they are entitled.

Law No. 178-FZ also establishes that a family, claiming to receive preferential benefits as low-income, must confirm this fact. That is, its non-working members should be registered at the employment center so that one would not think that they simply do not want to work.

It is also necessary to awaken evidence that the state of need has occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of people - illness, the presence of disabled people requiring assistance, loss of property, etc.

In an effort to support needy low-income families, the state has established a number of benefits designed to support them. These include:

  1. Housing Benefits - a discount on rental payments and housing and utilities.
  2. Tax incentives - exemption from taxation of social payments received from the budgets of all levels.
  3. Educational benefits - admission to higher educational institutions bypassing the general recruitment rules (participation in the competition). To receive this benefit, one of the conditions must be met: the parent of the child entering school is disabled, the future student is less than 20 years old, the score gained on the basis of the USE or entrance exams corresponds to the minimum passing amount.
  4. Cash payments - monthly, annual, and one-time benefits.

In 2017, the list of benefits for members of low-income families was updated. It includes such items as:

In order to start using the prescribed benefits on legal rights, one of the members of a poor family or its legal representative must submit a set of certain documents and a corresponding application to the social protection authorities.

You can also carry out this procedure in a multifunctional center that provides citizens with public services.

To obtain benefits, you will need the applicant's passport and family members' identity cards, income certificates, documents confirming registration and documents on the basis of which each family member receives the appropriate benefits, if any.

One-time financial assistance to the poor

What types of payments are low-income entitled to?

One of the types of benefits to which members of a poor family are entitled is a one-time cash benefit. It can only be obtained once. Like other types of material assistance, the receipt of this benefit is standardized by regional legislation.

Lump sum payments are intended for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation due to various reasons, among which may be:

  • disease;
  • injury;
  • caring for a disabled person;
  • loss of property, etc.

To qualify for this benefit, a citizen needs to contact the social protection authorities to submit an application. The text of the application must contain a description of a specific difficult or emergency situation in which the citizen finds himself, and indicate the type of assistance he needs.

Usually this statement is written in the name of the head of the administration of the region in which the applicant permanently resides.

How to issue payments?

When contacting the social security authorities, the applicant must have the following documents with him:

  1. The passport.
  2. A copy of the applicant's SNILS.
  3. Copy of the Certificate with TIN.
  4. Help on the composition of the family.
  5. Copies of documents proving the identity of the family members of the applicant.
  6. Certificates of registration at the employment center with an indication of the amount of unemployment benefits received.
  7. Income statements indicating the types of accrued benefits and payments.
  8. Copies of pensioners' certificates, if any.
  9. A copy of the certificate of the personal account with the details for which the lump sum will be credited.
  10. Documents on the basis of which family members of the applicant receive the benefits they are entitled to.

If the applicant asks to provide him or his family with material assistance in connection with the treatment, it is additionally necessary to submit documents from a medical medical institution about the need for treatment and the purchase of medicines.

In addition, you will need certificates about the impossibility of purchasing medications and conducting treatment according to the current territorial program for the provision of free medical care.

To assess the conditions of a difficult life situation in which a citizen finds himself, a special commission is being created. On departure, she conducts a survey of living conditions and draws up an appropriate act.

Additional payments may be refused in the event of a shortage of funds in the regional budget

On the basis of this act and the documents submitted by the applicant, a decision is made on the payment of a lump sum and its amount. This takes into account the payments that the citizen and his family members previously received.

A citizen may be denied the accrual of material assistance if:

  • there are not enough funds in the regional budget;
  • the citizen used previously received funds not for the intended purpose;
  • the citizen has not submitted all the required documents;
  • the citizen (members of his family) independently resolved the situation in which he found himself.

The amount of the allowance reaches 15 thousand rubles. for those in difficult life situations and up to 30 thousand rubles. - in an emergency.

Monthly allowance for low-income families

Children without parents are also entitled to monthly payments

Members of a poor family, having confirmed their status with the relevant documents, can apply for monthly payments. The monthly allowance can be received by citizens of various categories, whose average income does not exceed the subsistence level in the given region. These include:

When applying for a benefit for a child who does not have parents, these concerns must be taken by his guardian or curator or legal representative.

If a guardian is not appointed for any reason, his duties are assumed by the guardianship and guardianship body, in which the child is registered.

Almost all types of social payments to low-income families and single citizens are made from regional budgets, therefore, in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, they differ in size and completeness, depending on the number of sources of budget replenishment and the degree of responsibility of the regional administration.

Because payments come from regional budgets, depending on the region, they may vary

For example, back in 2015, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation made a proposal to extend the duration of payments to mothers raising a child up to three years old.

The all-Russian federal law sets this period at the rate of one and a half years, that is, until the child turns one and a half years old.

Due to the impossibility of allocating the funds necessary for the implementation of this procedure, the proposal is still hanging in the air.

Showing their own initiative, the administrative bodies of some regions independently made a decision on this issue. But not all regions have enough budget funds for this.

Application methods

With the collected documents, you can contact SOBES

To obtain benefits and allowances, you must apply to the social security agency at your place of permanent residence with a set of certain documents and write an application.

In addition to SOBES, the procedure for registering benefits as a low-income category of citizens can be completed at the multifunctional center of public services (also at the place of permanent residence or temporary registration).

If the applicant is not able to visit one of the above organizations in person, he can delegate the authority to fill out the documents and submit an application to a representative.

To do this, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney for this citizen in the presence of a notary and certify him with a seal and signature.

Submission of documents is possible by registration of postal items. The original and copies of documents certified by a notary are sent by a valuable registered letter, in which an inventory of the documents to be sent is enclosed, signed by the sender and the operator of the post office from which the letter was sent.

Also, the inventory must contain the stamp of the post office. Together with a registered letter, a notification is sent, upon receipt of which the sender can be sure that his documents have been accepted for consideration.

Another option for sending documents can be the Internet portal of public services, if there is registration on it. In the case of sending documents in electronic form, they must have an electronic qualified signature confirming their originality and validity.

A decision on the issue of registration of monthly and one-time cash benefits is carried out within a certain time, after which the applicant must receive a written notification. The decision can be either positive or negative.

In case of a positive decision, the citizen (or his legal representative) must appear at the social security agency or multifunctional center of public services to obtain the relevant documents confirming his right to social benefits.

You can apply for benefits both at the post office and through the portal of state services

In case of refusal to process payments, the citizen must be informed of a motivated reason (reasons) for this. A negative decision can be appealed in court by filing an appeal with the appropriate authority (the court of appeal).

In addition to a personal visit to the above organizations, you can also get the result of considering an application for registration of social benefits through the services of the post office or through the Internet portal of public services.

What documents are needed to apply for a benefit

In order to formalize the receipt of payment, you need to provide a number of documents. In each individual situation, the set of these documents may differ. Below is a summary table that shows the correspondence of the preferential category and the documents required for filing.

Disabled children

Large families


Seniors over 65

Pregnant women from single parent families

Families who have lost their breadwinner

Disabled people with disabilities

Passport or other proof of identity (for a child under 14 years old - birth certificate)

Family Composition Statement

Income statement

Pensioner's ID

Disability certificate

Pregnancy certificate

Survivor's death certificate

Certificate with the details of the personal account to which the allowance will be transferred

As a citizen of a poor family, it is worth making an effort, collecting the necessary documents and contacting the center for social protection of the population (social security) or other competent authority to apply for benefits and allowances. Whatever the volume of benefits, to some extent or other, their receipt will simplify the difficult life situation in which the family has found itself due to circumstances beyond the control of its members.

In the following video, you will learn about social assistance for low-income families:

Jul 14, 2017 Content manager

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