Homeopathy during pregnancy contraindications. Homeopathy during pregnancy: urinary tract infections. Sleep disturbances, inner restlessness

2.1 Morning sickness

2.2 Acidity and heartburn

2.4 Menstruation during pregnancy

2.5 Uterine bleeding

2.6 Cramping and pain in the abdomen, back and lower back

2.7 Fainting

2.8 Labored breathing


1. Features of body changes during pregnancy

After fertilization, the blood flow to the uterus increases significantly, first to the wall, and then to the cavity. This enlargement of the uterus in size and volume is first supported and then firmly fixed by the sheath formed by the clotted lymph. As soon as the embryo enters the uterus, it begins to increase in volume, and this growth continues until the end of pregnancy. The rate of increase in the size of the uterus is different: according to the observations of Dr. Dezormans, the uterus increases most slowly at the beginning of pregnancy, and greatest growth observed at the end of pregnancy.

During the first three months of pregnancy, the uterus descends due to the increase in size and weight. At the same time, its basis or top part rises slightly backwards, and the neck slightly moves forward. In addition, the rectum, which is on the left, usually causes the uterus to deviate slightly to the right, then the cervix, accordingly, is directed slightly to the left. Around the fourth month of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow upwards, since there is no longer any free space. At the same time, at least in 8 cases out of 10, it leans to the right. Although there are enough anatomical factors to explain this tilt, most older women believe that the position of the uterus depends on the sex of the child. Enlargement of the uterus causes bladder gradually move forward, his neck is increasingly compressed - the woman complains of frequent false annoying urge to urinate. These urges are difficult to control, they disappear after a few drops of urine, but reappear after a few minutes. It should be added that it is not the amount of urine that increases, but the frequency of urination due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Distension of the bladder early dates pregnancy is not due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus (during this period it is still slightly enlarged), but due to secondary congestive edema during swelling of the bladder neck.

pregnant women often have constipation, which contributes to the formation of a voluminous fecal coma in the rectum, pressing on the entire intestine, which causes spastic pain in the abdomen and indigestion. The ovaries, adjacent directly to the uterus, also gradually move upward as it grows, and since they become more sensitive to external influences and less protected, then exposure to, for example, cold can easily lead to inflammation of the ovaries.

Often not very competent doctors lose sight of the change in the location of organs in abdominal cavity, especially significant for later dates pregnancy, and take inflammation of the ovaries for colic (the ovaries are somewhere in the middle between the navel and the hip joints), etc.

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the nerves that innervate the uterus increases sharply, and, accordingly, the sensitivity of other parts of the body that are innervated by these same nerves also sharply increases. Among these organs, the stomach stands out. In fact, nausea and vomiting are symptoms seen in all pregnant women, and they often appear as early as the very early stages Pregnancy: Many women who have given birth before can tell they are pregnant by feeling nausea and vomiting. Although sometimes these symptoms appear only in the third or fourth month of pregnancy and even, very rarely, even later. Often, nausea and vomiting occur at the beginning of pregnancy and at the end.

2. Homeopathic treatment of certain conditions of pregnancy

2.1 Morning sickness

This condition is experienced by most women in early period pregnancy, usually in the morning, when getting out of bed. Lying in bed, the woman feels normal, but as soon as she gets up and begins to dress, there is a feeling of nausea, belching and often vomiting. For some, the feeling of nausea appears later or is completely absent, but immediately after breakfast (any), eaten with pleasure, vomiting follows. After a woman has vomited, she feels up to next morning not bad.

The symptom "morning sickness" sometimes appears immediately after conception, but usually after two or three weeks, and is observed more or less regularly until childbirth, and in some cases for some time after childbirth. In rare cases, morning sickness appears only on recent weeks pregnancy, and then it is very pronounced or absent altogether.

Usually, this symptom is not very pronounced - it does not particularly bother pregnant women and disappears after the first movements of the fetus. In rare cases, the nausea is very severe and quite prolonged, the stomach is very irritated, so that it throws out any food, after which the woman feels great weakness. Usually, vomiting is not strong and is not accompanied by pain, but sometimes it is preceded by a long exhausting eructation with strong arousal. Often, after vomiting, a woman feels an unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by pressure and similar to pain with pelvic inflammatory disease, but it gradually weakens and completely disappears soon after vomiting stops. In very rare cases, a violent attack of vomiting can provoke an effort in the lower abdomen, causing pain in the intestines, and then uterine contractions, leading to miscarriage. But in general, although morning vomiting is painful and unpleasant, it should not cause much concern.

Cause. Obviously, morning vomiting is caused by the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the stomach, and not by disturbances in activity. gastrointestinal tract, although sometimes with increased liver function in the vomit there is some bile. "In many cases, uterine enlargement is hampered by surrounding organs. The uterus experiences the strongest resistance at the beginning and end of pregnancy, especially when twins are developing or there are a large number amniotic fluid. Very strong impact the uterus renders on the stomach. Since the innervation of the uterus during pregnancy increases 70 times, in most cases morning sickness is due to the increased sensitivity of the uterus and its effect on the stomach "(Kaseuskas).

Treatment. If the symptom of "morning sickness" appears, you should first try to postpone breakfast for more late time, start with cold food and include sour drinks or mineral water(Often, simply swallowing small pieces of ice helps in the most stubborn cases.)

Dr. Croserio recommends for morning sickness Nux vomca , claiming? that a single dose of this remedy in the 30th potency, diluted in a glass of water and taken by a teaspoonful 2-3 times a day, eliminates discomfort until the end of pregnancy. In more serious cases, he recommends selecting drugs individually.

Dr. Kracher of Plesburg writes that small doses Nux vomca especially effective for persistent vomiting on initial stages pregnancy: before taking them, to enhance the effect, the intestines should be slightly relaxed, but without gas and swelling of the abdomen. He claims that this remedy will certainly eliminate vomiting if it is a sympathetic manifestation of pregnancy. Tincture should be taken 2 drops in the morning, lying in bed, and in the evening, gradually increasing the dose to 0 drops. Usually the effect appears within a week or even earlier, but in some cases the tincture must be taken up to three weeks.

Dr. Ruckert describes 5 cases morning sickness and vomiting cured Nux vomca : in one the remedy was used in the 2X potency, in another in the 3rd potency, and in the other three in the 30th potency.

Dr. Debrein believes best remedy Colombo , as effective in this condition as bark with malaria. He recommends administering 5 to 30 grains at a time before meals.

Dr. Ticknor recommends Kreosotum , a few drops of tincture per 200 g of water, which you need to drink 2 sips every half hour, hour, two hours. Dr. Wahl has described the cure of several stubborn cases by prescribing Kreosotum 6C, with improvement after the second dose. Dr Cormac of Dublin notes that although Kreosotum soothes vomiting, but it can also cause nausea with vomiting when they are not. According to him, this is one of the most effective drugs with persistent vomiting of pregnant women, which almost always helps, but it should be given 3 drops 5-5 minutes before getting out of bed. One dose is often enough. In more severe cases, where nausea and vomiting occur intermittently throughout the day, Kreosotum should be taken every 2, 3 or 4 hours. This drug works especially well for vomiting in hysterical women: it not only eliminates vomiting, but also reduces general arousal.

Dr. Pulte recommends prescribing tabacum , when a pregnant woman, along with nausea pale face and the condition improves from being on fresh air, and also when a woman loses weight, her vomit is watery, sour, with mucus.

Sepa prescribed for prolonged nausea in the morning with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, with itching and burning ( Sepa And Pulsatlla are one of the few remedies that act specifically on both the stomach and the uterus, and are therefore very effective in this condition).

Veratrum album it is recommended to prescribe when the stomach is very sensitive and even the slightest sip of water, movement, even just a change in posture causes vomiting - in this condition it is most effective. This remedy is also indicated when nausea is accompanied by great thirst, but everything drunk is immediately thrown back with vomiting; sour burp, great weakness, tendency to diarrhea.

Today you will not surprise anyone with the well-known postulate that many traditional medicines should not be taken during pregnancy, it is necessary to think about the health of the unborn child. After all, most chemicals cross the placenta and can adversely affect developing fetus. Many drugs are known to pass into the mother's breast milk or have the ability to reduce milk production. But sometimes it is impossible to do without treatment, which may be necessary in case of an acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease, to alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis, treat gastritis, colds, allergies.

Is it possible to take homeopathy during pregnancy with toxicosis?

The founder of homeopathic healing as we know it was Samuel Hahnemann. Mine new method S. Hahnemann began to introduce the treatment of patients into practice at the end of the 18th century. Based on his own observations and literature data, S. Hahnemann came to the conclusion that medicines of natural origin (plant, animal and mineral) can be curative in small doses if their effect in large doses is similar to the symptoms of a disease caused by completely different causes, such as a cold , stress, etc.

He also suggested unusual way preparation of a homeopathic preparation, including serial dilutions and obligatory shaking alcohol tincture or ground into powder medicinal substance. Now it is practically generally recognized and proven by indirect methods that it is this technology that is capable of specifically changing the structure of molecular clusters of water, therefore, it is believed that homeopathy is information about the original substance imprinted in the "memory" of water.

The possibilities of homeopathy are truly wide, and the method attracts thinking people not only by its effectiveness, but also by the almost absolute safety of drugs. Homeopathy can prevent early pregnancy termination, relieve such unpleasant symptoms as nausea and vomiting. During childbearing, often manifest or intensify emotional problems.

And here the homeopathic method of treatment helps to cope with feelings of fear, depression, internal tension, irritability, sleep disturbance, gastrointestinal upset, constipation, heartburn, hemorrhoids, reduces pain and pressure in the pelvic area in the later stages. Homeopathy prepares the birth canal for the passage of the child, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, greatly facilitating childbirth, preventing the possibility of tissue rupture.

by the most dangerous period homeopathy is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the main organs and tissues are laid in the fetus, and the use of teratogenic drugs, smoking, alcohol, and other toxic effects can disrupt proper development organs.

Of course, during this period it is desirable to do without medicines. For example, homeopathy for nausea and vomiting is not necessary to take, sometimes quite often and fractionally eat and exclude food that provokes vomiting. However, if improvement cannot be achieved, the question of the need for treatment inevitably arises. Experience shows that in most cases it is possible to help a woman to have a good pregnancy and give birth. healthy child through the use of homeopathy.

homeopathic treatment during pregnancy

Homeopathy is one of the safest and most effective methods drug treatment during childbearing, childbirth and during breastfeeding, not only for the mother, but also for the fetus and newborn. The goal of homeopathic treatment is to help the body cope with painful disorders on its own, to help a woman give birth on her own.

Pregnant women who use homeopathy improve not only their condition, but also the health of the unborn baby, which directly depends on the health of the mother. Homeopathy during pregnancy can also help prevent the development chronic diseases the baby after birth.

The homeopathic method of treatment is now very popular, especially because it allows you to treat with harmless medicines. various diseases pregnant women nursing mothers, newborns and infants, allergy sufferers, debilitated patients - all those who have an increased risk of side effects when using chemicals.

Homeopathy reflects the ancient law of treating like with like; those. its preparation cures the conditions which it itself can cause when commensurate intoxication with material doses. Usually a homeopathic remedy is small and disappearing small doses of a specially prepared substance of natural origin.

For example, a remedy often given to young children, Calcium carbonicum, is made from the middle layer of an oyster shell; Aconite - a well-known remedy for flu and colds - from a plant of the same name (homeopathic doses are completely harmless, unlike the plant itself). These drugs only work on people who are hypersensitive to them, so if healthy child If he eats a whole package of a sweet homeopathic remedy, then this will not affect him in any way, since these drugs do not have a toxic effect and do not cause allergies. A homeopathic medicine works if it is prescribed strictly individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the disease and the patient's body.

Are homeopathy and herbal medicine the same thing? No, homeopathy should not be confused with phytotherapy (herbal treatment) and other therapies. medicinal plant you can get poisoned if you use it incorrectly and in large doses, while the homeopathic remedy stimulates the body's own forces. It happens that one reception is enough to start the process of self-healing, which can last from several hours to several months.

At the same time, the doctor carefully monitors all the processes occurring in the body, correcting them if necessary. additional appointment homeopathic medicines. For a homeopath, not only the symptoms of the disease are important, but also the patient's feelings and thoughts, his dreams, work, preferences and eating habits.

When is homeopathy used during pregnancy? Homeopathy can also help in the treatment of infertility, and prevent habitual miscarriage, normalize monthly cycle helps with mastopathy, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and others women's issues.

Homeopathy is often used for intolerance or lack of education breast milk helping to improve its quality and quantity; effective in the treatment of mastitis and allows you to painlessly stop breastfeeding. Quite often, homeopathy is used during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding for the treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, with hair loss, arterial hypertension, diseases thyroid gland, joints, muscles and spine, with cystitis, constipation, anemia.

Homeopathic remedies during pregnancy

The list of homeopathic medicines that are often used for treatment during pregnancy:

  1. Actea racemosis - this drug often cures psychoses in puerperas, a severe and restless state of mind, which so often accompanies diseases of the uterus. It also helps with disorders nervous system with concomitant melancholy and insomnia.
  2. Borax - used for infertility.
  3. Bryonia - treats mastitis in lactating women, cessation of milk production and inflammation mammary gland.
  4. Chamomilla is called mother grass, is one of the important funds homeopathy during childbirth and complications after them.
  5. Cocculus - vomiting and nausea.
  6. Nux vomica - inflammation of the uterus (metritis) with sharp pains. Pulsatilla - the disappearance of milk in a nursing woman.
  7. Sabina - used for the threat of miscarriage.
  8. Sekale cornutum - useful for weak and rare labor pains, for cachectic and malnourished women; with ongoing pain after childbirth; at threatened miscarriage especially at the 3rd month and later.
  9. Tabakum - vomiting during pregnancy.

All of the above referred to the individual prescription of a homeopathic remedy by a doctor, taking into account many other accompanying symptoms, while pharmacies sell complex medicines that have many components in their composition. They are designed for the mass consumer, therefore, although they are safer than many chemical preparations, it is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers to use them on their own only if it is not possible to contact a qualified homeopath and get an individually selected remedy.

If a woman does not have hypersensitivity to the individual components of homeopathic preparations and they did not reveal allergic reactions, then such treatment will benefit her. It will heal a woman even before pregnancy, because it is aimed at eliminating various kinds infertility and increased ability to conceive a child (fertility). The active substances are not addictive due to the insignificance of their doses, they are absolutely harmless to a woman and her unborn child, because homeopathic preparations do not contain synthetic chemical compounds.

Why is homeopathy more effective?

Preparations and their dosage are prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, depending on the reasons that prevent pregnancy. For example, it can be very difficult to conceive a child for a woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids, for the treatment of which hormonal drugs are used in medicine.

Homeopathy will use vitamin therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy, because it has been scientifically proven that in most patients, fibroids develop in an absolutely normal hormonal background, and the disease itself can be classified as psychosomatic. A woman who has uterine fibroids is prone to outbursts of aggression and anger, feels a desire to prove the significance of her work for society and the need for approval of her actions by others. This entails a response of the body - chronic psychogenic stress, which, together with fibroids, prevents her from becoming pregnant. Homeopathy will restore the harmony between the mind and the body, because its goal is not a diseased organ, but a person, after which pregnancy will occur.

If menstruation does not go regularly, the discharge is uneven (sometimes a lot, sometimes a little), it is difficult to calculate the day of ovulation and get pregnant. As a result of taking homeopathic medicines, the cycle stabilizes, the general emotional and the physical state health, which means that in three to four months you can plan conception.

What homeopathic preparations contribute to the onset of pregnancy?

Most often, for the onset of pregnancy, sepia (Sepia), pulsatilla (Pulsatilla), hydrochloric acid gold (Aurum muriaticum natronatum), witch hazel (Hamamelis virginica), potassium carbonate (Kalium carbonicum), Canadian goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) are prescribed. These drugs are usually taken in combination in a regimen and doses strictly prescribed by the doctor.

Usually, homeopathic medicines should be taken 1-3 times a day for one or more granules, three days in a row, to track the dynamics, and if it is positive, then treatment can be continued until the onset of pregnancy, as well as during it, but according to a different scheme . Homeopathy is especially effective if a woman is regularly observed by a specialist who, if necessary, will adjust her medication.

Treatment consists in prescribing to the patient a weak solution that can cause the same symptoms as the disease that needs to be cured. Gradually, the dose is reduced until it becomes microscopic.

Homeopathic remedies come in the form of a solution, in granules, in tablets that are placed under the tongue. During pregnancy, some homeopathic therapies can be helpful in dealing with minor ailments such as nausea, sleep problems, and anxiety. Some drugs at the time of delivery can soften the cervix and thus help contractions.

With the help of homeopathic medicines you can treat many acute diseases on your own, without even visiting a therapist. But remember: it is very important that you carefully observe the reactions of your body, know yourself well and be able to feel when self-medication is no longer effective. With bleeding, premature contractions, high blood pressure And high temperature in any case, you should consult a doctor.

It is best to find out in advance where there is a pharmacy near you that specializes in homeopathic remedies Oh. For treatment acute diseases dilutions of Dg and Dp have proven themselves best. If you buy a drug at a pharmacy, ask for drugs with this labeling. They often sell 1 g medicines in small tubes, which is very practical: this is enough to cope with the infection. After you have chosen the remedy, take it 3 times a day for 5 balls - they must be kept under the tongue or behind the cheek until completely dissolved. As soon as you notice an improvement in your condition, stop taking it.

Use homeopathy during pregnancy

Homeopathy is a special method of treatment, the basis of which is a peculiar look at the problem of health and the general condition of the body. Specific homeopathic remedies are designed to prevent and treat certain ailments during pregnancy.

How does homeopathy work during pregnancy?

Homeopathy is a gentle treatment in the full sense of the word. Nowadays, many families are addicted to this alternative medicine. It deals with the physical and mental aspects of the body, using individual approach to each patient. Homeopathy enables a person to find inner balance. It is based on three main principles: the law of similarity, individualization of symptoms and an integrated approach.

Indications for the use of homeopathic remedies during pregnancy

The goal of homeopathy is to listen to the patient and find changes in his body. Homeopathic therapy is especially indicated for pregnant women suffering from ailments associated with childbearing, childbirth and breastfeeding. The advantage of homeopathy is that it eliminates the risk of toxic effects on the fetus. This method does not replace the treatment prescribed by a gynecologist or obstetrician.

You can resort to this therapy in three cases:

  • to fight diseases not related to pregnancy (for example, a cold). Homeopathic remedies will help you to some extent avoid taking classical medicines that are contraindicated in your condition;
  • to combat the typical ailments of pregnancy (nausea, cramps, heartburn, swelling of the legs, etc.), which sometimes cause great trouble. And in this case traditional treatment can be avoided;
  • for improvement general condition: prevention and reduction of the number of problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, with the help of homeopathy, it will be easier for you to recover after the birth of a child.

What you need to know about the first consultation with a homeopath?

If you decide to resort to homeopathy, you must first consult with your doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is completely excluded. And if you consult several doctors, inform them about the treatment being carried out.

Only a thorough questioning of the patient can reveal individual symptoms and allow you to choose effective means treatment. The main attention is drawn to the changes that have taken place since the beginning of pregnancy: in cognition, desires, a characteristic aversion to certain foods, etc.

A homeopath, in order to find a medicine that is right for you, must study well all the symptoms of your ailment. Keep it simple and tell everything! feel. Do not be surprised when the doctor asks: “have you forgotten anything?”, “What else?”; he needs to know what brought you to him. He may ask "what time of the day do you feel worse" or "what helps you." The more! symptoms you specify in detail and clearly, the more valuable advice the doctor will give you.

How to deal with pregnancy-related ailments?

Homeopathy easily copes with minor but frequent ailments: nausea, fatigue, pain in the legs, hemorrhoids, constipation...

Homeopathic complex remedies

In classical homeopathy, drugs are prescribed one at a time: mixing is not allowed. But some doctors work mainly with complex means. These are homeopathic preparations that contain several active active substances, which should contribute successful treatment. This homeopathic school proceeds from the fact that many disorders in the body are complex, and therefore, to eliminate them, it is necessary to use several medicines at once. Often these preparations contain sepia, nuxvomic or tabacum.


Calcium fluoratum D 12: is prescribed when the connective tissue is noticeably weakened. Small stars of subcutaneous varicose veins have appeared in you for a long time.

Subdarifa D 6: It is used in cases where the veins begin to protrude from under the skin. Your feet are swollen. You feel heaviness and stagnation in the legs, especially when sitting. Movement helps relieve this feeling.

Hamamelis D 6: this remedy is effective when one of the veins thickens and becomes bluish in color. The place of thickening is painful and very sensitive to touch.


CollinsoniaD 6 A: Since you got pregnant, your stools have become irregular and hard. Painful, bleeding hemorrhoids. Every time you have a bowel movement, you feel pain, burning, and itching.

AesculusD 6: as your pregnancy progresses, your condition worsens more and more, the symptoms are especially strong in the evenings, often there are back pains.

HamamelisD 6: going to the toilet turns into torture for you. Each time, hemorrhoids become very inflamed and bleed.


CollinsoniaD 6: since the beginning of pregnancy you have hard and dry stools. In addition, legs often numb, hemorrhoids bother.

NuxvomikaD 12: your Life is going at a rapid pace, there is not enough time for anything, especially for food. Your eating habits lead to digestive disorders, as evidenced by nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constipation.

Opium1)|2: the cause of sluggish bowel is bed rest, which you were forced to comply with for several weeks. You do not feel any urge to empty your bowels.


Robinia pseudoacaciaD 6: you often have a sour eructation, from this there is a feeling of soreness on the teeth. The stool has a sour smell.

Bismuth subnitricum D 12: constant sour eructation. After eating, pains in the stomach are added, which can rise to the shoulders.

urinary tract infection

KantharisD 6: you often run to the toilet. But little urine is produced. During and after urination, you sometimes experience burning pain.

DulcamaraD 6: you are cold and now go to the toilet often, although there is little urine.

sciatica, back pain

AesculusD 6: the longer the gestation period, the stronger the back pain. The lumbar and sacral spine are especially affected. To this are added problems with veins, possibly their varicose expansion. You often suffer from constipation.

Calcium carbonicum D 12: back pain is constantly intensifying and spreading to the thighs. You feel great weakness and sweat at the slightest exertion. Heat and massage bring relief.

Rus toxicodendronD 12: you have a problem with sciatic nerve. When you get out of bed in the morning, the pain becomes unbearable.

GnafaliumD 6: back pain extending to the buttocks and legs. The little toes of the feet may lose some sensation. There is a feeling that goosebumps run down your legs, your gait becomes unsteady.


BryoniaD 6: cough is dry and causes stabbing pains. Headache rib cage and belly. You constantly want to drink something cold.

RumexD 6: constant urge to cough does not allow you to talk for a long time, you are not even able to take a deep breath. And although you constantly cough, sputum hardly leaves.

StiktaD 6: you have frequent bouts of convulsive coughing, with a lot of sputum coming out. To get rid of it, you constantly spit and clear your throat.

Sleep disturbances, inner restlessness

CoffeeD 12: a lot of impressions or intense pursuit of any one problem puts you in a state of strong overexcitation, you cannot switch.

PhosphorusD 12: You are afraid to be alone. You are shy, react painfully to noises, you see dangers everywhere.

Sku gellariaD 6: despite the fact that you feel tired and exhausted, you have difficulty falling asleep at night and constantly waking up. Migraine-like headaches may occur throughout the day.

ZincummetallicumD 12: your internal tension and nervousness are manifested in a restless outward behavior- you do not find a place for yourself. Although you get tired during the day, it is difficult for you to relax. In a dream, you grind your teeth, you are tormented by nightmares.

Runny nose

Allium cepaD 6: Your nose runs a lot, your eyes water, and your voice sounds hoarse. It hurts to breathe, because from constant blowing the nose the whole nose is wounded and inflamed.

NuxvomicD 6: clogged nose gives you a lot of trouble. Especially in the evening when you go to bed and cannot sleep because both nostrils are blocked. You have to breathe through your mouth.

LuffaD 6: discharge from the nose is viscous, yellow or greenish color. It is difficult to get rid of them, you feel weakness and heaviness in your head.

Diarrhea, cholera

NuxvomicD 6: after a rich and fatty meal, or if you ate a lot and indiscriminately, you have diarrhea. Sometimes it is accompanied by headaches and vomiting.

PulsatillaD 6: ice cream, fruits and fatty food cause diarrhea and nausea, often with sour belching and an unpleasant sticky taste in the mouth. You are often cold.

Arsenicumalbum D 12: diarrhea is liquid, almost watery. In the region of anus severe burning. You have an aversion to food.

Veratrumalbum D 6: severe cholera accompanied by acute violation circulation: you turn pale, covered with a cold sweat, you feel great weakness. At the slightest tension, you feel dizzy.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Calcium carbonicum D 12: you tend to be overweight, most likely, your connective tissue was weakened even before pregnancy. You feel as if your body is swelling.

Calcium fluoratum D 12: connective tissue weakness often manifests itself in varicose veins veins, nail problems and hair loss.

SiliceaD 12: you have a lot of wrinkles, including around the mouth, and constant problems with tendons and ligaments. If you have to stand for a long time, there are severe pain in back.

Weakness and hyperesthesia of the bladder

CausticumD 12: when you cough, sneeze or laugh, you sometimes notice the involuntary release of urine; it increases with the course of pregnancy.

Staphysagria D 12: every time after intercourse your bladder makes itself felt, most often urine is excreted only drop by drop, in the zone urinary tract feeling irritated.

PulsatillaD 6: your child presses on the bladder so that you constantly have to keep the toilet in your field of vision. You often freeze, and at times become whiny.

Cramps of the calf muscles

CuprummetalikumD 6: in the evening and at night you often suffer from mixing calf muscles, which sometimes captures the toes. Seizures cause severe pain.

Cuprumaceticum D 6: If cuprum metallicum does not bring relief, try this remedy. It turns out to be especially effective if, in addition to seizures, you also need to cope with anemia.

Preparing for childbirth with homeopathy

You can often hear recommendations addressed to all pregnant women: starting from the 36th week, take pulsatilla and caulophyllum. This should prepare uterine os and facilitate childbirth. But since homeopathy requires the highest degree individual approach in the choice of medicines, such universal prescriptions should be treated with caution.

It is also important that in Russia the homeopathic school is still relatively weak, and there are very few specialists who really know the methods of diagnosis and treatment. During pregnancy, treat the choice of a homeopathic specialist no less carefully than the choice of a gynecologist!

Nausea, vomiting

SepiaD 12: used when a woman is sick mainly in the morning. Even the smell of food is disgusting. A slight exception is sour foods.

Ipecac D 12: Nausea does not go away even after you vomit. You are constantly struggling with the approaching lump of mucus and gastric juice. You feel especially bad in the evenings and at night, which makes you even more irritable. The language remains clean.

ColchicumD 12: the cause of nausea is hypersensitivity to odors. Your stomach hurts, you may have diarrhea. Are you cold.

Fatigue, exhaustion

Acidumphosphoricum D 12: even before pregnancy, you had difficulty coping with life circumstances, and now you are completely confused and do not know what to do. You feel empty and powerless.

Ambergris D 12: you are naturally pessimistic. Despite the fact that everything is in order, you do not stop worrying about your pregnancy.

CocculusD 12: you stopped sleeping peacefully at night, because you are overcome by worries for your loved ones, during the day you also do not have the opportunity to relax. Lack of sleep deprives you of strength, often you feel dizzy.

NuxvomikaD 12: despite the pregnancy, you are very busy at work and sleep little. You feel sleepy and exhausted.

Pregnancy, although considered normal physiological state for a woman's body, it is still a big burden. Immunity falls, appear different kind ailments and discomfort. Since many medications should not be taken during pregnancy, a woman can apply Alternative optionhomeopathy during pregnancy.

What is homeopathy?

Before looking at the various homeopathic remedies for pregnant women women, it would be nice to understand, in fact, what is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is one of the methods of therapeutic treatment that was developed by the German physician and scientist Samuel Hahnemann at the end of the 18th century. The substance in in large numbers causing any unpleasant symptoms in the body, in the small, on the contrary, it heals. From here the principle of treatment was derived, which lies in the fact that like is treated with like, that is, roughly speaking, they knock out a wedge with a wedge. For example, a purulent process is treated with drugs that are created from a poison that causes suppuration.

Homeopathic medicines are made from plants, fungi, animals, minerals, i.e. only from natural raw materials.

In this way, homeopathy during pregnancy- this is a method of treatment in which the homeopathic medicines used induce the body to recover naturally. Therefore, such treatment lasts longer in time than usual.

Since during the preparation of a homeopathic medicine (potentiation), the starting substance becomes less and less, down to zero, and medicinal property grows, the homeopathic medicine has no contraindications and side effects.

Homeopathy during pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, as they can harm the baby. When applying the method of homeopathy, the woman's body itself fights against irritants, the action of homeopathic remedies is aimed at enhancing its potential.

What remedies can help a pregnant woman?

  1. Toxicosis, nausea, vomiting - ipecac will help;
  2. constipation, hemorrhoids - alumina;
  3. - sepia;
  4. increased nervousness- belladonna;
  5. during an exacerbation infectious diseases- aconite;
  6. throat diseases - homeovoks;
  7. colds, influenza - oscillococcinum: it is best to take oscillococcinum during pregnancy at the beginning of the disease, at its very first signs;

  8. with fear, anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness - barberry;
  9. - Agaricus;
  10. varicose veins, phlebitis - witch hazel;
  11. flatulence, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea - aloe socotrina;
  12. exhaustion, long feeding chest - hina.

There are quite a lot of homeopathic medicines, for almost every ailment. future mother you can find your cure. Remember that with this method of treatment, the effect does not come immediately, but after some time, so you need to decide for yourself how long you can endure all these unpleasant sensations.

How to use homeopathic remedies?

In homeopathy, an individual approach is applied to each patient - all his complaints, appearance, temperament and other components of a person's personality are taken into account, therefore effective treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced homeopath.

  • During treatment, you will have to completely abandon the use of alcohol, spices.
  • How and how many times to take the drug, with what chemical drugs it can be combined - all this is determined by the attending homeopath.
  • Homeopathic medicines should be stored in a dry, dark place, away from sources of radio emission.
  • The medicine should be taken half an hour before meals or one hour after.
  • It is advisable to avoid the use of skin ointments made from zinc, hormones and other chemical constituents.