Lord help me get rid of gallstones. Maznev N.I. Healer, Folk methods Kidney stones, bladder, liver, gall bladder

CHOLELITHIASIS. Recipes from the newspaper "Vestnik HLS".

Why stones are formed in the gallbladder - official medicine is silent. Any talk about not eating spicy, salty, fried, so to speak, for the benefit of the poor. Some people eat all this to a ripe old age and do not know grief. And to other “lucky ones” suddenly one day they say: “Your gallbladder is clogged with stones, like a barrel of herring. It must be deleted. Cut it out, and that's the end of it. " But, as human experience testifies, this end is not always happy. The bladder with stones is removed, and they are replaced by other misfortunes - indigestion, pain in the abdomen, strict, again, diet ...

It was all about this that we had a conversation with Dr. NAUMOV. It turned out that in all his medical practice, Dmitry Vlasovich had never sent a single patient for an operation, unless there was a direct threat of peritonitis - rupture of the gallbladder. At the request of Sergey Andrusenko, the correspondent of the "Healthy Lifestyle" bulletin, to tell how to get rid of stones, the doctor, after a little thought, dialed the number of one ward from his area. An hour later, a "confrontation" took place with Lyudmila Maksimovna Sverzolenko, whom the doctor saved from cholelithiasis more than 10 years ago.

^ Dmitry Vlasovich offered to show other rescued people, but our correspondent simply did not have time to see them - the business trip was over.

"Healthy lifestyle": Lyudmila Maksimovna, when did you find stones in the gallbladder?

^ Lyudmila Sverzolenko: It was in February 1999. I had a seizure, I called the local therapist Dmitry Vlasovich. He recommended to relieve the spasm with Corvalol. I then strongly doubted the doctor's recommendation, and when I read the instructions on the package, it turned out that Corvalol really relieves spasms.

In addition, the doctor prescribed urolesan for me, and I took it 10 drops on a piece of sugar 2 times a day 40 minutes after a meal. This is for the relief of an acute condition.

HLS: How quickly did you manage to get out of it?

LS: For about two weeks. Then I did an ultrasound of the gallbladder, and they told me that it should be removed, as it is clogged with stones. And then Doctor Gave me to read Bolotov's brochure "Save Yourself", which spoke, in particular, about the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder with the help of fresh chicken bile. The bile should come from the hen, not from the rooster, since roosters do not lay eggs and their bile is not able to dissolve stones.

HLS: Dmitry Vlasovich, is it necessary to use fresh bile? Is it possible to freeze the required number of bubbles in the freezer at once and apply them, defrosting as needed?

^ Dmitry Naumov: In principle, it is possible, although fresh bile is more effective.

LS: The doctor advised making bread balls the size of a bean, walled up 2 drops of bile in them and swallowing 10 such balls daily in 1.5-2 hours after lunch. But I couldn't swallow the bread balls, and I used wax capsules in which some medicines are packed. The capsule is easy to swallow and only dissolves in the stomach. I bought an inexpensive medicine in capsules, I poured the powder out of it and put 20 drops of fresh bile in there - that's exactly the amount that fits in a standard-size capsule.

DN: One significant note: ideally, the capsule should dissolve not in the stomach, but in the duodenum. That is why it is necessary to take bile in 1.5-2 hours after dinner, when the eaten food passes from the stomach into the duodenum.

"^ HLS": It is clear, how many tricks of bile have you done?

LS: I took bile once a day for 1 week. Every day I bought fresh chicken at the bazaar and carefully cut out my gallbladder. If the chicken is skinny, then her bladder is large, and it was enough for two days. And in a fatty chicken, the bubble is small, and its contents will only be enough for 1 intake.

HLS: Where did you store your unused bile?

LS: On the shelf in the refrigerator in a glass cup, right in the gallbladder, so bile is better preserved.

"Healthy lifestyle": What size was your gallbladder stone before treatment?

LS: The stone was not one or two - the bubble was completely clogged with them, so they told me that it should be removed. A month after taking chicken bile, I did an ultrasound scan, and there were no stones at all.

DN: The duration of treatment for each person may be different. Someone needs 7 days, someone may need two weeks. The daily dose of bile taken can also vary from 20 drops to 40, but in no case more.

"HLS": Are there any peculiarities in nutrition during this period?

DN: Yes, during the period when bile is taken, and another one - two weeks after that, you must mainly eat alkaline foods in order to stimulate more production of your bile.

HLS: What are these products?

DN: Vegetable soups, borscht without meat, porridge, fresh and stewed vegetables. In the evening, for example, a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with a small amount of unrefined sunflower oil, will go well. It is better to refuse fish, meat, mushrooms during this period or take them for breakfast, that is, in the morning. Then you can drink fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

HLS Bulletin Archive "HLS Archive for 2007" HLS Bulletin No. 14 2007 "Home Doctor
I cured one sore myself!
I have been writing a healthy lifestyle for 6 years now and I am very satisfied. I am 84 years old, a lot of sores, but one of them was cured by myself. I have gallstones. I spent a month in the hospital. All the time there was a temperature of 38 °, I asked to go home. My brother's wife read the easiest way of treatment in the encyclopedia. And I began to drink the infusion of dill seeds.
Poured 2 tbsp. tablespoons of seeds with 2 cups of boiling water and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then she poured everything into a thermos and in the morning on an empty stomach drank half a glass. Then she drank more at 12 noon, at 3 and 6 pm, and sometimes even at night. And so you have to drink for 21 days. I bought dill at the pharmacy, ten boxes of 100 g were just enough for the course. During treatment, I checked my urine all the time. I had it cloudy, with a clay-colored sediment. I had already stopped drinking the infusion, and the stones were all dissolving.
Address: Papyrina Valentina Emelyanovna, 682860 Khabarovsk Territory, Vanino, st. Karpatskaya, 3, apt. 51.


HLS Bulletin Archive "HLS Archive for 2004" HLS Bulletin №21 2004 "Home Doctor
Herbal tea extended the life of a 78-year-old man by 13 years!

I want to note that doctors usually do not advise taking choleretic teas, fearing that stones may get stuck in the passages. In such situations, they usually send the patient for surgery if there are no contraindications. But our collection does not drive out stones, but dissolves them, turning them into sand. I don't remember now what size my father's stones were, it was a long time ago - 16 years ago. But I can say with confidence - it was herbal teas that saved my dad from severe attacks and gave him another 13 years of life! Dad died at 92 from heart failure.

Address: V.P. Mezhenskaya, 309857 Belgorod region, Alekseevka, st. K. Marx, 3, apt. 35.

"HLS", 1999, No. 19 (151)
Take 2 kg of chicken stomachs, remove the inner film, rinse it, dry it well, grind it in a mortar or grind it in a coffee grinder. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of this powder with a glass of beer. Leave it overnight. In the morning, warm up and drink the whole glass warm on an empty stomach. Then lie down with a heating pad on the gallbladder for 30 minutes. This powder will last about 7 times. If the stones are large, repeat the whole procedure after 10 days.
Many people told me that they were cured with this remedy.
Address: 392018, Tambov, st. Krasnodonskaya, 38, Voshinoy Lyubov Petrovna

HLS Bulletin Archive "HLS Archive for 2004" HLS Bulletin No. 24 2004 "Home Doctor

HLS Bulletin 2004 20 (271)
The liver and gallbladder are best cleaned with a decoction of herbs. Mix equal proportions of horsetail, corn silk, knotweed, and calendula flowers. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture, boil for 2 minutes and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then strain the broth and take it half a cup 3 times a day after meals. After 3 weeks, take a break for 7 days. Then take a 2-week course, followed by a week-long break and another 3 weeks to undergo treatment.
Address: Vasilchenko Zoe Terentyevna, 347856 Rostov region, Kamensky district, x. Danilov.

Cholelithiasis and Seven Herbal Tea
HLS Bulletin 2004 21 (271)
For a long time my dad suffered from cholelithiasis. The debilitating pains during frequent attacks drove us to despair. The attending physician said that grandfather (dad at that time was 78 years old) should not be operated on because of a weak heart, therefore, as long as he lives, he will live as long with his stones. Agree, having heard this, we could not come to terms with the medical verdict.
The search began for traditional medicine that would somehow alleviate my father's suffering.
Found a recipe for tea from 7 herbs: peppermint, stinging nettle, chamomile flowers, rose hips, knotweed herb, field horsetail, immortelle. We have always harvested herbs ourselves, so there were no problems in purchasing one or another component. They took 1 tbsp. spoon of each herb, poured with 7 cups of boiling water, cooked for 10 minutes on low heat and insisted until cooled. Dad drank tea warm, half a glass 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months, a break of 10 days. Can be repeated depending on the state of health. Dad took tea for about a year, for prophylaxis. It's hard to believe, but the pains and attacks stopped from the very first days of taking the infusion.
I want to note that doctors usually do not advise taking choleretic teas, fearing that stones may get stuck in the passages. In such situations, they usually send the patient for surgery if there are no contraindications. But our collection does not drive out stones, but dissolves them, turning them into sand. I don't remember now what size my father's stones were, it was -1 6 years ago. But I can say with confidence - it was herbal teas that saved my dad from severe attacks and gave him another 13 years of life! Dad died at 92 from heart failure.
In conclusion, I will add: for people with high blood pressure, the immortelle can be replaced with yarrow, there will be no harm.
Address: V.P. Mezhenskaya, 309857 Belgorod region, Alekseevka, st. K Marx, 3, apt. 35.

HLS Bulletin 2004 19 (271)
I tell you how to remove stones and sand from the gallbladder without surgery, although the recipe is a little expensive. Buy 7.5 liters of apple juice and 120 ml of olive oil. You will need to follow the apple diet for 3 days: it will cleanse the body, neutralize poisons and remove toxins.
The first time you drink 1 glass of apple juice at 8.00 and have not eaten anything since that time. It seems like you want to have a snack, but do not be tempted. Then they should drink 2 glasses of juice every two hours until 20.00. It turns out 3.5 liters per day. On the second day, take the juice according to the same scheme, which gives a relatively small cleansing of the body, but stones and sand come out painlessly. If you have not had a bowel movement during this period, you can take a herbal laxative at the end of each day. Here are some ways to prepare it.
It is necessary to insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill seeds in 1.5 cups of boiling water and drink. Or 2 tbsp. Spoons of horse sorrel roots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, steam in a water bath and drink 1 glass at night. Another way: 2 tbsp. spoon buckthorn bark insist in 1 glass of water and drink half a glass. In exceptional cases, you can do an enema from warm water.
On the 3rd day at 8.00, drink already 2 glasses of apple juice, and after half an hour - 120 ml (about half a glass) of pure olive oil. Drink immediately with 1 cup of diluted apple juice. Then go to a hot bath (without soap) for 20-30 minutes, depending on how you feel. You need to warm up and sweat well. If you feel faint after taking the oil, rest.
You will notice the results in a few hours. You will find sand in the urine, and green or black stones in the stool. Sometimes they dissolve and come out as a green slurry. Everything happens painlessly.
Address: Fedotov Ivan Fomich, 633208 Novosibirsk region, Iskitim, Yuzhny mrn, 8, apt. 18. "Healthy lifestyle": It is probably better to use natural apple juice from fresh apples. Fortunately, they are still there. Many, moreover, from their own garden.

Dandelion juice crushes stones and expels sand from the gall bladder
SOURCE: Library "HLS" - "From letters to the heading" Home doctor "http://ligis.ru/librari/3365.htm
I am writing with a delay - a brush in plaster.
Received the 6th issue of the bulletin. Elizaveta Anisimov-na Statsenko from the Krasnodar Territory asks for a prescription for gallstones.
I am 62 years old and, of course, "a bouquet of diseases": I will cure one, the second on the way. I don't drink pills. I got rid of a lot with folk remedies.
In 1987, I started having pains in the right hypochondrium, colic, and sometimes vomiting. Doctors discovered stones in the gallbladder and suggested an operation.
In the spring of the same year, I was sent to work on a business trip. On the train at my neighbor's compartment I saw a brochure "Juice Treatment" (by a foreign author). And there is an article: "Dandelion juice crushes stones in the gallbladder."
The snow had melted a little, I began to pick dandelion leaves by the school fence. In the evening, I will pick 2 bundles, I will scroll one through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice - 1/2 glass (30-35 g), top up with full boiled water and drink it 30 minutes before meals. And I will rinse the second bundle and put it in a bag in the refrigerator - I make juice from it in the morning. And so for 2 months. In July she left for Samara to stay with her sister; in the country. I prepared the juice 3 times a day, added more leaves to the salad.
In August, she underwent an ultrasound scan - no stones or sand were found in the gallbladder. And when I retired and began to live in the country, I add dandelion leaves to salads all season, and make jam from the flowers.
The juice must be prepared at one time, do not keep in the refrigerator, so as not to get poisoned. On my advice, my friend also managed to avoid the operation.
Address: Koltunova Valentina Vasilievna, 394030, Voronezh, st. Kukolkina, 33, apt. 39.

HLS Bulletin 2004 24 (271)
As a child, I had a lot of warts. Grandmother smeared them with a goose feather, dipping it in iodine, and then burned it. Surprisingly, the warts went away.
More than 40 years ago, I was diagnosed with stones in the liver. An operation was required. I, young, was terribly frightened, but agreed. By chance I met my friend, Anna Grigorievna. She says to me: “Run out of the hospital! Tomorrow morning I will come to you and show you how to remove the stones. "
She advised to buy chicken stomachs, remove the film from them, rinse well, dry, roll out with a bottle and pass through a coffee grinder to make something like flour. Then, every morning for 15 days, eat as much of the powder as will fit on the tip of the table knife. Drink with water so that nothing remains in your mouth. After the procedure, there is nothing to eat for 2 hours. There will be severe pains, bear with it. I got it all out through urine. I drank for 15 days, then took a 20-day break and conducted another course.
Address: Malasidze Alexandra Fedorovna, 143100 Moscow region, Ruza, st. March 8, 4.

"HLS", 1998, No. 16 (124)
I met the messenger only this year. I had never written to any newspapers before, but here I made up my mind. The bulletin pays a lot of attention to cancer. This, of course, is worthwhile, because cancer is the disease of the century. But there are other serious ailments that also bring people a lot of suffering, such as stones in the liver and kidneys. So from them there is one remedy available to all - this is black currant.
Among the useful properties of this berry, it is also known that it has a unique ability to dissolve stones. For treatment, currants are suitable in any form - fresh, frozen, preserves, jams. The dosage is uncertain, but if fresh berries, then 2-3 glasses a day. The course of treatment is approximately three weeks. It is possible intermittently. Practice shows that the effect appears within five days.
There are no contraindications, except perhaps a soreness.
If you want to be convinced of the effectiveness of black currant, do this experiment yourself: crush the berries, put them in a kettle with scale on the walls, fill with water and leave for a day or two. The scale will disappear.
Address: 307035, Kursk region. Medvensky district, p. Gas pipeline, st. Stepnaya, 12, apt. 1. Zubkov A.S.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 00:37
Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2003 02
I have been practicing a healthy lifestyle for a long time. I travel a lot, often in the mountains. How beautiful is our nature! And how to take care of it so that it will give beauty, health, joyful moments of joining the source of vigor and health to many more generations.
I have long been fond of collecting medicinal herbs. I collect them with love, I talk to every blade of grass or spine.
I know that hundreds of thousands of people suffer from cholelithiasis.
And at one time I was tortured by this disease. The doctors recommended the operation, the ambulance was tired of arriving for calls. An ultrasound scan showed that the stones in the gallbladder are quite large: 1.2 mm, 0.9 mm, 0.6 mm, as well as a lot of smaller ones. Plus also chronic liver inflammation.
So, I refused the operation. I decided to be treated with herbs. In the beginning I read a lot of literature, the "healthy lifestyle" bulletin was a reference book. I wrote out the prescriptions, figured out what would suit me, and got down to business.
The treatment began with the roots of the rose hips. I dug it up in the spring, cut it, dried it. I brewed 1 glass of rosehip roots for 3 liters of water, boiled for 15 minutes. She drank 3 liters of this broth a day. Within two months, the pain became less, and the attacks of acute pain stopped altogether. Already a victory!
The second course lasted six months. At this time, I drank a collection of herbs and roots: flowers of immortelle, tansy, linden; Calamus roots, dye moraine, angelica, black currant leaves, dill and rose hips, thuja shoots, celandine herb and drop caps.
All this time she adhered to a diet - excluded smoked meats, spicy, fatty and fried foods. Saw juices - beetroot, apple, pomegranate. Severe pain during an attack, relieved with hemlock tincture: 2-3 drops in 50 g of water. Also, for 5 days during an attack, I drank a decoction of dye moraine: I brewed 6 grams of ground roots in a meat grinder in 250 ml of water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, insisted for 30 minutes and took 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day after meals in half an hour. I also drank a decoction of the initial drug, this plant is very few people know, although, as the Bashkir herbalist Rim Akhmetov correctly noted, this herb improves the condition of not only the liver, but also the kidneys, the bladder, treats pneumonia and bleeding from the lungs, rheumatism, sciatica and other diseases ... The letter calmed my inflamed liver. I almost forgot to say: during the herbal treatment, I did not take any pills.
And here's the result. When she did an ultrasound eight months later, there was only sand in the gallbladder. The pains in the right hypochondrium stopped, I forgot about heartburn, belching, bitterness in the mouth. It was as if I was born again. And now I again dream of traveling, hiking in the mountains.
Address: Repina Svetlana Viktorovna, 385776, Republic of Adygea, Maykop district, st. Novosvobodnaya, st. Yuzhnaya, 10.

HLS Bulletin 2003 16 (244)
I am only 45, and already had to experience a lot of difficulties. In 1987, her husband died, there were five children left, the eldest was 11. There was a terrible fear, I did not know what to do next, how to live. In 1989, I started having severe attacks of gallstone disease. The pains were such that they had to call an ambulance. Once she came to me 19 times. Baralgin was injected intravenously, and the attack subsided. But all this was temporary. I drank everything, but the recipe that my acquaintances advised simply saved me.
I bought 2 packs of chamomile and 1 pack of flaxseed at the pharmacy, took 250 g of olive oil. Mom had previously steamed the chamomile by 7 o'clock in the morning. At this time, I ate 1 slice of gray bread, drank 1 glass of tea and went to bed. Immediately on the area of ​​the liver, my mother put warm steamed grass in a specially sewn chintz bag, cellophane on top and an electric heating pad. And so I lay until 12 noon. At 12 o'clock, the grass was removed, and the heating pad was left until 14 o'clock. At 12.00 I ate a dessert plate of semolina porridge, boiled in water - unsalted, unsweetened. At 14 o'clock, mother again in a bag put steamed warm flaxseed under the heating pad, cellophane again, a heating pad - and so on until 5 pm.
At 17 o'clock, my mother removed the flax seed, and left the heating pad. She divided the 250 g olive oil into 3 equal parts in advance. V
At 17 o'clock I drank the first part of the oil, at 17.30 I drank the second, at 18.00 - the third portion. They removed the heating pad, lay down on the right side and - until the morning. If she started to feel sick, she ate a pinch of salt. I was told that in the morning all the stones would come out, but not all of them came out for me, and I repeated the procedure.
Children also had health problems. The eldest daughter has low blood pressure. I took 500 g of peeled walnuts, 500 g of honey. She ground the nuts in a meat grinder, mixed with honey and gave her daughter 1 tablespoon 3 times a day until the pressure returned to normal. If it was necessary to prepare a new composition, I would cook it again.
The youngest daughter had gastritis. I cooked potatoes without salt and watered them with this broth.
When the children got cold, I smeared 1 teaspoon of honey on a notebook sheet and glued it on my chest at night. They felt better the next morning. When coughing, I rubbed carrots on a fine grater, squeezed out the juice, mixed 1: 1 with milk and drank 3 times a day.
Address: Kudienko Lyudmila Nikolaevna, 646152 Omsk region, Lyubinsky district, p. Zameletenovka, st. Lenin, 4.

Bulletin "Healthy lifestyle" - "Healthy lifestyle", 1999, №16 (148)
I am writing out "healthy lifestyle" quite recently and immediately came across a letter from L. I. Soboleva from V. Volochka about stones in the gall bladder. I decided to write to the newsletter so that everyone who suffers from such a disease read it.
Many years ago, I went to the hospital in an ambulance and agreed to an operation, as the pain was terrible. But one old woman in the hospital told me: “Don't rush, daughter, with the operation, but dig up the rosehip root, trim it, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shavings in a glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and let it brew, strain, cool and drink this broth 3 times a day. "
My son dug up the root, and I drank this broth until the root ran out. (You need to dig the root while there is no sap flow).
Then I listened to the old woman and ran away from the hospital. And now for 25 years I have not experienced any pain and eat whatever I want.
Address: 333017 Ukraine, Simferopol, st. Frunze, 43 / 2-29, Gretskaya Valentina Fedorovna.

From comments:
I want to add to this message about the rosehip root, all of a sudden, when it comes in handy, all the decoctions, tinctures from it should be drunk ONLY THROUGH a PIPE. It destroys teeth instantly.

Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2003 19 (247)
Thanks to Nikolai Shevchenko. With the help of his mixture, stones in my gallbladder "melted". It's a long story. Back in 1966, I suffered from seizures every day. I was in the Kharkov hospital, where I was offered to remove the gallbladder. I refused. Saw grass. Then she went to the hospital in 1991, when she came to her son, a serviceman in Ulan-Ude. The ambulance was 40 km from the hills where we lived. I have had enough. They didn’t even begin to heal there, because I again refused the operation.
And five years later, the strongest attack overtook me in the Queen. An ultrasound scan showed that the gallbladder was jam-packed with stones. They treated, again offered to remove the bubble, I did not agree. Once a neighbor gave me a bulletin to read, and I immediately wrote out "healthy lifestyle".
She began to drink Shevchenko's mixture. A year later I did an ultrasound. I asked the doctor if there were many stones, and he replied that only a few of them were floating. I was so happy. And now I want to say a big thank you to Nikolai Shevchenko and the newspaper.
Address: Luzhina Vera Petrovna, 141074 Moscow region, Korolev, st. Pionerskaya, 20-25.

Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2000 11
I regret that I have not always read carefully
I subscribe to the bulletin from the very first issue, which was published in 1992. I read and read, as they say, from cover to cover. I regret one thing - I didn’t always read carefully - the trouble would not have happened to me, which caused a lot of trouble.
In August 1999, I got sick. I felt terrible, pain ... I went to the hospital. Ultrasound revealed stones in the gallbladder. They said that it was impossible to do without an operation, and even gave a referral. The pains were so strong that they took me to the hospital in an ambulance almost every other day. The doctor who dealt with me insisted on an immediate operation.
And I kept saying: “Well, why immediately for the operation? Maybe you can get some treatment, because I only got sick a month ago. He answered me: "Do you know that jaundice, peritonitis can happen ..."
When I was once again brought to the hospital (it was Wednesday, and the operation was scheduled for Monday), the doctor did not want to let me go home at all. But I still asked for time off. And so I did not want to "under the knife" ... Just a day later they brought the 16th issue of the bulletin, and as if some kind of sign: it contains a letter from Ivan Efimovich Podterger from Vladivostok about how he got rid of stones in the bladder with using sunflower roots.
Believe it or not: I went to my former employees. They, like me, retired, live in their own homes, all have vegetable gardens. It was already the second half of September in the yard, but I still found these roots. On the same day I started drinking the broth ... I am so grateful to Ivan Efimovich for his recipe. Now I feel good, I eat everything: salty, sour, and fried - it seems that I didn’t get sick.
And the messengers are on their banks. I sewed them together in a binder, for each year separately, I reread them from time to time.
I also want to write about Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotlyarov - let the earth rest in peace to him. After all, it was from him that I learned stick massage. Before I was very worried about my back, especially sciatica. So, stick massage helped. And now, if my back hurts, I take a stick and walk it on my back 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.
Address: Mazurova 3.P. 305018, Kursk, st. Chernyakhovsky, 18, apt. 1.
"HLS": It remains for us to repeat the story of Ivan Efimovich Podterger about how he got rid of the stones.
“About five years ago, I was not taken by an ambulance to the hospital with an attack of colic in the liver. During the examination, it turned out that there are three stones in the gallbladder: 1.2 cm, 1 cm and 0.8 cm. They wanted to cut, but I refused and began to be treated at home.
Initially, he drank urine 3-5 sips 3 times a day. Then he learned the recipe with sunflower root and began to drink its infusion. Checked for ultrasound - no stones. This year, a stone 0.5 cm in size was found in the left kidney. I drank a sunflower root - there is no stone.
How to prepare an infusion. In the fall, when dry sunflowers are harvested, I take the sunflower root. I cut off the small roots, and the main part of the land. Then I crush this root with an ax into small pieces the size of a bean. At one time, you need to collect one faceted glass of chopped root. I put it in an enamel pan and fill it with 3 liters of spring water (if there is no spring water, you can use ordinary pouring water), put it on the stove and boil it for 3 minutes. I drain the water. This water should be drunk in three days. Pour the same roots again with 3 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink water in three days, and discard the roots. Then take a second glass of roots and repeat everything again.
If the stones are large, old, you need to drink 2 cups of sunflower roots. The stones dissolve and are flushed out in the urine. At this time, the urine will be rusty. There are no painful sensations. "
As for the stick massage of Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotlyarov, here is an excerpt from Anatoly Korshunov's conversation with him. Complete material about Kotlyarov can be found in the "Warning" magazine NB 1/7 for 2000. So, stick massage.
"...- What is this?
- And this is a wonderful thing. All your massagers - ball-point there and various others - are nonsense. An ordinary gymnastic stick is the best tool. The stick allows you to deeply work out not only muscles, but also tendons, joints, bone tissue ... Can you imagine, it turns out that bone tissue can be worked out! I start from the back of the head. I work it with a stick - up and down, up and down. I go down to the neck, then the shoulder girdle. Now I take the stick vertically. The right hand is above, the left is below. I take up the spine. I change hands: the left one is above, the right one is below.
Kotlyarov cannot, sit still, jumps up, shows ...
- What is it? Don't you have a stick? To me, too, the sports edition ... So, now I put a stick between my arms bent at the elbows. I work on the lower back and lower back. Radiculitis, believe me, disappears in an instant ... I take the stick with a reverse grip - and on the buttocks, on the buttocks - but how else can you get them to the base? Ball your massager? Kids toys. I tried it with my fists. A stick is best ... Well; and then - the back of the thighs, calves ... Belly, belly, my friend, - Kotlyarov laughs, - I shouldn't forget. And then I feed him, feed him.
Mikhail Mikhailovich becomes serious again. And in the tone of the lecturer continues:
- How do I perform the massage? Standing. Therefore, under tension. Do we know what? That exercise has the strongest training effect when the tissues are relaxed. I put a mat on the floor and lie on my stomach. I do the entire massage first - from the back of the head to the heels. I turn over on my back: chest, stomach, legs ... After the massage, gymnastics. "

Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2000 14
I have been subscribing the bulletin for the second year and I am very pleased with the newspaper, because I learned a lot of useful things. Thanks to everyone who shares tried and tested recipes!
I am a disabled person of the II group, and fell ill 16 years ago. The disease is terrible - cervical blastoma in the 4th stage. But I did not lose heart, although the doctors no longer undertook to treat me. They said it was late and they sent me home to die. I insisted on being left in the hospital. Completed a course of treatment. The doctors assured me: they did everything they could, but I didn’t feel well.
Once I learned that one woman was cured by the ASD-2 faction. I decided to give it a try. I drank 2 bottles of 200 g each. My health improved, and to this day I am alive. So believe in yourself and you will succeed.
In December 1999, a stomach ache. They took me to the hospital by ambulance. It turned out that the pancreas was inflamed. In addition, they found two stones in the gallbladder.
The operation at that moment was contraindicated, I was treated for 25 days and sent home. After 2 months, it was recommended to come for an operation to remove stones from the gallbladder.
Imagine, I found a recipe in the "healthy lifestyle", which exactly said how to remove stones from the gallbladder with the help of oat infusion. I drank the drug for 40 days. I did an ultrasound scan - there were no stones.
I took this recipe from "HLS" No. 9 for 1999, sent it to L. G. Harlin from Ryazan. Thank you both to her and to you very much - this is a wonderful and very simple recipe!
Address: Druzhinina Valentina Nikolaevna, 198205, St. Petersburg, p / o 205, p / o 86.

"Healthy lifestyle": Recently, the mail more and more often brings evidence that the recipes of the "Home Doctor" - and these are your recipes - work great. More recently ("HLS" No. 11, 2000) we told how our subscriber Z. P. Mazurkova from Kursk, using the recipe of Ivan Efimovich Pedterger ("HLS" No. 16, 1999), removed stones from the gallbladder with using a decoction of sunflower roots. Today the story is almost the same. Only another remedy is an infusion of oats. As a result, we just have to repeat the recipe for its preparation.
1 glass of oats, which horses eat (you can find it in seed shops or in the countryside), pour 5-6 glasses of boiling water and simmer over low heat (so as not to boil away) for 50-60 minutes. Strain and drink as much and as much as you like. Keep the broth in the refrigerator, as it quickly turns sour in warmth.
My husband suffered from such a disease in his youth. One person taught him this method. If he is alive, good health to him. Now my husband is 54, there are no problems with stones.
Such is the strength of this oat: it dissolves stones to sand, lowers sugar in diabetics, the whole gastrointestinal tract works perfectly from this broth. I think that patients with glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis can also use this advice.

Saturday, April 28, 2012 08:08 PM
HLS Bulletin 2004 20 (271)
Once I read in a tear-off calendar that one surgeon who removed stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, colleagues made an ashtray out of these same stones. Once they put a piece of black radish with honey in it, which remained after coughing. The juice flowed out of the radish, and ... the pebbles dissolved.
This is how I accidentally learned that black radish juice dissolves gallstones. The husband, who suffered from this ailment, decided to give it a try. The juice was mixed with honey. He drank 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning on an empty stomach and after 15 minutes had breakfast. The stones, however, dissolved for a long time - 6 months, but the operation was not required for the husband.
O. F. Senotrusova, Nartkala.

HLS Bulletin 2004 20 (271)
I read in "HLS" the request of Lydia Alekseevna Vladimirova to give a prescription for stones in the gallbladder and I hasten to help her. Many years ago, when there was no ultrasound yet, my mother was worried about frequent attacks due to stones in the gallbladder. I remember that the only way to get rid of the pain is to take a hot bath. The pain subsided little by little, but the problem still remained. Once at work, I noticed one employee regularly eat black radish. I asked and found out that this is how she removes stones from the gallbladder.
Here is a recipe for its preparation.
In the morning, prepare 1 teaspoon of red beet juice, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and drink. After 2 hours, eat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated radish. You can have breakfast only after 30-40 minutes. And so for two months: 10 days to be treated, 10 days to rest. Then take a break for six months, after which the procedure is resumed according to the same scheme. If the state of health improves, then prophylactically carry out treatment once a year.
Mom did not immediately help, but after three years she completely got rid of the debilitating pains.
Address: Uperenko V.I., 462356 Novotroitsk, st. Sitkina, 17, apt. 87.

HLS Bulletin Archive "HLS Archive for 2007" HLS Bulletin No. 22 2007 "Home Doctor
I have been prescribing healthy lifestyles since 2000. I can tell you how I got rid of a stone in my gallbladder and two stones in my left kidney.
On the recommendation of the doctor I.A. Shulgi (thank him very much) I drank three 3-liter cans of a decoction of crushed blackthorn roots (not varietal) and rosehip roots. An ultrasound scan was repeated, the stones were gone. Here is the prescription. Pour 3 liters of cold water into an enamel pot, add 200 g (tightly packed glass) of chopped sloe roots and the same amount of rosehip roots. Bring to a boil and then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Wrap it up and let it brew until it cools completely. Pour, strain, into a 3-liter jar and refrigerate. Take a slightly warmed 150 g 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals: The first can ends, prepare the second so that there is no break, and then the third.
Sumskaya M.N.

I am not a physician. I just came across stones and sand myself and my friends. The stones were not removed to me. They come out with sand. For prevention it is necessary:
Drink plenty of fluids. Preventing dehydration can help you avoid kidney stones. Try to drink enough water to keep your urine light yellow or clear. Dark yellow urine means you are not drinking enough water.
1. Drink lemon or lime drinks. Find a drink that is low in sugar or make your own. Lemon and lime are high in citric acid, which prevents crystal growth and kidney stones.
Avoid dark beers. They contain oxalates, which contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
2. Cut back on sugar, soda, and corn syrup. Sugar interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium and magnesium, which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Fructose, found in sugar and corn syrup, increases your risk of kidney stones. If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle and avoid kidney stones, limit your sugar intake.
Some citrus sodas, like 7UP and Sprite, are high in citric acid. While you shouldn't drink high-sugar drinks, sometimes soda is a good way to increase your citric acid intake.

3. Physical activity. Exercise for 30 minutes daily. Moderate exercise reduces the risk of kidney stones by 31%.
Exercise at least 150 minutes a week. Do aerobic exercise such as running or cycling.

4. Limit your daily animal protein intake to 200 grams, as it increases the risk of kidney stones. 200 grams of meat is a palm-sized piece or a deck of cards.
Meat, liver, and shellfish contain a substance called purine. Purine increases the body's production of uric acid and can lead to kidney stones. Eggs and fish meat also contain less purine.
Get protein from other foods like dairy or legumes. Legumes contain a substance called phytate, which can help prevent kidney stones. But do not overuse your consumption of soy, as it contains a lot of oxalate.

5. Get the right amount of calcium. Don't assume that if your kidney stones are composed of calcium, then you need to reduce your intake. Research shows that decreasing calcium intake actually increases the risk of kidney stones. Eat a variety of dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese to get the calcium you need.
Children aged 4-8 need 1000 mg of calcium per day, while children aged 9-18 require 1300 mg of calcium per day. Adults (over 19 years of age) need at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Women over 50 and men over 70 require 1200 mg of calcium per day.
Do not take high calcium supplements (unless your doctor advises you to do so). Calcium ingested through food does not affect kidney stones, but high calcium levels in dietary supplements increase the risk of kidney stones.
6. Limit your intake of oxalates.
Kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate. Avoid foods high in oxalate to prevent kidney stones. Limit your daily oxalate intake to 40-50 milligrams.
Eat foods that contain oxalates along with foods that contain calcium. This will allow the oxalate to react with the calcium before it reaches the kidneys, reducing the risk of kidney stones.
Foods high in oxalates (from 10 mg): nuts, berries, wheat, rice, grapes, tangerines, legumes, beets, carrots, celery, eggplant, cabbage, onions, olives, peppers, potatoes, spinach, zucchini.
Drinks with a high content of oxalates (from 10 mg): dark beer, black tea, drinks with cocoa, soy-based drinks, instant coffee.
The human body can convert excessive doses of vitamin C (from dietary supplements, for example) to oxalate. Don't take vitamin C supplements (unless your doctor recommends it).

7. Avoid radical diets. Such diets increase the level of uric acid in the blood, increasing the risk of kidney stones. Protein diets, such as the Atkins diet, are detrimental to the kidneys and should be avoided.
However, a healthy, balanced diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and some protein is a great way to heal your body and prevent kidney stones.
8. Be extra vigilant if you have a history of kidney stones. Studies show that half of patients who have had kidney stones will develop the disease again within 7 years of the first case. Follow all preventive measures if you already have stones, as you are at risk.

Eat healthy foods and follow a diet that is predominantly made up of vitamins and nutrients. Avoid fast food and foods high in saturated fat.

Water-water, a beautiful maiden, flows, does not know troubles, all the bile washes out of the bilious place of the servant of God (name). Amen.

If you have cholecystitis, you need to pour boiled cool water into a simple cup every morning, baptize three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," slander and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach.

Conspiracy from hepatitis

I baptize water, I want to heal the servant of God. Become white-faced. Strong in muscle and mind, no more pain, whiter and more scarlet. Amen.

In case of hepatitis, take cold tap water into a glass, cross it three times with the words "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit", say and wash it in the area of ​​the liver. This should be done every morning for a month. In case of chronic hepatitis, repeat the cycle in a month.

Conspiracy from liver cirrhosis

I put my hand on, I command the liver of the servant of God (name): pour over this water, heal from the disease. Amen.

With cirrhosis of the liver, take cold tap water into a glass, cross it three times with the words "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit", say and wash it in the area of ​​the liver. This should be done every morning for a month.

Conspiracy from liver pain, stones, sand

Mother water, you wash away the banks, you wash away the yellow sand, you carry a stone, you destroy mountains. Destroy the liver stones of the servant of God (name), wash the sand out of it, cure and heal. Amen, Amen, Amen.

During an attack of pain in the liver, pour water from the tap into a simple cup, cross three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," say and drink right there. Lie down until the pain is gone.

After liver surgery

Mother Paraskeva, heal the wounds as soon as possible on the black liver of the servant of God (name). Amen.

If you have undergone liver surgery, you need to pour boiled cool water into a simple cup every morning, baptize three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," slander and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach.

Bath conspiracy for diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Attention! The bath is indicated for stones in the liver and gallbladder, has a choleretic effect. But it is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases and in the postoperative period. With cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis, you can go to the bath only in a state of remission.

A broom for liver diseases is best made from linden and birch. When steaming a broom, say to the water:

Linden stork and birch leaf, open up, revive your strength to me, give the servant of God (name)! The landlord-father Antipka, the landowner-mother Anfisa, steam me a broom for good health, so that he drove bile - I did not know when I was tired. Amen.

Then, when you take a steam bath, repeat the conspiracy:

Linden broom, birch broom, you drive out of me, the servant of God (name), black bile away, steam with hot steam, give healing power. Amen.

After steaming, pour cold water over, saying a conspiracy.

The water-water, the red girl, washes away all the ailments and carries away the earth in the cheese so that the servant of God (name) does not have ailments. Amen.

Leaving the bath, be sure to thank the owners of the bath by bowing to the belt.

Heal yourself with prayer

We talk a lot about the fact that we are overwhelmed by some diseases that seem to arise from scratch. Of course, we know that due to stress, stomach diseases can occur.

And because of unforgiven offenses? Because of unfulfilled promises? Because of…

But you never know what happens in our life that causes diseases. Sometimes curable, sometimes fatal.

And in order to understand what is happening to us, in order to know how to prevent or cure, Darina talks about this in her classes.

And not only tells, but also teaches!

The same Prayers are often recited for various diseases. Therefore, do not be surprised that sometimes there are such different diseases, and the prayer is read to one Healer.

Gallbladder disease, throat disease

Prayer to the great martyr and healer Panteleimon

O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and physician, many-merciful Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from an illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me, so healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will be able to receive the good end of my life.

Hey, the Grace of God! Pray Christ God, that through thy intercession he grant health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen

An appeal to the Patron saints


Prayer to Saint John Damascene

Vladyka Chelovek, will this coffin be a bed for me, or will you enlighten my cursed soul in the daytime?

Seven coffin is presented, her death is imminent.

I am afraid of Thy judgment, Lord, and endless torment, but I do not cease doing evil: I always anger you, the Lord my God, and Thy Most Pure Mother, and all Heavenly powers. and my holy guardian angel.

We, O Lord, as I am not worthy of Thy love for mankind, but I am worthy of all condemnation and torment.

But. Lord, either I want, or I don’t want, save me.

If you save the righteous, nothing great; and if you have pure mercy, nothing wondrous: deserve the essence of your mercy.

But amaze Thy mercy on me as a sinner: about this, reveal Thy philanthropy, may my malice not prevail over Thy ineffable goodness and mercy: and as you like, arrange a thing about me.

Enlighten my eyes, Christ God, but not when I fall asleep into death, and not when my enemy says: Strengthen yourself against him.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: Wake up the defender of my soul.

God, as if in the midst of many nets I walk; deliver me from them and save me, Better, like a Humanitarian.

And now and forever and forever and ever: The Most Glorious Mother of God, and the Holy Angel of the Most Holy, let us sing incessantly with our hearts and lips.

The Mother of God confessing this, as if she truly gave birth to God for us is incarnate, and praying incessantly for our souls. Amen.

Help from nature


In Egypt, eggplant was credited with extraordinary properties, primarily magical power in love. Therefore, it is still called "the apple of love" there.

And in ancient Rome, eggplants were called "crazy apple" and were not eaten, believing that they lead to mental disorders.

In the Russian Empire, it was affectionately called "blue", less often "Indian berry".

Eggplant lowers blood cholesterol and prevents the absorption of cholesterol compounds. Systematic use weakens pathological changes in patients with atherosclerosis.

The effectiveness of eggplants increases when used with fatty foods. This is favored by the high content of potassium, which contributes to the release of the body from excess fluid.

They are indicated for diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary and cholelithiasis, for gout, polyarthritis, spondylosis.

Juice from fresh and boiled fruits has high bactericidal properties.

Eggplants normalize water-salt and lipid metabolism, promote the excretion of uric acid salts.

When eating eggplants, it should be borne in mind that hardened and overripe eggplants should not be consumed.

Eggplant salad

Bake about 1 kg of eggplant until tender in the oven or in a frying pan. Clean hot and cool in water. Cut in small pieces.

Mix the juice of 1 lemon in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix with eggplant and 100 g of finely chopped onion. Add sugar, salt to taste and mix everything.

Bon Appetit!

A little humor

Little boy's prayer:

- Dear God, make the sweets contain as many vitamins as spinach!

Bring back a radiant complexion. Brew the lime blossom coolly, let it brew for one hour. Strain, add a spoonful of honey and daily, several times a day, moisten your face with this infusion. Part of the infusion can be frozen and wipe your face in the morning.

Daily washing with yarrow flowers (infusion of flowers) gives a magnificent complexion, and also if you take snow from the balcony into pots in winter and leave them in your bedroom overnight, you will not have wrinkles and flaccid skin, you will have a fresh face and pink cheeks.

Dropsy. If the patient has not yet had an abdominal puncture, give him a drink from a decoction of cornflower flowers, and the dropsy will go away.

Diabetes mellitus. Drink decoctions of blueberry leaves, flowers and sprouts, if difficult to get, use blueberries, but blueberries work better.

Eat cups of fresh lingonberries and boiled beets. Beetroot juice also helps well, but very few people tolerate it, as it is very weak.

Profuse menses. Juice the nettle leaves, add it to the water and drink it - your period will return to normal.

Beli. Use tampons soaked in nettle or knotweed juice. Drinking from pale pink yarrow removes copious leucorrhoea well.

Dissolution of gallstones. Do this only if the stones are not very large. During the day, they drink a glass of hot water with lemon juice in the morning, an hour later a glass of cucumber juice, an hour later a glass of beet-carrot juice (in equal parts), and in the evening again three times an hour later, a glass of hot water with lemon. When the stones move away, usually a person suffers a lot from pain, but you need to endure, wait until all the stones come out with urine.

Fireman. Usually children have a fire, it is sometimes confused with scrofula, but with a fire, the child's cheeks and chin are bright red, and at this time the temperature rises, it is almost impossible to bring it down. Remove the fire from the child like this. Go to the foggy window and with the back of your left hand remove the "sweat" from the window glass and immediately wipe the red spots on the child's face with it and say:

Sweat the window, and you don't get sick with the fire.

Radiculitis treatment. Grate horseradish and radish on a fine grater. Mix and place on the sore spot. When it is difficult to endure, remove the compress, wipe the skin and lubricate with sour cream so that there is no burn.

Prepare an alcoholic infusion of elderflower flowers, St. John's wort and thyme. When the infusion is infused, rub it into sore spots and cover it with a shawl. Melt the paraffin in a bowl, cool a little and dip a towel into it and moisten it. Carefully, so as not to burn the patient, put a towel soaked in paraffin on the place that hurts. Place cellophane on top of the towel and then a blanket. Usually a person, having warmed up, falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he no longer feels pain. In severe cases, one compress is not enough, do it several more times. In any case, it will definitely help the patient.

For love, family, children

If your daughter-in-law walks from your son

From a letter:

“It’s hard for me to write about this, but I don’t see any other way out. I apologize in advance for your wasted time. I will try to write briefly and most importantly. I raised my son alone, because when I was pregnant, my husband Alyosha was electrocuted. after his funeral, I thought that I would follow him. I cried all night long, and then my mother knelt in front of me and said: "Whatever I, my daughter, did for you, even take my life, but how can you to reason, you cry so much, your child may be born abnormal. Have pity on him and me. I’m already exhausted myself, looking at your tears. You will not return your husband, but you will ruin his child too, unless you take yourself in hand! "And from that day on I tried not to think about my husband in order to give birth to his child, because this is what is left of him. I raised him hard, worked a lot so that he could eat well, dress and study. And God heard me, he grew up a very kind and decent person. Everything was fine until he married, he would not breathe on her, and she cheats on him, walks with one I would not have spoken in vain, and if someone had said, I would not have believed, because people are different, another person, out of envy, will lie and will not take dear. But it so happened that I came to them without warning to the dacha, I decided to take her pies, my son was at work. I took the train and arrived. I open the door, the music is playing, but my daughter-in-law does not hear me calling. I looked into the bedroom, and she is naked with a man in bed making love. I already recoiled and soon, soon run away, it's good at least I grabbed a bag of pies, otherwise my daughter-in-law would understand that I was and I know everything. At first I wanted to call and tell my son everything, but suddenly I felt so sorry for him, because he loves her very much. And I took the sin, I am silent and do not speak to anyone. And then I saw her in a cafe on Taganka with a young blonde (not with the one that was at the dacha, but with someone else, that one was dark-haired and curly, I managed to notice it). She sits in a cafe, and I stand behind a column and see how he hugs her around the waist and kisses her on the cheek. They drank wine and laughed. And now, Natalya Ivanovna, I have no life, my heart is breaking, I so want to help my son. Let her stop cheating on him, it’s not divine, and it could end badly. Suddenly the son finds out and does something with himself ... "

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will lie down - I will pray, I will get up - I will cross myself.

I will not wash myself with raw water,

I will wash with God's holy dew.

Dry my dew on my brow

The sun is red.

I'll go to him to dry his brow,

It's bitter to talk about your grief.

You are my nights, dark nights,

You are my dawns, white dawns,

And get together in one suglas,

To my honest call and to my voice.

And think you how sickening

And hard for the black crow

Yes, sit on a dry oak,

No legs, no arms, no claws.

It would be so sickening for the servant of God (name)

Without a servant of God (name).

Do not fly the crow to the sea-ocean,

Do not fly him to Buyan Island,

And my prayer will fly there,

My tough words.

There is a hut on that island,

And in the hut there is an old board,

And under that board, melancholy rushes.

I will remove the board with my conspiracy

And let me go to (such and such) longing.

Fly, longing, to (such and such) God's servant,

And co-serve, longing, faithful service to me.

Shake it and throw it, don't give it rest and rest,

Daytime, midday, nighttime, midnight.

She (such and such) would not eat food,

I wouldn't drink it in water or wine.

He is her food from now on, he is water to her from now on.

So that she grieves for him,

Her blood was boiling.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.

Strong love spell on wife

From a letter:

"I am fifty-six years old, my wife and I have three children and four grandchildren. If someone told me that there would come such a moment that my Lucy would run after every man she met, I would never have believed it. All my life, almost forty years, we have lived in harmony with her. I do not drink, I do not smoke and I love my family very much. When my wife fell ill, I thought I would go crazy. She had three operations, and at that time I did everything I could so that she gets better and lives. I took out rare medicines, prepared juices, jelly and steamed food for her. During the time that she was sick, I lost weight, turned gray and learned to cook all dietary meals. Now I know all therapeutic diets, protein norms in food and any other help for the sick. I looked after the house, looked after the children, worked at night in order to be useful to her and the family during the day. The men in the garages drank, sat in the saunas with the girls and then talked about it, conversation - herbs, infusions, ointments. There was a moment when the doctors told me: "Do not hope in vain, it will not be raised! “I did not despair, I began to buy your literature, run to church and pray with tears. And I decided that if she died, I would go with her, so that she would not be lonely there. But God and your books helped me. She recovered, and after nine years she began to walk from me. Says: "You are bald, fat and ugly, you have grown old and do not excite me, I want passion and love!" Dear Natalya Ivanovna, what will happen to me if she leaves me, who needs me now? While I was young and strong, I served my family like a faithful dog. All the children have learned, and now everyone has their own families. I am sitting at home. And the wife runs around it is not clear where. If you could return her love to me, then this would have saved my soul from mortal sin, since I will do something with myself ... "