How good to make friends. How to make friends with people: effective ways and practical recommendations. Forbidden to discuss the topic

Everyone needs friends. And not only when we are sad and lonely, but then when we are happy and cheerful - so that this joy is to divide with.

There are people who get acquainted easily, but for some it a whole problem. So how to make friends with a person? Let's consider different situations and give summarized recommendations.

Why don't I have friends?

Anyone, regardless of gender, age and status, can suddenly understand that he can't find friends.

With what it can be connected? To begin with, look back around.

Most likely, you will find at least one or two people who and would not oppose with youBut for some reason you do not notice them or specifically ignore. Try to find contact with them.

If you learned about yourself, then in order to make friends, you first have to work on yourself.

Learn about the reasons for the lack of friendly relationships from this video:

How to start adult comrades?

I want to find people to communicate for 50

Age is not a hindrance for finding friends. If you do not know where to start, then try the following:

  1. Social networks and dating sites. Here, of course, you should be careful and not too trust everyone who writes you. But it's worth trying. Watch the account, write a little about yourself in the profile, tell us about your hobbies: it will be easier to discuss something.

    Try to write to someone yourself: tell me that you are looking for friends to communicate and try to interest the interlocutor.

  2. Try to find a new passion. It must necessarily like. Maybe you have long wanted to go to yoga? Not far from your home there is a club gardener club? Or have culinary courses opened? Here you have an advantage, because in such places there are accurate topics for conversations.
  3. Do not sit at home! This is the most important rule. Where do you come from dating and friends if you are in four walls all day? Try to get acquainted in the store, near the entrance. Create conversations with unfamiliar people, just remember caution.

How to look for buddies in 30 years?

People in 30 years often passionate career or family And at all, do not find time to meet with friends.

So gradually the circle of communication is becoming less and less ...

What to do?

  1. Find Dating B. in social networks.
  2. Go to different activity. Theater, cinema, exhibition, lecture, meeting in interest - it does not matter, you can get acquainted everywhere. And who knows, maybe then it will turn into a strong friendship. Most importantly, do not hesitate!
  3. Communicate S. colleagues at work. Undoubtedly, it is important to keep the working borders. But if you adhere to certain rules of communication, you can completely communicate with colleagues, both at work and outside it.

How to find friends? Tips of the psychologist:

What to do to make friends with the team?

It doesn't matter if you fell into a new working team or decided to improve relations with your current colleagues, the rules are the same:

  1. Be friendly. Do not grieve and do not grumble! Smile, remember names, interest about the affairs and mood of people, come to them politely. So you will make a pleasant impression.
  2. Communicate with different colleagues. With some of them you will be closer, you will stay with someone at a distance of an elongated hand. However, it is not necessary to ignore anyone.
  3. Do not be arrogant. It is not necessary to turn around before everyone, but also do not do the nose. Respect ourselves, do not let you wash yourself, but you don't overestimate the price. It repels people.
  4. Do not gossip. This is the worst thing that could be in the working team. Even if all other employees are engaged only - never go to the same way.
  5. Be punctual. Everything is simple: everyone appreciates their time, and no one loves those who are constantly late.

How to join the new team and find mutual understanding? Find out of the video:

How to make friends with a child?

How to learn to communicate at school?

The child can not find a common language with the rest of the children at school? Then you should help him:

  1. Teach a child with general communication rules. Tell us about how to get acquainted correctly, that you do not need to be afraid to approach someone that you need to be polite and cannot be offended.
  2. Form him a positive attitude towards himself and to the world around him. It is impossible for him to think that he is worse than the rest. But the high self-conceit will also do not benefit him. Explain that it is worth being friendly and respectful to everyone.
  3. Create conditions for communication to communicate with your peers. The sooner you started, the better. But if you spun about it only when problems have already begun in dealing with classmates, then do not despair. Try to organize a children's holiday, allow him to call to visit the guests whom he wants.

    Offer him to visit some circle: you need to gradually expand the circle of communication of the child, it will benefit him in favor of finding friends at school.

  4. Let the child freedom. When he communicates with other guys, it does not need to be constantly borrowing and corrected. So he will have a complex. Of course, if the aggression is observed on his part, then you should take it into the side and explain what he does wrong. In the case of a conflict situation, you can explain how to come to a compromise. But do not forget that in the rest of the excessive custody should not be. And even more so, do not specify with whom to be friends, and with whom there is no. Give freedom of choice and respect his decision.
  5. Serve an example. All children are equal to adults and, first of all, on their parents. Show him that friendship is great, share unobtrusively experience, tell about the situations that happened to you and your friends in childhood.

Is it possible to find a common language with the class?

In school, the child spends most of the time and it is very important that he has friends there. What can be done if he does not have them?

How to make friends with classmates? Tips of the psychologist:

Establish relationships with teacher

Good relationship with teachermay be favorable and to raise the child. After all, it is she constantly watching him at school, which means that can see if something falls and help, give constructive criticism and useful tips.

But for this it is important, which relationships between them are built. AND parents can also affect it:

  • do not criticize the actions of the teacher at the child: so he will lose credibility in his eyes;
  • chat with the teacher for yourself, ask him to also take steps to good relationship with the child;
  • support teachers in various organizational moments - this will improve its attitude towards your child.

And remember the teacher is your associate and partner. In your common interest, send the diet to the right side. Therefore, it is worth acting together.

Not to put on high school students

Here you will be helped by the same tips as in the case of classmates. The only thing to add is to explain that these guys are older, and therefore Do not lie And it is worth respecting them and take an example.

Individual approach to girls and boys

An individual approach undoubtedly has a number of features.

And it depends on the interests and nature of classmate / TSA. Here You can note the following:

  • explain to the child about the difference of sexes, and what features in communication should be considered (that girls are a little weaker physically, and the boys, on the contrary, is stronger);
  • if the child complains that he can't make friends with a concrete boy / girl, then try to ask about them and give advice on the basis of the information received;
  • friendliness still did not let anyone and be sure to explain that if a classmate does not respond mutually, you should not be offended and angry, you just need respect to it.

Friendship and Communication of Youth

With a guy who do you like?

Girls sometimes seem unlevued task - make friends with the guy who likes. But if you are with patience, then you can count on something more. So, you need:

How to hint guy, what do I like? Learn from this video:

Be on one wave with one-laugher

Student years are filled with not only couples, but even more fun events and new friends. But what if you can't make friends with your alignments?

  1. Employe your shyness. Come first, make conversations, discuss lectures and seminars. After all, you definitely have common topics.
  2. Be easier. You do not need to build someone from yourself - it will definitely open sooner or later and people will turn away from you.
  3. Do not forget about the sense of humor. It will help create a positive impression about you. But be careful, the jokes should not be offensive.
  4. Be benevolent and open. Suggest your assistance, for example, with missed lectures or complex topics.
  5. Be confident. People themselves are drawn to those who radiate confidence.

Tips for freshmen: how to make friends? Networking for students:

If you want more tips for finding friends, then pay attention to the following books.:

  • Dale Carnegie "How to conquer friends and influence people";
  • Paul McGee "Communication skills. How to find a common language with anyone ";
  • Philip Zimbardo "How to overcome shyness";
  • Mark Road "How to talk with anyone";
  • James Borg "The power of belief. The art of influence people "and" Secrets of communication. Magic words ";
  • Kate Ferrazzi "Never Eat alone-2. How to find friends and mentors for life. "

Internet to help

How to find the Internet friend in VK? In our age, even the most lonely person may feel better.

After all, there is an Internet where to find friends and tie chat is much easier. Find interest sites, register on social networks.

But here there are a couple of tips:

  • use your photo on the avatar, so you call more trust in people;
  • fill your profile, specify some information about yourself;
  • be sociable, you should not ignore the interlocutor and respond once a week to his messages;
  • maintain contact: If you do not answer for a long time, write yourself to the interlocutor, ask about his affairs;
  • do not forget about caution, you should not be too trusty.

Common interests

How to find real friends, and how to make many friends in interest?

In order to find real friends, quite a lot of time and effort will be required. therefore do not dwell on it.

Communicate, be benevolent, start a lot of dating, support communication. Over time, you will notice what people stayed with youand with whom you passed through a lot - this is true friends.

Find the best girlfriend

The best friend will always support, give advice or constructive criticism will come to the rescue. But how to find it? Actually this is also not worth loan.

Together with various girls, communicate and you will notice that with someone relationships are more trusted. This is the best friend.

Make friends with a person quite simple. You need goodwill, self-confidence and a little sense of humor. Be yourself, defeat shy - you will see how people will reach out for you.

It may seem to make friends with difficult sometimes, but often the best way to make it - just go ahead and do not be shy. This article is designed to push the process, give advice to help you find a new friend in less than a minute.


Beginning of friendship

    Do not forget that it is good or bad, people tend to judge others, based on the first impressions. This is just a fact of life.

    • Pay attention to your personal hygiene (take a shower, clean your teeth, refresh your breath) and dress attractive.
    • You should not be elegantly or too defiantly dressed; Just do not look too careful or dirty.
  1. Smile and project a positive attitude.

    • A smile is a kind of universal sign that you are friendly and your intentions are good. She also assumes that you are a positive person who attracts most people.
    • If you have problems and you are hard to smile naturally, try to think about what makes you happy.
  2. Quickly choose someone to whom you can approach and talk. Do not choose random strangers, just make sure that you are familiar with them at least a little and, at least, know his name.

    • Do not dwell on one person, your task is to speak with so many people as possible in society to increase your chances to make friends with someone new.
    • Do not choose people based on their "attractiveness", or on how confident they seem. Your new best friend may not give in to any of these descriptions, but may be a fantastic person. So just come to anyone who looks available to communicate. If the conversation did not take place, you can always leave, not feeling guilt (see below).
    • Feel in your plate, remembering that people around you are probably as you are interested in finding new friends.
  3. Start the conversation. If you have already come to this person, it is logical for you to move away from the dead point. Almost any replica can start a productive conversation.

    • If two of you are lucky enough to have something in common, start with it. For example, "Hey, I think I saw you in my class on biology - how do you like such a teacher?" Or: "Do you work on Starbucks? I think I saw you there."
    • Start with a compliment that can lead to question: "Wow, this is a really good bracelet - where did you take it?" Or, maybe, "your hair look amazing - how do you achieve this?"
    • Start with an eternal question about the weather. If it is hot, tell me that you burn, and you must sit for a minute. If it rains, tell me that you planned to go shopping (or ride a bike, or see the sights, or something else interesting), but now you have to change plans.
  4. Support a conversation. If only a person is not catastrophically unsafe or just not in the mood to talk (it happens), your open behavior will receive any answer. Be prepared to follow additional comments.

    • Try to save interesting information from reading books, magazines and newspapers, watching TV and Internet. This may be a chopstick in a conversation.
    • Talk about yourself and as the conversation progressing will gradually share more detailed information.
  5. Be a good listener. This is one of the main things on which people react when meeting with someone new - when you pay to someone attention, you give a person to feel important and useful.

    • Exercise visual contact is the best way to show that you are positive. Do not look into the space or other people, and, of course, do not look at your phone!
    • When a person says something or tells the story, answer, expanding the topic and showing what you understand.
  6. So there were 60 seconds. Could you install contact?

    • If not, this is normal. You can not succeed in constantly, and people are not always in the mood for communication, so you should not feel embarrassed. All you need to do is politely leaving ("Hey, thanks for the conversation, I have time! Let's talk later"), and then find a new person for conversation.
    • If you got out, it's great! Continue to talk for as long as it is convenient, and then when it comes to go, do not forget to exchange phone numbers and / or email addresses so that you can stay in touch. Do not forget to follow messages. It will not necessarily turn into friendship for life, but you will not recognize this without taking the initiative and not talking to a person.

    * No matter how good you are a listener, do not do that your interlocutor will speak all the time. It is very boring. * Be yourself. It makes no sense to create friendship based on personality, which is not really the same. * With most people, you will not be able to become close friends per minute, but do not worry; Good friendship requires a lot of time for development. * Do not wait for the opportunity to make friends - friends will never come by themselves. Instead, worry hard to create opportunities to initiate contact. For example, if someone needs a trip to the shopping store, and you also need to go shopping, offer a person to pass it off. This is an excellent opportunity for conversation and acquaintance with man. * If you are having to talk directly, talk with this particular person on Facebook or other social networks, but after one conversation, agree to meet directly for visual contact. * Magnificent time, make friends - football match or, maybe the beginning of your university career. These wonderful opportunities to make friends, because all people around you are in the same boat with you. * If the method does not work for 60 seconds, do not despair, continue to chat, but do not annoy it / her, because it's still your first conversation with a man. * If you want to make friends, you can even set a poster "Requires: Friends" on the bulletin board in your school, churches, etc., and specify a few details. It will look slightly desperate, but quite cute and attractive.


    * Compliments can split ice, but be careful not to compete with insincere or fake. Never make a compliment if you actually think differently, because people will feel it, and your conversation will not stick. * When you make the first contact with your potential new friend, and it goes well, be careful, do not overdo it, do not understand too "chain." After you have successfully talked for 5 or 10 minutes, it's time to exchange contacts and agree on a new meeting in the near future. * Humor can effectively split ice too, but it may also have unpleasant consequences. You may think that you are saying an innocent joke, and she can unintently offend the person with whom you communicate. People can surprise you that they do not consider funny what they do - so it is better to use humor carefully and economically until you know a person a little better.

For the existence of friendship or its inability, disputes are being conducted for many years. What is so special in relationship called friendship? And how to learn to be friends without harm yourself and your neighbor? Let's talk about eight ways to spoil friendship.

What spoils friendship?

  1. Excessive requirements - a friend should!

No matter how strange it sounds, but you don't have to do anything to your friend, like you. Friendship, like a family is a relationship of mutual agreement. But this does not mean that your friend is obliged to devote most of his time to you and your problems. He is also not obliged to be next to you at the first request. Learn not to expect much from your friends a lot, ideal people do not exist, so your friend in the right to choose how much he is ready to devote your time to you, depending on the circumstances. Of course, we are not talking about those "friends" who are knowingly knowing about the importance of your meeting, ignore it. Or easily ready to exchange the planned meeting with you to something more interesting. But even count on ready to be near you at any time of the day, also rather selfish.

2. Envy

Enlighten everything. Even those who are absolutely confident says that he never envies. But experiencing envy, there are several ways to respond to this feeling. You can envy so much that you will be unbearable once again to hear the news from a friend about buying new shoes or cars. Sometimes envy comes to the point that it becomes unbearable to listen and even see his friend. But in your power to change your reaction and control the consequences of envy. As soon as you feel it, tell yourself a feet, teach yourself in principle to control any negative emotions.

3. Gossip

Discussion of friends for their back has always been considered an ugly occupation. But, in fact, discussions are also different. If in the process of discussion, you simply exchange your opinion without moving to insults or want to understand the motives of your total friend's actions, then by and large there is no harm in such peculiar gossip. But if in the process of discussion you set up one of your girlfriend against another, tell about them "nasty", then, first of all, think about what you need it? If you get pleasure from quarrels and gossip, then this reason to think about your personal qualities.

4. Straightness

Quite often, you can observe people who are immensely proud of their straightness - "I always say that I think I always tell everyone the truth." So, before chopping the "truth-uterus" think about it, is it really necessary to your friends and acquaintances? If you are friends with an adult person, then surely he knows everything about himself, including his shortcomings. Would you like to constantly say that you have thick legs, justifying the fact that a friend is not in force to keep this truth with you? Returning to the topic of woven, sometimes it is better to speak out about the fact that you consider your common acquaintance "a little fat," what shouting it in the face.

5. Boasting

No one loves people who are constantly bragging, even if this person is your friend. Of course, to share joy with friends perfectly and great. But, as a rule, we feel when a person at each convenient moment begins to brag. Most often, with the help of boasting, your friend raises his self-esteem, since it is this that gives her the opportunity to assert. If you notice an excessive boasting, think why you can not enjoy your success not at the bottom.

6. Listen to listen

Attention only to his person another item that spoils friendship. Frequently in the companies of women or men are a friend - a "nail of the program", which is ready to talk for hours and talk exclusively about himself. Noisy, bright - obsessive. And even if you try to insert a word, you will certainly feel absolute indifference towards your story. In friendship, as in the family it is very important to be able to listen to a person. Try to distribute time at a meeting so that each of the friends felt attention to himself and could speak.

8. Depreciation

Perhaps one of the important items that spoils any relationship is to depreciate you as a person. It is not always easy to notice that a friend depreciates you, so what can it be expressed? If you feel that after talking with a friend, you stop believing in yourself, believe in our undertakings, feel some kind of funny, perhaps, ugly, then this is a good reason to think about the reality of your friendship. When a friend with a grin tells you - "Yes, well, what are you still invented, why do you need it," then quite often such a reaction speaks of reluctance to see you with a successful and happy person.

Agree that sometimes we carefully need support from friends and loved ones, and sometimes you can pull us out of a prolonged despondency for our attendant in the word. But if a friend does not believe in you, if he does not want to see you happy, then the support does not have to be expected. I would like to emphasize once again that this item is no less important in the relationship between a man and a woman and in.

Believe in your friends, respect your and other people's feelings, do not forget that the environment still has an impact on us, so choose it not only with the heart, but also by the mind.

Good luck! 🙂

P.S. Is the friendship possible between a man and a woman can be read here? "Druzhba between a man and a woman? I do not believe!

Voltaire once wrote: "All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend." However, it is easier to tie relationships than to keep them. But when he seems

Honest self-esteem

If you want to have a real friend, you must be like this. What does it mean? You need to look at yourself through the eyes of another person and give yourself an honest self-esteem. This includes the analysis of its weak and strengths. After all, real friendship is the ability to give, and not to take, and first of all is not in material, but in the emotional plan. You can ask yourself questions: "How does communication with me enrich another person? What character qualities will be unpleasant?". Before making friends with a person, most often needed something to be corrected in his behavior. After all, if someone is greedy, prone to gossip, constantly displeased life or proud, then chances to get close to anyone very low.

On the other hand, those who suffer shyness or a feeling of worthlessness are usually afraid to start friendship, because they believe that they are not interested in anyone. But objectively reflecting on their merits and talents, they will be able to raise self-esteem. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to make friends with anyone, they will surround themselves with new people.


This is not less important than the inner world. Aksomo is about what they meet by clothes, no one canceled, and this should be considered, especially if the person who wanted to meet, sees us for the first time. The clothes should be neat, shoes - clean, hair - washed and well-groomed.

An unpleasant smell of mouth, sweat, and a cigarette smoke (about the fume and it is not worth talking) immediately give out frank span and close the doors to further communication.

How to make friends with a man: manners

A decent appearance with a smile in addition will make their good deed. Also during the conversation it is necessary to maintain visual contact, because if you hide your eyes, look at your feet, it will act as a signal of insincerity. True, you should not drill a person to a person, so that it is not awkward.

Also, the tendency to interrupt or speak in a condescending tone will not play a hand to someone who is looking for new acquaintances. Risk, constantly emphasizing the ignorance of others, is probably not the one who wants to make friends with. Another person is regarded as rudeness. The one who knows how to constantly swake others, often thinks that he has a wonderful sense of humor, in fact very offended and hurts others. There are such that they live on the principle of "there are only two opinions - my and wrong." Therefore, they will certainly impose it to everyone and everyone, and this is a frank moveton.

How to make friends: the first step towards meet

It's not easy. Immediately arise questions like "What if nothing happens?", "Will he think (she), what do I bother to people?".

When it comes to a completely unfamiliar person, say, at the bus stop, in transport or queue, you can not throw some phrase, for example, about stuffing in a minibus, a queue length or good weather. If he supports the conversation, then you can continue in the same spirit. Topics for conversation is better to take neutral, avoid policy issues, racism. The main thing is to remember: such unobtrusive communication does not oblige anything, it can be stopped at any time. But, on the other hand, if the conversation "hooked" both, then you can get a new interesting acquaintance.

The same applies to neighbors around the house, employees at work, mammies with wheelchairs in the yard - all those with whom you have to see every day, but there was no reason to talk. The purpose of any such conversation is to find common interests. If both people like their acquaintance with time can grow into a strong friendship. As you can see, in the question, how to make friends with a person, there is nothing complicated.

Sincere interest

To know how to make friends with the right people, it is not necessary to be the most sociable in the world. Enough to show to others. Often people learn or work together for years, but almost nothing knows about each other. Simple everyday questions "How are you?" Or "How did the weekend go?" Can become a bridge to further communication. You can try to tie the conversation and the person's reaction to determine whether it wants to devote others to his life or not. Of course, the first time may not leave the folding conversation. To impose ugly, but also one should not despair. A modest treat, who does not bind a gift, SMS is not considered a grandiose, but will give a person to understand that he is not sensible, think about him.

The ability to listen

There is much more optional. Communication always provides for a dialogue, not a monologue. Therefore, even shy and not particularly talkative to people.

But the ability to listen to the weight of gold. During the conversation, you need to ask lead or clarifying questions. It will show a person that his opinion and feelings are very important for the interlocutor. He will understand that he can trust a new acquaintance. When the interlocutor sees that he is not interrupted, and carefully listen to everything he says, he will be more inclined to trust something intimate. Such conversations are very close to people. After someone poured the soul to another, they seem to appear a common mystery.

Help in business

For a dedicated friend, it is impossible to do too much. And it is not necessary to wait for some kind of trouble to prove its attachment. This may, fortunately, never happen, but in small difficulties, it is also important not to remain indifferent. It happens that basic help is needed, for example, wash the windows or to put the garden. A friend is unlikely to ask about it, so it is necessary to take the initiative. Go shopping, take a turn in the clinic, take a child in kindergarten - similar minor services can be priceless. It is like small bricks from which the strong wall of friendship is built.

Of course, if the trouble has happened in the life of a friend (the death of relatives, divorce, fire), the support of a loved one is often the only self-anchor of salvation. It is not enough to simply say: "If something needs, turn." This is the time for active actions. It is unlikely that a friend himself will ask for something - in difficult times, people tend to close themselves. Therefore, sometimes you have to take on the organization of the funeral, work in the house, repair. Such a banal thing, like a cooking food, can be an unbearable task for an emotionally depressed person. Therefore, it is not necessary to ask, but must be done. It will also not be superfluous.

In social networks

Here is your own amount from the number of likes sent by Emodi and comments. True, it will not always become real. In social networks, people are more relaxed and begin to communicate with strangers without problems, but here first need to be kept vigilance, because some dating on the Internet does not end with nothing good.

But find a like-minded man and quickly make friends with a person quite simple - it is enough to "sit" on thematic forums or communities for interest. There, people are already tuned to active communication, do not approach from afar. Shooking at some community, the user seems to say: "I want to make friends with a person who also loves, for example, Soviet films."

As can be seen from all that is said, to make a new acquaintance - in the virtual or real world - it is not difficult. But will this person become a close friend? Time will tell.

Familiar can be a lot, and friends are units. This friendship needs to be developed and maintained. The following 25 methods will help you with this.

1. Choose your friends wisely. You do not have to be friends with everyone. Choose friends with which you are comfortable that help you develop, which inspire you and belong to you respectfully. They say that we do not choose a family, but we can choose our friends.

2. Listen. Listen carefully what another person tells you. Let him understand what you heard him. Specify the questions, specify the details. Move the outcome of his story. It is not necessary to do with words, you can also use visual contact or body language.

3. Reply, thinking. Think before talking - especially if you are angry. Sometimes one minute of the pause in front of your speech can cross the long years of spoiled relationships. Choose words carefully, and your friends will trust you.

4. Let's advice, but do not interfere. If your friend requests advice from you, give. Perhaps he wants you to appreciate an important email, or he has problems in relationships - support it. But it is not necessary to interfere in the life of your friend and teach his life; Give him the opportunity to make decisions yourself.

5. Be honest. Do not try to replay your friends, otherwise they will no longer want to have things with you.

6. Be sincere.Never pretend to someone else and do not refuse your views to enjoy it. Be yourself.

7. Communicate open and honest. Relationship is very important trust. Suggest your help, and do not be afraid to ask for support when you yourself need it. Decide your problems together.

8. Take your friends as they are. You are probably looking for friends who will be able to accept you. Remember that they are looking for the same. Appreciate those people who love you real.

9. Respect their choice. This does not mean that you must agree with each word of your friend. When your friend is going to make an incorrect, in your opinion, a step, you should not stop it, I hurt him to make a choice on my own. If you gave your friend advice, but he will still decide to do on his own way, accept it. Remember that each of you has your own life and what will be right for you may be wrong for your friend. Even if your friend is mistaken, he can then learn from this experience, make certain conclusions.

10. Be the other that you want to see your own friends. Be honest, kind, compassionate, fair, sincere. Becoming such a person, you will begin to attract the same friends to yourself.

11. Be sensitive. Try to look at things from the point of view of your friend, so you can better understand it.

12. Praise.Show love for your friends, make them compliments, praise for good qualities and successes. Does your friend did something that made you admire? Tell him about it!

13. Express gratitude. Give your friends to understand that you appreciate your friendship. Tell me or email them about it. Did you see the collection of your friend's favorite movie? Buy it and make your friend surprise.

14. Head to recognize guilt and apologize. When you do something wrong, admit it. Head apologize. Sometimes it is very important to recognize your mistake and say that you regret what happened. So you will understand that you are not going to make the same mistake in the future.

15. Head to forgive. Your friend caused you pain? Have you talked about it? Did you apologize? Sorry him and go on. Otherwise, your relationship will gradually collapse. Do not drag your past.

16. Detach your friends. Cut more time with your friends. If they have too tight schedule, you can mark in your calendar those days when you can meet with them. Show your friends that you miss and want to be near. Write them a letter, call or offer to spend the weekend together. What you pay for your friends attention gives them to understand that they are an important part of your life.

17. Keep your promises. If you know that you can't do something, you should not promise it. And if you have promised something, you must do everything to fulfill this promise. It is better to honestly admit: "I can't do it" than to refuse at the last moment.

18. Do what you like, together. In most cases, friendship begins when people find something in common - a favorite sport, love for books, unbearable boss. Go together to the football game of your favorite team or walk through bookstores.

19. Try new together. What new events can you divide with your friend? Go to the newly opened new cafe or jump on the trampoline if you have never done it before.

20. Having fun together. In friendship, as in any other relationship, sometimes stagnation. It is especially likely that it will happen if you meet every day and complain to each other. Shake. Do something cheerful, new, enjoyable to you both, you will have happy memories for memory. Fine when you have a friend who can help you break the routine at any time.

21. Look for a balance in friendship. It is impossible to enter into relationships with selfish motions and constantly only take, without giving anything in response. Help your friends, be true to them, keep them. Think what you can do for them to change their life for the better.

22. Take equal responsibility for friendship. If you live in different ends of the city, agree take turns to ride each other. If the relationship appeared in the relationship, think together how to eliminate it. If both sides will participate in the destiny of relationships, they will not develop.

23. Be the main fan. Make sure your friend. If you do not do you, who will do it?

24. Keep personal information confidential. As friendship strengthened between you and your friend, more and more confidential information will begin to appear. If a friend opens you a secret, it means that he trusts you and believes that it will remain between you. Do not betray your friend, do not disclose it secrets.

25. If you need, release. Friendship grows and changing. Sometimes it ends. You can change in just a year. Imagine how much you can change in 10 years. You will never be the person that was once. Your views on life are changing. It is possible that, after time, your friend will take an important place in your life, but maybe your friendship will weaken. If you feel that you already do not have common interests and those for conversations, release these relationships, do not try to hold on to what is no longer.