How to learn to communicate with people? We comprehend the art of effective communication. How to start a conversation: Step-by-step instructions where to start a conversation with a person

Why some can easily make dating, while other people are very closed and do not know how to do it? After all, we are all born with the same abilities: we do not know how to walk, speak, get acquainted with people, etc. Being children, we fully express ourselves and have fun. Some people keep this inner sang from childhood, while others are lost under the influence of the surroundings. What about doing with it? How to return former self-confidence and learn to communicate with people? Tell me in the article.

Why it is worthwhile to get acquainted and communicate with people

What do you think, is it really affected by the environment? Recall what we were carefree in childhood and how easily started dating. But then they began to unconsciously learn from others and the media, how to behave "correctly". How much did we change? 100%, with rare exceptions. The environment has a huge impact on us. As one popular business consultant says:

Show me 5 people with whom you spend the most time, and I will tell you how rich you are .

The same applies to health, relations, level of education and other areas of life. Therefore, it is very important to know how to communicate with new people to get acquainted with those who will be useful to you and make your life better.

Of course, you can resist the influence of the environment. But all the same people with whom you spend your time affect and change us stronger. And that is why you need to choose the environment, and not to grant everything to the will of the case.

Why do we sometimes happen "nothing to say"

Sometimes the question arises: "How to start communicating with new people, if I do not know what they say after" Hello! ". We all faced such a problem. We want to make a positive impression on a person, but all words and thoughts seem to evaporate. Because of this, we experience discomfort and feel some kind of "wrong".

In fact, we always have something to say. These fears block your skill of communication. Because of the fear, we limit the topics to which you can talk to:

  • Do not seem stupid
  • Do not insult the interlocutor
  • Do not make a negative impression of yourself, etc.

As a result, it turns out that we either can not say anything at all, or pronounce mediocre questions like "how are you?" Or "How was the day?" who actually do not mean anything. They are just asked to fill the emptiness.

But give up these prohibitions and allow the conversation to go in the uncharted direction. Do you know what conversation goes on a flat line? Boring. Therefore, just talk about everything that can come to mind. Ask questions and then important not to say yourself, but it is much more important to be able to listen to your interlocutor. Remove all blocks! Even if you accidentally get the interlocutor - there is always the opportunity to sincerely apologize.

Do not be afraid to talk in your direction

How to communicate with new people? So, as you want this: you can listen to the interlocutor, and you can talk about yourself. If everything is simple with the first option, how to be with the second? What does it mean to talk and how to do it effectively?

Let's talk about it.

Are you interested to listen to people who are passionate about something? Surely yes. Usually we infect the enthusiasm and energy that these people emit, talking on their favorite themes. Even if the topic initially was not too interesting for us.

Therefore, if you want to capture the initiative in a conversation and lead it to your side - boldly do it. Unobtrusively translate the conversation into the row, which you wonder, and passionately talk about it.

Where to take themes for an interesting conversation?

The most interesting conversation occurs when you do not know at all what you will talk to a person. Because such a conversation, like American slides: it rises sharply up, then flies down, and then sharply turns to the right at a huge speed. This is not the same thing that lead a boring conversation according to plan.

But how to communicate with people to be interesting? Where to take the topics for conversation? And how to develop a conversation in an interesting and exciting bed? How to make contact?

  1. Look around and find something interesting. Suppose you are at any meeting with many people. At such meetings, a huge number of potential interlocutors, so: come to an unfamiliar person or to your friend and ask him, for what purpose he came here. At the same time, share my thoughts to support the conversation.
  1. Remember fascinating stories from life. If you want to be a very interesting interlocutor - memorize some of them by heart. Taking care of the pauses in the right places, the change of intonation and so on. When you start the conversation you will worry less.
  1. Ask yourself the question: what could I ask the interlocutor. And try to repeat it until you find anything interesting. Our brain is designed so that it initially gives the simplest and obvious decisions, but over time it begins to dig everything deeper and deeper. Using this question, you can keep a meaningful dialogue.
  1. As a last resort, use standard questions: movies, music, sports, etc. These topics can also be deployed in an interesting course.

How to develop a conversation and make it interesting? Listen to the interlocutor and ask about the details of the story, you can ask clarifying questions. The whole thing in detail is the usual most interesting. In addition, you will show a person that you listen carefully, and not just stand in front of him and nod. The ability to listen and hear your interlocutor will give you a bunch of topics to communicate with a new interlocutor.

How to get acquainted with strangers

What to say we talked above now a little practice. How to start communicating with people, make dating at work, study, various events or just on the street? How to seem attractive for other people?

For this there are several rules:

  • Use not only words, but also intonation of voice, facialy and television language

Agree, it is much more interesting to communicate with a person who is in the conversation process:

  • says loudly
  • changes the intonation of the voice in interesting and significant locations,
  • involves hands to something or show
  • and openly expresses emotions on his face through facial expressions.

Pay attention to this important skill, it will significantly improve your speech. Applying these simple tips you can conduct a dialogue for more vividly and interesting than those who speak monotonously and are in clamped postures. With such active people willingly get acquainted dating.

  • Smile

Everyone likes to see on the faces of the people surrounding sincere smiles. Smile requires you to make emotional an attachment in the conversation, but you will be rewarded.

Therefore, a dating, smile more often - so surrounding your appearance will seem more benevolent, and they are unlikely to refuse to meet you.

  • Communicate with strangers as if you are talking to loved ones

Do not strain when you want to talk to a stranger. Imagine that he has long been familiar to you. Do you think this is strange? But put yourself in his place: did you really be nice if people were afraid of you and nervous when talking with you? Of course not. And people around you too do not want it.

  • Visual contact will help achieve success in conversation

Watch the interlocutor in the eye when communicating. Only sometimes take a look so that it does not look strange.

In order to get acquainted, you can use a few more reasons:

  • discuss the purpose of the meeting (if you are at the event);
  • learn how things are in the company,
  • what are people here (if you are the first day at work);
  • what brought your interlocutor to this school (if at study).

Do not ask the question "how to communicate with people". He is infiden in himself. After all, there are no prohibitions and faithful ways to develop a conversation.

Just be active: constantly communicate with new people. Then you will have an interesting circle of communication, and you will develop your communication skills.

How to stop afraid of public opinion

Why can't we get acquainted and just chat with an unfamiliar person? This may happen during the first day on study or work, when visiting any event or just while walking, if you find an attractive man or a woman with whom we would like to meet.

As soon as we have a desire to go and talk to a person, approximately such thoughts attack us:

  • And what if this person will refuse me in acquaintance?
  • And what if I look uncertainly?
  • And what if I have nothing to say, etc.

In order to remove these thoughts, you need to know a little psychology of communication. Namely: how to stop being afraid of the opinions of others.

No one wants to look unsure in itself, but the problem is that if you will constantly think about it - just as you look like.

What about doing with it?

Go towards your fear and understand that nothing bad will happen to you. No one will beat you for trying to meet, will not remember every day and laugh at the stupidity that you said or something else.

When you make enough attempts to get acquainted and realize that the opinion of others does not mean anything - and the fact that no one thinks about you - you will relax and fears will simply disappear. You will become confident by a person and can easily start a conversation with any person.

No one will shoot your unsuccessful attempts on the phone and lay out them on the Internet. No one will tell it your friends and friends. Because the focus of each person is on him. You are a center of attention for yourself. And every person is exactly the same center of attention for himself. We are concerned about our problems and we have no matter before assessing other people.

All people think that others surround them. But this is an illusion: everyone is concerned about themselves and do not think about you .

On the one hand, it may seem a little sad that the fact that no one is doing to you. But look at it on the other side: you can do what you want. Meet and calmly communicate with new people, if you want. Many will be pleasant your company.

Exercises for the erasure of fear before public opinion

Your fear of communication is your Monster. Only when you get rid of this "Monster", which takes all themes for the conversation and makes you feel not comfortable, you will start easily familiarize yourself with new people.

It is important for you to create the right attitude towards other people. What exercises will you help you?

  1. Walking down the street, say "hello" or "Hello" unfamiliar people.
  1. If the first exercise is too easy for you - ask the time or direction to any place in humans.
  1. Make compliments of unfamiliar people. You can stop them, saying about the following: "Hello! Stop please for a second. I wanted to say you have a great style! " . You can then wish a good day and just go further. Remember that by this you do not do anything bad person, but on the contrary - you can raise his mood.

If these exercises are uncomfortable for you - it means they must be performed. Why? Because, first of all it will tell you that most people are friendly and do not mind to chat with you. And secondly, what you realized your problem and really want to overcome your fears

Of course, not everyone will answer. But the problem is usually not in you: most people are immersed in their thoughts so much that they do not hear anything around. Either they have no energy at all to answer you.

So do not worry about if you ignore you. In this, the whole essence of the exercise is to feel discomfort and understand that nothing bad will happen to you if you speak with unfamiliar people. Be a polite and tactful interlocutor, then the maximum that you can happen - this is what they ignore you.

Work on yourself

Constant communication is one of the important components of the development of communication skills. But sometimes problems, because of which we are afraid to communicate, can be deeper. Therefore, it is worth working on the following moments:

  • Take yourself as you are. If you cannot change dramatically in this moment, then why worry about it? Does an excessive concern help you? Of course not.

Learn to love yourself. This will help the following:

  • more often praise themselves,
  • Do not control your self-esteem in other people's hands;
  • drive the Success Diary to which I write down every victory

By doing so you will stop looser to your mistakes.

  • Do not run away from heavy work and fear. If you encounter something that you think you can not overcome, just tell me: "Yes, it will be hard, but perhaps. At least I will try and if it turns out unsuccessfully - I will acquire the experience of communication. "

It will be useful if you want to get acquainted with any person, but you will be caught by one of the fears that we described in previous chapters.

  • Learn to be patient. You can develop communication skills infinitely. It is like a sword sharpening: no matter how much you need it - it will never be an ideal sharpening.

You should want to develop the skill of communication, but at the same time do not take care of the result. Because it will interfere with you to develop in communication. Just work on yourself and praise for each achievement: a new acquaintance, an exercise, an interesting conversation with someone, etc.

  • Read more fiction. The more vocabulary, the more interesting and competently you can conduct a dialogue. What to read? The fact that you taste: You can classic, you can - detectives, and can be novels.

The main thing is that reading brings you pleasure - it will help you not to stop and learn to communicate with strangers.

  • Learn to be fun and open. Why is it so important? Because coming to people, the main value you can give is positive emotions. And they can be called if you are an outdoor and funny person.

You can share your failures in a conversation and laugh at them - this is one of the best ways to place an interlocutor to yourself and relax.


The most important thing is that you should remember how to learn how to communicate with people is trying to get acquainted with new people. Reading a useful material, like this article, is just an assistant. You need to continue to act to develop the skill of communication.

  • continue to start talking
  • be tactical
  • polite
  • smile,
  • manage the initiative
  • keep visual contact
  • ask questions
  • the main thing carefully listen to the interlocutor,
  • think about him
  • be relaxed
  • move forward and do not expect results.

Therefore, forget about what other people will think about you and learn! Remember: We get valuable lessons not only from successful attempts, but also from failure. Please share your experience in the comments.

Learn to communicate with the girls only in practice. The more practice you will have, the better it will be possible. However, there are some important things that need to learn before starting the conversation.

We start talking

To start a conversation and manage them learn how to ask the right questions. Conversation to build on open questions. Open questions do not suggest a specific, single response. Such questions begin with the words "how", "what do you think", "where", "I wonder, and what ...".

These questions are also great for the beginning of the conversation. In addition, with the help of them, you can talk a girl if she is silent and is not configured to communicate.

Want to interest the most spectacular beauty with ambitions from Start Communication with an open question. You will not be noticeable and will not leave unanswered.

Examples of open questions, and apply in conversation read.

In addition, your success depends, in many respects, from where you will tell the girl on the first date. You can read about it.

How to choose a topic for conversation

Topics that are better to avoid: Salary, place of work, former partner, health, personal problems, family secrets, religion.

Male themes so far do not touch either. Exceptions - if the girl herself is interested in cars, computers, sports. Yes, there are also such women.

Topics on which need to communicate On the first date with a girl: funny cases on study, esoteric, pets.

The main thing is that the conversation was light and positive.

When the topic for the conversation exhausted himself to change it to another. Make it need naturally. You can go beautifully from one topic to another using an open question. At the same time, the second topic is as if cling to the previous one.

For example, you talked about colors, and it is necessary to translate the topic of the conversation:

J.: My favorite daisy flowers.
M.: You know, I heard that the flowers are the best gift for a woman. And what gifts do you like most?

After that, the dialogue goes to the discussion of gifts.

How to interrupt the conversation

Communication should also be able to end. So that in the future the girl waited for meetings with you, finish the conversation at the peak of interest.

This does not mean that you must abruptly get up and leave. Tell me that today you have to go away, but you will gladly meet again. Do not give the girl to get tired of you.

For the first date, it is quite enough to 1-1.5 hours so that she remains curiosity and the desire to know you closer.

If you delay chat with your girl you like, then emotions will come to zero and it will become boring. After a date with such a guy, she will have an unpleasant precipitate. To persuade her to go to the second will be more difficult.

Here are 8 useful tips that will come in a conversation with a girl who you like:

Lies are excluded. Remember, any lie soon or late floats out. You can make a mistake, forget about what they said, or acquaintances will accidentally reveal the truth.

Your facial expression, look, television, voice can give out that you are telling a lie.

The trust of the beloved girl will be lost forever. In order not to lie just tell me that you do not want to answer the question. You can also answer that this topic is unpleasant for you or what to tell about it later.

Obscene expressions repel decent girls. Do not use in conversation, if you do not want to spoil her good impression.

Proper gesticulation and poses. Gestures, body position Much can say about internal condition and intentions. Do not cross the arm and legs on your chest - this is a closed, protecting the posture, thereby you are seened from the interlocutor. Do not swing too much with your hands. Haning of the nose, ears, eyes, eyes, chin can talk about your insecurity or desire to hide something.

Complaints are unacceptable. The worst thing that you can come up with is to begin to complain about life, work, financial difficulties, health, a former girlfriend. Girls do not like whiskers and losers. They prefer strong and successful guys. If you start talking about your worthless life, then you will suffer failure: this date will be the last.

Drive dialogue. The girl wants to listen to you and tell about yourself. The monologue does not interest anyone.

Watch out for your girl's reaction. Do pauses, let the opportunity to ask questions, comment and express yourself. Dialog shows that you are interested in the interlocutor, and not just.

Learn to listen. Many people did not have learned to listen. They interrupt the interlocutor, unioled to the phrases to the end, begin their history until the history of the interlocutor is completed. This causes irritation and bewilderment. During the conversation, look at the interlocutor, slightly nodding your head, insert the leading questions that stimulate further story.

Speak brightly. The boring speech does not cause emotions from a girl who wants an interesting and unforgettable evening. Use figurative expressions, emotional words, bright inserts. Stimulate imagination.

This is how you do not need to say: "Yesterday we jumped with a tower on the ropes, it was fun."

Here's how to say: "Yesterday we decided to jump on the ropes from the tower. It was cool! You imagine, you stand on this tower, there is wind upstairs, and you understand that it all depends on the reliability of the equipment. The flight was incredible, the heart jumped out of the chest, but I experienced an incredible pleasure. Let's go together somehow? "

If you learn to communicate using emotional, figurative expressions, then your girlfriend will just fall in love with first glance!

Only positive. Will you meet a girl again? Then avoid negative. In no case do not condemn the disadvantages of the interlocutor or other women. Starting a quarrel with neighbors around the cafe is also not worth it, you didn't come here here. Blame, mock and show that you can not be much smarter. Negative in any form repelled. It needs to be remembered once and for all.

Confidence. Why the girl is unsure of itself the guy? She does not want to be for you mommy. She needs the one who will defend her and helping to unail confidence in her.

If you want to please her - get rid of the words "I don't know", "maybe", "you need to think."

Direct view, painted shoulders, clear speech, smile, calm goals, straight gait - the first signs of self-confident man.

Practice in front of the mirror, ask a friend to adjust your behavior or visit special trainings.

Proper and beautiful speech can work wonders

Was you noticed with what inspiration are women of speakers and actors with a pleasant voice? It is no coincidence. If you have problems with speech, do not pronounce some letters, the voice itself is not very beautiful and bright, then work on it.

Tongue Twisters - An excellent way to learn how to speak quickly and clearly. Select first simple, say slowly. Having achieved clarity, speed up the pace. If you know how to read in a foreign language, foreign patters can be used for a variety.

Useful exercises. Read any excerpt of text every day out loud. Write your voice to the voice recorder. Listen and find out that you can change in your speech. Yes, not everyone loves to listen to your voice in the record, but this is another reason to love and take yourself, and to overcome the shortcomings, become confident.

To improve the clarity of pronunciation, you can pronounce separate sounds and syllables. If you have strong speech problems, contact the speech therapist, which will develop a class complex.

And most importantly - stop afraid. There is nothing impossible in this world!

Everyone has its own: get rid of loneliness, get new knowledge, make contacts in a specific environment, painting before new acquaintances, increasing their self-esteem. Even if a person is not familiar (let's say, it's just a nickname on the Internet), he still leaves traces of his mental life. And before starting communication, it would be nice to drive his name, an email address (or username, if it is quite unique) by. If it turns out that the stunning handsome man has the habit of occupying money from his virtual girlfriends and disappear without a trace, then the question of correspondence should disappear.

Please, which is nice to perform. If this is communication on the social network, it will be useful to see interests or a place, and then come up with a question for which the interlocutor will be easily and pleasant to answer, demonstrating the subject. At the same time, it is not necessary to set direct and infertility issues like: "It's scary with parachute?". With the bargan to communicate the pleasure of little. It is better to quickly dig a theme to appear in front of the interlocutor with his own man, even if the newcomer.

Skills that may be interested in the interlocutor. This method is suitable when a person himself is open to communication, openly speaks of his interests, seeks to show himself, puts out a lot of personal photos, especially beach, home from parties. It will be appropriate to express sympathy (but without obsessiveness and frankly flattering) and offer communication, told a little about yourself. A neat phrase in the spirit: "You seemed to be a pretty and open person. I think we will be interested to talk about ..." In this case, it will be appropriate to offer his assistance in the area that seems to be a person most interesting. If the girl is interested in a certain direction in music, then you can expand your horizons to interest it.

Good manners. A person who seeks to sharply reduce the distance in communication, often alarming and repels. And the interlocutor who begins a correspondence in soft, delicate expressions, keeps sincere intonation and does not try to embellish and brew, causes the most favorable impression. In communication on correspondence, the first two or three letters are the most important. And in order to disguise some flaws (for example, illiteracy or ignorance of complex words), you have to use dictionaries, books, magazines, sites - additional literature.

Originality. Remember the question from the Soviet film: "Hello. You will not tell me where is the nofoot?" If the interlocutor is a young and light man, then after greeting you can write a funny question that will cause interest. "Ping Pong Pin-search" is a special kind of sport in which humor is appreciated and the ability to silently think. But these skills must be honest.

Or something average: sometimes the conversation is simply not glued. In advance, think over the conversation - not the best option, but also to join the conversation, without having an exemplary list of general topics, is also not the case. If you ever tried to move away from the expression and moved in the mind of the topic for a conversation (and in the end, everything, as usual, was reduced to the discussion of the weather), then our recommendations will be useful to you.

Before you, tips on those cases when you need to start a conversation at work.

9 ways to make a conversation at work with anyone

Veronika Elkina

With the founder of the company or its head

You: "Hello! How is your week? ".

Chief: "Not bad. Many cases! And how are you? ".

You: "Excellent. Very happy to work on [the most important part of the project]. "

In large companies, there are many people, therefore there is nothing wrong with in order to insert information about yourself during the conversation with the head or owner of the firm. If you are not sure that the boss knows what your name is, it's time to stretch to him and say "seemingly, we are not familiar with you. My name is [Your Name]. "

With newcomer

You: "Hello. You came [this week, last Friday], yes? I [Your Name] from the [x] command. Well, how got a job in a new place? In [a popular cafe nearby] I have not come yet? "

Newbie: "Yes, I'm fine, thanks. Much, of course, still have to learn, but I like everything. Have you been working here for a long time? "

You: "With [Time, when you started working]. I still can not believe that [here is some memorable event from the company's life that you caught]. "

Your task is to make a conversation and make the newcomer relax. No, of course, you can take a glance at the sight of a new person, go to him "Hello" and run on to cook your coffee, but you are capable of more, right? Friendly relationships with colleagues are worth.

Remember, it is always difficult to be a newcomer. If you are important than the company and your role in it, respect her culture and development - to start not ignore newcomers, thinking that someone else should make friends with them.

With a colleague that works here for a hundred years (and which you are afraid)

You: "I'm thinking where to go for lunch. Now I know the local places, and you have been working here for a long time. Do not tell me where there are good institutions? "

Colleague: "What are you exactly interested in?"

This beginning opens up many options for conversation. This, of course, is not the situation when you need to quickly tie a conversation, but since you are so afraid to speak with this person, then you should overcome yourself and say not only "Hello. How are you?".

Take a conversation on the topic of work will not be reckless, but it will be easier for you if you at least a little understand what your colleague works on. Try to point out it or her experience (in this case, knowledge of the place where you can dine). It is possible that it is the kinderic person, and you have a wrong idea about it. The only way to find out is - boldly start the conversation.

With the organizer of the event

You: "Perfect place. Thank you for settled for us. Planning often to carry out this? "

Organizer: "You know, of course I plan, because in my company ..."

Have you probably heard that most people like to talk about themselves? So take advantage of this. This approach is especially useful if you do not imagine what to talk to a person who has just met, or is afraid that you can not tell anything interesting.

If you start a conversation with the organizer in such a way, it is unlikely that you have to answer anything. You only need to periodically insert several phrases in order to support the conversation and make a good impression.

With vip-person

You: "Hello. My name is [Your Name]. I know you are very busy, but I realized that I will then regret my whole life, if I don't come true and I will not tell you that your application is simply ingenious. "

Most likely, the maximum that will make a celebrity, it will thank you, and this gratitude does not need to take on your own expense. Compliment is always a good start to conversation. If you have a good deal about the company, a program or product of this person, then why not start a conversation and see where it goes on?

With the former chief

You: "Glad to see you! How are things going there in [Company name]? I read that you expanded [department or production]. Surely you are pleased with such development. "

Former boss: "Yes, I'm glad. Now everything is a little messy, but it is interesting to work. I like that there is an opportunity to focus on something. "

It doesn't matter under what conditions you left the company, you still do not need to pretend that you do not see your former chief of the table with snacks. Bring yourself to him politely. Thus, you will demonstrate your character and professionalism. This is not the first case when you encounter with whom you do not want to communicate, but, as they say, the skill comes with experience.

Even if your former boss is angry with you after your care, it is unlikely that he can ignore your kindness.

With an employee from an unfamiliar department

You: "Well, how is your week? Are projects? "

Chassis: "Are more stronger than usual, because now we work on [the main project team]."

You: "Oh, interesting. I did not know that you, too, are busy. What exactly are you doing? "

Such an indefinite beginning of the conversation makes it clear that you do not know what this employee does it (do not worry, probably he also does not know what you are doing). But, nevertheless, so you can start a conversation about his affairs and work his team.

If your interlocutor turned out to be talkative, he may paint in detail what he makes his department, and you will have something to talk about at the next meeting. If he is poorly, you can tell about your work.

With the "second half" of your boss

You: "How good that you could come. Great, finally, to meet a person who heard so much. Susan said that you love to cook together. What dish did you get better? "

Interlocutor: "It is hard to say. Probably chicken in the oven ... ".

This beginning of the conversation implies that you remember something from what heard from the boss about his "second half". If you do not come to mind anything, try to learn about it a more popular way, asking: "I wonder what things did we distract you our event?" Or "what else interesting did you happen this week (in addition to this meeting!)?".

Talking with the "second half" chief is not worth it too relaxed and as if you have long known. But do not treat her as a person. As in the case of C, it would seem unfriendly colleague, try not to be nervous. If you have a good working relationship with your boss, then communication with its "second half" will improve them.

With an intern

You: "How are weekends? Watch or read something interesting now? "

Intern: "Excellent. I am now hooked on [first series] and [second series]. Watch them? "

You: "Oh, I heard that [the first series] is cool, but not yet watched. But I watch [the second series]. I love the actor who plays a dad. "

Starting a conversation with the theme about the series, books or films, you hardly have any problems with the continuation of the conversation. If, of course, the trainee does not live in a cave and does not know what is happening in the world. Find some common interests or discuss what you categorically disagree. You like "Americans", and to him "Cardhouse"? Forward. A good way to promote the conversation is on the standard "hello. How are weekends? "," Well, how are you? ".

Of course, all this is approximate situations. It is impossible to predict exactly how the interlocutor answers you. But it does not matter. If you learn how to like people and start a conversation, then you can easily handle in any situation. Be yourself, be sincere and understand that the beginning and conduct of the conversation requires certain efforts from most people.

If you feel uncomfortable indoors with a large number of unfamiliar people, building communications with the professional community can be a complex and unpleasant process for you. But no matter how you feel, Net Making no doubt remains the most effective way to get acquainted with people who can open new opportunities for you and help in business development.

Many entrepreneurs regularly visit various events, but only some of them are studying and practicing effective non-cells. The more experienced you become in building communications with unfamiliar people, the less difficulties are experiencing. Confidence is important on non-metaging events, this is what attracts you to you and thanks to which you are not just becoming another business card in your pocket of new acquaintances.

To become a master of communication, use the following prompts.

1. Touch the skills of the speech before the audience.

The skill of communication is as needed as the presentation skill. Work out this skill at any convenient case, take the lessons of oratory art. When you feel that it is already quite prepared, start playing with presentations on sectoral events or offer to read a lecture in any university.

2. Start acquaintance with handshake.

The way you shake the hand of an unfamiliar person, much talks about you and your intentions. Going to someone at the event, start a conversation with a strong handshake. Do not forget about visual contact and smile. Be sure to submit. This kind of non-verbal communication will help you achieve mutual understanding before you say the first word.

3. remember the names.

This skill is needed in any conversation. When a person hears that he was called by name, it is easier to establish a connection with it. Having become acquainted with man, contact him by name in a conversation.

4. Show interest.

During non-Maging, many entrepreneurs use one popular, but inefficient approach. Instead of establishing relationships, they simply collect and distribute a huge number of business cards. To establish professional communications, manifest sincere interest in the company of the interlocutor, his opinion and interests. If you start a conversation, ask open questions to show your sincerity.

5. Ask you to imagine.

If you came to the event for the first time and very nervous, ask the organizer or one of your good friends to present you the rest. Such a strategy is probably the best in a situation where you are just implemented in the community.

6. Sincerely make compliments.

Compliments like everyone, even if people hear them from those whom they see for the first time in life. Try to remember what you know about your interlocutor, and contact him with the right pawn speech. It is best to praise a person for achieving in business or some talents. Pay attention to the appearance is better when not for having to cling to essentially. Then you can say something like: "In this jacket, you look great!"

7. Share opportunities.

Use non-metaging events to increase your social and professional capital. Look for entrepreneurs from other industries. Starting a conversation, ask questions about the industry. Ask the opinion of the interlocutor, share your plans for the future. Always look for potential partnerships and other business opportunities. Learn to hear problems to offer solutions.

8. Learn to tell stories.