How to put the whole apartment in perfect order. Cleaning of various rooms in the apartment. How to put things in order in the apartment. Fundamental rules

You can keep your home clean with regular cleaning. Put things in order in the apartment, if there are a lot of things, when the right approach will not be difficult.

Before you start cleaning up the room, you need to divide it into a number of zones: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, nursery. Each one requires individual approach... By getting rid of unnecessary things, you can not only reduce the amount of dust, but also increase the space.

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    How often do you need to clean up

    General cleaning should be done every 2 weeks. Wipe dust in hard-to-reach places and corners of baseboards, wash floors under furniture.

    But to maintain constant order in the apartment, such cleaning is not enough. You need to devote a little time to this every day. For example, once you can clean up the closet, another - in the refrigerator, the third - wash the bathroom, etc. If you carry out such cleaning every day, you can avoid clutter.

    Garbage disposal

    A large number of things create untidy look... Therefore, first of all, you need to walk through the closets and get rid of unnecessary clothes... If you feel sorry for the things to be taken to the trash, you can give them to someone. Clothes of the wrong size should also be disposed of.

    If a thing has never been worn within a year, then it is unlikely to be used. Therefore, you need to get rid of it without hesitation.

    Broken items should also be thrown into the trash. No need to leave them to be repaired.

    If the house is bought new thing, then the old one should be disposed of.

    Checks, guarantees, receipts that have expired should be thrown away. Equipment boxes, torn bags, old magazines, broken office supplies, medicines with expired period shelf life, spoiled food should also be removed from the apartment.

    After getting rid of excess debris, you need to start cleaning.


    You should start cleaning in the kitchen. Unwashed dishes are often a problem with clutter. For this reason, clean it immediately after eating. If this is not possible, then it is worth starting a basin in order to put dirty cups, spoons, plates, etc.

    A lot of time is spent on washing dishes. To simplify the procedure, you should adhere to several rules:

    • Remove food debris from dishes before washing. This will help prevent the sink from clogging.
    • If food remains dry in containers, then they need to be soaked. This will help you clean your kitchen utensils quickly and easily.
    • It's worth doing warm water... It can be collected in a sink, basin or washed kitchen utensils under the tap.

    If the dishes need to be soaked, then by immersing them in water, you can do the cleaning in the refrigerator.


    There are several simple rules to keep your refrigerator clean:

    • The products stored in it must be kept in special food containers that close tightly.
    • Cheese, sausage, etc. should be wrapped in plastic.
    • All products must be in place.
    • Anything that has deteriorated must be thrown away.
    • After inspecting the products and putting things in order on the shelves, wipe the existing smudges with a damp cloth.

    After the refrigerator is removed from the inside, it must be washed outside.


    To clean the stove, it is best to use special liquid products... Cleaning powders scratch the technique. If, instead of a regular stove, there is a hob, then a special gel and a scraper should be used to clean it.

    You need to apply the cleaning agent and leave for 5-10 minutes. While the hob is soaking, you can put things in order in the oven.

    Kitchen cabinets

    The next step is tidying up the kitchen cabinets. There are several guidelines:

    • Mugs and plates are best kept in upper cabinets. Place the pans and pans in the lower ones. There you also need to allocate a place for croup.
    • It is best to use special tools for storing spoons and forks.

    Hangers and hooks in the kitchen will be very helpful. You can place towels, pans and more on them. A special knife holder is also useful. This way they will always be in place. Do not allow cluttering the table. How fewer items on it, the easier it is to maintain order on it.

    To keep the kitchen always clean and comfortable, you need to do light cleaning in it every day.

    Living room

    You should start cleaning the rooms by putting things in order in the closets with clothes. Often there is a "bulk" of things. Therefore, they constantly have to be put back on the shelves. To eliminate clutter in your closet, we recommend:

    • Leave only clothes that are constantly worn on the shelves. From things that long time not put on, it's worth getting rid of.
    • A large number of hangers will help to hang part of the wardrobe and free up space. In this form, it is easier to find what you need and keep order for a long time.
    • If things are in a chest of drawers, then it is better to fold them vertically. This arrangement will help you quickly find the right clothes.

    After the cabinets, do the following:

    • If there are children's toys, then carefully fold them into place.
    • Make beds, sofas.
    • Tidy up the curtains.
    • Wipe off dust from surfaces.
    • Vacuum carpets and rugs.

Well, which of us has not encountered this? In a hurry, we throw things anywhere, at home there is a constant mess ... It makes our mood worse. But fix this unpleasant moment- as easy as pie. Get acquainted with these useful tips, memorize them and try to translate them into practice. There will always be a wonderful atmosphere at home, order and cleanliness!

How to keep your home tidy

  1. Hang the shoe cover over the door. It is convenient to place everything you need in it.
  2. To easily find the end of the duct tape, simply attach a metal paper clip to the tip.
  3. The tensioning strap will keep the balls together so you don't have to look for them all over the place.
  4. An empty egg tray is a convenient storage for small items. Nothing else will be lost in the box.
  5. The shelf above the bathroom door is a very practical invention. You can hoist everything that you rarely use there. Great solution for small bathrooms.
  6. Magnetic condiment jars can be attached to the refrigerator door. How much space will be freed up!
  7. If you fold the T-shirts in tight vertical piles, there will be a lot more of them in the drawer. In addition, you will immediately see where which thing is.
  8. Old metal tea bags can be easily converted into pencil cups. Yes, a lot of things you can put there!
  9. Like these ones plastic baskets will be saved from Armageddon in the freezer:
  10. It's not a bad idea to sign different cords and chargers. Saves nerves, you can find everything many times faster.
  11. Paper clips are saviors in different situations... When sitting at the computer, it is very convenient to use the clamps to keep the cords in order. Otherwise, something always disconnects or falls.
  12. The more shelves the better. It is much more pleasant to store your favorite items with them, the most real triumph of order.
  13. Hanging boxes with things under the ceiling is exotic for Russian households. But this smart decision, it is more rational than what is happening in our homes. We listen to the neat Germans and get things out from under the sofas!
  14. Tool wall in the garage. Resourceful and looks great.
  15. A ladder attached to the ceiling can serve as a dryer for clothes. The idea is unusual, but the plus is obvious - things will not bother anyone so much.
  16. All cosmetics can be placed on the magnetic board without any problems.
  17. Baskets hanging on the railing are good for use in different rooms to accommodate various small items.
  18. DIY bathroom shelf. You just need glass jars and round bases-holders for them. It turns out wonderfully.
  19. Hair dryer and hair tongs can be stored comfortably in the tubular mounts. I opened the door - and here everything is hung up in order.
  20. You can also use another type of stand for this purpose.
  21. Effective method, how to fold clean linens on the shelf. By putting the bedspread in the pillowcase of the same bedding set, you save yourself from unnecessary searches for the details of the set.
  22. Wire basket - faithful assistant hostess.
  23. Knives will always be at hand.
  24. Here's how to successfully place detergents under the sink:
  25. A rotating dish in the refrigerator, like a dish in the microwave, is a brilliant idea. The refrigerator will become cleaner, and nothing will get lost in its depths.
  26. How to determine what items urgently need to be removed from your wardrobe? Just hang up the clothes you recently wore by turning the hanger spout in the same direction. The leftover garments aren't popular with you, which means it's time to free up some space in your closet.
  27. Ideal trash bin in your car.

It's better to start organizing your life with little things, then more global ideas will be implemented much easier.

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On the picture:

Do you know people who always have order in their home, and in general everything in life is captured? It's your turn to become one of them with these simple and absolutely inexpensive ways to organize, clean and prevent chaos.

1 Collect bags and other packing materials. Use magazine holders to store rolls of bags upright in the cabinet, aluminum foil, plastic wrapping film.

2 Twist the cords. Coil up spare chargers, cables, extension cords and place each in the cardboard tube left over from the roll toilet paper... Stacking these tubes vertically in a box will help you avoid cable clutter later on.

3 Double the space under the sink. Cleaning agents are always organized and close at hand if you hang them on the rail by the trigger of the spray gun.

4 Organize a garment folding system. To keep your drawers tidy, try folding things horizontally, filling each one from front to back. This way you can see all your belongings, including your favorite T-shirt that you thought you lost two years ago.

5 Store your kitchen utensils wisely. Who said that the paper organizer is purely an office accessory? Use it for quick access to bakeware and cutting boards.

6 Hang up your scarves like a pro. Slip the scarves through the shower curtain rings and clip them to the hanger so they are all clean and visible.

7 Store bed linen in sets. Don't waste your pillowcases again! When folding a washed set of linen, hide all of its components in one pillowcase so that they are exactly together when you need it.

8 Place toys in plain sight. Hang the toy baskets at the height of your child. Wire garden beds can be used for this purpose. Agree, to see the floor in the nursery is wonderful!

Read also:

9 Store accessories upright. In boxes and caskets, jewelry goes into a state of chaos. And if you put bracelets, for example, on the holder for paper towels, then they will all be in sight, and choosing the right one will not be difficult.

10 Keep your essentials in sight. Store the things that you usually take with you when leaving the house (keys, umbrella, leash) in a transparent wall cabinet.

11 Collect the invisibles. Usually you have to look for them at the bottom of the bag. Meanwhile, Tic Tac dragee packaging is ideal for storing invisible ones in one specific place.

12 Tame the extension cord. Attach labels to distinguish between the power cords on a fully occupied surge protector.

13 Stop the paper flow. Sort incoming correspondence into important (bills, invitations, notifications) and unimportant, which can be used for various household purposes (advertising brochures, free newspapers). Go to get invoices for utilities through the Internet.

14 Pack the instruction manuals. You perfect order in the house, and you know exactly where what lies? Can you tell right now where the instruction manual for your microwave is located? Next time buying new technique, seal technical documents in a ziplock bag and attach it to the back of the device.

15 No more torn apart socks. The fact of abduction of earthlings by aliens is easier to explain than the general disappearance of single socks. To avoid this, wash them in a zippered bag.

16 Line up the knives. Replace your clumsy, bulky knife holder with a sleek, wall-mounted magnetic strip to keep them clean, away from curious little handles.

17 Save children's creativity in limited quantities. Children bring home many crafts and drawings. Give your child a big Plastic container where he can store all his creativity. And when the container is full, select the most interesting projects with it. Throw out the rest to make room for new work.

18 Place the plastic bags in the box. Usually an infinite number of these bags from supermarkets live somewhere under the sink. Put them all in one box.

19 Optimize smartphone apps. You have finally reigned order in your house, but if you really organize your life, then in everything. Put things in order in your smartphone, sorting applications into categories (there are even special free programs for these purposes). Let your frequently used apps appear on your home screen. And those applications that you have not used for several months, it's time to delete.

20 End the car trunk clutter. The eggs will never break and the bank tomato paste will not run away if there is a container for linen in the trunk of your car. It is perfect for storing grocery bags during transport, and will also facilitate the process of unloading purchases at home.

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When there are small children in the family, sometimes you have to forget about him, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of ways to put the house in order. valuable advice, having familiarized yourself with which, you can take something useful for yourself.

It will be very difficult to clean and tidy up heavily cluttered rooms at a time, such overwhelming work can lead to the fact that the cleaning will end very quickly, without starting in full. Therefore, it is better to divide the work into several stages. Start with the mess that is most striking. These can be scattered items, toys, or paper on the floor in the room. The mess on the desk is pretty too frequent occurrence... As a rule, the table is littered with magazines, stationery and other waste paper. Having picked one place, you need to move on to the next and so on, until the room becomes clean.

In rooms where riots usually occur, a basket can be an excellent assistant, which can be installed near the desktop so that it is convenient to throw unnecessary paper and other rubbish into it. In order for remotes, magazines and newspapers to lie in one place, it is worth placing such a basket near a sofa or armchair. In the nursery, these "helpers" will become indispensable for collecting toys in them, and in the kitchen for food waste. Today the selection of baskets in stores is quite large, which allows you to purchase this product from any material, be it cardboard, iron, plastic or wicker.

Sometimes a mess appears when an accumulation of unsorted letters, receipts, magazines and newspapers piled up in one heap. You need to be patient and divide this waste paper into necessary and unnecessary. Unread printed publications should be attributed to coffee table, and important papers: receipts, payment invoices and letters are best kept in folders. In addition, it will save time looking for them when they become necessary.

Many owners are faced with the fact that they cannot find required document and you have to rummage through many shelves and bedside tables before you find it, and meanwhile, it is enough just to introduce into the habit of folding securities, jewelry and money in one strictly designated place. A plastic container or file folder is perfect for this. So, in one file you can add the most basic and main documents: passports, birth certificates, driver's license. The next file contains receipts for payment or warranty coupons, and so on. You can also have a pencil case where pens and pencils, erasers, glue, corrector, scotch tape and much more will be stored. After all, quite often these necessary items are lost and when they are needed, they are not at hand.

Psychologists recommend to general cleaning prepare in advance, it is even worth determining a specific date. Cleanliness and order in the house with good performance will appear in about four hours. Some housewives cope faster, it is important not to be distracted by extraneous matters, talking on the phone, watching a movie and other entertainments that can drag out the cleaning until late at night. Of course, rest in the process of work should also be, but no more than half an hour.

Now in any hardware or hardware store you can buy a lot of goods that will allow you to keep order on long time... These are shelves and stands for books, albums, CDs, cosmetics and other little things.

It so happens that it takes a long time to find a belt, tie or scarf, so it is better to put these wardrobe items in one place, for example, with back side wardrobe doors in the bedroom.

As you know, windows are the eyes of the house, so they should be kept clean and washed at least twice a year. Plants on the windowsills decorate the room and create coziness in it, but meanwhile, there should not be many of them, 2-3 plants are enough. Decorative cacti look original and unusual, besides, they are unpretentious in care. The curtains need to be carefully pulled apart during the day.

How to clean up the house?

Here are a few more useful tips about how to put things in order in the house, following which the home will always delight both guests and owners with its neatness.

It is necessary to get rid of old and unnecessary things cluttering up closets in time. Do not feel sorry for them, because they have already lost their purpose and only take up valuable space. The same can be said about household appliances that are out of order. It needs to be either repaired or replaced with a new one.

Books on the shelves should be wiped down periodically as they are excellent dust collectors.

The condition of the bathrooms in any house will tell you about the cleanliness of the owners, so it is important to keep them perfectly clean.

Organization of order in the house

Organization of order in the house is not an easy task, but quite feasible, especially if you constantly observe all famous rule"Every thing has its place." Children need to be taught to do this from the very early age, then, out of habit, they themselves will put away their clothes, toys, stationery, books and other items in their places, because all habits are laid from childhood

Unexpected guests or how to quickly put things in order in the house

There are situations when guests (relatives, acquaintances or friends) are on the way, and the cleanliness of the premises leaves much to be desired. How to quickly clean up the house before the guests arrive? First of all, you need to take care of the availability of space in the hallway for shoes and bags. All the clothes of the owners, if necessary, can temporarily move into the closet, the same can be done with shoes, placing them on the lower shelves.

A good housewife is obliged, first of all, to keep the mirrors clean, because stained, stained products speak of the slovenliness of the tenants. In addition, guests often look in them in order to correct their hair or makeup. The presence of garbage in the kitchen is unacceptable; it should be thrown away and a clean bag put into the bucket. The sink, stove and kitchen table should also be clean and tidy.

Today, there are many detergents and cleaning products to quickly put things in order, which should be bought in advance and then they will be at hand if necessary. These preparations will also be required to clean the bathroom, since guests will certainly visit this place. To quickly remove all impurities, you should fill the toilet bowl, sink and bathtub with such solutions for 15 minutes, and then rinse clean water... Check for clean towels and toilet paper.

Scattered linen and clothes in the bathroom do not create very pleasant impression, so you need to put everything in washing machine... If there are dirty dishes in the kitchen, they should be washed or moved to the “dishwasher”. The main thing to remember is that guests will definitely visit the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. It is not necessary for them to enter the nursery, so if it is not tidied up there, you can close it with a key. In the living room, you can quickly create a neat look by adjusting the pillows and bedspreads on the sofa. Glass surfaces, table and household appliances wipe with a damp cloth. You shouldn't forget about yourself either, adjusting your hairstyle and changing clothes, you can safely meet guests.

Cleanliness and order in the house with children

If there are only adults among the tenants, then cleaning will be minimized, but how to maintain order in the house when the family has Small child? First of all, you need to determine a place for storing toys and before going to bed make it a rule to collect them in a special basket, which has already been mentioned. How before parents will begin to accustom their child to cleanliness and neatness, the faster it will help in putting things in order. It is useful to carry out a mini cleaning every evening: wash the dishes, the stove, clean the bathtub and toilet as it gets dirty. These procedures will take no more than 20 minutes, but in the morning all family members will be pleasantly clean. A mop will help you quickly wipe the floor, and so that the laundry does not accumulate, it is better to charge the washing machine daily. All these things take about an hour, but the house is kept in perfect order every day. And the last thing: once a week you need to check if there are any unnecessary, broken, unusable children's items, toys, things, paper and plasticine in the rooms.

Perfect order in the house: rules and organization

It is noticed that the ideal order in the house cheers up the residents, because it is very pleasant to be in a clean, tidy room, besides, when everything is in its place, you do not need to waste time and nerves looking for the right things, and you don’t need to invite guests to such a house. ashamed. It is believed that order in the head begins with order in an apartment or house, so in order to better concentrate and sort out all your thoughts on the shelves, you need to start from your home.

The rules of order established in the house allow you to save your time and effort for cleaning, as well as make the arrival of unexpected guests a joy, so you should introduce them as quickly as possible and strictly observe them. In a cozy and clean house, life flows more comfortably, both for the soul and for the body, so there is no need to be lazy when creating your own warm and tidy corner.

You can see the photos presented on this page for how the ideal order in the house looks like and, inspired by these examples, turn your home into a kingdom of cleanliness and comfort.

If I was asked “Where to start the path of self-development?”, I would answer: “Hover order in my house". There is a direct relationship between the mess in the apartment and thinking. What is outside is also inside. It's easy enough to predict a person's life, just by looking at the order at his house (after such phrases in the articles, they stopped inviting me to visit).

This does not mean that a perfectly clean apartment is a direct path to success. This is a step on the way personal growth... But a cluttered apartment is a sure sign of a failure.

“In Japan, people believe that actions such as cleaning their room and keeping the toilet spotless are good luck, but if your house is cluttered, the effect of polishing the toilet will still be small.

The book conveys instant shaktipat(transfer of power, spiritual energy from the teacher, in which she is already active, to the student). As soon as my wife and I read a couple of phrases from this book, we hovered over for several hours, raking the apartment from things that had long had to be given to someone or thrown away. We already have a fairly free apartment. We have been throwing away for YEARS (!). What do you think?

“In my experience, 'fast' means about six months. It may seem like a long period of time, but it's only six months in your life. Once the process is complete and you feel what it is like to live in a perfectly cleaned space, you will forever free yourself from the mistaken idea that cleaning is not your path. " Marie Kondo

We collected several bags of clothes and took them to my mom. Fortunately, she lives across the floor from us.

Returning home, I continued reading the book, and there I read:

“The cleaning marathon throws a pile of rubbish onto the mountain. At this stage, the only catastrophe that can create even more chaos than an earthquake is the arrival of a recycling expert, who is also popularly known under the pseudonym "mom". Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is a genius. She is studying cleaning up the house with early childhood... This is a whole art that needs to be taught at school. If you think that this is not the case, then take a look at your room now. Is she okay? Are things not lying around chaotically? Putting things in order has to be learned.
Photo: Depositphotos

The main thing in creating order is getting rid of unnecessary things. Previously, for this I made a check with the question: “Doubt? Throw it away. " But there were still a lot of items in the house.

How simple it is! If the thing does not cause joy, then we get rid of it. immediately.

For me, at the age of 34, it was a profound discovery that I had been organizing my whole life in a wrong way. It turns out that it needs to be folded. vertically (!!!).

"Secret: store things upright, not lying down."

In order for clothes to be stored in a standing position, they need to be made compact, which means more folds. Some people believe that more wrinkling results in more wrinkles on the fabric, but it is not. It is not the number of folds that contributes to the appearance of wrinkles, but the amount of pressure applied ...

I folded my T-shirts and shorts vertically (you fold them until you can put them on) - and there are several times more space in the closet! And the main thing is that you see all the clothes in their place. You don't have to shovel through stacks of clothes to decide what to wear today.
Photo: Depositphotos

How do you store your socks? Just like me, rolled up in a ball? Not right! Store socks too vertically.

“Never, under no circumstances roll your socks into a ball ...

Store your socks on one side, just like your clothes. You will be surprised how little space you need compared to the era of potato balls, and you will notice that your socks breathe a sigh of relief when you release them. "

Think about how socks are sold in stores. Are they rolled into balls there?

My socks breathed a sigh of relief as I unrolled them and folded them. And what a joy it is to get clothes folded vertically! How did I live without it?

In the book by Marie Kondo “ Magic cleaning. Japanese art putting things in order at home and in life "you will find instructions on what and how to do with any things.

For example, here is a rule for working with papers: “Sorting documents. The basic rule: throw everything away. "

Photo: Depositphotos

What do you do with instructions and shopping cartons? Store in closets, garage, dacha? Throw them away.

Hover. Right now. May the strength be with you!