How to open your kids club? How to open a children's developing center from scratch

Children's developing center is a place where parents give their children for their further development. In the center with them teachers and psychologists, speech therapists who help develop the communicative skills, physical and intellectual abilities of the child. Children's educational centers work with children from 1 year to 8 years. Given the fact that there are few good institutions, even high competition does not make this business less profitable.

Business formats

There are several formats of opening and work of such institutions:

  1. Mini-sad - suggests an hourly rent in municipal buildings. It requires minimal investments and opportunities for quick payback, but at the same time the room is given only at certain hours, which significantly reduces the time to conduct classes.
  2. Studio - A separate small room, an area of \u200b\u200babout 50 to 60 square meters., In which classes with children are held.
  3. Premium Club - The center acting as a separate institution with several training premises. The opening of such a center requires large cash investments.

It is preferable to open your own developing studio.

Where to begin?

To begin with, it is worth conducting a marketing study - find out which centers there are in your area and how many of them, what services they provide. Then you need to poll the parents in the playgrounds, near the clinic and kindergartens, clarifying them, whether they would have their children in such an institution, where it is most convenient for them to get it, which classes of their classes are interested. Based on the information obtained, it is possible to start selection of rooms and techniques.


First of all, the room is selected in which the center will be located. To begin with, it is better not to rent a large area, and for the start there are enough about 50-70 mq. It must be a non-residential room located on the first or second floor, so that children do not need to rise on the steps or in the elevator.

Quite often, such premises are rented in shopping or entertainment centers.

According to the standards, the following requirements are put forward to the room:

  • High ceilings, not less than 3 meters.
  • The presence of spare output and fire alarm.
  • Compliance with the standards according to Sanpin2.4.1.2440-10.
  • Walls are painted or water-resistant wallpaper.
  • The ceiling is fermented or processed by water-emulsion.
  • Floors without defects, smooth and non-slip.
  • Sockets and switches not lower than 1.8 meters from the floor.

Eliminated rental of basements or semi-wedroom premises, areas on the basement.

The room itself must be divided into several zones:

  1. The place of expectations where parents will wait for their children. Immediately you can arrange the administrator's rack.
  2. Bathroom.
  3. The game room is at least 30 square meters.
  4. Cabinet for staff.
  5. If it is planned that the children will spend in the center all day, the bedroom and the kitchen.

Please note if it is planned that parents will leave children for a whole day, additional requirements are put forward to the institution. Therefore, for a start, you should not enter the opportunity to leave the child for the whole day in the kindergarten.

  • What is important to know?
  • Pre-school educational institution or developing center
  • Objectives Business Plan
  • Financial and organizational component
  • Structure of the room
  • Material and technical base
  • Regular schedule
  • Current expenses

Dream about promising business, which is in demand? We invite you to learn how to open a children's developing center from scratch in 2019. Note that this topical idea does not require significant investments, but at the same time provides impressive current costs. This is due to the specific activities.

What is important to know?

About 47 thousand municipal kindergartens work in the Russian Federation. They are actually capable of more or less efficiently serving 60% of children. Therefore, parents have almost from the birth of a child to queue for admission to the Sadik.

For this you have to pay - to make voluntary donations, and, in fact, give bribes. However, no one guarantees the quality of services. In such conditions, private institutions for children are becoming an optimal and rational alternative, and early development centers. Features opening a private kindergarten It is a high cost of services, therefore it is necessary to focus on people with income above average.

It is most profitable to open a center for children in a metropolis with a population of more than 1,000,000 people. In a small town, private institutions of creativity and development will not be so in demand.

Pre-school educational institution or developing center

When registering a business, you need to pay attention to the choice of OKVED - the name of the activity. An excellent solution will be:

92.3 - "Other entertainment and entertainment activities."

A training institution, the educational center must have a license of a state sample to provide services to work on legal grounds. It is also required to have a separate building with a closed, fenced adjacent territory to ensure the safety of walks.

Children's developing center may not meet these requirements. It is possible to open it without a special license, the main thing is to comply with hygienic requirements and ensure fire safety. Although, in fact, it will be the same private kindergarten providing services for the supervision and care of children.

What documents are needed to open a developing center? For a complete understanding of the task, we suggest familiarizing yourself with our article on the design of the IP.

Objectives Business Plan

The business plan is focused on the opening of the children's educational center providing the following services:

  • education - training for school: learning to read, writing, mathematics;
  • aesthetic development - classes with music, dancing, drawing, singing, visual art;
  • organization of leisure - walks, visits to theater, exhibitions, movies;
  • organization of a four-time nutrition;
  • organization of living conditions: providing toys, beds, separate lockers for personal storage.

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The developing children's center can be discovered by no more than 15-20 children. This may be 1 or 2 groups depending on the staffing schedule - the number of training and service personnel. The developing preschool institution is focused on working with children aged 3 to 6 years.

Planned yield of 90,000 rubles per month with starting investments of 500,000. Payback period 2-4 years. This is due to impressive current expenses.

Financial and organizational component

To open a private developing club, and the actually advanced kindergarten, which is beneficial from municipal institutions, will need the following:

  1. Premises with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 100 m 2. The weighted range of rental is 750 rubles for 1M 2. This is the price for small settlements in the presence of repair requirements. If it is absent, the cost can decrease to 250 per 1M 2. How much it costs to rent in large cities to determine accurately, it all depends on the location.
  2. Separate attention should be paid to fire safety. This implies equipment for the alarm and primary fire extinguishing agents - fire extinguishers. You need to take care in advance before opening your center. According to the law, the landlord must be engaged in this, so it is desirable to look for the room equipped with everything necessary. It will become significant budget savings.

Structure of the room

How to start organizing a children's developing institution - with the definition of its structure, layout. Before opening the center, you need to represent the entire structure of the room:

  • reception
  • cabinet for staff;
  • game Zone;
  • class;
  • bedroom;
  • sanitary facilities: bathroom, toilet.

Material and technical base

The opening of the children's center will require the purchase of such equipment and equipment:

  • children's furniture: beds, lockers for things, desks, tables, chairs;
  • toys, methodical aids, stationery, books, coloring;
  • bed linen at the rate of 2 sets on the child;
  • detergents, disinfectants;
  • dishes;
  • pots.
  • refrigeration food storage equipment;
  • washing machines - 2 pcs., Preferably industrial sample.

Starting capital necessary to open the Children's Developing Center includes the following costs:

  • repair, redevelopment - 150 000-500 000 rubles;
  • children's furniture - 70 000-100 000;
  • helding materials: linen, toys and more - 60,000;
  • household appliances, kitchen furniture - 200,000-300 000;
  • advertising campaign, including the launch of your own website - 150,000-200 000.

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Total discovery will require 630,000-1 110,000 rubles without lease. When creating a deposit (prepayment), it will relate to starting costs, and with monthly paying to the current.

Regular schedule

The opening of the children's developing center requires a formed team. This step-by-step instruction will facilitate the search for personnel and orient to properly draw up a list of official duties:

  • Director - 1. Salary 38,000 rubles. Carries out general guidance, controls the staff, imposes a recovery, encourages employees, maintains economic activities and accounting.
  • Tutor part-time teacher - 2. Salary 18,000 plus award. Engaged in learning and developing children.
  • Nanny - 2. Salary 17,000. It is responsible for organizing household conditions, helps the educator to solve disciplinary problems.
  • Nurse - 1. Salary 12,000. Keeps personal cards of children, if necessary, provides first aid.
  • Cook - 2. Salary 17,000. Cooking.
  • Cleaner - 2. Salary 10,000. They are responsible for the purity and sanitary processing of the premises.

Total to open such a business, you must understand that the wage foundation without taxes is about 157,000 rubles.

Attention! If there is no pedagogical education at the owner of the preschool institution, you can use the services of certified specialists, according to the legislation.

Current expenses

Expenditures will eat the impressive part of the operational budget of the children's educational institution:

  • rent - 7,500 rubles;
  • utilities - 10 000-12,000;
  • catering organization - 60 000-80 000;
  • detergents, disinfectants - 10,000;
  • Fot - 157,000;
  • operating expenses: Buying new toys, benefits (you can hang on your parents) - 10 000-15000.

For normal operation, this business requires 254,000-279,500 rubles every month. Download Business Plan of the Children's Developing Center With more detailed calculations you can have our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Now you know how to open a children's developing center from scratch in 2019. Plan the opening of such a business better with the help and support of the state. There are regional and federal support programs for private pre-school institutions. They should be used to facilitate the financial burden.

Finally, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the learning video on the topic of the article:

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In confrontation of parents - the adhesives of free education and supporters of early child development, for many years confidently defeat the latter. More and more parents are thinking about developing classes for their Chad almost from diapers, and the opening of the children's center can become a profitable business idea. What is needed to implement such a project? Let's try to make a step-by-step plan, how to open a children's developing center.

Step 1. Formulate the concept

Before making a business plan, you need to decide on the format of the future center. Universal children's groups with a multi-industrial composition, where parents can "throw" a child for several hours, while they are engaged in affairs - the service is in demand, but the relationship does not have such a "kindergarten for an hour". Customers - parents must understand who they trust their children and why pay money, so carefully consider the work concept:

  • age of adopted children;
  • principle of group formation (age framework, other criteria);
  • the main focus of development (comprehensive, creative, intellectual, physical, emphasis on a foreign language, etc.);
  • applied programs and techniques;
  • short-term or long stay of children in the center;
  • the presence of individual classes, psychological and correctional work with children.

This is the so-called "pedagogical" part of the project, which will make your center attractive and serious in the eyes of potential customers.

Who exactly these potential customers - will largely determine your further steps. If you expect for children from wealthy families, be prepared for the cost: ranging from the rental of the cheap room, ending with the hiring of the best teachers. If your category is "Economy Class", you can do with low financial blood, choosing a small room in a residential area and limited to a minimum of services and hired personnel.

Step 2. We register a business

To open a children's center, you need to register as an entrepreneur. The law "On Education" comes into business. To engage in children's leisure, tutoring, training for school and other services without licensing, individuals can only be in the form of individual pedagogical activities.

Without a license, you can personally hold classes, take into the center of the administrator and technical staff, but here to hire pedagogical shots to work with children, being in such a status, it is impossible. Invited teachers should also be individual entrepreneurs, otherwise you will have to receive a license for an IP or immediately register a legal entity, licensed and becoming a full-fledged educational organization.

For the opening of a business by a person who does not "cook for many years in an educational system, preferably the first option: easier and cheaper. The official name of the center, which appears in all documents, will sound like your name with the PI console, and in everyday life and promotional materials you can call your company as you like: a developing center, club, baby school, etc.

  1. Subject IP or, submitting documents to the tax inspection at the place of residence.
  2. Filling out a statement, specify the right activities of software, for example, 85.32 (child care), 93.05 - Personal services, 92.51 - Club activities.
  3. Choose the optimal tax mode. Most likely it will be a "simplist": to keep accounting and donate reporting on its own.
  4. Open the bill account in the bank.

Step 3. We get a license

If you want to hire teachers or decided to open ooo, get ready for the license. You will need documents:

  • contract for the premises for the Children's Center (Rental or Property);
  • conclusion of the SES and the fire service to the room;
  • certificate of State Registration of the Firm;
  • charter LLC;
  • educational program;
  • list of methodological materials and textbooks in stock;
  • teaching information.

The specified package of documents should be submitted to the Committee of Education and wait for the approval of the license. The point is not fast and not simple, and it is more appropriate to start it when the business will already be on your feet. At the initial stage, it is prudent still not to get involved in this complex process and while working as IP is to open a children's entertainment center that does not require the involvement of professional teachers. If you have acted, step 3 can safely skip.

Step 4. We draw up the room

To accommodate the children's center, the room must comply with certain requirements:

  1. Separate non-residential premises.
  2. Not a basement, a mixture or basement.
  3. The height of the ceilings from 3 m.
  4. It is desirable to have a fire exit.
  5. Installed fire alarm system.

Making repairs, you need to be guided by the rules regulated by SanPiN

  • the room should be highlighted place for undressing, the game room, used as well as for classes, bathroom;
  • walls - painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • ceilings - recommended whitewashed or coating with water-free;
  • floors - smooth, without defects, not slippery;
  • electrical sockets and switches at an altitude of an inaccessible child (from 1.8 m).

Prepare room properly, buy the necessary furniture, toys, sports games, materials for classes. After that, the entertainment center without educational services is ready for reception of children.

The educational organization is obliged to harmonize the use of renovated premises with Rospotrebnadzor, and only having received permission to operate, invite pupils to itself. Do not remind you that all equipment and toys should be safe and have certificates.

Where to find a place for a kids club? The easiest way to solve the problem in a small town - you can safely take any suitable room on the passable street or an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. m in the shopping center. In major cities, take into account the competitive environment (the location of similar institutions is unwanted nearby), as well as your target audience. An elite kids club cannot be in the working quarter, and grandmothers and mothers living in a residential area are more convenient to drive kids to classes within walking distance.

Deciding with the place, do not forget to think through the interior in accordance with the concept of your school.

Step 5. We select staff

Even if your center is not yet fully staffed by children, it is unlikely that you have enough time to follow the order and do economic issues. You will need 1-2 administrators (consider loading from the mode of operation) and the cleaner. In practice, the administrator is responsible for cleanliness in small children's clubs.

The question with the pedersonal will be solved depending on the format and level of your institution: what services you offer how much groups scored, etc. You may be limited to a pair of educators, but a full-fledged developing center is unthinkable without teachers of English, dance teachers, painting, children's psychologist. The staff can be replenished gradually, as new services and configuration of groups are introduced.

Selection of pedagogical personnel - fully your responsibility: do not hesitate to ask the contenders with recommendations, check the documents on education, interest the experience. Not every person with ped-formation is able to get along with young children: Be sure to control the work of teachers, attend classes, get feedback from parents.

If you are positioned as an institution with a developing function, your classes should give results. Each teacher should develop criteria for evaluating children's success, which will be understood by parents - many of them are actively interested in what the child is engaged in the center, and is there any sense from this. There are no harsh requirements in the club predominantly entertainment, the parents are important for their children to look at them well.

But the main thing - the kids should gladly go to your center and become regular customers. If the child is not interested, after several classes, Mom will take it from you and, with a lot of probability, will give your competitor. Every teacher with their personal qualities and attitudes should support the desire to visit the club in children.

Step 6. We are looking for customers

If you manage to please your small customers and their parents, they will serve you a good service, passing the contacts of the center in their surroundings. But it will not happen immediately. First visitors need to first find and interest. Start with free and low-cost promotional events:

  • while you will make repairs, do not forget to place an announcement about the soon opening;
  • arrange attracting the opening of the center (balls, music, etc.);
  • make a bright sign and navigation;
  • take advantage of social networking and Internet communication: invite customers through the "Mama" forums, create your own groups;
  • decide business cards according to the nearest office and shopping centers;
  • pass on kindergarten with leaflets;
  • agree with the nearest housing systems about posting ads on their information boards;
  • do not be lazy to make the site.

How much should the Children's Developing Center cost

And now in numbers. How much money do you need to open a children's club, and how soon he pays off? Consider the easiest option. Calculate on initial investments of at least 600 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • organizational expenses (registration, bank account) - from 2000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the room - from 250000 rubles;
  • acquisition of equipment, toys, materials - from 200,000 rubles;
  • furniture - from 100,000 rubles.

The specified amounts are approximate and given on the example of a children's club operating in a residential area of \u200b\u200bone of the regional centers. Premises area of \u200b\u200babout 80 sq.m. Located on the 1st floor of the residential building, designed for 2 game rooms. The permanent costs of the children's center consist of a lease (this is the most essential part of the monthly costs), wages, communal and other payments, advertising.

What does the children's center earn:

  1. In the club on a permanent basis, approximately 50 kids are engaged - their parents buy monthly subscriptions on 8 classes. Part of the children walks periodically (400 rubles at a time). Revenue from these occupations fully covers the basic costs of the IP.
  2. In the center take a children's psychologist, speech therapist (by writing).
  3. Children's books, toys, goods for creativity, festive accessories are sold in the club.
  4. Two times a week, creative master classes are held for adults and children.
  5. For the request, children's events (birthdays, christmas tree) are organized.
  6. In the evening, one of the cabinets surrenders to the Subarend to a private psychologist.

With the competent organization of work, the project is able to paint himself throughout the year, but it is rather an optimistic scenario, because in reality, it's not at once. The average payback period of the children's center is 24-30 months.

Now, when an increasing number of parents aware of the importance of early development and teaching children, the opening of the children's center can become a very profitable business project. So you need to consider if you seriously wondered: "How to open a children's developing center?"

Step one. We develop a concept

First of all, decide who and how you will develop. Install the age framework, consider the work schedule, select the appropriate programs and techniques. It is also necessary to decide whether you have a group of short-term or long-term stay of children, make a schedule of classes, decide on additional services.

Currently, there are many proven time of educational and educational concepts. Each of them has its pros and cons, admirers and opponents. You can choose some one program or create your own development concept that will include individual elements and sets of different techniques.

Step second. Preparing documents

Before opening a children's center, it will need to register and officially issue. First you need:

  • - From the Law "On Education" it follows that individual entrepreneurs have the right to engage in pedagogical activities on the same grounds as legal entities. You can start work since the state registration.
  • Decide with, as a rule, it is 85.32 - care and care for children, 92.51 - Organization of club-type institutions, 93.05 - Personal services.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Stand up in tax authorities.
  • Choose the tax system is the most sensible version of the USN (simplified tax system). It requires minimal costs of accounting.
  • If required, to conclude contracts with third-party organizations to carry out various services: removal of MSW, disinfecting work, disposal of energy-saving and luminescent lamps, etc.

Please note that if you plan to provide educational services, you will definitely need to receive a special license. To arrange it, you need to collect and provide a whole package of documents to the Department or Committee of Education:

  • The contract for renting premises or on the right of ownership.
  • Conclusion of SanEpidnadzor.
  • The conclusion of Mrs..
  • Help with confirmation of tax registration.
  • Charter.
  • Educational program.
  • Confirmation of the presence of educational materials, methodical literature.
  • Data on teachers and educators, the number of children.

Due to the fact that the process of obtaining an educational license a long and difficult, at the initial stage of the business it is better to limit the discovery of the developing center.

Step Three. Find a room

There are certain requirements for the premises in which the Children's Center is planned. First of all, it must be allocated to an independent unit - it can be a separate building or an apartment in a multi-storey house, decorated as a non-residential premises. It is desirable to have two outputs - the main and firefighter. Fire alarms must be installed, only firms with the relevant license can be installed.

When preparing the premises, it is necessary to be guided by the provisions of SanPine and SP of 13130 \u200b\u200b2009 and comply with the following rules:

  • Height from the floor to the ceiling must be at least 3 meters;
  • The room must have: a place for undressing with cabinets or hangers, a room for holding classes and games, toilet;
  • Walls should be smooth and withstand wet cleaning, for finishing the ceilings It is recommended to use whitewash or water-free paint, the floors must have a non-slip coating without cracks and defects;
  • In the room there must be permanent temperature regime without sharp temperature fluctuations. The optimal value is 19-21 °;
  • Sockets and switches should be located at an altitude of no less than 1.8 m.

Receive permits and approval in Rospotrebnadzor only if you are engaged in educational activities. In all other cases, it is enough just to notify officials about the start of work.

When the room is ready, we order furniture, buy toys, textbooks, consumables for classes, sports equipment. It is better not to save on quality and purchase products of solid and well-proven companies.

Step fourth. We invite specialists

Your income and the fate of the business will depend on how literacted, professional and chadobiviba are your educators. Pay attention to the formation of applicants, do not be lazy to check their recommendations. We regularly attend their classes. Track the reaction of children and parents.

In addition to the educators, you will also need: administrator, rebel, cleaner, guard. If you plan to provide additional services, you will have to look for a qualified psychologist or speech therapist. Planning to create groups of long-term stay of children? Urgently look for a medical worker.

Pay attention to the fact that depending on the OKVED, the requirements for the presence of personal medical records are changed. But in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, it is still better to progress and regularly undergo a medical examination.

Pitch fifth. Attract customers

  • Advertising in transport.
  • Banners and stretch marks on the streets.
  • Distribution of leaflets and business cards.
  • Own site.

Or unusual:

  • Weekly presentations at the playgrounds of the nearest homes.
  • Carrying a lottery or competition.
  • Viral advertising.
  • Communication at local parent forums.

Before the start of the advertising campaign, be sure to decide on the budget. Focus primarily on the residents of the area in which you open up your children's developing center. If possible, arrange a bright and unusual discovery.

Step six. Develop business

Think how else you can increase the attractiveness of your center and get the greatest return from it. You can create a club for parents or a fitness section for moms with children, to open a children's entertainment center or a special baby cafe, conduct exhibitions or organize various master classes.

In any case, at the very beginning you must imagine wherever you want to move and how to develop. And it is not so important if you will limit yourself to one studio, open several branches or decide to completely change the concept - you have to have a plan, how to do it.

A little digit

So let's consider the financial component of the business project to open a children's educational center. Calculations are given for the following data: non-residential premises on the first floor of an apartment building with a total area of \u200b\u200b80-100 square meters. When calculating the average prices are used. They may vary in each particular region, which will affect the final profitability and payback periods.

One-time costs:

Monthly expenses:

Monthly income:

An approximate payback period of the children's educational center will be 2-2.5 years.

Of course, working with children is complex. But believe me, genuine delight, burning eyes and words of gratitude to your pupils will pay off all the alarms and unrest related to the opening of the children's educational center.


Children's game room (children's entertainment center) is a place of leisure a child or a group of children under the supervision of institution staff.

The first such business areas began to be organized in Russia with large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or rather, the need for parents to attach their children for a long time shopping. Also taken into account the lack of pre-school institutions in the country. Both factors influenced the fact that children's playrooms became a very profitable and actively developing business direction.

On the profitability of the detel entertainment center and the value of the place

Open the game room is much easier than a children's developing center and, especially as a private kindergarten. It is not necessary to obtain a license for the implementation of educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, it is possible to organize a case with relatively low costs.

  1. When opening a soft gaming room for 30 m 2, a maximum of 20 children per day, it will take about 300 tr. (This will include repair costs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), registration of the company (5%), s / n staff (5%). With average monthly expenses in 50 tr. and income in 100 tr. Net profit will be about 50 tr.
  2. If you organize a gaming entertainment complex for children about 70 square meters. m, a calculated maximum of 70 children per day, then you will need at least 1 million rubles. With average monthly expenses in 80 tr. and income in 250 tr. Net profit will be about 170 tr.

It happens that the game rooms find their niche and in the sleeping areas, but it is rather an exception than the rule. This is mainly related to remote places in which such a corner will be able to become hardly the only way to organize leisure children and adults.

Franchise in the topic: "Town Masters" (Franchise of the Children's Game Room, Investments 390 thousand rubles, Profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Normative base

Before opening the case, you need to try to carefully examine the standards relating to its organization. You can find out about them by contacting the territorial authorities of Rosponsotics and Mrs.. Employees of these services should notify the sanitary standards and safety regulations, the observance of which is necessary for the opening of the children's room. Including there orient on the legislative database of local significance.

  • For example, special "recommendations for finding children in children's playrooms ..." were developed by the Department of the consumer market of Moscow.
  • It is also important to deal with documents of federal significance. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's game equipment. It must comply with the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with Zak-M RF "On the protection of consumer rights", Art. 9, 10 (paragraph 2) and Government Decree No. 1025 need to take care of the presence of a sign or a stand on which the details of the organization, work schedule, the list of services provided, the order of their provision, prices, the rules of the company, etc.
  • It is necessary to provide for medical books from employees in advance. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Documents on special education are optional.
  • When preparing the premises for a children's game room, SanPine and SanPine must be guided. It is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning of coatings, fusion of toys, etc.
  • The types of criminal and administrative responsibility, which are provided for causing the harm and health of the child in case of certain actions or inaction of the game room staff (69 GPK, Article 79 of the Code, Article 118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Art. 1068 GK , Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 151 GK, Art. 1081 GK).
  • "Technical Regulations" comes in handy, dedicated to fire safety requirements.

What you need to open

  1. Registration of the company occurs in the tax (LLC or IP). We recommend to register as an IP (individual entrepreneur). It will cost cheaper and will further apply preferential tax regimes - UTII, USN, and since 2013, the patent form of taxation.
  2. Next, you need to decide on the OKVED codes. We recommend to specify: 92.7 - so on. Activities for recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register in PF and other extrabudgetary funds.
  4. It will take the cash register, or the shame of strict reporting. They are subject to registration in the tax
  5. The room under the game room should be brought to compliance with the requirements of Rosponsotics and Mrs.

Equipment for children's game room

In order to organize a small game room, it is enough to purchase one children's labyrinth at 15 -20 m 2, which will cost at least 180-200 tr. We will also need a table and a chair for the employee - 10 tr and cabinets for clothes (about 800 r. For 1 section). The minimum set, in the future it can be supplemented as much as the fantasy and finance of the owner.

Three-storey labyrinth for children's game

Without labyrinths, no children's game is now. These spatial structures are usually made under the order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially on the sale, you can buy them in the ready version. Maze can be any sizes (from 10 to 100 m2) and complete sets (slides, obstacles, shafts, transitions, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign variants of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, the preparation of the design project, the manufacture and installation of the labyrinth is done by one organization. This game element is intended for children aged 3 to 12 years old. You can put a children's trampoline trampoline, which will permanently cost in 70-90 tr.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also focused on children 1.5 - 4.5 years, it is necessary to place a separate corner with soft-printed toys, designers, drawing tables, dry pools with balls.


Employees of the company should be able to work with children, to understand the high degree of responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of the equipment, in the room, compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, students are accepted for such work. Universities or former pedagogically personnel in retirement. The work is carried out by 2 people shifted.

Organization of activity

1 Game rooms usually work from 9 am to 9 pm. The average fee for 1 hour of stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles - holidays and weekends. Parents with children up to 3 years old are usually free, and with adults who accompany children over 3 years old are charged 20-30 rubles.

2 The duration of the 1st child's stay in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to register the duty of visitors to take their children after this period.

3 Employee of the Center should receive a child upon presentation of the Passport Parent. The reduction of child and the time of its receipts should be made to a separate notebook or the accounting program.

4 Firm staff must ensure that the incoming children are healthy. Toddler with obvious signs of the disease can not be taken into the game room. Otherwise, the reputation of the organization can be corrupted, some of the customers will not want to return to where the children's health issues are suitable.

5 On weekdays, the most visitors are from 16 to 21 hours, when parents take their children from schools and kindergartens and are guided by purchases. In the first half of the day you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. You can also install them for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside the street has less to the games in the fresh air. The decline comes for the summer. In this season, many babies are trying to take out the country and spend more time with them on the street.

7 If you are configured to further develop the center and an increase in its profitability, then be sure to provide the discovery of such areas as the organization of holidays, competitions, creative circles, creating a children's cafe.