How the golden wedding is celebrated in the registry office. Meeting of a married couple. Dance in a circle of loved ones

There is no holiday more significant than the Golden Wedding.

This celebration can be called one of the most important in life.

The preparation of this day should be taken with all the attention and responsibility, because not all couples can carry and maintain their relationship through the years and everyday troubles.

Please your relatives or close friends with a holiday according to the original scenario!


"Golden Wedding" is celebrated in the restaurant with family and friends. The hall is decorated in the style of the 60s. Ideally, if you manage to find a car of that time, in which the heroes of the day will drive up to the restaurant, or just park it at the entrance.

Guests can be asked to dress in the appropriate outfits of the era. The decoration of the hall should contain stamps, an old TV, calendars and postcards (now various posters stylized in retro style are sold in gift shops).

Usually in a restaurant it is customary to seat guests at a common table. It is advisable to serve the table with dishes of that time, and decorate the part where the heroes of the occasion sit.

If the guests are seated at separate tables, the place where the “newlyweds” table stands should be fully decorated for the 60s (hang wallpaper in the background, put a vase or a pot of flowers - create the atmosphere of a room of that time). Seating cards with the names of the guests should be on the tables.

What do you need for contests?


Estimated time, minutes: 160+; Number of people: 25. Number of toasts from guests according to the scenario: 4 (agree on the names of the host!).

Guests meet the heroes of the day on the street or inside at the doors of the restaurant (if the room permits), lining up in a chain, and shower them with rose leaves.

At the entrance you can hear the music of their wedding waltz or just your favorite song. The husband and wife are escorted to their places, rest for a couple of minutes, after which the presenter takes the reins into his own hands.


Let dozens fly, years fly by -

How much has been experienced, passed together!

"Golden Wedding" is forever young,

After all, today you are again the bride and groom.

Will endure sorrow and anxiety

And, hand in hand, live another hundred years!

So that you, honorary spouses,

Platinum to win.

After these words, the presenter presents medals on the 50th wedding anniversary.


And now, dear guests and heroes of the occasion, let's fill the glasses with sparkling wine and, to this wonderful music, let's drink to the young! Bitterly!

Guests are given 10 minutes: they fill their glasses, drink, start eating.


Like yesterday, still so fresh in my memory

The music is pleasant motives.

The first waltz for the fiftieth anniversary

Transform into play dance.

Dear heroes of the day! We ask you to remember and show your very first dance that you danced 50 years ago.

Anniversaries are invited to the middle of the hall, the music turns on, they dance. In just a minute, the host asks the guests to join.

Host (when the music starts to subside):

And now I ask everyone to take their places, men - to make sure that the glasses of the beautiful ladies are full. The honorary right to deliver the first toast is given to (name).

Guests are given 10 minutes for a snack.


And now, when everyone has had a little snack, I propose to hold a small competition. Now you will need to focus on this monitor and guess who is depicted in each photo. Small prizes await those who have guessed right.

Guess by the photo contest

A disc with photographs of family members (or close friends) of the anniversaries in childhood is included. Guests guess who is in the photo. Each person who guesses the right is given a small gift. Naturally, the one whose photo is shown does not guess it himself. The last should be a photo of the newlyweds together, so that you can guess them right away in chorus.


Well done! Especially quickly everyone coped with the last photo! For the next toast, the word is provided (name).

10 minutes for snacks.


For the next competition, I would like to call the grandchildren (great-grandchildren, children) of the heroes of the day and check how well they know their grandparents.

The presenter puts the children in a row, explains the rules of the competition.

Competition "Checking grandchildren"

Participants line up, everyone is given a squeaky toy with LEDs inside (if there are no such toys, you can just raise your hand, but the toy is better visible and causes more fun among the public).

The host asks a question. Who knows the answer - must click on his toy. The one who does it before others answers. If the answer is correct, the participant takes a step forward.

Children walk towards grandparents, whoever comes closest to them is considered the winner.

Sample questions:

  • How old are grandparents together?
  • At what age did they meet?
  • Where did they go after the wedding?
  • Name all the brothers (sisters) of the grandfather (grandmother).
  • What did grandfather give grandmother for the silver wedding?

You can think of questions like riddles.


So, the main prize for the winner is that he can hug and kiss grandparents! And, of course, everyone receives small gifts. Now I ask the participants not to go far - you also want to congratulate the heroes of the day?

The floor is given to the younger generation.

The presenter acts according to the situation, depending on what the children say. Adult children can make a toast themselves, if not, the toastmaster adds a quatrain:

Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary,

The Golden Wedding is the Date!

Let Love become a year wiser

And she will not meet her sunset.

The bonds of strong family, as before,

After all, her love cannot be hidden behind the years,

And so that her companions are faith, hope

Forever stayed in your home with you.

Guests are resting.


The evening is already in full swing, which means that the newlyweds are ready to accept gifts and congratulations! However, presents are accepted for a reason. Every donor must pass the test. Who dares to be the first?

The first person comes out, the toastmaster explains the rules.

Testing for donors

Music turns on, a person (or a couple) must dance to it. The dance lasts 20-30 seconds.

Important: be guided by the age of the donors! It's hard for older people to dance, you can simply ask to portray something (for example, bow or walk amusingly).

Guests give gifts in turn, put them on a separate table. Anniversaries at this moment can be seated separately so that everyone can see them and congratulate them more conveniently.


The holiday is stormy fun

My question is extremely simple:

Who will interrupt their feast

And will he say a toast to his guests?

Toast from guests; time to rest.


Now I want to give the floor to the newlyweds. You have such a great experience of family life. Tell your guests the story that you remember the most in all the years of your life together.

It is desirable that each of the heroes of the day tell a story. If telling 2 is hard, you can get by with 1.


So many wishes were voiced

So much has been said from the bottom of my heart

Children, grandchildren are happy with you

And they wish you to live a hundred more years!

Do not be disturbed by sadness and anxiety,

And let health not be naughty at all,

Since your two roads have merged into one,

Eternal happiness and love to you!

Let's raise our glasses to our anniversaries!

A short break for rest, if the place allows - dances are arranged.


The next competition was not long in coming. One happy married couple is celebrating their anniversary today, but are there any other applicants for the golden wedding? I invite three married couples

The toastmaster explains the conditions.

Competition "Compliment"

Each pair gets 2 fruits (pear, apple, orange), into which matches are stuck. You can draw 1 match by saying 1 compliment.

Men start, women finish. Couples take turns pulling out matches, time is timed.

Whoever coped with the task faster, won. Fruit remains as a prize. You can ask the newlyweds to bring something as a gift "for a long family life."


In my opinion, the competition was a success! Now we know who will take the baton of the heroes of the day!

I invite our wonderful bride and all women to the center of the hall. The ceremony of throwing the bouquet will take place now! Unmarried girls, having caught a bouquet, can hope for a quick wedding, and married girls - for a long and happy life, like our newlyweds.


On this, dear guests, our evening comes to an end. But only the entertainment part ends. Now delicious food and dancing awaits you!

Guests eat, dance, relax.

The Golden Wedding is an incredible event that deserves respect and admiration. To live half a century together, in spite of everything, is not given to every couple. But, probably, all newlyweds who marry for the first time dream of celebrating such a significant event in their lives in the future. Of course, such a grand event should definitely be celebrated with dignity. This article will help you figure out which gold wedding scenario will be the most suitable.

Fifty years of marriage certainly sounds proud. Since ancient times, this date has been called gold. And for good reason. After all, a husband and wife for so many years of married life, for sure, experienced not only joyful events, but also woeful, sad ones. But, despite all the trials of fate, the couple were able to save their marriage.

How to organize a party?

Considering that the spouses, who have lived together for half a century, are no longer at such a young age as 50 years ago. They often want to celebrate such an important date with their families. And there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to have a fun and interesting wedding so that it really becomes an important event. And it is not so important where the holiday will take place, in a house or apartment.


First of all, you need to think about the fact that if the wedding is golden, then it is necessary to decorate the interior in the appropriate golden style. For this, decorating with golden balloons, using a tablecloth and napkins in the same color, is perfect.

It will be very interesting if the wall is decorated with photographs of the spouses, which capture the happiest moments of life together.


Considering that there will be many elderly guests among the guests, it is necessary to take care of what will be on the menu. It is not at all necessary to put some exotic and unusual dishes on the table. Let it be better simple, but delicious treats that will please everyone.

Toastmaster or mass entertainer

At home, you can have a golden wedding just as well as in any restaurant or cafe. It is especially good if there is a guest among those invited, who easily turns any feast into a fun holiday. In this case, you can do without the toastmaster. The main thing is to have good music. It's great if the couple's favorite tunes that were once played at their main wedding are played. This will awaken feelings between spouses, and they will sparkle with new colors.


It is imperative to have a photo session. The photo should show not only the "newlyweds", but also their children, grandchildren and other guests. After all, such an important event will not happen again, and the photographs will serve as a role model for grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Musical accompaniment

If a married couple decided to celebrate their anniversary outside the home, then the principles of decorating the hall do not differ much from those at home. Again, the color scheme should be in gold tones. It's great if there is an opportunity to order "live" music.

In general, there is no particular significance where the place of the fiftieth anniversary will be held. The main thing is that the atmosphere is pleasant and festive.

Toastmaster at the golden wedding

The script is the basis of the holiday. Thanks to him, the holiday will definitely be fun. In order for everything to go according to the script, you need a person who will be responsible for the event, or rather maintain the festive atmosphere. Such a person is a toastmaster. Its role is important enough. To celebrate a golden wedding, you can even use a comic script that will allow both spouses and guests to have fun from the heart. But, of course, all jokes should be without irony, not offend anyone.

Variant of the script of the golden wedding for the toastmaster

At the very beginning, when the guests just come to the celebration, they can be asked to stand in the form of a "living corridor" and give each of them some rose petals. Anniversaries should walk along this corridor to the appropriate music (for example, "Wedding March"), and guests should generously shower them with petals. Then everyone goes to their places. The master of ceremonies reads out her welcoming speech, reminds them of the reason why everyone has gathered, briefly tells the story of the couple's acquaintance and congratulates them on this momentous event. Then he makes the first toast. It can be said both in verses and in your own words.

Our dear golden heroes of the day! Today you have an extremely important event, to which you have been walking together for exactly fifty years. And we got there safely! And we all sincerely admire you. Let your feelings never fade away. Be happy!

Well, by tradition, all together we say to you: "Bitter!"

Throughout the holiday, music should sound and all kinds of competitions should be held.

Examples of contests for a golden wedding

The toastmaster begins to ask in turn, pre-prepared questions to each of the spouses. For example: when the first kiss took place, what is the size of the feet of one of the couple, what is the favorite movie, where the first joint vacation took place, etc. Well, the guests rate how well the husband and wife know each other.

You can also hold such a very interesting, one might even say cool competition.

All female guests and the bride herself must give the presenter some thing, for example, earrings (or something else) and among the many different earrings, the husband must find those that belong to his wife. It is desirable that the thing be from youth, i.e. not worn for a long time.

It is suggested to do the same for a woman. She must find among men's things what belongs to her husband.

Another variant of the competition can be the game "Guess the melody".

Coins fall on the table. The melody sounds, the one who knows what kind of song it is, takes a coin and hums the guessed melody. Whoever has more coins in the end wins. The game is good for entertaining guests.

Wedding rings

Traditionally, it is necessary to replace old rings with new ones on the 50th anniversary. Such an important task can be assigned to children. They should solemnly present their new wedding rings to their parents. It is advisable to accompany this process with pleasant, kind words with the most sincere wishes.

Video on the topic of the article:

A golden wedding is a big festive occasion for a family. Of course, when arranging it, you should remember that the heroes of the day are no longer eighteen, so it is better to refuse from too noisy, too active celebration.

This scenario for holding a golden wedding is designed for a banquet hall, but you can easily organize an anniversary at home, in a large spacious room (so that you can hold contests). The whole family should work on decorating it. Above the table at which the young people will sit, you need to hang two large wedding rings. What kind of rings they will be - made of foil, decorated with garlands - the choice is yours. Also, take care of greeting posters.

It is better to involve grandchildren, that is, young people, in their creation. There are a lot of ideas: from quatrains with congratulations to collages with old family photos. A large portrait of your entire dynasty, headed by your parents, will be relevant. Do not forget about flowers (both for decoration and for congratulations) and a young bouquet in case the groom “forgets”; also, one should not forget about the wedding cake.

You will also need: golden confetti (shiny pieces of foil can be used), love songs, Mendelssohn's march, golden satin ribbons, white tablecloths with golden napkins, two golden paper envelopes, a scarf or scarf embroidered with golden threads (lurex).

Be sure to invite witnesses, if, of course, they can be present at the festive table. Prepare ribbons "honorary witness" for them in advance.

We hasten to note that in this scenario of a golden wedding, the best traditions and rituals are collected that only exist at such celebrations, in addition to contests.

Moreover, the contests, like the script for the fiftieth anniversary, the golden wedding, are designed to be held with family and friends. The presence of a presenter is optional. Her role can be played by someone from the family who has at least a hint of the talent of the toastmaster.
Everything seems to be with the organization. Now, the actual script itself for such a significant date for your parents - a golden wedding.


Guests stand at the door so that they form a living corridor, children or grandchildren make an "arch" of golden satin ribbons.

To the sounds of a wedding march

In the circle of children, relatives, friends

Our young people meet

Joint life anniversary!

The newlyweds come in, pass under the "arch" past the guests, they shower them with golden confetti.

We ask newlyweds, honorary witnesses, all guests to take their places at the table.

First toast:

Now a happy moment has come!
Gilding shines all around.
Today is a holiday for two
And away from sorrow and worries!
We will fill a glass with wine,
Let's drain it to the bottom now
For the fact that this day has come
For living in perfect harmony!
With family and friends.
Look, how many have gathered here!
So let's shout out friends soon
Our newlyweds are "bitter"!

We continue our celebration. A half-century anniversary is not a year or two ... To be able to carry feelings for each other through so many years, not to waste, but, on the contrary, to multiply their whole art. No one will say that everything has always been perfectly smooth in family life. But time diligently erases all troubles from memory, leaving only the brightest moments. Now we will ask the young people to read the letters written to each other about the happiest moments of their life together. (Husband and wife take turns reading letters written in advance.)

We'll put these letters in gold envelopes. In moments of unexpected sadness, open and re-read them, let the happy moments come to life in your memory!

For memory, to take care of happiness,
To warm you up in difficult times!
For happiness! So that he is always enough!
For joy! So that she always was!


The years flew by like birds in the sky.
You waved a wing, melting in the clouds.
The roads are well-trodden, the pages are covered,
And the rings on their own hands faded ...

We ask the children to present their parents with new wedding rings on this glorious anniversary of their life together, and the heroes of the occasion will exchange them again, as they did many years ago. Present old rings to children, passing on wisdom and experience, parental blessing with them.

And again two rings shine brightly!
And they shine for no less than half a century,
So that two relatives and friends
We cherished love forever in our hearts!

Of course, everyone sitting at this rich table came to this holiday for a reason, but with gifts and congratulations. Let's voice them to our dear jubilees! (Congratulations to the guests).

There are more contests in our program! Moreover, contests are not only for guests, but also for newlyweds. Let's start with them. All women, including the bride, line up with their left hand in front. The blindfolded groom must determine the wife's hand.

The warmth of the soul, there is light in the window of the house,
Out of a thousand names, one is favorite.
Native hands. They are not more expensive.
And they cannot be confused with others!
Let your family's hands warm you
And in a happy moment, and in a rainy hour!

And we continue the contests! Now competitions for guests. Since we all came to the anniversary of family life, let's sing an ode to her! (guests are divided into two teams, remember songs about love, fidelity, home, family, sing a few lines each, dedicating them to the heroes of the occasion)

What are contests without gifts? Young people, hand over gold medals! (Husband and wife hand out chocolate medals to everyone).


Years have covered the heads of our young in silver ... According to a long-standing tradition, it is today that an older child must cover his mother's head in gold. As a token of gratitude for sleepless nights and troubled days. (a song about mom sounds, a son or daughter puts a headscarf on her).

There are ordinary, nondescript days,
That fuss is given only rubbish ...
Today in your life, newlyweds,
Wonderful, golden, happy day!

Dear friends! Today we sang, recited poetry, held contests ... But can there be holidays without dancing? Let me invite the main people of this celebration to the dance of the young! (dancing dance).

And now it is quite appropriate
Everyone to catch the bridal bouquet!

Precisely for everyone! (I mean the beautiful half of the guests).

After all, did you know that if an unmarried girl catches the bouquet, it promises a quick wedding, and if married - happiness and longevity in marital relations! So let's get started!

Now it is nearing the end
Holiday. He is the beginning
New life for two.
Congratulations to them again!

We invite everyone to a festive tea party with this wonderful cake. And we give the floor to the newlyweds!

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In Russia, it is customary to celebrate not only the wedding itself, but also the anniversaries of this wonderful event. A golden wedding is a big date. It is celebrated at 50 years of marriage. We can say that not all couples live together until such time. But for those who managed to preserve their union and carry love and fidelity through the years, this is truly a great event! Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a wide scale. Give your parents, friends, or family members celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary a real gift - rent a banquet hall in a cafe or restaurant and prepare a holiday according to a specific scenario... Such a measure is necessary due to the fact that without a script, the celebration of the wedding anniversary will turn into a dull feast.

Room decoration and preparation

The scenario for holding a golden wedding includes, in addition to the official part and competitions, also preparation for the event, and decoration of the room. The preparatory phase should begin with choosing a room and drawing up a guest list. Close friends and relatives of the newlyweds should definitely be invited to the holiday..

Try to subtly ask them about who witnessed the wedding. It will be a pleasant surprise for a married couple if these people unexpectedly appear at the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary of their life together.

Invitation cards should be prepared for all guests., which can be delivered in person or sent by mail. They can be purchased from a specialist store or you can make your own. You can place an old wedding photo on your own hand-made invitation cards. You can decorate a room for celebrating a golden wedding according to the scenario "Love Through the Years" in any style... For this you will need balls, fabrics and fresh flowers. You can also make a wall newspaper with headings of family chronicles or a photo collage using pictures of the couple. The place where the newlyweds will sit can be decorated with a composition of fresh flowers or two intersecting rings made of white and gold balls. To conduct an event according to this scenario, you should choose a presenter or a presenter... You can handle this role yourself.


The young should appear in the hall later than all the guests to the Mendelssohn march. Guests can shower them with rose petals and rice. Leading: Dear guests! Today we are gathered here for a reason. The reason is the most special. Our dear "names of the newlyweds" today celebrate their wedding anniversary, but not a simple one: not ten years or even twenty. They lived together for FIFTY years! Let's give them a hand and see how much love they've been able to carry through the years. Bitterly young! And now the time has come for the first congratulations. The honorable right to congratulate parents is given to their children. If the happy newlyweds have several children, you can give them the floor in turn, for example, by seniority. This should be done in between contests and other events.

Presentation of a film about the life of the spouses

Leading: Dear guests! It's time for memories. I want to invite you all to the movie show. Do not worry, for this you will not have to leave your seats, because we have a special cinema - a drinking one. Let's quickly start watching a movie that will tell us about the life of our happy newlyweds. It's pretty easy to make a movie to be shown at your golden wedding. To do this, you need photographs from the spouses' family archive. You can take pictures from their very childhood to the present day, arrange them in chronological order and add a funny inscription to each slide. You need to add beautiful music to your presentation. It might look something like this: Do not make the film too long, because it can tire both guests and newlyweds.. Leading: And now we will check how young at heart our hero of the occasion is. Dear newlyweds, I ask you to go to the center of the hall. Dear bride, please sit on this humble throne. Surely you went on vacation to the sea in your youth? Where have you been? The newlyweds name the place, for example, Yalta. Leading: Let's imagine that you are in Yalta fifty years ago. In order for the atmosphere to be as close to reality as possible, I will ask six people to help me. Come out, do not hesitate, you will not have to do anything difficult. How many knows how seagulls cry? The two of you do the best. Depict birds circling over the pavement. Here you two, stand to the left of the bride and make waves with your hands. You will be by the sea for a few minutes. Well, you got the most important role - you will portray palm trees. For people depicting palm trees, it is necessary to make caps with leaves from colored paper in advance. Leading: Now it's time to dress up for the young. You, the groom, wear sunglasses and a light hat, and you, the bride, hold a straw hat and a light beach shawl. Young man, now you will declare your love to your lady, and not just, but with a song. Here is a text for you in case you accidentally forget the words. Seagulls, sea, palm trees, get ready, let's go! The soundtrack of the song "Lonely branch of lilac" sounds. The spouse takes the spouse's hand or kneels down and begins to sing. Further in the scenario of the golden wedding, the contests begin.

Competition "Important Events"

Leading: Let's support our hero of the occasion with applause. Well done! Now we see that you were able to carry your feelings through the years. Take your seats at the table, and we continue. For the next competition, I will need the children of our happy married couple. I ask you to go to the center of the hall. Now we are going to check how well you know about your parents' life. I have a chamomile in my hands, but not simple, but magical, and the questions in it are tricky. Tear off the petals one at a time and answer the questions. A camomile for this competition should be prepared in advance.... You can buy it in stores that sell everything you need for the holiday, or you can make it yourself. The following questions should be written on the petals:

  • How old were the parents married?
  • Where did the father serve?
  • What's your mom's favorite movie?
  • Where did the parents spend their honeymoon?
  • Under what circumstances did the parents meet?
  • When was the firstborn born?
  • Father's birthday?
  • Mom's birthday?

Contest for spouses "Along the Waves of Memories"

Leading: And now we will check how fresh the memories are in the memory of the spouses. Dear groom, please stand up. Now I will ask you questions, and you try to answer them:

  • What perfume did your beloved prefer in her youth, what scent does she use now?
  • What flowers did you give her on the first date?
  • What color was your bride wearing on her wedding day? Was she wearing a veil?
  • What did you love to do when you first started dating?
  • After what time did you propose to your wife?

now questions for the bride:

  • How did your spouse strike you at first sight?
  • Where was your first date?
  • What is the most memorable present your husband gave you?

We will tell you how to create it correctly and what colors it can be additionally decorated with. Do you know how the scenario of a children's Hawaiian party differs from a similar one for adults? about this in our article. After reading the article at the following address, you can yourself compose a poem for the teacher on his birthday.

Competition "Election of the Head of the Family State"

Leading: And now you and I together will vote for who is the head of the couple - the head of the family state. For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance ballots with the following content:

  • Election of the head of the family state “the surname of the spouses, for example Ivanovs”;
  • Mrs. Ivanova;
  • Mr. Ivanov;
  • Number;
  • Signature;

Contest "Alphabet of wishes"

Leading: Dear guests, our holiday continues, and now we will glorify the young. The essence of the competition is as follows: I name the first letter of the alphabet and come up with a funny congratulation or wish for the spouses, which begins with it, for example, with "A": " Absolutely everyone knows: married, brothers, it is wonderful to live! I wish you to live together without troubles for many years". Or on "B": " Everything will be fine with you, since you love each other. It's not for nothing that even in the passport there is a mark about spouses". Now it's your turn.

Competition for guests "Sumo Dances"

Leading: Something our guests are noticeably depressed. Let's have a fun, moving competition. It is called "the dance of sumo wrestlers". To carry it out, we need two teams of five people each. The presenter gives out to the contestants who volunteered to participate in the test Huge Calico Panties... They should be sewn in advance. They should be very large and end roughly in the armpits of impromptu sumo fighters. Also for this competition need balloons... While the contestants representing sumo wrestlers dance to the rhythmic music, the rest of the test participants inflate balloons and stuff them under their giant panties. The presenter at this time pays attention to how quickly sumo fighters gain weight. At the command of the host, the music stops playing.

It counts how many balls each team used up. The one who managed to fatten the sumo wrestler wins.

Leading: Well, dear guests, did you like how our sumo wrestlers dance? Maybe we can ask them to perform a couple of encore dances. By the way, you can join them.

The final part of the evening

Leading: Our dear newlyweds, you probably remember such an unforgettable event as your wedding day! I am more than sure that during this event, one of the guests uttered the following text: “ We wish the young couple to live until the wedding golden! ". So, this wish came true and turned out to be happy. Now, on behalf of all the guests, I wish you to celebrate many more bright and good holidays!

The fiftieth wedding anniversary is named after a precious and incredibly durable material - gold. This metal is associated with the relationship of spouses who were able to maintain family relationships for half a century. In order for the heroes of the day to feel the full significance of this day, it is necessary to know all the traditions of the golden wedding, which have become an integral part of the event.

Customs and ceremonies for the 50th wedding anniversary

The golden wedding is rich in its own traditions. On this day, it is customary to arrange a noisy and solemn holiday, which necessarily gathers close friends, relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren next to the heroes of the day. The anniversary of the golden wedding will be interesting and exciting if all the invited guests are involved in organizing the ceremonies. In order not to miss the fulfillment of all the customs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with each of them.

Rite - showering with gold

According to this tradition, a married couple is showered with small gold coins, and with them rice, rose petals, grain, sweets. This ceremony expresses the wish of long health, immeasurable happiness and eternal love. The sprinkling of the heroes of the day is entrusted to close relatives, children or friends, who must utter the words in chorus: "As the drops of the golden rain, consisting of mutual understanding and prosperity, fell on you 50 years ago, so even now it will pour down for the next half century."

Giving a gold shawl

For this tradition, you will need a scarf, which the daughter of a family of anniversaries who has already grown up must embroider in advance with gold threads. On the anniversary of the parents, a daughter or son brings a ready-made masterpiece to mom and covers her shoulders. A gift made by children always gains special value and makes them proud of the skills of their descendants. If there is no time to prepare such a surprise or you doubt the final result, then purchase a ready-made scarf in the store.

Ring exchange

The first exchange of rings takes place on the day of marriage, and the second - after twenty-five years of marriage, when gold items are exchanged for silver ones. After 25 years of wearing such rings, a married couple needs to change silver for gold again. Anniversaries make an exchange in private, making sincere confessions of eternal love. Modern traditions, on the contrary, suggest that this ceremony be carried out before the start of the feast, making all the guests present witnessing this sacrament.

Rite of passage of wedding rings to children

The gold rings exchanged between the heroes of the day 50 years ago have already rubbed a little and have lost their luster. Therefore, the time has come for a married couple to change them to new ones, and the old ones, according to tradition, must be passed on to their children or grandchildren. The rings, which were received as a gift from the heroes of the day, have a strong energy that can affect the happy life of those who got them.

Transmission of wisdom from the older generation

Lighting candles

By tradition, candles symbolize the warmth of the hearth, the light of hope, harmony and well-being. On this day, they give rise to the new 50 years of married life, so the rite of ignition must be present on the wedding anniversary. In order for everything to go according to the script, it is necessary to put two gold-colored candles on the table in front of the heroes of the day, which were previously decorated with a bronze ribbon.

Before the ceremony begins, the leader must say the words: “These golden candles are a symbol of your real and eternal love, which you managed to preserve and carried through half a century. The bright flame helped you steadfastly overcome all difficulties and hardships. So light the candles again so that their light will illuminate your next 50 years together! " After these words, the heroes of the day are given the opportunity to light the symbol of faithful love under stormy applause.

Wedding feast and kalach

Anniversaries will remember this day for a long time if children and grandchildren organize a wedding feast for them, observing all the traditions of the celebration. For celebrations, you can rent a banquet hall in the restaurant, which is decorated in gold tones. Discuss in advance with the administrator of the institution the issue of decorating the hall, decorating the table with brocade gold tablecloths, and the windows with curtains. The presence of such flowers in the interior will help create a special holiday atmosphere.

If a married couple prefers to celebrate at home, then it is necessary to decorate the room with golden decor elements. According to tradition, a place is allocated for a married couple in the center of the table and after each toast they shout "Bitter!" At the end of the celebration, the anniversaries are given a wedding roll, which they must cut in half. It is better if a child - a grandson or even a great-grandson - does it. The first part, according to tradition, must be divided equally among the guests, and the second piece is eaten by themselves. Kalach is a symbol of wisdom and a happy life.

Dance in a circle of loved ones

After the first feast, according to tradition, the husband invites his wife to a dance, which they perform in the circle of people close to them. The melody must be selected, taking into account the taste and preferences of the heroes of the day. Try to refrain from modern compositions and go for slow hits that played on your wedding day. You can create a romantic atmosphere if you distribute small candles to all guests.

Throwing a bouquet

The tradition of throwing a bouquet should be present not only on the wedding day, but also on the 50th anniversary of life together. The flowers that the husband presented to his wife must be thrown into the crowd of unmarried girls. The young lady who caught the bouquet, according to legend, will soon receive a gift of fate - an offer to marry. If the celebration is attended by married women who have been married for a long time, then the caught bouquet guarantees a long and happy family life.

Tea party for two

The tea ceremony is considered an integral part of the celebration of the anniversary of the golden wedding. This ceremony should take place at the end of the main celebration, after all the guests have dispersed. An elderly couple, without removing food and plates, sits down at the table and pours each other's tea. At this moment, the spouses recall the best events that happened in fifty years of marriage.

Traditional gifts for a golden wedding

According to tradition, on the anniversary of the golden wedding, children and grandchildren should give thematic gifts that will not only be memorable, but also useful. The couple, who have lived together for 50 years, appreciate practicality in surprises. To make the gift move and make you smile sincerely, make your choice a few weeks before the significant date. We suggest using the following interesting ideas to prepare a presentation for your golden wedding anniversary:

  1. New wedding rings. This gift is associated with the tradition of replacing the old rings with which the couple got engaged 50 years ago. Therefore, pick up new classic rings for an elderly couple without additional frills and decorations. The gift will turn out to be original if you order the engraving on the inner side of the ring in advance, for example, by writing the wedding date.
  2. Jewelry. The couple, who have lived together for 50 years, will be happy to receive golden crosses as a gift. These decorations will become a talisman for them, which they will keep for many years. It is also worth considering the option with a gift for the spouse in the form of earrings, and for her husband - cufflinks made of yellow or white gold.
  3. Dishes. A service, a set of dishes or pans is considered a practical gift for a wedding anniversary. These things for an elderly couple will become indispensable, especially if they are picked up with love, and not in a hurry.
  4. Painting. If the couple appreciates art, present them with a reproduction of a famous artist. The present will suit the theme of the wedding anniversary, if you choose paintings with gold frames.
  5. Shawl and shawl. Choose products for a woman that are embroidered with lurex or gold threads. With the help of such a scarf or shawl, she can keep warm in cold weather.
  6. Appliances. Household appliances are considered the best gift for the home. These indispensable devices will greatly simplify your household chores. Present the couple with a new iron, vacuum cleaner, bread maker or multicooker. Choose equipment with a simple interface and be sure to explain to the heroes of the day how to use these devices.
  7. Family portrait. Your surprise will turn out to be original if you present a married couple with their joint picture. To do this, first contact a professional artist who will draw a real masterpiece from photography.