How to clean natural stones. Cleaning natural stone with acids and acidic compounds. What jewelry is afraid of

Amethyst is a type of quartz in blue, blue-pinkish or reddish-purple hues. A transparent semi-precious stone enchants with radiance. This mineral is combined with gold and silver to create rings, earrings, pendants, etc. Amethyst jewelry is popular among women.

However, with frequent wear, the stone becomes cloudy or becomes covered with a layer of dust. In this case, the product is cleaned. But in order not to damage the mineral, follow the rules of cleaning and storage. You can take the jewelry to a jewelry workshop or clean the amethyst at home.

Properties of a mysterious stone

Amethyst is a type of quartz with a luxurious purple hue. As the people say, this stone awakens love for the person who gave it. He suits temperamental people, under the influence of a person's mineral, he becomes balanced, clarity of reason returns to him.

The semi-precious stone has other amazing qualities as well. For example, it helps to combat alcohol addiction... Few people know that amethyst is translated from ancient Greek as "opposing drunkenness."

If you wear amethyst jewelry at least 3 times a week, it disappears headache, increases immunity. A person becomes successful in work, organized, disciplined. Such products are necessary for people who cannot finish the job.

This stone has a powerful energy, so it is used to create amulets. However, it tends to accumulate bad energy, for this reason it is forbidden to wear it every day.

Silver perfectly sets off the shine of amethyst and enhances it magical influence... Amethyst is framed in gold, along with other precious and semi-precious stones. Jewelry from white gold with amethyst, rock crystal, quartz, aquamarine and diamonds look amazing.

Mineral cleaning

If the stone has faded, lost transparency, brightness, then restore it initial appearance impossible. To prolong its attractiveness, you need to properly care for it. If dirt, dust, grease stains appear on the surface, then it must be cleaned.

This is a delicate method of cleansing, as a result of which dirt is exfoliated from the stone without disturbing its structure. Ultrasonic cleaning effectively removes dirt of any degree, while maintaining aesthetic properties mineral.

If you are going to clean the stone yourself, then follow the instructions:

  1. For cleaning use soap solution... To prepare it add to warm water soap shavings ( solid soap) or liquid agent.
  2. Put the product in the solution for half an hour.
  3. If there is dirt or grease on the stone, take a soft-bristled brush and rub it gently (without pressure). It is strictly forbidden to use a brush with a coarse bristle for this purpose, otherwise the stone will be covered with scratches.
  4. Then the decoration is gently wiped with a damp cloth and polished with a velvet cloth until shine appears.

If you are going to clean the amethyst in gold yourself, then it is important to know that the product cannot be abraded, as the fragile mineral will be damaged. For this purpose it is forbidden to use water solution ammonia, which is used to wash gold.

Storage rules for amethyst

To prolong the attractiveness of the stone, you need to properly care for it:

  1. Hide products with amethyst from straight lines. sun rays so that it does not fade.
  2. It is best to store amethyst in a dark and dry place. For this purpose, a separate box with soft upholstery or a cloth bag.
  3. High temperature negatively affects the mineral, its noble color disappears, it becomes cloudy.
  4. Protect the product from falling on it washing powder, dishwashing liquid and other household chemicals... For this reason, it is recommended to remove jewelry with amethyst before cleaning.
  5. According to esotericists, the mineral quickly accumulates negative energy. To get rid of it, rinse the stone under running water for 5 minutes.

Amethyst is magic stone with a mesmerizing radiance. For its beauty to delight you longer, it is important to ensure proper care for amethyst. In the presence of heavy pollution take the jewelry to a jeweler.

In distant antiquity, our Ancestors knew about the amazing and extraordinary properties natural stone- one of the most mysterious primary elements of the Earth. The ancestors knew that stones have healing properties and live energy, transmit through themselves the energy of their host planet.

Thanks to the preserved Knowledge of our Ancestors, we know that stones have a Protective Power, they can protect from troubles and evil influences - envy, damage and other troubles. In addition, minerals have a beneficial effect on the fate and health of a person.

Each natural stone is unique. He carries a powerful force that, interacting with a person, is able to exert on him positive impact, to bring harmony (harmony) into his life, evenly distributing this power in different areas of consciousness of its owner. Thanks to its properties, the energy of stones is able to relieve stress, relieve stress and protect from negative impacts, restore the harmony of the body, Soul and Spirit of a person.

Natural stones are truly amazing. Born by Mother Earth, they are polished with natural water, caressed by the Sun and the wind. We can say that minerals are pure natural sources of energy for the Earth, Sun and Space. Natural stones are a kind of accumulators of the Power of Nature, which are not only able to preserve, but also accumulate their potential, giving it to their owner at the right moment.

Not so long ago, it was scientifically proven that natural stones in a house can even out the energy of a home. Each stone has its own individuality and special magical properties - it is not in vain that people from ancient times, but some, to this day, are looking for the Philosopher's Stone.

If you look closely at the mineral and observe it for some time, you will notice that each stone lives its own unique life. He can feel, understand shades of mood, he can serve the owner, he can take the heavy blows of his fate upon himself.

Energy and information are exchanged between the stone and the person. Therefore, the stones must be cleaned periodically. It is very important and imperative to clean new stones purchased or donated. After all, when we buy in the store new clothes or food, we usually wash or wash it before putting it on or eating it to keep it clean and free of anything unwanted.

The same is true for stones. All newly acquired stones must be cleaned without fail. Crystals remember information, including negative information, even more than water.

Before using a stone, it must be energetically and informationally cleansed with the help of the 5 elements of Mother Nature. Usually, they are cleaned before being worn (if the item is new). They also clean them while wearing, if the thing fell into someone else's, or there were some unpleasant events, or illness, or grief.

Over time, you may feel that the stone has ceased to be a conductor of energy, the lasso of attraction of which it is. This means that it is time to wash it.

The stones must be cleaned on the waning moon or combined cleansing with a period of two weeks before great holidays, such as Kolyada, Shrovetide, Kupala, Oats, then the cleansing effect will be the most powerful.

The stones are cleaned once a year from March 16 to March 21. These dates can coincide with any lunar day.

Clean the stone consistently different ways: initially sea ​​salt, then with running water, then with candle fire, then, if desired, with druses of rock crystal or amethyst, herbs / flowers, moonlight.

Purification with Salt.

For wet cleaning you should dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water. For better dissolution, the salt can be poured with warm water, however, then the solution must be allowed to cool before immersing the stone in it. Rinse in a glass or ceramic dishes... Plastic and metal tend to transfer some of their properties to water. Submerge the stone in the solution overnight and then rinse with running water.

For dry cleaning you need a container deep enough to fill in enough salt to completely cover the stone. Place the stone in the salt in such a way that it top part was addressed to Mother Earth, and leave him there all night.

Be very careful when cleaning minerals with salt. A chemical reaction can occur that will damage the crystal lattice of the stone. Salt may discolor the polishing of the stone and some minerals may discolor.

You can use alternative way cleansing with salt. Place the stone in a small glass container and place it on a dish covered with salt. Although the mineral will not come into contact with the salt, it will have its cleansing effect on it.

Purification can be enhanced by turning to Mother Earth and reciting the mantra of harmonization with the elements of the Earth: "Aum, Prithivi - namah."

Moonlight Cleansing.

You can enhance cleansing with moonlight If the stone was used to remove the negative, dip it into a vessel with salt water and place it in a place where the light of the waning moon will fall on it for several nights. Decreasing, the Moon will carry away all the negative. Better yet, put it outdoors where the moonlight won't be caught by the glass.

If you want to activate the energy of the Moon, in stones that carry its energies (pearls, Moonstone), then it is necessary to do this on a full moon. Find a windowsill in your home that is full of moonlight on a full moon for at least a few hours. Place the stone on this windowsill for three nights, starting on the night before the full moon.

After that, you can additionally charge your minerals, which are under the auspices of the Moon, with the help of the mantra: "Aumnamo Bhagavate Vasudevaya." It is necessary to recite this mantra at least 108 times, and preferably the full Slavic-Aryan Circle - 144 times.

Purification with Water.

Flowing pure water removes any information very well. After cleansing with water, the stone must be put to dry next to a burning candle. This will be a very effective cleanup.

During purification with water, say the mantra of harmonization with the element of Water, at least 9 times: "Aum, Varuna - namah."

During purification by fire, say the mantra of harmonization with the element of fire, at least 9 times: "Aum, Agni - namah."

Cleansing with Herbs / Flowers.

This delicate way cleaning the stone consists in immersing it in a container with dried herbs or flower petals. This cleansing can be combined with moonlight cleansing, but if applied alone, it will take approximately a week.

More quick way cleaning stones - their fumigation. In a fireproof bowl, light some sage, cedar, or juniper, then pass the stone through the smoke. This does not require dense puffs of smoke, a weak haze is quite enough. To calm the energy of the stone, you can add some lavender flowers.

Crystals that should not be cleaned with water - fresh or salty:

  • astrophyllite, heulandite, gypsum, rock salt, kyanite, muscavite (a type of mica), selenite, seraphinite (clinochlore), stilbite, uvarovite, celestite, chermigite (geyserite), fuchsid shale, chrysocolla.

Water dissolves these minerals and can affect them physical properties... All these minerals are best cleaned with candles, i.e. fire or any other dry method.

Crystals that should not be cleaned with salt water:

  • aquamarine, apophyllite, belomarite, turquoise, hematite, labradorite, calcite, cacholong, lapis lazuli, malachite, onyx, opal, pyrite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, ulexite, fluorite, eudialyte, amber.

Salt water has a negative effect on their physical properties.

It remains to add that regardless of what the gem is used for (for medicinal, volkhov's purposes, or just as a decoration), it needs to be looked after. This procedure is simple, not laborious and does not require much time.

After cleaning, the stones must be charged by placing them in the light of the Sun for several hours, or in the moonlight, if they are stones of the Moon. You can recharge them with a crystal generator, crystal druses, pyramids. It is especially important to charge those stones that you often wear. You can also charge your stones by reciting the mantras of harmonization with the 5 elements of Nature over them (at least 9 times, but better 108 times, and even better - 144 times.

Remember that it is better not to give your stones into the hands of other people, because any stone adjusts to the energy of its owner. Otherwise, there is a danger of "infecting" the mineral with negative vibrations.

Knowing that stones are your helpers, it is useful to talk to them: to tell them how you would like them to help you, how to protect you, what strength they gave (you just need to know what kind of power this or that stone carries in itself, whether it is suitable he is according to your horoscope).

In response to help, all stones want to receive the Love of their owner, so call them affectionate words, give them your Love and thank them for their excellent service. Then your minerals, verily, will not be a simple decoration, but powerful amulet, giving you the power of its universal mistress - the ruler planet.

All products made of minerals must be cleaned with fire once a month in a circular motion a lighted candle clockwise with the recitation of the harmonization mantra with Fire: "Aum, Agni - namah."

For storage, it is better to use bags - for each stone separately. The bag should be silk or cotton. In such a package, gems can be stored in one casket or box.

Store items that you constantly wear on an amethyst druse or rhinestone brush, next to. In this way, you will continually increase the power and strength of your stones.

Chanting mantras in Sanskrit is a way of creating correct sound vibrations that have a beneficial effect on the world around us and our Souls with the help of a simplified form of Old Slovenian Speech (which is Sanskrit), since before her complex shapes we still need to grow.

The correct understanding of mantras can be seen on the example of the mantra: "Aum, Varuna - namah." In this mantra: Aum is one of the main names of the Supreme Progenitor; Varuna is the name of the Ruler God of the Heavenly Waters; namah - means: na (accept) my respectful bow to the ground - max. The meaning of this mantra in modern Russian is as follows: "Oh, the Most High Progenitor, manifesting Himself in the image of God-Ruler of Heavenly Waters - Varuna, accept my respectful bow to the ground."

Soon you will see for yourself that instead of this long ornate phrase, it sounds much more accurate and meaningful: "Aum, Varuna - namah." Agni is the name of the Fire God, Vayu (Veyu) is the name of the Wind - Stribog, Akasha (not porridge, that is, not thick, but rarefied) is the name of Space (Ether).

Turning to the Gods-Governors of the 5 elements of Mother Nature: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, you are in tune with your Great-Great-Grandfathers and Great-Great-Grandmothers - the Gods and Goddesses of the world of Glory.

It is very auspicious to say mantras and praise to the Gods-Governors of the elements of Nature always: Earth - every time you walk barefoot; Water - every time you take a shower or in natural reservoirs (sea, river, etc.); Fire - when breeding it; Air - when in the wind (especially - before flying on any aircraft); Space (Ether) - before and during travel. Thereby - you show respectful attitude to the Ruling Gods of these elements and support your co-attunement with Them, which means you will receive their blessing and support.

However, one must realize that in this case, first of all, you are addressing the Supreme Progenitor, manifesting himself in the images of your Native Ancestor Gods. This is important to remember, because, not branches and leaves, i.e. address the one Supreme Being, realizing that He manifests Himself in the multitude of Native Gods. This is the whole essence of Rhodove, Vedic Culture, Old Faith, Native Faith - to realize the simultaneous unity in the many and the many in the unity of the Supreme Progenitor.

I wish you success in this: men - success, and women - good luck.

Aum Tat Sat.

Mantras of co-attunement with the 5 elements of Mother Nature: Earth: "Aum, Prithivi - namah", Water: "Aum, Varuna - namah", Fire: "Aum, Agni - namah", Air: "Aum, Vayu - namah ", Space (Ether):" Aum, Akasha - namah. " Approx. the author.

Often traditional cleaning and protection methods not always suitable for stone: industrial detergents and standard protective equipment may be suitable for surfaces of ceramics, cement, etc., but not for natural stone with special characteristics.
Acid-base balance - the ratio of acid and alkali in a solution - is indicated by the pH (power hidrogen), which shows how many hydrogen atoms are contained in a given solution. At a pH of 7.0, one speaks of a neutral medium. The lower the pH, the more acidic the environment (from 0 to 6.9). Alkaline environment It has high level pH (7.1 to 14.0).
Most stones are sensitive to both acidic and alkaline detergents. b, dissolving calcium, which binds its crystals (which is especially dangerous for limestone, and other types of stone, which contain calcium). Alkaline agents usually do not injure the stone as much as acids, however, left on the surface for long time, they can cause the stone to fade. Therefore for daily care behind a stone it is recommended to use pH-neutral stone cleaners (never soap or other alkalis). Alkaline cleaners (strippers) are used for cleaning particularly dirty surfaces, and after using them, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the stone surface with a pH-neutral agent to neutralize the reaction. When using strippers, it is not recommended to use hot water as the high temperature speeds up the reaction, which can also damage the stone.
Understanding pH balance helps guide selection detergents for stone... However, very important factor to choose suitable remedy is the level of his activity. For example, most neutral detergents have a pH balance of 7, but the activity level of these products is not strong enough to clean the surface of the stone. On the other hand, there are neutral agents that have too high a level of activity, they are also unfavorable for the stone. Therefore, the choice of detergents for the stone must be approached very carefully. It is equally important to test each detergent on a small area of ​​the surface before applying it to the main surface.

Choice of means

Before you start remove pollution, you must choose the appropriate one. First, you need to determine the nature of the spot and the type of stone on which this spot is located. Conditionally it is possible to divide pollution by origin into several groups.

♦ Organic stains (coffee, cocoa, tea, fruit juices, wine, sauces, mustard, spices, blood, etc.).
♦ Inorganic stains (ink, paint, graffiti, etc.)
♦ Household stains cosmetics(soap, lipstick, hair gel, etc.).
♦ Oil stains (household grease, grease, oil, candle wax etc.).
♦ Aura and discoloration from improper silicone and adhesive.
♦ Stains of biological origin (mold, algae, moss, prints of fallen leaves, flowers, etc.).
♦ Rust stains (iron oxides, copper alloys, etc.).
♦ Salt and cement stains, mineral and calcium deposits, scale.
After determining the nature of the spot it is necessary to select the appropriate chemical agent. It is advisable to get competent advice at the point of sale, but if this is not possible, then you can try to figure it out.

Here are a few simple tips on this occasion:
◄ for removing stains of organic, inorganic origin, cosmetic, oil stains and auras use absorbent paste;
◄ use products for removing mold to remove stains of biological origin;
◄ to remove rust stains, use special products, gels and pastes to neutralize oxides *;
◄ to remove salt and cement stains, mineral and calcium deposits, scale use concentrated acid and alkaline agents *.

*In this case, it is necessary to show Special attention... The acid in rust and salt removers readily corrodes marble and similar stones. In addition, basalt and even some types of granite can be partially affected by concentrated acids. Before starting work, it is necessary to do a test in an inconspicuous place to make sure that this remedy does not spoil the stone.

This approach may not be the most effective, but it allows you to minimize the risk of damage to the stone. Anyway take into account the following recommendations:
- read the instructions for use carefully chemical agent;
- make test samples in an inconspicuous place;
- start experimenting with the least active and least active concentrated funds;
- if there is no effect or it is insignificant - go to more active and concentrated substances.
Marble, travertine, (some varieties and only in the form of impurities), limestone - all these stones contain calcium and therefore are unstable to pH-active liquids, especially acids. When acid ( fruit juice, lemon, wine) or highly alkaline detergent gets on, it corrodes the polish at the point of contact. After that, traces of corrosion remain on the surface, which look like water stains or rings. Attempts to remove them special means will be a waste of time, they can only be eliminated by re-polishing the stone.

Best regards, Nikita Fedorov


The stone got its name from the Greek "amethyst" - free from drunkenness. It is believed to help a person overcome alcohol addiction.

There are also several versions that the mineral was named in honor of the Greek nymph Ametis. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: stone of Bacchus, stone of the Apostle Matthew, bishop's stone, dumpling.

How to wear amethyst?
Speaking about how to wear amethyst correctly, it should be noted right away that this mineral is best combined with silver. Silver not only enhances magical properties stone, but emphasizes the beauty of the stone, goes well with it visually. Moreover, it is not recommended to wear a stone in gold, the only exceptions are jewelry in which amethyst appears in an ensemble with other stones;
Amethyst is combined with stones such as aquamarine, zircon, diamonds, rhinestone, aventurine;
Don't wear amethyst all the time. It needs to be worn from time to time, because it is believed that it is able to accumulate negative energy and then give it back to the owner. Thus, it is necessary to give the stone time to get rid of the negative;
Concerning appearance stone, it is better to wear amethyst in combination with clothes of cold shades and in no case bright colors;
Amethyst - which finger to wear?

Amethyst is often worn in rings, signet rings, and therefore the question arises as to which finger to wear amethyst. You need to wear it on ring finger- for men on right hand, for women - on the left. To receive vital energy you can wear them on the middle finger, but this is often not recommended;
Do not forget about the sign of the Zodiac - amethyst can be worn by the signs of the Zodiac - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Wearing amethyst is contraindicated in signs such as Leo and Taurus;
Going on business meeting, you should definitely wear a piece of jewelry with amethyst or take an amethyst amulet with you - the stone will win over your interlocutor, help you establish with him emotional contact and will help you to soberly and correctly assess any situation and accept the right decision;
At the same time, do not forget about amethyst when going to a party. The fact is that the properties of amethyst imply protection of its owner from intoxication - it is a stone of sobriety, therefore, if he is near, the mind will remain sober and healthy, no matter how much alcohol is at the party;
It is recommended to wear amethyst for those who are losing weight - it will help to overcome the feeling of hunger, facilitate the process of the diet.
How to care for amethyst?
Like many other minerals, amethysts do not like frequent exposure to direct sunlight, so the stone should be stored in a dark place, preferably wrapped in a soft cloth;
Also, caring for amethyst involves protecting it from exposure high temperatures- under their influence, the mineral loses its color and aesthetic qualities;
Protect the stone from the contact with various chemicals, including household detergents;
Once or twice a month, the stone must be kept under running water so that it gets rid of the negative energy with which it has charged;
If the amethyst has become cloudy, then it must be cleaned. Of course, it is better to rely on professionals in this matter. In jewelry workshops, amethyst is cleaned using ultraviolet light. However, there are ways to clean your amethyst yourself at home. To do this, you need to make a soapy solution and rinse the stone thoroughly in it. You can also use a soft brush (such as a toothbrush) to gently scrub the mineral with it.
Some facts about amethyst:
Amethyst is a delicate stone. He is one of the favorite stones of magicians, because not only connects a person with the energy of the higher spheres, but brings peace and the strength of higher love to the soul, directs our life in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

Amethyst is considered one of the most powerful protective stones on the Earth, second only to emerald in terms of protection.

An increase in the influence of amethyst on you occurs when looking at the stone, your communication with it.

Cleaning required after every prolonged contact or after half lunar month wearing (during the new moon and full moon).

Amethyst jewelry is not loved by those who try to fight the Creator, do not accept the laws of this life and are internally afraid of it.

Among the ancient amethysts, there are a lot of charmed stones, because amethyst is more susceptible to magic than others gems... The magic of stones is amplified many times over, and it keeps this magical energy hundreds of years.

Its energy is Water.

Influence on the chakras: Amethyst affects the third eye chakra (ajna) and the crown chakra (sahasrara). The mineral not only cleanses the chakras, but also makes the colors of the aura clearer, promotes inner vision.

12 facts about Amethyst
1. Amethyst - an amulet against intoxication. In order not to get drunk, it is enough to hold the stone under the tongue.
Anyone who wears a ring with an amethyst on his finger or drinks wine from an amethyst or even amethyst-decorated vessel may not be afraid that wine will cloud his mind or excessively loosen his tongue. To increase the magical properties of amethyst glasses and goblets, images of Bacchus, Bacchus, as well as their attributes were engraved on them. If the sign of the Moon and the Sun was carved on the stone, then it also protected from poisoning.

2.In order to purify the space of a person's soul or the space in which a person lives, as well as things, it is good to have at home untreated crystals of amethyst, amethyst druse, a brush: things put on the crystals change their aura into better side, are made benevolent and even curative. It is generally better to keep amethyst jewelry on the surface, and not in boxes: they clean the home space of extraneous, often negative, influences.

3. Amethyst is good to use before difficult mental work: if you look at a stone for a while, concentrating on color, then it will help you either better comprehend the information, or even discover a lot of new things for yourself in the known (and unknown) mental field, which may have been didn’t even cross my mind. This crystal is a powerful store of information and will gladly share it with its owner.

4. Amethyst knows how to predict the weather: before storms, thunderstorms, any bad weather, the stone darkens, and by good weather its color becomes less saturated.

5. Amethyst is recommended to be worn on the ring finger. According to legends, some considered him a stone of separation, but this is not so, he just reveals deception and treason. Amethyst in gold is not as good as in silver. Promotes career growth, brings creative inspiration.

6. It was believed that the spiritual power of amethyst protects a person from temptation and temptation. Oriental beauties they firmly believed that if you present an amethyst as a gift to your beloved, it will arouse love in his heart for the giver. Moreover, this stone gives the power to forget old love and open your heart to a new one. Therefore, those who have already tied the knot need to beware if a beloved or beloved is presented with an amethyst.

7. Constant wearing of amethyst will help the soul find relief from grief, will give calmness, balance and harmony. Can serve as a talisman against the evil eye and damage.

8. Amethyst, placed under the pillow at night, will evoke sweet dreams and good dreams, will save you from the temptation of the devil. Ensures consistency, protects against evil doom, evil eye and nostalgia, magic and disease. It symbolizes devotion and truthfulness, hope and loyalty, has the ability to inspire visions.

9. Amethyst softens anger; the person wearing it is not subject to bad thoughts... It helps in catching wild animals and birds.

10. Amethyst is considered excellent remedy from wrinkles and freckles, warts and moles - they must be smoothed more often with an amethyst cabochon.

11. Freshly melted water with an amethyst thrown into the vessel helps with colds, liver and kidney diseases, strengthens the brain and stomach (but it is not recommended to swallow the crystal). In ancient times, they were convinced that with the help of amethyst it was possible to correct tongue-tied and other speech defects (stuttering).

12. Amethyst cannot be worn with a diamond, chrysoprase, ruby.

Surely, each of us knows that stones have certain properties, for example, they can heal or protect against the evil eye. Since ancient times, stones have been used as talismans, amulets and amulets. That is why, absorbing the energy of a person, precious and semiprecious stones need not only mechanical cleaning but also in energy. After such cleansing, they are freed from negative information and their healing and magical properties are enhanced.

How to cleanse the energy of the stone?

Produce energetic cleansing of precious and natural stones it is necessary to follow some rules. For example, when cleansing stones with fire, the ritual will depend on who owns the stone, woman or man. For cleansing over a candle flame the stone is suspended on a chain over the fire and moved in a certain direction. If the stone belongs to a woman, then the circles must be made counterclockwise, with male stones the opposite is true.

Energy cleansing of stones can also be done with sunny or moonlight... To do this, the stones are laid out on a cloth in an open space, and left for several hours. This will not only cleanse the stones, but also charge them with the energy of the Sun or Moon, which will give them great strength and efficiency.

Great power of cleansing has running water, especially cold spring or key. It would be ideal if you could find its source. Such water takes with it not only the negative, but also the positive energy of the stone and leaves the gem in the pristine energy form... Mineral purified in this way will have special strength. But even running tap water will have a beneficial effect on the energy of the stone.

Earth also has cleaning energy properties, and therefore stones or jewelry can simply be buried in some pleasant place for you for a few days. All negativity will go away in this way, and the stone will delight you with its useful properties for a long time to come.

Another view energetic cleansing stones associated with the cleansing properties of salt... To carry out such cleaning, it is necessary to fill the crystal container with salt (preferably sea salt), put a stone and sprinkle it with salt on top. This cleansing should last 3 days. You can also clean the stone in a saline water solution, which only takes a few hours. In this case, the water should be "alive", preferably spring or spring water.

By doing cleaning stones from negative energy , you need to tune in accordingly, free your thoughts from current problems, negative emotions and focus on your goal. You can even say a prayer during the ritual, so your own energy is cleansed, you will receive a charge positive energy, which will supplant all negativity.

Jewelry made of natural stones, especially without a frame, carry the strongest natural energy. And it is in your power to make it even better and cleaner.