How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine. Means for washing down jackets in a washing machine - how to choose the right one Which wash is better to wash a down jacket

When choosing winter clothes, several parameters are always taken into account:

  • appearance and cost;
  • efficiency at low temperatures;
  • comfort.

Under these parameters, such a thing as a down jacket is ideal. Such a jacket is not only stylish and practical, but also can give odds to any fur coat. However, many are stopped from buying by ignorance of how to properly wash a down jacket at home.

General information on washing a down jacket at home.

It is possible to carry out washing using a washing machine or by hand. Therefore, people who are worried about whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine can be calm. The product can withstand washing, and if you adhere to the basic rules, the jacket will serve you longer than the manufacturer promises.

There is also a very important parameter that affects whether the down jacket can be machine washed - this is the material.
There are three types of filler:

  • synthetics;
  • artificial fluff;
  • natural down / feather.

A jacket with 80/20 down and feathers is the ideal choice.

Not all down jackets are washable and have tags to warn you about it. But even this prohibition can be deceived and do without dry cleaning, if such a need arises. Washing a down jacket at home together with drying can take 2 days, but the result will be no worse than if the cleaning was done by specialists. The main thing is to follow the basics of care and washing of down jackets.

In this article you will find information on any question regarding the washing of such jackets. In addition, our site offers a lot of useful content, such as "washing a down jacket video instruction", where all the information is visualized, which greatly facilitates the process.

How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not get lost

One of the key points is filler care. In this article, you will learn how to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not get lost in a lump.
As mentioned above, the down jacket can be washed either by hand or using a washing machine. If we talk about the first option, it is advisable to use it only for light pollution. In this case, the jacket should be hung on a hanger and the place of contamination should be locally treated with detergents. Then wash it off.

To prevent the jacket from getting completely wet, try to wet only the outer fabric. This can be done with a shower. Direct the flow of water at an angle so that the water runs tangentially downward. If you direct the stream to the down jacket, the water will immediately seep out and soak the fluff.

But if you know that you need a radical cleaning, but there is no washing machine, then in this case you will have to do the washing by hand, although it is quite difficult. How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not fall off? The secret is that after washing, the filler should be manually distributed evenly over the product, and after that it should be hung upright and shaken regularly.

If you have a washing machine, then this process will be much easier and easier. How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not crumple in the washing machine? The answer is simple. For this, balls are used, which during washing will not allow the filler to get off into lumps. It can be either special rubber balls with spikes or tennis balls.

After the washing machine, regardless of whether lumps have appeared or not, the down jacket should be shaken off from time to time during drying.

How to properly wash a down jacket so that there are no stains and streaks

Regardless of the color of the product (white, blue, etc.), after washing, stains and other traces may remain that will spoil the appearance. To avoid this, you should know a few simple rules on how to properly wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks.

Naturally, cleaning such a product is a very laborious job. But it will be much easier if you don't make common mistakes. For example, people often unknowingly wash their jacket in the washing machine or by hand using dry powder or laundry soap. And this, in turn, is the first and main mistake!

The powder gets under the pad, where it is absorbed into the filler. And it is very difficult to wash it out of there. If you rinse the garment poorly after such a wash, then during drying all the powder that remains inside will stain the jacket fabric. Washing a down jacket at home without streaks will work if you use a special gel.

It is prohibited to put the jacket in the drum with other things. If the drum is clogged, it will affect the rinsing quality, which in turn can cause streaks to appear on the down jacket.

All visible spots and other problem areas must be rubbed with soapy water in advance. The washing mode is selected according to the information on the label.

To make washing your down jacket streak-free at home more comfortable, you should use several rubber balls or tennis balls. They will prevent fluff from straying in one place and will make the rinsing better. It is better, of course, to use factory rubber balls with spikes, because tennis balls shed over time and can leave marks.

For a better rinse, the last time, instead of the normal mode, you can turn on the normal wash, but do not add detergent.

In addition, you need to rinse the down jacket 3 to 5 times. After that, it is very important to approach drying responsibly. It is strictly forbidden to dry the jacket on batteries or with the help of a hair dryer - the fluff will begin to rot, emitting an unpleasant odor and dark circles, so stains and streaks will be provided to you. The down jacket must dry itself in a room with ventilation or on the balcony.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Hand washing is quite troublesome. Therefore, most often household appliances come to the rescue to save time and effort. But before starting this important event, you should figure out how to properly wash down jackets in an automatic washing machine. To get started, check the manufacturer's detailed instructions on the label. It summarizes all the information you need to know.

The label may be labeled “Dry Clean Only” or “Dry Clean Only”. You can try to wash such things in a machine on a delicate mode, but you still risk ruining the thing. And if it is dear to you, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Before throwing a thing into the drum and pouring the detergent for washing down jackets in the washing machine, you should take a few preparatory steps. First of all, the down jacket must be carefully examined. Any damage (holes and so on) can irreparably damage the item. Therefore, sew up any torn areas before washing. But if cleaning is urgently needed, and there is no time to repair clothes, then give preference to hand washing.

Also, if there are additional elements on the jacket, they should be removed:

  • fur trim;
  • hood;
  • belt;
  • hanging fittings accessories.

Be sure to check the pockets for foreign objects. Fasten all the fasteners and turn the jacket inside out. Pre-treat the most dirty areas (hem, sleeves and collar) with soap and rub with a brush.

To prevent damage to the down jacket, do not wash it often, so as not to spoil the water-repellent impregnation of the product.

Many people ask the question, at what temperature should the down jacket be washed so as not to spoil it? The maximum permissible temperature for washing a down jacket is 30 - 40 ° C.

Having decided on the temperature values, you should go to the next item, namely on which program to wash the down jacket. The "golden mean" is considered a delicate wash mode. But, based on experience, we emphasize that the recommended programs may differ on different models. For example, if there is a manual mode for washing a down jacket in a washing machine, and the same indication is present on the label, then there should be no doubt about the choice of the program.

Another important factor in this procedure is the choice of detergent. There is still a debate on the Internet on the topic "how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine?" If you weigh all the pros and cons, it is better to use a liquid detergent. After all, the use of powder can spoil the thing. Such a tool will simply get stuck in the fluff, and if you do not rinse it thoroughly, the wash will not bring any results.

You should always pay attention to what kind of filler is inside, because it depends on which powder you can wash a down jacket in a typewriter, and what not.

Of course, there is a powder on sale for washing a down jacket in a washing machine and the label says that it is suitable for all types of jackets. But in fact, it can be used by those who own a down jacket with artificial filler. For natural down, it will not work for the reason indicated above.

How to wash a down jacket without tennis balls

It is advisable to wash the down jacket using tennis balls or special rubber balls. But if they are not at hand, or you are not going to buy them for these purposes, then it does not matter. You can wash your down jacket without using tennis balls.

Washing without balls differs in principle only by their absence. All other points are the same as in the case of washing with balls:

  • product preparation;
  • setting the machine (temperature, mode, and so on);
  • choice of detergent.

But as always, there is one but. You cannot wash the down jacket in this way if it is not stitched into the sections. In such models, all the fluff will collapse into one lump, and most likely the product will be irretrievably damaged, because it will be extremely difficult to distribute the filler evenly.

But, if the jacket is divided into sections, then you can safely throw the jacket into the car. The difference from washing with balls awaits you only at the drying stage. Due to the lack of balls, before hanging the jacket to dry, you should manually try to fluff the fluff in each section. After that, this procedure will also have to be repeated several times until the down jacket dries completely. If everything was done correctly, the fluff will fluff up again, and the down jacket will be like new.

How to machine wash a down jacket with tennis balls or balls

Due to the fact that most manufacturers allow the product to be washed, this makes life easier for the consumer. However, even a delicate program will not always give the desired result. Especially when it comes to natural material - down.

The filler of the down jacket tends to get lost in lumps during the process of erasing. And it is quite difficult to straighten it under the layer of the jacket. For this, an additional technique was invented, namely the use of balls. And most importantly, there is nothing complicated in how to wash a down jacket in a machine with tennis balls. You just need to put them on the down jacket.

To prevent damage to the down jacket, do not wash it often, so as not to spoil the water-repellent impregnation of the product. Put only one down jacket and balls in an amount from 4 to 8 into the drum.

There are several options for this accessory:

  • factory rubber balls;
  • tennis balls;
  • magnetic balls for washing;
  • tourmaline elements.

If we talk about balls for washing a down jacket, then these are ordinary rubber products with spikes. This shape allows you to knock down the fluff as efficiently as possible during washing.

But not always there are such balls in the kit, but do not worry. You can buy regular tennis balls at any sports store. Washing will not be much inferior to the first option.

Tennis balls should be soaked in hot water and bleach before use.

Not so long ago, magnetic balls appeared on the market. They perform the same function as rubber ones - knocking down fluff. But, in addition, due to their magnetic properties, they improve the quality of the water, making it softer. Which in turn has a positive effect on the result.

The latest innovative method for cleaning a down jacket is the use of tourmaline elements. The principle of operation is that tourmaline balls are placed in the washing machine with the jacket. During washing, they emit negative ions, which affects the acid-base balance of the environment. And this is practically the same thing that happens during the use of washing powder. Thus, you can completely eliminate the use of detergents.

How to properly wash a white down jacket

Not everyone risks buying white down jackets. The thing looks stylish, but on the other hand, many do not know how to properly wash a light down jacket. And you need to be able to do this, because any pollution is very clearly visible. In addition, if washed incorrectly, the entire jacket will be stained and smudged. Then how to wash a white down jacket so as not to spoil the product?

To a large extent, the result depends on the first preparatory steps. There are a lot of special products that are designed for cleaning such jackets, including powders. But all the same, the question arises, what and how best to wash a white down jacket? If we talk about the light color of the product, then it is best to purchase a gel for delicate items. This product does not leave streaks on white fabric.

In addition, you need to know how to wash a white down jacket in a washing machine and in what mode. The "hand wash", "synthetics" or "wool" program is suitable. The temperature, as in the case of down jackets of a different color, is 30 degrees.
it is best to use special rubber balls during washing. Unlike tennis ones, they do not leave any marks, and the washing quality is much higher.

The preparatory process is the same as for any other jacket:

  • remove foreign objects;
  • remove additional elements;
  • Turn inside out before washing.

Therefore, the question of how to properly wash a white down jacket should not arise.

An important stage begins after the wash has ended. Knowing how to wash a white down jacket is only half done. Rinsing is an equally important stage, and it should be carried out 2-3 times.

Please note that if the jacket is washed for the first time, yellow spots and streaks may appear after rinsing. You should not panic and immediately search the Internet for the answer to the question "how to wash a white down jacket without streaks."

This is due to the fact that the natural filler has a yellowish color and sometimes transfers it to the fabric. There may also be another reason - poor factory cleaning of the filler.

Place a terry towel in the drum next to the down jacket. This will help improve the quality of the rinse and avoid streaking.

But these stains can be detected already at the drying stage. The light will clearly show the places where the product has turned yellow. If so, take the down jacket back to the bathroom. Mix some gel with warm water and apply to the yellowed cloth. Rub. Then, with your hand, but already moistened with clean water, remove the traces of the gel. Repeat the procedure until complete cleaning.

Is it possible to wring out the down jacket in the washing machine

After the down jacket has been washed and rinsed several times, the owners begin to think whether it is necessary to leave the product for spinning too? Search engines and queries come to the rescue, such as "How to properly wash a down jacket spinning". But it is not always possible to find an unambiguous answer.

In fact, the fears of many owners are justified, because if the down jacket is poorly sewn, then spinning can greatly ruin the product. Therefore, if you doubt the strength of the seams or notice after washing that there are holes in the jacket, from where the filler came from, it is better to refuse further spinning, and immediately send the down jacket to dry.

But this is the only reason why this procedure should be abandoned. Otherwise, spinning has only positive aspects. Therefore, you should not doubt whether it is possible to wring out the down jacket in the washing machine or not. The main thing is to know some details.

This procedure will help get rid of excess moisture, because after washing it will be enough. The filler will get completely wet and may take up to 2 days to dry. But the spin function comes to the rescue.
On average, in modern washing machines after this procedure, the residual moisture will be about 50%, and this is a good result.

In addition, to achieve a greater effect, tennis balls or special rubber balls should be left in the drum. And don't be confused by the noise. Neither the technique nor the product will be affected. The balls will not only help to fluff up the fluff, but also reduce the percentage of residual moisture.

There is also a common mistake that the more RPM, the better. Modern technology makes it possible to turn on the spin at a speed of 1500 to 2000 rpm. Is it possible to wring out the down jacket in the washing machine at such speeds? The answer is no! Such numbers will irrevocably ruin your item. The optimal figure is considered to be approximately 600 rpm.

Regardless of the material or type of things (coat, T-shirt, etc.), you should not put more than 1000 revolutions in the spin program, otherwise the wardrobe item will last less than you would like.

Another plus in favor of spinning if you have a white down jacket. After washing, if this function is neglected, the jacket will be completely wet and at first it must be kept in the bathroom until the water drains. In case of poor-quality rinsing, stains are guaranteed to appear on light jackets. Therefore, spinning plays the role of additional protection in order to avoid this unpleasant event.

Thus, to the question "is it possible to wring out the down jacket in the washing machine" we conclude that it is not only possible, but also necessary.

How to dry a down jacket after washing

After finishing the washing phase, and after spinning the product, you should go to the last equally important step. Drying the jacket. But how to dry a down jacket after washing in a typewriter so that it looks like new?

Despite the fact that you can follow all the tips (tennis balls, special gel, etc.), after washing the down jacket at home, the filler can get lost in small lumps, unevenly distributed in the lining of the jacket. Nothing wrong with that. You just need to use a simple and proven method.

How to dry a down jacket after washing? Many people immediately hang up and leave the product to dry. However, before that, it is necessary to smooth out and separate (if any) the matted lumps of fluff. This is done in an upright position. Armed with a carpet beater or wooden stick, you should gently and lightly tap on the surface of the down jacket from top to bottom. It is better to carry out such a procedure for home drying a down jacket in the fresh air: on the balcony or on the street.

When whipping a down jacket, it is important not to overdo it - you do not need to beat it like a carpet, otherwise you can deform the jacket.

Often questions may arise about how to dry a down jacket after washing and why should not it be dried horizontally? In a horizontal position, the down jacket can be dried only if it is laid out on a hard surface covered with natural fiber. This product will absorb moisture. But even in this case, it is necessary to use additional means, such as a hairdryer.

However, we know that such "help" is fraught with consequences. Using a hair dryer to dry, you run the risk of spoiling the filler, because down and feathers will simply deteriorate at high temperatures, they will begin to give off an odor and stains will pass to the outer fabric of the down jacket. As a result, the thing is spoiled. Therefore, the only correct and safe method is drying on a hanger.

Store the washed and dried down jacket not in a plastic wrap, but in a cotton cover.

How to dry a down jacket in an upright position? Everything is very simple. The jacket must be hung on a hanger. This is done in order to allow fresh air to circulate, gradually taking in excess moisture present. However, during this drying process, direct sunlight should be avoided (especially for light down jackets).

The main condition for the quality of such drying of the jacket will be constant shaking in different directions, as if beating a pillow or a blanket with your hands. Or, instead of shaking, you can tap lightly with a wooden stick, as you did when smoothing out the lumps.

How to wash a feather down jacket

The most expensive down jackets practically do not have a feather inside, but such models are not cheap either. Most often, you can find a 50/50 feather to down ratio. And sometimes even less fluff. Therefore, you should know how to wash a feather down jacket.

Both down and feather are very sensitive materials, so care must be taken accordingly. It is often undesirable to wash such things, but only if necessary (1-2 times a year).

There are practically no fundamental differences in how to wash a down jacket with a feather from other jackets. First you need:

  • close pockets, zip up and turn out the product;
  • put rubber balls or tennis balls inside;
  • set a delicate wash mode with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

The most important thing in how to wash a down jacket with feathers is the choice of detergent. Considering the material, conventional powders should be abandoned. They are difficult enough to wash out of the filler. But on the other hand, if there is as much feather as there is down (or even more), then you can use a powder, but one that is specially designed for such products. But at the end you need to turn on an additional rinse. And it is better to turn on the wash again, but without adding detergent.

The most important thing is that if the jacket is a little smeared, you should not immediately look for information on the Internet "How to wash a down jacket from feathers." Natural filler loses its properties if it is often sent to the washing machine. It is better to remove such dirt by hand using a solution of water and soap, being careful not to get the jacket wet through.

And you can read how to wash a down jacket down in the next subsection.

How to wash a down jacket down

The modern market does not often offer a jacket with a natural filling. On the one hand, such a material perfectly retains heat, but on the other hand, it has a number of negative qualities:

  • fluff accumulates dust;
  • absorbs moisture well and keeps it inside for a long time;
  • gets lost in lumps.

How to wash a down jacket from down if it is problematic to clean? First of all, you should study the tags in order to know for sure what is natural material inside. There should be an inscription "down". If you are the owner of a down filler, then you need to follow a simple rule of how to wash a jacket down.

This material is very sensitive to any detergent. Therefore, a detergent for washing down must be chosen carefully. Powders should be abandoned, even if it is written that they are intended for down jackets. Prefer only liquid gels for delicate fabrics.

If you cannot find the gel, you can use a hair shampoo. Use the powder only as a last resort, and after that rinse the item at least 5 times.

How to wash a down jacket with down? There is no particular difference from synthetics. The principle is the same. The preparatory phase is no different. The washing mode is delicate and the temperature is no more than 30 degrees. Using balls. The only difference is that during drying, you need to knock down the jacket very often so that the fluff does not fall off.

In addition, many owners are trying to find a special approach to washing based on the type of natural material. Queries like: "How to wash a down jacket with duck down" are very common. There are no significant differences between the materials. If you know the basics of caring for a naturally filled jacket, then you know how to wash a swan, goose and duck down jacket.

To avoid the harmful effects of chemicals on natural materials, use tourmaline balls.

You should be aware that there is not always only fluff inside. Often a filler ratio of 90 to 10 or 80 to 20 (down to feather) is used. In this case, you can find a tag that says "feather". How to wash a feather down jacket? With a small amount of feathers, washing occurs according to the same rules as in the case of only fluff in the jacket.

How to wash fur from a down jacket

A down jacket, like any other jacket, can have inserts made of natural fur. Most often, the manufacturer makes fur collars, sleeves and hood edges. What to do if such a jacket is dirty and how to wash a down jacket with fur? First of all, they need to be removed, but if such elements cannot be removed, it is better to go to dry cleaning. Washing both the jacket and the fur at the same time is fraught with consequences.

But how to wash the fur from the down jacket separately? There are several options. You can use dry potato starch, talc or semolina for this process. Rub one of the indicated products into the fur by hand and leave for half an hour. After that, shake off the fur over the bathtub and comb it with a comb. So, without much difficulty and wet wash, the fur insert in the down jacket will be clean.

You can also moisten the sponge with medical alcohol or vodka diluted with water, and then wipe the fur, but only against the lint. In this way, all kinds of dirt and oily sheen will be removed. After the fur dries, comb it again against the pile, lifting it slightly to regain fluffiness.

If this option is not suitable, and the question of how to wash fur from a down jacket is relevant, let's move on to considering another method of cleaning. After separating the fur from the down jacket, soak it in a basin or bowl of warm water. Pour no more than 100 ml of liquid detergent into a bowl and let sit for a few minutes. Then rub soapy water into the fur with your hands and start rinsing. Rinse thoroughly with warm water only until you feel that there is no soapy sensation on the hands and fur fibers. You can dry it both at home on batteries and in the fresh air.

If you want to wash in a machine, then turn on the delicate wash mode at an optimal temperature of no more than 40 ° C.

And how to wash the fur on a down jacket if it is tightly sewn on? As mentioned above, it is best to contact a dry cleaner. It is prohibited to wash the down jacket and fur at the same time.

How to clean a down jacket that cannot be washed

Some jackets have a dry clean only label. Such labels do not hang by accident, and it is not recommended to risk clothes for the sake of experimenting with a washing machine. It is already very easy to spoil a wardrobe item.

But do not despair, because there are several simple ways to clean a down jacket at home without washing.
First of all, it should be understood that the surface of the jacket has water-repellent properties, but they are not limitless. Therefore, during cleaning it is necessary to avoid excess water. Everything is done carefully, because if we get too wet, we run the risk of ruining the down jacket.

The first cleaning method is chemistry. For this, the liquid gel is mixed with water. After that, it is applied quite a bit to dirty places and rubs with a brush. The next step is to take a sponge moistened with clean water and a three-washed area. The procedure is repeated until complete cleaning.

For a more comfortable cleaning experience, place the down jacket on a smooth, hard surface.

If there is no such chemistry at hand, there is another option, how to clean a down jacket that cannot be washed. For this we take the means at hand. We need:

  • 100 mm of water;
  • a tablespoon of dish detergent;
  • a tablespoon of alcohol or vodka.

These ingredients are mixed, after which we rub the resulting liquid with a brush for several minutes. Then, as in the case of chemistry, remove the remaining foam with a sponge with warm water.

The greasy stain is removed with a solution of water (500 mm) of a tablespoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.

Or you can also mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia. After the process occurs, as in the previous version. In any case, it should be remembered that if a radical wash is required, it is best to take such a down jacket to a dry cleaner.

How to wash a down jacket by hand

If you don't trust the washing machine, then the only way out is to hand wash. It is still more delicate, but on the other hand, it is quite laborious. Another reason why you should refuse to wash in a typewriter if damage was found on the jacket. In the drum, the jacket can only disperse even more in a problem area, and then it will only have to be thrown away.

In such cases, you need to know how to properly wash a down jacket by hand. If we talk about the preparatory stage, then it is no different from any other options for cleaning a down jacket. Remove and remove all unnecessary items. This is especially true for fur. Washing this material together with the filler will have a detrimental effect on the jacket as a whole.
Before looking for information on how to properly wash a down jacket by hand, make sure that such cleaning cannot be avoided. All small stains can be removed with more gentle methods, and if you start manual cleaning, it will take a lot of time and effort. And with a negligent attitude to business, you can and will lose your favorite thing.

The use of powders is strictly prohibited. It will be impossible to rinse the down jacket manually with high quality.

But if a radical cleaning is required, then there is one proven way of how to wash a down jacket by hand. To do this, warm water is poured into a basin and mixed with a gel, which is intended for delicate fabrics. After that, the jacket lays down there and is soaked for 40-60 minutes.

Then you need to very carefully go through the entire down jacket with a brush. This process can take at least 30 minutes and you cannot be lazy here, otherwise the washing will be ineffective.

Sometimes they add conditioner while cleaning the down jacket by hand, but this should not be done, otherwise stains may appear, which are difficult to get rid of.

After washing the down jacket in a basin, proceed to rinsing. Remember, this is the most important step. If you rinse the product poorly, you will surely get the jacket with spots and streaks. Therefore, fill in a bowl of clean warm water and start washing your jacket. In the process, you will have to change the water in the basin 2-3 times. It will not work to remove all the absorbed soapy water from the filler the first time!

After the rinsing process is over, hang up the jacket to drain off the water. Then beat the filler with a stick and shake the product regularly so that the material inside takes on its original appearance.

Improper washing of the down jacket will lead to streaks or loss of down properties, which will make it unsuitable for use in winter. To prevent this from happening, a warm down jacket is washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 20–35 ° C in the “Delicate wash” mode, and then thoroughly dried on a coat hanger for 2–4 days, after turning out the pockets and fastening the locks.

The most popular clothing in winter is a warm down jacket. Unfortunately, over time, it gets smeared out, and the housewives have to wash it. Consider how to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine so that the fluff does not collect into lumps, and the stains are washed off.

Which is better wash or surface cleaning

Many are afraid to wash down clothes at home, but they do not want to take them to dry cleaning because of the cost of the procedure. Then the hostesses begin to brush the jacket with a brush to extend its life. Let's figure out what is better to clean or wash a down jacket in a washing machine.

Which is better: frequent cleaning or occasional washing?

Therefore, washing has more benefits than cleaning. Experts recommend washing your jacket in the machine 2-3 times per season. However, cleaning is also helpful if a fresh speck suddenly appears.

Are all down jackets machine washable

Any thing has processing requirements, especially for down jackets. To understand whether a particular down jacket is machine washable, you should look at its label. If it is indicated there that it is permissible to wash a wardrobe item both by hand and in a washing machine, it means that this simplifies the hostess's life, and if there is an icon for exclusively hand washing, the use of a washing device is categorically contraindicated.

So, if a thing allows you to use an automatic typewriter, then you need to use it if:

  • the down jacket stinks of sweat;
  • spots have formed on the surface.

Modern manufacturers (in most cases) make downy outerwear that allows you to use an automatic machine, but then the hostess must follow the washing rules, choose the right temperature and use products that do not affect the feather / down structure.

How to wash in an automatic washing machine correctly

If improperly processed, clothes may become unusable, therefore, on the eve of starting a car, read the rules:

  1. Make sure there is a sign on the tag that allows automated washing.
  2. If down regularly comes out of a feather or down wardrobe, you need to abandon automated processing.
  3. Only one jacket can be placed inside the machine. You cannot combine washing it with cleaning other wardrobe items.

Using these basic rules, cleaning the down jacket from stains will be successful. You can see the process of processing a down jacket in automated mode in more detail in the video:

We choose the powder and water temperature so that the fluff does not get lost

The correct selection of powder and water temperature affects what the item will become at the end of the wash, because due to these factors, some wardrobe items begin to stink or lose color.


To wash a down, synthetic winterizer, feather jacket in an automatic washing machine, you should select a special program. On most automated devices, it is labeled as "Delicate" or "Bio-fluff". Their use allows you to gently remove stains, avoiding deformation of clothing.

If this mode is not available on the machine, it is recommended to use the Woollens program. It works in a similar manner to delicate processing and will not harm the down / feather product.

These modes are available in the following models of automatic machines:

  • Electrolux
  • Kediyaer.
  • Lawine.
  • Uniqlo.
  • Beko.
  • Thinsulate.
  • Electrolux.
  • Indesite.
  • Samsung.

In such machines, stains can be displayed both on plain down jackets and on those with decorative patterns (light or dark): white, yellow, blue, red, etc.


Processing bulky down jackets in an automatic machine requires the use of special soap solutions, because it is better to refuse to use powder (because of it, stains often appear on jackets).

Popular remedy

To remove stains, you must choose the following means:

  • soap for washing delicate clothes;
  • gel concentrate for special rags (gel capsules).

These products are sold in bottles. For washing a lightly soiled jacket, use 30–40 ml of liquid. If there are pronounced dirt spots on the surface of down clothes, the dosage should be increased to 60 ml.

There is no measuring scale on the bottle with substances, so you will have to measure the required amount of liquid using a cap with a volume of 40 ml. Therefore, for a regular wash, you need to use ¾ lids for 1 wash, and for an intensive wash - 1.5.

Preparing for washing

In order to wash a down jacket correctly in an automatic machine, it is imperative to carry out preparation (this will affect the form in which the item remains after processing).

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Check pockets and empty them.
  2. Unfasten hood and fur inserts.
  3. Inspect seams for holes and protruding fluff. If there are even small holes, you will need to sew them up. If there are feathers sticking out, you should completely abandon automatic washing.
  4. Unscrew the clothes and fasten the locks, buttons to avoid damage to the automatic device and to preserve the product itself.

After completing the preparation, you can start starting the machine.

Step-by-step instruction

Washing a down wardrobe at home is a painstaking job, but it allows you to save on dry cleaning and eliminates the possibility of damage to clothes by the staff of this institution. In order for the washing of the down jacket to be successful, you need to adhere to this order:

  1. Fasten the zippers and turn the jacket inside out.
  2. Place it inside the machine and additionally put 2-3 tennis balls or special balls there (so as not to allow the fluff to fall off or gather into a lump). They will not harm the car, but before using them, it is recommended to make sure that they do not shed, because this can ruin light-colored clothes.
  3. Set the gentle wash mode: "Bio-fluff", "Delicate", "Synthetics", "Wool".

After that, the process of removing stains and dust begins. At the end of the program, you need to take out the clothes, check how well the machine performed the task, and dry the jacket.

If for some reason the spin does not work, you need to do it yourself and hang the jacket to dry.

How to get rid of greasy stains on a down jacket

Most often, oily spots appear on children's jackets, so such things require special attention. To wash especially soiled down jackets at home, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Grease stains are more difficult to clean, but prolongs the lifespan

  • Conduct training as described above.
  • Rub oily stains with your hands using detergent. The effect will be better if you rub the dirty areas and leave the jacket for 30 minutes. Next, you need to wash the detergent under running water.

Dishwashing detergents are very difficult to wash, so you cannot put the jacket in the machine without removing the detergent from the product itself.

  • Select a delicate mode and set an intensive rinse so that the remaining foam is accurately washed off.

It is also helpful to wash collars, pockets and cuffs by hand. In this case, you should not use dishwashing detergent, but soap or washing gel to eliminate the risk of stains.

How to bleach a white down jacket

Whitening a down jacket is not a difficult task, but it allows you to remove a yellowish tinge or grayness from clothes. This can be achieved in several ways.

How to bring back snow white

Table 2. Methods for bleaching a jacket

If the jacket is snow-white, but there are stains on it. If gray or yellowness appears on the down jacket (white).
It is enough to purchase the "Vanish" product. You should wash the stains with your hands and let the jacket lie down treated, and then wash it on the "Delicate" mode, preferably with the addition of "Vanish" to the selected gel.To whiten your jacket, you need to pour water into the basin and add bleach. It is necessary to place the down jacket in the liquid for 12 hours, and then wash in an automated machine with the addition of the same bleach. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 2–4 times, depending on the condition of the jacket.If for some reason it is not possible to buy bleach, but you urgently need to remove yellowness from the jacket, you will need:
  • water - 12 liters;
  • ammonia + hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 8 tbsp. l .;
  • powder.

Mix the ingredients and place the jacket in them for 4 hours, then wash the product in the machine.

If the label has a sign prohibiting processing in the machine, you should contact a dry cleaner.If you use a bleach product, streaks may appear on your jacket, so you need to set it to an intensive rinse.Do not overexpose your downy wardrobe in the solution for more than 4 hours. This will damage the tissue structure.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely dry the jacket in the vending machine, because the down jacket will lose its shape and become unattractive.

After taking the jacket out of the car, you need to hang it up immediately (after drying, it will take the shape in which it was lying).

How to dry

Additionally you need:

  1. Unbutton locks, buttons and other fasteners.
  2. Turn it inside out to the front side.
  3. Button up the jacket so that it takes the correct shape.
  4. Hang the down jacket on a trempel or hook it onto a rope over the shoulders (1 option is better, because after drying, there may be depressed traces in the place of clothespins).
  5. Stir the fluff by hand so that it does not clump and the cells look fluffy.

When drying in this way, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • do not hang next to the stove and heating devices, so as not to harm the fluff with high temperature;
  • you cannot dry the jacket horizontally - an insufficient amount of air will lead to rotting and rotting of the down;
  • during the drying process, the jacket should be shaken periodically so that the fluff can fluff.

After processing, the jacket becomes wrinkled. You cannot iron it with a simple iron, because then the down jacket will cease to be fluffy. Owners of such a wardrobe item should purchase a lint-free garment steamer.

What to do if the down is lost after washing

If whipping doesn't work and messy lumps form, that's not a problem. In this case, use a vacuum cleaner without a plastic attachment. You need to turn it on at the weakest power and drive it from the inside out, paying special attention to the resulting down seals. This will break up the lumps that have formed and give the jacket a nice look.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor

During the exploitation of outerwear, it is soaked in sweat. As a result of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in sweat, an unpleasant odor appears. Fortunately, they are not able to survive the cold temperatures of –25– (–30) ° C. Therefore, to destroy the smell, the down jacket should be frozen outside (in winter) or in the freezer (in summer).

How much to dry the jacket so that the psi smell does not appear

The appearance of a doggy smell after washing indicates that the fluff is rotting and deteriorating. In such a case, action should be taken immediately.

How to get rid of the canine smell after washing

  • rewash the jacket with the addition of fabric softener;
  • Dry it in the cold for 2 days;
  • additionally dry in the house for 1-2 days.

Such measures will help to get rid of the fetid odor and dry the jacket thoroughly. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to steam it with a steamer.

If you need to return the down jacket to cleanliness at home, you can easily do without dry cleaning if the manufacturer allowed it to be processed in a washing machine. In fact, the procedure is not complicated and does not require special skills, but thanks to it you can save on dry cleaning services and wear a jacket that has an impeccable look.

Larisa, January 29, 2018.

Nowadays, a down jacket is considered, perhaps, the most comfortable, practical and warm outerwear. Down jackets differ greatly in price and quality, but regardless of these characteristics, this thing requires careful care and respect. Even in winter, the weather often presents us with surprises in the form of dirt and slush, the thing gets dirty easily and requires immediate cleaning. Here the inevitable question arises: how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that later it looks like new again, there are no powder stains on the outside, and the fluff does not get lost inside? Here are some guidelines to follow when starting your wash.

The easiest way you can think of, and the safest one, is handwash... Fill the bath with lukewarm water (about 30 ° C), add a suitable detergent and dilute it well. After that, place the coat in a bathtub and wash with light foaming movements, stroking the stains. After rinsing in several waters, gently squeeze out and dry flat.

Minor stains that have appeared on an almost clean down jacket can erase locally... To do this, apply a gel, or better a detergent solution, on the stain, brush with a soft brush or hand and rinse so that the water falls only on this area and at an angle, rolling off it. This will keep the garment dry and the stain treated. Then the thing must be dried as usual.

To decide on the best washing method, look at the garment's care label. If washing in an automatic machine is allowed, then this is the most effective option. Ideally, if the machine has a "down jacket" or "bulky things" mode. If not, you should choose the most delicate cycle, for example "hand wash" or "wool". You can squeeze the down jacket at no more than 400 rpm.

Regardless of what kind of filler is in a down jacket: down, down-feather or synthetic fluff, you should not be zealous with cleaning. The raincoat fabric for outerwear has a protective impregnation, which over time, and especially during washing, becomes thinner and loses its properties. As a result, the down jacket can become permeable to wind and rain, and the filler will not benefit from this. You can wash it no more than 2 times a year.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to machine wash the membrane.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine is specific in that you cannot influence the process when it is already running. Therefore, the preparation of the jacket for the procedure in advance plays an important role. To do this, you should take a number of simple steps that will make washing and further caring for your jacket easier:

  1. Detach the hood with the fur from the jacket... Carefully check the contents of your pockets so as not to accidentally wash keys, money and other small things with your clothes.
  2. Pay attention to those parts of the jacket that are usually the most dirty when worn: sleeves, collar area, pockets, hem from the outside and inside. If in these places you find old stains then clean them by hand using stain remover or regular laundry soap.
  3. Turn the garment inside out and fasten all existing zippers, zippers and buttons so that they do not get in the way of the drum of the machine.
  4. Check for poorly sewn parts and diverging seams. If there is a threat that the down jacket will tear, carefully strengthen the weak points.

What means can you wash a down jacket

For washing down jackets, ordinary detergents that are used for linen are not suitable. They can negatively affect the natural filler, destroying its organic shell. In addition, ordinary powders and gels do not dissolve well in water, they are poorly rinsed out of bulky clothes and leave marks.

Special funds are not in short supply. A good assortment is presented in sports stores (because it is there that down jackets are often sold), online stores and in simple departments of household chemicals in hypermarkets.

Means for washing products from down "Profkhim"

This tool is produced by CJSC "Ecos-1", it is inexpensive, it is found in stores. This is an affordable product that washes the outer fabric well and does not spoil the filler at all. Among the shortcomings, one can note the small size of the bottle, only 0.2 liters, and a strong chemical smell (disappears with additional rinsing).

Balm for washing sportswear Nordland

This product from the German manufacturer is suitable for outerwear with any kind of filler. The fluff from it does not fall off and does not lose its airiness. The balm is biodegradable, rinses out perfectly, leaving no residue even on dark fabrics. The volume of the bottle is 0.75 liters. The price, if you count on the number of washes, is quite comfortable. The smell is strong, but pleasant, well interrupts other smells (for example, tobacco).

Shampoo for washing Salton Sport

This product is one of the few that is suitable for washing membranes, and is also delicate in relation to natural fillers. A small bottle of this shampoo costs as much as a large Nordland, but it's still cheaper than dry cleaning. The consumption of funds is indicated on the package, on average it is enough for 2-4 times.

Gel Heitmann Daunen - Waschpflege

This is another German product designed for washing down garments. In this case, it is a concentrate, which is enough for 5-7 uses. It is suitable for both hand washing and automatic washing. At the moment, this is the best product that gives the quality of a professional wash. In addition to the fact that the gel removes all dirt, it also works as a conditioner: using it, you do not need to whip up the fluff.

Gels "Laska"

In the line of Laska products there are those that can be used for quilted down jackets. These are not the strongest detergents, so they may not work on heavy dirt. However, for simple, everyday washing in order to refresh the item, Laska is perfect.

Gel Domal sport fein fashion

This concentrated balm for washing sportswear (including down jackets) is made in Germany. The bottle is large (0.75 l), the consumption is economical, and the price is average. When recalculated for one wash, the product comes out very economical. This gel is versatile, it is suitable for washing natural fluff, membranes, delicate wool and even sports shoes.

How to wash a down jacket so that the filler does not stray into lumps

During washing, from the action of water and detergents (if they are incorrectly selected), the fluff can fall into lumps, crawl and become thinner. Clothes with such a filler do not warm, and they look strange. Synthetic down and filling, often quilted, can be washed gently, but without special tools.

To wash down jackets in an automatic machine, you need special balls... They are sold in household chemicals and sports stores. It is necessary to add 3-4 balls to the drum during washing and spinning. Rotating and "jumping" inside, they will whip up the fluff, preventing it from crumpling. Simple tennis balls can be used. In this case, you need to:

  • wash the balls themselves in advance to wash free paint out of them;
  • Do not wash light-colored clothes, since, in addition to paint, the balls leave traces with their villi.

Another option for how to put a down jacket in order is to wash it with tourmaline spheres. This is a novelty in the field of cleanliness, which is plastic balls with small holes all over the surface. Inside there are stones of natural minerals with cleaning and antibacterial properties. During washing, such balls whip up the fluff, refresh it, clean it. The price of a set of 2 balls is 1.5 thousand rubles. They are enough for 300-400 wash cycles. The disadvantage is that these miracle balls cannot cope with strong, old and persistent dirt. They are more suitable for everyday washing.

Tourmaline spheres

Advice! For manual use of tourmaline spheres, the down jacket must be soaked in a bathtub with balls for 1-1.5 hours and only then washed.

Remember to include re-rinse function at the final stage of washing. This is to ensure that the detergent is completely removed from the fabric of the down jacket. Due to the large dimensions of the item, powder and a special agent are retained both outside and inside the jacket, which is fraught with white spots and stains after drying.

Required deactivate the spin function... It is at this stage that seams can often break, tissue damage can occur. The danger of automatically spinning a down jacket is that when twisted, the filler itself may be unevenly distributed. As a result, after washing, you can get a jacket in a completely obscene form. Drying a down jacket is a separate item in the washing technology, and you need to approach it responsibly and carefully.

How to dry

So, the machine has completed its cycle, the rinsing is over and you have finally taken your favorite winter item out of the drum of the machine. Now unfasten the zippers and buttons and straighten the down jacket without turning it over to the front side.

Advice! It is best to dry your down jacket in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

If it happens in winter, then, of course, it is not worth drying the down jacket in the yard or on an unglazed balcony. Carefully hang your jacket on a hanger and make sure that there is free circulation of air in the room where it is being dried.

Leave the item to dry for a while (usually a day or two). Shake the jacket as it dries to distribute the filler evenly inside it. Do not use automated devices - clothes dryers. They can spoil the appearance of the item and disrupt the insulating properties of the down.

What to do if the fluff is still lost

Beat the jacket vigorously before it dries completely, as if it were a pillow or dusty carpet. Can use a carpet beater... Make sure that the fluff is not clogged at the corners of the sleeves, pockets and hem, but is evenly distributed under the lining.

If the fluff has nevertheless gathered in sloppy lumps, and whipping by hand did not help, do the following. Take vacuum cleaner hose tube without nozzle, and at low suction power, drive on the wrong side of the down jacket. Pay special attention to the thickened places (there is the stray fluff). After the end of the procedure, hang the down jacket on the hanger again, gently holding it by the hem.


Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to wash into a down jacket in a washing machine, the answer is unequivocal: it is possible. All you need is to competently and wisely approach the washing technology itself and follow all these recommendations. Then your jacket will delight you for more than one season and will keep you warm even in the most severe frosts.

Almost everyone has a down jacket in their wardrobe. These are practical and warm clothing that protects well from cold, wind and moisture. In addition, down jackets can still be very beautiful and fashionable.

The manufacturers of most of them do not recommend washing such products, but suggest using dry cleaning as needed. This is quite troublesome and expensive. But what if you still try to wash the down jacket at home.

Can the down jacket be machine washed?

The experience of courageous and resourceful Russian women has shown that a down jacket can be cleaned independently, without resorting to dry cleaning services, but simply by washing it in an automatic washing machine. At the same time, the thing will not lose its attractiveness at all. You just need to know how to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine.

To do this, you will need a gentle liquid detergent used for washing:

  • detergent for woolen products
  • or a specially formulated product for washing down jackets
  • and three regular tennis balls

Yes, do not be surprised, even the manufacturers of down jackets and coats themselves, in their instructions describing how to wash a down jacket in a typewriter, recommend their use. Only we are talking about balls used for playing tennis - with soft fabric upholstery. Do not use plastic balls.

How to properly wash a down jacket

Before sending a down jacket to the car, empty its pockets, turn the thing inside out, zippers, buttons and buttons should be fastened to avoid deformation. Pour the detergent of your choice into the cuvette, set the delicate wash cycle.

It is very important to choose the right water temperature. The down jacket is washed in a washing machine in water at a temperature of about 30 ° C. The tennis balls are loaded into the drum along with the jacket and go through the entire washing cycle with it. They are needed in order to prevent the fluff filling the product from falling off during the washing process.

Often, after washing a down jacket, streaks form on it. How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine without streaks? To do this, you need to rinse it well, and more than once. You also need to wring out the down jacket in the car, 600 revolutions will be enough for this.

How to properly dry a down jacket

But it is not enough to know how to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine; in addition, you need to dry it properly after washing. It is often advised to do this near batteries and other heating devices. But this drying method can also contribute to the appearance of streaks on the washed item.

After washing the down jacket in the machine is completed, it is better to dry it at normal room temperature, shaking well and straightening it on a hanger.

As it dries, it is recommended to send it a couple more times into the drum of the washing machine along with tennis balls, turning on the spin mode. This will help to whip up the filler better and make your down jacket as fluffy and airy as it was before washing.

This is important to know!

If you often wash the down jacket in a typewriter, then you can simply completely eliminate its special water-repellent impregnation, and it will quickly get wet in rainy weather.

As you can see, washing a down jacket in the car is not difficult. And for those who argue that, rather than washing a down jacket in a washing machine, it is better to give it to dry cleaning, we can recommend that you familiarize yourself with the reviews of dry cleaning customers about their services, then they will immediately understand that not everything is so simple.

Why is there such noise around the question, can a down jacket be washed in a washing machine? How is it different from other things? The problem is in the filler itself - fluff. When washed, it gets lost in lumps and returns very poorly to its original state. We must pay tribute to the brave and resourceful women of Russian villages, whose experience shows that you can still restore purity on your own! Let's use these tips.

Preparatory moments that you cannot do without

First, let's go to the sports store. Are you surprised? Firstly, washing any down jacket in an automatic washing machine is impossible without tennis balls. They prevent the fluff from straying into lumps and help to wash it better. Buy tennis balls, that is, not small plastic ones, but with soft fabric upholstery. Pay attention to their color so that there are no moulting surprises. To be safe, soak them in hot water and bleach before washing. You will need 3-4 balls.

Secondly, it is in the sports department that you can find a detergent for your purpose. Surprised again? The fact is that initially down jackets were sportswear, they were worn with pleasure by climbers, skiers and even polar explorers. But times and tastes change ...

We carefully select the detergent

If you don't have a special detergent for washing down clothes, you can opt for a washing gel for wool. Some recommend washing with shampoo or liquid soap. But be careful: who knows how your favorite shampoo will behave in the washing machine.

Applying tourmaline spheres

If you have already appreciated the effectiveness of tourmaline spheres, then shopping at sports stores is canceled! You don’t need tennis balls or mess with the choice of detergent - just throw the spheres together with the down jacket into the drum, and they will make sure that the fluff does not get lost.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

  • Be sure to check all pockets and empty them.
  • Remove all jewelry and detachable metal parts.
  • Do not forget to fasten buttons, buttons and zippers so that they do not deform during washing.
  • Turn the product inside out.

The most important thing is to unfasten the edge, because it is better to wash such delicate things by hand and separately.

Which mode to choose

To wash a thing correctly, you need to choose the right mode and temperature.

  1. Check the manual of your automatic machine to see if there is a program for washing down. Didn't find it? Then use delicate or soft.
  2. Set the temperature to 30-40 degrees, no more!
  3. Remember to program an extra rinse.
  4. Spinning is desirable to use from 600 to 800 revolutions.
  5. Load the down jacket into the drum along with the tennis balls. Some also put on a towel to keep the jacket from bloating during the wash.
  6. Pour detergents into a special compartment, turn on the start button. The process has begun!

If you choose to wash with tourmaline balls, then balls and detergent are not needed. The choice of washing, temperature, rinsing and spinning mode remains the same.

So that there are no divorces ...

  • Do not use dry detergent, even for delicate fabrics, because it is very difficult to rinse completely off the lint.
  • Sometimes the filler is made from poorly processed raw materials. Rinse the product thoroughly to avoid streaking. A little trick: after an additional rinse, set a soft wash for half an hour at a temperature of 30 ° C, and do not add detergent. This will allow you to rinse the garment in warm water.
  • Do not dry near heating appliances. This drying is likely to result in streaks on the fabric.
  • If they do appear, clean the stains with a damp soft cloth slightly moistened with dishwashing liquid. Dry with a hair dryer.

How to properly dry a product

Did you manage to wash it correctly? And now you still need to know how to dry!
So that the product does not have an unpleasant rotten smell from down, it should dry as quickly as possible.

Method number 1

  • It is best to dry outdoors or where air can circulate freely. Shake the product well, holding the hem, and hang it on a hanger.
  • As it dries, spin it a couple of times with the balls in the spin mode. This will help to whip up the filler better and return your favorite item to the same attractive appearance as before washing.

Method number 2

  • If you decide to dry the item in a typewriter, select a mode for drying synthetic fabrics and set the temperature to no higher than 30 ° C. Complete drying will take about 3 hours.
  • After drying, shake the jacket, hang it on a hanger for airing. Beat it periodically like a pillow. You can even use a carpet beater.
  • If the filler gets stuck in pockets and corners, vacuum with a vacuum cleaner at low power without a nozzle. At the same time, move the tube from corner to corner in a circle so that the fluff moves under the lining and straightens out. Do all this from the wrong side.

As you can see, the work is not difficult. The main thing is to stick to proven methods and not experiment!