How to turn the fruit with cross-preview. Cross presence of the fetus: what to do if the "kwyrkun" does not want to make the right position

In most cases, kids are born forward head.

It happens less often that the baby takes another position in the uterus that somewhat can make it difficult to make the process of childbirth.

The position that the fruit occupies in the lower segment of the uterus is called its preview.

Distinguish the following types of preview:

1. Head preview
2. Legal
3. Lobochny
4. Facial
5. Pelvic
6. Mixed berium
7. Shoe

Incorrect position

1. Transverse
2. oblique

Pelvic presence and transverse position of the fetus may arise in the following cases:

* With repeated pregnancies, especially if the front abdominal wall is stretched, the muscles are flabby, the uterus and the fruit are not sufficiently fixed with the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the likelihood of the pelvic presence of the fetus is higher than at first pregnancy.
* With multi-way. In this case, the baby swims in a large amount of fluid, it has more opportunities for maneuvers, so it can often rotate and change the presence from the head to the pelvic and vice versa.
* With anomalies of the structure of the uterus or the Moma of the uterus. In such a situation, the baby can be more convenient to be located in a pelvic preview, since a pelvic end is less than the head, and if there is, for example, the momatous nodes in the lower part of the uterus there is a pelvic end.
* With a low location or preview of the placenta, when the latter is located at the bottom of the uterus.
* With the defects of the fetus.

In many cases, after 24 weeks of pregnancy or within a certain time, in 3 trimester, the fetal position can be changed using a special corrigent gymnastics. Before this you need to consult with your doctor.

Common contraindications to any complex of gymnastics are:

Threat of abortion;
Prelation of the placenta.

So, if you do not have contraindications, you can perform such exercises:

1. Lie on side to a sofa or couch (do not use a soft bed). Pass 10 minutes on one side, turn on the other, take another 10 minutes. Turn around with side on side 3-4 times. Such simple exercises should be carried out 2-3 times during the day. The effect of them most often appears in the first week.

2. Together with a raised pelvic end. To do this, put the pillows under the lower back and legs. At the same time, the legs should be 20-30 cm above the head. In this position you can spend 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

3. In the knee-elbow position can be located within 15-20 minutes also 2-3 times a day. In order to take such a position, you should kneel and rely on the elbows.

Swimming also stimulates the toddler turn down.

When performing such exercises, the pelvic end of the fetus is removed from the pelvic bones, the motor activity of the fetus is stimulated, and it gets more possibility for turning.

With a transverse (braid) position of the fetus (according to I. and Grishchenko, A. E. Shuleshova) Perform such exercises:

1. Positions on the side corresponding to the position of the fetus (head on the left - on the right side, on the right - on the left side), the legs are bent in the knee and hip joints. Lying for 5 minutes.

2. Deep breath, turn to the opposite side. Lying 5 min.

3. Straighten the leg (at 1 position right, with 2 positions left), another foot remains bent.

4. To cover the knee with the hands, take it to the side, the opposite position of the fetus. Torch at the same time leans forward. To describe the semicircle to bent foot, touching the front abdominal wall, make a deep, elongated exhalation and relaxing, straightening and lowering the leg.

If your baby turned the head down - you need to help him "fasten" in this position. To do this, use the prenatal bandage. It is necessary to wear it in the lying position and wear throughout the day.To secure the result will help one of the exercises, which contributes to the stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis and inserting the head in the pelvis. You can perform it several times a day. Sit on the floor, pick the knees to the sides and press them as close as possible to the floor, press the feet to each other. Stay in such a posture 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes after 35 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor can conduct an outdoor turn of the fetus. It is carried out with transverse and oblique positions of the fetus, less often with pelvic previews. The outer turn is carried out only in the conditions of the hospital and under the closer control over the state of the mother and the child and only in the absence of contraindications. But since, as a result of using this method, there may be serious complications, then this procedure is extremely rare.

If a child is located perpendicular to the axis of the uterus (across), such a phenomenon is called cross position of the Future. Another 2-4 centuries ago, because of severe birth, provoked by such a complication, many of the women were killed and their non-born children died.

Modern medicine found a way to significantly reduce the mortality rate during childbirth, but the risk still remains great. Therefore, you need to carefully treat this phenomenon, and know how to behave, and what to do.

Why does the transverse position of the fetus occur

Until 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, a little man is too moving and constantly changes its location. This means that it can easily turn into the correct position. So it is not necessary to panic during this period. It is worth worrying then if after 33 weeks the situation does not change.

It is noted that the wrong lying toddler in the uterus is found only in 1 out of 200 giving birth, that is, 0.5 - 0.6% of cases is fixed. 10 times more susceptible to violation of the normal flow pregnancy mammies, giving birth to the second time.

Healthy women are less susceptible to the development of complications. Below on video you can see and listen to a specialist who will tell detail about the pathology.

There are several reasons leading to the emergence of the wrong child's child in the womb:

  1. Myoma uterus. The formation of myomatous nodes in the lower domain of the uterine pole and near its neck often provokes the improper location of the fetus. Especially in the case of profiling Moma, the rapidly growing tumor does not allow the baby to turn into the desired stron.
  2. Anomalous development of the uterus. For example, if a pregnant trium turret, with a partition. Such a phenomenon may impede the correct lying fetus.
  3. Placental preview. Finding the placenta near the uterine seva prevents the adoption of the correct physiological location of the crumbs.
  4. Multi-way. The large volume of accumulating waters contributes to the excessive activity of the crumbs in the womb. It does not feel the uterine walls, which violates the right perception of the surrounding space. This can lead to the choice of incorrect posture.
  5. Multiple pregnancy. When a woman is recorded twins, there is a maximum risk of improper arrangement of children, as they interfere with each other to take longitudinal positions. If premature births have come in the development of several children, the chances of making the right position are extremely small.
  6. Parity of childbirth. The larger number of times the woman gives birth, the weaker the muscles of the organ become. This leads to the maximum intrauterine mobility of crumbs, which threatens it with an improper location.
  7. Narrow pelvis ring. If a pregnant woman is third and more degree of narrowing the pelvic ring, the child cannot lie correctly, which leads to a complication.
  8. Violation of the development of the vestibular apparatus of the kid. This pathology extremely rarely leads to such a situation, but should not throw this opportunity from accounts.
  9. Large or small fruit. With an excess of weight and size, the future little man is hard to move, because of which it occupies an incorrect pose. With a small size, the baby increases its activity, as a result of which it is constantly spinning, turns over, and by the end of the term, too, can also take the wrong position.
  10. Hypertonus uterus. The threat of premature pregnancy interruption provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which strongly limits the toddler's motor ability.

What is oblique position

The fruit is not only transverse, but also oblique position. At the same time, the krochi is at an angle of 45 degrees regarding the strip axis. And the head or buttocks of the future man are slightly lower than the ileal ridge.

In obstetric practice, there is still a cross-oblique position. At the same time, the angle of inclination of the fetus will be more than 45 degrees. But in both cases, the location of the baby is unstable, and at intensive mobility can lead to a turn into a transverse or longitudinal location.

You can distinguish a cross from oblique with an external gynecological examination of the abdomen. Large pieces (head and buttocks) will be forgiven with belly sides.

What is the danger of such a diagnosis

This diagnosis complicates not only childbirth, but also the course of pregnancy, as it increases the risk of such phenomena as:

  • premature birth - When a child is across, the pressure from the uterus occurs earlier than with longitudinal lying, which helps to prematurely pushing it out of the womb due to the inability to quickly stretch it;
  • early gap of the ammunition shells - due to the absence of a uniform distribution of spindle water, creating a load on the lower pole bubble;
  • launched cross position - When breaking the fruit bubble, the kid limpt may occur, which makes it difficult to move and can provoke death.

How to diagnose Недуг

In the first and in the second trimester, the diagnosis of cross-lying is ineffective, since the baby is in constant movement, and at any moment the position can be changed. No symptoms are manifested with such pathology of pregnancy, it can be revealed only with a gynecological examination.

The definition of an inspection problem is carried out in several ways:

  • visual inspection;
  • palpation of belly;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • vaginal examination.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics and disadvantages.

Inspection of the belly

With the usual inspection of the abdomen, the incorrect, expanding in the center to the sides, shape of the uterus is clearly visible. It is impossible to determine the location of the head with this inspection. But the transverse or oblique location is easily traced, since the organ becomes a cross-stretched or space-stretched form.

How to understand that there is a pathology? The head presence is noticeable along the uterus stretched along its axis. However, with the incorrect position of the uterus becomes spherical. When noting the abdomen there is a deviation from the norm - the abdominal circumference slightly exceeds the norm, which must match the gestation period.

Palpation of belly

When palpation cannot be determined by the predatory part of the little man, and the head is torn off from the central stomach line of pregnant. When the head is located on the left, it is considered the first position. When determining the head on the right in the card, the second position is written.

For cross-doors, it is characteristic of listening to a child's heartbeat near the navel of the mother, while the heart of the left or right of the abdomen is well audible with longitudinal lying.

The disadvantage of this method of inspection is the inability to determine the position of the fetus during cross-preview in the case of an oversupply of amniotic fluid, the development of several fruits and increased tone of the uterus.

Obstetric ultrasound

On the ultrasound, the position of the fetus is determined very well, even with multipleness and other factors. The guaranteed 100% definition of the kid location does not depend on the period of pregnancy.

It is worth noting that the ultrasound made in 20 weeks or earlier should not disturb the future mom. Such a term is too small to determine pathology. But when identifying the clinic at later deadlines, it is worth adhere to certain rules and recommendations of the doctor.

Vaginal research

Information on the placement of the baby can be obtained by vaginal examination. Conduct it shortly before the end of pregnancy and at the time of the beginning of the generic activity, when the accumulate waters have not yet moved away.

If, during tacking, it does not feel the predatory part of the fetus, it speaks of its improper placement.

If the royal ring revealed 4 cm or more, and the fruit bubble burst, the study is performed very carefully, so as not to provoke complications of generic activities associated with the loss of the hinge of the umbilical cord or limbs of the fetus. The washing water makes the abuse of Akuster to forgive the top of the body of the crumbs - ribs, armpits, handle.

See the video about the wrong position of the fetus:

How pregnancy proceeds

The transverse foundation of the fetus in the womb rarely violates the process of proceeding in general. But for such a notem, it is characteristic of the early interruption of pregnancy in late terms, approximately 30% of all cases.

There are no obvious peculiarities of pregnancy. And, starting from 38 weeks, there may be deployed waters, with the result that immediate hospitalization of pregnant women will be required. The edible presence of the placenta with a transverse position can also aggravate the process of carrying. With an enlarged pressure on the lower part of the uterine, the placenta can move towards the uterine zone by causing bleeding.

If on the period of 28 weeks the cross-preview was diagnosed, the future mother should adhere to some of the rules of conduct:

  • in order to avoid the break of the oily bubble, reduce physical activity;
  • do not lift gravity;
  • to sleep more;
  • do not neglect the doctor's surveys;
  • exercises to correct the position of the fetus.

Regarding the question, it is possible to wear a bandage if the child was diagnosed across, it is better to consult with the doctor. But often wearing a bandage is specifically appointed by a gynecologist, because it helps to distribute the uniform weight of the abdomen, which is why the load on its lower part decreases. The second positive effect is to reduce back pain and abdomen.

But it should be borne in mind that with the anterior low preview of the placenta and other pathologies, the bandage cannot be worn.

You should consider carefully to choose a bandage. Those who have already grew, recommend when buying to try on it or consult with a gynecologist observing obstetrician, which will prompt the right size.

Separately, it is worth saying about the ability to change the position until the arrival of the delivery. For this purpose, experienced obstetrices for 35-36 weeks are conducting an outer turn of the fetus. Previously, such a reception was practiced often, but modern obstetrics refer to this method disseminally.

It is connected infrequent use of an obstetric coup with numerous contraindications:

  • several children in the womb;
  • placental preview;
  • low placentating;
  • threat of early delivery;
  • pathology of fruit water;
  • problems with cord vessels;
  • bleeding.

Complications may occur during or after the procedure. For example, detachment of the placenta or the uterus break. Therefore, the completion of the coup requires maximum skill of the obstetrician. To avoid negative consequences, you need to know the location and position of the baby, and be able to turn it so that the back is not at the back (turned to the rear wall of the uterus).

If, as the childhood approaches, the child did not accept the right longitudinal position, and there is no possibility to turn it, then the cesarean section is prescribed when the diagnosis is set.

Possible complications

The main reasons associated with the incorrect lying child in the womb can lead to the following complications:

  1. The late extension of amniotic fluid, especially, rapid, can lead to the loss of the finiteness of the child through the open zev.
  2. The launched transverse lying leads to the reboot of the umbilical cord due to its falling out, which breaks blood flow and can lead to the death of the baby.
  3. The rupture of the internal genital organs occurs due to the started cross position when, due to the propeller of the fruit's shore in a small pelvis, the Matter begins an active reduction (this leads to its strong stretching in the lower segment). Only a timely caesarean section will save the mother and baby from death.
  4. As a result of a long anhydrous period of time, an infection can be penetrated, causing chorinenionitis leading to peritonitis and blood infection.
  5. A long course of generic activity can lead to hypoxia of the fetus.
  6. The death of the baby may occur due to the bending of his body in the thoracic department at the time of the start of the passage of the generic paths. Such an inflection does not leave any chance of survival.

Tactics of conducting birth

In rare cases, labor is completed independently without any pathological consequences. But this outcome of events is possible only when the fruit has a small size or premature. Then he can independently turn around in the course of childbirth in the longitudinal position, and goes out head or buttocks forward.

If the baby's infiltration has occurred and he goes backward, it gets multiple injuries incompatible with life. Birth end in the death of a child.

In the remaining cases, caesarean cross-section are made to assist in the improper position.

The most frequent complication of the existing pathology is premature expulsion of intrauterine water. It can provoke generic activities for a woman. If there are no dangerous signs of complications, it is possible to conduct an obstetric coup in the process of birth. It has the name "Combined coup", since the process is to turn the child with one hand inside the womb, and the second is outside. This method is used more often with multi-flow, if the first baby has already been born independently, and the second is across.

Corrigative gymnastics in the transverse position of the fetus

There is a way to turn the baby without resorting to the conduct of an obstetric coup and other methods. Since treatment in this case is not conducted, it is possible to correct the situation by corrective gymnastics.

However, there are certain contraindications to the performance of these exercises:

  • selection and bleeding;
  • excess or lack of amniotic fluid;
  • tumors, scars and neoplasms in the uterus;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • multipleness;
  • placenta pathology;
  • violation of umbilical vessels.

Therefore, when appointing such gymnastics, the history of the disease and pregnancy of women is being studied.

The complex of gymnastics includes various swimming, physical and breathing exercises, such as:

  • slopes or lifts of the pelvis;
  • "Nature";
  • half-way;
  • the knee-elbow pose and others.

Well established gymnastics according to the method of I. F. Dickan, which is performed from 29 weeks. It consists in a three-time repetition of turns from one side to another, when there is 15 minutes between turns, it takes 15 minutes.

There are other techniques, but all of them can be performed only with the recommendation of the doctor.

It is important to know how to sleep during cross-lying. The child is most comfortable to be head down, so mom should choose a posture for sleep according to the location of the baby, that is, to sleep on the side where he is his head.


Operational intervention in the transverse position completely justifies itself. This approach significantly reduces the mortality rate of one or both participants in childbirth (mother and child), and also contributes to the lack of complications at the time of generic activity. There are numerous positive reviews of women who have gone safely.

The transverse prevention of the fetus is currently an absolute indication to the cesarean operation. Why is a child in this way in the uterus, is it possible to fix it and how exactly read in our article.

Normally, physiologically correctly, when the child turns the head to the outlet of the uterus. This is the most convenient position for him (with a healthy uterus without pathologies), as the uterus has the form of an inverted pear, and thus the childbirth is most easily for both. But sometimes the kid unfolds with legs, buttocks to the exit or is located across the uterus. The oblique and transverse prelation of the fruit causes the occurrence of various. These are the malformations of the uterus, and a large tumor, and a narrow pelvis, and multi-way, etc. If a woman in 32-33 weeks revealed the transverse position of the fetus, it is recommended to regularly make a special gymnastics. Do neat carpets from one side to another (2-3 times in 10 minutes). Stand on all fours, with raised up the pelvis.

Lying on the back with an elevated pillow with pillies. In most cases, the transverse prevention of the fetus exercise helps to remove. Otherwise, doctors used to make obstetric turns for a period of 35 weeks, and sometimes even in childbirth. This manipulation was performed without anesthesia, but was not quite effective. Since even with the successful turn of the fetus and wearing a bandage later, in many cases he returned to the wrong position. In addition, the manipulation itself could end the scattering of the uterus, the placenta detachment, the disorder of the oily water, etc. Now the obstetric turns are almost completely replaced by the cesarean operation. Except for those cases when the birth of a dead fruit is coming.

It remains to talk about how, in fact, a cross-presence is determined whether the woman itself can notice this pathology. The observant woman will definitely notice. Noticed, for example, the belly has become lower, it has become easier to breathe. In case of cross-preview, the volume of the abdomen exceeds the norm, and the length of the uterus (both of these parameters regularly measures the gynecologist) on the contrary less. In addition, the doctor during inspection does not feel the head of the child in the pelvis area. It should be remembered that up to 32-33 weeks the kid is very moving and can change the position of the body, later, it will grow up and turning over it becomes more difficult, because it is recommended to start doing gymnastics for 34 weeks. However, if nothing happens - it is not worth upset, as well as to look for a doctor who will make a dangerous manipulation with the intrauterine twist of the fetus, especially if this procedure is at least one contraindication (and their mass ...).

Entering the fetus from the primary and who had previously given women in 0.5-0.7% of cases may be accompanied by its improper location - transverse. At the same time, the primordial such a problem is fixed 10 times less. The importance of diagnosis and correction of the transverse situation is due to the fact that in case of inaction, the likelihood of the progressive anomaly of the generic process increases, including premature outpouring of water, injury and perforation of the uterus, fetal death and / or mother.

Another variant of the distorted location of the fetus is oblique position. At the same time, the axes of the fetus and the uterus intersect, creating two sharp and two stupid angle. The head or the pelvic part of the fetus is located below the conditional combining ridges of the lines of the line. The peculiarity of this location is that it may vary on another (correct or incorrect). With a cross position it is important to establish the type of position of the fetus and its position relative to the pelvic bottom. Depending on the location of the head, one can judge the 1st (head on the left) and the 2nd (head of the right) positions of such species: the rear and front (due to which wall of the uterus - the back or the front - the fruit is located back).

Causes of the transverse position of the fetus

Circumstances that can provoke a transverse or oblique position of the fetus can be grouped as follows.

Group 1. The conditions under which are observed with a normal level of activity of the fetus. What is meant in mind both hyperactivity and hyper-liament and inertness, a low-propelled development of the fetus. Among the factors of increasing the level of mobility are distinguished by multi-way, excessive declaration of the walls of the uterus, etc. Among the causes of the restriction of activity - lowland, a significant fetus size, an increased tone of the uterus, etc.

Group 2. Anatomical causes. Factors such as the prelation of placenta or neoplasms in the lower uterine segment along with the defects of the fetal development prevent its optimal intrauterine location.

Diagnostics of the transverse position of the fetus

Deviations from the norm in the fetal position diagnoses an obstetrician based on the results of vaginal and / or manual inspection. The abdomen can say about the form of an irregular position of the fetus: if the belly stretches on the diagonal - the position of oblique; if the horizontal stretch is observed - the position is transverse. The norm is considered an elongated-oval form of the abdomen. The value also has the level of abdomen's circumference, taking into account the length of the nipping, the level of the bottom of the uterus and the pelvic bottom as a whole.

With a manual inspection, a part of the fetus, which is at the pelvic bottom, is not determined. In accordance with the position of the fetus (first or second), you can take care of the head: to the left or right of the navel of pregnant. In the navel region, the fetal heartbeat may be brought if the position is transverse. In some cases (on a background of many or low, elevated tone of the uterus), it is difficult to determine the true position of the fetus. If there are obstacles to accurate position definition, you can resort to ultrasound diagnostics.

The uninformation of research should be emphasized, which are carried out at the beginning of the generic process and with an intact-fruit bubble. This is due to the fact that with a holistic bubble structure, it is not possible to determine the location of the parts of the fetus, potentially inclined to the prelation. On the contrary, the extinguishing of waters and some discovery of the oz (from 4 cm) opens up the ability to identify the anatomical parts of the fetus, and if the fetus handle is shown from the mouth, it can be argued about its transverse position.

The risks of the transverse position of the fetus

Usually the total course of pregnancy is not complicated by the presence of the transverse position of the fetus. But sometimes such a deviation can contribute to the development of premature births, and in combination with the prelationship of the placenta, the transverse location can provoke bleeding. As a result of the rapid deposition of waters, a risk of a number of complications arises, among which is the launched cross position of the fetus. It is also possible to fall out umbilies or other parts of the fetus outside, which is fraught with the development of the infectious process (followed by peritonitis, sepsis).

If the fruit is in anhydrous medium over 0.5 days, the oxygen starvation and subsequent asphyxia of the fetus develop. The long transverse position of the fetus in anhydrous medium during progressive generic activity can lead to a rupture of the uterus. In rare cases, if it was preceded by complications of pregnancy, the fruit is preoccupied and its cross position is observed, an arbitrary export (self-deforative) of the fetus is possible with a subsequent pelvic or head preview. This situation is also possible with the intrauterine death of the fetus.

Tactics of childbirth during the transverse position of the fetus

Until the end of the last trimester, it is not necessary to talk about the stability of any kind of improper position of the fetus. So, if an obstetrician gynecologist diagnosed the cross-position on a period of up to 36 weeks, it is believed that the fruit can still change it independently. But in any case, to eliminate various kinds of anomalies of development and identify the true causes of the improper position of the fetus, as well as to generate a planning plan, a gynecological examination is pregnant. With the wrong position of the fetus from 30 weeks of gestation In the absence of contraindications of a pregnant woman, a special set of exercises can be appointed, the execution of which under the control of the doctor contributes to the normalization of the fetus position. In addition to gymnastics, a pregnant woman shows a horizontal lateral position, which also has a constructive effect. By the end of 36 weeks, it is possible to talk about some stability of the fetal position, so it should be hospitalized pregnant, if she was diagnosed with a transverse intrauterine position to carry out the forecast of the rewarding and choose the optimal tactics of objects.

If earlier, an obstetric rotation technique (outdoor rotation) was used to change the position of the fetus, then it is extremely rare today. This is explained by the fact that it is important to eliminate the reasons for changing the situation, which the technique does not allow to implement, and the fruit can soon return to the same incorrect position. Rarely obstetric turn can cause mechanical damage to the fetus or its oxygen starvation, pairing placenta and / or uterine break. It is believed that incorrect (including transverse) position of the fetus - the indication for the planned caesarean section. Surgical intervention should also be carried out if there are complications such as the prelation of the placenta, the change in the structure of the uterus walls, the presence of scars, transferred to the fruit or hypoxia. If the cross position is running for any reason, and the biposts or the fetus handle take place, then the attempts to correct the fallen parts may have adverse effects, so unacceptable in obstetrics and gynecology.

After the complete disclosure of the cervix is \u200b\u200bestablished, the mechanical correction of the fetus position becomes possible by an obstetric rotation on the leg with the subsequent extraction of the fetus. But this technique may have a negative outcome, therefore justifies only in the case of multipleness, when one fruit has a cross position, as well as in the case of an early delivery. If the cross position is significantly launched, the fetus is in an anhydrous medium for a long time, an explicit infectious process is observed and there is a risk of fetal death, it is carried out by hysterectomy, conditions are created for the outflow of the contents of the abdominal cavity. If the intrauterine fetal death occurred, its destruction is performed followed by extracting.

The position of the fetus is the ratio of its axis (which passes through the head and buttocks) to the longitudinal axis of the uterus. The position of the fetus may be longitudinal (when the axis of the fetus and uterus coincide), transverse (when the axis of the fetus is perpendicular to the axis of the uterus), as well as oblique (average between the longitudinal and transverse).

The prevention of the fetus is determined depending on the part of its part, which is located in the field of the internal zea of \u200b\u200bthe cervix, that is, at the venue of the uterine in the cervix (pretexting part). The presets may be the head or the pelvic end of the fetus, during the transverse position, the predatory part is not determined.

Head prepay

The head presence is determined by about 95-97% of cases. The most optimal is the occipital presence, when the fetal head is bent (the chin is pressed to the chest), and at the birth of the baby forward goes. The leading point (the one that first goes through the generic paths) is a small spring, located at the junction of dark and occipital bones. If the fruit of the fetus is facing a kepent, and the shine is the front view of the occipital barrel (in this position there are more than 90% of childbirth), if on the contrary, then the rear. In the rear of the occipital presence of childbirth, in the process of childbirth, the kid can turn around, but the childbirth is usually longer.

With a head preview, the pelvic end of the fetus can be rejected to the right or left, it depends on which direction the back of the fetus is drawn.

Also distinguishing views of the head presence are distinguished when the head is dismissed to one degree or another. With a small extension, when a leading point is a big spring (it is located at the junction of the frontal and dark bones), they talk about an optional preservation. Birth through natural generic paths are possible, but they flow longer and more difficult than when there is a gripping preview, since the head is inserted into a small pelvis in a large size.

Therefore, the front-head presence is a relative reading for the cesarean section. The following degree of extension is a frontal presence (it is rare, in 0.04-0.05% of cases). With normal fetal sizes, childbirth through natural generics are impossible, an operational delivery is required. And finally, the maximum extension of the head is a facial presentation when the fetal face is first born (it is found at 0.25% of childbirth). Birth through natural labor pathways are possible (at the same time, the generic tumor is located in the lower half of the person, in the field of lips and chin), but they are quite traumatic for the mother and the fetus, so the question is often solved in favor of Cesarean section.

The diagnosis of extensible previews is carried out in a vaginal study in the process of childbirth.

Pelvic prevention of fruit

A pelvic presence is found in 3-5% of cases and is divided into a foot, when the legs of the fetus will be pretended, and the toddler when the kid sits like squatting, and its butterms will be pretended. more favorable.

Birth in a pelvic preview is considered pathological due to the large number of complications in mothers and the fetus, since the first less volumetric pelvic end is born and difficulties arise when removing the head. With a foot preview, the doctor hand delays the birth of a child until he comes to squat, in order to prevent the legs falling out, after such a manual, butters are born.

Pelvic preview is not an absolute indication for cesarean section. The question of the method of delivery is resolved depending on the following factors:

  • the size of the fetus (in the pelvic preservation, the fetus is considered to be a fruit of more than 3,500 g, whereas with ordinary births - more than 4000 gr);
  • sizes of mother pelvis;
  • view of pelvic premium (foot or jaric);
  • floor Floor (For a girl, childbirth in a pelvic preview is associated with a smaller risk than for a boy, since the boy is possible damage to the genital organs);
  • age women;
  • flow and outcome of previous pregnancies and childbirth.

Transverse and oblique position of the fetus

The transverse and oblique position of the fetus are an absolute indication for the cesarean operation, the generation of natural generics is impossible. The predatory part is not determined. Such a position is determined by 0.2-0.4% of cases. Applying earlier turns behind the leg in the process of childbirth are now not applied due to the great traumaticity for the mother and the kid. Occasionally, a similar turn can be used at twins, when after the birth of the first fetus, the second accepted the cross position.

The cross position may be due to tumors in the uterus (for example,), which interfere with the normal situation, in the most encamuable women due to the uterus, with a large fruit, with a short umbilical cord or hiding it around the neck.

In the absence of reasons that impede the turn of the fetus on the head, you can perform the same exercises that with a pelvic preview. In case of oblique position, you need to lie more on the side where the back is predominantly processed.

Position of fruits at twins

With twins, childbirth through natural generics are possible if both fetus are in the head prepay, or if the first (which is closer to the output from the uterus and will be born first) is in the head preview, and the second in pelvic. If, on the contrary, the first is in a pelvic preview, and the second in the head, the situation is unfavorable, since after the birth of the pelvic end of the first fetus, kids can catch the heads.

When determining the transverse position of one of the fruits, the issue is solved in favor of the cesarean operation.

Even with a favorable arrangement of fruits, the question of the method of delivery during doubles is solved not only on the basis of the situation, but also depending on many other factors.

Comment Article "Position and Prelation of Fetal"

bandage - the position of the fetus. Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. Bandage - the position of the fetus. The doctor with my back advised to buy and wear a bandage. But I know the child that the bandage is not recommended at a pelvic preview to give a child ...


The doctor said me that the bandage does not record the child's position. He is in the water, and there is still a lot of child around the child.
To really somehow "press", you need to pull the bandage with some incredible force, it is just unrealistic.

i did not understand at all, would everyone need a bandage and when you need to start it? And does it depend on the muscles of the abdominal press that someone his tummy himself holds, and someone needs support in the form of a bandage?

Pregnancy, childbirth and pelvic prevention of the fetus. How to fix? Are natural childbirth in the pelvic preservation of the child are possible. Since 30 weeks, we were told that we were lying up our heads, I managed to redo a bunch of different exercises and to be rejected by ...


i have a boy, too, pelvic, but they said it would still turn over, I also don't want a COP very much, but if the baby does not turn to injury, it's better than the koss's suffering. And the floor find out of course.

I have a girl familiar 14 years ago gave birth to a daughter in Taz. Refused doctors to do COP: "The second birth, give birth to." Result: A child is a heart disease in hard form.

Improper preservation of the fetus. The ideal position of the child in the uterus is a longitudinal with a stylish preview, that is, the head down, with the chin, tightly pressed against the chest. But it is important to understand that the improper location of the child is a feature of the flow ...

According to ultrasound, the head preview, so I'm all guessing, what it is so hammering much) the abdomen so that a slightly pushing the boards from one hand to another and back to break, whether the position of the fetus can be determined longitudinally on the movement. At the place of its greatest activity ...


Do not understand TK moves and legs, and handles, and ass, and knees-elbows :))

i will grow a little more, and it will be possible to the touch :) you find such a bum concrete - it's the ass. From him in one direction there is a spin such an arc (it is very easy to identify), and the legs are cut into the other side (if you press, you can detect small such hips of the ILP just uncertainties, when all inside is wrapped). And shevoshushki come from hand and from legs. And even from priests with your head, on your term: oh) And the head will still have time to sit down, do not worry!

Our baby until the last ultrasound was revealed by a berium prevention. But for the 36 week, the doctor identified (to the touch) that the baby turned over, although it is believed that this is possible mainly by 32 weeks. By the way, the wife practically did not exercise for ...