As a child is located for 31 weeks. Pregnancy Week: Merchants, weight gain, sensations. Physical activity Mommy

During the intrauterine development, the future child constantly changes its appearance, learns to perform various movements, acquires reflexes, increases in growth, gaining weight. These changes prepare the kid to the appearance of the light. 31 week of pregnancy - The middle of the third trimester, by this time the woman goes to maternity leave, until the alleged childbirth remains about 10 weeks.

When calculating the exposure time of the fetus, doctors use obstetric weeks (7 days) and month (28 days or 4 obstetric weeks), the first day of the last period of menstruation is the beginning of gestation. Therefore, 31 The obstetric week of pregnancy does not correspond to the calendar, the real age of the child at this point is about 7 months, it is counted from the day of conception.

Future development

The thirty first week of pregnancy is an important stage in, since on this period the active ripening of the pulmonary fabric occurs. In alveoli (structural units of the lungs) there are special cells producing a surfactant, its function is to prevent falling out of the lung tissue, due to which the first breath is becoming possible. The synthesis of this substance begins with 24 weeks of pregnancy, but in the middle of the third trimester this process proceeds more actively. After 36 weeks, the lungs of the child are fully prepared for the commission of the first breath.

31 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by a continuation of the increase in the size of the fetus, its growth is about 40 centimeters to this period, and the weight is approximately 1,400 grams. The future child becomes closely in the uterus, so it takes a rolled position, and its limbs are crossed. By this time, many kids are lowered by the head to the cervix, which is a physiological posture for the implementation of birth biomechanism.

Attention! The future mother should carefully monitor its well-being at the 31 week of pregnancy, with an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema, unusual vaginal discharge, harbing of childbirth, as well as changes in the chain of the child need urgent help of a specialist.

31 weeks of pregnancy - the time of active ripening of the cortex of the future child's brain. The formation of intrigues, which leads to the development of higher nervous activity and ability to learn and memorize. Due to this phenomenon between the baby and mom, an emotional connection is built, the child begins to react to the change of her mood and voice. Also, by 31 week, the fruit is able to respond to light, clog eyes, focus the look. The child begins to distinguish the smells and acquires a sucking and cornea reflex (when the eye hiding the eye, the fruit immediately clogs it).

On this date fruit digestive system is improved. The liver begins to synthesize his own bile, it changes the structure to carry out its important function - blood purification. The pancreas for 31 weeks are capable of developing insulin, the epithelium of the stomach and intestines occurs. To this date, the kidneys produces urine, it constantly falls into the oily water. The facial features of the baby acquire more "sophisticated forms", it becomes like an adult.

By 31 week, the child has certain phases of sleep and wakefulness, and the duration of the second period increases, the future mother may notice this in the activity of movements. The development of white adipose tissue occurs, due to which the capillaries cease to shine, and the skin of the fetus changes with red on pink. Toddler nails grow to the end of the finger. To this term, the child knows how to squeeze, build physiognomy, squeeze your hand in the fist, swallow the oilyotic water and perform various minor movements.

Women's well-being

To this term, the fruit becomes quite large, which is reflected in the physiology of the female organism. The increased uterus rises to 30 or more centimeters above the pubic articulation, the stomach becomes quite convex, his girth reaches 0.85-0.9 meters. The future mother becomes more clumsy, problems with sleep appear, she may have shortness of breath due to breathing difficulties. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the increased uterus presses on the diaphragm, which entails a decrease in the chest cavity and the decrease in the amplitude of the movement of the lungs when inhaling.

In the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, the intensity of metabolism continues to grow. Due to this phenomenon, a woman may increase sweating, it often becomes hot. Many future mothers in the third trimester complain about the unpleasant feeling in the backarising from the increase in the load on the spine. Some women at 31 weeks of the gestational period hurts the pubic bone, which is caused by the development of the Relxin hormone. His elevated synthesis entails the softening of the LONA joint to facilitate the passage of the child in the generic paths. Pain data will stop bothering the woman after the appearance of the baby.

Another feature of this period of pregnancy is the allocation of a colostrum - the secret from the mammary glands. This substance in its composition resembles a blood plasma, it contains a large number of proteins needed by the kid in the first days after delivery. After 3-5 days after the birth of the child, the synthesis of colostrum stops, it is replaced with breast milk. The development of this substance is associated with the increase in the blood of the hormone of prolactin, but not all women have its release from the mammary glands to childbirth, which is also the norm.

An increase in the uterine and the restructuring of the hormonal system can lead to disorders in the digestive system. The most frequent of them are constipation, hemorrhoids. To avoid these consequences of pregnancy, the future mother should carefully monitor its diet., include more fresh vegetables and fruits in it, bran. Women having problems with a chair are not recommended to use fat, acute and fried food, marinades and pickles.

On this period of pregnancy, a woman may appear. They do not have a natural frequency and frequency, usually do not cause strong discomfort. These bouts prepare a woman to real birth, training its body. They are a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus, manifested by the noving pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Training fights - an optional pregnancy satellite, in some mothers they may be absent.

Complications and risks

The symptoms described above can deliver the future mother definite inconvenience, but they are an option of the norm and do not threaten the child's life. The reason for appealing for medical help is 5 syndromes and diseases:

1. GuestRose.

This disease exhibits itself by edema, the appearance of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure. Gestosis in a light form is not dangerous, however, with a strong increase in blood pressure (above 160/100), severe preeclampsia occurs, characterized by complications for the nervous system (headaches, impaired vision, etc.) and other organs (abdominal pain, acute renal failure , infarction). Sometimes preeclampsia can go to the eclampsia - a condition in which all muscles of the body are uncontrollably reduced, and vital organs are in a state of oxygen starvation, which threatens the life of the mother and child.

2. Allocations from the vagina.

Normally, at the 31 week of pregnancy, the release of transparent or whitish, odorless, homogeneous consistency. If they become curly and abundant, accompanied by itching and smell, the candidiasis should be suspected. Almost always speak of inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvic, which require immediate medical intervention, as they can lead to premature births. The appearance of blood on the toilet paper after defecation can talk about the development of hemorrhoids or anal crack. Vaginal red-colored discharge should be a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor, because they can be a symptom of a pair of placenta or the beginning of generic activity.

3. The appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

They may arise in physiological and pathological reasons. To the first one can attribute training contractions, such pains will not last more than half an hour and are stopped by spasmolitics. If a long-term abdominal feeling has a stretching or shorter character, hypertonus uterus should be suspected, which leads to the development of premature births by 31 weeks. The cutting, acute pain may be a consequence of the placenta detachment, which also leads to the early emergence of a child.

4. Pullen octoped waters.

They can get out of the uterus at a time and in large quantities, which will not remain unnoticed for the future mother. However, sometimes the accumulative water can leak into small volumes for several days, so a pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor its sensations and well-being, since this symptom is one of the harbingers of the beginning of the generic activity.

5. Changing the nature of the chapels of the child.

Normally, the fetus must take about 10 movements for 12 hours and not more than 4 per 1 hour. An increase or decrease in the number of movements can talk about the oxygen starvation of the future child, with changes in their nature, you should consult a doctor for a thorough assessment of the state of the fetus.


On this time, the pregnant woman should visit the obstetrician-gynecologist for routine measurements: the standing height of the bottom of the uterus and. Also, a specialist listens to the palpitations of the fetus. These manipulations help monitor the development of pregnancy and detect pathology on time.

To diagnose gestosis, the doctor measures the arterial pressure of the future mother, its increase can talk about the occurrence of the disease. The general analysis of urine is also a way to control the health of a woman, the appearance of a protein is another symptom of pathology. The doctor monitors the weight of the future mother, a sharp gain can be a consequence of the development of edema, which are the symptom of gestosis.

If necessary, additional examinations may be assigned on this period: KTG, HIV tests, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, vaginal smear, test for the antibody of the Rh. Some women are advised to pass an unscheduled ultrasound. Its goals are monitoring the development of the fetus, the assessment of the state and maturity of the placenta, the identification of many or low, view the internal and external oz, measuring the length of the cervix.

List of references

Obstetrics. National Guide - Aylamazyan E.K., Kulakov V.I. et al. - 2009 - 1200

Finally, 31 weeks of pregnancy occurred. Women are already on maternity leave, and they have free time they use not only for recreation, but also to prepare for childbirth. In 7-8 months of pregnancy, future parents useful to sign up for special courses, where they tell about it in detail. After all, before the birth of the baby remains quite a bit.

Development of crumbs

At the end of the 30th week, the fruit is practically formed. Its weight is approximately 1.6 kg, and full growth reaches 39 cm. During this period, the embryo starts the nerve endings, and the brain is improved. Holy sensitivity is enhanced, and the protective reaction is improved. If you want to watch the baby, you can see amazing things. For example, an ultrasound shows how he grieves the eyelids when his handle reflexively adopted to the eye.

At 30-31 week, the fruit is very mobile. It produces a kind of day of the day, in which periods of activity are replaced by rest. The baby moves so hard that his shocks will often be a mom at night, and dad can easily feel them, putting a hand to the tummy.

At seven and a half months, the baby's child's child grows rapidly. He has drawn features, and the neck is lengthened. Domestic organs continue to be improved. Increases the size of the pancreas. It is already able to fully ensure the fruit of insulin. Actively work kidney and the liver of a future baby.

Thirty-first week - time when changes occur rapidly. The fruit is stiguously prepared for independent life. He begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat. As a result, the skin of the kid gradually loses its red color, gradually pale and smoothed. If you carefully study the seventh month, it becomes clear that the baby's light fabric improves daily. For another 30 week, the newborn is almost impossible to straighten the lungs and breathe independently. And 31 weeks of pregnancy much increases such a chance.

The child is well distinguished by sounds. He likes to listen to music or a calm voice of his parents when they read or sing a song. The kid feels an emotional state and begins to worry, nervous when mom is bad.

After 30 weeks, many kids take the optimal position for childbirth. They turn down the head down, pouring the legs under themselves. Some continue to spin until the last day. Treat this calmly, the child will definitely have time to turn over the way.

What does the future mother feel?

Woman gets tired quickly. Since 31 obstetric week is complete 7 months of pregnancy, the fruit is already big. The uterus is stretched and presses on the internal organs. Because of this, the mammy becomes harder to breathe full of breasts. Physical activity can cause shortness of breath, and the gait is made awkward. After 30 weeks, you must try to follow the posture and more rest.

At this time, sometimes worried pain in the pelvis area. Most often, they are caused by natural causes. The body begins to prepare for childbirth, and pelvic bones are gradually moving away to the parties. To alleviate painful sensations, sit on comfortable chairs with the back and more often change the body position. Try to walk more, fresh air is simply necessary now.

The seventh month of pregnancy pats the metabolism of the woman. She often throws in the heat even in the cool room. This is a positive phenomenon, since toxic substances come out with then, and the body is cleared.

  • On 30-31 weeks, nutrition is of great importance. The fruit in the uterus squeezes the stomach, appears heartburn. A woman needs only healthy food enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Prepare food to a pair or in the oven and control how much you eat at a time. Drink in small portions every 3 hours to avoid gravity in your stomach.
  • Try to include in the ration of the fiber and do not refuse the first courses, the child needs it.
  • To avoid echoes, exclude fried and salty eats. After 30 weeks, the burden on the kidneys increases greatly, and such food aggravates it.

For 9 months of tooling, the woman recover is about 10-12 kg. This affects the amount of accumulating waters, an increase in the uterus, placenta, blood volume, and not just the formation of a fat layer. If the weight gain is much larger, this is an alarm signal. After all, extra kilograms provoke a strong load on the heart, which adversely affects the health of the fetus and women.

At 7-8 months, the future mothers often pursue a sense of hunger. Hold back it and do not overeat. From unnecessary food can stray kid. This is greatly difficult to give birth and can lead to its obesity in the future.

What other changes occur?

As of 31 week, some women notice that the breast follows the colostrum. This happens not with everyone and does not affect the production of milk, as well as on future breastfeeding.

After 30 weeks, the load on the body of the woman is enhanced, and there are unpleasant sensations and alarming symptoms. The main ones are:

  • handicapped blood pressure:
  • discharge from the vagina;
  • cuts in the uterus.

At the later period of pregnancy, blood pressure often jumps. No matter how much the device has shown, about the changes, it is necessary to tell the doctor to eliminate the problems of the heart and other bodies that negatively affect the fetus. It will appoint the necessary tests and will figure out the problem. It is worth noting that in the jumps of pressure affects improper nutrition. It rises from salty, fatty food, after a cup of dried coffee or strong tea. This is another reason to keep track of your diet.

The thirty-first obstetric week is characterized by an increase in the volume of discharge from the vagina. If this happened, the main thing is to distinguish them from the possible flow of spindle water. It's hard to do it on the eye. Water, as well as ordinary allocations, transparent, without unpleasant odor. Pass the examination at the gynecologist so that the baby continue to be in full security.

By the end of 30 weeks, mommy has training contractions. The uterus is hardening and is painlessly strained for a few seconds. This is a normal phenomenon that should not be frightened. Easy condition helps respiratory gymnastics.

If reductions cause pain or accompanied by bleeding, call immediate ambulance. Perhaps premature birth began, and you, together with the baby, urgently need a specialist help.

Doctor's help during this period

To minimize any complications, for all months of pregnancy, it is important to attend a doctor for inspection. In the last trimester, this is done every two weeks. A specialist tube listens to the fruit, considers his heartbeat, measures the tummy of the future mother and presses the tests if necessary.

In 7 months, it is necessary to hand over the smear from the vagina to determine if a pregnant sex tract infection has.

  • At the later period of women often tormented thrush. It often occurs in response to the wrong food and is accompanied by the discharge resembling cottage cheese, and itching.
  • If such signs appeared, pay attention to how many sweet dishes you use, and fully will be out of them.
  • In addition, under the guidance of the doctor, we will take treatment, otherwise, during childbirth, the baby can be infected.

Most often, the gynecologist recommends passing an ultrasound for 31 weeks to wear crumbs. This study is very important. It helps determine how the baby is located in the uterus, find out the maturity of the placenta and check whether the child will be wrapped in a cord. On the device it is clearly noticeable which gender in crumbs, how its organs develop and are there any deviations in them. It is interesting to watch the baby plays in his abdomen at Mom, sucks a finger, turns over and even smiles.

Uzi at 31 week carefully studies the state of the uterus and helps to see how preparations are being prepared for childbirth, whether everything is in order. The baby becomes bigger every day, and the woman begins to experience difficulties. She is uncomfortable to sit, lie. The fruit squeezes veins, the bloodstream is broken, and it affects well-being.

The doctor pays close attention to mommies who have come 31 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to them at this moment is of great importance and can affect future childbirth. Be sure to attend planned inspections and on any issue consult with a gynecologist.

Despite the fact that a large tummy, in which the baby is located, brings certain difficulties, pregnancy is a wonderful time that takes place very quickly. Therefore, we rest more, enjoy your position and try to psychologically prepare for the upcoming birth.

The third trimester of pregnancy (from 26 to 39 weeks) each woman proceeds individually. Future mothers by this time are already getting used to the permanent sense of gravity and badness, adapt to new forms. 31 weeks of pregnancy Many are accompanied by strong fatigue and fast fatigue. That is why maternity leave is made up after 30 weeks of pregnancy, when a woman can no longer perform the necessary work.

Maternity leave

31 weeks of pregnancy is the first week of a legitimate rest of the future mother. Many women have already issued maternity leave. Having received a deserved rest, they enjoy the last months of their freedom. Some prefer in their free time more walking out in the fresh air, to keep a healthy diet and perform the necessary physical exertion. But most often future mothers, by virtue of constant fatigue, spend a lot of time, lying in bed or on the sofa, trying not to load the tired back. Despite this, we should not forget that physical activity is necessary for pregnant women to prepare the body to the complex process of childbirth.

Pregnancy: 30-31 weeks, changes in the body

The body of a pregnant woman on this period undergoing serious changes. Due to hormonal restructuring, there is a relaxation of all muscle tissues of the body. As a result, such an unpleasant phenomenon may occur as varicose veins. By this time, the minimum gain in the weight of a woman should be 8 kilograms, which seriously affects all body functions. The weight of the 31st week of pregnancy can begin to increase dramatically in connection with various violations in the body of a woman, so you should carefully follow the diet, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Due to the growth of the fetal, the uterus increases in size and rises above, which can provoke regular heartburn, especially its symptoms appear when a woman is in a lying position. In addition, the rapidly growing uterus creates a serious pressure on all the internal organs of the female organism, which makes it difficult to work. Pregnancy (30-31 weeks) is accompanied by the adaptation of all organism systems to a new regime, which can significantly deteriorate the well-being of a woman. The main discomfort of the future mother causes regular shortness of breath. It is caused by a shortage of oxygen, as the lungs siled cannot work in full force. For prophylaxis, it follows more often to walk in the fresh air, away from contaminated and dusty urban streets.

To get rid of heartburn, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition. To do this, take food with small portions, but quite often (up to 6 times a day). The volume of food consumed in one reception should be no more than 200 grams. Thanks to such a system, the digestive tract will be easier to cope with its function, and women well-being will significantly improve.

31 week of pregnancy - how many months?

At the 31 week of pregnancy, the future mother shelters the baby for 7.5 months. Before birth, there are about 10 weeks, but it is conditional. Not every woman puts out the child exactly 9 months: the generic activity can begin and for a period of 37 weeks - this is also considered the norm. Here everything is approximately, in each case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female organism.

Women's well-being

Most of future mothers celebrate the appearance of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bhip joints. Reloxin hormone highlighted by the body to prepare an obligatory apparatus to approaching births, relaxes hip bones, which provokes pain. Also affects the state of the bone apparatus, the increased weight of a woman. As a result, it is discomfort and pain. Sometimes these symptoms can develop so much that a woman becomes difficult to rise to his feet from the situation sitting, and also hard to move. So, 31 weeks of pregnancy goes. The weight of the child is constantly increasing, so the mothers of mom will deteriorate along with this. You should not worry, these symptoms are quite natural and will continue until the end of pregnancy and even in the postpartum period.

Some women note the wondrous pain in the crotch and in the field of pubic bones. These symptoms need to tell a doctor. Headaches may also be frequent, there are many reasons for their frequent appearance, and in most cases it is not pathology. The exception is only sharp attacks with a deterioration of vision and darkening in the eyes.

Also one of the most common troubles on this period is insomnia. It is at this stage that various interruptions can occur with sleep. This may be associated with the fetus mode and is not pathology.

The period after 31 weeks of pregnancy is associated with great psychological experiences. The future mother begins to think more often about the approaching childbirth, it appears fear and fear for their normal course. It is not necessary to give these fears the place should be reassured by reflections on happy motherhood.

To distract from unpleasant thoughts, you should take yourself interesting things. Many women are waiting for maternity leave to shops. It is necessary to collect a bag in the maternity hospital, to buy everything necessary before the appearance of the baby to the light. You can also go to the arrangement of a children's room or a corner. This work is creative, it requires considerable effort, so such a pastime will help you forget about poor well-being and in vain fears.

It must be remembered that a pregnant woman can not be nervous, because the baby is already very subtly feeling the psychological state of the mother, no need to cause a child discomfort restless behavior.

Women's consultation for 31 weeks

With the next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, pregnant women need to be measured, blood pressure, as well as to hand over the smear from the vagina. Analyzes must be carried out to prevent any violations of health status. In many women, a unpleasant disease is developing due to reduced immunity - thrush. In case of detection in the smearing of pathogens, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, since this disease should be prolonged before the start of childbirth.

It should be consulted with a doctor about the wear of the bandage: it will greatly facilitate life, helping to maintain a bulk belly. In the case of the wrong intrauterine location of the child, you will advise you to perform some exercises that contribute to its change.

31 weeks of pregnancy - time when a woman is issued on the hands of a woman. This is the main document upon admission to the hospital. It made all the information about the course of your pregnancy, analyzing indicators, weight, ultrasound results. It is advisable to put the exchange card in the generic bag. In the case of a premature beginning of the generic activity, it will be in the right place. In addition, during this period, the generic certificate necessary to improve the quality of medical care should be obtained.

Alarm symptoms

The fetus at the 31 week of pregnancy enters the main stage of growth, so the future mother needs to closely monitor its own gain in weight, which should be no more than 300 grams per week. If, with normal and healthy nutrition, the weight increases more than this norm, it is necessary to check the doctor in the female consultation, because the rapid weight gain may indicate internal edema.

On this period, various complications of pregnancy may occur. They must be known to warn in time. To the doctor it is necessary to seem in case:

  • Feels ripples in the eyes, which may indicate an increased pressure or development of internal edema.
  • Edems on the legs do not pass in the morning, which indicates problems with the kidney or gestosis.
  • There is a constant strong fatigue, testifying to the late toxicosis.
  • Cramps that may indicate late toxicosis.
  • Headaches are also a symptom or gestosis, or increased pressure.
  • Dizziness is an unfavorable sign of increasing / lowering blood pressure or gestosis.
  • Multi-way and lowland arising for a period of 30-31 weeks can be detected using ultrasound.
  • Acute respiratory diseases of the mother - can affect the various problems of the course of pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea has a woman - may arise due to the serious hormonal rearrangements of the body, but should be carefully taken to this phenomenon, as it may indicate the various infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A very careful relationship requires such a term from a woman as 31 weeks of pregnancy. Allocations should be normal, should be carefully monitored even for a minor change. It should be alert if the accumulating waters occurs. Norm - if their number is no more than the volume of the tablespoon. Also closely follow the change in the color of the selection. Even minor blood traces may indicate a threat to the health of the baby. Also should alert the symptoms of thrush (curls, mucous discharges having a specific smell).

Future state

During this period, the intensive growth of the fetus begins, its development continues. When 31 weeks of pregnancy occurs, the weight of the fetus increases (it reaches 1,600 g and grows up to 41 cm). The baby becomes closely in the maternal stomach; Trying to adapt to new conditions, the child takes a specific posture, convenient for it: Rolled position with the crossing of the limbs. Many kids during this period take a constant prenatal position - head down, which should be maintained in the norm before the start of the generic activity.

Every day the fruit grows, the features of his cell become thinner, the spout takes a certain shape, the cartilage tissue of the auricle and the neck is compacted. Eyes are developing - the child at the 31st week of pregnancy can distinguish light and darkness, open and close the eyes, focus the look, and also burst. In addition, a child has a so-called corneal reflex at this time: with a random eye, the baby reacts, squinting them.

The nervous system of the fetus is actively operating: winding brain is continued, the pulmonary tissue becomes more mature, the surfactant is distinguished - due to this, the baby can make his first sigh. The liver at this age begins to allocate bile, prepares for its main function - cleansing the body from toxins. Pancreas also begins to work, producing insulin.

The skin of the baby is still quite wrinkled, has a red shade. Blood capillaries shine through the skin, as it is still quite thin. The baby's marigold is actively growing, by the end of the week they will reach the end of fingers. It is starting with such a term as 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the child begins noticeably and rapidly increased due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for the correct heat exchange after its birth.

Some babies already have their own sleep and wake mode. You can note how the child begins to move more actively and sink at certain times of the day. Merchants become stronger, sometimes causing a lot of thorough painful pain. The child pulls the handles and legs, falling into different sides of the maternal tummy. As a result, you can feel serious discomfort. Too active movement of the fetus on this period can be a signal about the lack of oxygen to the baby or talk about an inconvenient position of the mother, causing discomfort.

You should carefully listen to the behavior of the baby: if the child does not move for several hours, it is necessary to immediately apply for a consultation to the doctor. Norma - if the child produces at least 10 movements within 12 hours.


The sex of the child can accurately determine with accuracy from 20 weeks of pregnancy. Nevertheless, on the period of 31 weeks, the genital organs of babies continue to be issued. The boys eggs have not yet dropped into the scrotum. Girls in girls also remain open.

Pregnancy double

Decree leave for a woman, pregnant twins, should be decorated at the age of 28. This is due to the double load on the female organism, because the increased weight of the woman complements the feeling of discomfort. The length of each twin is about 40 cm, and the weight is about 1500 grams. Since the two are close enough in the abdomen of mom, their mobility is limited. Nevertheless, it is necessary to carefully listen to the behavior of the kids, follow their chapels. Future moms of wonderful twins must comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, not overwork, rest, lead a moving lifestyle to moderate.

31 weeks of pregnancy twins are accompanied by increased fatigue of the mother. It is necessary to suffer this condition, because two small miracles will soon appear on the light!


As a rule, on this period, as 31 weeks of pregnancy, another ultrasound study is appointed. His goal is to make sure that the development of the kid is normal. On the ultrasound, this term shows the active formation of a brain, eye iris. The doctor must analyze the following development parameters.

31 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound, norms:

  • biparity size (at least 73 mm, not more than 87);
  • head circumference (280 to 300 mm);
  • circle of the tummy should be from 247 to 301 mm;
  • length of shoulder bone (50 - 60 mm);
  • lobno-occipital size (273 to 315 mm);
  • length of the femur (54 - 64 mm);
  • pre-bone length (44-52 mm);
  • length of holing bones (51-59 mm);
  • 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1,500 g;
  • growth - 40 cm.

If, with an ultrasound, at 31 weeks of pregnancy, any deviations will be found, the doctor will individually select the necessary treatment. It is necessary to attend female consultation in a timely manner for monitoring the state of the fetus, its development and their own health.

For the thirty-first week of development of pregnancy, the child adds in weight every day. He has new habits. And mommy is no longer so easy to walk, as before. Breathing becomes harder. The baby is more and more place in the tummy, feeding signals that soon on the output.

The size of the child is 31 weeks to develop pregnancy.

At 31 weeks of the development of pregnancy, your baby grows Not by days, but by the hour, actively accumulating muscle mass. Its weight reaches 1.5-1.6 kg, and height - 39-42 cm. In size, the puzzle is similar to the pomel.

Just imagine! Your baby has already learned to suck my finger!

The child's brain is actively developing, nerve fibers are now protected by shells, so the pulses of a small transmits faster than before. And an important detail - the baby is already able to learn. The skin of the baby is made pink, due to the subcutaneous white adipose tissue. That is exactly what we used to see born babies. Pupils give a response to light, the child begins to distinguish the night and daytime day.

The kid is already able to feel pain. If you sit so that he will be uncomfortable, he will immediately give you about it to know - it will begin to push and actively move.

Beginning with thirty first week of pregnancy The fruit becomes more susceptible to the sounds of the external environment - reacts well to lullaby mothers, which sings for him. May shiver if they hear sharp sounds.

Shelling at the 31 week of pregnancy development of pregnancy.

At this stage of the development of pregnancy, the baby becomes stronger, mommy continues from time to time to feel chaotic movements with handles and legs. Pregnant can see in the stomach, as an active life in the boil.

For the thirty-first week of pregnancy, the child's movement is necessary for the development of the muscles of the limbs. The norm is considered when the kid shudders with sharp sounds and twisted when Iikote.

What baby, born to 31 weeks of development of pregnancy?

For the development of the fetus, this week is very important. Your baby is not at all like a week ago, although only seven days passed. Every day it matures a pulmonary fabric, and a layer of epithelial cells appeared in the alveolar bags, which highlight a special substance - surfactant. It will help the small little man to straighten the lungs before the first breath.

A week ago, the baby had this opportunity yet, and at the 31 week of pregnancy thanks to this feature of the lungs, the child has more chances of life in the event of premature birth.

The baby provides herself insulin for 31 weeks to develop pregnancy.

At the 31 week of the development of pregnancy increases the mass of the pancreas Child due to an increase in its cells. Very soon, after the birth of the baby, the pancreas will begin to produce enzymes for the splitting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Now, thanks to the pancreas, the child itself provides insulin, which helps maintain blood sugar levels.

It can be noted that the kidneys are already working very well, deriving urine into the oral fluid. The formation of liverbetes continues, which help to clean blood from toxins.

The well-being pregnant at 31 weeks of the development of pregnancy.

You feel that have become harder. The weight gain for the thirty-first week of pregnancy average is 8.6 kg. What includes this weight? This is the total weight of the fetus, spindle water, placenta, uterus, enlarged in size, and blood in vessels. The uterus is above 11 cm navel, and above the pubic symphima by 31 cm. The tummy continues to grow. Although the uterus has not yet risen.

The unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the chest and the pelvis are associated with the fact that the fruit is actively growing and occupies more and more in the stomach.

The uterus at this stage of development of pregnancy begins to put pressure on the internal organs, which makes it difficult to function. First of all it affects the stomach. Heartburn will be the first sign.

Try not to overeat for 31 weeks of the development of pregnancy.

For the thirty-first week, you constantly want to eat something, even if it is completely incomprehensible with each other. You may want to eat salted fish and wash it with sweet juice, eat a cutlet and immediately after that a cake or drink sweet coffee after eaten just a salt cucumber. Pregnant women are so unpredictable! What they just don't want!

The variety of used products is useful for the baby, but do not forget about overeating, because extra kilograms begin to postpone in unwanted places since 31 weeks of development of pregnancy. Overbinding is an additional load on the body of a pregnant woman who works "in reinforced mode".

Power must be rational and correct. Small portions of food and about 6 meals on day - the optimal option.

If you do not adhere to these rules, swelling and complications of the flowing pregnancy may appear.

Problems for the thirty-first week of pregnancy.

Pain in the back and shortness of breath - the main problems 31 weeks of pregnancy. The muscles and bundles of the back are now relaxed, they are preparing for ambulance, when they need to actively work.

This week is the likelihood that the swollen veins will appear on their feet. Help with the solution of this problem will be able to compression stockings or tights.

From thirty-first week, it actively begins to be produced by the organism of the substance relaxing, which contributes to the weakening of the pelvic bone joints. The pelvic ring is preparing for speed and becomes elastic and stretchable.

Important moment in your life is approaching. Duck gait is not doing anywhere. But you do not worry! It will pass some time after childbirth.

Weight, pressure, edema for 31 weeks to develop pregnancy.

It is desirable that you are added in weight for this week no more than 300 grams. The pressure in the norm should be 120/70 mm Hg. Art. Quite often, thrush appears for the thirty-first week of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the protective functions of the body of the woman are weakened.

Evenkers may appear as a result of the burden on the kidney, which cannot fully cope with the removal of salts and liquids from the body.

Prevention: When sit, put your feet on the elevation; Do not wear tight clothing and shoes; Drink a 1.5 liter of water every day; limit the use of salt; If necessary, we carry compression linen; Be sure to regularly hand over urine analysis.

The third trimester of pregnancy (from 26 to 39 weeks) each woman proceeds individually. Future mothers by this time are already getting used to the permanent sense of gravity and badness, adapt to new forms. 31 weeks of pregnancy Many are accompanied by strong fatigue and fast fatigue. That is why maternity leave is made up after 30 weeks of pregnancy, when a woman can no longer perform the necessary work.

Maternity leave

31 weeks of pregnancy is the first week of a legitimate rest of the future mother. Many women have already issued maternity leave. Having received a deserved rest, they enjoy the last months of their freedom. Some prefer in their free time more walking out in the fresh air, to keep a healthy diet and perform the necessary physical exertion. But most often future mothers, by virtue of constant fatigue, spend a lot of time, lying in bed or on the sofa, trying not to load the tired back. Despite this, we should not forget that physical activity is necessary for pregnant women to prepare the body to the complex process of childbirth.

Pregnancy: 30-31 weeks, changes in the body

The body of a pregnant woman on this period undergoing serious changes. Due to hormonal restructuring, there is a relaxation of all muscle tissues of the body. As a result, such an unpleasant phenomenon may occur as varicose veins. By this time, the minimum gain in the weight of a woman should be 8 kilograms, which seriously affects all body functions. The weight of the 31st week of pregnancy can begin to increase dramatically in connection with various violations in the body of a woman, so you should carefully follow the diet, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Due to the growth of the fetal, the uterus increases in size and rises above, which can provoke regular heartburn, especially its symptoms appear when a woman is in a lying position. In addition, the rapidly growing uterus creates a serious pressure on all the internal organs of the female organism, which makes it difficult to work. Pregnancy (30-31 weeks) is accompanied by the adaptation of all organism systems to a new regime, which can significantly deteriorate the well-being of a woman. The main discomfort of the future mother causes regular shortness of breath. It is caused by a shortage of oxygen, as the lungs siled cannot work in full force. For prophylaxis, it follows more often to walk in the fresh air, away from contaminated and dusty urban streets.

To get rid of heartburn, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition. To do this, take food with small portions, but quite often (up to 6 times a day). The volume of food consumed in one reception should be no more than 200 grams. Thanks to such a system, the digestive tract will be easier to cope with its function, and women well-being will significantly improve.

31 week of pregnancy - how many months?

At the 31 week of pregnancy, the future mother shelters the baby for 7.5 months. Before birth, there are about 10 weeks, but it is conditional. Not every woman puts out the child exactly 9 months: the generic activity can begin and for a period of 37 weeks - this is also considered the norm. Here everything is approximately, in each case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female organism.

Women's well-being

Most of future mothers celebrate the appearance of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bhip joints. Reloxin hormone highlighted by the body to prepare an obligatory apparatus to approaching births, relaxes hip bones, which provokes pain. Also affects the state of the bone apparatus, the increased weight of a woman. As a result, it is discomfort and pain. Sometimes these symptoms can develop so much that a woman becomes difficult to rise to his feet from the situation sitting, and also hard to move. So, 31 weeks of pregnancy goes. The weight of the child is constantly increasing, so the mothers of mom will deteriorate along with this. You should not worry, these symptoms are quite natural and will continue until the end of pregnancy and even in the postpartum period.

Some women note the wondrous pain in the crotch and in the field of pubic bones. These symptoms need to tell a doctor. Headaches may also be frequent, there are many reasons for their frequent appearance, and in most cases it is not pathology. The exception is only sharp attacks with a deterioration of vision and darkening in the eyes.

Also one of the most common troubles on this period is insomnia. It is at this stage that various interruptions can occur with sleep. This may be associated with the fetus mode and is not pathology.

The period after 31 weeks of pregnancy is associated with great psychological experiences. The future mother begins to think more often about the approaching childbirth, it appears fear and fear for their normal course. It is not necessary to give these fears the place should be reassured by reflections on happy motherhood.

To distract from unpleasant thoughts, you should take yourself interesting things. Many women are waiting for maternity leave to shops. It is necessary to collect a bag in the maternity hospital, to buy everything necessary before the appearance of the baby to the light. You can also go to the arrangement of a children's room or a corner. This work is creative, it requires considerable effort, so such a pastime will help you forget about poor well-being and in vain fears.

It must be remembered that a pregnant woman can not be nervous, because the baby is already very subtly feeling the psychological state of the mother, no need to cause a child discomfort restless behavior.

Women's consultation for 31 weeks

With the next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, pregnant women need to be measured, blood pressure, as well as to hand over the smear from the vagina. Analyzes must be carried out to prevent any violations of health status. In many women, a unpleasant disease is developing due to reduced immunity - thrush. In case of detection in the smearing of pathogens, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, since this disease should be prolonged before the start of childbirth.

It should be consulted with a doctor about the wear of the bandage: it will greatly facilitate life, helping to maintain a bulk belly. In the case of the wrong intrauterine location of the child, you will advise you to perform some exercises that contribute to its change.

31 weeks of pregnancy - time when a woman is issued on the hands of a woman. This is the main document upon admission to the hospital. It made all the information about the course of your pregnancy, analyzing indicators, weight, ultrasound results. It is advisable to put the exchange card in the generic bag. In the case of a premature beginning of the generic activity, it will be in the right place. In addition, during this period, the generic certificate necessary to improve the quality of medical care should be obtained.

Alarm symptoms

The fetus at the 31 week of pregnancy enters the main stage of growth, so the future mother needs to closely monitor its own gain in weight, which should be no more than 300 grams per week. If, with normal and healthy nutrition, the weight increases more than this norm, it is necessary to check the doctor in the female consultation, because the rapid weight gain may indicate internal edema.

On this period, various complications of pregnancy may occur. They must be known to warn in time. To the doctor it is necessary to seem in case:

  • Feels ripples in the eyes, which may indicate an increased pressure or development of internal edema.
  • Edems on the legs do not pass in the morning, which indicates problems with the kidney or gestosis.
  • There is a constant strong fatigue, testifying to the late toxicosis.
  • Cramps that may indicate late toxicosis.
  • Headaches are also a symptom or gestosis, or increased pressure.
  • Dizziness is an unfavorable sign of increasing / lowering blood pressure or gestosis.
  • Multi-way and lowland arising for a period of 30-31 weeks can be detected using ultrasound.
  • Acute respiratory diseases of the mother - can affect the various problems of the course of pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea has a woman - may arise due to the serious hormonal rearrangements of the body, but should be carefully taken to this phenomenon, as it may indicate the various infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A very careful relationship requires such a term from a woman as 31 weeks of pregnancy. Allocations should be normal, should be carefully monitored even for a minor change. It should be alert if the accumulating waters occurs. Norm - if their number is no more than the volume of the tablespoon. Also closely follow the change in the color of the selection. Even minor blood traces may indicate a threat to the health of the baby. Also should alert the symptoms of thrush (curls, mucous discharges having a specific smell).

Future state

During this period, the intensive growth of the fetus begins, its development continues. When 31 weeks of pregnancy occurs, the weight of the fetus increases (it reaches 1,600 g and grows up to 41 cm). The baby becomes closely in the maternal stomach; Trying to adapt to new conditions, the child takes a specific posture, convenient for it: Rolled position with the crossing of the limbs. Many kids during this period take a constant prenatal position - head down, which should be maintained in the norm before the start of the generic activity.

Every day the fruit grows, the features of his cell become thinner, the spout takes a certain shape, the cartilage tissue of the auricle and the neck is compacted. Eyes are developing - the child at the 31st week of pregnancy can distinguish light and darkness, open and close the eyes, focus the look, and also burst. In addition, a child has a so-called corneal reflex at this time: with a random eye, the baby reacts, squinting them.

The nervous system of the fetus is actively operating: winding brain is continued, the pulmonary tissue becomes more mature, the surfactant is distinguished - due to this, the baby can make his first sigh. The liver at this age begins to allocate bile, prepares for its main function - cleansing the body from toxins. Pancreas also begins to work, producing insulin.

The skin of the baby is still quite wrinkled, has a red shade. Blood capillaries shine through the skin, as it is still quite thin. The baby's marigold is actively growing, by the end of the week they will reach the end of fingers. It is starting with such a term as 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the child begins noticeably and rapidly increased due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for the correct heat exchange after its birth.

Some babies already have their own sleep and wake mode. You can note how the child begins to move more actively and sink at certain times of the day. Merchants become stronger, sometimes causing a lot of thorough painful pain. The child pulls the handles and legs, falling into different sides of the maternal tummy. As a result, you can feel serious discomfort. Too active movement of the fetus on this period can be a signal about the lack of oxygen to the baby or talk about an inconvenient position of the mother, causing discomfort.

You should carefully listen to the behavior of the baby: if the child does not move for several hours, it is necessary to immediately apply for a consultation to the doctor. Norma - if the child produces at least 10 movements within 12 hours.


The sex of the child can accurately determine with accuracy from 20 weeks of pregnancy. Nevertheless, on the period of 31 weeks, the genital organs of babies continue to be issued. The boys eggs have not yet dropped into the scrotum. Girls in girls also remain open.

Pregnancy double

Decree leave for a woman, pregnant twins, should be decorated at the age of 28. This is due to the double load on the female organism, because the increased weight of the woman complements the feeling of discomfort. The length of each twin is about 40 cm, and the weight is about 1500 grams. Since the two are close enough in the abdomen of mom, their mobility is limited. Nevertheless, it is necessary to carefully listen to the behavior of the kids, follow their chapels. Future moms of wonderful twins must comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, not overwork, rest, lead a moving lifestyle to moderate.

31 weeks of pregnancy twins are accompanied by increased fatigue of the mother. It is necessary to suffer this condition, because two small miracles will soon appear on the light!


As a rule, on this period, as 31 weeks of pregnancy, another ultrasound study is appointed. His goal is to make sure that the development of the kid is normal. On the ultrasound, this term shows the active formation of a brain, eye iris. The doctor must analyze the following development parameters.

31 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound, norms:

  • biparity size (at least 73 mm, not more than 87);
  • head circumference (280 to 300 mm);
  • circle of the tummy should be from 247 to 301 mm;
  • length of shoulder bone (50 - 60 mm);
  • lobno-occipital size (273 to 315 mm);
  • length of the femur (54 - 64 mm);
  • pre-bone length (44-52 mm);
  • length of holing bones (51-59 mm);
  • 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1,500 g;
  • growth - 40 cm.

If, with an ultrasound, at 31 weeks of pregnancy, any deviations will be found, the doctor will individually select the necessary treatment. It is necessary to attend female consultation in a timely manner for monitoring the state of the fetus, its development and their own health.