How to make lips out. Pertop mask to increase lips. Use of primary cosmetics

Full, gentle and sexy lips are caught male looks with their sensuality. They make a smile charming and talk about the youth, good nature and optimism of their owner. Thin lips, although they give the feminine elegance and refinement, but they like little. Often they produce the impression of arrogance and evil in the same way. Therefore, most women want to achieve a sensual smile and give volume. How to make lips more without injections and cardinal solutions? What methods and means exist to impart the effect of "pillion" lips? We will tell about this below. We will give practical advice to cute ladies about how to make lips more with the help of makeup.

Axiom of shades and colors

When choosing clothes, stylists advise to pay attention to the dark tones, if we want to look slimmer and hide disadvantages, and bright, if, on the contrary, we wish to emphasize and allocate the volume. The same rule acts when applying makeup. Dark lipstick or shadow visually reduce the region or lips. And light shades increase, give the volume and emphasize expressiveness.

Therefore, when applying makeup, it should be remembered that the lipstick of beige, coral, peach, light-pink tones visually giving lips volume. But the palette of red, burgundy, carrot and raspberry colors is desirable to avoid.

Selection of proper lip makeup text

When applying makeup, not only the colors used and the shades of lipstick have, but also their texture. Like this? With a successful choice of lipstick, you can also make lips more and sensual. It is advisable to stop the choice on pearl, cream and satin versions. The light, reflecting on the surface of the lips, makes them more voluminous, while the matte texture of visually reduces them. A remarkable addition will be a special shine applied to the middle of the lower lip and mysteriously flickering at the light.

The value of the right lip shape

Professional make-up artists advise when using makeup as a "weapon" in the form of a seductive smile to learn to choose the right form of drawing lips. It was this moment that with a skillful applied makeup is able to give a stunning result. Mostly, the makeup artists use five basic options.

  • "Bud". This form is ideal for the owners of thin and elongated lips. It is very simple to create it - it is enough to draw the contour by 2 or 3 millimeters on the natural one. The bright representative used this technique is the inimitable diet background TIZ.
  • "Petal". This form is the most advantageous among other options. It helps to achieve the most noticeable result. To achieve the option "Petal" you need to make the lower lip of the oval form. Smoothly draw the amplitude of the contour pencil. And the upper sponge should be slightly smaller. And do not forget the corners of the mouth - they should be slightly lifted.
  • "Pie". This option is characterized by identical forms of both the upper and lower lips. Line smooth and convex. To present such a form, it is enough to look at the seductive lips Bridget Bardo.
  • "Letter M". The contour of the upper lip should be maximally pointed and highlighted in the "Cupid Luka". It resembles the letter "M".
  • "Fish". To achieve such a form, the lower lip is drawn smoothly, as in the "Pie" version, and the upper highlights of clear and smooth lines. Everything is simple. Such seductive sponges were remembered by all inimitable beauty and coquette Marilyn Monroe.

With self-adjustment, it should be remembered that the applied circuit should not go beyond the natural more than 2 mm. Otherwise, instead of a charming and sensual smile, you can get an unnatural and vulgar mask.

Special means to increase lips

If for any reason there is no desire or the ability to create a multilayer make-up, then you can make lips more with a special varnish. This innovation appeared on sale not so long ago and has already managed to gain wide popularity among fashionable simplicity of use. The special and luxurious properties of this cosmetic agent are a rich color and a 3D effect. The lacquer includes minerals and special oils, smoothing wrinkles on lips, making the surface perfectly smooth and providing an additional volume.

Another innovative means of giving the changes in some volume is the plasher - a special lip gloss. It consists of such well-known and warming substances such as Caensky pepper, menthol, hyaluronic acid and collagen. The wonderful properties of the places are based on the heating of the skin of the lips in incoming special additives and blood flow. It makes the mouthpill. But the effect of this cosmetics lasts a maximum of 4 hours. After time expires, the shine must be applied to the lips as needed. Yes, and it is not suiced.

Use of primary cosmetics

How to make lips visually more with lipstick and gloss, we considered higher. It is possible to achieve the desired volume not only with the help of lipstick, but also using other products that will always be on hand at every charming. If nature did not give you such luxurious mouths, like Angelina Jolie, it is possible to use conventional cosmetics, the skillful use of which can give a stunning result.

Next will be given practical advice. How to make lips more with the help of integrated use of a tonal cream, powder, pearl shadows and a highlyera, contour pencils, lipstick and gloss? For applying makeup you will need small soft tassels and a mirror.

How to make lips more at home?

Makeup Algorithm on Lips:

1. We apply on face a tonal cream or foundation. They also inside and the lip area.

2. When drinking a person, it is necessary to apply a very thin layer of powder on the mouth.

3. Lip contour to circle a highlight. It is necessary to grow very carefully. We disguise the natural contour.

4. The border of the lips are delineated by light eyelid, experimenting and selecting the most winning shape that is suitable for you. Do not draw too wide mouth. Rough and inept modeling will give the opposite effect.

5. I compare the entire surface of the lips with a pencil of the selected light shade.

6. Then with a pencil of a darker shade, we draw out the contour, starting with the corners of the mouth and ending in the center.

7. Cray to the mouth of the chosen lipstick and take some silent tassel over the entire surface.

8. In the middle of the lower lip, we apply a little shine. After some time, the mouth should be silent so that the shine is evenly distributed.

This method of applying makeup is based on optical effects and the game of light and shadow.

Trick with brown pencil

You can achieve the effect of sensual mouth and make lips more pencil light brown shade. To do this, you need to hold a line just above the natural circuit. And be sure to shine into the center of the lower lip. Such a small secret will also be able to give the volume of sponges.

How to make lips more with the help of folk remedies?

In addition to traditional makeup methods, you can resort to folk remedies for giving lips. They used our grandmothers yet.

1. A small amount of cloves mixed with daily lipstick or glitter. A sufficiently small droplet of oil so that the mouths have become a bit plump.

2. A wonderful result gives a mixture of cinnamon and vaseline oil on the lips. Everything is very simple. To pour a bit of cinnamon in the oil, mix thoroughly and apply a mixture on the lips for 15 minutes. Then neatly remove the napkin.

Typical errors

At first glance it seems to be very simple: they put the contour, lipstick, shine - and voila. But then the main thing is to show accuracy and do not rearrange. Otherwise, you can achieve a completely reverse effect.

It is desirable to distribute the tonal base on the lips to the tips of the fingers - this can be achieved by applying a very thin and uniform layer.

For women aged, avoid the use of a contour pencil for the lips, as it will focus minor wrinkles near the mouth. It is better to use a light highlighter, which lace sections near the contour. Lipstick should be applied to the surface of the circuit circuit.

The contour pencil should be darker lipstick on 1 or 2 tones, but not more.

No need to dedicate that glamorous litters will immediately. Only everyday practice and patience can help in this case.

It is best to use branded and persistent cosmetics that will hold longer.

This article described easily accessible tricks and given many tips for cute women about how to make lips more. We very much hope that following these rules will help achieve the right effect and embody dreams to reality.

How to make lips plump at home? This question has become relevant for fair sex representatives relatively recently. Sexuals are associated with sensuality and femininity. Therefore, it is not surprising that girls and women seek them to possess. Is it possible?

We note in advance that several times to change the size of your sponges will not work. But it is quite realistic to give them a healthy appearance with special masks and exercises, as well as visually increase with cosmetics. But everything is in order. How to make thin lips plump? First, eat them moisture. To do this, teach yourself not to leave the house without lipstick (it is not necessary to use color, the usual shine is suitable or since the wind, the frost is extremely negatively affecting the sponges, leading to a decrease in their volume. At night, use nutritious and moisturizing creams (suitable as so for Persons). Secondly, normalize muscle tone. You will come to the aid, a regular piece of ice comes. Use it several times a day: take the lips, thereby causing blood flow.

How to make lips plump at home: Exercises

  • Sponge closure and stretch into the tube. Next, we move them first from above, and then right-left. We repeat the exercise several times.
  • We produce air pre-scored in the mouth, through sponges, in the form of a tube. This exercise must be repeated several times.
  • Keep more often - so you can improve the bloodstream and just raise the mood for yourself and your beloved.

All of the above exercises are able to bring the result only if you will do them regularly, and more than once a month, and additionally care for the lips.

How to make lips plump at home: cosmetics to help

Properly made can increase even the most subtle and imperceptible lips. To create it, you will need:

  • lip pencil - his color should be on one or two tones lighter than the lipstick, which you plan to paint;
  • pomade;
  • tassel for the application of lipstick (not necessarily, but with the help of it you can gently glue the sponge);
  • (can be colorless).

The first thing we do is draw the contour of our sponges. Since our goal is to increase them, then we are locating a little further than usual, that is, it will be slightly shifted, thereby increasing the problem space. After the outline is ready, we take lipstick and carefully score a sponge, without going out for it (it is more convenient to make a tassel). Next use shine. We apply a small amount to the center of the upper lip and we decide slightly, giving naturalness.

These are such simple ways to help you answer the question of how to make chubby lips at home. Clean them, applying creams and lotions. Do regular exercises. Cosmetics and the right makeup, about which we also told above, will become an excellent solution for you if the sponges are thin and practically imperceptible.

Every third woman dreams of beautiful and volumetric lips. Puffy lips like men and make the face of the Great young and attractive face. But how to be if Nature is not so generously giving you?

Lip massage at home

Practice lip massage with a typical soft toothbrush. You can additionally apply a drop of nutrient cream on the bristle. Thus, you will make lips with bright and more plump, and the contour of the lips is clearer. At the same time, try not to overdo it, the duration of the massage should not exceed 30 seconds, and the brush should not be tough. Give the advantage of a hypoallergenic nutritional cream, such as children. After the implementation of this procedure, blot your lips with a napkin and apply hygienic lipstick.

Massage with ice

An excellent means to increase the lips is ice. It is necessary for 10 seconds to massate the sponges with a piece of ice (for this you can freeze herbs champs or natural juices), then immediately applied to them a napkin moistened in water, the temperature of which is at least 60 degrees. Repeat the procedure until light tingling in the lips appears. It is worth noting that the effect of this procedure lasts up to one hour.

Masks for lip.

Mask with coffee

An excellent natural scrub mask, which perfectly stimulates the bloodstream, perfectly solves several tasks at once: exfoliates, nourishes, moisturizes and enhances blood flow to her lips, you can cook on your own. A little candied honey, add the floor of a teaspoon of oil (olive or cocoa olive or oil), 3 drops of mint essential oil and a pinch of ground coffee. Stir, apply a warm mixture on lips for 10 minutes, after well massage lips with this composition for a couple of minutes and wash off. After such a procedure, the sponge will become gentle, juicy, soft and get welcome.

Mask with cinnamon

Cinnamon in powder or in the form of essential oil is also well affected by the volume and helps make lips plump at home. This spice has a warming and stimulating blood circulation by action. You can prepare such balm with cinnamon in two versions:

The first option (simple): take a teaspoon of vaseline and add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or add cinnamon powder colors tool. To stir thoroughly. Apply such balm as needed. Lips become bright and more plump.

The second option (more complicated): 20 grams of solid cocoa + 10 grams of bee wax + 10 grams of almond oil + 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil + 2 drops of ginger essential oil + 2 drops of mint essential oil. First, on a water bath, you need to melt cocoa butter and beeswax, then add liquid almond oil, mix well and remove with water bath. Add essential oils and mix. Pour the mixture into a suitable mold and put it in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can use balsam on purpose. It causes a strong tide of blood to her lips, as follows, they become juicy and plump, the contour becomes clear, and the sponges themselves will be soft and gentle.

Mask with red pepper

A teaspoon of honey mixed with a teaspoon of ground red pepper, pour the half teaspoon of peach oil (can be replaced with any other cosmetic oil). All components mix each other and dense lips thick. Keep from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then remove the wet woven disc.

Mask with glycerin

In a small container mix 15 g of sugar, lemon juice, vaseline, honey and 8 g of glycerol. All ingredients whip and put on the stove (5 minutes will be enough). After cooling we put the mass on the surface of the lips with a dense layer and we are waiting for 15 minutes. We remove the well-frozen tool and rinse the sponge of cool spring or well water.

Mint to increase lips

It is necessary to take fresh leaves of mint and squeeze juice from them (you need only a few droplets). Then apply the resulting juice on the lips for 10 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, the remnants to remove a cotton disk, moistened in the chamomile brave.

Cosmetics for lip.

Pay attention to the cosmetics to care for lips. If you want to increase your lips with them, choose those in their composition with menthol. It is one of the most efficient and safe methods to increase lips. The secret of menthol is as follows. It increases blood flow to lips, making them more plump. The modern market is rich in the huge variety of brilliance and lipstick with menthol oil, so you have the opportunity to easily choose something suitable for yourself. After applying such lipstick or brilliance, you will feel a little burning or tingling. It is not necessary for these sensations, since such a reaction is normal on the extension of the vessels.

Try visually to increase your lips using competent makeup. First use balsam-care, which will moisturize the lips and smooth out small wrinkles. Bright corrector Apply along the contour of the lips to add volume. Then a light pencil of the skin color Draw a line just above the lip contour, starting from the corner in the center of the upper lip. Lift lip tips, connecting external angles with the center of the upper lip. It will make the face younger. Starting from the middle of the lips, the contour does not blame. Use light lipstick and gloss with the effect of wet lips. The more flickering particles, the more fully the lips look. Dark, bright shades are not for you - it will reduce the lips and emphasize the nasolabial folds.

Simulator for lips

If you want to add a volume to your lips, then try using a special simulator. This novelty in the beauty industry is rapidly gaining momentum. Fullips is a plastic cap specially designed form. Simple movements are created by a vacuum that allows you to pump up the lips and significantly increase their volume.

Exercises for lips

Be careful, performing exercises, try not to stretch the skin around the lips so that unnecessary wrinkles are not formed.

Marina Ignatiev

Reading time: 10 minutes


Not always "Jolie's lips" were a canon of beauty. But in our time, fashion for chubby sponges reached a peak: girls increase them with all possible ways, not experiencing about the consequences.

It is worth it or not a game of the candle - this personal cause of every woman, and we will tell about the ways to increase the women's lips without applying to the plastic surgeon.

Makeup options for visual increase in lips - how to draw yourself a plump lips?

The main wizards, exactly knowing this secret - of course, makeup artists. Correct all the "unnecessary", hide the shortcomings, emphasize the existing advantages - this is the task of them on the shoulder.

And some miracles are quite on the shoulder of the usual woman.

So, we increase the sponges with the help of a personal arsenal of cosmetics:

The choice of cosmetics to increase the lips - what does the beauty industry offer today?

To add lips a pomp, make plastic absolutely not necessarily. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase today and without it.

For example…

  • Lips tattoo. A very popular way to visually increase the lips and correction of their form. The meaning of the procedure is in the sketch of the contour on the principle of "tattoo". It will last about 3 years. Question price - from 3000 r.
  • Electroporation. Ukolov and "plastics" will not need. The method is considered physical therapeutic, painless and safe. Cons: about 10 sessions are required; The effect is short. The essence of the method: after peeling of the lips, "mix" of vitamins and hyaluronic acid is applied to them, after which the special apparatus affects the lips for half an hour so that the mixture penetrates under the skin. Question price - about 2000 p.
  • Lip cantes. You can laugh, but there is such a method. True, very dubious and having side effects. This miracle pump is used for "super-volume", pulling the lips "operating". The consequences are bruises, cracks and even more serious injuries.

Using professional cosmetics:

  • Gel for lip. (for example, Lip Fill) with the effect of deep moistening and a slight increase in lips due to certain components in the composition. The price of the question is about 600 p.
  • Lip Care / Increase Means (for example, Lip Booster) with pod and hyaluronic acid in the composition. Question price - about 2000 p.
  • Cream for lip. (for example, Love Lips). With constant use, the reason for finding the means increasing the lips is disappearing. Provides neat swelling lips and their well-groomed. The price of the question is about 1000 p.
  • Special Moisturizing Balsam with Lip Enlargement Effect (For example, Creative Natur Cosmetic) with peptides in the composition. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen and, naturally, increase the lips, providing a brightness of a natural shade. Question price: about 1300 p.
  • Gel to increase lip with cinnamon and amino acid (for example, Perfect Pout). His principle of operation is in the expansion of capillaries. Question price - from 1300 p.

On a note:

All gels, balsams and creams that contribute to the increase in lips volume are based on the annoying skin of the components. They give only a short-term effect, but the consequences can be very "long-playing." For example, irritation, turning into inflammation and further in swelling.

Therefore, before using funds, think - and is it necessary for you?

Or use folk remedies - so you will at least be confident in their composition.

12 best home remedies will help make lips plump

Popular methods of increasing lips, in fact, quite a lot.

We list the most popular:

And, of course, kisses! They quickly, effectively and safely provide the very sexy swelling of the lips without any means!

It will be very nice if you share your experience or the results of the beauty recipes like!

Whatever spoken, but chubby lips, big eyes, miniature nose - it is the features of the face of the girl who make her beautiful. But not everyone won an attractive appearance in the gene lottery.

In this case, it can help both expensive plastic surgery and almost free tricks available to everyone. In this article we will talk about how to make lips plump at home.

Appearance or internal fullness?

Many claim that from the face of water is not to drink, and that beauty is just wrapper tasty or not very candy. Most often, Moms are so told by daughters, upset by their mediocre appearance. But no matter how it was, it is at the "wrapper" people (and especially a man) first. Of course, a man is spiritually rich and charismatic will never remain unnoticed, but why not add brightness to what nature has given, - its own appearance? It is for this reason that cosmetologists, surgeons and cosmetics producers will always be in doing.

How to make lips more plump?

There are two ways to correct lips: surgical intervention and non-operative ways. Previously, ten-fifteen years ago, the increase was possible only with the help of implants. "Silicone" lips have become suddenly fashionable, and since the operation is not very expensive, then many girls suddenly acquired a "fish" mouth.

In addition, this procedure makes the appearance completely unnatural, the percentage of unsuccessful operations is great. First, very often noticeable scars remain. Secondly, the upper lip almost always turns out more plump than the lower. However, the main minus, with such an increase, is that men almost always recognize the doctor's intervention and estimate such work is low. No matter how much the power grows to the beautiful, but almost all recognize that the naturalness is much more attractive to artificiality.

Pricks of beauty

How to make lips visually plump? Another way, cheaper (but still worth the money) and almost no negative consequences are injections of hyaluronic acid. This substance does not cause allergic reactions, with proper administration really increases lips, and quite naturally. But there is a minus. It will take place - and the acid will resolve. And the lips will become former shapes. Hyaluronic acid is most often used not to young people, and women after forty - forty-five years, when the features of the face lose the former form. The goal in such cases is to return the beauty, and not make chubby lips. The photo is demonstrated and really an excellent result.

How to increase lips yourself?

Of course, make your mouth attractive in the power of any girl. You will not need expensive means and rare cosmetics, on the contrary, the drugs to increase are available to each wishes.

How to make lips plump at home? The first method is a regular exfoliation. You can purchase a special scrub in a pharmacy, but it is much more useful to use sugar honey. A piece of honey drive on the lips, thereby removing the dead cells and creating a tide of blood. The increase will occur precisely at the expense of the changed blood circulation.

The second method is a toothbrush massage. Use a clean brush with a non-rigid bristle, take it on lips about 2-3 minutes. Such a massage again stimulates blood circulation. And the lips are immediately poured by color. And of course, they are somewhat increasing in size, however, for a short time.

Increase lips with makeup

If you are interested in how to make lips plump at home, then you will not go through our attention a cosmetic pencil. Let this method of old as the world, but no, probably, the method of more effective, fast and inexpensive than the right makeup.

In order not to look vulgar, do not try to increase the lips strongly. Circle them by retreating from the present circuit by 1-2 mm. Believe me, it will be enough for others to notice the change that happens to you. The best color pencil is on the tone or two darker the colors of your lips. Also, their fullness will emphasize the transparent shine or translucent lipstick with sparkles. Crashing your beloved lipstick, in the center of the bottom lips, make a smear with a transparent or pearl brilliance. Dark matte tones of cosmetics visually lips reduce. In addition, they make teeth more yellow. Therefore, give up them if your goal is to increase lips.

Lipstick with Menthol

Today, shine and lipstick with mint or menthol are very popular. This natural ingredient causes very tangible plugging and tingling, which indicates the bonding of blood.

Such cosmetics give a noticeable effect for several hours, and the lips look quite natural and naturally. Initially, this cosmetics produced eminent brands. But today even inexpensive youth trademarks produce funds with menthol. Take advantage of such cosmetics if you are interested in how to make lips plump at home.