How soon to give birth. When should I give birth? How to give birth faster? Active behavior in childbirth

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With the approach of birth, almost every woman begins to experience any fears, excitement on this occasion. To some extent, they are substantiated, since the process itself, especially for the first time, flows quite a long and painful.

Many future mothers think about how to prepare themselves and their own body to easily give birth. In order to prepare for childbirth, you need to know a few simple ways to help them go easier.

Maintain physical form

The process of childbirth causes abundant highlighting hormones, which adds the forces of the young mother. However, despite this, the guinea needs to prepare its body to the upcoming generic process. The main load is perceived by the muscles of the abdominal cavity and generic paths. And if they passed a good workout, then the birth can be lightweight and go through quickly. In addition, when having sharp contractions occurs, the neck of the uterus can happen, and if the muscles should be prepared, then you can avoid it.

There are some exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, abdominal cavity and the pelvis area. Before exercises, warm-up is needed to prepare the joints and muscles to the upcoming actions.

Long physical exertion does not most effect on the body of a pregnant woman, even with well-being - in everything and always need a measure. That is the key to the lungs. In addition, severe pain may appear, and the child may be at risk.

Crotch massage

The muscles of the tributes begin to experience heavy loads with the onset of the second period of childbirth. Therefore, to prepare them for it stands even during pregnancy. According to experts, massage in the crotch area should be carried out under certain conditions:

  • this procedure should be carried out regularly;
  • massage to carry out clean hands with cripped nails;
  • with massage to use only sterile oils;
  • if the skin is too sensitive, then massage to do in medical gloves.

Before starting the massage, you need to visit the toilet, then take a shower. As for the oil, you can use pink, olive, chamomile. Wheat sprout oil is also suitable.

You can start a massage on any gestation period, with time, reducing the break between sessions. Up to 28 weeks, the gap should be from 7 to 10 days. Next to 32 weeks a break is already less: 5-7 days; up to 36 weeks: 3-5 days; Up to 38 weeks, massage is done every other day, and starting from 38 weeks it must be done daily.

Massage can be done independently or to attract the spouse to this process. At the later pregnancy, the woman is simply not able to conduct a massage, so the husband's help in this case is even necessary. For a comfortable massage, you should take a convenient post: lie on the back, put a small pillow under the lower back, if the massage will make a husband, then it is better to take a half-sidew position.

Before the massage, it is worthwhile to pour out the fingers with oil, if necessary, repeat, but you should not inceate them into the container in order to avoid pollution of oil and infection. To begin with, lubricate the skin of the crotch oil. Then, slowly one finger (large or index) is introduced into the vagina to a small depth (3-4 cm), pressing the rear wall and to the side, as if stretching the generic paths before the occurrence of tension and tingling. In this position you need to hold 45-60 seconds and let go. These actions are made from 5 to 7 minutes. After that, the technique is replaced by rhythmic movements into the vagina with acceleration and slowdown, turning to the crotch area. Movement costs gently and at the same time a little intense. Duration is 3 minutes. After massage to the crotch area, a warm heater is applied to enhance the effect of massage and for softening the tissues. If a woman has the first childbirth, or she is engaged in active sports, then the movements must be performed more intensively.

With all the positive properties of the massage, there are some contraindications. It is not recommended to do it in the presence of any infectious disease. Also, massage is contraindicated in the disease of the skin and elevated temperatures in the threat of miscarriage.

Psychological setting

However, in addition to physical training, you should configure yourself morally. The future mother will not hurt to sign up for special training courses. In most cases, a pregnant woman fears pain and unforeseen circumstances with the birth themselves. In any hospital, doctors and obstetricians will always give advice that you need to do to reduce pain.

Therefore, it is very important to obey them and fulfill all their instructions. At the same time, the mother should not focus on his pain, but to focus all his attention on his child, who also has hard.

No less important is the support and advice of relatives and loved ones. In some cases, in the presence of a native person, a woman gives birth.

Walk the pain side

By more, the correct physical and psychological training allows you to significantly reduce pain. In order to significantly reduce the pain there are two techniques:

  1. natural;
  2. medical.

Natural technique

Natural ways of relieving pains are the most efficient and secure. They can consist of:

  • massage;
  • water procedures;
  • relaxation;
  • warm and cold compresses;
  • homeopathy;
  • aromotherapy.

Other natural techniques can be applied for anesthesia.

Medical technique

This method is used when natural methods do not help. Medical pain relief can be several types:

  • promedol injection;
  • infiltration local anestia;
  • general anesthesia.

As for the last method, the overall anesthesia is made only in the most emergency situations, for the operation of cesarean section and for other surgical intervention.

It is worth remembering that light childbirth without pain is possible if they prepare this process in advance. Therefore, try not to indulge in fear, and set up a positive outcome in childbirth.

This period in her life will be special and unforgettable. However, when childbirth, it would seem not far from around the corner, many pregnant women surrenders, and they are increasingly beginning to think about how to give birth to and not harm neither to themselves or baby.

What is childbirth?

Before wondering how to quickly give birth, first of all you need to know what kind of childbirth. Simple language can be said that they are a natural physiological process that the period of pregnancy is completed. As a result, the long-awaited kid appears on the light, and the so-called later is expelled from the body. But on what time of pregnancy should we expect this exciting moment and the first long-awaited meeting with his child?

Doctors argue that pregnancy is considered to be dodged exactly at 37 weeks, that is, 259 days that begin to count on the first day of the last menstruation. Starting from this point on until the 42nd week (293 days), the birth can occur at any time. If they occur earlier than the 37th week, they are considered premature, and the baby is prematurely. If the baby is in the mother's womb of more than 42 weeks, it is called transferred, and childbirth - late.

Signs indicating that childbirth is not far off

Naturally, each pregnant woman cares how to give birth quickly and painlessly. However, this is far from the only thing that the future mammy should worry. Before the very kind, the period comes when the woman's body is prepared for this responsible moment and foreshadows that the baby will soon be on the light. To be extremely attentive and listen to feelings, these signs are not impossible. So, among the signs of approaching delivery, it is necessary to note the following:

- "descends" the belly;

Breathing becomes much easier;

There is a rapid urination, as well as defecation;

Back pain is felt more and more intense;

Changes appetite;

The body weight is incomitably reduced (in the range of 1-2 kg);

There are frequent mood differences;

From time to time false contractions appear.

At primordin, as a rule, these signs are manifested in 2-4 weeks before delivery. It is now that they are especially beginning to excite the question of how to quickly give birth. Revengery felt on themselves these changes occurring in their body, directly on the eve of childbirth.

What you need to know pregnant women about the stages of childbirth?

Before asking for doctors and familiar councils on how to quickly give birth, you must first collect as much information as possible about how this process proceeds. In this sense, it should be noted that it is customary to distinguish between 3 main periods:

  1. The opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200bthe longest period (on average from 4 to 14 hours), starting from the moment of the beginning of the battle and up to the influence of the accumulative water. Under the pressure of regular fighters, the cervix begins to be gradually opening. When its discovery is about 4 cm, the fights will be painful, and the interval between them will be approximately 5-7 minutes. Next, every hour of the cervix will be opened by 1 cm.
  2. Exile fruit. The beginning of the second phase of labor comes to the midst. Although this is not so long part of the birth, yet it is the most painful. It was during this period of time that there are only one thought in the heads in the head: "How to quickly give birth to a child and press faster to the breast is a long-awaited miracle?" However, in order to avoid different injuries, doctors recommend lies to lie on the back and breathe correctly. The appearance of chills, spasp of the respiratory tract, as well as a strong trembling in the limbs is not excluded. From the beginning of the second stage of childbirth and before the birth of a child passes from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Exile is the shortest period of childbirth that takes an average of about half an hour. At this time, the so-called subset (placenta, umbilical cord and the fetal shells).

What kind of birth can choose a woman?

More recently, most pregnant women thought only about how to quickly give birth and not feel a strong pain. However, today, not only the duration of this process is important for many, but also the maximum comfort. Thus, today future mothers have the right to choose themselves, how and where to give birth to them. So, currently practiced the following types of labor:

Tired pregnancy. How to give birth faster?

It is no secret that the period of pregnancy is very tedious for a woman. Plus, it is accompanied by frequent mood differences, often poor well-being, insomnia, increased fatigue and irritability. Often women dream as soon as possible see their baby already by a term of 39 weeks. "How to give birth to faster?" - This question becomes the main one for each second representative of the fair sex. The fact that childbirth can be caused at home is not a myth. This is true. However, how to do it?

Firstly, this can be achieved by sex to have sex. The essence of this method is that at the moment when a woman reaches orgasm, the uterus comes into the tone, which can provoke the beginning of childbirth.

Secondly, it is necessary to note such a way as stimulation of nipples. How it will happen - partner lips or with the help of fingers - in fact, not so important. In addition, this method brings dual benefits: on the one hand, it is able to provoke contractions, and on the other, it improves the shape of the nipples, which will have to be very good when feeding the child with breasts.

Thirdly, it is necessary to emphasize the effectiveness and such simple ways of stimulating childbirth, as fast walking, severe physical exertion, the use of homeopathic and phytopreparations, eating a number of products, such as pineapple.

How safe are "natural" methods of stimulation of labor?

Discussing the "natural" methods of stimulation, it should be noted that, without consulting a pre-physician, experimenting and applying them not only incorrectly, but even dangerous. The consequences of such "self-identity" are sometimes deplorable. Therefore, before you experience various folk techniques, you need to ask the doctor's advice. He will inspect and give the final conclusion about whether the body is ready for childbirth or it is necessary to gain patience and wait a bit.

Under the end of the pregnancy, women's desire to give birth to give birth to explain, because it is simply physically becoming hard. However, this in no way speaks of the readiness of the child to the emergence of the world. Based on this, it should be noted that in order to avoid further complications, there is still an immature kid, you should not hurry, and it is better to gain patience and wait a little more.

Drug methods for stimulating childbirth

39 weeks of pregnancy Behind, but the question remains relevant to how faster to give birth. 40 weeks Kid lives in the tummy at mom and, it seems, it is not in a hurry to appear. However, sometimes it happens that, according to medical testimony, the doctors themselves insist in the early birth of a child. In this case, drugs are usually used, provoking the beginning of the generic activity. These include:

Instead of imprisonment

No matter how strong the desire to give birth to faster, see and press to the chest for the first time in the life of your baby, should not be artificially bringing it to this exciting one, no matter what is not like a moment. It is possible that that impatience, which became the result of the fatigue accumulated for the entire period of pregnancy, can play a cruel joke and turn into the most deplorable consequences not only for Mom, but also for a child who has not yet born. The risk is too great and unjustified. If you have enough strength to hold out and wear your favorite child under the heart for 38-39 weeks, is it still one or two weeks to change the situation? It takes quite a bit - to gain another bit of patience and wait.

If after 40 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth never started, most likely, we are talking about uninstalling. It is harmful for both the mother and the child. In this case, you have to resort to the stimulation of birth at least folk methods. In addition, reception may be required if additional complications appear: for example, there are problems with kidneys, prestosis, fetoplacentage failure, etc.

How to give birth faster

How to cause generic activities using sex

The most pleasant and at the same time one of the most effective ways to speed up childbirth under the transferred pregnancy is to have sex. This option has additional benefits: cum helps to smooth and soften the cervix. At the same time, sexual intercourse does not harm the child, if you make love correctly. In particular, it is important that the man does not give a woman either on the chest, nor on the stomach and was very careful.

Simple sex is not enough: it is necessary that the woman gets the orgasm, since it is he who contributes to the cuts of the uterus. If you have difficulty with lubrication, you can buy a lubricant in a pharmacy

To give birth to faster, you can resort not only to the classic, but also to oral sex. However, in this case it is important that the partner is very careful and did not allow air from entering the vagina. In addition, whatever option you choose, it is desirable that sex is accompanied by stimulation of nipples. It also helps to quickly cause generic contractions and does not have contraindications and side effects.

Additional ways to speed up

There are a number of products and drinks that help speed up the contractions. However, they need to be used with caution, not forgetting to preliminarily consult with the doctor. For example, in some cases, sharp dishes help, but this option is not always appropriate. For example, when gastritis at the 38th week of pregnancy, such a method is contraindicated.

To speed up childbirth, but at the same place to ease them, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. olive oil Three times a day. This recipe allows you to increase the elasticity of tissues, prepare the cervix to childbirth, speed up its disclosure. To strengthen the effect, starting from the 35th week, it is recommended to drink tea with raspberry leaves every day. It increases the uterus tone and contributes to the stimulation of generic activity. But here you need to be careful: you must first consult with your doctor.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is the happiest time in the life of a woman, many want the moment of the child's appearance to light occurred as quickly as possible. This may occur for various reasons. Someone is afraid to tolerate the baby and subject it to the risk of obtaining medical problems. And it was simply fatigue from all that accompanies pregnancy:

  • toxicosis;
  • swelling;
  • back pain;
  • belly, which prevents freely moving around.

And then women begin to look for ways, how to do to give birth faster. In stock, each has several "grandmother" ways:

  • rearrangement of furniture;
  • walking on stairs;
  • general cleaning with washing floors, windows and so on.

But it must be remembered that it is impossible to provoke generic activities when you want. You can do this not earlier than the moment of complete physiological maturity of the child, and therefore it is necessary to wait at least 38 weeks of pregnancy. It is also necessary to take into account the condition of the parent organism, it should be completely ready for the beginning of childbirth. Consider the methods that future mothers apply to cause contractions. We take into account the fact that in each of them have its pros and cons.

Ways how to give birth easy and fast

  • Sexy intimacy. Perhaps this is one of the most common means. Sometimes the gynecologists themselves advise them to take advantage. Call an instant start of childbirth Sexual contact with her husband, of course, can not, but this will help greatly smooth out and soften the cervix. And the result will be a decrease in the duration of bruses. If, during physical intimacy, the woman will receive an orgasm, then there will be a sharp cut in the muscles of the uterus. This method with a large period of pregnancy with a significant share of the likelihood can provoke the beginning of the generic activity. In order not to harm the baby during sex it is worth following several rules. Pose during sexual contact. It is impossible to put pressure on the stomach and chest of a pregnant woman in any way, because there are many other poses that will help it avoid. Selection of lubrication. There may be problems. The thing is that the nature of sex during pregnancy is not provided, especially at large times. The pharmacies sell special water-based lubricants that do not contain dyes and flavors that will help to avoid uncomfortable sensations during proximity.
  • Stimulation of nipples. As you know, a hormone oxytocin is responsible for the beginning of the birth. And it is the stimulation of nipples provoking abundant developing by its organism. In gynecology, artificially synthesized oxytocin is often used to stimulate the generic activity and, if necessary, enhancing bruses. Conduct with the procedure for stimulation of Nipples The future mother can both, but can attract her husband to it. Do not stand them, of course, pinch and twist. Lubricate your fingers using oil for massage or any children's cream, and as you carefully knead the nipples, in turn. Lost this procedure should be about 20 minutes. During the day it can be repeated 3-4 times. In this way, you can not only provoke the beginning of the bouts, but also be able to prepare nipples to breastfeeding and prevent the appearance of cracks.
  • Exercise stress. Many women believe that this is one of the most effective methods, how to give birth to. But here it is just necessary to abide care. Gymnastics in sparing mode to maintain the tone of the muscles, the elasticity of the skin and the general physical condition will be useful. But it is impossible to try to lift gravity, rearrange the bulky furniture, run without tired on the stairs. Such physical activity can lead not only to the depletion of the body of the future mother, but also in danger of her life and the life of the baby. After such actions, a premature placental detachment may begin.
  • Olive oil. To say exactly that this tool can help in accelerating the start of childbirth, it is impossible. But some benefit from its application will be. The oil will increase the elasticity of crotch tissues and thereby reduce the risk of breaks during childbirth.
  • They drink it on one teaspoon before each meal, at least 3 times a day.
  • Tea from raspberry leaves. The raspberry leaves contain a substance that has a tonic effect on all small pelvic organs, including the uterus. Brew three tablespoons of dry leaves with one liter of boiling water and insist two hours.

Remember that to all the means, how to give birth to, it is necessary to relate neatly and wisely.

The question "how are the birth" worries not only future mothers, but also their husbands: both those who decided to support the spouse in a difficult process and those who are waiting for the appearance of heirs outside the hospital.

The complex process of the advent of the doctor's light is divided into several periods, in each of which have their own tasks, the coherent actions of the guinea, child, midwives and a doctor are directed to solve them. In some cases, an anesthesiologist intervention is required, a surgeon, neonatologist, resuscitation brigade.

Moms, not first passing through childbirth, often interested in this issue, and most importantly, they want to make the births easily, because they are familiar with sensations. We will tell about how a child is born, which feels the guy and how to make the process easier and painless.

Pregnancy is a natural state for women of childbearing age, during this period the body aims to dry out a child, therefore, the work of all organs and systems, hormonal and physiological loads sometimes are too large.

Often pregnant in this important period are tired of the "burden" of the new life developing in them and dream of childbirth, as about delivering from him.

But childbirth, like any natural process, do not arise spontaneously. For a while before their start, the woman begins to feel a complex of symptoms, which can be assumed that the delivery is close.

This is due to the change in the hormonal background, because progesterone, pregnancy hormone, is inferior to estrogen, hormone preparation of the body to childbirth. It is he "answers" for the process of "settings" of a woman for a successful appearance of a baby. Future mommies are rejoiced by these moments, since this is a harbingers of soon acquaintance with the long-awaited kid.

Conditionally, it is possible to divide the signs for those that can be determined by yourself and those that can only be seen an obstetrician-gynecologist during inspection.

Here are signs that a woman can feel independently:

  • short-term uterine reductions, so-called. Their task is to train the smooth muscles of the uterus, as athletes train muscles, in order to minimize stress for the body and prepare the body of a woman to the birth of a child. That is why these contractions are called "training".
  • reducing the size of the abdomen. This sign is connected with the fact that the baby's head is descended in a small pelvis, prepared for childbirth. At the same time, the uterus is lowered, freeing the diaphragm and lungs, breathing is facilitated, the heartburn is less common.
  • selection of sex tract. This feature is often confused with the leaking of the oily water, in which the baby develops, and it bothers future mothers. In order not to worry in vain, you can buy special tests in the pharmacy, similar to those that detect pregnancy, and at home to determine whether an amniotic fluid is in the discharge.
  • lower weight per 1-2 kg and a decrease in visible edema extremities. If before a gum from the socks left a visible track, now it becomes almost imperceptible.
  • changing the posture and gait for pregnant women: This sign is associated with the displacement of the center of gravity and fatigue from the long state of pregnancy. The head slightly throws back, and walking a woman more conveniently in small steps, a slightly spring: such a gait is called "duck".
  • increasing the frequency of urges to visit the toilet, the light of the chair (due to the release of the tribal ways so that the kid's head could freely squeeze.
  • pulling pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and abdomen. Bundles are stretched, and this is a natural process during childbirth. Many women, answering the question of how the second birth went, misses this sign, because they did not feel it: their ligaments were already prepared by the emergence of the first child.

Symptoms for which only a doctor can determine the proximity of childbirth, only two: this is a decrease in the volume of the abdomen during the next measurement (it is performed in the lying position on the back), as well as softening and partial opening of the cervix, the change in its structure with elastic on a more loose.

The harbingers of childbirth are not the same type: each woman has this process in its own way, depending on the hormonal background, from physical training, the moral and psychological state and other points. It is also important, for the first time a woman gives birth or she already has children.

The primary preparation process for childbirth passes smoothly, gradually, and takes from two to three weeks. In addition, in most cases, the harbingers of labor remain unnoticed at all.

In repeated breckstone-hick fights come earlier, and the time after the waste of the mucous cork is reduced to childbirth, therefore it is especially important to listen to yourself and their feelings, if you are heading for the hospital for the first time.

How are childbirth? Phased process

The harbingers of childbirth become all tangible, training fights are concerned more often, time is rapidly nearing the 40th obstetric age week of pregnancy. All this suggests that childbirth will soon begin.

If the guinea arrives in the hospital on the ambulance or independently, since it feels that the delivery began, then the birth is called urgent. True, in some cases it is necessary to go to the hospital in advance so as not to miss their beginning and avoid complications.

Doctors conventionally divide the whole process for three periods:

  • contamination;
  • swells;
  • birth of the placenta.

For the first time, the whole process can take even more than 12 hours, the second, third and subsequent occupy a much less time. Often, future dads are wondering how women are taking place to make a decision, whether to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the son of his son or daughter. Many of them are afraid of pain and blood, they are afraid not to withstand the sufferings of his wife and fall into fainting, if they see any medical manipulations.

In this case, it is important to determine the purpose of your stay in childbirth. No one asks her husband to intervene or observe the process "from the doctors". The main goal of the man should be moral and physical support of the spouse, as well as the willingness to solve some bureaucratic or technical issues (call a doctor or midwife, help fill out documents and take important decisions).

We will tell about every period of childbirth separately.


The first bouts occur quite rarely, with large and unequal intervals, but gradually they become more pronounced and painful. During this period, the mucous plug can be moved, closing the entrance to the uterus, if it has not separated earlier. Most often, the fights become regular after the influence of the accumulate waters.

In the hospital, to stimulate or speed up the childbirth, doctors are resorted to a fuce bubble puncture. But, wherever the water, at home or in the hospital flowed, pay attention to their quantity and quality.

If there are few of them, perhaps incomplete, and the greenish color of them with flakes and dark inclusions may mean that the baby is experiencing oxygen starvation, it is already uncomfortable in the womb and it's time to get out with the help of professionals.

During the fighting from the woman in labor, it is necessary to endure the pain, not to be panic and breathe correctly. Frequent, rapid breathing will saturate blood oxygen, and therefore will provide a comfortable condition and mothers, and the baby.

The fights are becoming more stronger, and after a few hours the doctor or midwife during inspection diagnose the strong opening of the cervix: on 4 fingers, approximately 8-10 cm. This indicates the approach of the fence period.


Pullies are actually expulsion of the fetus, speaking by the language of official medicine. It is difficult to find a woman who would not know how the first childbirth pass: most often the future mothers read a lot on this topic, attend courses or practical classes for pregnant women. But even the most theoretically prepared can be understood before the start of the fence period.

In this case, midwives come to the rescue or doctor. They will show and tell how to sleep, to give birth to a child quickly and with the least problems. If everything goes as it should, the poverty process itself will take about 25-30 minutes. It is important to send muscle movements to a small pelvis, follow the prompts of specialists and do not succumb to panic.

If there is an impressionable man in labor in childbirth, at the time of the dug he can come out of the generic, because at that moment its presence is not so necessary.

Exile placenta

The placenta is a muscular bag, an organ that occurs and develops during pregnancy and dies with its ending. During the long 40 weeks of the placenta, the baby was powered by oxygen, carried out his connection with a future mother, and after a certain nature of the term "kindergarten" is rejected from the body of a woman.

Usually, the expulsion of the placenta occurs the next battle after the birth of the child, but there are times when the body is not separated by independently. In this case, the doctor can help the woman in labor to get rid of it: usually the placenta is removed by hand under general anesthesia, and this entails additional days of the hospital leaf.

How are the first births?

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, she more carefully refers to its body, to changes occurring inside it. But, in the absence of experience, some processes are noticed later.

So, the first chapel can be detected after 20 weeks. By the way, those who do not know about how 3 gods pass, sometimes they assure doctors that they felt the first movements of the fetus between 12 and 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Most often, the first births last longer than the subsequent, so you can not hurry in the maternity hospital, because there will be no tired to walk along the prenatal ward in anticipation of the fighting.

Important! If you give birth for the first time, but earlier you have miscarriage in late terms or premature genera on medical testimony, then your body is already ready for the process of a root separation, which will take much less time.

Otherwise, the first births pass the same as those women who gave birth is already several times if everything goes without complications.

How to facilitate the process?

Basically, women, telling, or subsequent, noted that the longest and painful period is the first: contractions. That is why those who survived the birth of a child in the second and third time hitting the maternity hospital, asked to anesthetics.

But it is possible to alleviate the process without resorting to medication anesthesia. Tell about several ways.

  1. Massage of the back in the fights will help ease pain. Alone or with a husband massaging the sacrum with soft wide movements of the palms. It helps to relax muscles, distracts and, therefore, reduces unpleasant sensations.
  2. Distractable from pain will help singing, pronouncing poems or even dance. He relaxes the body, adjusts the female room to a positive, helps to pass the difficult process of the infant. By the way, in India, women traditionally dance during childbirth ritual dance called "Balli-Dance".
  3. Rely a little forward on the couch, the wall or back of the husband is very useful, it greatly facilitates the fight.
  4. Do not panic, feel pain as a natural component of childbirth and worry about it, as a positive experience in your life: This is wise and lead to a decrease in problems in childbirth.

The last and most important advice: you need to listen to your body and to the baby inside, do not forget to pay attention to words and prompts of experienced professionals accompanying your childbirth, trust yourself, your feelings and sensations.

Considerable help will also have the presence of a child in childbirth: as well as the process of pregnancy, this is an important stage of living together, you can also live together.

We must not forget that the childhood is the process of natural, and the body of a woman is prepared for himself by the very nature, so there is nothing terrible or incomprehensible, it is enough to get the necessary information in advance.
