How to find out which tone cream suits me. For problem skin. Too high density of the tone

"The light of my mirror tell me, let's tell all the truth, I'm on the light of all Mile, all the rosy and whiter?" - How many real modern beauties would hear the affirmative answer?

Immediately after waking, without water procedures, a cup of invigorating coffee and make-up, charm only kinherojini glow. In order for the usual young lady to get closer to the cherished ideal, you need to at least "draw yourself a person."

Pledge of neat makeup - skin uniform colorcreated by a tonal cream.

How to determine the skin tone (coloring)

The cosmetic industry of the last decade presented a woman with a mass of all kinds of products for the color leveling. These innovative tools perform many functions and meet the demands of even the most demanding girl.

However, the abundance of the assortment does not help to solve the main problem at all: how to choose a tone skin color.

To solve this task, it is necessary to deal with the color, i.e. Tone of the skin face.

Three main types of skin are highlighted by professional makeup artists:

  • neutral;
  • cold;
  • warm.

Clean types are determined by the following features:

  1. Cold - the color of the veins on the wrist is bluish or purple; Skin color with natural light with a bluish tump. Preferred metal for decorations - silver;
  2. Warm - the color of the veins on the wrist olive or khaki; Skin color with natural illumination with a yellowish tint. Preferred metal for decorations - gold;
  3. Neutral - the color of the veins on the wrist is blue-green; Skin color with natural light with green tump in the sun. Preferred metal for decorations - any.

In addition to explicit types there are mixed options.

When electing a tone, the color is not the only moment to be relying.

One of the secrets of the proper selection of cream to equalize the color of the skin is a clear definition of another nuance.

Depending on the reaction in the sun, the epidermis is divided into red and yellow.

If the tan lies with ease and evenly, then the woman is the owner of a yellow skin class. For the red class, a sharp response to an ultraviolet, expressed by redness and a copper tinge of the tanning is characteristic.

How to choose a tone skin color: Basic rules

The sample of the tone is worth paying special attention. Alignment of the complexion of the face, the masking of defects is the most important and responsible stage of Make-APA. If the tone is picked up correctly, the cream is applied skillfully, then to create a beautiful image, most often enough minimal manipulations with eyes and lips.

Otherwise, the girl faces the problem of "age makeup"When the face looks much older than real age, or with the "mask effect", when the tone cream creates inanimate, someone else's cover on the face.

To find out how to choose a tonal cream for color, initially determine your coloring and skin type in general. And on the basis of this, listen to the advice of makeup artists.
  1. With skin related to red type, the cream options are harmonized as pink beige, apricot or copper, those that are based on scarlet notes.
  2. The owners of the yellow type, experts insist choose from tonal creams of such shades, like light beige, golden, nut, sandy.
  3. For a hike to the store behind the tonal cream, it is best to choose a clear sunny day so that it is possible to evaluate the remedy for natural solar lighting.
  4. Experts recommends, even if it is very light in the room, before buying to go outside and check the shade of funds again.
  5. Tonal cream must be applied to high-quality cleaned skin, so you can not pick up a toning agent without happing.
  6. Cosmetologists advise on the eve of the responsible choice to carry out the exfoliation household procedure, remove dead cells, apply a moisturizing agent, then the skin will be maximally prepared for the selection of a tonal cream.
  7. Testing cream on the wrist is the most common error. The skin color on the face and hand is significantly different. The shade of wrist serves only by the tip in the definition of the colorage.
  8. The test agent in the store should be applied to the cheek, only so you can estimate its suitability.
  9. Professional makeup artists practicing the use of several colors of a tonal cream in one make-up, for example, the main tone and shade of turning - in the eye area, and on the nose and the contour of the face - a darker agent.

Note! Pick up the tone cream to the color of problem skin, with significant defects on the face (eels, acne, scars or red streaks), allows testing of funds at the ear in the ear - there the skin is most of all coincides with the color of the face.

How to do this is the second point, it is better to resort to the help of a proven friend.

In the choice of a tonal cream, there are no fashion trends and popular shades. it the tool is selected strictly based on external data., Under each specific skin type.

Flower palette for light skin

Light leather is often called porcelain for its noble pale shade, similar to cheeks of sophisticated dolls.

How to choose a tonal skin color cream will help advice: study the names of the shades. The most appropriate means with the labeling "light", "transparent".

Pale skin is characteristic of some soreness and dullness, so makeup artists recommend tonal creams with barely catchy peach, then the skin of the face will be more fresh and healthy.

The main secret, how to choose how to choose a tone cream suitable for a specific shade - is testing on the face of three close tones and the determination of the one that comes with the color of the skin.

When there is a difficulty, which of the two shades to give preference, experts advise to choose brighter.

The owner of pale leather is often planning a tonal cream to give the face of the tanning effect - this is a serious mistake leading to unnatural makeup. The tone must be as close as possible to the natural. Other cosmetics apply to the sun.

Color gamut for gray, earthy skin

Industrial cities have long been not distinguished by a prosperous ecological situation. Smoke, was able, constant stress and a rare stay in the fresh air lead to the fact that even the most enviable beauties complain about the fellowship. Such skin looks sulfur, tired and age.

With careful election of the cream, this problem is solved. For freshness faces cosmetologists advise to use the tonal bases with a pinkish brown tint.

Tone tone, if the skin is prone to redness

Due to the proximity of the capillary vessels, even healthy epidermis, without eels and acne, may have a reddish hue. Most often an explicit red skin of the skin is highlighted in the nasolabial area. A good tone cream is able to level this disadvantage and ensure a uniform resistant beautiful makeup.

To disguise the skin, prone to redness, use tones having a shade with light green. The most appropriate cold shades.

And here pink Color Gamma - Explicit Exception Of the suitable tonal creams for this type of leather.

Shades of a tonal cream for dark skin

The most appropriate colors for the darkest skin - chocolate nuances or caramel.

In general, women with dark-skinned skin are lucky from nature and they need the minimum amount of tinting agent.

If the choice is from two similar shades, then in this case it is worth preferring a darker cream.

How to choose a tonal cream for evening makeup

At the festive event, when entering a secular society or a romantic dinner for two women, I would like to look especially charming. To create a charging image, it will necessarily need persistent, carefully made makeup.

There are a couple of nuances of choosing a tonal to the evening event:

When the photo session is planned at the evening event and I want to look beautiful and live, and in pictures, it is extremely Carefully apply the tonal bases with reflective particlesWhich when flashing cameras are highlighted on white spots.

In general, if there are lightweight tonal bases for day makeup, for evening exit it is better to use dense creamMaximum alignment surface of the face.

Bugs of beginners when choosing a tonal cream for skin color

Despite the numerous recommendations of specialists, the mass of master classes from leading makeup artists, there are girls with clearly incorrectly made make-up. At best, the tonal cream does not emphasize their beauty, but most often it looks comical and even frightening.

In order not to give a newcomer in the art of Make-APA, it is important to know how to choose a tonal skin cream to avoid mistakes.

Thus, you will save yourself in advance from mocking views because of your stupid and inappropriate makeup.

The list of widespread errors includes:

  • selection of tone based on the pointer shown on the package;
  • use of the tester on the wrist or the back of the hand;
  • choosing a means when dim artificial lighting;
  • the use of a shade of the tinting base is obviously darker than the main color of the face, in the hope of obtaining a tanned image;
  • the use of cream inappropriate in its composition and density type of epidermis (for young fresh skin should not be used dense, heavy tinting agents, the problematic persons require a more thorough adjustment);
  • the use of one fund all year round (in different seasons, the color, and the skin condition, and the level of the necessary protection against the sun and the weather);
  • orientation exclusively on the price of the product (when choosing a tone cream, the main characteristic is a coincidence of tones, not a price category).

Tips of professionals: how to choose the desired shade of the tone

Experienced make-up artists are often divided by their secrets on the choice of a tone base.

Here are the most interesting and useful of them:

To competently select a tone cream, suitable as under the color and under the skin of the skin, it is worth highlighting enough time to study the range of the store.

This case does not tolerate a rush. With the right choice of a tone, a woman will always be able to achieve neat makeup and spectacular expressive appearance.

From this video you will learn how to choose a tonal skin cream.

This video will tell you how to choose the shade of a tone cream.

Tonal means are used to correct facial flaws. We are selected under the tone of the natural color of the skin.

It is not enough to just buy a dear tonal cream. So that the tone cream fully performs its function, it is important to pick it up correctly and apply it. In this article we voicate those tricks with which you can really adjust the tone and the form of the face to the side plus, and you will look even more attractive.

How to choose a tonal cream?

Bugs of applying a tonal cream Cosmetologists are considered the most critical. If they are presented, the rest of the makeup, loses its strength: arrows, mascara, shadow, etc. All this will not work. We will call three main mistakes that women admit when choosing a cream.

I. Choosing a tone cream texture.

Often girls want to get a mega super corrective result, and choose too dense tonal cream. For everyday makeup, he, of course, does not fit.

Dense tools are invented for the correction of the face in front of photossessia, fashion show, theatrical performances, etc. They absolutely mature the skin, hide 100% of its flaws, and eliminate shine for 2-3 hours.

When applying a dense tonal cream in ordinary life, we get a noticeable artificial layer on the face (mask), as a result of which wrinkles are expressed and an unnatural image is created.

Another bottom reason why girls choose dense tones are the desire to protect the skin from low temperatures. The decision, again, is not quite correct.

The reason for the aging of the skin in winter lies in the fact that the water on the surface of the skin freezes, traumating it. Accordingly, the skin loses elasticity, microcracks and wrinkles are formed. Therefore, in the winter it is better to use oil-based creams that will support its elasticity. Silicone and water bases are not recommended in winter.

How to distinguish light fluid, from a dense cream? Dense creams are also produced in a cannon familiar to us. It is best to apply it on the skin of the hand, lose and thus determine the consistency: if it is liquid, creamy, it means that the cream can be taken.

II. Incorrectly selected color.

This is the most common mistake. The color is selected too light, or too dark. The choice of a darker basis prevails, and not surprising. Girls want the face to look tanned, and forget that the tone cream is not a tanger! As a result, the effect of the burnt chicken is obtained: the face of tanned, and the neck, neckline and hands are light.

So how to choose the cream?

Tonal creams in color are divided into, cream with pink, with yellow and beige.

1. Here, you came to the store. What to do? Choose all three options for creams (testers) and apply them to the skin. Where is the best to test the color? !! The cream is not worn on the wrist, as we are all used to, but on the line of the jaw bone (from top to bottom in the place of transition to the neck). Here you will immediately see which option is suitable for you. For example, the pink will give a strong blush, the beige will darken, and the yellowish perfectly merges with the tone of the face. I take it.

2. After applying three types of tonal means, do not be lazy, and exit natural light. Only with the natural light you can actually assess the situation. Accordingly, if you have come not behind the specific number of the tube, but only choose cream, in the evening such purchases are better not to do.

If you already know which tone suits you, then the purchase can be done in the online store.

3. For each time of the year, a woman's cosmetics must have its own tone cream. In winter, the lightest, summer is darker under the color of tanned skin, and during the off-season neutral shade.

4. If you plan to adjust the shape of the face (pronounced cheeks, massive jaw, big chin or nose), buy two creams: under the tone of your skin and darker.

Dark color Using for correction / dimming flaw. The boundaries between the tones are important to grow well, turn into the shadow. If you grow poorly, the transition line will be visible, and the correction function is not executed. The transition must be gradual.

On a narrow face, it is impossible to darken the contour, because It will pull it even more. But for a round form will become an excellent opportunity to adjust the form.

It is important to work carefully with the bottom of the face (the transition from the bottom of the chin to the neck), do not leave spaces, it is good to cut the cream.

III. Abuse of tonal radiant creams.

Some women use shining creams as a tonal basis for everyday makeup. This is not the best choice. Shining creams are invented for photos and podiums. In everyday life, they, on the contrary, indicate the flaws of the skin, emphasize the extended pores, isolated small wrinkles. In the summer, it looks even more or less, but in winter and in the fall, on a ungrade and grayish skin, they create the effect of fatty.

Highlater - special means of decorative cosmetics, designed to dry out certain sections, give the skin freshness and radiance.

But if you want the face to look tanned, use the bronzer, or the powder on a couple of tones is darker than the tone of the face. In this case, not the entire face is darkened, but the side parts of the forehead and cheekbones.

How to apply tonal cream

Very important cream correctly apply. To do this, you can use a brush, sponge or fingers: who is used. We move through massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the periphery, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the middle of the chin and the uches.

Try to avoid familiar to many "I smelled, it smelled there, because Spots may appear, which will be difficult to get rid of it.

Why better use a brush? Brush quickly and evenly distributes cream. A sensation of uniformity is created.

If a sponge is used, you should not rub cream, because He will not fall smoothly. Proper to apply a means by knocking movements. The same rules makes appliances with fingers.

If you have a lot of fluffy hair, it is better to use a brush for a good decisive cream.

How to hide wrinkles under the eyes?

Under the eyes, as a rule, everyone has goose paws. To minimize their severity, we apply a minimum amount of tone on this zone.

Collect Brand

Today women are increasingly coming to understand that makeup should be high-quality, thoughtful, intellectual. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to the brand. Professional tonal creams not only adjust the skin, but also take care of her.

In our store we offer to buy ACADEMIE Ton Creams with Multi Effect (France), Biodroga Systems Toning Creams, Dermalogica Tinting Tones and Whitening Renew Tone Creams. Their formulas are enriched with vitamins, peptides and other caring components of natural origin. Also, the famous tonal cream of Christine, who does not just mask, but eliminates irritation and redness, and also moisturizes the skin. Popularity is used by the Biodrog's professional brand's tunnels.

High levels of products guarantees the perfect face correction and decent care for your skin.

Hide all irregularities and small defects on the skin will allow a tone cream. It plays the most important role in creating a harmonious image, makes it possible to disguise vulnerabilities, redness and small pimples. With this tool, you can underline freshness and healthy face. And vice versa - an incorrectly chosen tonal cream will spoil any makeup, add visual volumes to the protruding parts of the person, will create a mask effect.

The tone base should be merged with the color of the skin, to be the most similar spectrally with a hint of the face. When choosing such a cosmetics, several tricks should be guided by several tricks.

  • always test the tool. Even the transparent bottle will not allow correctly determining the color of the tone cream, on the skin it will look completely different. The back side of the wrist or elbow is not the best place to apply a probe. Here the skin is much lighter than on the face. The optimal place of applying cream is lower cheekbone. This is the most suitable area, as it makes it easy to estimate the combination of color on the face, neck and area decollete.
  • try to try multiple cream options for close shades. Apply 3-4 products with thin lines in the cheekbone area. That cream, which naturally saves skin color - the perfect choice.
  • test cream in daylight. The tonal agent inflicted in the store will be quite different look out on the street. For its complete absorption, it is necessary 5-7 minutes, after which it is possible to evaluate the quality and uniformity of the tone.

When the rustic is a tonal cream should remain invisible

  • listen to sensations. If you feel the severity and the presence of a fatty film, or the skin is tightened, causing discomfort - look at the products of other manufacturers.

Do not choose a tone cream darker face color. Between two suitable tones, always give preference to the brightest (one shade). He will make the face visually natural, younger and fresh.

In the formula of modern creams, optical pigments for light scattering are added. They give a striking effect, create a natural look, merge with skin color, suitable for evening makeup. The main thing is when the tonal cream must remain invisible, not to leave visible borders. It is needed to align the color of the face, but not for the complete change of its tone.

Choosing a tone cream depending on the color and type of skin

  • cold skin tone requires a cream of pinkish shades. For example, for the skin of the earthly, the cream with orange reflections is suitable, dull pale leather will visually become fresh and healthy after applying a tonal agent with a peach shade on it;
  • warm color is harmonious in combination with a yellowish or golden tint. The skin is prone to redness, easily covered with light cream with a minimally noticeable greenish tide. For dark skin, the cream of a chocolate or saturated caramel shade is suitable;

The cream should not differ from the skin more than 2 tones

You do not need to try to give the skin the effect of a tan or to evil it. There are other means for such procedures. The tonal remedy with a bronze tide can only afford the dark ladies. If the tone cream differs from the skin on 2 tones, the difference is smoothed it impossible, even component with a bright base. By purchasing the cream in the fall, remember that summer tan on the skin will disappear by winter, and the tonal agent will need to be changed.

In the process of developing tonal funds within one series, more than 10 different shades produce, each beauty will select a means 100% suitable for its skin.

While still continuing themes, directly with the color of the color not related, but the cosmetics associated with cosmetics this time.
Today I will tell you about how to choose a tonal tool in color. Do not forget, however, that color is not the only component, and when choosing a tone, you need to take into account the skin type - fat, dry, sensitive etc.. If you need, I will tell you about it - ask questions if that.

So, what are the basics of color ? Usually the choice is very large, but most of all foundations are divided into three categories: basics with pink halftones, with golden and red halftonsand neutral beige basics.

Regarding the, red or yellow shade is cold, I will not comment - in different companies is considered differently. Do not pay attention to it, it is important for you to simply define your shade. If I really want to somehow define, I tend to the fact that the yellow halftone is warm, and the red is cold. But in cosmetics it is not always so.

They are also divided by saturation, and unfortunately for us and fortunately for themselves, some international companies have a different assortment of shades in different countries of the world. For example, the same concern Loreal Stew to Russia is only shades from light to average, probably they suggest that the globalization has not reached Russia \u003d) Compare for interest. By the way, the name also changes. True Match \u003d Alliance Perfect in Russia

This information will be useful if you suddenly want to buy a tonalnik or powder outside the CIS. The fact that we have a small selection in Russia makes it difficult to search for the desired shade to girls with darker skin. I am with an average (in Russian terms - slightly dark-skinned) skin in Loreal I use D4. Usually in our stores are a maximum. In other brands, there are also darling tones that end up usually tone tanning - just darker olive. The same, who has dark brown leather two outputs - to master professional cosmetics type Mac and Make Up Forever - they have a large selection of shades, or bring or order suitable shades abroad \u003d (

However, let's go closer to the topic. In saturation, the tonal bases are divided into very bright (Light) - Almost white, bright (Fair) - Light beige, medium-light (Medium-Light) - Beige, Middle (Medium) - Dark Beige, mid-Dark (Medium Dark) - Tanning Colors, Dark (Dark) - Brown, Very Dark) - dark brown. They may be called and differently, but it does not change the essence. For example, like this:

This kind of gradation almost does not change from different cosmetic companies.

I will explain more in more detail what do these shades mean.
1) Light - Very light skin tone, ivory. Usually people with such a tone of the skin are problems in finding a tonal means - sometimes even the brightest shades look at them with red.
2) Fair. - Light leather - ordinary European light beige leather without brown.
3) MEDIUM LIGHT or simply medium. - Dark European leather, becomes a difference of light brown or yellowish tint.
4) medium or Olive. - Light olive or dark beige leather. South European leather. It is clearly noticeable that it is not white.
5) tan or Medium Dark - True olive and caramel - a good tanning color, caramel-brown.
6) Brown and Dark Brown- Different shades of brown.
7) Black or Dark. - Dark chocolate.

Now the main question: How to choose your shade?
The most perfect option is test on the skin.
For this you need:
1) test on clean skin without tonal means
2) with natural lighting
3) test a few shades
4) carry out a test either on the cheek or on the clavicle

So, you should either choose in the store, or ask for home several probilities of a tonal cream or powder, which, as you think closest to your skin tone. They should be applied on the cheeks or on the clavicle and compare shades with natural light. You can slightly grow. The desired shade will almost coincide with the skin color.

As you can see, the middle tone almost coincides with the skin.

On the cheeks to test best because you will apply a tonal agent on your face. However, the test on the clavicle is also not bad, especially if your face skin is prone to redness - you will need to mask redness, and it is best to choose that tone that on the clavicle - as a rule, it is very close to the color of the face. The neck is usually very lighter - you should not try on it.

Attention: in no case do not choose a tonal agent, testing the color on the wrist on the inside, No matter how they assure you that it is necessary to do so. First, the skin color at different parts of the body is different, and the second wrist contains less pigment, especially this is noticeable on brown leather and darker. On the hands on the outside, too, do not test - they are also often different in color from the face.

Most of us the skin color varies from the season for the season. Sometimes it makes sense to have two colors of tonal means - for the winter and summer. Accordingly, and choose them in the season.

I strongly recommend somehow to find matching the tone of its skin in the tones - These tones are often used as an international classification. If desired, it will be possible to search for the correspondence of the tons of the mass by other cosmetic brands - will be the right direction, which is to look for. At the same time you can see what saturation of the tone you should search.
For example, my skin tone is most of the year by NC30, in the summer of Mac NC 35. This is the middle tone of the skin.
Figures after letters and denote saturation. Letters denote Neutral Cool or Neutral Warm - neutral - cold and neutral-warm. In the concept of Mac, the yellow halftone - NC, red halftone - NW. Remember what I said that in every cosmetic company there is a warm and cold concept? \u003d)
Compliance with skin saturation is usually like that:
Light leather - Mac 05 - 15
Average leather: Mac 25-35
Dark leather - Mac 40-55

Another way to facilitate the search for a shade is to know conformity in the names.
For example, in the title of the tonal bases for very light skin A word is present Ivory. or porcelain. - ivory, china
For light pinkish skin - vanilla. - Vanilla
For light-fivey - nude, Natural - Natural
For Golden-beige and dark beige - sand. - sandy
For dark brown skin - caramel, Coffee - Caramel, coffee with milk etc.
For brown - chocolate. - chocolate, from milk to dark chocolate
For Dark brown, almost black - ebony
The list can be continued and replenished.

Well, who is absolutely too lazy to pick themselves compliance - there is such a cute site, where, however, it would be good to know your tone to Mas, although skin saturation can be tried to identify both descriptions. There, the truth should be known and halftone of their skin, but this we already disassembled (theme is warm or cold)
Here link to the site where you will be offered some options for your skin tone and saturation

The basis of high-quality makeup is not only shadows, blush and lipstick. The smooth and natural complexion of the face is very important. Various tonal means help to achieve this. They are a real salvation for modern women. Correctly selected masking means will help align the skin tone, get rid of pigment spots, hide unnecessary rashes, give the face a rested appearance, eliminating bruises, swelling and other consequences of stress and lack of sleep.

Types of faces for face

Correctly select a tonal agent - the task is not simple. It is worth understanding what features should be paid attention to.

Currently, you can find various types of masking means. Understanding that for what final results they are suitable and how different consistencies are combined with one type or another skin type, significantly reduce the variety of choice.

Tones are the following types:

  • Cream powder and mousses. These tools have a tight coating, which allows you to mask the redness and smooth the skin tone. Thanks to its texture, they do not clog the pores, giving the skin the opportunity to breathe. Cream-powder additionally attaches a matte effect that is held for several hours. Foods are suitable for both young and mature women, with fatty or combined skin. It is worth noting that young girls for the daily use of such funds are recommended to avoid.
  • Classic tone cream - This is a liquid means of various consistency. Often, the tonal creams have a particle particle, which allows them to cover the skin of the face with a sufficiently thick layer, it is better to hold on to the evening and give mattiness. Classic creams allow well to hide imperfections: dark circles under the eyes, vascular stars, redness and pigment stains. Such creams are suitable for women with normal and combined skin.

  • BB-creams. They have a light texture and do not give a dense coating, which allows the skin to breathe, convenient in applying. At least bb creams and contain painting pigments, which allows to hide small imperfections of the skin, improve and align the complexion, but their main task is to protect against harmful solar radiation, as well as maintaining moisturizing. Such creams are good for regular use for the summer period. They are suitable for women with dry or normal skin. The owners of oily or combined leather BB-creams are better not to apply.
  • Packs, Consilers, Proofreaders Have a very dense coating. It is better to apply such funds to mask point deficiencies: under the eyes, with small rashes and redness. They have a very small consumption and economical to use.

The pools are better not to use for dry skin, because the tool will be bad and over time can spoil the appearance of the face.

They should be used with caution under the eyes. In order to avoid cutting of the skin, applied a layer of a tonal cream by corrector should be in advance moistened skin, and on top of swimming, which gives durability and does not give the means to crumble during the day.

We select on the type of skin

Different types of tonal means are suitable for a specific skin type. By making an erroneous choice, you can cause serious harm to the skin, which will entail additional problems and financial costs.

When choosing a masking means, you should navigate the following recommendations:

  • For dry skin, it is necessary to pick up tones with a moisturizing effect. It is best if the tool is liquid, not powdered. It will not focus on dryness and help to avoid early wrinkles. Tools from the BB-cream ruler are recommended to be used just for dry skin. Skin cover will not only be moisturized, but also to be protected from ultraviolet, which will prevent premature aging.
  • With oily skin, the face acquires a noticeable shine, it looks not very attractive. When choosing a cosmetic masking means, creams with different oils are avoided. It is better to choose a means with a matting effect (or to apply a light powder to the final layer - this will eliminate the unattractive shine and does not border the pores).
  • For problem skin, select antiallergenic creams and avoid applying funds to the area under the eyes. The consistency should be preferred by more dense means - for the maximum disguise effect. But they should not after applying to create a film, otherwise the closure of pore will further aggravate the situation, increase the number of black points and pimples.

  • In order to prevent the irritation of gentle skin, you need to try to pick up funds with natural components. Ideal if they contain protective substances.
  • The owners of mature skin are advised to pay attention to the tones with the effect of lifting, anti-aging components, with the content of vitamins and minerals. It is necessary that the remedy has a protective effect from harmful environmental impacts. The main task of the tonal agents for mature skin is masking wrinkles and irregularities of the relief, as well as intensive feeding the skin of the face.
  • Combined skin is found quite often. At the same time, the skin type of individual fate (forehead, nose, chin) have increased fatty, and in the rest of the sections of the skin is reheated. For this type of skin, the tonal agent should be cream-powder, to have in the composition of vitamins and mandatory protection against sunlight.
  • The owner of normal skin can choose any means, focusing only on the color and the necessary effect.

Determine the color tree

Any type of tone has a palette of various shades. To choose the right color, it is important to know about the color of your appearance. To determine it has several recommendations:

  • Testing is better in a well-lit room with natural light. Too bright, dim or electric light can incorrectly transmit skin shades.
  • If the hair is painted, they should be removed in the tail or drinke.
  • It is advisable to test the test in the clothes of a relaxed color scheme.
  • You can use the help of girlfriends or relatives.

There are four exterior color views: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn". "Winter" and "Summer" refer to cold color,s, "Spring" and "Autumn" - to warm.

Girl "Winter" It has a contrast, catchy appearance. The skin is two types: either bright, porcelain, which is easily engaged in the sun, or has a dark shade, an uniform tan is obtained under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Freckles such girls do not possess. Black or chocolate hair. Eyebrows and eyelashes are close in color with strands. The lips of the representatives of the film "Winter" are most often not very bright.

Girl spring"bright, warm and air. The skin has cream and peach shades, the tan falls with a reddish sweat, on the face - a slightly noticeable blush, there are freckles. Wheat color hair or chocolate. The eyes of blonde tones, and pale pink lips.

Girl- "Summer"It has a cold and not very expressive appearance. The skin is light or dark, with a bluish tint. Light leather of this colorage is subject to burns. Hair light gray, blond flowers, do not have copper notes. Eyes predominantly with gray shades. Lips pale.

Girl- "Autumn" It has a bright appearance, often so expressive that you can do without meckapa. The skin of warm tones, the tan is bad. Hair is often curly, with reddish. Representatives of such a colorage often have freckles throughout the body. Eyes are always bright, contrasting. Lips of warm peach and pink shades.

For the "spring" and "autumn" blooms, masking means of warm tones are suitable. In the store you can buy a light beige or containing lightweight creams, it is also suitable for the flickering effect.

Masking for "winter" and "summer" colorings should be selected among cold notes. Funds can be blond, almost white. If the skin has a lightweight tan, it is allowed to choose a natural beige or green-yellow shade.

Less difficulties will occur when choosing a hue of BB-creams. They have a smaller variety in the color scheme and adapt to the tone of the skin.

When choosing any tone tool, simple rules must be observed:

  1. Choose a cosmetic product better with not very bright day lighting.
  2. You need to select a shade strictly on the cheekbones or neck, and not as it is customary - on the wrist or hand.
  3. When rustucked, the tool must lie smoothly, without spots, peeling and lumps.
  4. After test application, the explosion should be given 5-10 minutes - and only then watch the result of the "merger".
  5. Be sure to pay attention to the terms of the shelf life of the goods and its composition.
  6. To determine allergic reactions to the cosmetic, apply some cream on the elbow bending and wait a few hours.

The achieved effect depends on the correctness of the selected shade. With the right choice of cosmetic, the face will become brighter and younger. Not quite the right shade will emphasize the shortcomings, visually adds age or give the face a grotesque appearance.

Defining color gamma

For light

Selection of color gamut for small girls - the process is heavy. The choice should be done in favor of tinting cosmetic products of cold notes. Bright colors (saturated peach or pinkish) are not suitable for light skin. Porcelain leather owners can use gentle pink, beige, slightly transparent shades with a small glitter.

For darkness

Smooth skin less need masking means. If they have a need for them, then preference should be preferred with light chocolate and honey tones with a matting effect.

For prone to redness

With the capillary vessels located close to the surface, the skin becomes slightly reddish. This can be corrected correctly selected tinting cosmetic product. When choosing colors, you should give preference to cold (slightly greenish) shades - olive, which can be slightly diluted with light brown tone. But the pinkish gamma needs to be avoided.