When does the fontanel overgrow in newborns and how not to miss the signs of dangerous diseases? The fontanel in a newborn: when it overgrows, what it should be, why it pulsates, does not close Why does the fontanel grow poorly in an eight-month-old child

The development of an infant in the first year of life greatly worries young parents. Moms worry if the teeth are “late”, or the neighbor’s baby is already walking, and his child is still afraid to let go of the support. One of these burning topics is the issue of overgrowing the fontanel. Mothers often worry about why the fontanel in a child does not overgrow. Will try to answer.

Most mothers know that the fontanel is necessary for the child to successfully pass through the birth canal. The head of the baby, due to the presence of the fontanel, is somewhat deformed and compressed, so the process of childbirth is easier.

It is for this reason that the shape of the head of a newborn child can surprise an ignorant person. But after a few days, due to the elasticity of the tissues of the fontanel, the head takes on a normal shape.

Few people know, but the baby at birth has not one, but as many as six fontanelles (anterior, wedge-shaped (left. right), mastoid (left, right), posterior). It's just that the first five grow very quickly, literally in the first days and weeks of life. The largest fontanel, located at the crown, remains open longer.

This is necessary to ensure the normal growth of the bones of the skull. The fastest growth and change in the bones of the skull is carried out in the first 2 years, and the fontanel also contributes to this to some extent. By the way, if it happened that the fontanel closed a little ahead of time, then there is nothing to worry about, the growth of the bones of the skull will not stop from this.

In addition, the fontanel also performs protective functions. For example, it protects the baby from head injuries. It's no secret that even the most attentive parents of children periodically fall and at the same time can hit their heads. Upon impact, the fontanel plays the role of a kind of shock absorber, so ordinary falls do not bring harm to health. The time of complete overgrowth of the fontanel coincides with the age when the baby already knows how to walk well and the likelihood of falls is somewhat reduced.

Another important function of the fontanelle is participation in the functions of thermoregulation of the body. So, part of the heat is removed through the fontanel if the child is sick and has a temperature. It is thanks to the fontanel that the baby's brain suffers less from high temperature, which reduces the likelihood of developing phenomena such as convulsions, etc.

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The fontanel helps not only the baby, but also the doctors. Through this place, an important examination of the brain can be performed, which is necessary if the child has neurological problems.


The front fontanel, located on the top of the baby, has the shape of a rhombus, and its dimensions can vary from 5 to 30 mm. If the mother wants to take the size of the fontanel on her own, then she needs to determine the distance between the two most distant points and divide the resulting measurement in half.

As a rule, two measurements are taken - longitudinal and transverse, these measurements are recorded on the map approximately in this form - 1.5 x 0.5 cm.

The initial size of the fontanel does not affect the rate of its overgrowth, but according to the observations of pediatricians, overgrowth in boys occurs a little faster.

On average, the age of overgrowth of the fontanel is 16-24 months, however, deviations in both directions are quite acceptable. The norm is the overgrowth of the fontanel after a year. However, the process of tightening the fontanel, as well as all other processes in the body, proceed individually.

Normally, the fontanel on the baby's head is almost invisible visually, but if you run your hand over the head, you can easily feel it. It is not considered a deviation if the fontanel protrudes slightly above the surface of the head or sinks quite a bit.

Mothers are often frightened if they notice that the skin in the area where the fontanel is located is pulsating. If this happens infrequently (as a rule, during the period when the child is excited), then there is nothing to worry about.

Monthly rates

To make it easier for parents to understand, we present the average size of the fontanel in infants by month. But keep in mind that the given norms are approximate, so if you find small deviations, you should not panic. Although, of course, you need to ask questions to the pediatrician.

So, the size of the fontanel, depending on the age of the baby:

  • 0-1 months - 20-30 mm;
  • 1-3 months - 18-20 mm;
  • 4-6 months - 16-17 mm;
  • 8-9 months - 12-14 mm;
  • 11-12 months - 4-8 mm.

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What affects the speed of tightening?

The following factors can influence the growth rate:

  • Prematurity. This is one of the most common reasons why a fontanel does not grow in a child for a long time. Such babies, as a rule, are a little behind in physical development, but by the age of 2-3 they successfully catch up with their peers who were born on time.
  • Growth rate. Some children grow ahead of the dates indicated in the tables; in such children, the fontanel overgrows somewhat faster.
  • Food. It has been noticed that in babies who receive breast milk, the overgrowth of the fontanel occurs faster than in those who eat mixtures. After all, it is mother's milk that is ideally balanced for full development.
  • Hereditary and congenital syndromes. Late overgrowth of the fontanel is possible with congenital hypothyroidism, Down's syndrome and other diseases.
  • Nutrient deficiency. The speed of tightening the fontanelle depends on the presence of vitamin D3 in the body.

What does the doctor pay attention to?

Children under one year of age are examined by a pediatrician monthly. Each time, the doctor should pay attention to the condition of the fontanel and measure the circumference of the head. These two parameters are very important for assessing the condition of the baby and the characteristics of its development.

The following points may alert the doctor:

  • the fontanel is clearly visible on the head, it represents an owl cavity or, on the contrary, protrudes above the bones of the skull;
  • the fontanel grows too slowly or too quickly.

If the fontanel looks like a hollow, then you can suspect that the child's body is dehydrated. This can happen due to an illness that is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, fever. If dehydration is insignificant, then the child is prescribed special solutions that need to be drunk. But if such simple measures do not help, or dehydration is severe from the very beginning, you need to call the ambulance so that the child can be helped in a hospital setting.

If, on the contrary, the fontanel protrudes noticeably above the bones of the skull, then this symptom can indicate such serious diseases as hydrocephalus, intracranial pressure, meningitis, etc. In this case, neurosonography can be prescribed - a special examination conducted through the fontanel.

The speed of overgrowth of the fontanel is very individual. It all depends on its initial size (0.6-3.6 cm), on the calcium-phosphorus balance in the baby's body. Be that as it may, but it is the speed of overgrowth of the fontanel that causes particular concern and anxiety among the parents of the child. Let's figure it out, but what if the fontanel does not overgrow ...

Norms, norms, norms...

The maximum size of the fontanel at the time of birth is within 2.2-3.5 cm. Due to the expansion of the interosseous sutures and the bones of the skull, the size of the fontanel may increase slightly, but this is primarily due to a change in its shape. After that, the size of the fontanel will steadily decrease, and complete closure will occur on average at 12-18 months of the baby's life. But these terms are very, very conditional. Cases have been recorded when the closure of the fontanel occurred both at an earlier and at a later date, and at the same time was the norm.

Does not grow. Is it dangerous?

Of course, the period of overgrowth of the fontanel in each case is individual. However, if parents notice that a large fontanel is overgrowing too slowly, it is advisable to seek help from a neurologist. And the doctor will definitely determine whether there is a reason for concern by prescribing an ultrasound examination of the brain for greater fidelity.

If the fontanel is really late in closing, then this may indicate:

  • About genetic predisposition. In 1982, a special WHO commission concluded that both the size of the large fontanelle and the speed of its closure are genetically determined factors.
  • About rickets. Insufficient calcium content in the body, which is directly related to a low intake of vitamin D, can lead to later closure of the fontanel and rickets. As a result, the bone tissue changes, the child's gait is disturbed, and his legs are bent. Signs of rickets: the baby is restless, sleeps poorly, sweats profusely, the baby's hair rolls out. It is possible to prevent the late closure of the fontanel and the associated rickets by normalizing the child's calcium-phosphorus metabolism. For the purpose of prevention, children are prescribed vitamin D.
  • About hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain). This disease is manifested by increased intracranial pressure. As a result, the child becomes restless, he has muscular dystonia, sleep disturbances or excessive drowsiness, tearfulness, changes in the vessels of the fundus. In addition, with hydrocephalic syndrome, there is a significant monthly increase in head circumference, and in especially severe cases, even divergence of cranial sutures. That is why, first of all, doctors focus on the growth rate of the child's head, and not on the size of the fontanel.

The process of giving birth to a baby is so delicately “thought out” by nature that it provides for all the moments so that the child can be born healthy. In order for the small body to pass through the mother's birth canal, its head takes on an oblong shape and is slightly flattened from the sides. The baby has gaps between the bones of the skull, which fill the plates of connective tissue. These intervals are called fontanelles , and parents have a lot of different questions about them. However, most of them - and there are six fontanelles after birth - quickly overgrow. Therefore, often parents simply do not notice that there were so many of them. But the main one - the frontal or large fontanel (abbreviated - BR) remains for a longer period. After all, its function is also to provide cushioning, protecting against injuries and fractures during a fall.

About when the crown of the newborn overgrows and how this process occurs, we will discuss in the article below.

When does the fontanel grow in newborns?

Young parents often worry about whether everything is going well and look for information about when a large fontanel overgrows. The older the baby becomes, the more parents experience this. But in fact, even after the baby is one year old, and the crown remains, you should not worry. After all, in children, this process is normally completed before 1.5 years. But if, nevertheless, there is a certain anxiety that the process is progressing late, it is better to visit a doctor who will help determine when the fontanel in the child overgrows in one case or another.

After all, we can talk not only about the disease, but also about a certain feature of development. Therefore, sometimes the answer to the question of what age the fontanel in a child overgrows is not so categorical. In any case, visiting the doctor with the baby, the mother should ask him all the questions about how much the fontanel should grow in the child.

What should be the theme?

The doctor evaluates the characteristics of the fontanel immediately after the child is born, as well as every time during monthly examinations. The pediatrician necessarily pays attention to the size of the crown, the rate of its decrease, the density of the bones surrounding it.

What size should a fontanel be in a healthy baby? In a full-term baby, its dimensions are 2.5-3 cm. The doctor determines this by palpating the skull and taking measurements between opposite sides of the rhombus.

In premature babies, these sizes are larger - about 3.5 by 3.5 cm. But if a large baby was born at a period of 41-42 weeks, then the crown may be smaller. Interestingly, a 1-month-old baby may have even more BR than at birth. The thing is that during this period the brain is actively growing, and therefore the bones diverge a little.

Therefore, it is difficult to determine exactly what kind of BR a baby should have at a certain age. However, in some sources you can still find certain indicators:

  • at three months - 1.8-2 cm;
  • in half a year - 1.8-1.6 cm;
  • at nine months - 1.3-1.4 cm;
  • in one year - 0.4-0.8 cm.

But it should be understood that these figures are just a rough guideline. This is due to the fact that:

  • the size of the fontanel in all children is different initially;
  • how the fontanel is tightened in children does not depend on its size; a large one can drag on for a year, a small one sometimes does not grow up to a year and a half.

But it is very important to ensure that the fontanelles are at the level of the cranial bones, and are not too tense. It is assumed that the spring will sink or swell a little, its pulsation is also possible.

It is also important that the parietal and frontal bones surrounding the crown are dense, and there are no areas of softening on them.

If the fontanel does not close - what to do?

You need to visit a doctor and consult with him if the fontanel has not closed by 18 months. This condition may be normal for the baby. However, we can talk about certain pathologies.

Disease What does a fontanel look like? What research is needed? How to act?
Lack of calcium leads to softening of the bones, including the skull. The BR remains open for a long time, the edges of the bones are soft to the touch. The child becomes lethargic, often sweats during sleep, the back of his head becomes bald. Bone growths appear on the wrists and ribs, there is a curvature of the lower leg. It is necessary to examine a pediatrician, a urine sample according to Sulkovich, a blood test for phosphorus, calcium, alkaline phosphatase. The use of therapeutic doses is practiced .
Congenital BR does not heal for a long time due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones that regulate, among other things, bone growth. Disturb, voice becomes nasal, develop . The fontanel does not drag on for a long time. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician and a pediatric endocrinologist, conduct a blood test for TSH, T3 and T4, ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is carried out.
Achondrodysplasia A disease of the bone tissue, as a result of which growth is disturbed. The skeleton becomes disproportionate, the head becomes massive and wide, the limbs become short. The fontanel does not drag on for a long time. A genetic consultation is required. A PCR skull x-ray is taken to determine the gene mutation. Use of growth hormone somatotopin .
Due to the increased pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, the cranial bones cannot "converge". The fontanel rises above the bones, the circumference of the head increases. Possible manifestation of convulsions, hearing and vision disorders, developmental delays. Observation of a pediatric neurologist, EEG, MRI, ultrasound of the brain are shown. Assign anticonvulsant, diuretic drugs, nootropics. Sometimes shunting is indicated.

If a baby has a very small fontanel, parents need to show the child to specialists - a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, a neurologist. Sometimes there are cases when the fontanel of a newborn heals as early as 3 months. This happens rarely - in about 1% of cases. If at the same time the baby has all other indicators in the norm, then we are not talking about deviations.

However, in some cases, too small BR may be evidence of pathology. The table below shows the possible conditions in which the baby's fontanel is too small.

Disease What does a fontanel look like? What research is needed? How to act?
Craniosynostosis The sutures of the skull and fontanels fuse very early and quickly. Probably deformity of the skull, jaw, secondary hydrocephalus. Conduct MRI, CT scan of the head, X-ray of the skull. Operative dissection of the sutures.
Increased function of the parathyroid glands Due to the disturbed exchange of calcium and phosphorus, the content of calcium in the blood increases. The BR closes early in the baby, the pain in the bones worries, the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are affected, it manifests itself. Conduct a blood test for phosphorus and calcium, determine the content parahormone in blood. They also conduct x-rays of the bones of the skull, ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Surgical methods of treatment.
Microcephaly Due to the abnormal development of the brain, the bones of the brain part of the skull stop growing, and the growth of the facial bone continues. The brain remains underdeveloped. There is a delay in development. The child is observed by a neurologist, an ultrasound of the brain is performed. It is important to consult a geneticist. symptomatic treatment.

What to do if the child's fontanel is too large?

A fontanel is considered too large if its size exceeds 3.5 cm. But for immature or premature babies, this may be the norm. In such cases, a large fontanel in a child closes up to one and a half years. Often at age 3 months or older, the BR begins to actively decrease, and by this age it gradually closes.

In other cases, it is necessary to consult with a pediatric neurologist, conduct ultrasound of the brain and other necessary studies to exclude hydrocephalus and increased .

Why does the fontanel in the baby pulsate?

Since the brain is actively supplied with blood, and its vessels are located close to the heart, there is strong pressure and, accordingly, tremors during the flow of blood.

Such a pulsation is transmitted to the cerebrospinal fluid, to the membranes of the brain and to the plate that closes the BR. Therefore, if the fontanel pulsates a little at 3 months or at a different age, this is normal. But if the BR pulsates very strongly in a child, this may indicate developing diseases. But in this case, as a rule, there are other unpleasant symptoms - intoxication, dehydration, fever, vomiting, etc. In such a situation, you need to see a doctor, establish a diagnosis and carry out the correct treatment.

What does it mean if the fontanel in the baby has fallen?

When the BR sinks, this is evidence that the baby is malnourished, or his body is dehydrated. A sunken fontanel in a child due to fluid loss can be observed:

  • with intense heat;
  • due to overheating, if the child is wrapped too tightly;
  • as a result of fever or intoxication of the body;
  • after severe vomiting or.

It is very important to replenish fluid loss immediately. If the baby is overheated, it should be cooled down and given liquids to drink. With an intestinal infection, manifested by severe symptoms, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

If the fontanel sticks out - what does it mean?

Bulging (rise above the level of the bones) of the fontanel may be evidence of an increase in intracranial pressure - a symptom characteristic of tumors, intracranial bleeding. There may be other reasons for this phenomenon.

Parents should be very careful and call for emergency help if, in addition to bulging the fontanel, the following signs are observed:

  • elevated temperature;
  • diarrhea and vomiting in an infant;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • swelling after a head injury;
  • convulsions.

In the absence of such symptoms and bulging for a long time, a specialist should also be contacted. In such a situation, an ultrasound of the brain in the baby may be needed. Whether this is normal or not, the test results will show.

Is special care needed?

There is no need to practice any temechka care activities. Although the plate covering it is very thin, it is quite strong. Therefore, parents can safely comb the baby, cut, inspect his head, bathe him. True, you still need to use the comb carefully, since the baby may experience discomfort with sudden movements.


Despite the fact that normally the process of closing the BR is completed by one and a half years, sometimes certain deviations can occur in healthy children. Therefore, the answer to the question of when the fontanel in a child should close is not always unambiguous. Parents should be alerted by the situation when the fontanel closes in infants up to 3 months. If parents have certain doubts about the ongoing process, it is better to ask the pediatrician about when the fontanel closes in the child.

The process of closing the BR is faster if the baby is fully fed, quickly gaining weight. More often than not, breastfed babies close faster.

All parents noticed on the head of their newborn crumbs an unossified pulsating area - a fontanel. Many even try not to touch this place, fearing to harm the child. But the doctor must feel the fontanel during a routine examination. After all, it serves as one of the indicators of the state of health and development of the child.

With age, the fontanel becomes ossified. When the fontanel overgrows in newborns, it depends on many factors - these are the individual characteristics of the baby, and violations of the development and health of the crumbs. Therefore, the state of the fontanel requires special attention.

The fontanel is a soft, non-ossified area of ​​​​the skull, consisting of a dense membrane, connecting certain bones of the infant's cranium. These areas allow the skull to transform to facilitate the birth process. In addition, thanks to the fontanelles, the cranial vault adjusts to the intensively growing brain of the newborn.

After childbirth, the baby has six fontanelles:

    • Fontanelle connecting the two parietal bones and the occipital bone of the skull

It is called posterior or occipital. It is quite small, only 0.6 mm;

    • Anterior, which connects 2 frontal and 2 parietal bones

At birth, its size is about 30 mm;

  • Lateral fontanelles of two types: wedge-shaped and mastoid

Wedge-shaped are located closer to the temples, mastoid - to the back of the head;

The main one is the largest fontanel - the anterior one. It stays open the longest. Another fontanel that can be felt is the back, although it is much smaller than the large one. However, it overgrows 1-2 months after birth. The rest of the fontanelles have very small gaps, are almost invisible and overgrow and ossify within a few months, forming cranial sutures.

Since the head of the child is quite large by the time of birth, its passage through the birth canal can be difficult. Thanks to the fontanelles, the baby's head is deformed, which not only facilitates patency, but also protects the contents of the skull.

In addition, fontanelles have other functions:

    1. The fontanel plays a significant role in the thermoregulation of the baby.

Newborns maintain the required body temperature quite poorly due to the immaturity of thermoregulation mechanisms. The fontanel helps heat transfer during overheating, protecting the brain of the child and the body as a whole.

    1. The elasticity of the fontanel tissue helps protect the child from injury during falls.

It is a kind of shock absorber between the bones of the skull. It is in infancy and early age that the child controls his body worst of all, therefore nature protected the head of a small person from frequent falls and blows in this way.

    1. According to the state of the fontanel, some diseases in the child are determined

So if the fontanel swells, this may be a sign of intracranial pressure.

  1. An ultrasound examination of the brain can be done through an open fontanelle(neurosonography)

After overgrowth of the soft area, this will become impossible, because the cranium serves as an acoustic barrier.

Where is

There is a large fontanel in the upper part of the head, almost on the top of the head. It connects two frontal and two parietal parts of the skull. The plot has a diamond shape. The size of the fontanel may vary. As the head grows, it decreases. So from the initial size of about 3 * 3 cm, it gradually decreases to 5 mm and overgrows.

When overgrown

A large fontanel should overgrow closer to 12-18 months. However, it depends on how much calcium is in the baby's body. If it is enough, then the fontanel can drag on for up to a year. Small deviations in the timing of overgrowth from the norm are not critical. In the absence of other signs of pathologies, they cannot indicate violations in the body.

The following factors can influence the timing of overgrowth of the fontanel:

    • Prematurity baby

Such children usually lag behind their peers in development. Therefore, the fontanel may grow more slowly. Usually by 3 years the backlog disappears.

    • If the child grows quickly with good nutrition, then the fontanel can close faster

With an abundance in the diet of carbohydrates or proteins, growth may slow down.

  • Baby feeding method

In breastfeeding children, the fontanel overgrows faster, since breast milk is most fully absorbed by the body.

However deviation from the norm can also be caused by hereditary diseases or a lack of calcium and vitamin D3.

Norms and deviations. When to worry

How many months the fontanel overgrows depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and related factors.

If it overgrows before 3 months, then this is not normal. If the child is older, then it is necessary to regularly show the baby to the pediatrician, who will monitor his condition. In a newborn, the fontanel seems to pulsate. In some countries it is called a fountain. If this pulsation does not go away with age, then you should consult a doctor.

Often a deviation from the normal state of the fontanel can be evidence of disease. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms.

    • A bulging fontanel indicates a possible increase in intracranial pressure

What can be a sign of such diseases as hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain), meningitis, encephalitis. If swelling of the fontanel is accompanied by convulsions and high fever, then the child needs urgent medical attention;

    • A sunken fontanelle can be a sign of malnutrition and dehydration.

If the sunken fontanel is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting, which indicates the presence of infection and dehydration of the body, then it is urgent to call an ambulance and hospitalize the child;

    • The size of the fontanel, which exceeds the norm, may be one of the signs of Down syndrome;
    • A long-term non-overgrowing fontanel may indicate rickets

Rickets occurs due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body. However, to diagnose this disease, it is imperative to look not only at the fontanel, but at other characteristic symptoms;

  • A slowly overgrowing fontanel may be a sign of an endocrine disorder;
  • If the fontanel, on the contrary, is overgrown too quickly, it may indicate the development of the disease microcephaly or craniosynostosis (craniostenosis).

Therefore, in case of any deviations from the norm, it is better to consult a doctor. It will help determine if there are other signs of the disease or if this condition is normal for this child.

Fontanelle care

Often parents are afraid to even touch the place of the fontanel. But you shouldn't worry. The connective tissue is strong enough to withstand touch and various hygiene procedures. Of course, some care must be taken, but the child can fearlessly wash his hair, comb his hair, and perform other care procedures.

There is no special care for the fontanel. No need to constantly feel or measure it. If there are violations, they will immediately become noticeable.

In addition, the doctor, during regular examinations, always feels the fontanel and notices deviations.

Myths about fontanelles

Often, out of ignorance, parents worry too much about fontanelles. There are such myths:

  1. If the fontanel is quite large and poorly overgrown, then the child has rickets.

However, this is not required. Rickets, in addition to the speed of overgrowth of the fontanel, has other signs: sleep disturbance, severe sweating, tearfulness, muscle flabbiness and others. Therefore, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor. The duration of overgrowth of the fontanel depends on other factors.

  1. You can’t touch the fontanel, you can damage the brain

This is not true. The brain is protected by a strong connective tissue membrane. It is able to withstand both touch and baby care activities.

  1. If the fontanel overgrows quickly, then you can not take calcium and vitamin D3 even with rickets

Parents should know that rickets is a very serious disease. You cannot self-medicate. If the doctor prescribed the drug, then it is necessary to take it. For all other questions, it is better to consult additionally;

  1. In all children - peers, the size of the fontanel should be the same

This is not true. There are certain norms, but each child has his own characteristics of growth and development. Therefore, the size of the fontanel and the rate of overgrowth may differ in children of the same age.

  1. When the fontanel closes ahead of time, the brain will stop growing and the child will be mentally handicapped

This is not true. The development of the brain is not associated with the timing of the closure of the fontanelles. The skull is not a monolithic structure. The bones of the skull are connected by elastic sutures that lengthen as you grow. The cranium grows up to 20 years.

Thus, deviations from the norm in the size of the fontanel can be both an individual feature and a symptom of the disease. Therefore, you should pay close attention to this area.

If the child is healthy and vigorous, nothing bothers him, then, most likely, deviations from the norm are his individual feature. If in doubt, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to miss the time.

It turns out that normally a newborn has not one fontanel, but as many as 6! At first, during the first week of life, four of them close, then the fifth grows - at the age of about two months. And only the sixth - the largest - remains open for quite a long period of time. When does a fontanel overgrow in a child? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why do you need a fontanel?

First, let's figure out why nature provided for the presence of this mechanism. It turns out that the fontanel performs several important functions:

  • helps the baby to pass through the birth canal;
  • allows the brain to actively grow and develop in the first time after childbirth;
  • prevents an increase in the temperature of the meninges, since its increase above 38 ° C can lead to convulsions and swelling of the brain.

The overgrowth of the fontanel is a gradual process - the bones of the skull begin to grow together from four sides, which leads to the closure of the connective tissue in this place. Many moms are worried about how quickly this should happen. It turns out that it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question "what time does the fontanel grow in children". Normally, this can happen between the ages of 3 months and up to two years, so if your baby closes during this period, then you don’t have to worry. Sometimes the fontanel may not decrease, but increase - this is also associated with the active growth of the brain.

Early closure of the fontanel: should I be worried?

According to the observations of pediatricians, recently the closure of the “soft crown” in a child occurs quite early. It is assumed that the fontanel quickly overgrows in children whose mothers took vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium during pregnancy. An excess of this microelement in the body of a child can contribute to the early closure of the “soft crown”.

The age of up to three months is the period when the fontanel overgrows prematurely in a child, but even in this case, pediatricians say that there is no need to sound the alarm. The baby should be monitored by a doctor who will monitor its development, and, in particular, such an indicator as the size of the head circumference, in order to exclude hydrocephalus.

But in most cases, even when a fontanel overgrows in a child under the age of 3 months, this does not indicate the presence of any developmental abnormalities. According to statistics, by the third month of life, it is already closed in 1-2% of children, up to a year this figure is 45%, and after two years, the “soft crown” remains open in 5% of babies. And this, too, may not affect

The shape and size of the fontanel

Another issue that parents usually worry about is the shape and size of the fontanel. In order to make sure that everything is normal, there is a certain indicator. It is calculated according to the following formula: the sum of the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the fontanel is divided by 2. This value should be in the range of 0.6-3.6 cm. The shape of the pulsating "soft crown" resembles a convex or concave rhombus.

So, we can conclude that there are no clear terms when a fontanel overgrows in a child. Therefore, you should not worry and worry about this, just visit the pediatrician regularly and enjoy the joyful moments of communication with your baby.