A summary of the occupation of a typhalopal on the formation of sensory standards in the preparatory group. The abstract of integrated class logo and a typhalope in the middle group of kindergarten for children with visual impairment

Purpose: Development of socio-household orientation of preschoolers with violation of vision in the medium group

to form socio-adaptive behavior of preschoolers

teach children to understand their visual difficulties

develop abilities and ability to use residual vision

and saved analyzers

develop touch and fine motor

rail to polish affiliation

stimulate group cohesion

1. Greeting

Typhlopedagog Hello guys! I called you in one word - guys, because you are children. And how can you be called in one word of your dads, moms, tasty and uncle?


T. ichfopedagog Who are we all together?


T.ichfopedagog Guys, and all people are the same?


Typhlopedagog Let's check it. Carefully look at each other. What do you distinguish?

Children.We have different clothes. We differ in the growth of hair color, eyes.

Typhlopedagog Do you have girls among you? And boys?

T.ichfopedagog Well done, you all rightly noticed. You are all different. Among you there are girls and boys. Look, we have funny little men, also girls and boys, clowns. But every clown lacks a couple. What needs to be done to help them?

Let's, girls gather clown girls, and boys are boys.

2. Game "Men"

Game description:

Each child is offered to assemble a whole image of a person on an individual inclined magnetic board. Typhalplopedagog draws the attention of children to distinction: different clothes and shoes.

T.iflopedago g.Guys, we are also different, but everyone is alive, in contrast to these pictures. What do we know how to do in contrast to them? (grow, move, eat)

And we still know how to see! With what we see? - That's right, we see with eyes. Our eyes help us learn a lot of interesting and important in life.

So I see. What is in front of me girls and boys, they are all in a good mood, and want to play! I'm not wrong? Doesn't my sight deceive me?

Guys, and you can see not only through your eyes. Let's play the game "Magic Box" and you will understand this.

Here is a box. It lies something in it, now I guess what is for the subject.

3. Magic Box game

Game description:

Children hand examine objects that are in the box. Call them and get.

T.iflopedago g.Who wants to try to guess the subject in the magic box?

"Turn and name, what is it?"

T.iflopedago g.Here is such a focus! It was hard to guess the subjects?

With what we learned objects? Correct- with the help of hands! Still say - to the touch. We fell them and learned them.

4. "Guess a friend to the touch"

T.ichfopedagog But I wonder if you know your friends, can you learn a friend to the touch? Check?

It will be necessary to wear an individual mask and learn a friend who stands before you without using vision.

(At first, some of the children learn a typhalopagogue)

Game description:

Each child has an individual bandage that he puts on his eyes and finds out to the touch of every child in turn.

T.ichfopedagog Well done, all coped. You are very good friends.


What do we love to do? Believe in wonders! (diluted with hands)

Watch in heaven! (watch up)

Clap! Play meadow! (clap)

And the world to know - on the run, on the run !!! (run)

6. Acquaintance with an optical means - binoculars

T.ichfopedagog And if our friend is very far, how do we find out? After all, we can not feel it. To watch in the distance very far people came up with binoculars.

B.noklallows you to see objects at the far distance: in the forest, field.

In binoculars, the same lenses as glasses are only stronger.

These lenses can bring closer.

Consider and take this instrument in turn.

(Typhalplopedagog gives children the opportunity to consider binoculars well, touch it, see it)

7. Work with lupami

T.ichfopedagog Guys, not everything is convenient to consider in binoculars. And if this is just a drawing, or a small photo of a friend? To consider it will help us here such a device - Mupa.

Let's remember that the magnifier must be kept behind the handle; Do not take your hands behind the glass, do not throw a magnifying glass (it can break down).

If the glass magnifier is blocked, it should be wiped with a special napkin. Like this (show)

Let's stand up with the desk and consider the pictures using these devices.

Children view small pictures with a magnifying glass and call them. Children's attention appeals to an increase in the image when using a magnifying glass. Now they can consider the smallest image

T.ichfopedagog Guys, I give you these devices. Now, you are familiar with them, and you can use if necessary.


To rest yourself and give to relax our eyes let's listen to music and look at special images

(Typhalplopedagog shows children to the music of the program "Relax" on the optimal child's eye from the computer)

8. Summing up

T.ichfopedagog So guys, what are we doing now?

Children - were playing

T.ichfopedagog And in what games we played can be remembered by pictures.

/ Children summarize the reference paintings, denoting the stages of classes. /

I wondered? Was it difficult? And what's new learned or saw?

Well done, we played wonderful today. All that in these games you learned new, it will be useful to you in life and at our next meeting. Do not forget to take a magnifying glass with you.

Maria Borylo
The abstract of the subgroup correction class teacher is a defectologist (typhalopal) with children 5 g. with combined pathology.

The purpose of the lesson: the development of visual perception.


Fasten subject views by l. Themes "Trees", "Fruits", "Autumn", "Wild Animals";

Learn to perceive the image of different modality;

Development of orientation in space, ability to understand and use prepositions for, under, in;

The development of central vision responsible for the perception of color;

Training accommodation apparatus;

Development of preserved analyzers;

Development of shallow motility hands, matching speech with the movement;

Upbringing a positive installation to participate in the lesson;

Education attentive, careful attitude towards nature.


Presentation on the mead (interactive blackboard); record player; magnetic board; pictures of autumn trees; Multicolored leaves for a bouquet; Leafs for leaf fall, basket; "Wonderful bag" (mouse - backpack); Cards for ind. work (wild animals and gifts for them); simple pencils; Colored lining (depending on the visual diagnosis); Natural fruits; Packaging with juice (tetrapaki 200ml); artificial fir; pointer.

1. Org. moment. Guys, guess the riddle!

Rain from the morning

Birds on the far time

Loudly wind howls.

Is it all when it happens?

Children: It happens in the fall!

The weather in autumn is very changed. Help me finish the offer!

If the sun shines, then it is called ( sunny)

If in the sky clouds, then it is called ... ( cloudy)

If it rains, it is called ... ( rainy)

If the wind blows, then it is called ... ( windy)

The sound of a strong wind is heard. On Id - a picture of the autumn forest.

2. UPR. "Big small"

Pedagogue asks questions to children, seeking to answer the proposal

Where did I find yourself? We were in the autumn forest.

What do you see there? I see trees, bushesetc

What trees grow in our forest? Berezes grow in the forest.

Oaks grow in the forest.

On the Jap - alternately appear pictures of large and small trees

The appearance of pictures with the "Chess" effect. Objective: Stimulation of subcortex departments of GM.

The teacher gives a sample sentence, children make up proposals on their own.

Large oaks and small dubs grow in our forest.

In our forest grow large birch and small birrors.

Large pines and small pines grow in our forest.

3. Respiratory gymnastics.

What happens to the trees in the fall?

In the autumn on the trees yellow and fall leaves. Fruits ripen on trees.

On the Jad - picture of the leaf fall.

Guys, and when there is a lot of leaves from the tree at once, what is the name of this phenomenon of nature? This is called leaf fall.

Let's arrange a leavefall for yourself! Spend on these leaves!

Children are offered small leafs from fine paper.

Remember the rules of the right exhalation. Children blow off the palm of the leaves.

4. Coordination of speech with movement.

Let's play with the leaves!

Leaves autumn quietly circling Spin on tiptoe, hands up

Leaves to our feet quietly fall Smoothly squat

And under their feet rustle, rustle, Moves with hands to the right - left

As if they want to cry again! Rise, spin

What did our leaves do? - The leaves circled, rustled, lay down, rustle.

5. Fingering gymnastics.

Look at how many multi-colored fallen leaves under the legs!

One, two, three, four, five, Children bend fingers in a fist.

We will collect leaves! FROM live and sprinkle cams

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, Finger thumbs in fist

Poplar leaves, Osin leaves, Starting with big

Oak leaves we gather

In the garden, the autumn bouquet will take! Step on the spot.

6. UPR. "What branch of the baby?"

On the floor lie multicolored leaves of trees.

Let's bring a bouquet of them! 1 child collects yellow leaves. 2 baby gathers orange leaves. 3 baby gathers brown leaves.

Children collect leaves in color in accordance with the instructions.

Guys, look at your bouquet! What are your leaves in the form? Listers in form are different.

Why are they different? Because they fell from different trees.

On magnetic board Pictures with trees.

Let's find and call the trees from which they fell. What are the leaves called?

Children determine which trees their leaves and call them.

My leaves fell from Clean. They are called maple.

My leaves fell from oak. They are called oak.

My leaves fell from chestnut. They are called chestnuts.

Let's put them in the basket and then make a garland of them. Children give their bouquets to the teacher.

7. Spectator gymnastics. On mead

Blood wind and our leaves flew again! Look where they flew!

The maple leaf flew down and right. Oak leaf flew down and left.

Birchie leaf flew down and right. Chestnut sheet flew down and left.

8. UPR. "Find an animal."

Guys, and who can live in our forest? Wild animals and birds live in the forest.

Where are they? They probably hid from us.

Let's look for them!

On the Id - Ch / B picture with hidful animals (visible part of the body).

I found a hare. He sits under a bush.

I found a squirrel. She hid in the voupel.

I found a fox. She hid behind a tree.

I found a wolf. He hid behind the Christmas tree.

I found hedgehog. He hid under the mushroom.

I found a mouse. She hid in mink.

9. Work in individual cards. UPR. "Spend a line"

Beasts hid, because they were frightened. But we will not offend them!

Let's treat forest inhabitants! Sit at the tables and distribute the gifts!

On the tables of pencils, sheets of paper with the image of the animal and the "hotel", between them the track. Children spend a pencil path from an animal to a gift.

Tell me, what did you treat them? Images of animals appear in turns.

Children look at the board - on their card and respectively the picture answer.

I treated the hare cabbage. I treated squirrel nuts.

I treated fox fish. I treated wolf sausage.

I treated hedgehog mushroom. I treated the mouse with cheese.

10. D / Game "Wonderful Pouch". Mouse - fruit backpack.

Forest residents are very grateful to you and decided to treat you too!

Let's go out that you brought you a mouse? Tell me about your gift.

Children to the touch determine what the mouse brought, they call, get.

I was presented with an apple. It is red, round, solid.

I was presented with a pear. It is yellow, soft, fragrant.

I was presented with orange. It is orange, round, juicy.

11. UPR. "Make juice"

How can you call in one word apple, pear and orange? This is fruit.

What can you cook from them? From fruit you can cook juice, compote, jam.

What juice can be made of an apple? Apple juice can be made of apple.

What juice can be made of pear? From pear you can make pear juice.

What juice can be made of orange? Orange juice can be made of orange juice.

Once, two, three, get your juice! - Children are given small packages of juice.

12. Outcome classes.

Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten! The sound of the wind is heard.

Oh, again this wind! We return to kindergarten! Did you like the trip to the autumn forest?

Responses of children.

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of individual classes of the Defectologist Teacher (Typhalplopian) in the senior group "Garden berries" Purpose: I. Consider knowledge of garden berries (names where they grow, parts, continue to learn to understand and consume generalizing concepts:.

Purpose: clarification and consolidation of ideas about the summer and its signs, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic, the development of small motility, auditory.

The abstract of individual classes of a teacher-defectologist (typhalopal) in the senior group "Winter birds" Purpose: I. Fix knowledge about the winter birds, continue to learn to understand and consume a generalizing concept: Winter birds. Continue.

Abstract of integrated class teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist with children 6-7 years old with violation of "Teremok" The abstract of the integrated class teacher - speech therapist, teachers - a defectologist in a preparatory group for children with violation of vision. Story:.

Abstract Correction and Development Claiming Teacher-Defectologist with Children's Children's Children with ABS (First Class) The abstract correctional - developing teacher-defectologist, with children of younger school age with ABS, grade 1 (second half of the year).

SUMMARY Claiming a teacher-defectologist for the development of hands and visual control of preschoolers with problems in development Topic: Drawing Arc Purpose: Secure in children the ability to draw rounded continuous lines; Develop the rhythm of the motor function of the brush.

Correctional and educational and health and recovery direction in the work of a typhalope with children with visual pathology Correctional and educational and health and recovery in the work of a typhalopal with children with visual pathology (consultation for.

In the correctional work in the first month of the summer and recreation season, I conducted a number of activities according to a promising comprehensive thematic.

Lyubov Leontiev
Abstract of the Typhalplopian clamping on the formation of sensory standards in the preparatory group

GBOU Gymnasium №1748 "Vertical" BEFORE "Smile"


Classes for the formation of sensory standards in the preparatory group

teacher-defectologist Leontiev L. M.

Software tasks:

Development of visual perception of contour and substantive images; forms, colors and values \u200b\u200bof objects;

Consolidation of ideas about plane geometric figures; the main colors of the spectrum and their shades;

Consolidation of the ability to spread the items in size from a smaller to more and vice versa;

Development of logical thinking, visual memory, visual attention, shallow motility and visual motor coordination, orientation on the plane;

Improvement of visual functions of distinction, localization;

Exercise eye training;

-formation of a children's team, skills perform tasks individually, in pairs and in group;

-formation moral quality: responsiveness, friendliness, feelings of the partnership and mutual execution.

Structure occupation

Surprise moment: The computer on the Internet came a message that the young wizard asks for help in children ready for school. He knows a lot of magical spells, but he does not take it to school, since he does not know many things needed by a schoolboy.

For example, banks with potions fell from the shelves in the laboratory. How to find the right one?

Didactic exercise "Logic Squares"

To make the elixir of eternal youth and beauty, it is necessary to make these banks in order.

Didactic exercise "Lay on the sample"

In bottles of drink of one color, but different shades. How to make a solution of magical potion?

Didactic exercise "Put from light to dark"

Didactic exercise "Find the desired shade"

So that the elixir will have, it is necessary to say a magic spell. It consists of several words that are hidden on a confusing picture. I wonder if children will be able to find these words?

Our friend is a young wizard wearing glasses. But before he had good vision. Just he spends a lot of time at the computer, and his eyes get tired. Teach it to make visual gymnastics with his magic wand.

Spectator gymnastics.

While we did gymnastics for the eyes, a new one came from Petit message: He learned a lot in children and hopes that he will be taken to school. In the meantime he met many fabulous characters and found out that they also have problems:

The old man has a hot carpet.

Didactic exercise "Gather a figure of pieces"

Cinderella scattered beads

Didactic exercise "Continue row"

7 Dwarves confused things -

Didactic exercise "Put from the big to a little and vice versa"

On the "Email" New message comes from petition encrypted. It says that children will be able to see real wizards now.

Didactic exercise "Find the word" (Graphic dictation "

It turned out a word "Mirror". Children see themselves in the mirror - they are real wizards: helped a friend.

Sounds song "Where the wizards are found"

Surprise moment.

Based on the data obtained on children, the typhalopagog is equipped with their subgroups for correctional classes, taking into account the age, the diagnosis of visual disease, visual acuity, which are related to the concomitant diseases, the level of cognitive activity of secondary deviations in development.

Subgroup classes Typhalplopedagog is spent daily by planning them for correctional programs. The duration of each subgroup occupation is 15-20 minutes - in the younger and middle groups, 25 minutes - in the elder and 30 minutes - in the preparatory group.

With children, which, due to a number of reasons, at the beginning of the school year cannot participate in general education and subgroup correction classes, (for example, children with severe visual disorders accompanied by blindness or deep weakness; with concomitant diseases), the typhalopagogue is also conducting individual correctional classes on developed They are individual learning programs. Such a program involves taking into account the typhalopal zone of the nearest development of the child. It is advisable to compile an individual training program for an incomparable time, for example, for one to two weeks. This is due to the fact that the children of this category do not immediately come into contact with the typhalopagogue, very long and difficult to be included in the process of corrective learning. Gradually, as the communicative opportunities for children develop, mastering the compensatory ways to know the surrounding, they are involved in participation first in the subgroup classes of the typhalplopagogue, and then in the general education classes of educators.

With children who do not have heavy visual disorders and related diseases, but experiencing significant difficulties at this stage of training in mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and skills (on general education and subgroup correction classes), the typhalopagog conducts individual correction classes One - twice a week (in addition to the subgroup).

Duration of each individual classes from 10 (in the younger and medium) up to 20 minutes (in senior and preparatory groups).

The special type of individual correctional training of the typhalopal is the preparation of children to verify the visual acuity, the determination of the nature of the vision, to the treatment of orthopedic devices (for example, on synopotphore). These classes of Typhlopedagog plans to rely on the recommendation of the ophthalmologist. Typhalplopedagog takes into account what skills must be formed in children so that they can successfully act on a particular machine. Such classes in some cases can be carried out with small subgroups of children. It should be noted that according to the tasks of the Typhrustagog, the group teachers are also carried out with children (individually and with subgroups) Special games and exercises aimed at preparing to participate in the medical and recovery process and to secure the results of treatment treatment.

Individual correctional work of typhalplopedagog is carried out not only in specially created conditions for its office, but also in general education classes (for example, on the modeling, appliqués, design, etc.) in this case, he sits down next to the child who has difficulty, and, using The method of joint implementation, provides individual corrective assistance. During the walk, Typhalplopedagogue conducts individual work, for example, on sitting on the site. In the daily life of children in kindergarten, it individually works with children in need of forming self-service skills, the ability to come into contact with other children and educators, etc., as a rule, these are children with deep visual disorders or having concomitant diseases. Considering individually with difficult children, typhalplopedagog shows the educators receiving corrective impact.

the main goalwhich is set in front of a typhalopegogue in the correctional work with children - to prepare them for the perception of the material that is presented in general education, to independent participation in other activities (in the game, in elementary labor, in the treatment of vision on the devices).

Typhalplopedagogue in its classes in the framework of general training learning solves the following Correctional tasks:

    formation in children of ideas about their visual capabilities and abilities to use violated vision;

    the formation of the ability to receive information about the world around the world using all saved analyzers;

    education to the use of the resulting polycept information in the subject-practical, cognitive and communicative activities, in spatial orientation.

The most important taskwhich typhalopadagogus decides on the correction classes of all species - the formation of socio-adaptive behavior skills in children. It is a behavior that allows a preschooler with visual pathology to be adequate and independent in various household and simple social situations, as well as in communicating with peers and adults.

In accordance with the programs of special (correctional) educational institutions IV type (for visually impaired children) / Ed. L. I. Plaksina. M., 1997 / Typhlopedagog holds special correctional classes:

    development of visual perception;

    the development of tounel and shallow motility;

    orientation in space;

    socio-household orientation.

The allocation of these species of special correctional classes is due to the need to form in children compensatory ways to know the surrounding. Typhlopedagog also conducts comprehensive correction classes. They are clarifying, summarizing. Their content involves the use of certain skills in all types of correctional classes. Another type of comprehensive occupation in which, for example, typhalopagogue, an educator, a speech therapist can take part at the same time.

Typhalplopagog is building its classes according to the following scheme.

Scheme of special


1) the development of a visual-spatial orientation in the free space on the vertical plane (in the 2nd zone of the depth of the visible space, within which the convergence is still possible, but the accommodation is missing (5-6m).

2) continue to learn to actively operate with spatial representations (right, on the left, at the top below, above, under); Classify birds on a sign of a passion (migratory, wintering); Develop a phonmematic rumor of children, learn to extract parts of the body of the bird.

3) Develop active speech of children: bird names (pigeon, crow, cuckoo, owl, crane, starlet). Learn to use in speech: above, under, at the top, below, on the left, right. Expansion of the active and passive dictionary of children due to the evidence speech of the method of performing the sensor operation, describing the location of the bird.

4) bring up the careful attitude towards birds, accuracy when painting parts of the image. Educating the ability to hear comrades answers during class.

Methods and techniques: visual (showing and viewing images of birds), verbally (questions to children, explanation, clarification), practical (the tasks of the development of visual perception are carried out in the external plan, and the result of the decision is manifested in explaining the choice of the object)

Material: Network suspended to ceiling, poultry images (Figure 1), Panel parts of light (Figure2), handouts cards with images of bird nestings and birds (Figure 3)

Preliminary work: viewing stuffed birds or images in the picture, conversation about the external signs of the bird, the ways of its nutrition.

Structure occupation

Motivation: Bird disappeared from the teacher's house. Probably the window was open and she flew away. The teacher is very worried and looking for it. Asks children to look for her bird. Maybe they will find it. But you need to look for description

1) "Learn the bird on the description and find it." Work on visual search on a network suspended to the Cabinet ceiling. The teacher describes the appearance of the bird (cuckoo) according to the algorithm. Children recognize her, explain why they think so and show the long sixth, where it is on the network.

Picture 1

2) The didactic game "flies-not flies" (the classification of migratory and winter birds) children explain why migratory birds fly south. If children cannot explain, then explains the teacher that there is nothing to migrate birds will eat (there will be no insects), they can freeze. Children along with children define the parties of the world where the south is located. You can offer children a vertical stand on the wall.

Figure 2.

3) "Put a bird in your house"

Whose on the Domishko tree?
I built my brother.
Door-circle, no window.
The house is empty, silence. (Buncher)

Children are offered cards with the image of various types of nesting birds: a birdhouse, a hop, nest. It is necessary to settle the bird into its nest: Skvortz to the Birdhouse, Odu - in Hollow, Crane in the nest. Children themselves conduct lines, explain: "I lead the line down to the middle picture on the right, because the starlings live in the bunch. I lead the line up to the upper picture on the right, because Owl lives in Duples. I lead a line up to the bottom picture on the right, because the crane lives in the nest. "

Figure 3.

Spectator gymnastics:

"Once or two or three - turn - in any bird turn" children turn into birds. "Forestye" guess in what bird the child has turned. If the forestry does not guess, then the child himself explains which bird he turned into.

4) didactic game "find out who it is"

5) Sparking Part Parts. Task: apart part of the body, which is on the bird's head, with which it is powered by (beak). Why does this bird have such a beak? (It depends on the nature of the food. A short beak sparrow is conveniently clicking the grain, long and strong Woodpecker is hammering a tree, takes out insects. Owl is a bird of prey. Holooned beak she can tease the prey). Why is the beak from above?

Outcome. Guys, what did you like in the lesson? What was difficult for you? Pedagogue praises children.