Corporate in oriental style. Colorful party in Oriental style: decoration, costumes and entertainment New Year's fairy tale in oriental style

Traditionally, a new year meeting in Asian countries is a cozy, home holiday in a circle of family and close relatives. But with the onset of the next day, you can go with congratulations to a restaurant or cafe, and you can simply celebrate the first day of the new year on the street, where it is usually very fun, and passersby, familiar and strangers, congratulate each other with the New Year.

New Year is a holiday, giving hope that the coming year will definitely be better and happier than the previous one. People around the world, and in Russia, too, seek to meet him so that he is remembered by his uniqueness, originality, try to keep all the traditions. And therefore the meeting of the new year in oriental style makes the holiday even brighter and interesting. According to the Eastern calendar, every year has its own patron among animals. And in order to please the patron of next year, people pick up the color of clothing, think over the menu, in general, make everything that the symbol of the year be sure to "be satisfied". And no wonder around the globe, the night sky is illuminated by thousands of bright spots from the explosions of Petard and Salutes, because so people want to move everything that personifies evil and failures. But fun and hopes, good wishes to each other will definitely give good and fulfillment of cherished desires.

The holiday of the New Year is so loved in Asia countries that people celebrate it for 15 days.
Ancient times in the east, a holiday associated with the onset of next year was celebrated in the house of any resident, be it a poor peasant or a rich official. Houses for the holiday were decorated with traditional red lanterns, pictures with animals. The main symbol of happiness is red, therefore, decorations prevailed in homes using this color. On the dishes, furniture, work tools laid stripes cut out of red paper. The doors and walls of the rooms were also decorated with a leaflets of red paper, where the gold paint was neatly removed by hieroglyphs, which mean wealth and happiness.

Another traditional decoration in the house was five long stripes, each of which corresponded to one of the traditional "species of happiness": honor, good luck, longevity, joy and wealth. Neighbor with lantern stripes, lanterns with four and six faces were especially popular, as well as small lamps, covered with matter. The lanterns were also used in dance with dragons figures.

Maximum red to attract good luck

Eastern calendar by year

The forecast for the next year is another wonderful feature of the Eastern calendar. Below is the eastern calendar over the years, in accordance with which some recommendations are given on style.

Year of rat.. The rat itself takes care of its appearance, because this year the acquisition of any expensive thing is just a tribute to the symbol of the year. Slogung Rats: "Look at 100%!". A chic red dress is a synonym for the word "success."
Year of Bull. Bull is an animal unpretentious, and therefore comfort and convenience should prevail in clothes. The most relevant styles "Smart Casual" and "Casual Shik" will be the styles. Popular fabrics of this year - natural fabrics, it can be a cotton or bamboo. Epazka per year bull is not appropriate. Modesty and minimalism - this is the right choice in style.
Year of Tigger. About the style this year you can say: "What year on the Eastern calendar, such prints and fashion". Of course, the drawing of a leopard or tiger will be popular, also relevant drawings under Zebra or Giraffe. Fur and large jewelry will be relevant. The courage is priority in choosing clothes. For those who were born in the year of the monkey, you need to avoid feline prints, because the tiger is their opposite.
Year of rabbit or cat. Trend of this year - fur and silk. The thing should be perfect: the exhaust should not be worse than the front side. Luxury and at the same time elegant modesty - such a combination will bring the popularity of the person who can do it. Vintage and retro style will be delivering such a combination into reality. An excellent addition will serve as the use of large stones in the image of an excellent lady.
Year of the Dragon. Professionals advise this year to use large packs in clothing, a variety of saturated colors, and all this is supplemented with expressive makeup. Imitation of crocodile leather is the actual print of this year. Shoes should also pay attention to: massive sole, rivets, etc. Diamonds will become a symbolic decoration in the year of the dragon.
Year of the Snake. All also remain at the peak of popularity in accordance with the eastern calendar animal prints. However, it is important to remember about elegance. It would be nice to remember the famous Coco Chanel with her little black dress. Decoration of this year - the thread of pearls.
Year of the Horse. Sports in clothing is what you need this year. Convenience and comfort are becoming popular. Motor clothes are particularly popular for outdoor activities.
Goat year. A luxury and seductivity comes to replace everyday life. In the fashion dress of complex cover, open neckline and spin. The best choice is a dress, emphasizing all the advantages of a female figure. Femininity and once again femininity is the trend of the year. Stylish shoes - shoe boots. Also perfectly complement the image handbag in the spirit of the aristocracy.
Year of Monkey. The monkey does not tolerate boredom, because more clothes for fun parties becomes in the wardrobe. Natural and artificial fur are acquired popularity. Among the natural is a Chernoburka, a red fox or an exotic animal. In factory fabrics with a pile and fringe are also popular.
Year of Petush. The image of this year is excessive sexuality. It is expressed in tight knitwear, sequins and rhinestones. You can spend a parallel in an image that is created by compatriots, being abroad. But sometimes you want greater modesty and elegance in this image.
Year of dog. Classic styles set tone this year. It can be a Military or Safari style. More and more attention is paid to the trousers in the wardrobe ladies. Decorations depart into the background.
Year of Pig. The priorities of this year are "Luxurious Comfort." Soft cashmere, cozy mohair, in general, any soft fabric with the presence of a large amount of folds and drapes is suitable for the wardrobe of fashionista. Spacious tunics and cafts are relevant.

Increasingly, in Russian enterprises and companies, heard a call to take into account the human factor, which means to relate to employees more carefully, listen to them and sometimes rejoice. After all, the case is time, but also fun - an hour. The modern leader understands well that a friendly cohesive team works much more efficient than a group of separate employees. To find a common language between people who are seen only in the walls of the office, sometimes it is useful to give them the opportunity to communicate and outside work. For such purposes and conduct corporate parties. In the informal setting of colleagues become more sociable, the working voltage is removed, the level of confidence and mutual understanding is growing.

For your event to bring positive results, and the people then did not regret the time spent, it is necessary to approach his organization with all the responsibility. Chaos and Supbar here are not helpers. If the evening goes randomly, as it turns out, no entourage with costumes will help, and the good idea will turn into formalism and "forcedilovka". Do not forget that the corporate party is not a busy company of the best friends, where all each other know each other. Your invited can not communicate with each other. In order for each of them it is interesting to relax with such a composition, clearly plan, in which a veneer will be held.

So, it is planned corporate, but everyone has long been tired of the scenario stuck? Want a real fun and something unusual? Then spend it in oriental style. East is a magical fairy tale, mystery and incendiary dances. Such topics is always relevant and will fit almost any occasion. Arrange the hot Arab night colleagues. And they will long since the warmth remember this day. Where to begin?

Make original invitation

How to organize everyone and not forget anyone? You can notify the team orally, but people love personal attention when they treat each personally. It is better to come up with original invitations, decorated in the subject of your feast. What will they depend only on your imagination.

Eventspro Editors picked up a small selection of invitations decorated in oriental style, you can use them as a sample to order in printing house:

Organizing the services of a professional typography at all is not at all, after all, the budget of the evening is always relevant. But also to distribute standard postcards with dry text will also be boring and uninteresting. Try to make them on your own. It's simple.

Based on the topic of our celebration, come up with all employees, including bosses, oriental pseudonyms. Ideally, if during the holiday everything will continue to call each other with the names of the harvested characters. The manager may be the wisest Sultan. The guard is the chief executioner, the accountant - the Treasurer Keeper, the secretary - Shahryzada, etc. Fantasize. Your task is to correctly motivate colleagues, awaken sincere desire to participate in the event.

Scroll of Viziry

From colored paper make an improvised scroll. We decorate or paint in a fabulous oriental style. We come up with several rows with personal appeal to each. For example, "Come, Oh, Lunolic Jamil Ibn Mikhailovna, in a caravanserai (place of celebration). The wisest Sultan commands everyone to gather a great day (reason, event) of a bright month (date) ". We turn the scroll into the tube, tie bright satin ribbons. Ready. It remains only to hand.

Magic letter

Creative invitations can be sent e-mail. Try to do for each virtual postcard with its own photo. The source code can be asked to personally, or find in social networks or in the photocollection of old joint parties. On the Internet there are many simple online editors with different templates. Choose the eastern topics of interest to us and insert colleagues in the face patterns (someone will be an old man hottabych, someone - the southern dancer). Then add invitation text. It turns out interesting and fun.

Photo postcard

If time and resources make it possible to prepare it, the same nominal postcards can be printed on the photo paper in the nearest photo studio. Such invitation will definitely remain in memory and will be kept in people with years, reminding your friendly evenings.

Invitation "Eastern Attribut"

For the Eastern Corporate Party, bracelets on the eastern manner will be relevant. At each of them, attach a postcard with the text on the manner 1000 and 1 night. True, bracelets are more suitable for women. And for men, we suggest send a small decorative dagger or a tube (just do not forget about the postcard).

Beat guest meeting

Regardless of where you will have planned to celebrate the event, it will be great if each of the guests someone solemnly meet and help take places. Let it be a colorful genie in a chalme and a vest on a naked body, or beautiful Zulfia in a short top and a loin bandage with coins. Perfectly, if both characters work in a pair. Sochinate for them a short greeting text and several movements in the style of eastern dance, so that guests from the threshold dipped into the fabulous atmosphere. After the welcoming speech, Zulfia and Ginn serve a widged glass with wine and a sack of sweets. Genn - women, Zulfia - men. Some alcohol will relax and reduces the embarrassment of guests.

Instead of alcohol, you can use any traditional oriental drink, for example, an invigorating drink from ginger, dairy Tang or Ayran.

Eastern outfits

Choosing an image for a corporate party with a thematic bias - a serious question. First, since we have a common idea, then it is necessary to embody it entirely. Everyone must come in the costume. Or at least put on suitable accessories. If someone appears just in casual clothes, the total atmospheric of the fairy tale will immediately disappear. Commier so that there is no "white raven". Fight some details of clothing about the reserve, in case someone does not work out. Secondly, images should be different. If five small flour come for the holiday, it will be sad. Again this moment with the team.

Costumes can be rented in theatrical institutions, and you can cope and yourself. Options for ideas on our topic abound.

For the image of an excellent concubine, dancers, Gulchatay, the princesses of the Bud and others are suitable for the following elements:

  • bright makeup (expressive eyebrows, arrows on centuries, shadows with sparkles);
  • skirt-jelly, looked out of coins;
  • sharovari (suitable and recently included in the "Afghan pants" or "Aladdin");
  • parandja (from Beach Paleo);
  • improvised bright bodice (can be top of clothes: for example, the top of the swimsuit is decorated with sequins);
  • massive bracelets, monistoes.

Where will we arrange an oriental cophering?

Modern corporate guys are held anywhere:

  1. clubs;
  2. restaurants and cafes;
  3. rented assembly halls;
  4. working office;
  5. country houses and restaurant complexes;
  6. beaches;
  7. saunas with pools and relaxation rooms.

Nevertheless, preference in choosing a place is traditionally given or rent a restaurant or office. And, of course, the most ideal place for such the subject will be the restaurant of oriental cuisine. It will save you not only from the need to decorate the room, but also to think through the design of such decoration, because it is not enough to decompose pillows and carpets in order to create a true oriental comfort.

If any reasons with a restaurant fails and you have decided to use the office as a site, we suggest seriously considering the issue.

The flavor of the Eastern decoration can be created using:

  • bright small pillows;
  • brilliant textiles on the walls;
  • carved wooden backgammon;
  • baldakhinov;
  • carpets;
  • hookahs;
  • copper dishes;
  • and vintage jugs.

Feel free to involve employee decorations. Surely every home there is something suitable. And do not forget about incense! Fragrances will create a proper mood.

Tables must be low, as it is in the east. This is done in order to be comfortably reaching before need to treat. Alternatively, we offer something like Dastarkhan. Stool the tablecloth directly on the floor (land) and we furnish with the relevant dishes with disadvantages.

Pick up a music background

The choice of music of the eastern direction is huge. Pump on the Internet of different songs from the incendiary dance type Aydamir Mugub "Black Eyes", and to the lyrical instruments Diduli.

Look for the Joseph Loduca composition and something with the sound of Armenian Duduk (tool such).

As examples, as well as the first stone in the foundation of your play list, we also offer to consider the following national Caucasian compositions:

Think over which part of the evening the selected styles will fit. And it is best to charge this by a professional DJ.

What to treat guests

The kitchen of the East is a variety of spices, spices, all sorts of sauces, meat fried on coals, exotic fruits and, of course, famous for the whole world of sweets.

It does not matter, there will be an abundance of meat yokes on the tables or you will bypass a modest buffet: buy sweets! In this Arabic palace, the tables must be broken from Halva, Shcherbet, Marmalade, Pakhlava, Rakhat Lukuma and Pastils.

Muslim pork does not eat. More preferences are given to Konine, lamb and beef. We offer several variants of oriental treats:

couscous - lamb with vegetables;

If in your company with a sense of humor everything is in order and you do not plan to hire a professional, surprise everyone with a surprise. Referring one of the most bold men of your team to South Beauty and turn on fast music. Let the improvises. Do not forget that the dance needs impressive magnificent forms. So that it was what to dance, shove him into the clothes of Porolan and inflatable balls in the right places. Laughter of viewers is guaranteed.

Stadium of my heart

Such a competition does not require extra movements and is ideal for a feast. Divide women and men into two teams. In turns, they must say compliments team of rivals to the Master of Speech Hottabach ("O, the most beautiful of Women Jasmine Grigorievna," Lunolic Gurius Svetlana Nikolaevna "," the incomparable and greatest Lord Igor Viktorovich "and so on).

Wins the one who spent more. Tell me the participants that there are absurd spellings that are not related to the meaning of the word. With them the competition will last longer.

Short preparation plan for the corporate in oriental style

If you always have a sympathy for eastern topics, and with the sounds of Rhythmic Lezginka, I want to go to the dance (even if not knowing how to dance), we suggest you to go from words to action. Answer yourself to the first most important question: We organize ourselves or by order "turnkey".

If you decide to order a turnkey corporate, the question of choosing a qualitative performer is very acute, use our services to repeatedly simplify the task.

If you decide to experience your abilities, here's our short feature, which will help keep your hand on the pulse and do not forget anything when preparing. Copy, print it in Word and boldly go to meet the eastern fairy tale.

  1. Determine who will be responsible for the preparation of the corporate party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the main one) and distribute the tasks of this list.
  2. Make a list of participants. Who can come? (You need to know for how many people count).
  3. Determine the date and time of the corporate party.
  4. Determine the budget that is ready to spend on a corporate party (it is from this suma that will largely depend on the decision of all subsequent issues)
  5. Distribute the roles between the participants (who is planning to be in what image)
  6. Find the desktop rental studios and give each employee a memo with addresses and telephones (so you can avoid justification by type "I didn't know where to find a suit ...")
  7. Decide where you intend to hold a corporate structure (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex and so on). To solve this issue easier, leave an application to the site with an indication that it is planned to corporate in oriental style, for sure, you will be answered by platforms specializing in the eastern cuisine, and therefore issues of registration - a prophet from your shoulders.
  8. What dishes should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  9. Think about the issue with transportation and delivery guests home
  10. Decide who will do the design of the premises. If you are planning to do everything on your own, decorate decorating elements, it is best to be ready for at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave an application for the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate already available decoration elements. You can choose in terms of quality and at the price of the best performer.
  11. Think of the entertainment part. What contests and competitions attract your employees, and which no? Use our section of contests to quickly solve this task.

Corporate for a big, friendly and active company

Fairy tales of the East "In Baghdad, everything is calm! .."

A role-playing game aimed at identifying hidden potential and the development of the creative abilities of employees of the company.

The main roles of the main heroes of the holiday are distributed in advance, their participation in the role-playing game is determined by the plot and concert numbers at a great holiday in the Sultansky Palace.

An example of the distribution of roles: Sultan (Baba Name Ibn-Patronymic) - CEO, his deputies - the bridal and wisening viziers, the financial director - the keeper of the Sultanian treasury and the main treasurer, the Chief Lawyer - the Judge, Head of Security Service - Palace, Accounting - Harem, System Administrator - Syndbad-Seaido, Courier or Personal Driver - Little Muk, Head of Sales Department - Alladin, Secretary or Personnel Professioner - Princess Burore ... In every team there are Ali-Baba and Robbers, a stingy Kasim and the welding Fatima, Beauty Zeynab And Boltun Mustafa ...

Choose roles and write the story from the life of fabulous heroes on your company.

Leading holiday in the images of Khoju Nasreddin and the sage from Baghdad, Houzein Husia's star. They are helped by the actors animators and artists.

The rest of the company's employees are invited to plunge into the eastern fairy tale and feel at the time of the residents of the fairy-tale eastern city.

the formula of the Eastern Holiday:

Fabulous oriental city = Palace Sultan + Basal Square - Medina + Workshops - Claws of artisans + Teahouse + Arab Coffee Shop + Hookah + Photosallon + Donkey + camels (riding or jumping) + comic football

Palace Sultana - This is a scene, it is here that the main event of the holiday is unfolded - the performance of fabulous heroes at a large reception at Sultan (banquet). The concert program is the amateurness of the most vibrant and talented employees of the company prepared in advance. (see more detail "Project Music Teahouse")

For scenery of the scene, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe back and design of the fabric, imitation of the tent, a canopy, throne of Sultan (stretcher for a solemn removal) and others.

Scene scenery minimal from 20,000 rubles.

Medina marketplace - Playground for the merry interactive game "Eastern Bazaar". Everything takes part in the game.

The cost of decorations and commercial equipment from 12,000 per place.

The goods for the bazaar purchased in advance at least 500-600 rubles per person. It is possible more, but not less than 150,000 rubles of the total budget. Otherwise it will not be a bazaar, but a parody, the game will not work, as there will be no main thing - the desire to buy something.

On the budget dedicated by the Company, the souvenir products are purchased - Eastern goods: Tubets, scarves, suits for dancing abdomen, monists and decorations, hookahs and tobacco, daggers and rosary, backgammon, incense, spices and much more, as in the real Eastern Bazaar. The better and more diverse goods, the more interesting the game.

The number of outlets and playgrounds of the Eastern Bazaar Client forms at will. It can be trading places: "female" goods, "male" goods, spices and incense (this is a mandatory minimum !!!). There may be more: flower shop, fruit bazaar, dish, jewelry shop, weapon workshop and others. An animator actor is fixed behind each trading destination. His task to turn the purchase process into a fun and exciting action.

Solemn music sounds - this Sultan with a retinue goes to the marketplace. Decree of the ruler (general director of the company) - award from the sultan treasury the most faithful subjects for special merit of money bag.

Money is made in advance on the "Mint" depicting Sultanand branded logo. The happy owners of the first money can spend them at once in the bazaar, all the same is invited to earn money first, participating in contests, games, competitions or work in workshops.

The game has begun!

Animators and artists will create an extraordinary flavor and fabulous atmosphere of the eastern bazaar. Merry and noisy traders are called buyers, musicians play oriental melodies, bazaar artists entertain guests. People buys a tubette, Arab dresses, shawls with monistas and suits for the belly dance - all dressed up and the market square is filled with multi-colored paints of the East.

Workshops - Claws of artisans and playgrounds with animators

Pottery Workshop, Blacksmith, Culinary Show - Confectionery Eastern Sweets Zeboo, Eastern Drummer School - Masters Shafi, Music Shop (Master Class Games on Different National Instruments), Magic Song Gina Salon, Eastern Dance School - Harem Dancing - Training of Belly Dance, Armory Shop - training game with weapons, playing with a saber, throwing swords (blades), east needlework - embroidery, beading weaving, carpetworking, oriental casino - game of bones, backgammon, hookah show, tamer snakes and scorpions, cooler waters -Yo, ", teahouse Khoja Nasreddin (jokes and bikes from Baghdad thief), Fatima Fatima salon and wise-star Huseyn Huslia, Bookshop Omar Hayama with wise thoughts of the ancient," Drunk Fountain "with the best Eastern Tosts, Dancing Camel, Hanging Hallery and Of course, the Arab Coffee Shop with real oriental coffee cooked on the sand.

With the possibility of football, a friendly match "East" in long Arab dresses and multicolored Chalms on the head, takes a lot of funny and joyful minutes.

Comic football is eastern: a) in long oriental dresses and chalms on the head, b) every captain (Sultan) with his attackers (Viziers) and Garem.

Special flavor holiday will bring live camels and donkeys, and maybe the Arabic bumps. Arrange "jumps" on camels or donkeys, or demonstration performances of oriental riders.

Animator attractions, playgrounds are needed in a large amount - invent!

Basic scenery of the Eastern City and exit service:

Chayharan + Arab Coffee Shop + Hookah + Photo Salon

The second half of the holiday banquet with a concert program.

Ideally - the amateurness of employees of the company + the number "Stars".

Amateur - see musical teahouse

For the role-playing game, the main characters are already chosen. We make special musical numbers for them. We write new texts of songs on well-known and popular melodies with the content of the company's employees and the company's activities.

Record the phonograms of these songs on the company - for this you will need 2 days to 6 hours, a small room at the company and for 30-40 minutes of the working time of each employee to record the song.

Then the sound engineer makes the processing of the recorded vocal, the arrangement and turns the entry into elegant musical numbers.

1 song - 10,000 rubles. For a full-fledged concert, not less than 10-12 songs.

As a "star" - performing a virtuoso drummer and Shoumen - Richad Shafi. Live music - decoration of any program. We recommend a performance at your celebration of a magnificent musician, a virtuoso drummer, head of the legendary musical team "Günesh" - Richad Shafi. This is not just a brilliant drummer, an inimitable wizard playing all the drums of the world, listed in the Book of Records Guinis, thanks to its projects and inventions (Richadu Shafi belongs to the world's largest shock installation, which includes nominal drums made by special order and sketches. Maestro) is a terrific showman, fabulously beautiful, like an eastern wizard and an unusually sunny, radiant artist. By the amount of energy, which he charges and warms the public on his speeches, it is perhaps you can only compare with the hot sun of his homeland!

In the Arsenal Richad Shafi there are solo rooms with drums, interactive work with the hall, virtuoso improvisation on drums and percussion. Music material is a jazz rock with a stylish Eastern ethno-taste based on the complex odd sizes of Turkmen folk rhythms that Richad shifts into virtuoso solo !!!

The magic of the East foams no worse than the strong hookah, manits as a look of the Arab princess, admires as the brilliance of thousands of precious stones in the treasury of Padishah. The fabulous oriental party will take you and your friends in an amazingly beautiful world, full of inimitable coloring! Tired of the mad rhythm of modern music, boring monotonous gatherings and stuffy close clubs? Go to the east right now!

Surely you do not wait to begin to decorate the hall, but allow a small remark: in geography there is no concept of "eastern countries". Conditionally so called Iran and Iraq, Arabia and Syria, Korea and China, Indonesia, Thailand and many other Asian countries. But Korea and, for example, former Persia are two big differences. Of course, you can try to combine the dissimilar culture within one party, but this approach requires large investments and titanic efforts. Therefore, we will leave China, Japan, Mongolia for a separate topic, and today we will draw gaze to the Middle East.


The decoration of the hall or a small room begins with the simulation of the tent. Ideally, you need to completely close the ceiling and the walls in a flowing cloth - silk, a brocade or satin of muffled red, orange, blue or lavender color. Golden color complements the background shade, making the interior very rich, bright and catchy. Gold should be much in general, it's hard to overdo it. The fabric wide stripes diverges from the center of the ceiling and goes down to the floor along the walls.

Oriental outfits and attributes do not fit into the interior of the modern hall, but the drapery of the cloth even a small room is expensive. Although the fabric or tent, if you go on nature, you can rent. Or use paper instead of tissue - cheap wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Or close the walls partially, hanging tissue cloths at equal distances.

The second indispensable decor element is bright ethnic carpets. You need to close the entire floor or at least the place where low carved tables will stand. Around the tables, spread the stuff, low benches or spread beautiful patterned pillows. Table (or tables, if there is a lot of guests), you can put on topchains, covered with a carpet. Put the hookah table, real or butaforia in the prominent place. Several clay vases with lush greens, daggers and swords on the walls, themed images are caravans, steppes, Persian and Arab cities, Sultans and princesses. You can use the photo of the Eastern Bazaar - a very atmospheric element.

If dancing is planned according to the script, arrange the tables along the walls, freeing the central part of the hall. You can define the "scene" zone - a large fluffy carpet and a curtain of bright tapes or shining threads of beads.

Separate attention deserves chased utensils from copper and brass - cup holders or cups, trays, jugs, turks and coffee pots, plates with engraving and characteristic patterns. Mad beauty! Ask friends - dishes are often brought from vacation as souvenirs. Or take a rental set for a party, it is not very expensive. Nothing terrible if Uzbek kumgan will be coherent with Arab Tajin, no one will notice.

Do not forget about the lighting "Tent": an eastern style party passes with a soft scattered lighting, and in some way even a mysterious twilight. Ideally, these lamps and lamps, without a common powerful light source. Chandeliers can be hidden behind the fabric or paper screens. Do not overdo it, in the twilight, gold decor will fade, and friends will quickly begin to yawn (soft pillows and comfortable sofas contribute).


  • postcard in the form of hookah, wine jug, chased tray;
  • postcard in the form of a camel, curved sword, tent. You can cut the figure of the Sultan or the dancer, at the same time on the dress code hinting;
  • write to the right left, decorate the invitation to Arabic letters or words. Just first find out the translation, and then something indecent will succeed.


Ah, Girls! Each of us, at least once dreamed of visiting a real Eastern princess, shrouded with a flowing cloud of fabric, erotic opening the back and an imperiously hidden face for an irresistible for an outsider a silk barrier. Such a chance can not be overlooked! Therefore, away is shy - we have to go into a long skirt with cuts almost to the belt and embroidered with sparkles and a gold braid bodice. Too frank outfits - not your style? Jump instead of the skirt wide collected in ankolotok pants and a short top. On legs, comfortable soft slippers, embroidered with beads or braid in a single gamma with a suit.

Pay attention to accessories: on the forehead, neck, wrists and ankles, in the ears, large metal decorations or stained stones. Makeup expressive, bright, with an indispensable accent on the eyes - Clear drawn arrows, fluffy eyelashes, bright shadows in the color of the costume.

Cheeky Baghdad thief or a nomadic Bedouin, a magnificent Sultan or brave warrior? Men also have a choice, and it is quite wide. The easiest option is the free collected Book of the rejuvenated pants and a dense vest on the naked body. Or on a thin linen shirt, if the naked body suffered from the treacherous attack of beer and sandwiched Armad.


Of course, it is advisable to do without pork and seafood. A lamb or lamb, rabbit, poultry meat in the form of stew with vegetables and spices. Or in the form of a fragrant pylov, shurts or stewed portions in a huge total dish, with juicy gravy and a slide of greenery - mmmm! Oriental dishes are full of aromas, satisfying, fatty and very tasty! At the same time, recipes are completely simple, and ingredients can be bought at any store - experiment!

Bread all over the head not only in Slavic cuisine. The benefit of the case, in addition to traditional batons and loaf, you can buy cereal buns, pita and cakes in the grocery. Bread is better to break with his hands and lay a slide. If you are planning to eat bread (without instruments), do not forget to apply bowls with fragrant water to rinse your fingers.

A real decoration of the table will be oriental sweets - halva, bows, pahlawa, candied and dried fruits, nuts, Nougat and Isle. Drinking with sugar bliss, crushed nuts or chocolate sweets on high multi-level supports, slides on large trays and miniature sauces. Many fruits are figs, grapes, melons, apricots, oranges, is also a neat placer or slide.


Rest in oriental and strict scenario - absolutely incompatible concepts. In the subject of evening, languid relaxation, pleasant ethnic music, friendly conversations and peace of mind. But as if the guests did not bounce in such a relaxing atmosphere!


Prepare cards with drawings or pictures of thematic things, images, costume elements, etc. On the back, write the name and a pair of incorrect options. Show the card and read the options. And let guests guess what is depicted in the picture - pilaf, shurpa or rice soup, driver or Sultan, Yatagan or Square?


Offer guests in turn to call the Association on the Eastern Theme. Yes, so as not to repeat. No thoughts? Pay a fine - delivering a real oriental toast wish to all those present! And atmospheric, and without separation from the absorption of goodies.

Move Poya

When the first hunger is thin, the time of aesthetic pleasure for men and demonstration of charms for women. This, of course, about the eastern dance, without which the party will lose part of the charm. Invite the coach or professional dancers for half an hour. And you can simply turn on the clip or suitable music, and it is beautifully twisted with pops and testers on the joy of a strong half of humanity.

If you are planning to include in the scenario for the competition for the title "Best Performer of the Belly Dance", do not forget to prepare all the princesses gifts - sweets, decorations, aromatic oils or incense.

Strong and brave

And now let the men demonstrate the strength, courage and dexterity, not yet lazy with a piece of lamb in the teeth!

  • joking battles on cardboard sabers;
  • spear throwing in the target (evil cardboard Bedouin, for example);
  • racing or battle on camels (as a camel - the most enduring guys). Remember how in childhood they played "Konyashka?".

Movable dance and competitive contests Move with drinking entertainment to give guests to relax. You can offer the ladies to decorate your legs and hands with "tattoos" henna. Or arrange the battle of the floors (yes, yes, today oriental women are rarely bolders!) - Two huge trays, many, many sweets, disposable gloves. We put on the gloves and build the Palace of Sultan! Who has a sweet castle above, in guys or girls?

As a present, all friends will suit pendants with a sealed area of \u200b\u200boil, figurines of jinn (of course, executing!). Memorable engraving can be made on souvenir daggers for men and on wide chased bracelets for girls.

Amazing, full of mysterious charm and passion East attracts many. And what if you arrange a wonderful party in such a style to be at least to be in a fairy tale about 1000 and 1 night?

An interesting flavor of the eastern countries, temperament and customs of their inhabitants - to convey all this, you will have to post all the hundred both organizers of the party and its participants. Special efforts and attention will require the design of invitation, premises, the manufacture of thematic costumes or their search, the organization of treats, games and entertainment features. In general, everything is as usual.

But do not worry! If friends are ready to help you in this case or you have facilities for ordering services in the festive agency, the task will greatly be easier, and the preparation process will quickly complete.


Notify the estimated guests about the place and time of the thematic parties in the style of the East can be in different ways.

Postcards. It is suitable as traditional, decorated with the eastern ornament and images of beauties-concubines, and musical, opening which, invited to hear the characteristic overflows of the melody. Well, if the inscriptions are stylized under Arabic liners, and the text is to remind one of the Tales of Shaherazade.

Volume cards. This option implies the decoration of the cardboard framework by drapering from flowing tissue, brilliant elements (coins, beads, beads) of the costume of the eastern dancer. The postcards "with a secret" look original - open this, and the figure of Ginn, Sheikh, the silhouette of the Eastern Palace appears before his eyes.

Bracelets. The abundance of jewelry in any case will be welcomed on the Eastern Party. One of them is a bracelet - just can become an original entrance ticket to the event. It is advisable to attach a small card-invitation to the bracelet with a reminder of the time of starting party and dress code.

Pouch with incenses and coins. An elegant brushes with a string, made of transparent fabric, which is pre-aromatic a flavored chopstick from a set of incense, a few small coins or bright pebbles resembling gems. The bag will be stored and small in the invitation card.

If all this seems too complicated, make an invitation on a regular sheet of thick paper, printing on it an oriental ornament and text invitations. Eventspro Editors picked up a small selection of invitations decorated in oriental style, you can use them as a sample to order in printing house:

How to meet friends?

Eastern hospitality is a mandatory attribute for our thematic party. Ideally, if every expensive guest will meet the owner in Chalme and the embellished bathrobe, treating all incoming fruits and sweets, bringing a cup of strong coffee, cooked in Turkish.

In addition to the listed, you can treat traditional Caucasian drinks, such as: an invigorating drink from ginger, dairy Tang, Ayran or Maceni.

Or maybe in the house will entertain Fakir? He, demonstrating the next focus, will get different treats from his magic raincoat. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and assistant Aladdin - Ginn.

A meeting of guests can be trusted with excellent concubine that performs a charming and seductive belly dance for all those invited to those who have gathered at a party.

A surprising music will help to configure guests to the eastern fairy tale, because the melodies of the East will not confuse with anything. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will support video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of fresh coffee, a wonderful aroma of lit sandal sticks or other incense.

What to wear to a party in oriental style?

Perhaps the most rapid scope of fantasy in the costumes gives precisely the party in East style: girls can show themselves in all its glory, demonstrating the gentle curves of the shapes, covered with bisters, embroidered beads, and sharovari from transparent fabric with a belt on the hips, decorated with rich embroidery and prizes ringing coins. Mystery will add a handkerchief covering the head and part of the person, leaving only eyes visible with a bright memorable makeup.

As an option, the girl can wear instead of a sharovar long skirt to the floor. Mandatory point - Many decorations: large earrings, necklaces, beads, monistoes, bracelets on the forearm and wrist, on the ankle. The most modest fair sex representatives can do Chydra, which will allow to hide the figure from unwanted views.

For the male half of the guests, there are also a lot of ideas for a suit: Sultan, Jeann, Aladdin, Fakir, Warrior-Yanychar, Wanderer-Bedouin, Baghdad Thief. An indispensable attribute - Chalma or Turban, bonded (in front) in the center of a luxurious belly with a large stone.

Yes, you have to sweat until you learn to turn the cut of cotton fabric or towel to the turban, but the result is worth it - proud posture and the predatory look will conquer any of the party participants. Sharovari can be replaced by conventional pants, and on the shoulders, throw the home bathrobe with the eastern patterns on the fabric or, in the extreme, to try on a wide bathrobe. Fakiru should take care of a wide raincoat, and Janachar - about the presence of a sword, a faithful satellite of a warrior.

You can not worry about the shoes at all - the dress code of the Eastern Party allows barefoot legs, light ballet shoes, or soft shoes with bent upside down.


It is unlikely that the party organizers will be able to reproduce the rich decoration of the Sultansky chambers to reproduce the rich decoration, but make the interior of the room as much as possible to the eastern palace will quite work. The main rule is an abundance of textiles and decor elements.

Traditionally, guests in the east are not sitting at the table on the chairs, the invited sitting on the floor, on soft pillows, decorated with an ornament with many smooth lines and bends, at a table on low legs. If guests' guests are conservative people, it is possible to offer them to settle down on cozy wide sofas, low puffs or chairs draped by cloth.

On the floor, be sure to spread the carpet, and it is better not one, but a few. To give a partially a special oriental charm, we recommend making caustichens from light fabrics that form a semblance of a tent above the place of meals and drapery on the walls. Pillows and mixes of various sizes are welcome, scattered in the "creative" mess on the floor, sofas, chairs.

Do not forget about the traditional hookah traditional for East - the smoking device who loved by a lot will perfectly fit into the eastern party and help support a conversation with each other.

Large floor vases are suitable as decor, elegant figurines in the form of girls dancers, animal - elephants, tigers, horses. Walls can decorate paintings with battle scenes, picturesque views of palaces and eastern bazaars.

The lighting should not be bright, sufficiently muted light from the lamps and wall scaves. It is good to use candles, putting them on the floor, tables, shelves, but better (and safer) to replace them with lamps stylized under the candles.

Where to spend such an event?

The most ideal option, of course, will hold a party in a restaurant or an eastern oriental café. In this case, it is not necessary to take care of the design of the room and treat.

If the finance of the organizers is limited, you can take guests in your home or removed by the evening, pre-equipped it in the style we need.

Great idea - to spend the eastern party in nature. To organize the thematic event, you will have to install a large tent, and not one if there are many guests planned. The tent naturally will have to furnish with small aspirations, carpets, hookahs. In the case of a tent, you will achieve almost one hundred percent playback of oriental style, because the tents are used in the east and to this day! You should also worry about musical accompaniment - without it, the eastern party with charming dances is unthinkable.

What kind of friends?

A treat at a party in oriental style is the responsible business, since the welcome reception assumes the abundance of dishes on the table.

Meat dishes are required - delicious pilaf with lamb, beshbarmak, shuffer, baked meat under vegetable fur coat and, of course, kebab. You can stay on one dish or choose several (depending on the number and wishes of guests). Salads in the usual understanding Eastern cuisine replaces vegetables on fresh vegetables: a few plates with beautifully chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, greens will decorate the table and please the views of the participants of the festival.

Do not forget about oriental sweets: Pahlava, Rakhat Lukum, Sherbet and other delicacies are prepared by recipes independently or order in a restaurant.

A similar party does not imply the presence of alcoholic beverages. The custom of the East is a treat with strong tea or coffee. If the guests do not agree to abandon the alcohol, you can offer wine or light cocktails, inventing them unusual names, for example, the "1002th Tale of the Shahryzade" or "Peta Yanachar".

We select music

We have already mentioned that you need to take care of musical accompaniment. If you doubt the choice or can not think of anything, we propose to pay attention to the following options:

  1. Any Arash composition, for example, Tike Tike Kardi, Boro Boro, "Oriental Fairy Tales" or Chori Chori.
  2. Tarkan will be appropriate with his Simarik, Kuzu Kuzu and Dudu.
  3. Songs "My Queen", "Eyes", "Sorcerer" and others performed by Eldar Dolgatov.
  4. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and his "Tramp", "I will be nearby", "I will remember" and the other.

And, of course, do not forget about traditional Caucasian compositions:

In fairness, it is worth noting that the concept of the East is very widely, this concept includes our Caucasus, and the countries of the near and Far East, therefore, in terms of the musical sheet, a certain oriental mix can be obtained.


Belly dance

No celebration in oriental style seems to be without an incendiary dance of the abdomen. When executed by his professional dancer, guests will receive a lot of aesthetic pleasure.

Many will think: what can be offered to guests at an oriental party, except for the belly dance? In fact, the lision of entertainment is much richer, for this, on the Eventspro project there is a special section of competitions and games.

To lay the first stone into the foundation of your entertainment part, we will give a few contests here, who perfectly fit into the oriental style parties.

Fokus Fakir.

Master a few uncomplicated tricks with a set of a magician, which you will find in any specialized store (festive agency), can each. It remains only to practice in advance, to prepare the costume of Fakir - and forward, amazing guests!

Competition for the best belly dance.

The company will always find girls who engaged in oriental dances. If they demonstrate their art at the party, Thunder applause and adoration of fans they are provided.

"Gulchatai, show Lico!".

Will the guys be able to recognize their girls, if the beauties hide under Chad, leaving the only looking look openly? Such a test will be a real check for couples in love (and not only).

"Brave Yanychar".

You can organize a comic battle on the butt strokes between representatives of strong sex in the costumes of warriors and sultans, because each man should be able to fight.

"New Tale of Shaherazade."

During treats or calm conversations, you can make a game where each participant says one phrase by continuing the narrative of the previous player. As a result, a new fairy tale with funny adventures should be turned out.

Board games.

Traditional entertainment, which are quite combined with smoking hookah (chess, backgammon), are suitable for those who prefer a quiet pastime by noisy playing.

East style party can turn into an unforgettable fabulous adventure if you prepare for it with a fantasy and take into account all the details. Eventspro with all my heart wishes you success in the organization! And we very much hope that our advice will help create the most beautiful and magnificent oriental fairy tale!

Short preparation plan for the Eastern Party

If you always liked Eastern topics, and from east food you get indescribable pleasure, then a party in eastern topics what you need!

Answer yourself to the first most important question: We organize ourselves or by order "turnkey".

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the question of choosing a qualitative performer is very acute, use our services to repeatedly simplify the task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short feature plan, which will help keep your hand on the pulse and do not forget anything in preparation. Copy, print it in Word and go! Towards merry!

  1. Determine who in your company of friends will be responsible for the preparation of the party (one or more people, if a few, determine who will be a coordinator) and distribute the tasks of this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet each to clarify the seriousness of the intentions of each.
  4. Determine the date, the time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are ready to spend at a party (it is from this suma that will largely depend on the decision of all subsequent issues)
  6. Solve the issue with financing (who, in what size, when and how will all the costs for preparing and conducting)
  7. Decide the issue with the design: what attributes, the design elements are necessary, in what quantity where to take them. It is best that they are willing to be at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave an application for the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate already available decoration elements. You can choose in terms of quality and at the price of the best performer.
  8. Sorridge the grade of the dress code.
  9. Find the studios for renting costumes (after all, not the fact that each participant has the necessary clothing) and give everyone a memo with addresses and telephones (so you can avoid justification by type "I didn't know where to find a suitable outfit ...")
  10. Decide where you intend to hold an event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex and so on). To solve this issue easier, leave a request to the site indicating that the New Year party is planned in Eastern Topic, for sure, you will be answered by platforms that specialize in eastern cuisine with the interior, just under your goals.
  11. What dishes / drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  12. Think over the issue with the transport and delivery of participants home.
  13. Think of the entertainment part. What contests and competitions attract your friends, and which no? Use our section of contests to quickly solve this task.