Cat's eye has magical and healing properties. Mysterious stone of the cat's eye. Cat's eye stone in magic

Cat's eye Is any stone in the center of which you can see a narrow strip concentrated color... If such a mineral is rotated in the hands, the strip will move. She is so similar to the thin pupil of a cat, it is thanks to her that the stone got its name. But not everyone knows that the cat's eye is the name of the effect, and not of a specific stone.

This name usually hides green quartz (prase) and yellow-green chrysoberyl (cymophane). Chrysoberyl can be of other colors, for example, golden green, emerald, reddish, honey. Also the effect cat's eye often found in moonstone, tourmaline, jade and other types of stones. How transparent stone, the more attention it gets. The game sun rays and overflows in color make you believe that the gem has magical and healing powers.

The magical properties of Cat's eye

The cat's eye is credited with very strong protective magical properties. In some cultures, it was believed that this stone can save a person even from death, warning, making a person feel a threat hanging over him. But the Cat's eye is not only able to save the life of its owner, it also protects a person in every possible way from various kinds negative emotions that have a destructive effect on the aura. The mineral not only protects its owner, but also dissipates negative energy, purifies the aura and brings confidence, happiness, calmness and good luck. A person wearing a cat's eye will never face the pangs of jealousy.

Love relationships are also protected by the cat's eye. The stone helps to establish relationships with your soul mate, and for those who do not have it, it will help to attract the attention of a potential lover. He averts all adversity, and he will definitely warn about those that cannot be avoided. With the approach of change, the stone begins to grow heavier, touching the skin of its owner. Magical energy mineral is such that its owner, imperceptibly for himself, gains a permanent positive outlook on life, harmony of their personality and tolerance of others. The cat's eye contributes to the development of self-control in humans, assists in concentration, concentration and the desire for the development and improvement of the personality.

  • Yellow cat's eye. The owner of the stone can make the interlocutors listen to themselves, reckon with his opinion, and also enjoys the trust of other people. This type of chrysoberyl works well for law enforcement officials, priests, and educators.
  • Green cat's eye. Possesses the unique ability to attract money into the pocket of its owner. It will be an excellent talisman for people whose activities are related to finances, the stone will endow them with self-confidence, the ability to achieve goals. Recommended for accountants, businessmen, bankers and other people who are not indifferent to money.
  • . Perfect for people of both sexes: it focuses on male and female energy... If a person is aggressive, then the mineral will give him calmness and prudence, too soft and docile will give decisiveness and firmness of character. Suitable for workers advertising business, the service sector and lawyers.
  • White cat's eye. He is the patron saint of mothers and children. Remove unnecessary, unjustified concern of the mother for the child. It will teach you not to look for problems where there are none. Amulets from white stone help to avoid the development of female diseases.
  • Blue cat's eye promotes the development of its owner's abilities for clairvoyance, observation and intuition. Protects against evil eye and envious people. Recommended for romantics and dreamers.

Medicinal properties of Cat's eye

The representatives of oriental medicine know that the cat's eye heals both the soul and the body. In fact, Cat's Eye helps people with heart conditions - vascular system... It makes the blood vessels stronger and also helps to improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas. It treats eye diseases and helps restore vision. And for this, the stone is simply enough to wear. In the countries of the East, there is an opinion that, by sorting out a rosary made from a cat's eye, it is possible to significantly reduce nervous tension and even recover from mental illness... It increases prudence, maintains health. Stone treatment is carried out for diseases respiratory tract... Asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis - this is not the whole list of similar diseases for which the cat's eye helps. To get rid of them, the stone must be worn around the neck in the form of a bead or pendant.

Talismans and amulets

The cat's eye protects against evil eyes and curses. Able to protect a person from the pangs of jealousy, and brings happiness in love. The cat's eye balances all aspects of a person's life, adjusts thoughts and feelings to positive mood... In addition, this stone is traditionally associated with wealth, and is recommended to be worn by everyone who is interested in successful development career. Attracts the stone to the owner and the sympathy of the people around. Products with a cat's eye should be worn by timid and insecure people - it will endow them with courage, charm, and attract the attention of others. Moreover, the gem is a real peacemaker. It helps a person avoid conflicts, improve relationships in the family and at work, and attracts the favor of his superiors.
If you give an adornment with a cat's eye to the most implacable enemy, then soon he will change his attitude towards the donor and can become his friend.

Cat's eye in astrology

The most useful cat's eye will be for representatives of the zodiac signs of the elements of water -,. With them, the protective properties of the cat's eye are most pronounced. For them, the stone becomes a protector, a keeper from any misfortunes, and for people creative professions this gem will also become an advisor when creating new projects. For women of the zodiac sign Libra, the cat's eye stone will do a good job, revealing the inner feminine beauty, thereby attracting the attention of the surrounding men. In general, although it is believed that this is a stone of water signs, nevertheless, almost everyone can wear it, it reads thoughts and is very sensitive to the spiritual purity of its wearer.

Cat's Eye Compatibility with Zodiac Signs

Cat's eye for

Aries are known to be very energetic and active sign, which sometimes interferes with his career. At times, you need to be able to reason in cold blood, and his hot temper and energy can play a cruel joke with him. But a talisman with a cat's eye will give some wisdom in solving important matters and help you see new opportunities.

Cat's eye for

For this zodiac sign, talismans are noble stones deep underground, blue and white flowers. The Cat's Eye stone will help Taurus reach certain heights in his career.

Cat's eye for

Another sign that can feel the beneficial effect of jewelry with a cat's eye is Gemini: thanks to him, it becomes easier for the representatives of this sign to establish mutual understanding with others, it makes them even more flexible and softer in work and communication with other people. Gemini largely depends on the opinions of the people around them. Therefore, for representatives of this sign, an amulet with a cat's eye will serve as an invisible bridge in building relationships in society, and can also improve mutual understanding.

Cat's eye for

The cat's eye is indispensable for the Cancer zodiac sign, whose profession is inextricably linked with social activity, as it helps to rid the representatives of this sign of fears, complexes and self-doubt, establishes communication with people and helps to protect themselves from negative impact others. In addition, it helps its owner in love, establishing mutual understanding with a partner. Jewelry with this mineral will be a powerful tool in building relationships in society. It will help get rid of many character flaws and suppress a certain pessimism that is inherent in many Cancers.

Cat's eye for

The zodiac sign Leo is a representative of the fire element. And, as you know, people of this constellation have strong character and very powerful energy. Therefore, uncompromising Leo needs a stone as strong as they are. And the cat's eye will not be able to pierce the energy of Leo: the stone will simply be lost against the background of the strength of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Cat's eye for

Well suited for the cat's eye and the representatives of the sign Virgo. To these representatives of the zodiacal circle, a cat's eye can give good intuition and even supernatural abilities and also protects from the evil eye. Also, the cat's eye will be a wonderful amulet for representatives of the Virgo sign who want to strengthen family life... For Virgo men, a cat's eye gives courage and self-confidence. For teenage girls, jewelry made from this stone will help to adapt and easier to enter into adulthood.

Cat's eye for

In addition to representatives of the element of Water, the cat's eye works well on Libra, especially female half this sign. Their cat's eye helps to reveal their femininity and helps to attract male attention... Libra women, having jewelry with this stone, will be able to more easily reveal their ladies' beauty. A talisman with a cat's eye will help her attract love and build romantic relationship... And if Libra already has a soul mate, then a talisman made from this mineral helps to maintain this relationship.

Cat's eye for

The cat's eye is the stone of the zodiac sign Scorpio, since this mineral loves stubborn and purposeful people, namely, Scorpios usually have these qualities. Scorpios have a very complex nature, and the cat's eye balances their temper, helping to find harmony with the people around them both in the work environment and in the family. Scorpio is pretty strong sign zodiac. Representatives are often complex and strong-willed. And it is for them that the cat's eye will become extremely useful stone... A talisman with a cat's eye will help Scorpios avoid deception, betrayal, and also protect their property from robbery.

Cat's eye for

The cat's eye protects love, preventing betrayal. The cat's eye sprouts olive green or soft lavender needles. A wonderful talisman - it keeps love. Heals many diseases, for example, diseases of the ears, eyes, heart, skeletal systems s, gynecological diseases.

Cat's eye for
Cat's eye for

Aquarians will be able to achieve stability in life. The cat's eye will show main goal their lives and ways to achieve this goal.

Cat's eye for

Pisces cat's eye brings peace, health of body and soul, protects from outside influences and promotes acceptance correct decisions... This stone emphasizes the tenderness and femininity of the fairer sex, and also establishes love and family relationships... For people of the Pisces sign, the cat's eye is ideal as a kind of barrier from the strong negative influence of others. It also improves health and harmony. state of mind... For fish women who have family problems, the cat's eye will help preserve relationships and strengthen them.

Cat's eye - the magical properties of the stone

A variety of chrysoberyl with a moving streak of light in the middle is called a "cat's eye". This is not the name of the stone: the effect of similarity to the eye of a cat is achieved by special treatment... It was first obtained by polishing a cabochon of green-yellow chrysoberyl. Everything resembled the eye of a night hunter - the color of the stone, and the inner glow, and the running strip, similar to a cat's pupil. Unusual view the stone was immediately endowed with magical properties.

Far from it, there is no magic. A specific "eye" effect can be achieved with a dozen transparent gems, therefore, a clarification is often added to the name "cat's eye":

  • quartz;
  • opal;
  • sapphire;
  • jade;
  • emerald and others.

Beautiful fibrous serpentinite, on which running stripes stand out especially effectively, is called Californian.

Description of chrysoberyl

Chrysoberyl itself, which is the raw material for the "eye" cabochon, has a characteristic golden-yellow color and strong luster. Its varieties:

  • Cymofan is an apple-green mineral that has an iridescent effect.
  • Alexandrite - too green stone so unique that it is often appreciated more expensive than a diamond and referred to as precious stones.
  • Alexandrite is a mineral with a unique property - it changes color depending on the lighting: in daylight it is green, in artificial light it looks purple.

The characteristic on the Mohs scale says that cymophane and alexandrite have a hardness of 7.0.

Mining locations

The main deposits of chrysoberyl are in Brazil. From there comes a pebble, which is endowed with a huge magic power... In addition, chrysoberyl is mined on the island of Sri Lanka, in India. Small deposits are being developed on the island of Madagascar.

The largest "cat's eye" weighing 8 kilograms is kept in the Museum of Rio de Janeiro.

Types of "eye" minerals

Chrysoberyl is the most famous mineral with a cat's eye effect, but not the only one. There are chrysoberyls golden, emerald, even having pink tint... Other stones may have this effect:

  • quartz;
  • aquamarine, Moonstone- blue, white, gray or blue cat's eye;
  • tourmaline;
  • topaz;
  • beryl;
  • opal - has White color but may be gray in color.

Processed in a similar way and gems- rubies, sapphires, but their cost will significantly exceed an ordinary faceted stone, therefore such processing is rarely used.

Many people confuse the stone "cat's eye" with "tiger". Tiger's Eye Is a type of quartz saturated with fibrous material. When cut in the form of a cabochon, it gives the stone an undulating tint. The “cat's gaze”, in contrast to it, can manifest itself not only in quartz.

The gaze that follows you

There is a description in the Bible, which indicates that the rod of the high priest Aaron was decorated with "cat's eyes." Since ancient times, it has been popular not as a decoration, but as powerful amulet from the evil eye. Of course, sorcerers and shamans took advantage of the fact that worldly people feared unusual stone, considered him "devilish", which was only in the hands of all kinds of magicians.

There is one more historical description... V late XIX century, the British Prince Arthur dispelled the ancient and medieval horror, not being afraid to present a ring with a "cat's eye" to his bride. Not only the lady was delighted with the beauty of the stone - from now on, all the nobility longed to acquire such rings. From that time to the present, the cute "cat's eye" has been popular, although in the depths of his soul, each owner believes that the talisman will protect him from the evil eye, diseases, and no damage is afraid of him.

Like the eye of a fluffy night hunter, the stone vigilantly monitors the surroundings of the owner. He, like a cat, when she, defending herself, puts out her claws, gives the owner a sign of the approach of danger - a ring with a stone or a pendant becomes heavy. A person experiences discomfort, which makes him listen to his body and identify the approaching disease in time. If the owner of the cat-eye ring learns to read the clues, he will be protected.

The stone also protects the thoughts of the owner, not giving bad thought penetrate them. He gives a person positive attitude, improves mood and faith in good luck. It is believed that such a talisman saves not only the body and soul of its owner, but also his property from thieves, business from ruin, family from treason. If a person has planned something bad and does not want to listen to the wise prompts of the mineral, he is able to bring failure and illness to the owner himself.

Many properties are attributed to the cat's eye stone, they say that it:

  • relieves depression, gives peace of mind;
  • makes soft people more resilient, and stubborn people more flexible;
  • gives girls grace, gives young men the opportunity to show courage and determination.

Often endowed with a cat's eye magical properties... Its color matters. Cat's eye stone yellow color credited with the ability to bring wealth to the owner. To do this, you need to carry it in your wallet. It will help you climb the career ladder, get a raise in your salary, or find a higher-paying job.

The healing properties of the mineral

It is difficult to say in which area of ​​human health this "eyeball" stone does not help. Lithotherapists use healing properties stone "cat's eye" for the treatment of many diseases.

It is useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure... To do this, it is better to wear a yellow and orange mineral, and blue and green will help hypotonic patients. If you wear an amulet with a "cat's eye" around the neck, he copes with ailments of the respiratory tract. Beads will also help with this.

The stone "cat's eye" is the eye to cope with the problems of the visual organs. It relieves fatigue from them, therefore it is useful for those who have to strain their eyes during the day. It is enough just to put a stone to sore eyes and believe in its power. The mineral will give you the ability to see well in the dark - if not quite like a cat, then at least sharpen your eyesight in dark time days when there is a need for it.

It is believed to be useful for problems with gastrointestinal tract, digestion - promotes the rapid assimilation of all nutrients, improves metabolism.

And the cat's eye smoldered with a strange light ...

The type of decoration with a stone-amulet from the evil eye does not matter. It is often used in rings and pendants, less often in earrings, because the amulet manifests all its magical properties only when it comes into contact with human skin.

However, this is a lonely stone, and he does not like the neighborhood. Most often, it is decorated in silver - this is how the cabochon looks especially impressive, and the running stripe-“pupil” immediately attracts attention.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to know how to distinguish a natural "cat's eye" from the evil eye and a fake. This is easy to do:

  • Natural stone with the "eye" effect is very expensive, sometimes the price can be equal to the price of a diamond.
  • Natural chrysoberyl - even though it is eyed, even though alexandrite is a strong stone, it can be scratched by ruby, sapphire and diamond, and it can leave a mark on the glass. This speaks of the authenticity of the stone.
  • Define, natural mineral or not, it is possible in the dark: it will glow, and the pupil effect will intensify.
  • You can rub the stone with a cloth - the natural one will shine brighter, but the fake one will not.

Video on the topic: Cat's eye, magical properties and energy of the stone

Astrologers recommend wearing jewelry with a "cat's eye" for representatives of " water element"By the sign of the zodiac - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpions. For Libra girls, he will add attractiveness, help to gain success with men. But this does not mean that the pebble will not protect others, will not direct them to the right way.

It is not necessary to determine only by the horoscope who the mineral is suitable for - such a talisman against the evil eye can suit anyone. An unusual pebble loves everyone, the main thing is to be loved.

Cat's eye is the common name for the chrysoberyl stone. In fact, this mineral has a transparent strip that changes its position under different angles, which makes it look like the eye of a lurking cat. Aquamarine, moonstone and other types of quartz have the same feature. But only the cat's eye gives a visual effect that can be observed without the use of optics. So it lives up to its name.

This mineral controls human destiny and leads its owner to the task at hand. Most people think in a formulaic way, and do not think about achieving the real goal. Chrysoberyl can make a person happy, give him a sense of harmony with the world around him.

Properties and features of the stone

The properties of the cat's eye stone are not limited to this. The mineral protects its owner from any misfortune, develops his intuition and removes all possible negativity. Cheater, thief and just bad person will never encroach on the owner of this gem. For their amazing ability to find treasures of chrysoberyl, they call magic eye... For example, he can easily take his owner to a lost wallet or to a place where a lucky lottery ticket is sold.

Fortitude of spirit peace of mind, wisdom and success will give you this unusual gem... The cat's eye is used by sorcerers and light magicians in order to increase their energy. Chrysoberyl is also used in rituals and various ceremonies.

Cat's eye stone in magic

Fortune-tellers and sorcerers have used chrysoberyl since the earliest times. It should be emphasized that only a genuine crystal (and not its analogue) has magical properties. By the way, the cost of this natural stone approximately equal to the cost of a diamond of similar size. And this is even despite the fact that the artificial cat's eye seems more attractive than the real one. The main property of the stone is the ability to protect a person from violent death.

A radiant crystal will set you up for a positive, if you wear it as a talisman that is constantly in contact with your body. For example, as a pendant. But anger, greed, laziness and jealousy of the owner can over time negate the magical properties of the gem.

A blue or blue cat's eye is endowed with strong protective properties... Those jewelry, in which this stone is present, immediately turn into real amulets that protect their owner from attacks evil people, envy, hatred and evil eye.

Family mascot

Interspersed cat's eye stone golden hue, has the ability to attract wealth to its owner. For a married couple, such a crystal also becomes harmony in relationships, it keeps the hearth from ill-wishers and extraneous hatred.

Most astrologers advise spouses who have been married for a long time to wear cat-eye jewelry. This stone will help revival warm feelings that begin to fade over time. It is recommended to keep chrysoberyl products in the form of all kinds of figurines near the matrimonial bed. With a similar mascot married couple no disagreements are terrible, and only the feeling of love will grow and multiply in this house.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Serious Gemini, romantic Aquarius, windy Libra will achieve vital stability if they use a cat's eye stone. Chrysoberyl will show them the final goal and the shortest path to it.

Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. The crystal for these zodiac signs is a powerful amulet. It helps them to reveal their talent and gives them a sense of self-confidence.

For Sagittarius, Lviv, Aries, chrysoberyl will become reliable, this stone will help to achieve success in the profession.

Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. These representatives of the Zodiacal constellation should not wear jewelry with a crystal. Otherwise, negative character traits such as closeness, intemperance, cynicism and stubbornness may appear.

For the zodiac signs of the water element - Pisces and Cancers - this mineral is most suitable. By the way, Scorpio will find in him an excellent assistant in business and a reliable protector. Chrysoberyl will help in communicating with people and will smooth out a difficult character if Scorpio begins to wear this crystal in contact with his body, but does not burden himself with other jewelry.

Almost all zodiac signs can wear a cat's eye in the form of an amulet or amulet. For example, a gem will help a woman Libra (element of Air) to be liberated, to become charming and very attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex. By the way, the crystal itself looks charming and feminine.

Stone for creative people

All decorations in which this stone has found application are universal. They are readily worn by both men and women. For a person associated with creativity, a gem has special meaning... It contains an energy that for poets and writers can become a muse that promotes creativity.

Many people in creative professions claim that just by looking at a stone, they feel like difficult questions are solved by themselves and creative ideas are born.

Stone for children and adolescents

For a young man, a cat's eye is the perfect stone and it doesn't matter which sign of the zodiac it belongs to. The character of a teenager, as a rule, is complex, and sometimes extremely hot-tempered, and the horoscope in this case has practically no effect.

The cat's eye stone is exactly the gem that will tell young man the right way. He will help the teenager find mutual language with his parents and smooth out the negative features of his still unformed character.

The Cat's Eye Stone is a quartz of extraordinary beauty. Its essential difference from other precious and semi-precious stones consists of a narrow strip of light passing in the center and creating a radiant effect. When the position of the mineral changes, this strip also shifts. Interesting name For whom it is suitable, the properties of the Cat's eye stone make it quite popular.

Cat's eye stone: properties

Gray, green, yellow, dark brown are the most common that are endowed with the Cat's Eye stone. Of the more expensive and rare ones, there are ruby, sapphire, beryl, chrysoberyl gems with a distinct visual effect. In addition to great variety colors and shades, stones of this type have a different level of crystallinity - a separate mineral is capable of expressing the effect of a "cat's" eye in its own way. The brighter this effect expressed, the more valuable the stone is considered.

Magical properties

The Cat's Eye Stone is a favorite of people whose activities are closely related to magic and mysticism. In ancient times, it was actively used for the manufacture of amulets and amulets. At the archaeological excavations to this day there are amulets made of mineral with dried cat paws attached to them. Mystical properties Cat's eye stone is inexplicable. The owner of the jewelry made of the "eye" stone feels protected - "under supervision". In India, the Cat's Eye stone was used to understand the language of representatives of the animal world and to see the future. Financial luck and winning gambling- the unconditional merit of the Cat's Eye stone.

The gem does not allow negative energy to reach its owner. He is able to establish love relationship, keep the family, loyalty, hold together friendly relations... The Cat's Eye Stone helps to avoid deceitful and hypocritical people and win over kind and positive personalities.

The positive properties of the Cat's Eye stone will not appear for unscrupulous people.

Medicinal properties

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, which, according to Eastern and European medicine, is positively affected by the Cat's Eye stone. It is important to wear the mineral to eliminate asthma symptoms, prevent and get rid of respiratory diseases - tonsillitis, pneumonia. No less actively, the gem was used as a good laxative, anti-inflammatory and stimulating agent. The healing properties of the Cat's eye stone are due to its power in the treatment of the lymphatic and skeletal systems, pancreas, spleen, tonsillitis, arthritis, rheumatism, heart, blood vessels, depression and chronic fatigue.

Who is the Cat's Eye Stone suitable for?

The cat's eye is a versatile stone. It is suitable for a woman and for a man - the energy of two principles is harmoniously collected in it. The mineral makes the fair sex stylish, beautiful and elegant, and strong half of humanity - decisive, strong and persistent. The "eye" stone and the sharpness of character are incompatible. It helps to be soft and elastic, removing obsession and hot temper.

The Cat's Eye stone is suitable for all people, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. The main thing for a gem is to be loved and cherished. He will definitely thank you. According to astrologers, as a talisman, the Cat's eye is most necessary for Cancer, Scorpio and Libra.

Jewelry with stone

The pendant is perhaps the most famous piece. In this form, the properties of the Cat's Eye stone are most revealed. Silver contributes to an even greater manifestation of the healing, magical and loving qualities of the mineral. The Cat's Eye Stone is also used to create rings, earrings, bracelets and beads. A large assortment of jewelry, both for everyday and weekend wear, is presented in the online store

A cut stone is called a cat's eye, in the central part of which there is a narrow strip of concentrated light. It shifts if you turn the gem in your hands. The name of this effect is due to the similarity of a strip of light with a cat's pupil. Today, there are several minerals in nature that have similar effect, however, traditionally cat stone Chrysoberyl is considered.


Stones resembling a cat's eye have long been considered protective amulets and have been used by various tribes. The cat's eye was especially popular in Hindu currents. Their followers are ready to argue today under what moon and when exactly it is necessary to wear an amulet with a cat's eye in order for it to work. It is worth noting that opinions on this differ significantly from school to school.

Jewelers began to actively use the cat's eye to create jewelry only in the second half of the 19th century... The impetus for this was the presentation of a ring with a stone cat's eye by Prince Arthur to his bride. Since then, chrysoberyl has become really trendy. As a result, active development of deposits and the search for new places of production began.

Varieties and shades

Cat's eye is represented by chrysoberyl and other minerals including tourmaline, moonstone, scapolite and quartz. Among all these varieties, only chrysoberyl has the maximum hardness and bright pronounced effect... Most often, the mineral is gray, rich brown or greenish tint with a golden tint. The British Treasury contains a mineral whose weight is exceeds 300 carats... This gem was presented to Queen Victoria in 1886. In addition to the variety of shades, chrysoberyl is distinguished by the severity of the effect and the degree of transparency.

As already mentioned, there are other stones with a cat's eye effect.

  • Alexandrite with a pronounced emerald greenish tint. Due to the peculiarities of human vision in the evening or under artificial lighting, it seems that the shade of the stone acquires a purple or reddish color.
  • Cymofan is one of the rarest types of stones. This mineral has a silky texture and is yellowish or greenish-golden in color. Thanks to correct processing a shiny line appears in the center of the stone. You can notice the effect of a cat's eye by looking at the gem in bright light.

Differences from fake

Real chrysoberyl refers to expensive stones ... Its value corresponds to the price of diamonds of the same size. Very often there are fakes on sale. To distinguish a natural gem, you must remember that it is very hard. This indicator is 85 units on the Mohs scale. Accordingly, chrysoberyl can only be scratched with a diamond, ruby ​​or sapphire. By the way, the mineral itself can leave significant scratches on the glass.

To make sure that chrysoberyl is not a fake, you need to place it in dark room... Here the stone will glow just like a cat's eye. Rubbing a mineral will increase its sheen. In natural light, a fake looks brighter and more beautiful than a natural gem.

It is believed that about half jewelry created from an artificial cat's eye. Its production is fairly straightforward. So, molten glass is carefully poured into a mold with fibers colored in a certain shade. After a couple of minutes, the glass hardens, and the fibers burn out due to elevated temperature... A noticeable stripe appears in their place, which makes the product look like a natural mineral.

Magical properties

The cat's eye is considered a powerful amulet. There is an opinion that such a stone is able to save a person from death. So, they say that in 1917, some Russian aristocrats were able to move to France only thanks to products that prompted the owners about the impending danger.

The mineral is able to cleanse the aura, give calm and good luck... It is believed that people who wear cat-eye jewelry never suffer from jealousy. Thanks to wearing this mineral you can tune in to a positive mood and harmony.

Crystal golden color often associated with wealth. Chrysoberyl also symbolizes self-control. The mineral enhances concentration and the drive for success. It is worth noting that the presented jewelry with this stone evokes disposition and sympathy for the donor. For this reason, the gem belongs to the symbols of reconciliation.

Medicinal properties

Chrysoberyl cures disease of cardio-vascular system, maybe improve vision at night, relieves headaches and pinched nerves. Wearing jewelry made from this gem is indicated for problems with such organs;

  • kidneys and liver;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • The lymph nodes.

Storage and carrying

Although chrysoberyl is difficult to damage, it needs to special care ... So, the stone should be protected from sharp changes temperature and acid exposure. For cleansing the feline eyes will do warm soap solution... In order for the gem to shine after such processing, it is necessary to wipe it with a dry soft cloth. Experts recommend storing the mineral separately from other gems, otherwise they may be damaged.

To use a cat's eye as a talisman, it must be worn in a platinum, steel or gold frame. In this case, it is worth making sure that the stone is touching the skin.

When choosing a mineral, it is necessary pay attention to the profession:

Mineral cat's eye will be the best talisman for cancer and scorpion, moreover, representatives of these signs should remember that the gem should not be combined with other stones.

The cat's eye is very popular due to its unusual effect. Such a stone belongs to powerful talismans with pronounced magical properties. He relieves disease, gives peace and happiness. To feel the beneficial effects of the crystal, you need to make sure when buying that it is not a fake.