Makeup for different face types. Selection of makeup for different types of faces. Visual correction of the oval shape of the face

Experienced makeup artists, when choosing makeup, first of all take into account the shape of the face. Only in this way will it be possible to emphasize attention to the merits and hide the existing shortcomings. In order to create the perfect image, it is necessary to determine the type of face, and after that it only remains to make a couple of simple strokes.

Determine the type of appearance

According to the type of face, experts divide people into only four main categories:

  • autumn;
  • Spring;
  • summer;
  • winter.

Among the criteria that are taken into account in this case, there are shades of the skin, hair and eyes. While creating harmonious image it is extremely important to perform a make-up in accordance with the type of appearance.


This type is considered one of the most common. It is characterized by:

  • eyebrows and eyelashes are black;
  • pale, very cold shade of the skin;
  • the contour of the lips is as clear as possible, with a pinkish tint.

Girls with this type of face harmonize with rather deep and at the same time bright shades, but not yellow. They suit gray, silvery tones, combined with rich green and brown colors.

Dark shades are used for eye makeup. The perfect complement a rich, even bright, bold lipstick appears.


This type of face is quite rare. Among its main characteristics:

When doing makeup, it is extremely important to emphasize delicate tones. When choosing blush, red tones should be preferred, but lipstick is best used with a yellow tint.


This type is characterized by versatility and diversity. Girls of summer appearance have:

  • hair of any color, except for red and chestnut;
  • ash brown or just ash eyebrows and cilia;
  • pale pink skin with an amazing, cool blush.

When performing makeup, cold tones are used. Orange shades are highly undesirable, giving the appearance of a very unhealthy look.


This type of appearance is characterized by color and expressiveness. Among the main distinguishing features of appearance:

  • hair color chestnut with a golden sheen or warm red;
  • thick eyebrows, the color of which matches the shade of the hair;
  • the color of the skin is pale golden, pigmentation is possible on it;
  • eye color amber, bright blue, brown.

Make-up in this case is performed using decorative cosmetics, which has a matte effect. Mother-of-pearl and glitter are unacceptable. Light shadows and blush of natural color are used.

Determine the shape of the face

It is enough to examine yourself carefully in the mirror to determine the shape of the face. However, it is desirable to take into account additional features by measuring the width and length of the face:

More clearly, you can consider all the shapes of the face in the diagram.

Sadly, it is very rare to meet girls with an ideal face shape. That is why among the primary tasks of the make-up is to hide flaws and make smooth and feminine features.

How to choose makeup according to the shape of the face

In order to select the maximum good makeup Depending on the shape of the face, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. oval. Adjustment in this case required only in the presence of significant defects. It is only necessary to select natural beauty via . It is also recommended to give a small volume. To this end, you need to apply a lighter foundation on the central part, and use a dark one along the contour.
  2. square. The first priority is to hide the angular and rough areas. Sharp areas mandible and the corners of the forehead are darkened with foundation, blush is applied to the cheekbones in the shape of a triangle. The areas under the cheekbones are slightly lightened in order to soften the contour. the same color is used so as not to focus on the wide forehead. Eyes attached almond shape thanks to the use of a special pencil.
  3. Round. By darkening the lateral contours and edges of the cheeks with the help of foundation, the nose is visually lengthened. In order to reduce the cheeks, blush is applied in the form of a triangle in the direction from the cheekbones to the forehead area. The contour of the eyes does not change, but is simply induced. Shadows are used in two colors. A darker shade is placed on the moving part of the eyelids, and a light shade is used on the areas under the eyebrows.
  4. Trapezoidal. Performing a make-up, you need not only to alleviate the overly heavy delicate jaw, but also to make the upper area of ​​the face wider. To do this, the chin is darkened with brown blush, and the protruding areas of the cheekbones, on the contrary, are lightened. A natural tone is applied to the cheekbones, close to the mouth line and immediately shaded towards the temples. Lengthening expands top part, but when doing makeup, it is strongly recommended to abandon excessive dark shadows. It is worth limiting yourself to a natural shade and an induced contour.
  5. Rectangular. The forehead along the hairline and the lower part of the chin should be darkened with brown powder. The side areas are lightened. Blush should be applied horizontally in the shape of an oval and blend a little along the edges. By making a slightly wider contour, the lips are enlarged. The eyes are highlighted with a pencil. Light shadows are used on the inner parts of the eyes, and dark ones on the outer parts.
  6. triangular. To correct the face on the lateral parts of the temples and the outer areas of the forehead, dark shades are used. Blush is carefully applied along the descending line of the temples. The lips are given volume, round shape. To make the eyelids visually look raised, the eyes are tinted using a vertical technique.
  7. Rhomboid. Corners that are overly pronounced should be softened by darkening the side contour cheekbones and sharp chin. At the same time, blush is applied to the front areas, starting from the line of the lips and smoothly moving up, but not reaching the cheekbones themselves.

How to choose the right makeup for the shape and color of the eyes

Eye makeup is a real art. The main thing to consider in this case is the shape and color. It is from them that the choice of a cosmetic product and the features of its application directly depend.

Taking into account the shape of the organs of vision, makeup will be performed as follows:

Particular attention should be paid to the color of the eyes when performing make-up. Only in this case the look will become as expressive and bewitching as possible.

In this case, you need to follow these recommendations:

According to experienced makeup artists, there is no single correct and correct makeup for all women. When choosing one or another option, it is extremely important to take into account the type of face, its shape and even eye color.

Only in this case will it be possible to create an ideal image, hide existing shortcomings and highlight the benefits. This task is not difficult, it is enough just to understand all the features of your face and strictly following the rules to give it the desired look.


This video explains all the details step by step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

The author of the "seasonal" classification and the theory of the "color code" based on it was the German researcher Johannes Itten. Types of appearance: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" - he singled out back in the 70s of the last century.

This system quickly became popular due to its simplicity and convenience. On its basis, stylists select make-up, fashion designers - the color scheme of clothes. Ideally, a person who adheres to this concept will look, if not flawless, then at least harmonious, without distortions and ridiculous combinations of shape and color.

SUMMER. This color type includes people with blue, gray, gray-blue eyes, with fair skin and hair with a cool ash tint (both light and dark). Tenderness and calmness alternate with impetuosity, heat and cold are mixed in shades.

Bright representatives of the "summer" type: Liv Tyler, Paris Hilton, Cameron Diaz, Princess Diana, Mila Jovovich.

Liquid eyeliner is preferable, black color of the contour is undesirable, it is better to use blue or taupe.
Shadows are suitable grayish-bluish, grayish-lilac, gray-lilac, dark gray, milky-creamy, silver-golden, gray-brown, indigo. lipstick or shine, blush should choose soft shades of pink, lilac, cherry in different combinations.

SPRING. Women of this type are endowed with maximum naturalness by nature, and in external manifestations lean towards the same nature. They avoid bright "synthetic" colors, and warm, light, fresh ones are in priority. The hair is blond, golden, reddish; the skin is light, with a bright blush, sometimes with freckles; eyes are blue, cornflower blue, gray-green, light brown.

Famous "spring" goldilocks: Kim Basinger, Britney Spears, Anna Kournikova, Anna Semenovich, Jerry Halliwell, Elena Korikova.

Mascara and eyeliner are recommended in gray-brown shades. Shadows: beige-ocher, golden, olive, gray-brown.
Lipstick, lip gloss and blush: terracotta-brick color, peach, coral, golden bronze, pinkish terracotta are suitable.

AUTUMN. Everything cold is not their element. Catchy showy ladies in bright but warm colors. With brown or dark gray eyes, chestnut rich hair; the skin usually has a yellowish-olive hue.

Famous ladies of the "autumn" color type: Penelope Cruz, Alla Pugacheva,
Julia Roberts, Mylene Farmer, Andie MacDowell.

Gray-brown, brown-eggplant mixes are suitable for eye makeup, black is canceled. Shadows: beige-golden, peach, taupe, olive, marsh, golden brown. Lipstick, gloss and blush will be organic in a range of reddish-brick, terracotta, golden brown, orange-coral shades.

WINTER. Lovers of contrasts themselves are contradictory natures, both internally and externally. The appearance is dominated by cold "notes" of the palette. The eyes are green, dark brown, brown-green. The hair is dark, with a cold sheen. The skin is light or swarthy, but with a cold tint.

Woman-"winter" in concentrated form: Penelope Cruz, Cindy Crawford, Monica Bellucci, Angelina Jolie, Natalia Oreiro.

You can emphasize the eyes with dark blue, purple, chocolate color of mascara and pencil, gray-brown is also suitable. Black eyeliner and mascara for this type (and only for them!) are quite natural. Shadows: wide range from milky creamy to taupe or dark blue. Lilac, purple, silver will only enhance the effect of a vamp.

Ancient poets compared the beauty’s lips with coral, eyebrows with a raven’s wing, and skin with snow… after all, their contemporaries covered their faces with talcum powder, their lips were painted with red lead, beet or gold paint depending on the region of residence, their eyes and eyebrows were lined with soot and antimony, and courtesans even belladonna was instilled into the eyes so that the pupil dilated and the eyes seemed more attractive. Today there is no need to use these for make-up dangerous substances, and the standards of beauty are somewhat different from those adopted under Tsar Peas.

Properly applied decorative cosmetics can not only hide minor flaws, but also turn absolutely any woman into a top model.

Where to start creating an image with the help of visage? With foundation? Not! With a base cream? Not! Maybe with a wash? And they didn't guess! First of all, you need to determine the type of appearance. There are only four of them: autumn, winter, spring, summer. True, there are many intermediate mixed options, but they are already easy to classify if you are familiar with the main types.

Autumn. This image is born of gold autumn leaves and the last warmth of the outgoing summer. This type is characterized by: green, hazel or brown eyes, often with golden splashes, beige-vanilla skin, Ivory with an olive tint or swarthy. The autumn girl often loves the sun and gives her freckles. For this type, the following make-up tips can be recommended. The following colors are relevant for shadows: terracotta, herbal greens, ocher or golden ocher, warm shades of brown, lilac, orange in combination with warm green; eyebrows and eyelids are best summed up in dark brown or dark green flowers and eyelashes to paint with them; lipstick or lip gloss is better to choose a brick color or something from a warm red-orange range.

Winter. This is an image Snow Queen Or Lady of Ice. White or slightly bluish skin makes its owner look like a porcelain figurine. This phenotype is also characterized by blue, gray, sometimes "steel" irises. But hair can have a very different color from platinum blonde to burning brunette with raven wing curls. All shades are suitable, except for warm ones.

For make-up, it is preferable to observe the following recommendations. For shadows, ivory, cold pink, steel, white, black are suitable; for eyebrows and eyelashes, fashionable makeup artists advise jet black; for lips coral pink, cold pink shades, pink-lilac and other ice colors. Lip gloss is preferred over matte lipstick.

Spring embodied in the image of a tender, freshly blossomed rose. A light peach blush on the cheeks, turquoise, green or light olive eyes, ivory or beige skin, this is what a spring girl looks like. Well, in the summer the sun gives her an even golden-carrot tan and perky brown freckles. Preferred colors for fashion makeup: shadows of any light shades, pink, soft carrot, peach, light terracotta lipstick, gray-brown range for eyelashes and eyebrows.

Summer. A bright expressive type of appearance gives rise to the image of warm sunny days, carelessly growing grass and a light southern breeze. The summer type of appearance is cold, like winter, in contrast to the warm spring and autumn. Characterized light color skin, the iris of the eyes is gray, light violet, blue. Hair color is light brown or ashen, highlighting is possible. A woman-summer, when choosing colors for makeup, should avoid warm tones, grayish-lilac, grayish-blue or simply dark gray shadows are preferable, it is better to take eyeliner and mascara dark gray or purple, and pink-coral or pink-coral gloss or lipstick. pink peach.

So, after determining the type of appearance and purchase necessary cosmetics the simplest thing to do is apply makeup gently. Here, too, there are some rules that we will cover in one of our next articles.

In the meantime, good luck in creative experiments, and let each reader feel comfortable with makeup that matches her type of appearance.

rules age makeup.

With age, decorative cosmetics play more and more important role for a woman: makeup not only emphasizes the dignity of the face - big eyes or beautiful lips- but also hides skin imperfections that appear with age. From the correct creation of makeup depends on how young and beautiful the skin of an adult woman will look. Not surprisingly, the rules for creating age-related makeup are slightly less than completely different from traditional ones.

Age makeup should be more refined and classic at the same time, and the color and texture of decorative cosmetics should be increased attention. the main objective age make-up - "masking" the first signs of aging, and only then - creating an attractive and elegant image of an adult woman.

One of the main rules of age makeup is the right choice of colors: from bright, glitter shadows for eyelids or lip gloss should be abandoned in favor of more restrained, pastel shades.

Decorative cosmetics for an adult woman.

The key to beautiful, flawless and youthful-looking skin is the right make-up base. When creating makeup, it is better to abandon the "heavy" foundation in favor of products with a liquid texture and special moisturizing ingredients that will soften skin that has become drier with age. Instead of blush with a crumbly texture, it is better to use products with a creamy texture.

Matte makeup base or loose powder not only will not hide wrinkles, but will make them even more noticeable. Mandatory choice - decorative cosmetics with a cream or liquid texture. There are many options for makeup base, which includes not only moisturizing ingredients, but also antioxidants. Such cosmetics perform two functions at once: it masks the first signs of aging and at the same time moisturizes the skin, protecting it from destructive effects. free radicals that stimulate the aging process.

In order to get rid of dark circles or puffiness under the eyes, you can use a concealer with golden or yellow undertones. What's more, some cosmetic brands offer products with special light-reflecting pigments that are even more effective at masking skin imperfections.

The final touch of age makeup is a few light and neat strokes of translucent powder. It is better to refuse the habit of correcting makeup by adding new layers of powder to the skin during the day - an excess of powder, especially compact, rather than loose, will emphasize all lines and wrinkles.

Age makeup: secrets of color.

Age makeup should look natural first of all: radical, bright colours and an abundance of brilliance adult woman they just look gross. Ideal for age-related makeup - neutral shades with slight shine to create a natural look. For example, to soften graying hair color, you can use a combination of soft pink and neutral gray eyeshadow. The best shades lipstick or lip gloss will become pale pink, coral, peach.

Depending on the tone and condition of the skin, the shade of blush may be different. Peach or pinkish shades of blush applied to the cheeks make the eyes brighter, visually rejuvenating the skin. More saturated shades of blush on the cheekbones and temples provide an effect comparable to the effect of a mini facelift. Shine blush should be minimal.

Properly selected eye shadow with a light, subtle sheen can create a real miracle: light shades eye shadows with a shimmery effect, applied to the inner corner of the eye, combined with a more intense shade on the upper eyelid, visually make the eyes appear larger, giving them a youthful glow. The same effect can be achieved by emphasizing the area under the eyebrows with eye shadow with a slight, natural shine.

It is better to refuse excess black or dark gray eyeliner - too dark tones visually make the eyes smaller. Instead of classic black, it is better to choose dark brown shade eyeliner that looks softer and more natural. It is necessary to emphasize with a pencil or liquid eyeliner only the line of the upper eyelid.

Proper makeup for green eyes.

The main purpose of makeup is to highlight the eyes as brightly and effectively as possible. But, the owners of green eyes do not need at all in large numbers cosmetics designed to emphasize the eyes, as they natural color the eye itself is very expressive and attractive .. An excess of mascara or the wrong choice of eye shadow can only muffle the beauty of green eyes or make their owner too eccentric in appearance, or even worse - vulgar. To prevent this from happening, women with natural green eyes need to adhere to several simple rules when choosing cosmetics for make-up.

1. Eye shadow is the first step in applying eye makeup. It is necessary to choose shades that do not make the expression of your eyes too dramatic. IN Everyday life, for the style of a business woman, shades with a touch of lilac, peach, mocha or plum are suitable. For a party where the light is usually subdued, darker tones with a golden sheen or purple-violet shades are quite suitable. If you want to charm your companion, then choose to romantic date brownish pink shade shadows, this will only enhance the natural color of your eyes. Such color schemes eyeshadow like white, gray or silver. Many mistakenly believe that green shadows are well suited for green eyes, but this is the wrong decision - they only distract from the charming beauty of your eyes.

2. The next step in makeup will be eyeliner. It should run in a very thin strip along the contour of the eyes if they are large and wide open, and, conversely, the eyeliner is drawn with a thicker line if the eyes are small and narrow. Green-eyed women should avoid the traditional black eyeliner and opt for plum, purple, or chocolate brown eyeliner.

3. Mascara is designed to emphasize the expressiveness of the look, it helps to "open" the eyes and charm with a fluffy wave of artificially long eyelashes. If you do not like to experiment and stick to classical style then use black mascara. Transparent mascara is very suitable for green eyes, which only separates and enlarges the cilia and emphasizes their natural beauty. For club parties deep amethyst or emerald shades of mascara are suitable.

Most importantly, do not be afraid to fantasize and try, combining different tones and lines of cosmetics, choosing a color according to your mood. Then perhaps you will be able to come up with your own line of cosmetics, which will be innovative for all women with amazing green eyes.

Makeup for blondes.

Blondes are women with a spectacular appearance. It is beauty that combines white skin, blond hair and bright eye colors. Makeup for blondes has the task of emphasizing the features of sophistication and making the dignity of appearance more expressive. The choice of shades in makeup depends on the color of blond strands and eye color.

Decorative cosmetics has a whole series of cosmetics for blondes. This moment will help you choose the right tone. Blondes who have pale skin tones and blue, blue eyes should wear a pinkish foundation or powder that will make the skin look like a peach. Blush can pick up pinkish-coral to emphasize the light of the skin.

If the blonde hair is blond or dark blond, her eyes are blue, then the powder or tonal crepe should be peach-white or pinkish-flesh. Blush should also stick to a peach tone.

If hair ashy color, bright skin, brown or blue eyes, then it is better to choose a powder of pink or bronze color, and to emphasize the cheekbones - blush of brownish shades. If the makeup is daytime, the foundation or powder should be transparent, not matte.

To emphasize the eyes, mascara and eyeliner should be brown, if the eyes are blue or gray, you can try blue mascara. Eyebrow pencil should be brownish shades.

Blondes who have blue or gray eyes should use blue, blue, gray or silver shades. Brown-eyed blondes can also use gray tones, but bronze shades of shadows are better.

When choosing lipstick and gloss, gentle and bed tones go to blondes. If the make-up is evening, then such tones will become more saturated. If a blonde has light brown and dark blond hair, and her eyes are blue or gray, then lipstick should be either light pink or beige. If the hair is ashen, the skin is light, the eyes are brown or blue, then lipstick will do all shades of pink. Blondes with hair honey shade, may try ocher shades, and tan tone and powder. In this case, it is better to choose pink-beige lipstick. This combination will show natural makeup, and the eyes will show all the depth and radiance.

Makeup for a brunette.

It is believed that brunette makeup should be intense and bright, and pastel shades will make the brunette's facial features expressionless and colorless. But we must not forget that in addition to the shade of the hair, the color of the eyes and skin also play a role in makeup. That is why tips for choosing a shade cosmetic products will depend on other features of appearance.

So tone is where it all starts. Brunettes with brown, black or dark gray eyes are enough dark skin it is recommended to opt for an ocher color foundation or a color natural tan. This shade should be chosen and powder. Dark peach, reddish pink or coral shades are perfect for blush.

For swarthy brunettes with green eyes fit powder and foundation peach color. For the evening, you can choose these funds and a tone darker. Blush should be used in brownish tones, but do not forget to shade them well.

Now let's move on to the eyes. For a swarthy brunette with brown, black and dark gray eyes, a lot is allowed in eye makeup. They can use blue-black mascara and eyeliner, as well as apply shadows very intensively. Dark brown eyes are perfectly emphasized by dark brown shadows, black, blue and dark gray eyes - purple, gray, silver or blue shadows.

For brunettes with dark brown hair, green or brown eyes black eyeliner should not be used, it is better to choose brown mascara, and shadows - a thermal bronze or greenish tint.

In general, brunette makeup involves focusing on the lips, but at the same time, do not forget that it should be done only either on the eyes or on the lips. That is why brunettes are allowed to use a lip pencil, only it must be taken one tone darker than the lipstick itself. Dark-haired girls with dark skin, black, dark gray or brown eyes will go well with ruby ​​or deep pink lipstick, and lips can be covered with a colorless gloss on top. Owners of green eyes are better off opting for lipstick in a dark pink or coral shade, and red-brown tones will be appropriate for the evening.

Nevertheless, many makeup artists note that the main guideline when choosing makeup for a brunette is her image, which you want to create and individuality.

Features of makeup for red hair.

Professional makeup is very important in modern life because your success depends on how good you look. You can do professional makeup in beauty salons or at home, but in this case you need to have special skills that can be acquired by visiting master classes. To the main benefits professional makeup it can be attributed to the fact that it lasts much longer than usual, when applying makeup, both external data and the style of clothing, the conditions in which you will be taken into account. In this case, elite cosmetics are used. But anyway main principle professional approach to makeup is not in using the best cosmetics, but in how to correctly emphasize strengths appearance. And this requires some effort and time, but the results are worth it.

If you are a bright burning brunette with matte dark skin - excellent. If a blonde with a blush, like a peach - delicious. But if you are a real representative of a rare type - a redhead, not just a brown-haired woman, but a redhead, then you are very lucky.

Women who have red hair usually have pale skin, on which, as often happens, "freckles" are scattered. But not all red-haired representatives of the fair sex see their special zest in these cute points and try to get rid of them by any means, at least to disguise them with the help of cosmetics. Often, red-haired women with delicate white skin have a problem with choosing a foundation or powder. Everyone knows that foundation or powder should be as close as possible in shade to natural color skin.

What makeup suits red women?

Red-haired women, you can use, for example, warm look makeup for autumn type:

These are, first of all, all warm shades:

Tonal base - warm: ivory, beige, peach, golden red;

Powder the freckles with powder: the colors of which are terracotta, light tan, beige, bronze, coffee with milk;

Blush: you can - reddish chestnut, terracotta, chocolate, honey. Not needed - cold pink color;

brick lipstick, brown shades, warm beige, coffee, peach.

Now the Internet will begin to dazzle with headlines: “What to meet New Year"," What makeup to choose for main night per year”… Honestly, we also sometimes sin with this. But seriously, universal makeup which suits all new year's eve, simply no.

We decided to do everything honestly and show with the help of a professional makeup artist Alesya Volkova which makeups are suitable different color types. Define yours - and then our advice will definitely come in handy for you both at the upcoming corporate party and on New Year's Eve!

- IN today's issue I will tell you how to choose the right make-up color for different colors of appearance, - Alesya explains. - By combining the seasonal and directional method, there are 12 color types of appearance, and unique options There are about 500 colors in the Caucasian race!

Today we will analyze typical examples with the principle of choosing color and brightness for certain type appearance.

It's not about "right" and "wrong" - I'll just show you the most harmonious option for each color type. The final choice of make-up is always yours.

On the left photo there will always be an example of color disharmony with respect to a specific color type, on the right - a more harmonious option. "Mistakes" are made only in color. The lines and shading on both photos are done correctly (in connection with which the differences may not seem so obvious).

An important remark: the color of the girls' hair and eyes is natural.

Color type "Spring"


"Spring" is a warm, non-contrasting color type. Typical Slavic appearance. Blond hair, pink, peach or yellow skin. Eye color can be absolutely anything: gray, blue, green, brown. Hair color ranges from blond to medium blond. The key point is the lack of contrast in appearance ( big difference in color between hair and skin) and warm skin temperature.

Representatives of the Spring color type: Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Kirsten Dunst, Margot Roby, Gigi Hadid, Rosie Huntington, Candice Swanepoel.

We select the tone for Olesya:

When the skin is pink, you don't need to choose the same pink foundation. This is the most common mistake. The whiter and pinker the skin, the more often girls choose a tone to match their complexion. But pink skin need yellow or peach tone(to neutralize redness), yellow - yellow (possibly lighter, depending on the situation). Our heroine Olesya has a yellow undertone. We choose a yellow base, but lighter (because the neck and decollete are lighter)


The temperature of the color of the eyebrows should match the temperature of the hair. In other words, how yellow / blond hair, should be yellow / blond eyebrows. For our heroine, gray eyebrows are too cold and the wrong option. That's right - warmer and lighter eyebrows.

Eye makeup:

In the first photo, I deliberately made my makeup in grayer, colder tones and brighter than my appearance requires. Olesya is “warm”, and gray looks alien on her face, and makeup seems too bright. On the right photo, I used brown (almost red!) shadows, which looks harmonious and “single” for the whole face.

Blush and lipstick:

The most common mistake "warm" blondes make is choosing pink. The formed stereotype about "Barbie" suggests: "since I'm light, I need pink." However, pink is a cool shade and it also looks alien on such a warm, gentle face. I propose to replace pink with peach, which carries the same message - tenderness and freshness, however, in terms of temperature, it corresponds to this appearance, and does not contradict it.

Color type "Autumn"


"Autumn" is a contrasting warm color type. Representatives of this color type can vary greatly in color from each other. These are redheads, and brown-haired women, and even brunettes, and fair-haired people with warm tone skin. The warmer the appearance of the autumn color type, the less cold shades suit him. Therefore, as an example, I took redhead girl. On her example, this will be seen best, because there is more “warmth” in red-haired girls than in any other representative of autumn.

Representatives of the "Autumn" type: Mila Kunis, Julianne Moore, Jessica Chastain, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Stone, Julia Roberts.

Let's start with tone:

The skin of redheads is often reddish, and this redness must be neutralized. Therefore, you should not choose tonal means in the color of the skin on the face. Look at the neck and décolleté. That's exactly what it will be correct shade foundation. You can clearly see the difference in the two photos. Right is the correct option.


The tone of the eyebrows should always match the temperature of the hair. Therefore, gray eyebrows on the left are definitely an unsuitable option. On the right - more brown and lighter. An important point: the eyebrows should remain in the same relationship with the hair, as intended by nature: if they are from nature lighter hair, then after makeup should also remain lighter.

Eye makeup:

If you do not take into account fashion trends, then warm color types it is better to use warm shades of shadows, cold - cold. In our case, the eye makeup in the photo on the left is more like the one that was relevant 20 years ago. On the right, everything looks modern, and most importantly harmonious. The shade of the eye shadow is exactly the same as the color of the hair.

Blush and lipstick:

The use of pink for "Autumn", in my opinion, is unacceptable in everyday life. In addition to the fact that it hurts the eye, the image autumn girl this color makes it cheap. This is clearly seen in the photo on the left. For correct option I picked up lipstick and blush, again very close to the color of the hair. Eventually harmonious makeup for a red-haired girl, it is performed in the same red-brown range. And the makeup on the left photo seems brighter precisely because of the lack of a harmonious color.

Color type "Summer"


The “Summer” color type is the most difficult to determine and select shades. Why? The fact is that all shades are suitable for the summer color type: both warm and cold. Therefore, the difference in two photographs cannot be regarded as “beautiful” or “ugly”, just the makeup will look different.

Girls of the “Summer” color type can have blond, blond, and even very dark hair. The main thing is that they should be with a cold tint (not golden, but silvery). The appearance of our heroine is quite contrasting - Vika looks brighter than many other representatives of the summer color type. However, the contrast is not as high as in the Winter color type. That is why she is "Summer".

Representatives of the Summer color type: Vera Brezhneva, Elena Krygina, Emily Di Donato, Ellen Pompeo, Madonna, Polina Gagarina.

Making a tone

The undertone of the skin in the summer color type is gray. The skin may look yellow, grey, sallow, even if it is very light. Therefore, applying a yellow tonal foundation will be a mistake. The right photo shows a foundation with a pink undertone. This allows you to refresh the skin and its color.


In this case, it is difficult to imagine that you can choose a brown or red color for the eyebrows. Rather, in view of the dark color of the hair, you can decide that the eyebrows also need to be made dark. As in the case of "Autumn", it is necessary to adhere to the rule: if the eyebrows are naturally much lighter than the hair, then the eyebrows should remain lighter after makeup.

Eye makeup:

In the first case, I chose Brown color eye shadow. For the autumn color type, this color is native. You can also see here: “Let's” eyes with makeup in such a range look painful. The right photo uses cooler gray shadows. And it seems that this color is just like a natural shadow. Again, because it is closer to the shade of the hair.

Blush and lipstick:

In the first case, I chose blush and lipstick in a warm shade - brown. In general, the makeup on the left photo also looks harmonious, but the girl looks older than her years. This side effect from incorrectly selected shades. In the second case, I used a cool pink shade. After all, it is the pink color that suits the summer color type. As a result, the make-up turned out to be more fresh and natural, and the girl corresponds to her age (22 years old).

Color type "Winter":

The Winter color type is a contrasting cold color type. These are brunettes with very dark, often black hair with a cold sheen. The skin can be very pale, but always grayish, without a blush, or swarthy, but also gray, earthy color. Tan in such people turns brown, not orange or yellow.

Representatives of the winter color type: Anne Hathaway, Monica Bellucci, Liv Tyler.

Making a tone

The selection of tonal means for "Winter" is similar to "Summer". If you take a yellow base, the skin will look painful. Therefore, choose a tone with a pink undertone, which makes the skin fresher.


The main mistake when shaping eyebrows for the winter type is very bright tone. Often by nature, such girls already have thick and dark eyebrows. Therefore, you do not need to choose eyebrow products that match the eyebrows, otherwise they will be too dark. It is worth choosing lighter ones, gray pencils, which will simply create the effect of a falling shadow from the hairs, and the eyebrows themselves will look softer and wider.

Eye makeup:

The mistake of using warm shades is obvious here. The eyes look tired and sore. It is clearly seen that these shades are alien for such a cold appearance. In the right smokey photo, I took colder colors, and it looks harmonious with the hair color and the overall brightness of the exterior color.

Blush and lipstick:

For the first case, I used peach blush and a neutral (not warm) lipstick. And even in this case, the colors look bright and alien. On such a cold appearance, even products that are neutral in temperature “warm” ugly. For the right version, I chose a very light lipstick that almost perfectly matches the skin color. Very cool nude shade. On the cheeks there is a cold sculptor (almost gray), again in order to avoid redness and warmth in color. The result is perfect for our heroine!

Materials worked on:

Good afternoon! Our guest today is Olga Ramazanova, a professional make-up artist. She will tell you about some rules of competent makeup. After all, you must admit that being beautiful is a very important art! I pass the floor to Olga.

Greetings to all dear readers who are not indifferent to the art of makeup and female beauty! Today I want to give you the most valuable information on how to create the right makeup for your face type. Each of us is individual, has its own external disadvantages and advantages. By following some rules, you can learn how to present your face in the most advantageous way with the help of a make-up.

So let's start with the theory. One of the most important secrets of makeup artists is color correction. Its essence lies in the fact that all light shades tend to increase and bring closer, while dark tones, on the contrary, decrease and move away. This applies to the correction of the eyes and eyebrows, the creation of perfect facial contours and the design of the lips. Bright and juicy colors also increase and create volume.

By this principle, you can adjust the shape of the face and all its parts.

For example, the photo shows how you can make the nose narrow and neat. To do this, darken the side walls of the nose and its tip, and apply a highlighter on the back.

Now let's take a closer look at how to choose a make-up for different forms faces, with examples of the faces of world stars.

1. Oval face

oval type faces are perfect shape with the correct proportions: the length is 1.5 times greater than the width (or slightly less). If you have such a face, then you are lucky - nothing needs to be corrected. You can only emphasize the beauty of this form with the help of blush. Apply them smoothly from the cheekbones to the temples. Otherwise oval face there are no prohibitions and you can apply a flight of fancy.

For Asian type the face is also characterized by oval outlines, but it lacks volume. To prevent the face from being flat, a lighter tone should be applied to its central part, and darker to the contours.

2. Square face

In this case, the width and length of the face are approximately equal, the jaw is strongly pronounced and the chin is invisible. At the corners of the forehead and outer part a darkening agent is applied to the jaws to make them less visible. We apply blush in the form of a triangle from the middle of the cheek with an acute angle to the temple. The eyes need to be visually lengthened and their outer corners raised. With a pencil, you can create a slightly triangular shape lips.

3. Round face

Girls with such a face have plump cheeks and a wide forehead, and the length of the face is equal to the width. Such a face needs to be lengthened by darkening the side parts of the face. The natural shade of blush is also applied in a triangle, but already towards the corners of the mouth. For the design of the eyes and lips, choose natural soft shades.

4. Triangular face

It is characterized by a wide forehead and a narrow chin. We use all the same principles of color correction - we bring non-classical outlines closer to oval ones. To do this, apply a dark color to the corners of the forehead and the tip of the chin. The zone of the lower jaw, on the contrary, is highlighted. The emphasis in makeup is best done on the lips.

All other types of face shapes (trapezoidal, rectangular, diamond-shaped, elongated oval) are corrected using the same rules. On the disadvantageous protruding parts of the face, we apply a tone darker than the skin, and on those that we want to emphasize and increase - light.

What cosmetics is better to use for color correction? Choose the most convenient option for you - dry or cream products.

  • Dry means are shadows, powders, blush, pressed highlighters. To darken imperfections, a color 2 tones darker than the skin is suitable, and to lighten - 2 tones lighter.
  • Cream productsfoundation creams different shades, correctors, liquid highlighters.

All these funds can be combined, the main thing is to follow the sequence - cream is applied first, and then dry.

If you still don't understand what your face is, watch this video:

Eye makeup also has its secrets. Close-set eyes can be visually removed by applying light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, and lengthening the outer corner with dark shadows. With far-set eyes, we act differently - neutral shadows are applied to the entire moving eyelid and eye makeup does not go beyond the boundaries. Small eyes can be enlarged by highlighting the shadows of the moving eyelid and darkening the area above the crease. Large expressive eyes characteristic of oriental type faces. They can be emphasized with a bright black make-up, without fear of making the image vulgar.

I really hope that this information was useful and understandable to you. I wish you success in creating your unique, perfect and competent makeup!