Face mask for wrinkles with honey at home. Olive oil with sour cream. Oatmeal and honey face mask

More than one generation has been known about how useful honey is for humans. It not only cures various ailments, but can have a positive effect on a person.

In this article, we will talk about a variety of face masks with honey, learn about the benefits of such procedures and the possible harm.

Thanks to the honey face mask, the following problems faced by women can be solved:

  • whiten the skin;
  • prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads;
  • get rid of dryness and peeling;
  • soften the skin of the face;
  • prevent skin aging and wrinkles;
  • relieve inflammation.

It is worth noting that honey face masks are suitable for any type of skin.

The most important thing is to choose the right ingredients for the preparation of facial skin care products.

The beneficial properties of such masks are in the composition of a valuable product.. It consists of the following components:

  • vitamins;
  • sucrose;
  • sodium;
  • fructose;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • glucose.


But do not forget that honey is one of the serious allergenic foods, so before using it, do an allergy test.

Contraindications include the following:

  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • dilated vessels.

How to do?

Face masks at home with honey are prepared the same. Plus, making them at home is easy. To achieve only a positive effect, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Use only fresh mask, that is, prepare it before use.
  2. Honey based products can't be warmed up, at temperatures above 80 degrees, it loses its beneficial properties.
  3. To make the mask as effective as possible, need to use other components.
  4. Use home remedies for face care regularly.

One of the main rules is that before applying the mask, the face must be well cleaned and steamed out. In order for honey-based products to be effective, you need to carefully choose a product, giving preference only to natural varieties.

How to apply and rinse?

Applying a face mask is also easy, and even an inexperienced person can do it. After the skin of the face is prepared, it is recommended to apply the product with massage movements. And after 20-30 minutes, it is recommended to wash it off with cool water from the face.

The mask should not be applied to the eye area. In order not to accidentally harm the delicate skin of the eyelids, you can put on a bandage over your eyes.

After the mask is washed off the face, you need to perform a contrast wash. After some time, a nourishing cream should be applied to the face.

Recipes for masks at home

There are many effective recipes for maintaining a beautiful appearance, which are based on honey and other bee products.

With lemon for blackheads

Perfectly fights with black dots lemon juice, and together with the beekeeping product, it will be possible to get rid of unpleasant rashes in several procedures. Preparing such a tool is simple:

  1. Squeeze 1 teaspoon of juice from a lemon.
  2. Get a teaspoon of pulp from the fruit.
  3. Mix lemon with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.
  4. Apply the product on the face.

Thanks to the honey and lemon face mask, you can get rid of blackheads, whiten the skin and overcome dryness.

With cinnamon for acne

Surely, many people know what acne is and how unpleasant it is when they appear on the face. Face mask with honey and cinnamon for acne quickly acts on problems and it's easy to prepare:

  1. Add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon to a teaspoon of bee product.
  2. Mix ingredients.
  3. If the skin is dry, add a little vegetable oil or sour cream.
  4. Apply to face.

Do not exceed the indicated dosage, as cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

With an egg for the face

When choosing an additional ingredient, you can use the whole egg or use separate parts of it. One of the effective recipes can be called the following:

  1. Put 1 teaspoon of honey product in a container.
  2. Crack an egg into it.
  3. Mix ingredients.
  4. Use as directed.

Such a mask smoothes the skin, refreshes and tones it. In addition to the fact that honey contains many useful properties, many useful components are also part of the egg (biotin, vitamins B, A). In addition, a similar tool can be applied to the neck and décolleté.

For oily skin

With the help of an egg, or rather a protein, you can act on oily skin. The recipe for the mask is extremely simple:

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein.
  2. Add 1 tsp to protein. a spoonful of bee product.
  3. Mix ingredients until smooth.
  4. Apply to face.

In addition to the fact that the mask fights oily skin, thanks to it you can narrow and clean the pores. With its regular use, you can get rid of blackheads and blackheads.

For dry skin

To prevent dryness, you can also use oatmeal to prepare the mask. It is especially important to do it in the winter season. The preparation is simple:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and liquid honey.
  2. Get a sticky consistency.
  3. Put it on your face


To eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin, you can use this recipe:

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the yolk.
  3. Mix ingredients until smooth.
  4. Apply to face.


To prepare a whitening mask, you will need several ingredients. Thanks to it, you can lighten freckles, reduce tan and overcome pigmentation. She's just getting ready. for this you need:

  1. Rinse the parsley.
  2. Peel the lemon from the peel and remove the seeds.
  3. Grind these ingredients in a blender.
  4. To the resulting mass, add a tablespoon of honey and cottage cheese.
  5. Mix everything until smooth.
  6. Apply to face.


To prepare a scrub, you need to use a coffee drink. It is easy to prepare:

  1. Drain a tablespoon of grounds from the drunk coffee.
  2. Mix the thick with the same amount of honey.
  3. Mix the ingredient.
  4. Apply a mushy scrub to the face.

Thanks to a similar recipe, you can cleanse your face of dirt, black dots, rashes and bumps. Also, such a tool acts on the skin as a massage, improving blood circulation.

Thanks to such a product as honey, many problems on the face can be solved, namely, get rid of blackheads, prevent aging and cleanse the skin. With proper preparation, the effect of folk methods will not keep you waiting.

Hello! In the article, we discuss the properties of honey face masks, their benefits for different skin types, and popular recipes. You will learn how to get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate, as well as compare your feelings with the reviews of other people.

Wrinkles are wrinkles in the skin that appear when the skin loses its elasticity. With age, the network of collagen and elastin ceases to be updated, its intramolecular bonds are broken. It can no longer absorb moisture, swell and provide elasticity to the skin. Superficial grooves appear, which deepen by the age of 35, and by the age of 50 become persistent.

Honey masks for wrinkles solve this problem at home. Honey is a natural source of active collagen, vitamins C, B, PP, A, K and H. It tightens the blurred oval of the face, retains moisture in the cells, increases the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, cleanses pores and helps tissues regenerate.

If you press your fingers on the skin, and the marks do not disappear, then you have a dry skin type:

  • The pores are almost invisible;
  • After contact with water, there is a burning sensation or itching;
  • Sometimes there is a feeling of tightness.

The main reason for all these problems is the impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands. Their activity slows down due to hormonal changes or improper care. Sebum is produced worse and, as a result, does not protect against moisture loss.

Honey masks for dry skin are based on moisturizing ingredients: milk, oatmeal, yolks and butter. Thanks to the healing properties of honey, the skin does not peel off, redness disappears. You don't feel how she tightens with every smile.

Masks for combination skin

If you regularly have inflammation, but only in the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin), then you have a combination skin type. Such skin combines the disadvantages of the other two types - dry and oily.

  • In the area of ​​the T-zone, sebum is actively secreted due to the large amount of testosterone. Black dots, comedones and other rashes appear.
  • On the cheeks, water-lipid metabolism is disturbed, skin dehydration occurs.

Honey masks normalize the general condition of the skin due to protein, cream and aspirin. Honey tightens pores, removes blackheads, and moisturizes and nourishes dry dehydrated areas.

Masks for different ages

  • After 25 years, moisture begins to leave the epidermis. The skin becomes dry faster, the precursors of mimic wrinkles are formed. Honey masks at this age are aimed at moisturizing the skin and correcting minor problems. To do this, take a mixture with yolks or infusion of wild rose.
  • When the age of 30-35 comes, the ability of cells to regenerate decreases. The epidermis synthesizes collagen worse. The skin becomes thinner, the first wrinkles appear. In this case, the honey mask is already working for rejuvenation along with yolk, milk and flour or gelatin.
  • After the age of 40, cellular activity deteriorates. Stocks of collagen are reduced. Pigmented areas appear. To improve skin tone, masks are made with a powerful anti-age effect thanks to honey, aloe juice or glycerin.
  • At the age of 45, metabolism slows down, the skin ceases to be elastic due to the loss of the lipid layer. A pronounced second chin appears. Masks for such skin moisturize and regenerate cells as much as possible. To do this, add milk with fish oil or starch to honey.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear even in 20-year-old girls due to mobile facial expressions or abuse of sunbathing. Since the epidermis around the eyelids is delicate and thin, it quickly loses moisture and stretches. Homemade honey masks eliminate early dehydration and remove wrinkles.

To moisturize the skin around the eyes and smooth out crow's feet, prepare a mixture of honey and. Liquid vitamin E is added to them and applied to the skin with light patting movements. Hold for 5 minutes, then wash off with green tea.

Wrinkle Mask Recipes

  • Be sure to buy natural honey.
  • Check yourself for an allergic reaction. Apply a drop of honey to the crook of your elbow and after 20 minutes check your skin for burning or redness.
  • Before starting the procedure, clean the skin well and steam it a little. To do this, cover your face with a warm, damp towel.
  • Use the mixture warm. Do not heat honey above 80 degrees.
  • While the mask is working, lie relaxed and do not move.

Face mask with honey and egg

Honey mask with protein is effective for women with combination skin.


  1. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
  2. Egg -1 pc.
  3. Cream 30-40% - 1.5 tsp

How to cook: Separate the egg white from the yolk, pour into a bowl and beat. Add honey and cream, stir slowly.

How to use: Apply the mixture on your face. If it's an eye mask, place it on a piece of cheesecloth and gently spread over the eye area. Wait 20 minutes. Rinse off with room temperature water. Repeat the mask 2 times a week.

Result: Thanks to the egg white, the mixture acts as a drying and cleansing agent. It removes oily sheen, removes inflammation and tightens pores. Honey nourishes the skin with vitamins and smoothes mimic wrinkles around the eyes.

A honey mask with yolk is made by women with dry and aging skin.


  1. Liquid honey - 1 tsp
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. - 2-3 drops.

How to cook: Crack the chilled egg and separate the yolk. Add honey and some oil. Beat the mixture with a mixer or whisk, or mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask on the neck, décolleté and face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Follow the basic massage lines. Hold for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.

Result: Honey-egg mixture nourishes and evens out dry, dehydrated, aging skin. Lecithin in the composition of the yolk has a moisturizing effect, and vitamin A saves from peeling and dryness. Honey softens the epidermis, improves its tone, removes fine wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

Face mask with honey and aspirin

Face mask based on aspirin. Efficient and cheap


  1. Pharmacy aspirin - 1 tab.
  2. Water - 2 tsp
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tsp

How to cook: Place the tablet in a tissue and crush with a spoon. Pour the powder into a bowl, fill with water and wait 10-20 seconds. The aspirin will granulate and become like a slurry. Mix it with honey.

How to use: Apply the mask on your face and keep it for no longer than 10 minutes. If you feel a slight tingling sensation, then the mixture is working. Rinse off the mass with lukewarm water and immediately moisturize the skin with tonic. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Result: The mask normalizes the condition of combination skin. Aspirin causes blood flow, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pores are cleansed, inflammation and blackheads disappear. Honey enhances the action of the acid and moisturizes the skin.

Here is another aspirin mask recipe:

Reviews of the mask with aspirin also promise a slight rejuvenation effect. After 3 months of use, the skin becomes like velvet, mimic wrinkles disappear.

Face mask with honey and gelatin


  1. Edible gelatin - 1 tbsp. or 8-9 plates.
  2. Warm water - 6-8 tbsp.
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tsp
  4. Lemon juice - 1 tsp

How to cook: Pour gelatin with boiled water (but not boiling water). Wait 30 minutes for the powder to swell, or 10 minutes if using plates. Heat the gelatin in a water bath until it turns into a homogeneous liquid. Let the mixture cool to avoid burning your skin. Add honey and lemon juice. Stir the ingredients.

How to use: Spread the composition over the face in 3-4 layers with a brush. Avoid the hairline and brow area. Wait until the mask is completely dry. After 20 minutes, pour warm water into the basin and sit over it for about 5 minutes. The gelatin will thaw and come off. Do not try to tear off the gelatin film, so as not to injure your face. Rinse your skin with cool water and apply your skin care product.

Result: Gelatin consists of split collagen, which quickly penetrates the skin of the face and regenerates its age-related changes. Gelatin mask cleanses pores, removes blackheads, wrinkles and sagging, brightens pigmentation. Honey saturates with microelements, and lemon activates the production of its collagen.

Mask with aloe and honey


  1. Aloe juice - 2 tbsp.
  2. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Cut off 3 fleshy aloe leaves, rinse in water and wrap in a napkin, cloth or paper. Hide in the refrigerator for 10-14 days. Squeeze juice from chilled leaves. Combine it with honey, stir evenly.

How to use: Apply a mass of aloe with honey on a steamed face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in warm water and rinse off. Apply the mask up to 2 times a week.

Result: The composition heals any type of skin. Cooled leaves with a lack of light synthesize biological stimulants that soften dry skin, remove oily sheen, smooth wrinkles and relieve inflammation. Honey enhances this effect several times.

Mask with glycerin and honey


  1. Cold water - 3 tsp
  2. Glycerin - 1 tsp
  3. Oat flour - 1 tsp
  4. Liquid honey - 0.5 tsp
  5. Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Pour water into a bowl, add honey, egg yolk and glycerin to it. Start mixing the ingredients, gradually adding flour. You should get an even mass.

How to use: Spread the mixture on a gauze pad, apply to the face and hold for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Glycerin mask is most effective if done 1-2 times a week.

Result: The skin appears velvety to the touch. Glycerin removes toxins from the pores, stimulates metabolism and moisturizes. The yolk smoothes wrinkles, honey nourishes the skin with vitamins, and oatmeal removes excess sebum.

Oatmeal and honey face mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. High fat milk - 3 tbsp.
  3. Oat flakes - 1 tbsp.
  4. Liquid honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Pour oatmeal flakes with warmed milk and let them stand for 3-5 minutes until a thick sticky mass. Add honey and butter, mix evenly.

How to use: Apply the oatmeal honey mask on clean skin and wait 20 minutes. Rinse off the mixture gently by dipping a cotton swab in warm water. Repeat the procedure 1 time in 10 days.

Result: The mixture helps with dry and aging skin, in case of acne, enlarged pores. Honey relieves inflammation and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Oatmeal is rich in antioxidants that smooth out fine lines. Milk effectively moisturizes the skin, while olive oil restores its elasticity.

Sour cream and honey face mask


  1. Sour cream 5-40% - 1 tbsp.
  2. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: The fat content of sour cream depends on your skin type. For dry, buy a product with a fat content of 22% to 40%, for normal - from 5 to 20%, and for oily - less than 5%. Take honey and mix it with sour cream.

How to use: Apply with a brush or swab the mixture, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, carefully wash off the mask with warm water. If you have dry skin type, pat your face dry with a towel. Do the mask for 7-10 procedures every 3-4 days. Then - a break for about 1 month.

Result: Honey-sour cream mask softens the skin, evens out the contour of the face, evens out small mimic wrinkles. Sour cream nourishes flaky areas, whitens freckles and age-related pigmentation. Honey rejuvenates and nourishes the epidermis with useful trace elements.

Honey masks for wrinkles - reviews

Alice, 33 years old

I love the protein mask. The pores have narrowed very well. Although at first it was a little hot, probably because of the film. In general, in a couple of sessions, my pores are almost invisible and even become smaller. I recommend!

Marina, 26 years old

I always make masks with gelatin and honey, it helps to even out the skin well. Very satisfied, the face is bright and even. Only the mask should be done at least once a week and should be interrupted if pimples or wounds appear on the skin.

Maria, 29 years old

For me, a honey mask with aloe is just salvation. In one place the skin is flaky, in another there are black dots and pustules. So aloe is in first place among all homemade masks. The result is amazing! I've been doing it for 2 weeks and I can't stop looking at myself!

What to remember

If you have dry skin, it is better to make a honey mixture:

  • with oatmeal, milk, butter;
  • with aloe leaves;
  • with egg yolks and butter.

If you have combination skin, use a mixture of:

  • honey, protein and cream;
  • honey and aspirin tablets;
  • honey with glycerin;
  • honey and aloe.

If you have aging skin, choose honey masks and add:

  • lemon juice and gelatin;
  • yolk and butter;
  • sour cream;
  • glycerol.

Before applying the mask, be sure to follow the rules:

  • Buy natural honey.
  • Check your skin for allergies...
  • Masks are applied to cleansed and slightly steamed skin.
  • The mixture is made warm.
  • During the operation of the mask, you must lie still.

See you in the next article!

Who doesn't dream of beautiful skin that stays that way regardless of age? It is realistic to achieve this, the main thing is to regularly take care of the skin of the face with the help of natural cosmetics made at home.

Of course, you can trust modern cosmetology, but will the result live up to expectations? Nourishing mask is an effective remedy that saturates the skin with all useful substances, making it more youthful, toned and radiant.

This product was praised at one time by such famous personalities as Avicenna and Hippocrates. Honey contains useful substances that contribute to the health and beauty of not only the skin, but also the hair. Medicinal properties of a natural product:

  • Rejuvenating effect, especially in combination with other natural ingredients;
  • Protective properties that prevent the ingress of contaminants into the skin pores;
  • Availability for any type;
  • Antimicrobial action, honey in combination with water acts as an antiseptic;
  • Naturalness.

Products based on it, like any cosmetic product, have indications, including:

  • Inflammatory elements;
  • Enlarged pores, acne and other similar problems;
  • Dryness and peeling;
  • Withering;
  • Aging.

Despite the many positive properties, such a tool can cause an allergic reaction. To find out how the body will react to a new cosmetic product, you should test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow.

Let's take a closer look at what masks with a honey base and for what skin types are. Choose your type and read the cooking recipe.

Applying honey face masks

The mask can be used if the skin, after a few minutes, has not reacted to it with redness, irritation and itching. To use a natural cosmetic product you will need:

  • Other ingredients in the recipe interacting with the main component;
  • Clean brush or silicone spatula;
  • Plate;
  • clean towel;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Shower cap.

Having prepared all these items, before preparing the mixture, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Terms of use

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, it must be used immediately after preparation. Before applying, it is better to hide the hair under a cap. The properties of the main product are specific, so this rule should not be ignored.

It is necessary to apply the mask on a face cleansed of cosmetics and other contaminants. It will be twice as effective if the face is steamed before the procedure. This is easy to do, put a towel soaked in hot water for a few minutes.

Be careful not to burn your face.

The mass should be applied with massage movements. The exposure time of the components is 15-20 minutes, no more. It must be applied twice a week.

The liquid mass can be soaked in gauze, and thus applied to the face. As a rule, cosmetics are washed off with water after a while.

It is more effective to remove honey-based cosmetics with gentle movements using cotton pads dipped in tonic or cleansing lotion.

cooking recipes

Everything ingenious is simple, and these recipes are no exception. They can consist of any natural products that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Mask for dry skin. You will need a teaspoon of honey and olive oil. Heat the resulting mixture to approximately 40 degrees. Put the moistened gauze in the mass on your face. The exposure time is no more than 20 minutes.

For the fading. Take half a banana, chicken yolk, honey, preferably flower, sour cream 20% fat. Mash the banana and add half a teaspoon of each ingredient. Fifteen minutes is enough for the mask to nourish the skin with useful substances and moisturize it.

A whitening mask designed for dry skin. Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese + the same amount of medium-fat kefir. Add half a teaspoon of honey. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

For oily. Take chicken protein + wheat flour 2 tablespoons + a tablespoon of honey. The components are thoroughly mixed, that is, the dough is kneaded.

For normal. Egg yolk + a teaspoon of the main component + the same amount of apple juice. Fifteen minutes is enough for all active ingredients to be absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis. After a few hours, you can wipe your face with ice cubes.

Anti-aging. For cooking, you will need in equal proportions: honey + cognac + lemon juice + one yolk. Mix everything thoroughly, apply on the face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Useful tips in video format:

The mask has a tonic, refreshing, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. The tannins found in cognac have a positive effect on the skin.

For problematic. The composition includes aspirin, which has a whitening effect, in addition, the acid in the tablet relieves irritation, removes acne and redness. Regular use contributes to the disappearance of rashes.

Preparation: 1 or 2 aspirin tablets + a teaspoon of honey + a few drops of water to soften the tablet. The components are mixed and applied to the face. The mask on the face may tingle slightly, which means that it is working. After 15 minutes, it should be washed off with warm water.


Like any other cosmetic product, this mask has its contraindications. Since honey is considered allergenic, it must be used very carefully.

Preliminary testing will help to avoid many problems. People with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma are especially prone to allergic reactions.

It is better to refuse such funds to owners of dilated capillaries and stars on the face. If you are in doubt about a particular cosmetic product, it makes sense to consult a beautician who will suggest the right solution.

A few more tips:

The beneficial properties of honey leave no doubt, so do not ignore this miraculous product. The expediency of self-made cosmetics is not discussed, because it is created exclusively from proven natural products that have a positive effect on the skin of the face.

Liquid amber is also sometimes called honey. And not only because of the similarity of color, but also because of its special value for a person. It is saturated with vitamins, proteins, organic acids, micro and macro elements in such quantities that they are difficult to find in any other organic product. The healing effect is provided not only by the use of honey in food, but also by external use in the form of honey-containing ointments, infusions, creams. It is widely used in cosmetology, especially when carrying out procedures related to facial care, both in salons and at home. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for the most effective honey face masks that are easy to make at home.

Due to its healing properties of a wide spectrum of action, honey is able to cope with many cosmetic problems. And in some cases, masks with its content are simply irreplaceable in the treatment and maintenance of a good appearance.

  • age-related aging of the skin;
  • dry skin;
  • enlarged and polluted pores;
  • acne and acne;
  • inflammation of the skin.

Contraindications to the use of honey masks

Honey has a small but very important list of contraindications. This is due to the fact that it belongs to the category of allergen products, so it should be used very carefully for cosmetic purposes. Before use, the mask must be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (on the bend of the elbow or wrist). If after application there is a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching or severe redness - the composition should not be used!
Initially, such cosmetic procedures are contraindicated for people suffering from allergies, rosacea and diabetes.

Mask "Honey Cinnamon"

The value of the main ingredients of this mask lies in the powerful rejuvenating effect. They help improve complexion and tone aging skin.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (this dosage should not be exceeded so as not to cause skin irritation);
  • for oily skin - 1 teaspoon of sour cream, for dry skin - 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

We mix the ingredients and, after testing for allergenicity, apply to the face. Wash off with cold water after 15-20 minutes.

Honey mask with oatmeal

This mask tightens pores, dries out pimples, whitens, nourishes and tones the skin.

To prepare it, we take:

  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • 20 grams of oatmeal.

Soak the flakes in 3 tablespoons of warm water until gruel is obtained and add honey to them. We apply this mass on cleansed, preferably steamed skin for 20 minutes, after which we wash ourselves with lukewarm water.

Apple honey mask

In this mask, the beneficial substances contained in honey are enhanced with trace elements and vitamins from apples, resulting in a kind of vitamin cocktail for the face.

For its preparation we will use:

  • 1 teaspoon honey (preferably lime or flower);
  • 1 green apple of medium size.

Three apples with peel on a fine grater, mix with honey. We treat the face with a scrub and evenly spread the sweet gruel on it. Wash off after 15-20 minutes with water at room temperature.

If honey masks are done at least once a week, combining them with eating honey, very soon the skin, filled with vitamins, will look healthy and, as they say, will glow from the inside.

The healing properties of honey were known in ancient times, and therefore it was used not only as a food product, but also as a remedy for various ailments and ailments, and those who were richer could afford the luxury of cosmetic procedures with honey. The well-known Queen Cleopatra also used honey in her cosmetic preparations.

Since mankind began not only to extract honey from wild bees, but learned to breed these beneficial insects, honey has become a completely affordable product. Bee products (including honey) are now widely used in pharmacology for the manufacture of medicines, and cosmetologists use it to produce various hair, body and face skin care products.

Cosmetologists believe that procedures using honey are the most effective, allowing you to cope with many skin problems and keep it soft and velvety for a long time.

Useful properties of the mask

Honey is a real storehouse of nutrients. He contains:

  • proteins,
  • vitamins,
  • macro and microelements,
  • organic acids.

The beneficial substances contained in honey, due to its unique structure, penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin, having a beneficial effect on its condition and appearance. The anti inflammatory properties of honey help to deal with pimples and blackheads. Creating the thinnest film on the surface, but at the same time not clogging pores, honey perfectly moisturizes the skin, which will allow it to remain fresh, elastic and young for a long time. The cleansing properties of honey help rid the skin of impurities and dead cells.

Honey is suitable for all skin types:

  • oily skin, it gives dullness and reduces greasiness;
  • dry - moisturizes and stops peeling;
  • fading - tightens, makes elastic and eliminates fine wrinkles.

And that makes it a versatile tool.

  • nourishes,
  • softens,
  • tones,
  • shrinks enlarged pores
  • rejuvenates
  • saturates with vitamins and useful minerals,
  • cleans,
  • relieves various skin problems and much more.

Masks using honey can be done at any age - for teenagers and adults, and for those who have not only met the "autumn of life", but have already met its "winter". Women of any age and skin type will appreciate honey-based masks.

Basic rules for using honey-based masks

In order to get the maximum effect from the use of honey-based masks, you must follow some simple rules:

  1. Honey should be natural (taste it - it should be a little tart and slightly tingle your tongue) and a liquid consistency. Candied honey can be melted in a water bath, but it should be remembered that when it is heated above 80 ° C, it loses its beneficial properties and becomes ineffective. The rest of the mask ingredients should also be fresh.
  2. The mask should be chosen according to the type of your skin (or one that is universal) and the existing problem.
  3. When mixing the mixture, try to adhere to the recipe, proportions and recommendations for use (mask exposure time, method of removing it, etc.).
  4. Before applying the mixture to the entire face for the first time, it is necessary to conduct an individual intolerance test. To do this, apply a small amount of the finished product to the skin of the wrist (on the inside of the elbow or behind the ear) and hold for 10-15 minutes. If during this time at the site of application of the composition there were no unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and burning, and after its removal within 20 minutes no redness or rash was detected, then the mask can be safely applied to the face. If any of the listed undesirable manifestations occurred at the site of application of the “tester”, then you will have to refuse the recipe you have chosen and use another one.
  5. You should not prepare a large volume of the mixture for the future: some of its components can quickly lose their healing properties and deteriorate. It is better to prepare the mask immediately before using it - the fresher the mixture, the more effective it is.
  6. To achieve a uniform composition, it is better to prepare it with a blender, and apply with a brush or cotton-gauze swab in the direction of the massage lines, while avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips.
  7. Before applying the mask, the skin of the face (neck, chest) must be prepared - cleaned of dirt, residues of cosmetics and makeup. You can apply a scrub or do a light exfoliation with home remedies to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis. After cleansing the face, it would be nice to steam the skin - put a hot, wet towel on its surface for a few minutes or sit over the steam. These preparatory procedures will allow the active ingredients of the honey mask to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  8. Some recipes include a chicken egg, which can be successfully replaced with quail eggs, but instead of 1 chicken, you need to take 2 quail eggs. Such masks produce a slight tightening effect (due to the drying of the egg), so after the first layer has dried after 5 minutes, you need to apply another layer and lie down or throw your head back on the back of a sofa or chair - this will prevent the mixture from slipping and stretching the skin.
  9. Such masks are washed off in the following sequence: first, the dried mixture is soaked with a richly moistened swab; then the softened mass is removed by washing with running water.
  10. After applying a honey-based mask, it is not recommended to go outside for an hour and a half, so the procedure is best done before bedtime.
  11. Masks based on honey manifest themselves after the first application, however, in order to obtain a stable and lasting effect, it is advisable to carry out the procedure regularly or in courses (2-4 times a week for 1-2 months).

Recipes for masks based on honey

Many beauty salons offer a wide range of services and products that use honey. However, most women prefer natural home remedies, which were used by our mothers and grandmothers. All of them have been tested by more than one generation and have been successfully coping with the tasks assigned to them for more than a dozen years:

Egg mask

Suitable for dry skin of the face or those who have the first signs of its withering. Tightens and refreshes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles.

2 tsp liquid honey + 1 yolk - mix thoroughly, apply a thin layer of the mass and leave for 20-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the residue with warm running water without soap. For porous skin, as well as to make it smooth and velvety, you can use protein instead of yolk.

Mask with sour cream and oatmeal

Suitable for tired and aging skin. It nourishes, moisturizes the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles on it, improves complexion, while healing minor damage and normalizing the work of sebum secretion.

Grind oatmeal (20 g) with a coffee grinder + 2-3 tsp. liquid honey + ¼ cup fat sour cream - mix thoroughly. Add approximately 1 tsp to the resulting mass. with a slide of face cream - this will improve the consistency of the mask, and it will be better applied. Then mix everything again. Apply the mixture on the face (neck, décolleté) and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the remains with warm running water, but do not wipe the skin, but let it dry.

Mask with cinnamon and sour cream

Suitable for tired and aging skin. It stimulates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and rejuvenates. Cinnamon can cause allergic reactions, so before applying the mask on your face, do an allergy test.

Take 1 tsp. liquid honey + 1 tbsp. sour cream + 1 tsp (without a slide) cinnamon - mix the ingredients thoroughly, slightly warming in a water bath. Apply the finished mixture to the skin of the face and neck, lie down or tilt your head back on the back of a sofa or chair. After 15 minutes, wash off the residue with running warm water. The mask can be used no more than 1 time per week.

Aspirin mask

It will help get rid of acne, blackheads, rashes and black spots, dry and tones the skin, refresh the complexion.

Crush 5 aspirin tablets + 1-1.5 tsp in a mortar. water (so that the powder dissolves) + 1 tsp. liquid honey - stir, apply to problem areas of the face (décolleté or back). Leave until you feel a slight burning sensation or a feeling of tightness of the skin. Rinse off the residue with running water, dry the skin with a towel or napkin and apply cream. The mask is used as needed - when acne appears.

Mask for problem skin

It will help to cope with acne, blackheads, blackheads. It dries out the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Grate the peeled potato on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the mass - you will need 20 ml. Add 2.5 tsp to potato juice. liquid honey and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil - mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on problem areas of the face (décolleté or back), leave for 10-15 minutes. It is not necessary to wash off such a mask, it will be enough to remove the remnants of the mixture with a cotton pad.

Mask with vegetable oil and apple

Suitable for any skin type. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, normalizes the production of sebum and heals minor skin lesions.

Peel the sour apple from the peel and grate it on a fine grater. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting applesauce (about 30 g) + 2 tsp. liquid honey + 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil - mix well, apply on the skin of the face (neck, décolleté) and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the residue with warm running water, followed by a refreshing massage with ice cubes. The mask is recommended to be used 1-2 times a week as a moisturizer and rejuvenator.

Mask with lemon and flaxseed oil

Take half a lemon, remove the peel from it and puree with a blender or iron sieve. To the resulting lemon pulp, add 30 ml of liquid honey, 1 tsp. flaxseed oil - mix well, apply the mask on the face and neck, following the direction of the massage lines, but avoiding areas of skin damage, and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off the residue with running water, dry the skin with a napkin and apply a fat cream.

Mask for aging skin

It will help to cope with the first wrinkles. It protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment and, with regular use, can smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Mash half a banana into a pulp, add 2 tsp. liquid honey, 2 tsp slightly warmed olive oil - mix and apply a thin layer. After applying the composition, lie down for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the residue with warm running water without soap. The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Mask with gelatin

Rejuvenating mask. Dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 75-100 ml of boiled water, let cool to room temperature, add 2.5 tsp. liquid honey, 20 ml of glycerin.

Prepare your face by steaming it with herbal infusion, dry it with a napkin and apply a mask with a brush. After the first layer dries, apply a second layer on top of it - lie down, relax your facial muscles and let the mixture dry. After about 30 minutes, gently lift the mask from the edge with your finger and remove any film that has formed. After removing the residue, apply a rich cream to the skin.

Mask with pear, olive oil and aloe juice

Puree the pear with a blender or a fine grater, add 2 tsp. olive (linseed) oil, 2 tsp aloe juice, 3.5 tsp liquid honey - mix well. Apply the finished mask to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, lie down for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the remains with running water without soap, and then wipe with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs.

On the basis of honey, you can also prepare homemade belongings. It will help remove impurities, dead cells from the skin, as well as refresh and give a matte finish to the skin. To prepare it, you will need 20 g of sea salt (grind it in a coffee grinder), 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil (orange, grapefruit) and 2 tsp. honey (in this case, even candied honey is suitable - its grains will have an additional scrubbing effect) - mix, apply to the skin, hold for 10 minutes, and then scrub with light circular massage movements. Rinse off the rest with running water.

Possible contraindications

With all the usefulness of honey, masks based on it have contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to honey or individual components of the mask.
  2. It is not recommended to use honey-based masks for those who suffer from rosacea (vasodilation) and diabetes.

Be beautiful! Be healthy!