In what mode is it recommended to wash the down jacket without harm to the material. How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine How to wash a down jacket down washing

Stylish and warm down jacket is a basic item of winter wardrobe. Clothes that are practical and comfortable require proper care that refreshes and maintains an attractive look. In addition to regular cleaning, the down jacket needs a seasonal wash. However, the task is not easy and without knowing some secrets and subtleties, a thing can be ruined, and it is not always possible to completely eliminate errors. Many users have questions about the rules for washing a down jacket, which indicates the prevalence of the problem with divorces. The filler, which is able to stray from the effects of water and active pressing, also causes difficulties.

Bypassing the troubles after washing the down jacket, regardless of the material, the implementation of general recommendations will help.

  1. Wash the garment buttoned and turned inside out; be sure to remove the fur trim.
  2. Clothes with warm filling may be washed at temperatures up to + 30 °.
  3. The down jacket should be thoroughly washed from stains from detergent. The optimal number of rinses is 3-4.
  4. To wash bulky clothes, you need to use liquid detergents, without dyes and additives. When opting for a powder, the product should be specifically for the fluff. In extreme cases, a child's will do, but there will be a risk of getting divorces. It is allowed to wash with gel for wool, regular shampoo or liquid soap.
  5. Tourmaline balls are very effective when machine washable down jackets. And besides, tennis balls for breaking lumps of fluff are no longer needed.
  6. The most dirty and greasy places on sleeves, shelves, collars and pockets should be additionally treated with soapy water by hand.
  7. Do not use chemical stain removers for down jackets. Laundry soap will cope with complex dirt. To do this, you need to prepare a soapy solution and treat the stains with it.
  8. If a whitening effect is required, the soaking time is increased and the wash is started in several cycles.
  9. We recommend adding fabric softener when rinsing. The fabric will soften noticeably, and if lumps form, it will be easier to straighten them.
  10. Liquid detergent capsules have worked well for washing down jackets. They contain the required amount of the preparation for one wash and do not leave streaks.
  11. The manufacturer's label may contain an icon prohibiting moisture and wetting of a down product. In this case, they can only help with dry cleaning.
  12. At the end of the season, the down jacket must be tidied up and washed. In six months, the dirt will penetrate deeply into the fibers, and it will be more difficult to wash the thing.

Reasons for the appearance of stains on clothes

Why do white streaks appear on down clothes after washing:

  • The filling of the down jacket is of low quality.
  • Detergent not suitable for the type of product.
  • Rinsing errors and insufficient water volume for this.
  • Uneven drying of the product.

Machine wash

You can wash a down jacket in a washing machine in manual or delicate mode at a temperature of 30 °. The detergent is suitable for wool or fluff gel. It will wash out better and will not disturb the heat-shielding properties of the filler.

Important! The fluff differs in that it actively absorbs the detergent, and then it is not washed out well. Therefore, there should be several rinses.

Turn on the extra rinse mode on the washing machine. Permissible spin speed 400-600 rpm. High spin speeds cause the fluff to roll and churn, which is even worse than streaking. Load each down jacket into the washing machine only separately from other clothing. There should be some free space in the drum. Some housewives, when they wash their jackets, also load a towel, then the clothes will not swell in the process.

Hand wash without consequences

After hand washing, there is less risk of streaks and stray lumps that spoil the down jacket. You will need a large basin or a tub of warm water.

The choice of the method of washing at home depends on the filler material, which can be natural and bio-down, synthetic winterizer, thinsulate, holofiber.

  • Natural fluff requires very careful handling. This jacket must not be completely submerged in water. The detergent is only applied carefully to dirty areas. After exposure, it is washed off with a soft sponge. At the same time, the downy thing should be in an upright position. So, it is less saturated with moisture.
  • Holofiber is much easier to clean. Things with such a filler can be soaked in warm water with a temperature not exceeding + 30 °. Whisk the liquid detergent into a lather. The duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes. Then wash in the traditional way.

Important! Leaving a holofiber down jacket in water for a long time is not recommended.

  • Washing bio-down completely eliminates soaking. Even a short stay in standing water spoils the properties of the filler. Stubborn dirt should be removed with a soapy solution of laundry soap. Before immersion in water, beat the down jacket with your hands, which will make the down more airy. Dip into water and continue to drive until completely wet. Immediately and quickly begin cleaning with a brush and soapy water. It is forbidden to squeeze bio-fluff things with your hands. The product must be constantly shaken so that there are no lumps.

In order not to ruin a down jacket, be sure to look at the manufacturer's label with recommendations for care before washing. It may turn out that any washing is prohibited. Then the dirt will have to be cleaned with a damp sponge. It is important not to completely wet the item with water.

How to dry properly to prevent streaks

Proper drying of your down jacket after washing is essential. The following guidelines can help prevent stains.

  • It is forbidden to twist the down jacket. This damages the filler membranes and the product is deformed.
  • Squeeze clothes out with soft, squeezing movements and leave to drain.
  • Dry only in an upright position, straightening the item on a hanger.
  • You can use a special dryer for clothes, where the air circulates freely.
  • The down jacket should dry naturally. It is better to hang the item outdoors or in a ventilated area.
  • Attempts to artificially accelerate drying with heating appliances result in white streaks.
  • After drying on the battery, the fluff splits and begins to appear on the front side.
  • During the drying process, the down jacket must be shaken and whipped in different directions as often as possible. So, the filler dries out evenly and straightens out. You can use a carpet beater.
  • When using a dryer, select a mode for synthetic fabrics with heating up to 30 °. The down jacket will be completely dry in 3 hours.


Owners of down jackets need to be prepared for the following unpleasant situations:

  • Spots of white or yellow tint.

Yellow streaks appear on the surface of the fabric when the fluff inside is poorly cleaned. The remaining fat is washed out during washing and appears on the fabric. Dishwashing detergent will help remove traces. It is applied to the dirt, kept for 10 minutes and washed off.

The appearance of white streaks indicates that the absorbed excess detergent has been filled. They should disappear after rinsing.

  • The fluff gathered in lumps.

Manually strayed lumps can be straightened while the down jacket is still wet. Shake the product vigorously and gently smooth out the felted places with your fingers.

To prevent the fluff from getting lost during washing, using a little trick will help. In the drum of the washing machine, along with the down jacket, you need to put 3-4 tennis balls. They break into lumps, distribute the filler evenly and help to better wash away dirt. You can use baby rubber balls or balls of thread tied in a clean sock. If, after washing, the down jacket is still lumpy, start an additional spin cycle with balls. Should help.

In pockets and corners, it is enough to vacuum the stray filler by turning on the device at low power and removing the nozzle. The tube should be held on the wrong side and moved in a circular motion from one corner to another. The filler will move under the lining and spread out.

  • The down jacket has become with an unpleasant smell.

This happens when drying takes a long time. For a day - two things should dry completely. Such clothes will have to be washed and ventilated for several days.

If divorces still remain

When, due to inexperience, white spots still remain and the look of the down jacket is spoiled, then use the following proven tips.

  • Gently wipe the ugly stains with a soft sponge dipped in warm soapy water from dishwashing gel. When the product is absorbed, remove the residue and wipe with a clean sponge.
  • Wipe the marks remaining after washing with a cotton pad with a few drops of gasoline. Then rinse the treated areas with warm water. The method is unacceptable for synthetic materials, because they can simply dissolve under the influence of gasoline.
  • Treat unpleasant deposits with hydrogen peroxide. Remove the agent from the fabric with a damp sponge. This method is ideal for white and light colored items. On dark and colored down jackets, pre-test the product on an inconspicuous area.

Storage conditions

Down jackets for our climate are perhaps the best option for winter clothing. There is only one problem with them: washing or cleaning. The down filling of a warm jacket requires such delicate handling that attempts to return things to cleanliness can end in failure. But not everything is so hopeless. Desperate and determined housewives, who do not want to put up with the whims of things, have figured out from their own experience how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine without spoiling the fluff inside it. The result sometimes exceeds all expectations, but you also have to work hard.

Wash vs wash

For a long time, manufacturers of down jackets insisted that their products should be exclusively dry cleaned when contaminated. But the people stubbornly bent their own and learned to correctly return things to cleanliness at home. No one knows how many down jackets were innocently ruined while trying to wash them, but as a result, the optimal algorithm was found. And now washing a down jacket in a home washing machine often gives much better results than cleaning.

Dry cleaning has several disadvantages. The main one is the high cost. At the same time, you may still be required to sign that you agree that the company is not responsible for the results of cleaning the down jacket. That is, you can get back something obscene, which was previously your favorite down jacket, along with formal apologies - and that's it.

In addition, a good dry cleaning service is not always available within walking distance. And it will take more time. And the most unpleasant thing is that the chemical muck with which your jacket was cleaned will certainly remain in the down filler. And it often causes allergies and is not at all useful. Especially for young children.

It's better to find out once how to wash a down jacket in the washing machine yourself, and then only trust your own experience.

However, at first it is worth turning to someone else's experience, gained at the cost of disappointment and loss.

Home experts who have already mastered the knowledge of how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine are sure: washing down is the easiest thing. It is much more important to be able to dry the washed item properly. It is the drying process that influences the washing result to the greatest extent.

For washing any down jackets in a washing machine, only a drum-type machine is suitable. No semiautomatic devices can be used with activators.

An automatic machine with a drying function is best for optimal drying. But if one is not available, you can apply drying in a room on a hanger, on an open balcony, near a not too hot radiator, or even using a hair dryer.

To successfully wash a down jacket in a household automatic machine, you need to choose either a delicate mode, or wash in a slightly harder mode for washing synthetic fabrics. You can wash at a moderate temperature, not exceeding 30 ° C.

You will need to use an extra rinse to accurately remove any residual detergent from the insulation layer.

To prevent the down jacket from being deformed and not torn, it is necessary to fasten all zippers, Velcro, buttons and fasteners before washing and turn the thing inside out. If there is a fur edge, it must be removed.

Despite the often found tips when washing a down jacket, turn off the spin at all, you still need to squeeze. A squeezed down jacket will dry faster. If you wash it and leave it just to drain, many lumps of fluff will form inside, which will be difficult or impossible to fluff again. You can squeeze out at 400 or a maximum of 600 rpm.

For washing any down jackets in a washing machine, it is highly undesirable to use powder, especially if the down jacket is dark, streaks will remain. Powder is more difficult to dissolve and rinses out much more difficult than liquid streaks. In stores, you can buy expensive and high-quality fluids for washing down, but you can completely wash it with any other means for washing woolen clothes.

You cannot use ordinary rinse aid, it will only stick the fluff into lumps. However, you can use a rinse aid specially designed for washing down.

The most important rule: one wash cycle - one down jacket. That's right when the thing spins freely in the drum.

To prevent the down jacket from wrinkling and sticking to one of the walls of the drum, several tennis balls must be placed with it in the drum. The balls will not let him lie still. They will be constantly involved in an active wash cycle, which will reduce the formation of lumps of down and feathers. Instead of tennis balls, you can wash your down jacket with massage balls, or with balls designed for playing with dogs.

Drying rules

If you have a drying function in your machine, then the down jacket should also dry with balls. If there is no drying, then you should straighten the washed item and hang it neatly on a hanger in the room or on the balcony.

During the drying process, you must constantly shake the thing, gently sort out the fluff that has strayed into lumps. Sometimes it is better to return the shape of an already washed down jacket by spinning it 2-3 times in the machine, placing it in the drum of the machine along with tennis balls and turning on the gentle spin mode.

If the fluff still strays into lumps, you will have to beat it with your hands until the original volume returns. Fluff can regain its volume, if you use a little trick: put the still damp item in the freezer. From the moisture contained in wet clothes, small ice crystals are formed, which make the fluff and fibers bulkier. A completely dry down jacket usually returns its previous volume and the ability to keep you warm even in severe frosts.

For washing your favorite down jacket in the washing machine to be successful, you cannot:

  • wash with pre-soaking;
  • use water hotter than 40 ° С;
  • use bleaching agents;
  • dry the thing by laying it out on the table or wrapping it in a towel;
  • dry for more than 2 days.

Not knowing how to clean a down jacket from dirt, many take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will carefully remove all dirt. It is wise to do this at the end of winter, before putting all warm clothes in the closet, since dry cleaning is quite expensive and time-consuming. But what if your down jacket gets dirty during the winter or fall? It remains to wash it by hand or in a washing machine. Faced with such a situation for the first time, many do not dare to wash their down jacket on their own, but there is nothing terrible and complicated in this. One has only to take into account some of the features of a down product and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of washing.

What does a real down jacket consist of?

Everyone is accustomed to down jackets to refer to all voluminous winter jackets, regardless of what they consist of. In fact, inside a real down jacket there should be down (goose, swan, eider or duck). The tag of such a product should be marked "down". But such a mark is extremely rare. Often, down jackets are filled with down and feathers, in which case the tag will contain the inscription - "feather". It is these downy products that require special care and delicate handling during washing.

Not only down jackets require careful handling, but also outerwear filled with other heaters that are of a synthetic nature of origin:

Therefore, the general rules for washing a down jacket will also be relevant for owners of other insulated winter jackets.

Down jackets require special care

Basic rules for washing a down jacket

    Before you start washing your down jacket, you need to clear all pockets, valves and cuffs of small debris, parts and other things. This can be done with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

    All buttons, zippers and rivets must be fastened so that during washing they do not deform, and their parts cannot spoil the down product. Some models of down jackets are made quilted in order to more securely fix the down. Before you start washing such a jacket, it is best to stitch open the seams so that later wet fluff does not move through other cells.

    Some particularly soiled areas are best treated with a stain remover or solvent before washing the entire down garment. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the material from which the down jacket is sewn, so as not to accidentally spoil it or damage the integrity of the fabric.

    Before you start washing a downy product, you need to find a label on the inside of the down jacket, which indicates the recommended temperature for washing. Experience has shown that it is best to follow the instructions and take into account the temperature, as higher temperatures can significantly affect the quality of the wash and the plastic fittings of the product.

    To clean the down jacket from stubborn dirt, you can only use soft brushes and foam sponges.

    It should be noted that down belongs to materials with a fine-mesh structure, which retains water well and, accordingly, all detergents, therefore, for a better washing result, the down jacket must be rinsed several times.

    It is also worth considering that to give the material from which the down jackets are sewn, special protective properties, it is impregnated with a special solution, which is gradually washed out with each subsequent wash.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

In addition to its positive characteristics, fluff also has a number of negative ones, such as:

    the ability to accumulate dust,

    crumple when wet,

    absorb water and detergents well,

    hold water and sms for a long time.

Therefore, before you start washing a down jacket in a washing machine, you must remember that:

    Only one down jacket can be loaded into the washing machine.

    Down products should be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

    The down jacket should be washed only in a delicate mode at low speeds.

    Before washing the down jacket, it must be turned inside out so that the feathers that tend to crawl out cannot spoil the appearance of the product. You also need to fasten all buttons, rivets and buttons.

    The spinning of the down product should take place at the lowest speed of the washing machine.

    Only special liquid synthetic detergents can be used to wash the down jacket.

The down jacket must be washed on a delicate cycle

Some models of down jackets are sold complete with special balls for washing, which, together with the down jacket, are placed in the drum of the washing machine. If such balls were not offered to you when buying a down jacket, then they can be replaced with the most ordinary balls for tennis. Even three or four balls in the drum of the washing machine will not let the fluff get off into lumps. The spinning process for your down item can be done with tennis balls.

Modern models of drum-type washing machines allow you to gently clean the down jacket from strong dirt. When washing a down jacket, no other things should be present in the machine drum, since fluff particles that get into the water have the ability to penetrate into the fabrics of other things, and their removal will take a lot of free time.

Why is it not recommended to use washing powder? The washing powder will not do any harm to your fluff, it is just very difficult to rinse it out of the small cells of the fluff. When using detergent, you just need to rinse the down jacket more thoroughly.

If your down jacket does not have serious dirt, then it is not necessary to wash it in the washing machine; you can also resort to a more gentle method of cleaning - hand washing.

Almost any person has a down jacket. Few people will refuse this practical, warm and cozy wardrobe item. However, problems often arise with washing - for some reason it is believed that a down jacket cannot be washed in a washing machine. In fact, the item will not deteriorate if washed correctly.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

First, the product must be prepared - carefully examine the pockets, unfasten the fur, if any. Next, you need to treat the stains - as a rule, there are dirt on the down jacket in the area of ​​the collar, cuffs, pockets. These soiled areas can be treated with laundry soap to prevent stains from remaining after washing. Fasten all zippers.

Then the down jacket must be turned inside out - it should be washed in this particular form. It is not recommended to wash several things at once - as a result, the down jackets either do not wash off normally, or they will deteriorate altogether.

Choosing a detergent

The use of powdered products can lead to the appearance of ugly stains on the down jacket. Therefore, it is better to purchase a special liquid product designed for things made of down, for example, Sport Fein Fashion, Eco Nordland Sport, Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean, Unipuh. Use according to instructions.

Means Sport Fein Fashion is very cheap, but hard to find on sale. The label immediately states that it can be used for washing down products. The 750 ml Sport Fein Fashion bottle is enough for 10 washes.

Eco Nordland Sport suitable for both down jackets and sportswear. The agent is already effective in water at a temperature of 20 degrees. According to the instructions, a 750 ml bottle is enough for 25 washes.

Unipuh- a liquid suitable for washing blankets, pillows, down jackets and other products made of the same material. A 250 ml bottle is enough for about 5 washes.

Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean- also an effective detergent for washing a down jacket (one of the meanings of the word Down - down). Available in 250 ml containers.

These are far from all the products intended for washing down clothes - in any store there is something suitable for down jackets. Considering that one container is enough for about 10 washes, and the down jacket is washed 1-2 times a year, you should not save - it is better to buy a special tool, and not experiment with ordinary powders.

So that the fluff does not go astray ...

... Use PVC balls. In addition, they also improve the quality of the wash. A pair of balls for one down jacket will be enough. You can use "hedgehogs" and when washing other things - they will become softer. You can also use tennis balls - judging by the reviews, they are no less effective. However, they need to be washed thoroughly first to make sure they don't shed.
You can also find special washing balls in stores or on Chinese websites. They are somewhat reminiscent of "hedgehogs", but differ in design.

We start washing in an automatic machine

It is required to wash down products at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is good if the washing machine has a special function for washing down jackets and similar things - for example, a "duvet", etc. If it is not there, any delicate mode will do (it is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees).

If there is a "super rinse" mode, you need to use it - the problem is that some components are used in the manufacture of down jackets, which, after the product dries, will leave white stains on it. As a rule, such a nuisance can only be encountered during the first wash.

Spinning should be carried out at low rpm - no more than 600. At high rpm, fluff can come out of the seams.

How to dry a down jacket

If it is not there, then you need to leave the down jacket in an upright position and wait until the water drains from it. Before drying, all zippers and other fasteners must be unfastened, pockets turned out, but the down jacket itself must not be turned out.

Before hanging the down jacket on a hanger, it is advisable to stir the down a little and try to evenly distribute it over the cells - even when using balls, it falls off a little. During the drying process, it is recommended to beat the fluff several times a day - this way it dries out faster. It is important to dry the down jacket until it is completely dry. If the fluff does not dry completely, then later it will begin to rot and emit a nasty smell. It is clear that in this case you will have to say goodbye to the product.

Even if you really want to dry the down jacket faster, do not rush and put it on the battery, dry it with a hairdryer, etc. High temperatures negatively affect the down, and may cause the down jacket to warm up worse in frost. You can dry the product only in the bathroom or on the balcony. If the machine supports the drying function, you can use it, the main thing is not to take out the balls, which will whip up the fluff in the process.

If the fluff is outta

If a suitable washing mode was chosen, and they did not forget to add a couple of balls to the machine, then, as a rule, the fluff does not go astray. If this happens, you need to try to evenly distribute the down over the down jacket with your hands, even while still wet. If this is not possible, you need to wash the down jacket again - this time in a suitable mode and with balls.

It is also sometimes advised to put a damp down jacket in the freezer. We can hardly imagine how to stuff a bulky down jacket in there, and besides, it is not very hygienic. Therefore, we advise you to initially follow all the rules of washing and drying, so that later your household will not be surprised by surprises in the refrigerator.

What not to do when washing a down jacket

A down jacket is a rather capricious thing, and some actions can ruin the product. Let us remind once again that it is categorically impossible to do:

  • wash in water with a temperature of more than 40 degrees (the best option is 30 degrees, at higher temperatures the fabric may shed, but in the case of severe dirt that cannot be dealt with in cold water, a temperature of 40 degrees is allowed);
  • dry the down jacket in a horizontal position;
  • dry the down jacket with a hairdryer, on a radiator, under the ceiling of the kitchen above the stove, etc.;
  • pre-soak;
  • apply bleaching agents;
  • include spinning at a speed of more than 600 rpm;
  • wash two or more down jackets at once.

As you can see, it is quite possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine. In addition, it is much safer than dry cleaning, after which the thing can cause allergies - especially in young children.

Proper care of outerwear is a guarantee of maintaining its appearance and functions of maintaining a comfortable body temperature. Specialized companies focused on the professional washing of down jackets and coats guarantee their customers the perfect result. But this kind of service is not always available to the average person due to the high cost of work or the absence of such an enterprise in the settlement. That is why information on how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine is extremely relevant and in demand. Compliance with all recommendations, the use of suitable products and a competent choice of washing modes will allow you to achieve perfect cleanliness of the down jacket.

Like any outerwear, a down jacket gets dirty from prolonged wear and loses its attractive appearance, especially for models of light shades. Many refuse light outerwear for the winter precisely because of the fear of not finding a real way of quality care for such models. Home washing a down jacket is considered an ideal option for bringing things to their original condition.

Tip: Before purchasing a light down jacket, you need to make sure that there is a mark on it that it can be machine washed. Otherwise, the clothes run the risk of becoming disposable.

To determine how to properly wash down jackets, you need to find out all the available information from the manufacturer about the clothes themselves. To do this, it is enough to carefully study all the labels and find out the rules for washing the product.

But you should not thoughtlessly use the washing machine, even if the down jacket is ready for such processing. For example, models with coarse stitching may not bear the familiarity with the drum of the machine. This also applies to low-quality products that lose fluff during normal use.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

How to properly wash a down jacket without streaks for a person without experience and the necessary skills? Following the recommendations of experts will help you not to get into a mess and keep your favorite thing.

So that washing a down jacket in an automatic washing machine does not become the last adventure in the life of this model of outerwear, the owner should carry out competent preparatory work. The final result often depends on the thoroughness of the preparation.

Preparation according to the following scheme gives the best result:

  • Choosing the best detergent for your laundry... Today's variety on the shelves of hardware stores allows everyone to choose the right option at any price point. In this case, it is not at all necessary that an inexpensive product will wash poorly: you should be guided by your experience. You can often find quality care products for such clothing in sports stores.

Important: For a down jacket should be used. The best option would be liquid laundry detergent or gel capsules.

Note: All detachable elements (hood, belt, cuffs, etc.) should be washed separately from the base.

The correct choice of mode and temperature

To achieve optimal results, it is important to know which regimen to choose, how to arrange clothes, which product and how much to use.

  • Washing mode... In every modern washing machine there is a program suitable for processing a down jacket: "Delicate" or "Gentle" wash, "Wool" or "Silk" mode. The spin indicators are no less important: the maximum permissible drying speed for clothes with down is no more than 600.

Important: If the washing machine allows manual adjustment, then to achieve the maximum processing result, you can use an additional rinse or carry out a short washing session in clean water without using any product.

How to properly dry a down jacket after the procedure

After the down jacket has been washed, every man in the street has a natural question about the process of drying it. Recommendations on this matter differ, so you will have to choose the best option yourself.

Can I wring out a down jacket using a washing machine? A machine with a spin function and speed control is ideal. There are recommendations that advise you to remove the most dried product from the car, since in this case the time until final drying will take no more than two days.

For best results, the down jacket should be dried on a hanger in a turned out position, fastened with zippers, rivets, buttons. Laying the product horizontally or wrapping it in towels is categorically not recommended, because this way you can create a greenhouse effect and provoke rotting of the fluff. During the drying process, the down jacket can be scrolled several times in the spin mode with 4-6 tennis or special balls to evenly distribute the fluff over the cells.

Drying of the down jacket must be carried out in an upright position.

Correcting errors of incorrect washing

A correctly selected washing mode for a down jacket is a guarantee of a decent result, however, individual incorrect actions of the owner can cause problems with clothes. It is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • Overuse of washing in the machine can lead to the loss of water-repellent functions of the outer garment, since the protective layer will wear off.