Does a real man ever take offense at a woman? A real man never takes offense


A. Grieber

Women love different men. But every woman dreams of her knight, who will come to her on a white horse. And even if a man does not have armor and a horse, he must still be a real man.

What is he - a real man?

1. A real man is distinguished by his kindness to a woman. He does not thrill her nerves with his pride, strength of character and male logic.

2. A real man is the first to call a woman. Especially after a fight. And then he returns to her, takes her in his arms and kisses her gently.

3. A real man does not offend a woman, does not shout at her, does not insult her, does not kill her with words. Because it is unbearably painful for a woman to hear evil words from the most beloved and dear man. A real man does not leave scars on a woman's heart, from which then cynicism and indifference grow.

4. A real man is passionately, violently and furiously jealous of a woman. But he never tells her that she is to blame for this. A real man does not reproach or blame a woman. For a real man, a woman remains a saint. With his jealousy, a real man shows a woman that he loves her, appreciates and is afraid of losing her.

5. A real man tells a woman that she is everything to him, that he is with her, as in paradise. A real man says it as if he will never have a chance to tell her everything.

6. A real man does not regret promises and is not afraid to deceive a woman.

7. A real man just lives a relationship, and does not build it, he just loves, suffers and burns.

8. A real man says what he thinks right now, right this minute.

9. A real man compliments a woman.

10. A real man is attentive to a woman. He gives her gifts and surprises.

11. A real man enjoys every little thing from a woman. Because these little things contain a woman's love for a man, her care for him, her attention to him. Because in every gift from a woman, a real man feels her soul in love with him.

12. A real man fights for a woman, protects her. Because she is the queen for him. And even if a woman is wrong, a real man will never show this to anyone around him by word or deed.

13. A real man endures all the tantrums of a woman, realizing that she is full of hormones that rebel. A real man approaches a woman, hugs her and tells her about his love.

14. A real man forgives a woman.

15. A real man tells a woman everything as it is. But he is not silent and does not allow a woman to spend sleepless nights thinking out his silence, action or inaction. A real man saves a woman from these bitter and unhappy minutes, hours, days.

16. A real man should be able to admit that he is wrong.

17. A real man loves a woman, pampers her, carries her in his arms, calls her queen, fights for her, fights for her.

18. A real man is kind and generous to a woman. He shocks her with beautiful, sweeping gestures.

19. A real man understands a woman.


I have a question about your instructions, can I?
Alfredushka, you, like a real male knight, will gallop, say, on a white horse and drag the sweetheart in your arms! As many as 2 times - as in points 2 and 17. Isn't it too much for one? -Well, how will her violent hormones leap up, then what will you do then? Although ... in paragraph 17 it says: fight and fight. No, but ... not with her ... but ... on the contrary !!

"A real man should be able to admit that he is wrong" and forgive a talkative woman!

But where are they ... are there real men? Urgent address !!

A real man must satisfy all the violent hormones of a woman in any way available to him, and in some cases not available, ways.

Why do you need an address? You are already communicating with me!

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Masculinity is not measured by the number of broken hearts. That is why real men never cheat on their beloved. They know that if a woman's trust is once undermined, she will not be able to open up to anyone for a long time. The authors of Elitedaily told why cheating will not make you a real man.

1. Real men are emotionally stable

When women are going through difficult moments in a relationship, they may cry or give another outlet for their emotions. And men - weak men - pretend that nothing bothers them. But when their cup of patience overflows, they just break down. They are drinking. They are smoking. They change. Real men know how to control their emotions and do not rush to extremes.

2. Real men have enough willpower not to drag behind every skirt

Some men literally cannot miss a single skirt. However, a real man will never risk his relationship for a short affair.

3. Real men don't date women they don't like or can't love

Of course, on a first date, we rarely know with certainty how far this relationship will go. If love at first sight exists, it is very rare. However, it is one thing to spend time with a woman in order to get to know her better, and quite another to meet “just like that”, for your convenience.

Real men don't do that. They do not treat women as objects and never use them for their own needs. If they understand that the relationship is not leading to anything, then they break it.

4. Real men are polite

Real men respect those around them, and especially the woman they are dating. Cheating is a lie. Cheating undermines trust and signals that you don't respect or care about your partner.

If you cheat on your woman even once, you will break her heart forever and you will never be able to regain her trust.

5. Real men don't need to keep track of their victories

Real men don't need to assert themselves. They feel confident even without it. However, many so-called "men" believe that their masculinity is directly related to the number of women they have achieved. They just collect connections, as if they are participating in a competition.

Real men understand that women are not objects, and life is not a competition.

6. A real man will never offend the woman he loves

To be more precise, a real man will never offend any woman. He takes care of all his loved ones.

If you are fortunate enough to love a woman and, more importantly, achieve mutual feelings from her, do everything in your power to make her smile. There is nothing worse than losing the person you love. Of course, we are all wrong. But some mistakes can be unforgivable.

7. Real men know what is really important in life - and this is not just another affair

A real man knows that he only needs one woman. The one he loves. He understands that after a while he will not even remember all the others who met on his way.

8. A real man has the courage to end a relationship

If you are going to cheat on your woman, then you do not want to be with her anymore. Find the strength to end a relationship that has no future. Only cowards pull to the last, afraid to tell the truth. Breaking up can be difficult, but this is what real men should do.

Does a real man ever take offense at a woman?

    I do not agree. In this case, a real man must be cold and unfeeling extra. Ken for Barbie. And in life it does not happen. In life we \u200b\u200bexperience emotions, sometimes strong ones. And besides, I don't think that if a woman or a person who calls herself a woman hits a man in the face, then this phrase will help her.

    As for me, be it real a man or not real, he is first of all a man ... also with feelings, emotions, his own perception of a particular situation! I believe that it may well be offended, to give in! A man is the same child, only big and adult!

    To be offended is stupid, especially for a man. Resentment is a manifestation of a person's pride, a desire to somehow humiliate the offender, depriving him of communication. All this stems from powerlessness, from the inability to act for various reasons. This emotion has a very bad effect on health, especially the lungs. By being offended, you are punishing yourself.

    Resentment is more characteristic of emotional natures, with a pronounced feminine principle. The more masculinity a person has, the less resentment he has. In this sense, yes - a real man never takes offense at a woman - why, if you can act, and not choke on resentment.

    Yes. To be offended by a woman is as natural as to be offended by a small child.

    A real man will listen to insults and speeches from his beloved, calm her down, warm her on his chest .... And the sun! You may not believe it, but that's enough.

    It depends on what, in your understanding, a real man. Men have too many responsibilities, they say, he must be strong, a woman must be behind him like a stone wall, and so on.

    In my understanding, a real man is one who does not draw conclusions from scanty data. After all, isn't this most often the reason for resentment? \u003d)

    If he is offended, then there is something for which, and then in the question of offense, all attention falls on the woman, of course. \u003d)

    And men can do whatever they want, even though they are offended. The main thing is not to offend. Then this is no longer a real man, but ... artificial? Ha ha ha. Where there is a real one, there is an artificial antonym for it. And whether there are artificial men, that's another question! \u003d)

    A real man understands why a woman shoots up anyway, her logic. Calculates it.

    And he is not offended because it is useless.

    Accepts the fact, and draws conclusions and appropriate actions.

    For example, he packs her things, puts them on the terrace, and calls her a taxi.

    And just asks her if she understands why.

    No emotion, just a voice tired of his own emotions.

    For him, she simply does not mean anything anymore, a turned page, a mistake, a wrong step.

    How can you be offended by the past?

    A real man believes that a real woman should have. their little weaknesses, such peculiar jumps that you do not need to pay attention to, and even taking offense at them is just childishness. A man will calmly take this situation as a kind of whim on the part of a woman and will not kindle the fire of abuse and discontent.

    Yes, a real man never takes offense at a woman, because a real man does not take offense at all. Do you know why? Yes, because instead of resentment, he completely calmly, completely calmly draws conclusions and makes objective decisions. No offense. I remember that when I was young, my first wife disrespected my parents, so disrespectful that it was no longer included in any framework. Do you think I'm offended? I just made a conclusion and made the right decision, which I have not regretted for 25 years.

    A man also has the right to take offense at a woman. Just like a woman can be offended by a man. The main thing is that this does not happen over trifles, for any even the most insignificant reason. So that this does not lead to a long quarrel and a break in relations.

    Of course, he is offended ... Otherwise, he would have been a robot, not a human. Resentment is a natural reaction to injustice that was committed in relation to a specific person. Another question is what is the reaction to an offense. So, in my opinion, a real man knows how to forgive an insult, but he never forgets about it, because it turns out that having forgotten about the insult, he did not make certain conclusions for himself, but it is absolutely necessary to do them so as not to repeat a similar situation in the future. art Sometimes it can be very difficult to separate the ordinary, ordinary female tantrum from the true attitude of a woman to a man.

    A real man can take offense at a woman, but he will never betray her, much less never leave her. He will weigh everything and find a way out. He will tell her what she was wrong about and will try to help her. But, unfortunately, now it is not enough such men. More and more often you meet when they begin to sort things out, or even be rude in the vet. A real man does not stoop to this.