On the first gentle feelings. About the first gentle feelings how to attract a boy who you

You are young and beautiful, but not yet meet with the cavalier? You are sociable and friendly, but do not know how to attract the attention of the guy like? Are you confident and independent, but you are confused when you meet with a boy who likes you madly?

Then this information is for you, your girlfriends, classmates and peers! (Although it may come in handy and your parents or older sister).

How to attract guy's attention


The best reason for dating in adolescence - the presence of this reason. Are you already 12 years old and all your dreams are focused on meeting the pretty little boy from a parallel class? You can not imagine your future life without communicating with a smart intelligent classmate? Are you developing various scenarios for dating a mischievous and perfed fidget living next door? What if you are not familiar?

For the best outcome of the first meeting and for the guaranteed continuation, you, as a military strategist, you need to think over the tactics of your actions. After all, often the outcome of the battle, even on a love front, depends on thorough preparation.

Where to begin?

  1. Start from collecting information. After all, who are knowledgeable enough, he is well armed.
  2. Find out what is interested in, Where is looking for the inspiration you liked the guy. What circles he visits, what his hobby is, what a circle of communication, which sport gives preference.
  3. Try and become "dock" in this area. This does not mean that you should throw art school and strive to rush to the football field. But knowledge of the outstanding footballers, successful teams, the time of tournaments will not prevent you.

Guy's hobbies are an excellent reason for dating. If he is a brilliant hacker - contact him with a request to figure out the "complicated" computer program for you.

If he does not think and the day without riding a bike - ask you to teach you to ride a bike. If he loves dogs, ask his opinions about choosing a pet.


Tip: Do not look at the guy and do not chat through measures.

Your desire to tie acquaintance should be presented with a cute modest smile. In no case should not closely look at the future cavalier, catch his eyes his eyes - he can unwittingly feel like a victim, behind which the pursuer hunts, pull and go to flight.

How to do?

  1. Look at the guy to establish visual contact.
  2. As soon as the boy looks at you, immediately remove the look and modestly smile.
  3. Look at him again and try to keep his eyes.
  4. Go on smile, do not rush your eyes to the floor.

This will be enough for the guy to understand what is interesting for you, and, of course, if he is not an unfair coward, then make a step towards you.

Meet: Do not discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a person in the presence of outsiders. Such peres will be put even the most powerful person to the position of the experimental rabbit, and this, as you understand, no one wants.


Guys attracts not only the appearance of the girl, but also gestures that she owns. Send the language gesture means learn how to send information perceived by others at the subconscious level.

What gestures will help you with this?

  1. Easy touch your hairHow to get a hairstyle.
  2. Shake luxurious curls, And then corrected the stood strand.
  3. Spend your fingers on your neckBy giving the face a mysterious and dreamy expression.
  4. Slowly singing Slow melody, spend the pillow of the index finger on a pencil or rim of a crystal festo.
  5. Play with a chain, Having turned over her links or stroking medallion.
  6. Never place handscrossed on the chest. This sign shows that you are closed to communicate.

The behavior of true lady

Before the first meeting of the guys, you experience natural excitement, fuss and afraid of failure.

Several psychologists' tips how to cope with the alarm:

  1. Effective technique, referred to as "Visualization". To do this, you need to mentally "play" the best meeting scenario. Clearly imagine that the acquaintance took place, you struck the guy with your originality and wisdom, you are cute, and he offers you further friendship.
  2. For timid natures will suit affirmations - Methods for the awareness of their advantages and a calm even perception of flaws. Try to tell yourself in front of the mirror: "I am perfection itself. I am a person worthy of respect and love. I attract a harmony, beauty and happiness in my life. " Of course, one classes will not be enough, but in a week of exercises you will notice the appearance of confidence in your abilities.

Remember, with what tranquility, the dignity and respect for it was transferred all the negative news, princesses. The strive to match the Queen's image and then your chosen will be the king.


Here you met. For the first date, the meeting place is played a major role. Not the best option for communication will be the turn in the store, visiting the concert rock band or conversation with the loud crying of football fans.

To hear and perceived you, you need a calm, not distracting noise and not annoying a fuss. The atmosphere of a small cozy cafe or the pacifying sounds of nature is suitable for a walk in the park.

So that the dialogue does not become your monologue, and the first and last meeting with the boy, it is worth sticking to ordinary tips:

Exchange contact

And you, and the guy was satisfied with the first meeting. You care: when and how do you meet again? Do not be afraid to thank him for a wonderful time spent.

You will select a relevant phrase, like: "You very much accessible explained this geometry theorem, I would like to help you with a history project."

Polite thanks to together with the proposed help, it will probably become interested in it, and he will ask the number of your phone.

There are exhibits among boys who slowly slow down or simply do not decide to ask you. They need a few minutes to realize the accurate happiness, and then they whisper quietly: "Leave me your contacts."

If this does not happen, we have the initiative in your own hands and, writing my e-mail or saying your nickname in contact, ask to send, for example, a new hit of his favorite group.

However, if he disappeared for a long time from your field of view, consciously avoids contacts with you, think if you need such a deserter?

Further communication

Tip: Let the boy be a man.

Here was a long-awaited acquaintance. Who was the first step - you or young men, no longer matters. How to be next? Go across, to be the leader and to direct and control the situation?

Do not at first show excessive decisiveness, excessive activity, assertiveness and perseverance, bordering into some girls with annoying.

Although you are a confident person, but you are a representative of weak gender. Therefore:

  • Adhere to the natural order of things: the guy is caught by the girl, and not the opposite.
  • Let the boy give you flowers and make a small surprise.
  • Let it be the route to the next date, he will decide, it will be a delicacy in a cafe or watching exciting film guards. Men love to solve complex tasks, and do not deprive him of such an opportunity.

Tip: Give the guy to the maximum freedom.

All representatives of strong gender believes that they are free creatures. Even if it is a father of three children living with an angry wife, or grandfather of ten grandchildren, who lived half a century with a grumpy old woman, - all men are believed to be about their freedom without exception. Do not deprive and you are your boyfriend of this illusion.

Tip: Be sincere, but mysterious wizard.

All boys, unhes and old people, regardless of age, adore the mystery. They love to solve puzzles and rebuses, and, the harder - the more difficult the rapidage. Therefore, do not hurry with explanations, exposure - let his fantasy work a little on you.

But it's still not to go into the flow of lies and deception yet - you can get confused in it, and he is heard - not a glorious reputation for such a beautiful girl like you.

Integer friend guy

At school

Attract the attention of a guy in a school that you like is quite easy, because most of the time students spend in one team.

The reason for dating school may be a request for help, for any educational disciplines. Here it is appropriate to change or after lessons to ask to explain the solution of the task or incomprehensible grammatical rule. The topic of appeal can be a joint writing of the project or the organization of the event.

A plus meeting at school is that you can always enlist the support of classmates and find out about the hobbies of the boy from his friends.

If you do not return to make the first step itself - let the girlfriend will arrange a "random" acquaintance. You can act through a guy's comrades. If they take you into your team, the long-awaited acquaintance will be sure.


You broke up with your loved on for quite some time, but he is still in your dreams and fantasies, he does not leave you in a dream, your thoughts are only about him.

If you want to return the attention of the former guy:

  1. Defect: You need it with his flaws and his problems, or you dream about the ideal you created.
  2. Say: Is he worthy of you and deserves your attention?
  3. Answer yourself: Do you really want to be with him or your aspirations to heal for what he threw you?

If you are sure that this is the guy is your prince on a white horse, then act. Carefully analyze the reasons for your parting. If you see your part of the guilt, and in parting the wines is mutual, then you need to take all measures to remove your shortcomings, work on the development of your advantages, to improve the body, and spirit, and character.

Return the attention of the ex-friend will help the awareness of his rebirth, the emergence of a new person, stronger, more beautiful and more confident. The next advice is about how to become decisive.

On the street

Acquaintance on the street can occur on a "pleasant coincidence." This does not mean that you will spy and follow the guy.

But the regular movement route must know to choose the best time to get acquainted.

It will not bring further prospects for the development of relations, when you turn to the young man with a request to repair the problem in a bike at the moment when he rushes into a pharmacy for a medicine for a sick relative.

But to offer table tennis competitions when he stands with a racket in his hand - will become a good starting point for long-term communication.

Video: Pickup for girls

At work

If you like you, the young man already has a job, then in the conditions of the office - there are a lot of reasons for dating. You should learn about the activities of the company where the guy works, and contact the organization for its profile.

If the applicant for your heart works in the travel agency, the cause of your visit can be natural interest about the events, their cost and excursion routes.

Of course, at your age, you will not turn to the car service staff with the requirement to urgently change the oil in the car engine, but please pump a wheel on the bike will be perceived quite adequately.

At the disco

Disco and nightclubs and created precisely for meetings and communication, of course if their visit to you is allowed by parents. The friendly relaxed atmosphere of these establishments has everything necessary for dating.

It will be better if you "randomly" will find yourself in one company, but it will be appropriate when you are with friends, asking permission, coming down for their table.

To keep in the main thing: Although modern youth is typical of the tricky manners along with catchy outfit, but vulgar behavior, bright makeup, extremely creative outfit - will not be helpers and will not decorate the young girl.

Your main trumps:

If he does not pay attention to you

Tip: Be confident in your abilities, even if he does not pay attention to you.

Very often young girls bring low self-esteem. On the slogans, "I can't", "I will not be released," "I - unworthy" - you need to impose a strict taboo.
It is necessary to develop confidence and an optimistic look at life. You should be convinced that familiarity and communication with these boys, you need and you are ready for such relationships.

Boldly go to your goal, do not pay attention to the surrounding envious views and baby gossip.

Know, all representatives of the strong half of humanity appreciate the ladies confident. And smart, decent guy will definitely notice this positive quality.

Who has a girl

Tip: Be the only one of its kind.

Neither social situation nor external attractiveness nor the level of intelligence is by no means the main factors in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The main criterion is to be unique, the only one.

In each person there is its own "highlight", it is necessary to detect it in itself, develop and disclose others.

You have excellent memory - the rates of listeners with an unusual exciting news. Try to improve your advantages, show them everywhere and always, of course, knowing the sense of measure, and in relevant situations.

Do not strive to be a copy of your ideal, do not imitate the surrounding girlfriends, and be yourself.

And all your friends will call you a "girl with charisma" and the identity of your image and character will not remain unnoticed by the guy who you like, even who has a girlfriend.

On the rink

Acquaintance at the rink at 13 years old is a unique opportunity for student, dark winter days. There are friendly people who are distinguished by the love of a healthy lifestyle and non-permanent optimism, so it will be quite simple to approach the chosen "stranger". Some girls even manage to commit "riding" on their prince.

Further communication can be continued with the benefit for the soul and body, while drinking a vitamin cocktail or freshly squeezed juice in the nearest cafe.

Remember another female wisdom: the male floor loves when they challenge.

Tip: Do not simplify them the tasks to feel like a getter or breadwinner, do not pay for a treat in a cafe and never get your wallet with it at all. Do not let him relax and be an Alphonse.

Of course, to order its proposal to order delicacies, you should not fall on the menu and make an order as an excreated savage. The sense of measure and taste must be shown when choosing a dish.

In the bus

Get acquainted with the guy you are indifferent to, you can try in public transport. Standard clichés for the bus: "Are you going out?", "When the School stop?" Throw away immediately.

But to portray the mysterious stranger, throwing an intriguing look at the guy, giving him a mysterious smile, having a luxurious hair with a luxurious hair - you can simply and quickly replenish the ranks of your admirers.

Relevant will be a request to him: "Tell me, how to get to the youth theater?". Pronounced by a polite tone, a melodic voice of the phrase will allocate you from others, and it is often necessary to visit the performance together together.

In contact with

Communication in contact is a simple and effective way to gain new friends and the second half.


  • You can immediately understand what the potential cavalier is interested.
  • The circle of his communication will show how much it matches your requirements to candidates.
  • You can join his group or invite a friend. And no one, except you, will not notice your face.

Women's trick: Do not delay the correspondence on contact for more than 15 minutes.

Council: Do not allow him to feel that you can sit in a comfortable chair and amused conversation with a cute heart of the girl. For this privilege, it is necessary to lift one "place" and take one step from virtual communication to real.

On the Internet

Acquaintance on the Internet is a good alternative for shy girls and for those who have no time or the possibility of visiting potential meeting places.

The virtual space has a huge potential to select a friend. There is a wonderful acquaintance in social networks, a significant amount of information about people and their tastes, huge geographical scope.

It is worth not afraid of the samples of the pen and write: about yourself and their achievements, about problems and disadvantages. There is always the one who your questions will be close and the one who wants to help in a difficult moment.

Tip: Do not rush to the first oncoming, especially in the virtual world, disclose your soul.

Do not shift, even in writing, all the disturbing problems on the neck of a young man. Of course, in the answers you do not need to lie, but some things should be silent.

Trying by correspondence

Many girls are interested in 13 years old, how can you attract attention by correspondence?
Tip: Do not use template phrases, at the same time, and do not exhibit your erudition and awareness.

They appreciate the people of educated and competent, and the "upstrokes" and "zincons" are skeptical.

Some interesting fact is placed on its platform, consecrate the significant event, write an exciting story, lay out the rating clip. Stay from others! The next advice on this topic.

Council at Completion:

If your adventure with acquaintance was broken, your efforts did not bring the desired results, and the prince was not a prince, but begging - do not worry! After all, even the most negative result is your new knowledge and experience. The suffering and torment clearly allocated time for themselves - no more than two days.

Remember, life continues, and interesting guys are at least a pond of a pride. Do not forget, life is created for you, and not you for her. Do not dwell on difficulties and try to get a maximum of pleasure from new meetings and communication!

Would you like the boy to pay attention to you? There is nothing easier, perform a number of the following rules, and the guy will definitely notice you and pay attention. Just do not confuse the concept of paying attention to and fall in love with yourself, these are a little different things.

Secrets how to pay attention to the boy

Secret number 1: Try to find out what girls like this boy, or rather, what kind of clothes like the boy on the girls. Try to dress according to his taste. In addition to the clothing that he likes, it is necessary to be a neat girl, monitor myself so that the clothes were neat, not mint and well refilled. From you should be pleased to smell perfumes, the hair should always be clean, and the clothes will not only have to like the boy, but also to emphasize your shape. We recommend reading

Secret number 2: Want to attract the attention of the boy, try to always be in a positive mood, so that all the boys and girls see you have seen joy and good mood in your expression. This does not mean that always and everywhere you need to smile, but it is definitely necessary to hide your sadness, even if you are very sad.

Secret number 3: Confection is the most bad reason that prevents the boy to turn your attention to you. Therefore, try to be not shy and not shy, defeat your shy. To do this, at the moment when you are shy, will overcome the constraint, go to the guy, speak, ask, tell me, do not hesitate.

Secret number 4: Do not need to be a white crow, try to participate in your class or group life. Do not stand aside, try to be, if not in the lead, so at least as everything.

Secret number 5: Knowledge - power! Interested in the life of the boy the attention you want to pay for yourself. Learn about it as much as possible, and then knowing about his tastes, interests, hobbies, preferences, and the like, you can please him and draw it attention to yourself.

Secret number 6: Never do and do not lie, especially in communication with the boy, which you like and the attention you want to pay for yourself. If the boy notices that you are a liar, then, most likely he will not only pay attention to you, but will begin to experience disgust for you. We recommend reading

Secret number 7: What would the boy pay attention to the right time to help him help, for example, let him write off the control or ask him to help you in what he disassembled.

Secret number 8: Try to always be near the boy, so it would have seen you as much as possible. Do not hide behind the corners and walls, and in the class Sit the guy ahead, so he could see you. Guys, as a rule, always flirting in front of sitting girls, and then the control will write off.

Secret number 9: Know what the guy is fond of and try to do, the same, more simply, we divide his hobbies with him. In this case, you will have to talk about and what to discuss together. Perhaps even you will go to one circle or section where your communication will become more dense.

Secret number 10: Want that the guy would pay attention to you, learn to flirt. Flirt is an indiscriminate ticking to a guy's address of its sympathy for it. Flirting may include the following: Smile at the sight of a guy, fix his clothes, take the hand if you go somewhere nearby, touching the guy and the like. We recommend reading

Secret number 11: Never and under any circumstances, do not speak with other girls and guys about him bad. And when you communicate with a guy, do not make it comments, it repels. The remark can be done only when you already have good relationships with each other.

The girl who liked the young man seeks to attract his attention. It is not surprising, because often the young men can not take the first step, placing this burden on the beautiful ladies. The girl is trying to disappoint a guy with all their might, so that later to get close to him. There are some tricks that will help in such a difficult business. Consider them.

Step number 1. Surround yourself with love

  1. Any action to conquer the guy begins with internal harmony. It is important to first love yourself so that you love you later than you. When you look a happy and satisfied life, the situation will move to the mountain.
  2. Do not seek to play someone else's role. Whether in all situations, but keep positive thinking. Always in front of the guy else smile, even if so far he does not notice you.
  3. Everyone goes smile, you do not feel about exceptions. Love everything you do. It may be a campaign with a class or a complex lesson on algebra. Try to make so that you like every life time.
  4. Show love for loved ones and friends. Go to the revenue, if you can not do without you. Sauce light, surround yourself with good people, beautiful things, rainbow mood.

Step number 2. Do not demand attention

  1. Many girls make a mistake when desperately show guys that they want attention so much. From here there are stupid jokes, loud laughter and other actions that scream "if only he noticed me."
  2. No need to like to be like that. If you are self-sufficient and happy, you will notice you. There is nothing good in the fact that you will stare on it.
  3. If you are standing in the company, do not move away from friends to the side, so that you have noticed you. When it matures, he will come true and ask for your attention. Have a dignity.
  4. It is too annoying to be too much. Do not go around 5 times per hour past him in the hope of a short conversation. Do not smile with a young man without reason, if you are not even familiar.
  5. Do not be enjoyed in public, calculating hair or correlating makeup. There are ladies' rooms for this. The guy does not need to know that you are glamorous chik, which is very worried.

Step number 3. Create the first impression

  1. The girl is remembered by a guy on the first impression. Later, when they are already familiar, sit and discussed how it all began. When the guy is suitable for you, say hello and smile.
  2. Do not bend a stick, do not need to linger before him. Take care to communicate with you easy. There should be no embarrassing pauses, but it should not be taped without a silent.
  3. Repay his questions and ask your own. Try no value to tighten the conversation for a long time. Judge yourself, relax it and do not strain yourself.
  4. Do not talk about serious things. You can joke on it if the young man has a decent sense of humor. With the first meeting, do not complain, you are not so close.

Step number 4. Control body language

  1. Non-verbal gestures are something worth working on. Your body language should be understood by a young man. Do not mislead it, crossing your hands on my chest, but at the same time it's cute smiling.
  2. Keep your head straight, straighten your shoulders, find place for hands. But do not cross them and leave their hair alone (hem skirt, shirt, etc.).
  3. Try to make your housing closer to the guy, but at the same time save the distance. When you are talking, look at the guy, and not on the phone or by passing people.

Step number 5. Flirt with a guy

  1. After the conversation rose successfully, you can start flirting with a guy. The main thing in this business feel comfortable and not to replay. Try to exchange a few harmless jokes, show that you have a sense of humor, and you do not mind when he fits.
  2. During the conversation, do standard manipulations to attract its attention. Robby and sexually bite your lip or spend your tongue. Play hair. During Flirt, the main thing is to maintain easy and relaxed communication. Do not show that the guy liked you very much.
  3. Keep mysteriousness and intrigue. Speak a little softer than usual. As a result, the guy wants to be a little closer to you to hear everything said. Check yourself as naturally, do not flirt. Otherwise, a man may think about your easy accessibility.

Step number 6. Place your boyfriend

  1. Remember that the conversation has developed successfully, and you started to like a guy, it is important to flirt in moderation, be sincere and cheerful. Also find an interesting topic for conversation to talk about something with feeling.
  2. When talking, show humor. It is not necessary to seem fool, a similar impression can be deposited for a long time. To start an interesting conversation, try to make a dialogue on a relaxed topic.

Step number 7. Choose a topic for conversation

  1. To make sure everything is correct, ask the guy questions about him. So he will tell you everything you need to know. Ask for his hobbies and hobbies. Tell us about yourself if necessary.
  2. It is not worth the first meeting to ask personal questions, you should also not answer them. If the guy asks what you have not seen or did not do, let's answer the type "I have not seen this yet, I didn't have it." No need to answer through the word "no".
  3. Try to stay witty. Do not break the conversation just because you do not know what we are talking about. Conquer a guy with your humor and easily, he must understand that you are a sincere person. Thus, you will be a good attitude. Judge each other and laugh from the soul. This is a way to good relationship.

Drive a relaxed conversation. If you like him, the date is inevitable. Do not flirt and remember your self-esteem. Show your sincerity and good sense of humor. Innocent Flirt will help you find a good companion for a serious relationship.

Video: how to attract the guy's attention

Hello, girlfriend! Dedok Yurik is glad to welcome you on the expanses of our beautiful site. For the first time or again - no matter. I am confident that after reading this article, you will like to read any other useful materials from this site. Anyway, now I am here in order to help you deal with the urgent problem.

So, you are interested in which you like, I correctly understood? Then I really have, what to tell you. No, of course, I myself never pursued the goals to the boys, but the girls tried to achieve my attention. It was a long time ago, and since then a lot of water flowed, but the capital truths remain unchanged over the years. Therefore, I can easily tell you how to attract the attention of a classmate how to attract the attention of an unfamiliar guy at school and in general, what to do to please the boy.

How to attract the attention of a boy who you like

How to attract the attention of a boy in such a way that he really became interested in you? You must understand that in general, we can pay attention to yourself. You can make it somehow a ridiculous and stupid act. But hardly the guy wants to build relationships with you. I suspect that you are interested in how to attract the boy to yourself it is to further build relationships. In this case, you will need to learn some things:

  1. You should look good. After all, how to attract the attention of the boy if you are dirty, untidy, etc. Each of us loves aesthetic beauty, and even if for someone appearance - it's not the main thing, it still remains the determining point in the initial stages of dating. Especially if it comes to a guy who does not know you. However, if you are interested in how to attract a classmate, it does not mean at all that it is possible to "score". You still have to follow yourself, to clean your head regularly, to care for clothes, etc. Understand, beautiful wrapper adds even the most delicious candy a special charm. I hope you understand what I mean;
  2. You need to know how to attract the attention of a guy conversation. Immediately after the appearance, the guy will appreciate your mental abilities. And if you have nothing to offer him in terms of conversation, then the whole of your plan is doomed to failure. No, it does not mean that you need to chat without silent. I tell you about what you should be able to support the conversation, talk even on those topics that you are completely uninteresting. Do not clamp, do not be shy and be yourself. This will help you for yourself to understand how to attract the attention of the one who you love.

In principle, the neat appearance and society is all you need. Then I want to tell you not about how to attract the boy to myself, but about where it is better to do. And the options here, in fact, Darkness. It can be like some kind of school event and trite it. Talk to him, pretty a conversation, ask how he is doing, what he is fond of, etc. Try to wake more information for yourself, but do it unobtrusively. Your task is to find as many points of contact as possible, to then use them for your own purposes. In the process of a deeper conversation, you will greatly understand how to attract the boy that you like.

An excellent place to get acquainted platform or school courtyard. The main thing is not to come to him when he is surrounded by friends. With them, he can behave completely differently than alone. Wait until he stays alone, and only then act, then how to attract the attention of the boy in his company do not even try. If you don't want to approach myself, and you think that the first step should be exactly the guy, then use "special acceptors" that there are in arsenal from any girl. How to lure a boy? Yes, just enough to quit him and wink. He will not leave this gesture unnoticed, I'm guaranteeing it to you.

It is not always easy to know that in the head of the eleven-year-old boy. It's hard enough to understand if you like him if he teases you or sends you different signals. However, if you try to interest it, showing my benevolence, self-confidence and kindness, then you may be able to see his real feelings towards you soon. Ultimately, the boys like girls who are happy to be as they are, caring and interested.


Part 1

To attract attention
  1. Do not be afraid to talk to him. Many girls of your age have no greater experience in conversations with boys, so to stand out, choose the right moment to talk to the boy who you like. You do not need to approach and start a tense conversation, especially if you have never talked before, just do the effort and say "hello" so that he can answer, or ask something about the class to show his openness and start a conversation. He will be surprised that you are so confident and wants to talk to you.

    • To begin with, you can just tell him "hello" while in the same group or even just introduce yourself. You can lay the foundation for a conversation next time.
    • If you are embarrassed, think in advance what to tell him, you can ask if it likes the class, or how his basketball game passed.
  2. Smile to him. No need to hide under the desk or ignore it every time he passes by. Smiling to him, you awaken in it of interest to know more about you. The guys like friendly girls, because in their society they feel calm and comfortable. Perhaps you think the guys likers like cool girls, but this is just a myth; A simple smile can highlight you and interest it.

    • Smile to him when you meet my eyes. You do not have to search for a boy to smile to him.
  3. Let him notice you at the right moment. Another good way to attract attention, show him as you have fun. When you communicate with friends, playing on the street with neighbors, or stand in the queue in the buffet, he must see that you are a cheerful person, no matter what you are busy. Seeing that you are a cheerful, happy person who loves what he does, the boy will want to meet you. If he always sees you a gloomy or stared at the phone, he is unlikely to decide that you have fun with you.

    • This does not mean that you need to pretend. If you have a terrible day - you do not need to laugh loudly to draw attention to yourself. But, in general, you should impress a simple and happy person. If he sees you fun and smiling, he wants to spend time with you to charge positive energy.
  4. Be sure to behave confidently. If you behave confidently and ease, the boy will think that you are confident. You should develop a good posture when walking, and if you are standing or sit, try not to slouch. Try not to cross your hands on your chest, it looks unfriendly and uncertain. Instead, keep your hands lowered or sometimes gesticulate when talking. When you walk or talk to people, look forward, and not down under your feet.

    • Another way to show your confidence with the help of the body of the body is to turn the face to the person with whom you are talking. If you communicate with the boy who you like, turn to him face to show that you are comfortable with him.
  5. Imprieve him with your confidence. The boys like girls who are satisfied with how they look and confident. Although many eleven-year-old are complexed, since their body and worldview change, you can work on confidence in yourself, passing all these changes. Speak loud enough to be heard, but without arrogance, and do not accumulate yourself when you talk to someone. You do not need to try to look as if you are an Earth PUP, but you should impress the impression of a self-confident girls who want to attract the attention of the boy who she likes.

    • To look confident, do not blame himself, unless joke, and giving it to understand that this is just a joke.
    • Speak about things that you really are important and in which you understand. By this you show that you are satisfied with those who are you.
    • To be confident in yourself, it is not necessary to be perfect. However, you must realize your shortcomings and work on them.
  6. Be friendly with everyone. Do not think that you can like the boy only if you are popular and like most. If you choose "less cool" friends, just to seem "cooler", you do not like a good boy. You can earn a positive image only by friendliness and a good attitude to those who deserve it, instead of being good selectively. If you are friendly with everyone at school, the boy will want to get acquainted with you closer, because it will see how great that you are easy to communicate with a lot of people.

    • Boys, as a rule, do not like drama. They are much more likely like girls who have many friends than those that constantly conflict with people.
    • If a new girl appeared at school, take her under my wing.
    • If you are satisfied with the party, try to invite everyone you love, do not leave people without an invitation, just to save.
  7. Pay attention to him. If you want a boy to notice you, you need to find a way to stand out. This does not mean that you need to paint your hair in a pink color and playing a banjo to catch his eyes. However, this means that something in you should be noticeable for it. It may be a good sense of humor. Or excellent feeling of taste. Or your ability to speak with anyone. Find your highlight and make sure that he notices you.

    • This can be anything: from your love for singing and dancing to jewelry that you do for your friends. It is important that you are passionate about, but it doesn't matter exactly what it is.
    • Of course, you should stand out only in a good sense, and not to find fault in teachers or arrange tragedy.

    Part 2

    Preservation of his interest
    1. Make it laugh. Do not be afraid to demonstrate your sense of humor, even if you think you have an unusual sense of humor. Girls sometimes be afraid to show the boys their sense of humor due to what they think it's not "cute"; The truth is that many boys love girls most of all who can make them laugh. You can play it to gearly, even take a chance and tell him a beaten joke, or just express a joking remark about your teachers, a television program or your common friends. It will be stronger than you, if you see that you are able to make it up.

      • In fact, a conversation with a boy who you like, no different from a conversation with a girlfriend. Do not attempt to establish a ban on humor and just be yourself.
    2. Make him a small compliment. Another way to attract the boy's attention to make him a small compliment. You may notice that you liked his shirt, or rate the hat with the emblem of your favorite team and tell me that you are her fan, or go to the basketball game with his participation with several your friends, and then tell him how he played great. Do not say anything directly, for example, that he has beautiful eyes to not make him blush. But mention something good that there is in it, or something that he is dressed to make him pay attention to you.

      • Do not overdo it. Just say: "Good work in today's game" or "I like your new shoes" to attract his attention.
    3. Do not feel too serious. In order for the boy to keep interest to you, show him that you do not feel too serious in everything, and can perceive jokes. You can slightly swear above yourself, without looking at it is a complex, or just tell you how fun you spend time with your football team without caring about how you look. There is no need to be looped at school, your friendship or your extraneous hobbies, and you should show that you can be different. Boys like when the girls are targeted, but at the same time they are not too worried about any occasion, because it is so easier to be liberated and have fun.

      • Try to avoid concerned about how you run away from your classes all the time and focus on the joy of moment. It is much more important to enjoy the moment than maintaining the perfect image.
      • Focus on conversations about pleasant and good things you have to do, instead of worrying that something goes wrong.
    4. Ask him about him. If you want to maintain interest in yourself, show him that he also interests you as a person. You do not need to ask questions, but you can make efforts to learn more about him, from conversations about his sisters and brothers to his favorite group or TV show. Try to keep the balance between conversations about you and questions about him, leave him time to open. Here are some topics about which you can ask:

      • Favorite TV show, group or film
      • Favorite sports team
      • Hobbies and interests
      • Pets
      • Weekend plans or summer
    5. Do not use friends to pass the messages. If you really want to please the boy and even count on starting to meet, then you should not attract friends to tell him from you in words or note. Although it may not be so scary, to communicate with it in this way, it will be much more impressed if you find yourself quite mature to talk to him personally. If you want to tell him something important, take a deep breath and take the courage to say it yourself.

      • Your friends can even offer you to talk to him. It may be tempting, but lower them to Earth, explaining that you prefer to talk to him on your own.
    6. Let him understand what exactly you like it. If you want to keep his interest in you let him understand what makes it special. This does not mean that you should provide him with a list of his advantages, just help him understand what he highlights him. You can mention that you like his sense of humor, how easy you can communicate with him, or just what he does not look like other boys you know. When you recognize each other and you will understand what you like to each other, giving him to understand what you feel, you will give him the opportunity to see what he means for you.

      • You can say something like: "You so easily find a common language with everyone. How do you manage it? " Or "You always make me mix."
      • You can also say: "Looks like you really understand me. With you so easy to talk about anything. "
    7. Find what you have in common. Although before the boy is admired by your charm and confidence, it can pass a lot of time if you want it to interest it, you need to find common interests, then you will talk about. Not necessarily interests should coincide in everything, but great if you like the same groups, television shows, sports teams, stars or even active activities. Break out to find something that you like both and spend time for your favorite occupation, for example, go to the basketball tournament, look together a film, or even read the same book to then discuss it. Here are examples of common interests:

      • Favorite groups
      • Favorite television programs
      • Favorite films
      • Similar upbringing
      • Having brothers and sisters
      • Favorite dishes
      • Similar sense of humor

    Part 3.

    Final success
    1. Be friendly with his friends. It may be a little difficult to be friends with the boys when you are only eleven, but it is important to try to be cute with the boy's friends if you want to achieve a final spiritual location. Do not try to be the best friend for his friends, it is enough to be kind and friendly, then they will respond well about you. If you impress an unfriendly or mediocre person, they can tell him that he does not communicate with you, and boys can listen to the advice of friends at such age.

      • When you meet his friends, say hello and find out how things are. Show them that you are really interested in their friend.
      • If you do not like some of his friends, do not tell him about it. Because of this, your relationship can crack.
    2. Show him your sympathy. Because you are only eleven years old, you do not need to think about too close relationships with a boy. However, easy attachment will make your relationship more durable. You can hold hands when you walk or watch the movie. You can give it to hug you at a meeting or hold you for the waist for a walk. Just a little soulfulness will help keep a strong relationship for a long time.

      • Remember that many boys at eleven years do not show sympathy in humans, even if they like someone very much. Start with a small manifestation of sympathy publicly and see how comfortable it is for him.
    3. Do not overload it. You go crazy from joy every time when you meet him, but keep yourself in your hands. Give him to understand what he likes you, not to mention that you want to marry him or insanely in love with him, otherwise you can sagge him. Remember that in eleven it is very important to maintain relationships with light and cheerful, and not quickly translate them into serious. This is a good advice, in fact, for any beginning relationship at any age!

      • You can write him a note with a greeting and report what you think about him. However, it is not necessary to tell him about fifty things that you like most in it.
    4. Do not have too strong pressure on your relationship. Enjoy the time spent with the boy and live a moment instead of thinking about the future. Just rejoice in this, and do not worry what will be next year, in the summer or day Valentine. Focus on the fact that you know this boy and spend the time together, and you will see that you can spend a great time and without superfluous experiences.

      • Do not ask the boy about what he is thinking about the distant future, or what will happen to you in the summer, or how you will go to another school, if necessary. Do not run forward.
    5. Always leave time on your friends. If you are interested in long-term relationships, find the balance between the time spent with your new boy, and the time you spend with your old friends. Your friends will always be next to you, do not repel them only because a new love interest has appeared in your life. Find a healthy balance between your guy and other friends, and it will make your relationship durable and full.

      • If you spend time with your friends separately from the boy, you will have more time to get bored with each other.
      • Babying a friendship relationship is a skill that can be studied for years, so why not start now? The presence of time for everyone you love is very important for happiness.
    6. Find new joint classes. To secure relationships, avoid monotony. Although there are some limitations that you can do together when you are eleven years old, you can open something new: discover new cafes, sign up to the dance school, or even follow the sport. It will be great to find a lesson who both in the soul and at the same time add freshness to the relationship.

      • We go to the pool, on the lake, or on the beach together with the boy and his many friends.
      • Review the old comic journals together.
      • Arrange retro day and curtail at the playground.
      • Play the ball with friends.
      • Invite multiple friends to pizza and watching the film.
      • Sometimes it's great to just walk together and talk about life.
    • Do not be possession - he will not like it. Give him space, but be close.
    • You have to solve it before running after him. To some boys, it is enough to approach and say that you like it, but most like choosing, so choose the best way.
    • First of all, let him a chance you like. Bear around and do the same as he.
    • An ordinary nice boy will appreciate what you liked and will not be very shy. Do not be nervous.
    • There must be causes of sympathy; You should be similar. You could spend seemingly a random survey about what people are interested in. "
    • Do not jealous if he communicates with other girls.
    • Do not look at him constantly. It annoys.


    • Do not be discouraged if you understand that he loves another. He may think that you are jealous, begins to avoid you and walk with the girl who he likes. * It is normal to cry, just do it in public (surrounded by other students or with it) *
    • Do not replay, otherwise the boy can lose interest to you or start you hate.
    • Be careful.