The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. Wedding rings are a symbol of the family Sign wedding rings

A wedding is a sacrament, a ritual that symbolizes the union of two loving hearts. Preparations for such an important event begin months in advance. After all, you need to do everything - choose a dress, shoes, a veil, a suit, find a car, a photographer, a toastmaster, decorate the hall, make a menu, invite guests, and take into account many other small things. But one of the main points in the pre-wedding turmoil is the choice of rings.

The meaning and choice of wedding rings

No wedding is complete without wedding rings. It serves not only as an adornment of the ring finger and is the status of marriage, but carries a symbol of a happy marriage, fidelity and mutual, eternal love between two loving hearts. The noble metal that serves as the basis of the ring has the meaning of purity and purity. The ring serves as an eternal reminder to lovers of the oath of allegiance that they gave to each other, throughout their subsequent life together.

The choice of wedding rings should be approached with all responsibility, as this jewelry, which embodies fidelity, love and harmony, will be on the finger throughout the long years of marriage. Previously, the choice of rings was traditionally placed on the shoulders of the groom, but in our time this approach is no longer relevant, and the rings are chosen taking into account the joint wishes and tastes of the bride and groom.

The variety and symbolism of the rings

To date, there is no clear definition of a standard wedding jewelry and there is a huge variety of rings that you can choose and order right now on the website, where you can find a large selection of rings for every taste, size and financial capabilities .

What are wedding rings?

  • Golden, traditional, classic, they are practical, without frills and luxury. The smooth surface of the ring symbolizes a calm and measured family life;
    Silver, are a symbol that favors lovers and serves as a talisman against evil forces;
  • Unusual, embossed, in the form of ovals, rhombuses, squares, with carved patterns. The interweaving of various materials is often used, for example, white and yellow gold, this speaks of loyalty and trust;
  • With precious stones, one or more. The meaning of stones in such rings: ruby ​​- a symbol of happiness, passion and fire, diamond - strength and inviolability of marriage bonds, sapphire - affection and financial success;
  • With engraving. The inscriptions that are knocked out on such rings are mainly a reminder of tender feelings, a wedding day, an oath of allegiance;
  • Paired, performed in the same style, but different in design.

Wedding rings are very diverse in size, style and design, but they have the same meaning - they will serve throughout life not only as an adornment, but as a reminder to spouses of the day when they exchanged rings and swore fidelity and eternal love to each other.

Wedding rings, which young people exchange during a wedding, are one of the few centuries-old traditions that have survived to this day. The choice and purchase of wedding rings is an exciting ritual, since we are talking about jewelry that the future husband and wife will wear throughout their lives.

Spouses wear wedding rings as a sign of fidelity to each other on the ring finger of the right hand (in some countries - on the left hand). The most traditional option is a smooth ring made of red or yellow gold.

History of the wedding ring tradition

The custom of wearing wedding rings is deeply rooted in history, and in different countries has its own characteristics. In ancient Rus', for example, the bride wore a wedding ring on her index finger, as is happening now in the Jewish tradition.

Previously, there were two separate concepts in Russia: an engagement ring and a wedding ring. The groom put the first ring on the bride's finger during the church betrothal ceremony after the engagement. The groom, making a marriage proposal, presented her with an engagement ring, and the bride could accept it as a sign of consent or reject it, which meant refusal. Before the wedding or the wedding, the bride took off this ring, and during the ceremony, the groom put another wedding ring on her finger, over which the engagement ring was put on.

Today in Russia, future husband and wife exchange rings only on their wedding day. According to one version, the current tradition is connected with the fact that in the 18th century the church rites of betrothal and wedding were combined.

Now, while the traditional sleek red or yellow gold engagement rings are still popular, newlyweds are increasingly opting for more original jewelry. With a wide variety of options and combinations, everyone has the opportunity to choose exactly the wedding ring that will become a symbol of a unique love story.

"Bronnitsky jeweler" offers a wide selection of wedding rings for every taste.

What can be wedding rings?

Types of wedding rings


Classic wedding rings are sleek pieces usually made of red, yellow or white gold. However, 14k red gold engagement rings are the most common option.

With pattern

Such wedding rings are usually made of gold - red, yellow or white, and do not have inserts, but are decorated with a pattern applied to the surface. They can be from any one type of gold or combine several colors of this precious metal at once.

Three in one

An engagement ring made of three separate rings in red, yellow and white gold, intertwined with each other, will look interesting. The width of the rings that make up one whole can be 2 or 3 millimeters.


Wedding rings made of several types of gold are available with a rotating outer ring, or, for example, with interlacing elements of red, yellow and white gold. Some models look especially impressive and unusual. This is the case when the engagement ring becomes a truly memorable sign of family love and fidelity.

With inserts

Wedding rings with diamond inserts look luxurious and emphasize the uniqueness of your feelings. Diamond jewelry is the choice of those who can afford it. An engagement ring with cubic zirconia will also look great on your finger, but this option is much more affordable.

With modern design

For those who think classic wedding rings are too boring, but do not dare to buy rings with inserts or a movable outer radius, models in a modern design are suitable. Such an engagement ring will look original and attractive.

Whichever option you prefer, the engagement ring will always be a symbol of love and fidelity. We will be sincerely glad if the wedding ring purchased in our salon becomes a talisman of your family happiness!

In the modern world, almost all people wear rings, regardless of gender, age, belonging to religions and spiritual predilections. It so happened that the human race is used to putting any thing in an associative array, invented by him. Rings are no exception. It is they who are given the symbolic meaning of a closed curve repeating the shape of a circle, symbolizing the endless flow of time, called eternity.

They gave mankind many legends and myths, gave rise to superstitions and founded occult currents, endowed them with power, or branded them with curses. There is a legend that the very first ring was a chain rim that bound Prometheus, which he had left after his salvation by Hercules. The rings brought many troubles and joys to the world of a weak, easily tempted person. But they have become especially significant since they were first used as wedding bands.

The birth of a beautiful legend

The symbol of endless love is the true meaning of the wedding ring, an important attribute of marriage. This meaning has its roots deep into the middle of the centuries. According to modern science, the first mention of a wedding ring refers to the ancient Egyptian state. Powerful and mysterious, the mysteries of which are still largely unsolved.

During the wedding ceremony, the groom exchanged rings woven from plants with the bride. These forerunners of modern wedding rings were worn on the ring finger, because. it was believed that the circulatory connection with the heart originates in it. Initially, in ancient Egypt, metal rings replaced money and only later began to serve as decoration.

Love is a ring and the ring has no end

With the advent of the Christian era, the special significance of the wedding ring made it an indispensable attribute of the marriage sacrament. They still wore it on the ring finger. In ancient times, power was transferred through the ring of the great ruler. The owner of this decoration was recognized as the messenger of heaven, the vicar of God. And the same meaning is seen in the exchange of rings between the bride and groom. Spouses acquire equal power over each other. The wedding ring mysteriously contains faith and fidelity, selfless mutual love, which is not stopped by death itself. That's what an engagement ring means.

Choice before the golden wedding

It will be useful to give a couple of phrases to the choice of an engagement ring. This should be taken seriously and carefully. Having dressed it once, with an ideal marriage, it will be possible to change it only at a golden wedding, following another beautiful tradition. There is a great opportunity to get acquainted with what wedding rings are like and personally appreciate their charm on the site

What does it mean to lose your wedding ring

The importance of a wedding ring in a person's life cannot be overestimated. Poems, songs and entire literary monuments are dedicated to him. Around him, a lot of legends were born, signs and superstitions, sometimes frightening, terrible. One of them says about the loss of a wedding ring. And portends the inevitable destruction of the family. Everyone has the right to decide for himself how to relate to this. However, clerics do not share this opinion.

Superstition is in itself destructive to the human soul. You can talk endlessly about symbols pointing to a cloudless family life, but only love has been and will remain a real symbol. Her loss is a hundred times worse than the loss of any ring.

Wedding ring: a symbol of fidelity and happiness

An engagement ring is not just a beautiful accessory made of precious metal with diamonds, which is worn on the ring finger of the left or right hand. An engagement ring is something more, it is a kind of sign of fidelity, deep feelings and eternal love...

Wedding rings were first worn in ancient Egypt. According to legend, it was the Egyptians who put the rings on the ring finger of the left hand, because it is from there that the so-called “vein of love” flows. In fact, this is the name of the line that runs from the ring finger to the fold of the palm. By the way, in the science of palmistry, this line is called the line of love.

But back to the rings. In ancient Rus', there were two concepts of rings - "engagement" and "wedding". The groom presented the engagement ring to his bride during the engagement. Before the wedding, the bride took pictures wedding ring, and during the wedding she put on the second - wedding.

Today, the concept of "engagement" and "wedding" have the same meaning. During the wedding, the groom puts a beautiful wedding ring on the bride's hand. Orthodox - on the right hand, Catholics - on the left.

Let's see what wedding rings are in fashion right now.

Jewelry fashion this season is very conservative. In the current collections, there are no breakthrough trends or ideas that turn everything upside down. In the first place in sales is the classic: small gold rim rings. Thin rings with a scattering of diamonds, which came into fashion a couple of years ago, this season began to look more avant-garde and rich - geometric patterns on the rings are the most relevant. Clear straight lines, maximum precision are typical for products - Chopard, Damiani, Boucheron.

Wedding rings

Rings with large translucent irregular-shaped stones (Luca Carati, Pomellato) or richly decorated with loose diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other multi-colored stones (Chimento, Pasquale Bruni, Cartier) are still relevant.

For the first time in several years, jewelers are demonstrating a resurgence of strong interest in traditional "yellow" gold. In this material, jewelry houses presented interesting variations of engagement rings.

Wedding rings

Retained their popularity and large rings with flowers. Moreover, the larger the ring, the better. As for design, both “flower beds” and laconic single flowers are equally relevant.

Jewelers are also in no hurry to part with the "animal" theme. Especially popular among designers are rings with figurines of representatives of the cat family: cats, graceful panthers, tigers. Jewelry house Magerit has released a collection with dolphins, fish and mermaids.

Wedding rings

Romantic girls who prefer vintage will surely like the "lace" of red gold. And in white gold and silver, the effect of lightness and transparency is added by white diamonds.

Fans of elegant classics are offered fluttering butterflies and dragonflies on rings.

The iconic trend of 2012 is jewelry in the form of gold and silver cages. As a rule, they are very voluminous, and the precious diamond lattice keeps the stones in them, like a bird in a cage.

Wedding rings

In order not to get into trouble when choosing wedding rings, we asked for advice from a popular actor, a certified gemologist, a person who is directly related to jewelry Konstantin Kryukov.

“Now there is a huge number of engagement, engagement, proposal rings. In my opinion, everything is permissible today. For example, we make black and white rings. There are jewelry houses that create double rings, where one ring overlaps another. It looks like this: the first is a classic bezel to make it comfortable to wear, and the second, additional, with a carat diamond that fits into a niche and forms a single ring.
Why is the bezel ring so popular so far, because this ring is more comfortable to wear.

Today the trend is to have two rings. One is for everyday wear, thus indicating that you are a happy wife, and the second one that you wear on special occasions, it is beautiful, with a large stone, or an incredible design.

But in fact, in our country it has always been very conservative, and in the West, people have long been wearing completely different wedding rings. There are legendary rings of famous people, when the spouse has a black ring, the wife has a white one. Or with some kind of leather or special design. In general, freedom of choice is complete.

As for men's wedding rings. So I here advised to choose the most simple. Because a Russian man who wears a ring on his right hand has one problem - you have to greet him. Therefore, if the volumetric ring, then after a while the fingers will start to hurt. And also, I would advise not to buy rings with stones, because it looks a bit strange. It is better to insert these stones into a women's ring.

My advice for girls. Buy a ring that you have enough money and taste for - the main rule is that you should like the ring. If you like a simple classic ring - choose it, if you are crazy about a large ring with stones or flowers - do not be afraid, buy it.
Personally, I like it when the ring is in the ring. As for the color of gold - white, yellow, red ... Personally, I would choose platinum, it will definitely not turn yellow over the years and will always be relevant.

Perhaps some brides will heed our advice. But what kind of ring we would not advise you, remember, the choice is always yours.

An engagement (wedding) ring is not a ring of omnipotence and not shackles designed to hold each other. This is a golden thread connecting two loving hearts so as not to get lost even after life ... Venedikt Nemov

- This is a symbol of marriage bonds, love and fidelity, the spouses wear this "distinguishing sign" on the ring finger of the right or left hand, according to faith and place of residence. This symbol of the spouse is acquired on the day of their marriage.

At all times, the wedding ring was considered a symbol of marriage. It is a vicious circle without beginning and end, and symbolizes the immutability and stability of marriage bonds.

How did the tradition of wearing wedding rings from all the variety of different jewelry originate? Why was the ring finger awarded the honor of owning this treasure?

To begin with, I would like to answer these two most important questions with a beautiful old legend:

“In ancient times, once lovers decided to get married. They thought for a long time how to consolidate their relationship forever, so that it would be both beautiful and reliable.

One day while walking, they met an old sage. And the young man decided to ask him for advice.

The sage sat with his eyes closed for several minutes, and then turned to the young couple:

- Let each of you join your hands with your palms. All fingers should touch each other's pads: thumb - thumb, index - index, etc., except for the middle one. The middle fingers of the two hands, bending, connect the outer sides. Like this.

And now look: keep all fingers closed, just tear off the big ones from each other. These are our parents. They grow old and at some point leave us, but we always remember them.

Now again connect all the fingers in pairs, and open only the index fingers. These are our brothers and sisters. They can marry and get married, having lived to old age, they also die, but we always remember and love them.

Having again connected all the fingers, try to tear off the little fingers from each other. This is also easy to do. These fingers symbolize our children, who, in the end, also break away from their parental nest and live their own lives and a separate family.

Only here the ring fingers, no matter how we try to tear them apart, nothing will work out. This is our relationship with the spouse given to us by God.

Therefore, put a ring on these fingers to always remember this close and strong connection, always feel each other's support and always be true to each other.

The boy and girl, amazed by the sage's plan, went home.

After some time they got married. At the wedding, they put rings on each other's ring fingers. Since then it has become a tradition."

The history of the appearance of the wedding ring in terms of archaeological evidence and historical facts.

The tradition of exchanging wedding rings has its roots in those distant times, when happy newlyweds, as a token of love and devotion, gave each other symbolic wedding rings woven from hemp or cane. They became the prototype of modern wedding rings.

The first mention of wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt., as evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations, as a result of which various gold rings were found in the tombs of the pharaohs. According to ancient Egyptian traditions, wedding rings were worn on the ring finger of the left hand. And the reason for this choice is explained by the fact that during the autopsy and study of the internal structure of human bodies (according to the custom adopted in Egypt), it was found that only from this finger a certain thinnest nerve leaves and reaches the heart. As a result, it was considered appropriate to decorate the ring finger with a wedding ring, which, from an anatomical point of view, was closely connected with the heart with the help of a vein located in it. A very romantic decision, in our opinion. And also from a mythological point of view, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, accompanied the ring finger. And of course, the ring on this finger spoke of marital ties, love and fidelity to your chosen one.

And here ancient Jews wedding rings were not needed, they did without them. The groom gave the bride a coin as a sign of his love and readiness to take her as his wife.

In ancient Rome before the wedding, the groom presented the bride with an iron ring, since the presence of metal in the ring symbolized the inviolability of marriage bonds. And after - a ring of gold.

At the end of the second century AD a tradition arose to exchange bronze wedding rings, in the third century the rings became gold, and in the fourth century they were first used in marriage. Italian jewelers - the authors of many innovative ideas in art and design - in the Middle Ages began to make wedding rings adorned with diamonds, which are symbols of the purity and strength of marriage bonds.

In Christianity the ring, as a symbol of marriage, began to be used only around 900. According to Christian laws, wedding rings should be simple, without any decorations. In Orthodoxy, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the right hand, and in Catholicism - on the left. In pre-Christian times, along with a wedding ring, the groom gave the bride the key to his house - as a sign that now she has the responsibility to take care of her husband's household.

In the fifteenth century according to the church charter, the groom was supposed to wear an iron wedding ring, which symbolized his strength, and the bride - gold, meaning her tenderness and purity.
Since 1775, according to the prescriptions of the church, as a sign of the predominance of the male sex and the duty of the wife to obey her husband, the metal for the male ring became gold, and the female one became silver or iron.

In modern world the engagement ring has not lost its original meaning. Its round shape, which has no beginning and end, symbolizes infinity and eternal love, and the noble metal from which wedding rings are traditionally made is a symbol of purity and purity. But the appearance of wedding rings has undergone a number of changes over its centuries-old history.
If initially wedding rings were created extremely simple without any decorations, then in our time many couples in love prefer original wedding rings for the wedding ritual, the design of which contains placers of precious stones and exquisite combinations of precious metals. Basically, these are rings made of gold, but often very many newlyweds are increasingly choosing rings from other metals (silver, titanium, palladium) or alloys (stainless steel, tungsten carbide), and even from non-metals (ceramics, plastics).

Originally in Russia There were two separate concepts "engagement" And "wedding" ring.

The groom handed it to the bride during the church ceremony of betrothal after the engagement, it was worn on the ring finger of the right hand. This ring was a confirmation of the intention of both to marry.

Before the wedding or wedding, before meeting with the groom, the bride took off her wedding ring, and during the wedding or wedding, the groom put the second on the bride's hand - wedding ring, already over which a wedding band was put on.

In modern Russia the concepts of "engagement" and "wedding" ring have become almost synonymous (some explain this by the fact that in 1755 the Holy Synod combined the engagement (betrothal) with the wedding), and future spouses began to exchange rings only on the day of the wedding or wedding.

On which hand is it customary to wear a wedding ring?

The choice on which hand to wear a wedding ring is most often dictated by the person's faith and his place of residence.

For Orthodox Christians It is customary to wear a ring on the ring finger during marriage. right hand. Whereas Catholics and Muslims wear wedding rings on the ring finger left hand .

On the right hand wedding rings are worn in the following countries: Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Poland, Georgia, Chile, Norway, Germany, Austria, Greece, Spain (except Catalonia), India, Venezuela.

On the left hand wedding rings, symbolizing the status of marriage, are worn in countries such as: Australia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cuba, Brazil, France, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, USA, UK, Italy, Japan, Korea, Syria and Israel.

What does "language of rings" mean?

In modern society, the so-called "language of rings", which originates from ancient times, is almost forgotten. In those ancient times, with the help of a ring worn on a certain finger, others were informed about the status of its owner.

pinky ring spoke of the freedom of its owner, and not the desire to marry.

Ring on the ring finger meant the presence of a lover or beloved.

Middle finger ring symbolized a great experience in love affairs.

And the owner index finger rings publicly announced an active search for a future wife.

Is it safe to wear wedding rings all the time?

There is an opinion that a wedding ring on the ring finger restricts the flow of energy leading to the heart. “Exchanging” rings, lovers close the partner’s channel of love on themselves, and thereby close his heart to other passions.

However medical professionals do not particularly favor the tradition of wearing wedding rings, since there are a huge number of nerve endings on the hands, which, naturally, are affected by the rings. In addition, the very material from which the rings are made can often cause many health problems to their owners. In science, there are cases when it was enough for infertile women to remove their wedding ring to get pregnant, or to get rid of problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system and cope with migraines. If you do not give the ring finger a systematic rest from the close "embrace" of the wedding ring, this can lead to such serious consequences as mastopathy, diseases of the genital organs and endocrine glands. And the constant wearing of the ring on the middle finger can cause atherosclerosis and sciatica. But do not forget that this is all individually. And the body of each individual person reacts to wearing rings in different ways.

With all the skepticism about wedding rings, many doctors talk about the benefits of gold rings., which, as it turned out in practice, protect against arthritis and arthrosis, at least one single finger is the ring finger. It is believed that the secret lies in the fact that gold penetrates through the skin into the lymphatic vessels of the fingers and prevents the deformation of the joints. On the other hand, people use the ring finger so little that it simply "wears out" less than the rest. This fact should not be forgotten either.

To wear or not to wear a wedding ring- This is a purely personal decision of each person. In reality, it is only a tangible symbol of marriage, although a very significant one. Much more important is what this ring represents - it is strong family relationships, mutual understanding, harmony, love, constancy and fidelity.

Signs and beliefs.

Man is arranged in such a way that even in accidents he looks for the secret signs of Fate. Therefore, many signs did not bypass the marriage bond and their main symbol is the wedding ring.

Previously, they took the choice of a wedding date very seriously, turning to astrologers, soothsayers, and priests for advice. People believed that each month of the calendar carries a certain sign that will be embedded in the family ties of those who are married in this month:

- get married in january - means early widow;

- in February - live in harmony with her husband;

- in March - live on the other side;

- in April - enjoy variable happiness;

- in May - see treason in your own home;

- in June - the honeymoon will last a lifetime;

- in August - the husband will be both a lover and a friend;

-in September - expects a quiet and peaceful life;

- in October - life will be difficult and difficult;

- In November - life will be very rich;

- December - the stars of love will shine brighter every year.

There is a belief that in no case should you let anyone try on or put on your wedding ring.. If you cannot refuse this request to a very close person, for fear of offending him, you should simply put the ring on the table, and not pass it from hand to hand. It is necessary to return the ring in the same way - through the table, and it will be even more reliable to hold it a little under running water or in a salt solution before putting it back on.

It is a lucky omen when newlyweds get engaged with the rings of their grandparents, who lived for many years in peace and harmony and being still alive at the time of the marriage of their grandchildren. You cannot use the rings of divorced or deceased people.

In northern countries, there was a beautiful custom to freeze both rings in a small amount of water before the wedding: thawing, they supposedly remember that they were just a single whole, and throughout their lives the spouses will always reach out to each other.

Such a sign is known if an unmarried bridesmaid touches a wedding ring at a wedding or imperceptibly "borrow" a box that has already become unnecessary - to be her bride soon at her own wedding.

But, dear newlyweds and lovers, remember - to believe in signs and beliefs is a personal matter for each of you. After all, Fate is always merciful to those who deserve her favor. Without any signs, we can safely say that sincere love and marital fidelity and trust are rewarded with long years of a happy marriage.
In addition, there is an exception to every rule, omens, superstition and belief, why don't you become this very exception and live happily ever after! Love and be loved.