Why is the belly red in pregnant women? Why does a rash appear on the abdomen during pregnancy and its treatment? Disruption of the work of some internal organs

It is very difficult to understand a pregnant organism and all the changes that take place in it. This mysterious process promises many surprises for a woman, and not always pleasant ones. One of these surprises can be a rash on the abdomen, in which the belly itches unbearably. This not only torments the expectant mother physically, but also haunts: what is the cause of the rash on the abdomen during pregnancy and how dangerous it can be for the baby?

The doctor should answer the question of why rashes appeared on the abdomen and what to do with them: after examination and, possibly, additional research. Because the causes of a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy can be a lot.

Causes of the appearance of a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy:

- dermatosis of pregnant women

First of all, this is the pregnancy itself. Against the background of hormonal changes, strange and often unpleasant things can happen to a woman, including a severe itchy rash. And it all starts just from the abdomen. For some, the rash is localized only here, for many women it spreads to other areas, in particular the thighs, buttocks, chest, back, arms (there are practically no rashes on the feet and soles). But most often, a rash of pregnant women appears in the third trimester on the abdomen and especially in striae, although this problem can also occur in the first and second trimesters. Soon after giving birth, or immediately before birth, it will pass as suddenly as it appeared.

Doctors call this rash differently: dermatosis of pregnant women, pruritic urticarial papules, plaques of pregnant women, scabies of pregnant women. It all starts with the appearance of red papules, which are often surrounded by a white rim. They do not turn into blisters, but merge into edematous plaques.

- allergies

Any woman can make money, even if she has never suffered from similar diseases before. Now the body is very sensitive to external and internal factors, so you should be careful with everything that you eat and what surrounds you. Food, clothing, plants, dust, animals, cosmetics, household chemicals ... It can be anything you want. With an allergic reaction to food, hives are most common. Be careful - this is a rather dangerous condition that can progress and become more complicated very quickly. In addition, rashes on the abdomen swell, itch, burst, and the risk of infection increases.

- prickly heat

Especially in the summer, a pregnant woman may develop prickly heat on the abdomen, accompanied by a rash and itching. This can be facilitated by increased sweating, wearing or clothing made of synthetic fabrics, as well as inadequate hygiene during the hot season.

- infectious diseases

It is absolutely possible that you could have picked up some kind of scabies or something like that. It was enough just to lie down on the couch in the clinic or hospital. With infectious skin lesions, rash and itching will certainly spread throughout the body (with different sores in different parts of it), but almost always on the abdomen. So if you suspect an infection, you definitely need to see a doctor: he will establish a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and all the necessary measures.

- disruption of the internal organs

This is usually the last thing to think about, but it happens that some of our organs fail due to the heavy load on them during this period. And as you know, this can manifest itself in the form of rashes, including on the abdomen. Most often, the gallbladder also makes itself felt in this way. Perhaps you were taking some medications and the liver was "offended", or the baby pressed on the bile ducts and bile cannot come out as expected. The doctor will help you figure it out.

What to do?

First of all, consult a doctor. In addition to the already mentioned reasons for the appearance of a rash on the abdomen, pregnant women may have others. Only a specialist will help you to accurately establish the diagnosis and, of course, prescribe treatment or advise ways to alleviate the condition. So, in case of allergies, the effect of the allergen should be excluded first. Antihistamines are likely to be needed.

Try to find a good natural moisturizer for your skin (very often allergies occur to creams for stretch marks).

Diet can also help: exclude coffee, tea, juices from the diet. Focus on foods that contain pectin and fiber (keep green apples in your home).

Compresses and rubbing will help reduce itching, but be careful with herbs. It is better for this purpose to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.

Maintain good hygiene and shower frequently. And don't worry: everything will be fine!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

When a pregnant woman's stomach begins to itch and, possibly, also her breasts, back, buttocks and thighs, she usually thinks that this is something from the category of a rare and unknown phenomenon. But then it turns out that many expectant mothers suffer from this "scabies". Moreover, there are many names for this common phenomenon among pregnant women! However, the causes of a rash on the abdomen can also be different. And even doctors are not always able to determine which of them, according to which the rash is covered and / or the stomach itches in a particular woman.

Rash on the stomach during pregnancy: causes

Scabies, rash of pregnant women, scabies of pregnant women, dermatosis of pregnant women, cholestasis or hepatosis of pregnant women, and even pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnant women. If a woman's stomach itches or has a rash in position, then in most of all cases "disease" will be called one of these terms. And there are indeed many cases.

But the causes of the rash are not always the same. And it is important to find the “root of evil”, since some conditions can carry a real threat, and mom, undoubtedly, experiences certain psychological and physical discomfort. Often, a rash on the abdomen of a pregnant woman is accompanied by intolerable itching, and in some cases, doctors, because of this, even suggest an early delivery.

What causes a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy is also important to know because the treatment, depending on the cause, will also differ in each individual case. Doctors name the following among the most likely causes of a rash in pregnant women.

Hormonal changes

Under the influence of hormones, which are activated with the onset of pregnancy and lead to a constant change in hormonal levels, the body of the expectant mother "throws out" a variety of numbers. A rash on the skin of the abdomen, often accompanied by itching, can be such a peculiar reaction to pregnancy and its development.

In addition, as pregnancy develops and the tummy grows, the skin in this area of ​​the body is strongly stretched and suffers: it lacks moisture and elasticity, strength, and therefore not only stretch marks are formed, but rash and itching can also occur, by the way, most often - namely in striae.

Lack of calcium in the body

It is known that with the onset of pregnancy, the need for a woman's body for minerals increases sharply, and one of the most necessary such elements is calcium. The vast majority of all of us are deficient in calcium, and when a child begins to develop inside the womb, he in any case takes from the mother's body the amount necessary for his own needs. As a result, the mother may not only begin to ache in her joints, lose her hair, crumble her teeth, but also dry and itch the skin.


Even if you have never had an allergy to anything before, now it can happen for the first time. Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in different ways, including in the form of a rash. This may be an intolerance of a pregnant body to some food or drink (remember what you used the day before), odors or fragrances (in cosmetics and household chemicals), synthetic fabrics and much more.

Very often, a similar reaction in the form of skin irritation and a rash is observed when pregnant women use special creams for stretch marks, as well as when taking vitamin preparations from some manufacturers. Any cosmetics and even a gel that is used for ultrasound diagnostics can cause an allergic rash. Analyze all possible options to find the irritant.

Prickly heat

If you wear a bandage, synthetic clothes, if you sweat a lot or carry a baby in the hot season, then prickly heat on your stomach will not keep you waiting long. Moreover, pregnant women tend to sweat more and more than other women.

Stress, nervous shock

Any excitement and experience can cause the development of dermatitis, and this happens quite often. Pregnant women are no exception in this case.

Malfunctions of internal organs

Usually problems with the liver or gallbladder "come out" in the form of a rash during pregnancy. These organs now have a heavy load, and the growing baby presses with his weight more and more, constricting and infringing on them. And if you are taking any medications or have had liver problems in the past, then the likelihood of a malfunction in its work now increases even more.

Also, bile stagnation is a common cause of skin rashes. In such cases, doctors talk about hepatosis or cholestasis of pregnant women. "Liver" rash is localized mainly on the palms and feet, but can spread to other parts of the body, including the abdomen.

Skin infections

Of course, a pregnant woman strictly adheres to personal hygiene and limits all kinds of potentially dangerous contacts, however, frequent visits to clinics and swimming pools also pose a certain threat, especially when it is necessary to lie down on a couch or swim in the same water, and it is the abdominal area that is affected.

Child protein allergy

This is extremely rare, but still possible, so you need to know about this reason. If the doctor suspects this autoimmune disorder, he will certainly refer the woman for additional examinations. In such cases, only blood purification (flasmapheresis) can help.

Rash on the abdomen during pregnancy, does not itch

The pregnancy of each individual woman, and even different pregnancies of the same woman, always proceed differently. Even if many expectant mothers develop a rash on their stomach during pregnancy, the condition and well-being of a woman is not the same for everyone. Meanwhile, there are some common features, trends observed in such cases:

  • most often, a rash during pregnancy occurs on the abdomen, although it can also be localized in other parts of the body;
  • in most cases, the trouble happens in the second half of pregnancy, closer to its end;
  • almost always, a similar rash is accompanied by itching of varying intensity, more often very severe.

And yet, a pregnancy rash on the stomach that does not itch can also occur for any of the reasons described above. Most often, a rash without itching occurs in response to the action of an allergen or due to prickly heat (like urticaria), but it can turn out to be depriving. Therefore, such a rash must also be shown to a doctor.

Rash on the abdomen during pregnancy: treatment

Of course, when a rash appears, you must first consult your doctor for an examination and establish the cause. The doctor will most likely send you for an analysis to exclude violations in the work of internal organs. In particular, in case of liver problems, phosphatase will immediately react.

If the fears are confirmed, then the pregnant woman will be transferred to a diet (table number 5), it is possible that drugs that are safe for this period will be prescribed.

With the development of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to identify the allergen that caused the irritation and stop its exposure. To avoid such problems, give up unnatural cosmetics, wash things with hypoallergenic powders for baby clothes, take a shower every day, at least in the morning and in the evening. If you have a rash on your stomach during pregnancy due to allergies, it is not superfluous to use enetrosorbents for faster elimination of toxins from the body (consult your doctor about this).

The skin should be intensively moisturized during pregnancy, but not all products will be equally good for this purpose. Use regular quality olive oil or moisturizer without synthetic additives.

Particular care must be taken with the use of ointments - almost all of them are contraindicated for expectant mothers. The Advantan emulsion can have a positive effect, sometimes Celestoderm cream, Tsindol suspension and other external agents are prescribed to treat a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy, but the doctor should determine the entire therapy, since, depending on the cause and type of rash, the appointment can be very different.

In most cases, dermatosis of pregnant women does not pose a danger to the mother and the fetus, and therefore it is necessary to direct your efforts only to alleviate the condition. Soda compresses (1 teaspoon of baking soda in 0.5 cups of warm water) or from strong infusion of high quality black tea will help to soothe the skin; herbal decoctions can be used with caution, but any action should be agreed with a doctor, because it can worsen.

Almost always, the rash and the accompanying discomfort disappear at the very end of pregnancy or after childbirth by themselves, as they appeared.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Many young mothers complain that they have red spots on their bodies during pregnancy. In no case should you self-medicate and somehow mask this phenomenon, even if a rash appears on your face. As soon as a woman in position has noticed reddened areas on her skin, she should immediately consult a doctor so that he can send the expectant mother for examination. Since there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of red spots and sometimes it is difficult for a doctor to immediately make a correct diagnosis, and in some cases such a phenomenon can be a symptom of a disease that is potentially dangerous to the baby's health. In this article, we'll look at the possible reasons why red spots appear on a woman's face, abdomen, arms, legs, and back during pregnancy.

Red spots on the abdomen

The most common and relatively harmless cause of red spots during pregnancy is polymorphic dermatosis... This unpleasant condition occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, which occur very intensively during all 9 months of bearing a baby.


The first signs of this disease manifest themselves in the form of a rash in the abdomen and itching. Then gradually red spots can spread to other parts of the body: arms, back, chest, buttocks, thighs. But the soles and feet with dermatosis in most cases remain clean.


Most often, red spots on the abdomen during pregnancy appear in the third trimester. Although in the case of bearing twins (triplets) or with a significant increase in weight, this trouble can happen in the second and even the first trimester. Doctors believe that polymorphic dermatosis appears due to significant stretching of the skin.

As the expected date of birth approaches, the red spots on the skin will become less and less, and the accompanying itching will gradually subside. After delivery, when the woman's hormonal background stabilizes, the red spots will go away by themselves.

What to do

Of course, this does not mean that the expectant mother will have to endure itching and contemplate the rash for several months. A gynecologist, to whom a woman in a position should immediately contact, excluding other causes of the appearance of red spots during pregnancy, will prescribe her antihistamines approved for use while carrying a child.

Red spots on the face

Allergic reaction during pregnancy, it can even appear in a woman who has never had one before. This is primarily due to changes in the immune system that have occurred in connection with pregnancy.


Any food product can provoke the appearance of an allergy, even one that a woman has repeatedly used before, household chemicals, cosmetics, pets, dust, flowering plants, clothes made of synthetic materials. Allergy is a serious disease that manifests itself not only with itching and red spots on the face.

What to do

During pregnancy, the appearance of such symptoms cannot be ignored, since in some cases an acute allergic reaction can cause the expectant mother to be hospitalized, because it can cause anaphylactic shock. And this condition poses a danger to the health and life of the mother and her child. Timely access to a doctor and taking antihistamines, as well as cessation of contact with the source of an allergic reaction, are the key to a successful pregnancy when an allergic reaction occurs.

Red rash on the body

Prickly heat- irritation of the skin due to increased sweating and insufficient sweat evaporation. Most often, prickly heat manifests itself in the form of itching and red spots during pregnancy in the summer, when a woman is forced to constantly wear a bandage to support her abdomen. Also, the cause of prickly heat can be the wearing of clothes made of unnatural fabrics and insufficiently frequent hygiene procedures. To eliminate this unpleasant condition, it is necessary to take water procedures every day and refuse to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics. It is recommended to wipe problem areas with a 1% solution of salicylic alcohol or calendula.

Red spots on the abdomen

During the period of carrying a baby, the internal organs of a woman experience an enormous load, because, as they say, they have to work for two. In some cases, when gallbladder or liver not being able to cope with the work assigned to them, for example, due to the fact that the child has transmitted the bile ducts, which led to a deterioration in the outflow of bile, or the woman was taking medications, the organs may signal this by the appearance of red spots during pregnancy. Usually, the rash appears on the trunk, most often in the abdomen.

Pregnancy is a process of numerous changes in a woman's body. Few women did not have to experience those amazing metamorphoses on themselves, and this is not about the growth of the size of the tummy. These metamorphoses are not always pleasant, they are not always pleasing. Both aesthetically and physiologically, some changes make the expectant mother anxious. For example, pimples or pimples on the abdomen, an incomprehensible irritation. What could it be?

Why does a rash appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

The first and most predictable thing is a simple allergic reaction. Yes, if you're already prone to allergies, pregnancy can only increase your risk. But even those who have never experienced allergic symptoms, it is during pregnancy that they risk getting to know them.

That is why doctors advise: at all stages of pregnancy, you do not need to experiment with new products, with cosmetics, with household chemicals. In general, it is better not to try any new products at this time.

Allergy manifests itself in response to:

  • Unusual food- the rash looks like hives. But it's not just unusual products. Products that are initially dangerous for their allergic response (strawberries, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts) can give rise to a reaction during pregnancy.
  • Cream for stretch marks... And this is a surprise: it seems that it should serve a pregnant woman, help the skin to remain elastic, but it acts as an irritant. Well, this happens quite often, especially if the composition of the cream is very "tricky". Simple and straightforward olive oil will not cause any diathesis and will be a good natural prevention of stretch marks.

It is imperative to identify the cause of the allergy. These are small spots on the skin or decent blisters, the reasons are identified, and only a doctor prescribes high-quality and safe treatment. Fewer packaged juices, limit coffee and tea during pregnancy, do not drink more than two cups a day.

Dermatosis: a rash on the abdomen

Dermatosis is also common in pregnant women. And this phenomenon begins precisely from the abdomen. Then dermatosis spreads to the buttocks, thighs, but it rarely appears on the back and chest. It happens that the points of irritation appeared only on the abdomen and did not go further, but it is these areas that itch.

The reason for this phenomenon may be the pregnancy itself, and the changes that it triggers in the female body. Dermatosis often appears in the later stages, but if it happened in the early stages, this is not nonsense.

How dermatosis manifests itself:

  • Red papules appear surrounded by a white border;
  • Such formations do not become bubbles, but are groups of edematous plaques;
  • There is no need to fight them, they will disappear on their own either before childbirth, or immediately after them.

Well, if irritations appeared on the body in the summer, perhaps the point is prickly heat, which is common for this time of year. All the same, the sweating of a pregnant woman is increased, therefore prickly heat is quite logical. And if the expectant mother wears a bandage to support her abdomen, the risk of prickly heat increases. It is necessary to comply with hygiene procedures in a timely manner, thoroughly cleanse the skin (especially around the navel). It is necessary to look for irritations on the hands and feet.

Infection and itching on the stomach during pregnancy

Unfortunately, not all potential causes of rashes are harmless. The introduction of infection cannot be ruled out. In the presence of severe itching, when the skin itches, redness appears, you should not exclude the same scabies. Still, there is a risk of contracting it even in the clinic.

If there are small or not very pimples, redness, tortured itching - run to the doctor. It is better to go once more and make sure that it’s okay than to start an infection that is dangerous for mom and baby.

How to prevent a rash on your stomach:

  • Always visit any doctor with your clean diaper, wash your hands before and after the doctor's appointment;
  • Frequent enough during pregnancy should be a shower, and, what is important, with hypoallergenic drugs (you can use baby ones);
  • The skin of the abdomen (both around the navel and on the sides) must be timely moisturized with oils or creams, a cream is preferable for children.

Another small note: sometimes a rash is the result of a nervous strain. Stress during pregnancy is certainly not uncommon, but every effort should be made to keep it to a minimum. As soon as some alarming sign appears, go to the doctor, he will tell you what to do and how to do it. Many pregnant women are advised to see a psychologist or psychotherapist, and this is a useful recommendation. To be able to cope with your worries, stress is important for a pregnant woman, and even more so for a young mother.

Pigmented spots on the abdomen during pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy is common. It is due to a change in hormonal levels, a certain hereditary predisposition. Less often it speaks of diseases of the internal organs. If the body of a pregnant woman lacks folic acid, the spots may be more pronounced.

Most pregnant women are faced with such a phenomenon as a pigment strip on the abdomen. This is the Alba stripe, which can be minimally pronounced or very clear. Progesterone and estrogen, which are intensively produced during pregnancy, provoke the production of melanotropin. The strip runs through the entire abdomen, but sometimes starts only at the navel and ends in the lower abdomen.

To avoid excessive pigmentation, you need to:

  • Do not overuse sunbathing;
  • Make sure that the food is fortified;
  • Eat right: food should not be greasy;
  • Do not drink strong coffee and tea;
  • Do not experiment with cosmetics;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.

If the stomach itches, the navel, there is an incomprehensible itching, you need to inform the doctor about it. Even if you yourself guess that the point is prickly heat, show it to the doctor, develop doubts. But you should not engage in self-medication.

What causes a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy (video)

A pregnant woman needs to be more attentive to herself: you should not panic at the sight of any pimple, but it is also unreasonable to attribute all changes to pregnancy. Talk to your doctor, trust him, follow the recommendations, and your pregnancy will be successful.