Why the serpentine is considered a heavy stone. Serpentine - the value of a mineral for humans

The wise snake gave the name to the gem, which is popular in all corners of the planet. The greenish color with dark veins makes the serpentine stone look like the skin of a reptile. Another name is serpentinite, the Latin name for a snake. Samples of handicrafts made from the mineral are found in burials that are at least 5 thousand years old. Man has studied and tested the mystical, healing properties of the stone for many centuries.

Serpentine is a dense, mostly opaque mineral with a matte sheen, fibrous structure. It occurs in large boulders in the mountains. The main element of the rock is magnesium silicate. The variety of colors from yellowish to poisonous green is explained by the presence of impurities in the composition. Iron, aluminum, zinc, manganese and other substances create unusual color combinations. It is similar to jade, but has a characteristic olive tone and is less durable. Other names for the gem are Korean jade, snake's eye, toligor.

It is malleable in processing, well polished. This explains the popularity of the gem among stone craftsmen. Distributed as an ornamental material. Wall decoration, interior items, souvenirs - it's all serpentinite. Suitable for creating jewelry, bijouterie. Massive beads and bracelets reveal the austere beauty of the mineral.

You can find samples that resemble malachite. In the Urals, a bright green coil is mined. Such specimens are not found anywhere else in the world..

Some fibrous rock samples are close to asbestos. They create a refractory fabric. The secret of production is known to Chinese and Ural craftswomen. Another nickname for the coil is mountain flax.

Famous businessman Demidov presented Peter the Great with a tablecloth made of fireproof linen. The king loved outlandish things and was delighted with the gift. An amazing tablecloth was placed in the Cabinet of Curiosities - a treasury of unusual artifacts.

Classification and distinctive features

Features of the breed depend on the location. Large reserves have been discovered in North America, Europe and Asia. In Russia - in the Caucasus, Eastern Sayan, the most famous is the Ural deposit.

Experts distinguish between minerals by physical properties and color:

The structure of the mineral is coarse-grained, veined, fine-grained... Requires high-quality processing due to its softness. After finishing, the stone is much more beautiful than its uncultured counterparts.

Origin myths

Toligor is a longtime companion of people, they surrounded the gem with legends and endowed with magical properties. The serpentine stone has proven useful in the material and spiritual spheres of life.

On all continents there are legends about serpentinite, and the main character of the parable is always a snake, in the east - a dragon. An intelligent and insidious animal evokes awe and respect from a person, which is reflected in the attitude towards a stone.

The inhabitants of Europe believe that the serpentine is a tear of a huge Serpent, frozen and turned into stone.

The natives of the Urals believe that a huge Great Snake stands guard over mountain treasures. Periodically, he rubs against boulders, shaking them and shedding scaly old skin. Under the influence of natural phenomena, the remains are transformed into a mysterious green mineral. The Mari, Chuvash, Mansi have been telling this legend for centuries.

An ancient parable connects the appearance of the gem with the Serpent-tempter. Adam choked when he tasted the apple of the knowledge of good and evil. A green piece jumped out of my throat and onto the ground. Since then, placers of the Adam's stone have been found everywhere. This is another nickname for the serpentine.

Mysterious impact

Minerals are conductors of the energy of the Earth and Heaven. They absorb and accumulate information from the environment. A person, being near the crystals, falls under the powerful influence of invisible forces. Serpentinite wins over other stones by the fact that it independently destroys the collected negative energy. Esotericists have well studied the meaning of the magical properties of the serpentine stone and to whom it is suitable according to the horoscope.

Hindus believe that the serpent's eye hides knowledge about past and future incarnations. For the secret to be revealed, they wear an amulet for at least a year. Visions come to the yogi in deep trance. Getting out of meditation is harder than entering it, and remembering pictures can only be done by a truly enlightened guru.

Mystical abilities

The serpentine was worn by sorcerers and shamans, taking advantage of the stone's unique ability to clean the space around it. Favorite gem for ritual magic rituals. Captures messages from other worlds, an intermediary in communication with the dead. Has the following properties:

The stone has a capricious cunning character, obtained from the insidious Serpent. Able to seduce the owner into unseemly acts. The mineral constantly tests the owner for strength. Can't stand lying people, fake relationships. It is worth giving slack - and the person has already fallen into the abyss of trouble. The gem will submit to the owner who adheres to pure moral principles, has a firm character and does not succumb to temptations. For such a person, the snake's eye will become a reliable companion and guide in life's vicissitudes.

Some researchers believe that the crystal helps in committing dishonest acts. However, such cooperation will not end well - the snake is treacherous and will punish the wicked.

It is forbidden to give your personal amulet, jewelry. The gem gives all of itself to the first owner and will not be able to maintain the new owner at the proper level. But it is possible to inherit products made of serpentinite. The stone will feel the blood of its own and will fully manifest itself.

Healing action

Serpentine - apothecary stone... Ancient Aesculapians made utensils from it for medical manipulations. Bowls, mortars for making potions, boxes for storing potions - there is no better material than a rock pebble. The mineral enhances the healing qualities of medicines.

The crushed gem was used as an antidote for the bites of poisonous snakes. They believed that if a poisoned substance gets into a vessel made of Adam's stone, the green surface will give a signal - it will crack. Water infused with a crystal has unique medicinal qualities.

A motley pebble will benefit a sick, weakened body. No wonder the symbol of medicine is a wise snake. Modern doctors take the Korean jade as their assistants, and he:

What the stars say

Astrologers thoroughly studied the properties of the coil stone. Zodiac signs react differently to the society of an energetically powerful crystal.

Astrologers of ancient times claim that serpentinite is the stone of Virgo. They work perfectly with the demanding gem. A patterned amulet will strengthen the natural mind and insight, reveal the potential of the creator, change the living space of Virgins for the better, relieve apathy and suspiciousness.

Capricorns find a reliable companion in the coil. The speckled talisman develops confidence, organization, interest in outdoor activities, physical education. Ideal for Capricorn athletes, it mobilizes the hidden reserves of the body.

Libra will teach you how to make the right deliberate decisions.

The mineral is neutral to the rest of the zodiac signs, but jewelry can be worn no more than twice a week. It is allowed to decorate the interior with a decorative thing, there will be no harm.

Signs for which the snake's eye is contraindicated are Pisces and Cancer. Too emotional, they will not cope with the tricky nature of the pebble. They will get depression, up to serious mental problems, they will not cope with the temptations that the cunning adder is experiencing the owner.

Correct use and storage

The serpentine needs periodic cleaning from the accumulated negative. It is washed once a week with warm running water. After that, they put it in the bright sun or under the moonlight on a full moon. Make sure that the stone does not heat up under the sun's rays to a hot state. This is how the mineral is energized.

Serpentinite jewelry that touches the skin is not immediately put on, it takes time to get used to. During this period, the product is placed under a pillow or carried in a pocket.

The most effective accessories are pendants, beads, necklaces. They are located close to the heart and have an optimal effect on the body.

It is most useful to place a stone in the shape of a ball in the room.

Product care is simple. The main thing is to avoid mechanical stress. The material is scratched and cracked. They use jewelry cases, pouches. Jewelry is kept in a coil box so that it does not lose its attractiveness.

Origin and properties of the coil

Serpentine stone got its name in honor of the creeping reptile - the snake. It is from the Latin word serpens, which translates as a snake, mineral coil and it happened. The mineral itself is nothing more than an ornamental variety of serpentine stone. The serpentine has other names, here are some of them, the most common: toligor, Korean jade, serpentine, flywheel, antigorite.

From the point of view of chemists, coil Is magnesium silicate. A noble coil is distinguished, which differs from the usual one in its characteristic dense structure; it is such a coil that is used in jewelry. A noble bright green or green serpentine interspersed with dark veins is very similar to a jade stone. However, the coil has a lower hardness. On the Mohs scale, it is 2.5. The density of the coil stone is 2.6g / cm³.

Coil color and coloration

Usually, most often, the coil is greenish-yellow or dark green in color. Its crystals are not transparent, have a silky, glassy luster. The structure of the stone is dense, the color is always accompanied by the presence of various inclusions of other colors, which makes the appearance of the stone similar to snakeskin.

Mineral deposits

Coil deposits are very large. The mineral is one of the most common ornamental materials, and due to its large amount in the earth's crust, its cost is not high. Buy coil it is possible both in online stores and in ordinary souvenir shops, and at exhibitions of gemstones. Coil stone quarries exist in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Cuba, New Zealand, Mongolia. Many deposits are located in Asia. India and Afghanistan are famous for their jade-like serpentine.

In the Russian Federation, the coil is mined in the Urals, in Siberia. The Ural stone has a wide range of varieties. For example, in the Malyshevskoye deposit, a bright green serpentine is mined interspersed with mica, which add juiciness, sparkling shine to the appearance of the stone. It is such a coil that is suitable for making souvenirs and figurines. And in the Shabrovskoye deposit, there is a light green coil with small veins of white color, which is usually used for facing purposes.

Coil application

Coil application depends on the quality and color of the stone. Higher quality samples, with saturated colors, brilliance and high density, are used in jewelry production and for the manufacture of souvenirs, caskets, interior items, and all the rest are used in construction, in cladding of buildings, facades, etc.

Serpentine and zodiac signs

Serpentine is most suitable for people who were born under constellation virgo... The stone helps to overcome apathy and detachment from the outside world, which is inherent in Virgo. He also awakens in them an interest in knowing the world around them and in nature, especially in living things. Capricorn and serpentine also suit each other, especially energetically. The stone encourages Capricorns to an active lifestyle, travel and sports, although they are naturally endowed with increased activity.

Those who were born under the signs of Cancer and Pisces are not recommended to contact the serpentine, as these people are too emotional and unable to withstand the energy of the stone. Serpentine can cause nervous breakdowns, depression in these signs, and even lead to a state of moral decline. All other signs are neutral to the coil.

The magical properties of the coil

The magical properties of a coil have two sides that contradict each other in one sense or another. For example, one point of view speaks of the danger and insidiousness of the coil. It comes from the legend of a tempting snake with which the stone was associated. According to which it is believed that the serpentine is capable of serving people who have dirty intentions, seek to deceive others and lure the innocent into their networks. They also say that only sorcerers, witches and magicians can resort to the services of a serpentine, since the serpentine begins to harm an ordinary person, confront temptations, various difficulties and trials.

The other side speaks of the powerful energy of the coil, which is able to protect its owner and balance his state of mind. Since ancient times, the serpentine has served as a talisman and talisman for people who help other people. We are talking about healers, doctors, homeopaths, masseurs and healers. Quite not bad, the serpentine interacts with people striving for new knowledge. It promotes successful learning and physical development, helps athletes to overcome stress more easily.

For business people, businessmen and lawyers, the serpentine also helps to achieve success. The stone is a very powerful purifier of the surrounding space, as well as of the human soul and body. It is highly recommended to use the coil as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. There is an opinion that if a serpentine encounters a strong negative energy field of its owner, then it may even split into several parts.

The serpentine very actively absorbs negative energy, so it must be cleaned with running water, it is better to keep it cold. Cleansing should be done at least once a week.

It is not recommended to transfer talismans, amulets, and indeed any objects from the coil to other people, since the stone is very attached to its owner, to his energy and will not be able to adequately serve another owner. It is quite another matter when an object made of a serpentine stone is inherited from generation to generation, because in this case the properties of the stone only increase. This is due to the fact that the serpentine is already familiar with the problems of the family and the whole clan, and this facilitates the work of the stone.

The healing properties of the coil

The second name of the coil is apothecary stone... He did not receive it by accident. Antiquity healers used containers and mortars from a coil to prepare medicines, since it was believed that in this way medicines were endowed with greater healing power. Modern lithotherapists argue that it is better than a coil, no other does not cleanse the human body from negativity and neurosis in this way. In terms of the health of the body, the coil perfectly removes toxins, giving a feeling of lightness.

Doctors recommend using a coil for migraines, blood pressure disorders. The stone also helps to recover from severe injuries such as fractures, dislocations and bruises. So use the coil for your own purposes and be always healthy!

Serpentine (serpentinite)- a widespread jewelry and ornamental mineral. Its sonorous name is associated with the original color, which strongly resembles snake skin: peculiar veins and spots on a dark green or olive background.

Stone history

As an ornamental mineral, the coil is already used in Europe about 500 years... Initially, it served for the manufacture of various interior elements, containers, stands and other products.

In America, various amulets were created from it, and long before the moment when Columbus arrived. In China, as well as in other eastern countries, this mineral was widely used as an imitation of jadeite.

In Russia, the natural stone serpentine was used for the most part for facing the palace, although craftsmen in the Urals made unusual souvenirs and inserts into rings from this malleable mineral.

Ural legends associate this mineral with a snake that guards gems and precious metals. He regularly shed his skin, which hardened and became a handful of stones.

Types and colors of the coil

Coloring and ornament distribute the serpentine stone into the following types:

  1. Richolite characterized by a green color with an unusual striped pattern.
  2. Bowenite- a serpentine of a dull apple-green hue, which looks like jade. Its main feature is light translucency.
  3. Verdantite- a deep green coil, characterized by the presence of black veins, which are due to the presence of calcium.
  4. Antigorite has an unusual green-yellow tint. It is named after the Italian area of ​​Antigorio, where it was discovered.
  5. Satellite- a fibrous coil with an original iridescence effect, which makes it look like a cat's eye. This stone is considered a mineralogical rarity, which arouses heightened interest among collectors.
  6. Williamsit- a mineral of bluish green, emerald or olive shade with small black blotches. It is similar in color to jade, chrysoprase and jadeite. Williamsites are mined in America - in the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania.
  7. Retinolite characterized by a dark yellow color with a resinous (with some resinous) shine.
  8. Porcelofite- a porcelain-like version of the coil with a wide palette of green shades.
  9. Ophicalcite(serpentinite marble) has characteristic inclusions of calcite, and sometimes veins. This mineral was especially popular in ancient China, as well as in the Islamic world, where it got during the wars along with silver and gold. We present to your attention a comparison article here.
  10. Noble serpentine- a mineral of a whitish-green or yellowish-green hue, which has small black specks or is evenly colored. In the Urals, this type of coil is called an ophite, and a noble coil with black "flies" is called a flywheel.
  11. Nigrescite- a stone with a wide palette of dark shades: from dark green to almost black.

Other types of coil should also be mentioned zermattitis, which is structurally tangled fibrous masses.

Place of Birth

Serpentinite is the most common ornamental material.

There are quite a lot of serpentine deposits all over the world: in Germany, Italy, the USA and in the highlands of Switzerland, India, which became famous for their jade-like serpentine of the original color, as well as in many Asian countries.

In Russia, the coil is mined mainly in the Urals.(22 deposits). The Ural stone serpentine has a wide range of varieties.

For example, in the Malyshevskoye deposit, a coil of deep herbal shade with specks of mica is mined.

And in the Shabrovskoye field, which has been actively studied by geologists since 1963, as a rule, there is a motley light green serpentine coil with refined white veins, which is used in the lining.

The Grigorievskoe and Belousovskoe deposits contain a coil with very high artistic characteristics.

Physical and chemical properties of the stone

Coil- a rock, diverse in structure.

Serpentinite refers to a whole group of stones of the same composition, which were formed by hydrothermal alteration of magnesium-rich rocks:

Duonitov, etc.

Most often, serpentinite crystals are not too hard and absolutely opaque, however, there are exceptions. For example, a type of coil called bauvenite has a slight degree of transparency. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of serpentinites ranges from 2 to 4 points, and the density is 2.6 g / cm3. They have a silky sheen and are easy to polish. The fracture is uneven, with cutting sharp edges.

Medicinal properties

In the old days, the coil was used to eliminate many mental and physical ailments, since it was believed that it could pull absolutely all negative clots out of the injured invisible field of a person.

Nowadays, lithotherapists advise using a coil for:

Pneumonia, sore throat, flu;
Discomfort in the joints;
Nervous system disorders;
Hypersomnia (a significant increase in the duration of sleep);
High blood pressure;
Digestive malfunctions;
Depression, obsessive compulsions and panic attacks.

The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the correct application of the coil. For example, in order to relieve nervousness and migraines, it is advised to wear clips with this mineral, and in order for the bones to heal properly in the event of a fracture, wear bracelets inlaid with a coil. To smooth out emotional outbursts and neutralize panic attacks, a serpentinite rosary is well suited.

Modern lithotherapists agree with ancient healers and healers that the coil is much better than other stones capable of cleaning the human body from external negative influences, ridding it of toxins and toxins.

It is considered that box made of stone serpentine perfect for storing various traditional medicines, as it enhances their useful characteristics.

Magical properties

The magical qualities of serpentinite are somewhat contradictory:

  • Some hold the point of view that the serpentine can assist people who have selfish and dirty desires, as well as seek to use and slander others. This stone helps to lure pure souls into its networks.
  • Modern esotericists are sure that the serpentine is a combination of energies that restore the spiritual harmony of a person, help him to feel protected, confident and calm. The most powerful energy is possessed by the following types of coil:
    • Ophicalcite (serpentinite marble);
    • Satellite;
    • Noble;
    • Antigorite.
  • Separately, it should be said about the effect of the coil on the home atmosphere. Cute little things made from this mineral will keep warm and calm, as well as prevent spores. The serpentine absorbs all the negative energy, so this “home” stone should be placed in running water from time to time for several hours for purification. The magical properties of another precious one are highlighted here.

Coil care

Since the mineral is quite fragile, jewelry with it should be removed when washing dishes or exercising.

Serpentinite can be washed with soapy water, rinsing thoroughly after cleaning. Use a soft cloth to remove stubborn dirt. The brushes should be discarded.

It is better to store the coil in a separate box or a special box with velvet upholstery inside. Storage with other minerals, which also do not differ in hardness, is acceptable. This is due to the fact that hard stones (for example, emeralds) can scratch the coil.

Coil products

This mineral is often found, and in rather large formations. This allows it to be used not only for creating fine jewelry, but also for fairly large pieces. It was even used for the decoration of several metro stations in the capital.

Due to the original color of the stone, light polishing and relatively inexpensive cost, at all times the following was made from the coil:

Jewelry boxes, rosary beads, pyramids, polished balls and other souvenir items;
Facing slabs;
Pharmaceutical containers.

The gizmos made of this gem in combination with bronze are extremely elegant. Luxurious serpentine pink or white marble tiles when laid out in a checkered pattern.

The coil is abrasion and heat resistant. This mineral was used by the inhabitants of America several centuries ago. Exquisite mosaics and decorations were made from it.

The coil is used in the form of inserts in jewelry such as rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. Since the coil is not very expensive, silver often acts as a frame for it. Rimless jewelry such as beads is also popular.

Coil stone cost

The cost depends on what kind of stone the coil is: its type and color. A noble coil with an even whitish-green or yellowish color or slightly translucent bowenite are slightly more expensive than other varieties, but their price remains quite affordable.

Despite the beauty of serpentinite, its prices are low, as it is ubiquitous. The price of a suspension ball with a diameter of 2 cm from a noble coil costs on average 380-420 rubles... A lump of mineral that is suitable for finishing costs about $ 400.

You can buy serpentine stone both in online stores and in ordinary souvenir shops or at gemstone fairs.

Who is the coil suitable for?

At all times, the serpentine has protected people seeking to help others. Here we are talking about doctors, rescuers, police officers, firefighters and homeopaths.

Serpentinite also harmoniously interacts with people who are constantly striving to acquire new skills and physical activity, giving them endurance, mental flexibility and openness.

Wearing jewelry with a coil is permissible for representatives of both sexes, because it has the perfect balance of masculine and feminine principles. Thanks to this mineral, a man gains courage, and a woman - heightened intuition.

Serpentine and zodiac signs

Serpentine fits these zodiac signs:

  • . Serpentine destroys apathy and cold detachment from the outside world, which are pronounced Virgos. Also, the stone favors their interest in the knowledge of life.
  • Capricorn and serpentinite also harmonize with each other on a subtle level. The mineral makes ibex to lead an active lifestyle, travel and exercise, further develop tenacity and endurance. can be talismans, find out here.
  • . Serpentine is excellent for Scorpions, as this stone has mysterious and powerful properties. Serpentine keeps Scorpios in excellent physical shape, and in difficult situations helps to maintain composure, as well as to predict the course of events in advance. However, serpentinite can push Scorpio to take risky steps, however, they will not harm in any way - a person born under the constellation of Scorpio will come out of any situation with dignity - even wiser and renewed.

It is better for Pisces and Cancers not to come into contact with this gem., so they are very vulnerable and lack the ability to withstand his power. Serpentine can cause loss of strength and mental discomfort in representatives of these signs, leading to bodily harm. What kind promise good luck, you can find out here.

The rest of the horoscope representatives can wear serpentinite, but not more than 5 times a month.

In conclusion, we can conclude that this impregnable and cold-blooded stone is not distinguished by flashiness, but enchants gradually and not everyone can recognize its magnificence and greatness.

If you are determined to reconnect with its powerful energy field and defy danger, then the serpentine is definitely what you need.

Serpentine stone is a type of gem that got its name due to its unusual color (it is similar to the color of snakeskin). This stone is perfect for both jewelry decoration and decorative purposes.

Properties, varieties of mineral

The serpentine structure is a dense gem. Consists of fibrous and massive rock. It includes a huge group of minerals with the same composition, which was formed as a result of hydrothermal processes.

The main mineral inherent in the stone is serpentine. It has 3 main forms:

  1. Antigorite is a leafy serpentine, which gives an ornamental stone all shades of a radiant yellow color. At the same time, the gem seems dull at first glance, but the pearlescent sheen revives it.
  2. Lizardite is a dense serpentine. It makes the stone translucent and endows it with unimaginable shades of green with an admixture of yellow and white blotches.
  3. Chrysotile is a fibrous serpentine, which, in addition to its golden color with a silk sheen, gives the stone the highest possible fire resistance.

Each type of stone is unique in its own way, but the Ural gem is considered the most noble. Its natural green color with slight blotches of black is a rather rare occurrence. Therefore, its value is much higher.

Now let's dive into the properties of the serpentine stone. It has amazing softness, making it an excellent material for processing. In the old days, it was even used in artistic mosaics.

Russia, on the other hand, is famous for its beautiful palace vaults, decorated precisely with a serpentine. In ancient times, skilled craftsmen could turn a malleable stone into souvenirs of inimitable beauty. Even now, they create wonderful interior decorations from it: vases, boxes, countertops, etc.

Due to its fire-resistant characteristics, it has found application in the form of facing material for walls and fireplaces, in the production of fire-retardant clothing. Jewelry also did not go unnoticed by him. In terms of their beauty, they are in no way inferior to products with jade, and they significantly gain in price.

How not to confuse natural stone with a fake?

In order not to be trapped by scammers because of the desire to acquire such a noble stone, you need to be able to distinguish a real gem from a cheap fake:

  1. Take a closer look at the stone. Usually it has a fibrous or leafy structure, and its pattern is akin to the skin of a snake.
  2. The weight of a natural stone always exceeds the weight of an analogue of a copycat.
  3. Apply the stone to the exposed part of the body. The fire-resistant properties of the coil show in practice that the gem will heat up for a long time, unlike its cheap counterpart.

Crystal magic

For a long time, people believed that the magical properties that a coil possesses were dangerous for ordinary people.

The power of this stone is subject only to people with supernatural abilities. In other words, such a gem can turn the life of an ordinary person into a series of difficult trials. But, if its owner can resist all adversity, the stone will endow its owner with inexhaustible strength.

Serpentine is able to endow a person with determination, help him in all endeavors, heal his body and spirit. He will become an energetic of great strength, and the person who possesses him will always be protected.

If you rely on the opinion of astrologers, the serpentine is best suited to people born under the signs of Capricorn, Virgo. For the first, always in a hurry, it will help to relax, and for the second it will give strength to cognize the world.

It is strictly forbidden to wear jewelry with such a gem for Pisces and Cancer. Among all 12 signs, they are the most emotional and unstable, they simply cannot cope with the magic of the stone.

In order for the magic of the stone not to leave its owner, he needs constant care, cleaning and recharging. Place the gem regularly under cool and running water, so that the energy of the stone will be cleared of all the negativity absorbed by it. And the blessed warmth of the sun should restore his strength. Therefore, regularly sunbathe the coil, the duration of which should be 1-2 hours.

Healing mineral

From ancient times to this day, the coil has been credited with medicinal properties.

People who practice non-traditional methods of treatment are convinced that ophit, or serpentine, is capable of many things:

  1. Relieves headaches and drowsiness.
  2. Helps the body fight colds.
  3. Normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Relieves manifestations of nervousness and stabilizes the nervous system.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on kidney function.
  6. Accelerates the restoration of damaged organs.

But only a lithotherapist can tell how to use this stone to treat a particular disease. A simple headache can be dealt with by regularly wearing serpentine earrings.

Stone's legendary past

The following facts are known:

  1. The legend of the stone takes its roots from biblical times. The progenitor of the entire human race, young Adam, who tasted the forbidden "apple of knowledge", choked on the sweet fruit. A small piece that escaped from his throat was turned into a gem.
  2. Another legend about the snake says that the Great Snake - the keeper of the treasures of the Ural lands - shed his skin from time to time. The serpentine outfit hardened him and turned into a scattering of emerald-colored stones.
  3. Weaving has become an integral part of the life of the population of the Urals. A fibrous coil was used as a material, from which thin fireproof threads were made. Subsequently, serfs of them managed to knit real lace. Thanks to this, they became famous far beyond the borders of Russia.
  4. The people inhabiting Mongolia sincerely believe that a charm made of a serpentine can protect against the bite of a poisonous insect or snake. Therefore, the mineral is still used to this day.

The gem, given to us by the bowels of the Earth, is worthy of the same worship as a proud, cold diamond.

The serpentine mineral is not a gem, but it has long been known as an ornamental gem. This mineral is a green or yellow-green rock with characteristic veins and dark dots, which makes its color and pattern similar to the skin of a snake. That is why people call it serpentine, and in mineralogy it is called serpentinite, which translated from Latin means "Serpentine stone"... In terms of chemical composition, serpentinite is magnesium silicate.

History and legends

Historians and archaeologists claim that the serpentine has been known to people for about 5 thousand years. Indeed, in China, items were found from noble serpentinite, which are dated to the 3rd century BC. More than 1000 years ago, the Indians of Central and South America used the processed serpentine as decoration and for ritual purposes.

But in Europe, they began to process the coil relatively recently - only in the 16th century. Among the alchemists and pharmacists of medieval Europe, there was a belief that the serpentine enhances the healing qualities of many medicinal powders and liquids. Therefore, pharmaceutical vessels, mortars, and bottles were made from this mineral. Because of this, 500 years ago in European countries, the serpentine had another name - "apothecary stone".

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the serpentine, and the origin of the stone has been shrouded in many legends.

The oldest legend is associated with the biblical story of the Serpent-tempter and the apple of knowledge. Allegedly, Adam, having bitten off an apple, choked, and a small piece of fruit that flew out of his throat, falling to the ground, turned into serpentinite.

Ancient Ural legends associate the appearance of the serpentine and its name with the Great Snake - the serpent that guarded the gold and gems of the Ural Mountains. Periodically, Poloz shed his skin, which over time became hard and turned into stone deposits of emerald color.

Varieties of serpentinite and its deposits

Depending on the density, color and structure of the pattern, there are several types of serpentinite in nature.

So, one of the varieties of the coil is bowenite- has a pale green tint; williamsit differs in a bluish-green tint; ricolitis usually bright green with pronounced characteristic stripes; dark green vernantite contains in its structure shiny veins of calcite. There is also a noble serpentine - ophite... It has an even, pale green color. It is often confused with jade, and these minerals are distinguished by their hardness: serpentinite is twice as soft as jade.

In nature, the coil is widespread. That is why this mineral is relatively cheap. Large deposits of serpentinite are found in New Zealand, China, India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Italy. In Russia, the largest serpentine deposits are found in the Urals (Bazhenovskoye and Shabrovskoye fields), in Altai, in the Orenburg region and in Yakutia.

Scope: products, decorations, stone decoration

For a long time, the serpentine was an ornamental stone. It was used for making and is now producing decorations, interior items, it is used for wall cladding and interior decoration elements. These uses for this mineral are related to its properties. The coil is relatively soft or, as professionals say, a viscous stone.According to the mineralogical scale of hardness (Mohs scale), the coil has a hardness factor of 2.5 to 4 (at the level of natural gypsum, for example), which makes it easy to process.

Serpentinite can withstand heating up to 600 degrees. Recently, the refractory properties of stone have been used to create a special heat-resistant material - chrysotile asbestos. The fact is that the soft structure of the mineral allows it to be divided into thin fibers, from which a flexible material is then formed. By the way, the Ural stone-cutters have long known about this property of the coil, and for this they called it very poetically - “stone tow”.

The magical and healing properties of the mineral

Like all other gems, magical properties have long been attributed to the coil. Therefore, earlier only sorcerers could wear serpentinite jewelry. It is believed that the coil has the ability to relieve headaches, lowers blood pressure, with its help bones heal faster with fractures, and colds are treated.

Esotericists believe that it is necessary to wear a serpentine, because it takes away the negative energy of a person. This is the stone of those people who want to move forward, learn something new, strive for research. For such people, the serpentine can become a true talisman associated with the secrets of the Universe, as well as a talisman that protects the owner and his home. That is why it is recommended to keep the coil at home in the form of some kind of decoration or interior item (casket, vase, fireplace lining).

Serpentine stone and signs of the zodiac

Astrologers believe that serpentinite is ideal for those born during the sign. The stone contributes to the development of a person's creativity, helps in understanding the world, sharpens intuitive perception and sensitivity. For the mascot-serpentine is a reliable assistant in their physical development, increases endurance and agility. Recommended for athletes.