The position of the fetus in perturbations. The position of the baby in the stomach. Incorrect placement of the placenta

Until 32-36 weeks of gestation, the fetus constantly moves in the uterus. Then his movements stop, the child prepares for birth and takes a position that will make the process of passing through the birth canal as easy as possible. What is the best location for quick delivery? Why can a baby lie down incorrectly and what is the threat?

How should the fetus be positioned depending on the week of pregnancy?

While the fetus is forming, it moves and constantly changes location. Its placement in the uterus at different stages of pregnancy depends on the structural features of the organ and the baby's body weight:

Week of pregnancyLocation of the fetus
1-6 In the first week, the embryo leaves the fallopian tube and is fixed in the endometrial layer. All this time he remains motionless.
7 The organs are laid, the embryo begins to move.
8 The embryo is actively moving, but for the mother it remains invisible, since its size does not exceed 2 cm.
9 The position of the embryo can be varied - there is still a lot of space in the fetal bladder, so it floats freely in the amniotic fluid.
10-17 The fetus moves in the amniotic fluid, pushing off the limbs from the walls of the uterus. There is no definite position, and it has no functional significance.
18-23 The child is actively moving, the movements are palpable, and the swallowing of amniotic fluid leads to hiccups - the mother can notice this by the twitching of the tummy.
24-25 The position of the baby does not change much, since there is little space for him.
26-31 The fetus reaches the size of the uterus, and it begins to stretch. The expectant mother feels strong movements of the child.
32-35 The child is inactive, practically does not change position.
36 (sometimes earlier)The head is lowered to the pelvis, preparation for childbirth is underway.

The childbirth process depends on the position that the child will take. If the fetus hasn't dropped head down, doctors may take action by performing an obstetric twist or caesarean section.

How can the fetus be positioned before delivery?

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Before giving birth, the child takes a certain position, which can be right or wrong (we recommend reading :). In the wrong position, the longitudinal axis passing through the head and buttocks of the fetus does not coincide with the axis of the uterus. Such anomalies occur in 0.5-0.7% of cases.

Longitudinal position

The position of the fetus is considered correct, in which its head is directed to the mother's pelvis, the back of the head is turned to the stomach, and the body is placed vertically in the womb, as shown in the photo. During childbirth, the head evenly presses on the cervix, making the labor process easier. This position is called longitudinal because of the coincidence of the longitudinal axis of the baby, conditionally held through the back of the head and tailbone, with the center of the uterus.

However, there is another type of longitudinal position - pelvic. It is a complication of pregnancy because the baby is in the tummy with the legs down. Childbirth in this case is difficult, one of the consequences may be the death of the baby. Most often, a woman is given a caesarean section, but the obstetrician can also approve of natural childbirth - he takes into account the width of the pelvis, the age of the patient, the weight of the fetus, and the presence of complications during pregnancy.

Transverse position of the fetus

The horizontal position of the fetus is called transverse. The child lies across the abdomen - the conditional axes of the baby and the uterus are connected at right angles, the head and bottom of the child are visualized on ultrasound above the iliac crests of the woman's pelvis. A gynecologist can accurately determine the position of the fetus by feeling the abdomen or performing an ultrasound scan that will show where the baby is.

According to statistics, this arrangement of the fetus is more common in women who have already given birth. The reasons may be an abnormal structure of the uterus, a narrow pelvis, or abnormal attachment of the placenta. Premature birth is common.

If the pathology is not diagnosed in advance, this can lead to complications during the delivery process:

  • early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • rupture of the uterus;
  • loss of the baby's limbs;
  • birth trauma;
  • the death of a baby or a woman in labor.

If the pathology was detected on time, the expectant mother is admitted to the hospital 2-3 weeks before delivery. She is given a planned caesarean section to avoid complications.

Oblique fetal position

The oblique position is something in between the transverse and longitudinal - the baby is placed diagonally in the abdomen. The phenomenon is typical for women who have already given birth and is diagnosed in 1% of cases. Until 32 weeks, the situation may still change, but after this period there is practically no possibility of the child's independent coup.

The reasons for the misalignment of the fetus are polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, weakening of the muscles of the peritoneum, a narrow pelvis, a large weight of the baby, or a tumor in the uterus. The expectant mother is assigned gymnastics to help correct the position of the child, and doctors may also try to make an obstetric turn. Another way to change the situation is to lay the pregnant woman on her side during childbirth so that the baby changes position. If, with all the measures taken, the child continues to remain in the wrong position, a cesarean section is performed.

Fetal presentation

Speaking about presentation, experts mean the part of the body with which the child is directed towards the entrance to the birth canal. Ideally, it should be directed head downward - a cephalic presentation is most favorable. This arrangement occurs in 95-97% of cases. However, in this position, different options for the birth of a child are possible:

  • back of the head (in the womb, the baby is located facing her back);
  • forehead forward (when bending the neck);
  • back of the head (the child is oriented towards the mother's belly, labor can be long).

If the legs or buttocks of the fetus lie at the cervix, and the head is pointing up, this is called breech presentation. It occurs in 3-4 women out of 100. Types of anomalies:

  • breech presentation - the baby is oriented with his head up, the legs are close to the body, the feet are almost at the head;
  • foot - one or two lower limbs of the child are facing the small pelvis of the woman in labor;
  • mixed - the buttocks and legs are located at the birth canal.

The shoulder (transverse) presentation is said to be when the child is located across the birth canal and it is not possible to determine the presenting part of the body. The woman will undergo a cesarean section (as in the breech presentation), since a natural delivery will lead to severe complications.

How to determine the location of the baby yourself?

Determining the location of the baby is carried out by a doctor - an experienced specialist can do this by probing the abdomen. More precisely, an ultrasound scan performed in the last weeks of pregnancy can find out the localization of parts of the fetus. Sometimes the specialist determines the location already during childbirth, when he probes the baby's body through the slightly opened cervix.

Many mothers who are worried about the process of childbirth and the health of the baby are interested in how to independently determine the position of the baby in the stomach? This can be done by palpation, but it is often inconvenient for a pregnant woman to feel the belly herself:

  • place your palms on top of the tummy - when the pelvis is located at the top, this part will seem soft, when the head is located, it will be dense;
  • if the buttocks are felt with the palms of the right or left, the baby lies across or obliquely.

Since many women are afraid of harming the baby, they try to find out in what position he is, by other signs: his movements, the appearance of the abdomen, etc.:

  • if the baby turns head up, the woman will feel his jolts in the groin folds;
  • when placed head down, a woman can sometimes feel the knees and feet of the baby, he will push her into the liver or ribs;
  • if the child moves and pushes painfully, and the woman's belly becomes wide, the baby lies across.

Listening to movements, a woman can even determine the child is located with her face or the back of her head to her stomach. Outward movements indicate the position of the baby facing the tummy, if the movements occur in the depths of the abdomen, then the baby is turned facing the back.

Sometimes women try to understand where the baby's head is by his hiccups: they believe that it is where the contractions are felt. However, such sensations are very subjective - during hiccups, the child moves his tummy, and not his head, so this symptom cannot be used to judge the position of the fetus.

What is the position of the future baby in the womb during different periods of pregnancy? What to do if misdiagnosed presentation?

In what position should the child be in the womb in different trimesters

The entire period of maturation inside the womb, the future baby changes its position. After all, from literally, a poppy seed, he becomes a full-fledged, albeit small, person. Its position changes as follows:
  • The first 1.5 months - the embryo in the form of a fetal egg moves to the uterus and there is finally fixed. More often on the back wall, but maybe also on the front, top, bottom, side. It freezes for a while in one position, while the body is formed.
  • At about 8 weeks, the embryo already distantly resembles a man, its size does not exceed 2 centimeters. During this period, he begins to actively migrate through the uterus, but the woman does not feel this.
  • At the 9th week, the movements of the embryo are no less active, it is in the fetal bladder, like an astronaut in open space and moves around the entire perimeter.
  • Week 10 is characterized by the fact that the unborn child not only moves, but can also push off the arms and legs from the walls of the uterus.
  • Week 11 also allows the embryo to move actively. He makes sharp movements with his arms and legs, swimming in the amniotic fluid.
  • Until 24 weeks, the baby's position changes as he moves. Then the activity of the embryo decreases slightly, because it grows and the space becomes smaller.
  • From the 26th week, the child takes a position that will remain until delivery and will become decisive in labor. It is advisable that at this time the future baby takes a pose with his head down and back to his mother, but not everyone succeeds in strictly following such a schedule. Some babies take their final position only at 32 weeks.
  • Week 36 - preparation for labor. It can begin at any time, or even earlier, and the position of the baby is important for the normal course of childbirth.
With an incorrect presentation, the future woman in labor is taken under the control of doctors, and it is possible that an offer will be made to perform a cesarean section.

Abnormal presentation of the fetus, types and causes

The position of the unborn child inside the womb is considered incorrect:
  • Pelvic - booty or legs to the exit.
  • Oblique - almost regular, but with a certain angle of deviation.
  • Transverse - across the abdomen.
The fetus turns incorrectly inside the womb for the following reasons:
  • Not the first pregnancy.
  • Weak uterine tone.
  • Short umbilical cord.
  • Incorrect location of the child's seat.
  • Little or much amniotic fluid.
  • Benign formations in the uterine cavity.
  • Umbilical cord entanglement.
  • Pathology of the development of the uterus or features of its structure.
  • The presence of a scar after a cesarean section or surgery.
Incorrect presentation is not always an indication for surgical removal of the child. Sometimes with a pelvic or oblique position, natural childbirth is possible.

Diagnosis of the location of the fetus

To correctly determine the position of the unborn baby, an ultrasound examination is performed. At the present stage, a three-dimensional image of the fetus is made, especially if the position is incorrect, in order to know what to prepare for during delivery. Even a normal presentation must be analyzed to exclude all possible risks.

Can a pregnant woman independently determine where the child is located?

To determine in what position the baby is, you can gently feel the belly. In the later stages, the back, arms and legs are already clearly felt. In addition, you should pay attention to the baby's jerks. Pay close attention to the following signs:
  • If the baby turns his head up, then the tremors are more felt above the abdomen, and below the active movement.
  • When the child is transversely located, the abdomen will be disproportionately wide. You may experience pain in the navel area.
  • With the correct position, the legs in the upper abdomen are clearly felt. Pressure occurs in the right hypochondrium in the liver. The head is clearly felt at the bottom.
  • If the baby is very low, then there will often be an urge to urinate and pressure in this area will be felt.
After 31 weeks of ripening, the fetus stops moving and prepares for birth, only sometimes it can move its limbs.

If the child is diagnosed with the wrong position

The first step is not to panic. If an incorrect presentation is determined from 31 weeks, there is still time until 36. A special gymnastics is prescribed, which can help the expectant mother to turn the baby correctly, but even if it does not work out, there is no reason to be upset. Modern methods of surgical intervention are little traumatic and are aimed at helping the baby to be born as safely as possible.
The wrong position of the baby is not a reason for strong excitement. It is better to protect your health and your baby from the negative effects of stress. Experienced doctors will do their best to make the child see the light healthy.

The appearance of a baby is always happiness for the whole family. But it is preceded by a wonderful 9 months, 5 of which the baby inside the mother is constantly moving and moving. And the more active, the more developed and stronger he is, that is, he will be born strong and healthy. But in the last days before childbirth, the question of how the baby lies in the stomach is the most important thing for doctors and the mother herself. If the presentation is incorrect, then the case may end with an operation, that is, a cesarean section. So how do you determine how your future joy is doing inside?


Doctors with extensive experience without problems immediately determine how the child is located in the abdomen, only by external signs. If the mother does not have a lot of water, she does not suffer from obesity, then she herself can feel with her hand how the child turned in her stomach. It is, if everything is normal, head downward, and during the day it seems to rotate around its axis. That's when it starts spinning! If he always turns in one direction, there is a risk of getting tangled in the umbilical cord, but the child himself knows how to turn and how to move his legs and arms. Mom, if she often puts her hands to her stomach, can feel the back, legs above it, here you can feel a push, all the kids love to kick. With their handles they push less, but their movements have the greatest amplitude. If a bump that resembles a head appears on the surface of the abdomen, then know that this is a priest. But how to distinguish between these two vital organs of an infant? Of course, the butt is static, but the head can move. If you lightly press the tubercle, and it deviates, then this is the head. Babies in the stomach like to stretch their legs in the last months, which hurts their mother, squeezes the gallbladder, spleen. But mothers endure everything and are only happy that their child is alive and well. You can see how the baby can move in the mother's belly.


Only this type of research can give the most accurate information about how the child lies in the stomach. The photo that will be taken to you will show that a person lives in the uterus, but his clear outlines will not be visible. But on the other hand, it will be visible there how the child lies, where his head and legs are. Even then, you can discern that the baby is moving a handle or leg. Modern ultra-precise devices that allow you to see the baby, like on a movie screen, with the same clarity, told the scientists what the baby is doing in the stomach. Already in the womb, the baby sucks a finger, blinks, yawns. These studies have revealed a lot about what the baby does in the belly. The second ultrasound scan is carried out at 35-36 weeks, here they are already watching exactly how the child lies. For the remaining time before giving birth, the child can, of course, turn over, but the probability is already small. It is at this moment that the indications for a cesarean section or for independent childbirth are given. If there are problems, then another ultrasound is performed before the very birth.

Head presentation

The occipital, frontal, and facial presentation is the head presentation. This is the most common position of the baby in the abdomen - head down, this is naturally normal. Among the head cases of presentation, the occipital one is in the lead, when the back of the child touches the mother's belly. This is the safest childbirth, it is easy and fast. If the child turns his back to his mother's back, then the forehead or face comes out first. If there is a frontal presentation, then the child's head is thrown back, a cesarean section is not uncommon here. With a facial presentation, childbirth is possible and natural, but they last longer and harder.

Breech presentation

With this presentation, the child seems to be sitting over the birth canal. When labor begins, he walks along these paths in this position in two positions - buttocks forward or legs forward. Childbirth, both those and others, are very difficult, but, as practice shows, they do not require surgical intervention.

Shoulder (transverse) presentation

In this case, it is very important to know in advance what the baby looks like in the stomach, how it lies, because natural childbirth is impossible here, if you wait for them, you can lose both the mother and the baby. The child lies across the uterus, and by no means other than by cesarean section, you cannot get it out of the abdomen. This can happen due to mother's pathologies or due to very frequent childbirth.

nooo :) "shaking" is not what we do for this :))) This is Leopold's third technique. The right hand is placed above the symphysis - the place where the pubic bone ends - I don't know how else to explain exactly, in general, there, just above the hairline with normal hair growth :) The thumb is on one side and four - on the other side of the lower segment, they shake their hand so that we probing, moving inward, was not painful :) this time. (if you sharply press deeply at once, it will hurt and the uterus will come to tone. Fingers clasp the presenting part (the head - if a hard, large part or buttocks are felt - soft, pliable) or do not feel it (with a transverse and oblique position). this is the head, then continuing the "swinging" of the hand, the "ballot" of the head is determined, which cannot be detected when the head is pressed or in breech presentation, these are two. , the head high above the ascent into the small pelvis, the head will be pliable, it will also "run" at hand, or the head is pressed - then it will stand firmly and will not succumb to our hand swaying. That is, when they say "the stomach has gone down" - this is exactly the state when the fetus is fixed, that is, it is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. share.

First appointment. The bottom of the uterus is determined (the bottom is what is closer to the stomach. :) Ie. where we would say "the top of the uterus" is actually the bottom. The uterus is like a vessel that has a neck, walls and a bottom. :) It is carried out as follows: the backs of the palms of both hands are placed at the bottom of the uterus, as if they were making the "roof of the house" with their hands, deepening the fingers a little inward :) determine the level of the bottom (they are measured in cm from the symphysis to the highest standing point of this very bottom) and part of the fetus located at the bottom of the uterus. The level of standing of the fundus of the uterus depends on the duration of pregnancy. There is a conditional formula by which the approximate weight of the fetus is calculated. This is when the abdominal circumference at the level of the navel is multiplied by the height of the uterine fundus. Conditional formula, since it is not known who has how much fat, how much water, etc. :)

Second trick. Both hands are placed on the lateral surfaces of the uterus. Holding the wall with our right hand, with our left hand, with our fingers we “touch”, as if we’re playing the accordion, the left wall of the uterus, ie. our right hand holds the baby inside the abdomen, so that when we "play" on the left, he does not run away from us to the right. :) So, with the fingers of the left hand, they alternately probe in which direction the back and small parts of the fetus are facing. The back is defined as a plank without any trifles :) But the limbs are always small-knobby, as a rule, unhappily (or rather) pushing. :) First, we hold, for example, the right wall of the uterus, with the left we feel (palpate) the left wall. Then with the left we hold the left wall of the uterus, with the right we probe (palpate) the practical wall of the uterus. For information: backrest left - 1st position. Backrest on the right - 2nd position.

I have already written the third technique above.

The fourth is done not to everyone, but only to those who are about to give birth or are in labor. :) For this, the midwife becomes, sorry, the booty to the pregnant woman (the midwife's face is turned to the pregnant woman's legs). The palms of both hands are placed on the lower segment of the uterus (in the same place as in the third dose). On the right and on the left, with the TIPS OF THE FINGERS, it determines the presenting part of the fetus and the height of its standing (it is located above the entrance to the pelvis, there is fixation at the entrance to the pelvis, or it has sunk into the pelvic cavity). Those. this is a confirmation of the third technique and the dynamics of head advancement.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a natural process that takes place in a woman's body. From the moment of conception to the birth of the child, the body of the expectant mother obeys special laws and needs. New life develops, and the female body for 9 months serves as a habitat for the fetus, supplying it with all the resources for normal growth.

During this mysterious period, it is very important that the expectant mother stays healthy, as the body needs to focus on maintaining a new life within itself. Otherwise, complications may arise that affect the health of both the mother and the child. One of these complications is transverse presentation of the fetus.

What is transverse presentation of the fetus?

The most favorable and natural position of the baby in the uterus at the time of delivery is with the head down towards the birth canal. And with the normal course of pregnancy, this position is established by itself. The organisms of the mother and baby are preparing for the difficult process of childbirth. The woman's hips expand and the baby turns head down into the resulting hollow, facing the mother's back. This position is called the cephalic presentation and is considered the most favorable for the safe course of labor.

But in some cases, the child is located in the uterus incorrectly and is risky for birth. One of these locations is the transverse presentation of the fetus. This means that the axes of the spine of the mother and the child are perpendicular to each other, that is, the child lies in the stomach across, and not along.

You should not scare yourself in advance and look closely at the outlines of the abdomen - only 0.5% of pregnant women diagnose a transverse presentation of the fetus. And almost always medicine is able to help mother and baby.


Inside the fetal bladder, the child feels safe - there is warmth, the beat of her mother's heart is heard, the sound of her voice is heard. And a wonderful aquatic environment, amniotic fluid, keeps the little body in a state of "weightlessness." The child turns, twists and turns. This period of mobility lasts up to 34-35 weeks, while the body of the fetus is still small, and there is an active process of formation of internal organs in it.

Therefore, until the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, you are unlikely to hear from the doctor a categorical diagnosis of the incorrectness of the fetal position. But at 8-9 months, the baby is actively gaining weight, his position becomes stable, and the gynecologist during this period can already objectively judge the position of the child in the uterus.

Sometimes a woman herself may suspect something was wrong. The transverse oval shape of the abdomen is a sign of the abnormal position of the fetus. But since from the seventh month, visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist become more frequent, the doctor closely examines and examines the expectant mother.

The following methods are used to determine the position of the fetus:

  • Visual inspection. If the baby is large, its location in the womb is obvious and visible to the naked eye.
  • Palpation (examination by touch). The doctor puts his hand on the baby's head, and the other on his pelvis or heels. It also listens to the heartbeat - in the transverse position, the child's heart rate is heard only in the navel of the woman. A vaginal examination is usually not done.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This is the final stage of the diagnosis, which gives a complete confirmation (or refutation) of the preliminary diagnosis.

Causes of occurrence

The factors and reasons for the incorrect position of the child inside the uterus are varied - from the peculiarities of intrauterine development of the fetus to the consequences of mother's diseases and pathologies of the child himself.

Do not neglect visits to the doctor, even if you are not pregnant for the first time and consider yourself an experienced mother and woman in labor. ... The transverse position of the fetus in women giving birth is more common than in women giving birth for the first time.

Excess or insufficient amniotic fluid

The factors affecting the volume of amniotic fluid are not fully understood. This is the mystery of the body of a pregnant woman. The inner epithelium of the amniotic bladder generates amniotic fluid, and at the end of pregnancy, its composition is updated every three hours.

With polyhydramnios (the volume of amniotic fluid is 1.5-2 liters or more), it is more difficult for a child to "lie down" with its head down, since the internal space of the uterus is extensive. Conversely, with a small amount of amniotic fluid (less than 600 ml), the movements of the fetus inside the uterus are so difficult that the child is squeezed by its walls.

Decreased tone of the walls of the uterus and weakness of the abdominal muscles

Most often, weak muscle walls of the uterus are found in women who give birth again. The natural location of the uterus is vertical, inverted pear-shaped. Ideally, the smooth muscles of the genital organ are elastic enough to stretch as the fetus grows and elastic enough to maintain an upright position. And since we are all exposed to gravity, without proper support, the muscles of the uterus and abdominal wall, the child is located as it is convenient for him, and not in the way he needs.

Incorrect placement of the placenta

In medical terminology, an abnormal position of the placenta is called "presentation" and means the attachment of a "baby seat" in the cervical region. The placenta completely or completely occupies the place that the baby's head should take by the end of pregnancy. Placenta previa is a definitive indication for caesarean section (CS), since natural childbirth is impossible.

The normal location of the placenta and its presentation in the lower segment of the uterus

Neoplasms in the uterine cavity

Of course, for the well-being of the child, a calm and safe course of pregnancy, it is recommended to carefully monitor the health of the mother. Indeed, in the presence of adenomas, fibroids and polyps in the lower segment of the uterus, the risk of transverse presentation of the fetus increases significantly. Regular visits to a gynecologist and strict adherence to medical recommendations are recommended throughout pregnancy.

Features of the structure of the uterus

Saddle and two-horned uterus are quite rare pathologies - only 0.1% of pregnant women can hear such a diagnosis. It means that the shape of the uterus is not a regular elongated pear-shaped shape, but a saddle-shaped (with a bend in the bottom) or two-horned (divided in two by a septum in the upper section). And it is understandable that it is difficult for a child developing in such conditions to accept the position necessary for an easy exit from the mother's body.

Options for the structure of the uterus in the photo

Bicornuate uterus The structure of the uterus is normal

Fetal pathology

Since cephalic presentation of the fetus is necessary for a successful birth process, developmental pathologies of the baby, such as hydrocephalus (cerebral edema) or anencephaly (underdeveloped cerebral hemispheres), can prevent the fetus from assuming the desired position within the uterus.

What threatens the transverse presentation of the fetus?

Cross-presentation pregnancies can be completely normal, although women who have given birth know that "normal" in recent weeks includes aches in the lower back and hips, heaviness, shortness of breath and a state of constant fatigue. The most risky moment comes during childbirth due to the uncomfortable position of the baby relative to the "exit" from the uterine cavity.

The uterus is pear-shaped with a narrow part directed downward. And it is logical that with the transverse position of the fetus, an increased load falls on the lateral walls of this organ. Therefore, when diagnosing this condition, a pregnant woman should be under constant supervision of doctors in a hospital.

Risks and complications:

  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid and premature birth;
  • Uterine rupture and uterine bleeding;
  • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus with a prolonged anhydrous state during childbirth;
  • Launched lateral position and the loss of parts of the child's body from the uterine cavity (limbs, shoulder or umbilical cord);
  • Death of a child or mother.

With a responsible approach of the expectant mother to her condition and following the doctor's recommendations, the transverse presentation of the fetus is just a difficulty, but not a stop factor for the happy birth of the child.

The most common and justified solution for transverse presentation is a cesarean section. Especially if a number of measures (exercises, external turn) did not give results, or due to pathological reasons (placenta previa, uterine neoplasms or pathology), natural childbirth is impossible.

But with a small size and weight of the fetus, it is still possible to resolve the burden in a natural way, although it is risky. In any case, the gynecologist will give recommendations regarding childbirth individually for each woman.

Transverse presentation of twins

Pregnancy is a test for a woman and a child, especially carrying twins. Two babies can take a variety of positions relative to each other and the axis of the uterine cavity. Optimal locations are cephalic presentations of both fetuses or the head position of one child and the pelvic (booty down) position of the other.

Transverse presentation of one or two twins is extremely rare (1% of the total number of multiple pregnancies) and is a strong argument in favor of surgical intervention during childbirth.

If one child has a vertical position and is born first, then for the second baby, lying across the uterus, a turn on the leg can be applied. But this is a risky and complex procedure, which is practically not performed in our time. As a rule, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Gymnastics for fetal flipping

A few simple exercises will help the fetus change its position. But you can do this gymnastics only after consulting a doctor and making sure that there are no contraindications: full or partial placenta previa, the threat of miscarriage.

It is better to do gymnastic exercises on an empty stomach or a few hours after eating. Relax, relax your body and calm your nerves.

  1. In a lying position on your side, spend 7-10 minutes, take a deep and calm breath, turn on the other side. Perform 3-4 calls during the day. It is better to lie on a firm surface of a sofa or couch rather than on a soft bed.
  2. Place one pillow under the lower back, several under the legs so that they are 20-30 cm above the head. Lie in this position for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  3. A useful stand in the knee-elbow position, which also needs to be done 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

The sleeping position is on the side, towards which the child's head is facing. Swimming is very effective. During water procedures, muscles are activated that do not work “on land”. The general tone of the body rises, blood flow to the internal organs improves, and the fetus is stimulated to take the correct vertical position.

A set of exercises according to I.I. Grishchenko and A.E. Shuleshova

  1. Lie on the side opposite to the head of the fetus, bend your legs at the hip and knee joints. Hold in this position for about 5 minutes, turn on the other side.
  2. Lying on your side, straighten your legs one by one. Lying on the right side - left, on the left - right.
  3. Having taken a sitting position, grasp the bent knee opposite to the side to which the child's head rests. Gently bend forward, making a semicircle with your knee and touching the front wall of the abdomen. Inhale deeply and calmly, straighten your leg and relax.

When the child is in the desired position, it is advisable to put on and wear a special prenatal bandage during the day.

Outward rotation of the fetus

This manipulation consists in the forced pressure on the belly of the pregnant woman in order to turn the baby into the desired position. This is an extreme procedure, often painful for the mother and dangerous for the child, because the hands of even the most experienced obstetrician cannot “see” through the skin and the uterine wall. Fetal inversion is carried out only by a doctor in a hospital setting, since this procedure is fraught with complications - rupture of the uterus, placental abruption, premature birth.

To date, external fetal turns are practically not used, and in a number of European countries are strictly prohibited.

The main thing when diagnosing a transverse presentation of the fetus is to remain calm, rely on common sense and the recommendations of a gynecologist. Listen to less "horror stories" from experienced friends, do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Although the lateral position of the fetus is considered a rare occurrence, any obstetrician knows exactly what to do in each case. And the task of the pregnant woman is to patiently and accurately follow the advice of the doctor and think only about the good. Happy meeting with your baby!