Seeding from the cervical canal. Tank seeding during pregnancy - what is it and how to take

A pregnant woman must be registered in the antenatal clinic until the moment of delivery. Where the gynecologist regularly examines her, controls the development of the baby and the health of the woman herself. At the same time, you have to take an immense number of tests, including the study of biochemical parameters of blood and urine, as well as screening tests for pathologies of fetal development. Regular testing helps to objectively assess the development of pregnancy, and if diseases occur, cure them in a timely manner. One of the informative and frequently prescribed studies is a urine test for tank culture during pregnancy. The results obtained make it possible to diagnose the presence of infection in the genitourinary organs, the number and type of the pathogen, and to select the appropriate treatment. In the article we will try to figure out what kind of analysis it is, what criteria it must meet, and how to parse the result.

Bacteriological seeding is a method of studying biomaterial in order to grow colonies of harmful bacteria on a nutrient substrate. The analysis is carried out under clearly defined environmental conditions, while maintaining exceptional sanitary cleanliness.

During pregnancy, culture shows the presence of pathogenic flora in the urine. At the same time, bacteria are counted and their susceptibility/resistance to drugs is established. If, according to the results of the study, a woman receives a bad tank of urine culture during pregnancy, she is immediately prescribed adequate treatment.

The delivery of such an analysis has very good reasons, and they are associated not only with the state of the kidneys during pregnancy. For many decades, obstetricians and gynecologists have paid attention to the dangerous perinatal period, which lasts from 23 gestational weeks to the 7-day age of the baby after delivery. During this period, the greatest number of deaths of the fetus or newborns occur. And about 45% of deaths are associated with intrauterine infection through the placenta or at birth.

Most urogenital infections are latent, and worsen during pregnancy, which often becomes a provocateur of fetal death. To prevent a tragedy, a urine culture is performed. It identifies the pathogenic agent and helps to prescribe a rational treatment if the analysis is positive.

Purpose of urine culture during pregnancy

Pregnant women are sent for urine culture 2 times during the entire gestational period: at the time of registration at the gynecologist and closer to childbirth (at 34-37 weeks). Such measures are preventive to exclude the presence of infection, even if there are no external signs of urogenital diseases. Such an analysis is mandatory and is carried out by everyone without exception.

Sometimes a urine culture tank during pregnancy is prescribed unscheduled. For example, if a pregnant woman has chronic problems with the genitourinary system or in cases where the leukocyte count and protein levels are exceeded in a simple urinalysis. These indicators indicate acute inflammation in the kidneys.

If a woman had any violations of the genitourinary organs before pregnancy, she should immediately notify the obstetrician-gynecologist about this. In this situation, the doctor will pay more attention to this analysis, and if necessary, the woman will take it more often in order to prevent serious complications.

In addition, the reason for additional delivery of urine to the sowing tank is:

  • Presence in the anamnesis of a pregnant woman of diabetes.
  • The immunodeficiency state of a woman.
  • Failure to treat pre-existing infections.
  • Control of conductive therapy.
  • Complaints of a woman about painful urge to go to the toilet.
  • Sudden rise in temperature for no reason.

A urinalysis for culture during pregnancy is also appropriate for normal indicators of other tests. The fact is that many hiding infections, especially of a chronic nature, do not affect urine parameters. But during sowing, microbes are sown under certain conditions, so it is possible to identify a specific pathogen.

If the culture is not carried out, and the woman has a latent infection, the disease will progress. Over time, without timely treatment, the disease will turn into acute inflammation - pyelonephritis or cystitis. Such a complication leads to preeclampsia, difficult childbirth, stillbirth of the fetus.

Urine culture during pregnancy: how to donate correctly?

When an obstetrician-gynecologist issues a referral for a culture tank, he must inform the woman about the rules for collecting urine. Their strict observance will help to get a real result and the woman will not have to retake the test. If for the first time you are directed to a urine culture tank during pregnancy, and you don’t know how to do it correctly, don’t worry, we will describe everything to you in detail. This is no more difficult to do than a regular urinalysis, you just need to be a little more careful and deliver the urine to the clinic as soon as possible.

The rules for collecting urine are quite simple and any woman can follow them, even without experience in this matter. Below is a complete list of requirements and recommendations on how to collect a urine culture during pregnancy:

  • Before collecting urine, intimate hygiene should be carried out.
  • It is recommended to introduce a clean disposable tampon into the vaginal vestibule. This will prevent vaginal fluids from entering the container.
  • Only morning urine is suitable for research.
  • The middle part of the urine is sent to the container: first, the jet is sent to the toilet, then to the jar and the rest is again to the toilet. The required portion of the liquid should be 60-80 ml.
  • For informativeness, the sowing tank is recommended to use a pharmacy sterile jar. It costs a penny, but it is completely sterile and hermetic.
  • After collecting the biomaterial, the container must be tightly closed and no longer remove the lid (this is done only by a laboratory assistant in a laboratory). If you open the container on the way, the analysis will be unreliable.
  • The biomaterial should be delivered to the laboratory in 1-2 hours.
  • It is also recommended not to take diuretic drugs or herbal teas with a diuretic effect for 48 hours.
  • Coloring foods should be excluded from the menu 24 hours before urine collection.

Sowing urine for flora during pregnancy: how is the diagnosis carried out

After the urine is delivered to the research facility, it is immediately sent for testing. If the material is not immediately checked, after a couple of hours it will no longer be suitable, since a lot of third-party flora that has come from outside will begin to multiply in the urine.

The laboratory assistant puts a few drops of urine into a container with a special medium. It can be agar, sweetened broth, Saburo. Then the necessary climatic conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria.

Although bacteria are negligible and we can't see them without a microscope, they are quite picky about "food" and temperature environment. In order for them to "feel" comfortable and begin to increase their numbers with pleasure, they are placed in a thermostat. This device is a real incubator for microbes, where, feeding on the provided soil, they begin to multiply perfectly.

After that, the laboratory assistant opens the container with the seed. If bacterial colonies are not detected, then the analysis is negative. A positive result will show microbial growth in the sample. The number of harmful representatives is indicated in CFU (colony forming unit).

If during the analysis a bad urine culture comes out during pregnancy, an antibiogram is immediately done. The specialist indicates what type of antibiotic can destroy the pathogenic flora. This helps to correctly treat a pregnant woman without consequences for her and her baby. On average, the whole process takes about 7 days.

I would like to note that normally a small amount of microbes is sown in the urine of all people, for example, it can be E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus or other representatives of the coccal flora. But the COE indicators should be within the normal range. Only a strong increase in this value indicates a pathological process. Therefore, it is very important to know what standards a urine test for bacteriological culture should meet.

Urine culture during pregnancy: deciphering the indicators

CFU is a quantitative indicator denoting one microbial group (colony). The higher this indicator, the stronger the bacteriuria of urine progresses. For example, CFU ˂1000 means that the woman is healthy. The sown microorganisms may be its normal flora, or they may have entered the urine from the genitals or from the air. CFU ˃ 1000 indicates a disease. If, when sowing urine during pregnancy, the norm is hundreds of times exceeded, then an acute inflammatory process is taking place.

Upon receipt of a positive test, a woman may be re-assigned a urine culture tank to rule out an error. Especially if the form contains intermediate indicators from 1000 to 10,000 CFU.

The laboratory form will indicate not only the number of CFU, but also a list of identified bacteria: fungi, cocci, protozoa. The sensitivity of bacteria to drugs is also indicated. This makes it easier for the doctor, who, having received the results, can accurately prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Now you know how to take a urine culture during pregnancy, and this important analysis will no longer be a problem for you. Prepare carefully, following all the recommendations for collecting urine, and with peace of mind take the container to the laboratory for analysis.

Video "How bacteriological culture is given"

Bacterial culture is an informative analysis that allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to medications. This analysis is most often taken in gynecology and urology. This research method allows diagnosing various inflammatory processes and diseases and prescribing effective treatment.

The female genital organs are inhabited by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to maintain the necessary balance and acidic environment. They act as a barrier to various viruses and microorganisms. Due to various factors, pathogenic microorganisms become more than beneficial microflora, as a result, an inflammatory process develops.

Bacteriological culture (bacteriological culture) is a method for diagnosing pathologies caused by bacteria. The main purpose of bacteriological seeding is to identify harmful bacteria above the permissible norm, causing various diseases and inflammatory processes.

However, it should be noted that a small amount of harmful bacteria may be present in the vagina, which is associated with female physiology.The doctor makes a sampling from the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and then places it in a special nutrient medium, where the necessary conditions are provided.

After the development of a bacterium in a favorable environment, a study is carried out under a microscope to determine its type.

Bakposev from the vagina helps to determine the composition of the microflora. If pathogenic microorganisms are present in it, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Indications for analysis

Biomaterial sampling is carried out from the cervix and cervical passage.Diagnostics can be scheduled for research.

There are the following indications for taking a smear for bakposev:

  • Planning for pregnancy.
  • Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases in.
  • Identification of abnormal microflora.
  • Elevated blood levels.
  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the uterus.

The study may be prescribed when unpleasant symptoms appear: itching, burning, white vaginal discharge, menstrual cycle abnormalities.

It is mandatory for a pregnant woman to take a swab for bakposev if a genitourinary infection is suspected or for prevention purposes. Pathogenic microorganisms detected in a smear in a pregnant woman are very dangerous for the fetus and can lead to miscarriage or infection.

Culture methods

During the study, pathogenic microorganisms are determined, on the basis of which it is possible to judge possible pathological changes in the genitourinary organs. In addition to the qualitative determination of microorganisms, a quantitative assessment of pathogenic microflora is also carried out.

The biomaterial is taken from the area where the cervix and vagina connect. This is the cervical canal. Along with this, the discharge is made from the urethra and vagina.The definition of a colony forming unit (CFU) helps to establish the number of pathogens per unit volume.

Colony forming unit counts can be done in several ways:

  • Serial dilution method. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. 1 ml of the biomaterial is diluted with inoculation in a numbered test tube with a nutrient medium. A test tube in which the growth of colonies stops is considered the maximum limit of the concentration of bacteria in the sample.
  • Counting colonies under a microscope. This is an approximate method in which colonies are counted under a microscope. Further, the results are interpreted in accordance with the table.
  • sector method. It is used to study the degree of bacteriuria in urine.
  • In the study of antibiotic resistance, 2 methods are used: the standard disk method and the diffuse method. After growing microorganisms in a favorable environment, discs are lowered into the container, which are impregnated with an antibiotic concentrate. The second method involves the use of paper strips with the drug applied to them.

The results of bacposev can be found after 5 days. In a special form, pathogenic microorganisms and their number that inhabit the cervical canal are recorded.

Preparing for a smear for bacterial culture

To obtain a reliable result, you should properly prepare for the smear test:

  1. In order to avoid the presence of other microorganisms in the smear, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the taken material.
  2. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse the day before the study.
  3. Douching, inserting candles, etc. is not allowed.
  4. The procedure is not performed during menstruation. You can take a smear only 2 days after their end.
  5. If a colposcopy was performed, then bakposev is prescribed in two days.
  6. It is not recommended to carry out sowing if the woman was taking antibacterial drugs. Drug treatment can distort the results of the study and it will not be possible to obtain reliable information about the state of the genital organs. A man must follow the same rules before taking tests.
  7. Before taking a smear for research, one should not perform genital hygiene, use various creams, gels for intimate hygiene, etc.

You can learn more about cervical smear from the video:

The procedure is performed as follows: a woman lies down on a gynecological chair and an obstetrician inserts a special tool into the vagina and takes a smear. In a man, the doctor inserts a disposable probe into the urethra and rotates several times around the axis.

During the sampling of a smear, a woman and a man should not experience any pain. In most cases, there is mild discomfort. Only with the carelessness of the doctor and the presence of any disease of the genital organs can there be slight discomfort.

Deciphering the results

Various microorganisms are present in the vagina and cervix. If they belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora, then they do not pose a danger. The discharge of the cervical canal is not sterile.Normally, the analyzes should contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are representatives of the normal microflora.

Microorganisms colonizing and present in the smear should not be in the results. However, a single number of such microorganisms is allowed. If in sowing they are found in large numbers, then this indicates an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Normally, the sowing should be free of gonococci, Trichomonas, yeast, key cells, staphylococci, gardnerella, leptothrix, etc.

All these pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of the inflammatory process and serious diseases.

During sowing, several degrees of development of microorganisms and the rate of their growth are distinguished:

  • In the first degree, there is a weak growth of bacteria and they are present only in a liquid medium.
  • The second degree is characterized by the growth of up to 10 colonies on a solid medium.
  • The third degree is characterized by an increase in bacteria up to 100 colonies.
  • For the fourth, the excess of the number of microorganism of one type is more than 100 colonies.


Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, women are assigned a whole range of tests and examinations that help identify existing diseases and prevent the development of fetal pathologies and abnormalities. One of the most important is bacteriological analysis of urine during pregnancy, with the help of which it is possible to identify pathogenic microorganisms of the genitourinary system and determine their sensitivity.

What is bacteriological culture

Microbiological examination of biological fluid is carried out in specially equipped laboratories. The material for research is placed on a certain nutrient medium, where one of the pathogens actively grows. Sowing is carried out under certain temperature conditions and humidity levels, which are most optimal for the growth of pathogenic microflora.

The advantage of this analysis is:

  • High efficiency, in which there are no false results.
  • Absolutely any biological material of a person can be examined.
  • Determining the sensitivity of a bacterium to a therapeutic drug in order to prescribe the most effective treatment.

In a normal urine test, a small amount of microorganisms such as diphtheroids, streptococci and staphylococci is allowed. If the number of these microbes is exceeded, this indicates the presence of an infectious process that requires treatment.

In addition to identifying pathogenic bacteria, culture includes a procedure such as an antibiogram, the results of which will help determine the group of drugs for effective use in the treatment of infection.

Why is bakposev performed during pregnancy

In order to find out if a woman has infectious diseases of the urinary system, a bacteriological examination of liquid biological material is prescribed. Many expectant mothers are interested in what is urine culture during pregnancy and when should it be taken? Sowing is prescribed twice for the entire pregnancy: when registering (for a period of 8-12 weeks) and before childbirth (at 34-37 weeks).

Sowing is carried out for absolutely all women, even those who do not have any health complaints. After all, it is quite possible that against the background of reduced immunity, the infection already exists and is at the stage of the incubation period. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the presence of pathogenic flora, to establish its concentration and to choose the most effective and safe method of treatment.

Also, bacteriological examination is mandatory for pregnant women who come to the supervising gynecologist with such complaints:

  • A slight but steady increase in body temperature.
  • Dull and aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  • Itching and burning when urinating.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, often false or with minimal excretion.

Such symptoms may appear in early pregnancy if the woman had any diseases of the urinary system before conception. Pregnant women with such problems will have to take a bacteriological analysis much more often.

If a bad urine culture tank has come during pregnancy, the supervising gynecologist and urologist prescribe safe drug therapy to relieve unpleasant symptoms and extinguish the infectious focus.

Sometimes it happens that even with a good general analysis, latent or chronic forms of infection are found during sowing, which can be cured in the early stages.

Rules for preparing for analysis

When passing any analysis, it is important to achieve the purity and accuracy of the result in order to avoid unnecessary fears and worries. Therefore, every woman who has been prescribed a bacteriological culture must carefully prepare for its implementation, following the following rules:

After reviewing these rules, women, as a rule, do not ask questions about how to properly pass a urine culture tank during pregnancy in order to exclude the presence of pathology. The day before the collection of the analysis, it is not recommended to use ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, since the components of the drug can get into the biological fluid and introduce errors.

How to collect urine for bacterial culture

How to take a urine culture test during pregnancy? To achieve the most accurate diagnosis, a morning portion of urine is collected, immediately after sleep. Before collecting, you need to wash the external genitalia and anus well. For washing, take not antibacterial soap, but one that contains a minimum of dyes and fragrances. Ordinary baby soap is best suited for these purposes. After hygiene procedures, you need to dry yourself well with a clean towel, and apply a regular pharmacy swab.

The material is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. How to collect urine for culture during pregnancy, point by point:

  • Prepare a container.
  • Release the first part of the urine into the toilet, then, without leaning the container against the organs, collect about 15 mm, and release the rest past the container.
  • Close the lid tightly.

After the material is collected, it must be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after collection. In special cases, it is possible to store the biomaterial in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2°C, but not more than six hours. However, then errors in the diagnosis may occur.

Deciphering the results

Engage in decoding and evaluate the results of the analyzes received exclusively supervising pregnancy gynecologist. When diagnosing, the laboratory determines the number of colonizing bacteria per milliliter of fluid. Briefly, this indicator is written as CFU / ml. According to medical research, the urine culture tank rate during pregnancy is no more than 1000 CFU / ml. Such indications say that the pregnant woman is completely healthy, and no pathogenic flora has been found.

If the analysis shows such figures: 1000-100,000 CFU / ml, it is necessary to retake the analysis, since the information is not accurate. Various reasons can lead to inaccurate diagnosis: non-compliance with preparatory methods, and violation of hygienic conditions when collecting analysis.

If any infection of the urinary system was found in a woman, then the analysis shows the following data: 100,000 CFU / ml. Such indicators signal an inflammatory process for which drug therapy is prescribed. As a rule, the treatment is 21 days, and after this period, the sowing must be repeated.

What infections and inflammations does bacterial culture show?

A bacteriological study is a highly accurate, informational source that allows you to determine the presence of such ailments as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis. Thanks to reliable tests, it is possible to detect a dangerous course of the disease, prevent it and protect the child from infection.


A common infection that affects the lining of the bladder and disrupts its activity. Often the cause of cystitis is hypothermia, bacterial vaginosis, decreased immunity, biological changes in the hormonal background. An infectious disease at the stage of the active phase is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching and pain when urinating, frequent urges, a feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen.

If a woman correctly understood how to take a urine culture test during pregnancy and fulfilled all the conditions, but the result shows the presence of cystitis, treatment should be started immediately. The danger of cystitis during the period of bearing a baby is that the acute course of the disease can become chronic and lead to infection of the kidneys and pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the urea is also dangerous for the child, as it can lead to premature birth, leakage of water, and infection during passage through the birth canal.


The inflammatory process of the urethra can be infectious and non-infectious type. The most common causes of the development of the disease include such factors: poor hygiene, urological infections, lack of fluid in the body, allergies, uterine pressure on the urethra, stress, circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs. At an early stage of the disease, inflammation manifests itself when passing a bacteriological analysis. If the disease has become acute, the pregnant woman complains of unpleasant discharge, swelling of the external genital organs, pain during urination, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

If a urine culture tank was passed during pregnancy, the decoding showed infectious urethritis, it is necessary to start treatment with gentle, but effective drugs. Infection can complicate the course of pregnancy, lead to pathology of fetal development and infection, placental insufficiency, complicated childbirth. If you do not get rid of the infection, then the baby, passing through the birth canal, can acquire diseases such as pneumonia, conjunctivitis.


The cause of the inflammatory process in the kidneys is the presence of a pathogen: E. coli, Proteus, enterococci, Candida, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. An inflammatory process occurs due to the difficulties of urine outflow in diseases of the urinary system. You can determine the initial stage with the help of special laboratory tests that are prescribed for pregnant women in different trimesters.

If the infection becomes acute, the pregnant woman feels back pain, body aches, and headache. These signs are joined by fever, tachycardia, vomiting. The danger of pyelonephritis is that it can lead to intrauterine death of the baby, oxygen starvation, placental insufficiency, premature birth and infection at birth.

Any of these diseases of the urinary system can and should be treated, and it is best to do this while the disease is in incubation and does not cause much trouble. Therefore, if the supervising gynecologist sends a pregnant woman for a bacteriological examination, she should ask the question: how to take a urine culture during pregnancy in order to properly conduct the study and get reliable results.

Pathogenic microorganisms are detected by different methods. One of the most accurate is bacteriological culture of urine (tank culture). During pregnancy, it is often prescribed by doctors to determine the presence and quantity of bacteria and fungi that can harm both mother and baby.

Assign a study not only with the already existing symptoms of the disease or suspected infection, but also to prevent its occurrence. The biomaterial is placed in an environment that is optimal for the growth of pathogens, and after 5 days the result is checked. If the detected number of microorganisms is above the norm, it is considered that the analysis gave a positive result, and in the absence or small number of bacteria - negative.

Why you need to donate a urine culture tank during pregnancy

If there are no obvious signs of the disease, why then take a urine test for culture?

It turns out that not all infections can be detected using a routine urine test, since some microorganisms do not affect the indicators in any way. This is especially true for chronic diseases. But bacterial culture of urine allows you to see these infections, because under certain conditions, microbes are easily sown. This makes it possible to take timely action, before the first symptoms appear.

Various pathogens can cause the following diseases:

  • urethritis - the infection progresses in the urethra on the mucosa, which, if not properly treated, leads to inflammation in the bladder (cystitis) and appendages;
  • cervicitis - an inflammatory process on the cervix, this can lead to erosion and even oncology;
  • endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus that puts the fetus at risk because it can cause uterine bleeding and lead to miscarriage;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys.

If the disease is not detected in advance, it will begin to progress and turn into an acute form, for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

And this affects the course of pregnancy and childbirth, and can lead to complications such as:

  • preeclampsia;
  • severe course of childbirth;
  • fetal death.

Some types of streptococci can cause significant harm to the baby after birth. For example, diseases such as streptoderma, meningitis, pneumonia or sepsis in the first days after birth are directly related to the infection introduced at the time of birth.

In addition to infections of the genitourinary system, a urine culture tank shows the degree of sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to certain drugs. This helps to prescribe the right treatment, such as antibiotics. And it is also possible to identify the effectiveness of the use of drugs, which will confirm or refute the correctness of the prescribed therapy.

Who is eligible for this type of study?

During pregnancy, women are prescribed to give urine for bacteriological culture twice - in the first weeks of the gestational period and closer to childbirth (at 34–36 weeks). This standard diagnostic allows the doctor to determine how to manage pregnancy and childbirth.

And also this diagnosis is carried out when a protein is found in the urine, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. To determine the pathogen and appoint bakposev.

Unscheduled urine is given to the sowing tank in the following cases:

  • the presence of urolithiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • unsuccessful treatment of an existing disease;
  • control of the therapeutic effect of taking prescribed drugs;
  • immunodeficiency state of a pregnant woman;
  • complaints of unpleasant or painful symptoms when going to the toilet;
  • fever for no apparent reason.

A woman must notify the attending physician if she had disorders in the genitourinary system before pregnancy. Then the doctor will carefully monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, and prescribe tank culture more often.

How to properly prepare for an analysis

To obtain reliable results of the study, it is necessary to follow certain instructions for preparing for the delivery of biomaterial and its collection:

  1. 2 days before the collection of the analysis, it is not recommended to eat foods that contribute to the staining of urine (carrots, beets).
  2. 2 days before collection, you should stop taking diuretics.
  3. On the eve of the collection, do not overload yourself with physical activity.
  4. Prepare a small liquid container with a tight-fitting lid. It must be sterile. You can buy it at a pharmacy or find it at home.
  5. Before collecting urine, you need to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. But it is not recommended to use intimate hygiene products; it is better to use simple baby soap or take a soda solution.
  6. You can not douche before the collection.

The analysis is collected in the morning, and within 2 hours they are handed over to the medical laboratory for research.

Attention! Contraceptives, antibiotics, suppositories and many other drugs can distort the result of the study. Therefore, it is worth notifying the gynecologist about their admission. He will tell you which medications should not be taken before passing urine.

How to take an analysis

The collection of biomaterial must be carried out under sterile conditions and in compliance with precise rules, which will then help to obtain the correct result.

How to collect urine for bacteriological culture:

  1. After preliminary intimate hygiene, a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina so that the discharge from there does not fall into the analysis.
  2. Part of the urine is lowered into the toilet, then a collection container is placed, and after collecting the proper amount, the remainder of the urine is again sent to the toilet. That is, they take the average morning portion of urine.
  3. For the study, it is enough to pass 70–80 ml of liquid.
  4. After collection, the jar is tightly closed, and no longer open - this will be done by a specialist in the laboratory.

Important! When collecting, do not touch the inside of the container with your fingers so that bacteria from your hands do not get there.

Deciphering the results

After 5-10 days after passing the urine to the laboratory, a result is obtained for the presence of bacteria. That is how much time is needed for the reproduction of microorganisms in a favorable environment for them (in sugar broth or agar-agar at an optimum temperature of 37 degrees). Record only those data that indicate the presence of microorganisms.

Bacteriological culture reveals the presence of:

  • gonococcus,
  • protea,
  • coli,
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
  • gardnerella,
  • trichomonas,
  • leptothrix,
  • enterococcus,
  • staphylococcus,
  • klebsiella,
  • streptococcus,
  • citrobacter.

Sometimes in the tests, E. coli escherichia coli is determined, which is introduced into the urinary system from the intestines. Its usual habitat is the lower intestine, and it should not be in the urine. But if detected, it can lead to bacteriuria.

The reproduction of microorganisms occurs in colonies, because of this, quantitative indicators are measured in colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter of liquid. If the number of any type of bacteria exceeds the norm, this is considered a bad indicator. For very large readings, to avoid writing many zeros, the results are raised to a power in the laboratory form, for example, 2 times 10 to the power of 5 means that the presence of bacteria is 200,000 CFU / ml.

The decoding of the analysis is carried out by a specialist, but if there is a form with the final indicators, you can independently determine whether there is an infection.

What can be the indicators of CFU in the urine of a pregnant woman:

  1. Negative result. An indicator of less than 1000 CFU / ml indicates a low concentration of pathogens, which is not capable of harming the body of a woman or child.
  2. Doubtful result. If the readings are between 1,000 and 100,000 CFU/mL, a repeat test is ordered because it is not possible to reliably determine whether there is an infection or not.
  3. Positive result. An indicator of more than 100,000 CFU / ml is already a bad analysis, which indicates the presence of an infection in the excretory system. It is possible to determine the pathogen, but to find out its location (kidneys, bladder, urinary canals) is not. Therefore, the doctor prescribes an additional three-cup urine sample.

With a negative and doubtful result, treatment is not prescribed. After determining a positive result, treatment with antibacterial drugs is mandatory, since this indicator indicates a progressive disease.

The treatment is carried out for 3 weeks, then they are sent for repeated urine collection to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment. If during the re-examination the pathogen was again detected, the method of treatment is changed in accordance with the indicators of the sensitivity of bacteria to the drug.

To determine the sensitivity of the infection to antibacterial drugs, the gynecologist prescribes an antibactogram, which lists the drugs that affect the pathogen and the degree of effectiveness of their impact.

What is the meaning of tank seeding and why is it carried out, the doctor still popularly explains:


Knowing how to take a urine test for a seeding tank, and what infectious diseases it detects, it remains only to prepare and perform the procedure in compliance with all recommendations. The result of the study will depend on the quality of the collection and sterility.

But even if there are no visible symptoms of an infection, it is imperative to take bakposev during pregnancy in order to prevent the development of the disease in its latent course. This will give confidence that pregnancy and childbirth will pass without complications.

How much this analysis costs depends on the medical clinic and its location (for example, in Moscow, the price for research will be higher than in Tomsk, Tobolsk or other cities). But if you take a urine culture for flora with a referral from a doctor in the laboratory of a municipal clinic, the analysis will be free.

Every expectant mother needs to regularly take a urine culture tank during pregnancy. It is one of those studies that are needed to confirm that the baby is developing safely and there are no complications.

Method for studying infection in the body Analysis
doctor's care
pulls charging

During pregnancy, it is the urine smear culture tank that is considered the most highly informative research method. The study is not cheap, but it cannot be ignored.

When women are prescribed a culture test during pregnancy, many do not know what it is. This is a laboratory study to determine inflammation and infection of the organ from which the doctor took the material.

Highly informative research method

During the study, bacteria are grown at a certain temperature in a favorable and nutritious area for them. Only under special conditions can one competently examine many biological materials: bile, urine, feces, blood.

Tank seeding during pregnancy is done for certain purposes:

  • detection of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • identification of their number;
  • determination of the level of pathogenicity.

In addition, tank seeding during pregnancy allows you to determine which medications microorganisms and bacteria are sensitive to. Only then can the most safe and effective treatment be carried out.

What research needs to be done?

During pregnancy, materials for analysis on the tank are taken from different organs of the woman: the vagina, nose, bladder. This allows you to get the most complete picture of the state of health of a woman.

An analysis of seeding from the cervical canal, carried out during pregnancy, allows you to identify various genitourinary infections in the body (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis), sexually transmitted diseases that are very dangerous for expectant mothers. Infections can threaten the life of the baby and provoke a miscarriage.

May detect various urinary infections

When during pregnancy you donate a culture tank from the cervical canal, be prepared for the fact that the results will come at least 5 days later. This is how long it takes for bacteria to grow.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a urine culture. This analysis is included in the list of the main ones. Even if the general study showed a good result, this does not mean that you do not have an asymptomatic (hidden) or chronic form of any infectious pathology of the genitourinary system. It is better to prevent the onset of the disease than to treat its advanced stage later. In addition, there is a risk of either losing a child or giving birth to an unhealthy one.

Urine cultures are required during pregnancy, as approximately 6% of expectant mothers have asymptomatic bacteriuria, although their urinalysis is normal. When you take a urine culture during pregnancy, the doctor usually tells you what it shows. It may contain large amounts of E. coli, Fecal Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida fungi, etc.

When treatment is not available or is delayed, the infection begins to spread and can affect the kidneys. This will cause inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis.

During pregnancy, the doctor can refer not only to the delivery of a smear or urine, but also to the study of the seeding tank from the nose. This allows you to identify the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, since the disease can pass from an infected woman to her child.

The analysis must be taken as early as possible in order to have time to be treated if necessary. The material is taken on the basis of a laboratory or clinic and does not require special training. When the results show bacteria, the doctor immediately prescribes treatment to the patient, because ignoring therapy threatens to infect the fetus in the womb or through the birth canal during childbirth.

We leave early to have time to be treated

Similar studies are also paid. However, it is necessary to take them, because it is timely diagnosis and competent treatment of infections that help to save the child and carry it safely.

After you get your hands on the results of the research, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor for a consultation and decoding. Do not panic if the doctor finds abnormalities in you. This is not always a sign of any pathology. The results depend on a large number of factors, so only a specialist can give an accurate assessment.

The doctor does not always prescribe the necessary treatment immediately, sometimes he sends for re-analysis. Let's figure out how to take tests for a urine culture tank, which are necessary during pregnancy.

How to donate urine?

When you receive a referral for a urine culture, ask your doctor how to take it. There is nothing difficult in this.

  1. Insert a cotton swab into your vagina.
  2. Collect an average portion of morning urine.
  3. Deliver the jar to the laboratory in a maximum of two hours.

The material collection container must be extremely sterile. It will be very difficult to sterilize any jar at home, so it is best to buy it at a pharmacy.

Wash thoroughly with soap in the morning. To prevent bacteria from the vagina from getting into the container with urine, you should insert a cotton swab into it and only after that begin to collect urine. It is best to take medium urine. To do this, you need to urinate a little into the toilet and only then draw a small amount of material into the container.

It is advisable to deliver the container to the laboratory within an hour. The maximum allowable time is 2 hours. Only then will the results be accurate. Your doctor will decide on treatment based on the results, so it's important to know how to collect your urine culture when you're pregnant.

Deciphering the results

As already mentioned, when you pass a urine culture tank during pregnancy, you must definitely ask the doctor for a transcript.

The results of the analyzes are determined in CFU / ml - colony-forming units per 1 ml of liquid:

  • when, during gestation, you did an analysis of your urine for a culture tank and the indicator turned out to be less than 1000 CFU / ml, then you are healthy, this number of bacteria does not need treatment.
  • if the indicators are from 100 to 100,000 CFU / ml, then these are dubious tests, the doctor will most likely refer you for a second study.
  • if the obtained test results show an indicator above 100,000 CFU / ml, then you are infected with an infection that requires urgent treatment (so many bacteria usually cause infections and inflammations, so a woman is prescribed antibiotic treatment).

The results usually list all the microorganisms that are found in the urine. These may include various bacteria, fungi or protozoa. To determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to various medications, the doctor prescribes another study called an antibactogram.

Gets a doctor's diagnosis

During it, the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs is checked so that the prescribed treatment is as effective as possible. The results obtained must also be deciphered so that the woman can receive detailed explanations and precise instructions for further action.

When you receive a culture tank form during pregnancy, it usually lists the microorganisms that inhabit the cervical canal. Under normal conditions, fungi are absent, but at least 107 bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are present. A large number of enterococci and E. coli is very dangerous. Yeast fungi are also dangerous, especially with the presence of mycelium.

The analysis reveals the presence of leptothrix, gardnerella, trichomonas, gonococcus, proteus, citrobacter, staphylococcus aureus (golden, epidermal). It is worth knowing that chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma are intracellular parasites, so the usual study for their detection is not suitable. It is necessary to carry out PCR of the cervical canal.