Stunning rejuvenation results with a simple zucchini mask. Zucchini toning and refreshing mask. What gives the use of zucchini masks

The abundance of vegetables fruits and berries in the summer season helps to create new cosmetic recipes. Honorary place among the diversity of vitamins, minerals and acids occupies a zucchini. Allows you to rejuvenate and refresh the skin, normalize all intracellular processes. Use a facial zucchini is recommended for problem charter. The preparation procedure takes no more than five minutes, and the effect exceeds the salon hardware manipulations.

Leather zucchini use

  1. Nutrition and rejuvenation;
  2. Narrowing;
  3. Deep moisturizing;
  4. Smoothing all types of wrinkles;
  5. Removing the ethnicity and inflammation;
  6. Acne and comedone treatment;
  7. Recovery of turgore and elasticity.

Useful composition:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E;
  • water.

Suitable for the care of all types of skin, including a problem, flabby, with pronounced signs of aging, in the complex of treatment of acne. Contraindications are individual intolerance. The hypoallergenic product very rarely causes the reaction, harm will occur from other components of the mask.

Rules for the use of vegetable face

Folk recipes allow you to quickly restore the elasticity of the epidermis. To achieve the maximum effect, it is worth using simple recommendations.

  1. Choose only the fresh fruit of small sizes, the skin must be very thin, to easily be a trace of nails;
  2. Prepare small, one-time portions, do not store in the refrigerator, it is better to use a fresh composition;
  3. Apply only after cleansing the surface from decorative cosmetics, for deep penetration of nutrients additionally can be peeling or scribing;
  4. Apply the procedure is recommended in the evening, you should not expose the vulnerable dermis additional loads and temperature drops;
  5. Zucchini must be chopped in a blender, turning into a homogeneous cleaner or cut into not very thin slices;
  6. To remove the ethony, you can put zucchini mugs into the refrigerator for several minutes, after pressing the centuries for five minutes;
  7. Refresh and rejuvenate the dermis is also easily using a lotion and ice cubes, such sessions are effective in a complex of acne and acne treatment, improving the state of the problem and sensitive dermis;
  8. Well affects other components - clays, fruits, vegetable and essential oils, as well as phargenic vitamins;
  9. The time of the mask from ten minutes and before half an hour, it is possible to use on the entire surface without exception.

And you know how to properly care for sensitive skin, no? - Then read. Everyone knows that ice cubes are useful to use for the skin, but why? - The answer will find on the link :. Do not miss what the benefits of using pumpkin for the skin of the face and how to prepare pumpkin masks.

Home Recipes Refrigerated Face Masks

It is easy to create natural cosmetic products for regular care of the face. Simple recipes allow you to fill the moisture deficit, improve the indicators of elasticity and elasticity. Vitamins of groups in normalize biochemical processes inside the cells, and with improve immune properties. Apply the zucchini mask is to smooth out the folds and the restoration of the debrity contour.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask against wrinkles

Effect: saves deep wrinkles, thanks to a large amount of water, minerals and vitamins. Accelerates blood circulation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, it is recommended to conduct a course from seven / ten sessions.


  • 15 ml of zucchin juice;
  • 10 gr. laminarium;
  • 20 drops of tocopherol.

Manufacturing and method of application: algae chop into powder and pour mineral water, after half an hour add squeezed vegetable juice, enter the pharmacy oil solution. The face is to break carefully, a dense layer, with a spatula to distribute the mass, over the entire surface without exception. Twenty minutes rest, remove the remnants with a wet cotton disc. We advise you to try a Topinambur mask from wrinkles.

Video recipe: Caucasus mask for smoothing deep wrinkles at home

Acne and inflammation mask

Effect: At home it is necessary to prepare an anti-inflammatory recipe for the prevention and treatment of purulent formations. To maintain a state of healthy dermis, it is recommended to apply once a week.


  • 10 gr. zucchini;
  • 5 gr. rye flour;
  • 3 drops of chamomile oil.

Manufacturing and method of application: Mixing flour with vegetable mass, introduce healing oil, if necessary, dilute with mineral water. Distribute after scraping, withstand about ten minutes.

Mask for fading skin

Effect: The effect of pulp on the skin allows you to saturate the fabric moisture with minerals and vitamins of the group in the metabolic processes.


  • 10 ml of zucchini juice;
  • 15 gr. Starch.

Manufacture and method of application: shredding zucchini and pushing juice, mix the flesh of avocado and corn starch. Spatula distribute the composition, starting from the chin, forming a hatched oval. Leave to act for twenty minutes.

Fatty skin mask

Effect: normalizes the secretion of glands, improves color and structure, narrows pores.


  • 15 gr. Vegetable;
  • 5 gr. pea flour;
  • 5 drops of ginger ether.

Manufacturing and method of application: Vegetable puree mix with bean powder and vegetable ether. Cashitz distribute on the surface, for combined skin only in the T-region, seven minutes - wash off.

Dry-skin mask

Effect: The moisturizing mask copes with peelings and vitaminosis, gives freshness and elasticity.


  • 10 ml of zucchini juice;
  • 5 ml of aloe juice;
  • 5 gr. sour cream.

Manufacturing and method of application: mixing the liquid ingredients, distribute on steaming covers, enjoy the action of a quarter of an hour.

Tonic and soothing mask

Effect: Make a touch mask from a zucchini is to improve microcirculation, saturation of cells with oxygen and minerals, ensuring elasticity and youth.

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  • 15 gr. Vegetable;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese.

Manufacturing and method of application: grinding on a grater, mix with cottage cheese, plastic mass to distribute on the face. Fifteen minutes later remove the remnants.

Mitigating mask

Effect: allows you to soften and refresh the skin natural agent.


  • 20 gr. Vegetable;
  • 20 drops of flax oil.

Manufacturing and method of application: in a littered mass introduce small crystals and vegetable oil. Clear the dermis from cosmetics, then distribute the composition. Complete ten minutes.

Nourishing mask

Effect: for power supply, reducing pigmentation, restoration of elasticity.


  • 10 gr. Vegetable;
  • 10 gr. cocoa;
  • 5 gr. Shea oil.

Manufacturing and method of application: turning the zucchini in a puree, mix with cocoa powder and oil. Dysny layer distribute, leaving the nasolabial triangle and eyelids, the time of action is fifteen minutes.

Video recipe: Nourishing face mask with snap effect at home

Refreshing mask

Effect: from echoes, dark circles under the eyes, as well as remove traces of fatigue and insomnia, due to the proven recipes.


  • 5 gr. Vegetable;
  • 5 ml of wheat oil;
  • 10 drops of retinol.

Manufacturing and method of application: a vegetable cut into two mugs, apply a mixture of oil and vitamin on one side. Click to closed centuries for twenty minutes, to enhance the result, the zucchini is pre-cool.

Cleansing mask

Effect: helps to rejuvenate due to the removal of organized cells, the removal of toxins and the normalization of oxygen respiration. Contraindications - Ranks and burns, Cuperoz.


  • 15 ml of zucchini juice;
  • 10 gr. clay;
  • tablet aspirin.

Manufacture and method of application: aspirin crowded into powder, mix with clay and juice. Mass apply on the lines of lymph movement, after eight minutes, wash cool water.

Zucchini and Cucumber Mask

Effect: to restore moisture and nutrients, it is necessary to prepare a natural agent. It eliminates dryness and peeling, improves the complexion and turgors of the cover.


  • 10 gr. Vegetable;
  • 10 gr. cucumber;
  • yolk.

Making and method of application: on the kitchen machine Grind the flesh of vegetables, mix the yolk. Face wipe micellar fluid, distribute the mass along the massage lines. The procedure with moisturizing effect is completed with the usual way in half an hour.

Casket and oatmeal mask

Effect: Levels color, improves the structure of the epidermis, eliminates the oily shine. Mildly cleanses, removes toxins and decay products.


  • 10 ml of zucchini juice;
  • 15 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 drops of peach oil.

Manufacturing and method of application: Grind flakes in powder, add squeezed fresh juice and moisturizing oil. Having distributed, wait up to eight minutes, wash it cold water.

Interesting video: Homemade Skin Scrub from Zucchini

Natural homemade zucchini masks are perfectly rejuvenated, moisturized the skin, prevent her aging, help smooth wrinkles, get rid of the peeling and dullness of the epidermis. This vegetable is a "close relative" pumpkin and rich in the so-called "vitamins of beauty" - A, C, E.

Masks using zucchini have a comprehensive effect on the skin. Among the beneficial properties of such funds, the following can be noted:

  • Rejuvenating. The regular use of zucchini-based masks helps to restore the water balance of the skin, smoothing wrinkles and tighten the epidermis, making it more elastic and elastic.
  • Moisturizing. The zucchini is 90% composed of structured water. It perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, drinking every cage with moisture.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The zucchini includes a manganese, which has an antiseptic effect on the skin. Masks based on this vegetable helps to fight harmful bacteria that provoke the appearance of rashes and various inflammation. And peptides in the composition of the zucchini have a narrowing effect. Thus, inflammatory processes are eliminated.
  • Nourishing. A face-free mask is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that penetrate the deep layers of the skin and nourish it from the inside. After using this fund, the person acquires a healthy color and freshness.
  • Protective. The presence of vitamin C zucchiets is responsible for the correct functioning of the protective mechanisms of the epidermis. Regular use of such masks ensures that the sun's rays, frosty air and the wind will not cause significant damage to your tender skin.
Prepare a mask easily, and ingredients are available and inexpensive. Especially useful to the effect of the zucchini on the drain, tired, wrinkled, fading, pigmented, dry, peeling skin. Such home remedies will return a healthy blush, frostedness and freshness to the face. Masks from zucchini can women of any age and with any skin type.

Contraindications for using masks with face zucchild

Among the contraindications to the use of zucchini-based masks, it is possible to distinguish the individual intolerance to this vegetable or components that are part of the cosmetic agent. If the use of fruits causes you an allergic reaction, most likely, it negatively reacts to your skin on their impact.

Also, do not apply masks with a zucchin on the epidermis with an unemployed damage, wounds, seams.

In general, the zucchini is quite gently affecting the skin, therefore there are no special prohibitions for its use in the composition of masks. To make sure that this vegetable is safe for you, spend the test. Apply a small amount of cosmetic tool to fold an elbow. If, after 15 minutes, there was no negative reaction from the skin (redness, itching, burning), then you can safely apply a mask on your face.

Composition and components of face zucchini masks

The zucchini contains a balanced complex of useful substances, which is beneficial affecting the epidermis. Masks with such fruits toned, rejuvenate, lightly whiten the skin.

Consider the composition of this utility vegetable:

  1. Vitamins of group B, A, H, PP, C. This complex increases skin elasticity, activates the production of collagen, elastin, smoothes wrinkles, improves the complexion, moisturizes at the cellular level.
  2. Minerals.. The zucchini includes manganese, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, sodium. Especially valuable for Derma Manganese. It has an antiseptic property, improves blood microcirculation, complexion, returns freshness of tired skin. In addition, micro- and macroelements in the composition of the zucchini normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, the pores are narrowing, struggling with the decomposition of the epidermis.
  3. Organic acids. We reliably protect the skin from harmful external influences, tone, whiten, eliminate signs of fatigue from the face. Also these substances help keep moisture inside cells.

Recipes Masks with Face Zucchild

To prepare an effective zucchini mask, its juice is used or flesh. They contain maximum beneficial substances. It is recommended to clean the vegetable from the skin before grinding it on the grater, in a blender or through a meat grinder. Please note that the use of zucchini is needed in a fresh form. Do not allow long-term storage mask before applying.

Rejuvenating face masks with zucchild

Most often, the zucchini is used precisely as an anti-aging cosmetics. Therefore, the recipes of masks with this vegetable against wrinkles, there is a lot of decrees.

Consider the most popular of them:

  • Mask with zucchild and yolk. Such a means perfectly feeds the tired skin and prevents the emergence of new wrinkles. Especially well suited for dry fading dermis. For the preparation, we take a tablespoon of zucchini juice, add to it one confused yolk from the egg. We thoroughly mix the substance and apply to the face.
  • Mask with zucchild and avocado. We need a zucchini, avocado, honey and lemon juice for cooking. Mix the components in such a proportion: two tablespoons of flesh, one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of juice from lemon. After that, we rub the peeled zucchini on the shallow grater. We need to take three tablespoons. We mix all the ingredients.
  • Mask with zucchille, olive oil, flour and yolk. Another means that efficiently moisturizes and rejuvenates the epidermis. We are preparing: rub the zucchini on the grater, take one tablespoon of the resulting mass. We mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of wheat flour. Add one yolk into the mixture. To stir more carefully, use a mixer. The finished mask is applied to the face.
  • Zucchini Mask from wrinkles with sour cream and honey. Suitable for nutritional and fading skin. We need one tablespoon of crushed zucchini pulp. Add to it on one teaspoon of low-fat sour cream and honey. We thoroughly mix the mixture and apply.
  • Mask with Zabachka, Kefir and Aloe. This remedy is suitable for oily, wrinkled skin. We will need a medium-sized zucchini, which we grind in a meat grinder. We take one tablespoon of the pulp and mix with two tablespoons of kefir, one teaspoon of crushed on the grater of Aloe and one tablespoon of the broth of the Zvercuoy.
  • Mask with zucchild and coffee. Excellent drug for skin refreshing, smoothing small wrinkles. It has a good toning effect. In equal proportions, mix the juice from the zucchini and strong natural coffee without precipitate. We make bullshit using gauze dressings.

Zucchini nutrient masks for different skin types

Due to the large number of useful substances and a balanced cabinet, the zucchini is known as an indispensable component for nutrient cosmetic masks. There are many recipes, consider the most popular of them:
  1. Classic Zucchild Mask for All Skin Types. We need one zucchini of medium sizes. Clean it from the peel, cut into thin strips and apply them to the face cleaned from cosmetics and neck.
  2. Mask with zucchild and oatmeal. This is a means for combined skin type. We take one tablespoon of oatmeal (Hercules) and pour hot milk with two tablespoons. We leave to push the crawl ten minutes. After that, mix it with two tablespoons of crushed zucchini. If the mixture is too thick, you can add some warm milk into it.
  3. Mask with zucchild and milk. Suitable for normal and combined skin. We take four tablespoons of crushed zucchini pulp and pour them with two glasses of hot milk. We welcome the mixture for two minutes. Enjoy the resulting cleaner and impose on your face.
  4. Mask with zucchild and oatmeal. A good remedy for the removal of greasy and eliminate the increased fatty skin. Grind the zucchini on the grater and take two tablespoons of vegetable. We mix it with one tablespoon of oatmeal. The mixture is ready to apply.

Whitening masks with zucchild

The zucchini in combination with different components is also able to bleach the skin slightly. A mask for reducing pigmentation is preparing for such a recipe:
  • We take 1/8 part of the zucchini of medium sizes and the same cucumber. Clean them from the skin and grind on a small grater or in a blender.
  • We bring 200 grams of water to boiling and add one gram agar-agar to it. We leave the liquid to thicken and cool.
  • We mix the cooled mass with a mixture of zucchini and cucumber.
  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil.
The mixture is ready to apply. It can also be stored up to three days in the refrigerator.

Recipe Masks with zucchini under the eyes

This remedy helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, as well as from edema. In addition, the mask feeds and moisturizes gentle skin, smoothes small wrinkles, relieves fatigue.

For preparation we need a zucchini and ginger root, preferably fresh.

Grind on the grater or in a blender zucchini and ginger. We take equal portions of components and thoroughly mix. Apply a mask under the eyes to the lower eyelid.

Rules for applying masks with face zucchild

In order for a homemade cabbage mask to bring the most positive effect, you need to adhere to certain rules in its preparation and applying:
  • The zucchini before grinding must be carefully soaked and clean from the peel. If the vegetable has large and hard seeds, they must also be removed.
  • It is best to use mature medium-sized fruit for making masks. They have the maximum amount of useful substances, they are sufficiently juicy and do not have hard seeds.
  • Do not leave outdoors for a long time cosmetic mask with zucchild. When contacting with oxygen, it will lose its properties.
  • Do not allow the mixing of the zaqachkoy mass with hot components - milk, butter, honey.
  • In order to prevent side effects or negative skin reactions, do not exceed the dosages specified in the recipe, and do not overturn the mask on the face.
  • Before applying a cosmetic, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin from cosmetics, fat and contaminants.
  • The mask we distribute evenly in the face, leaving the pristine areas around the eyes and mouth.
  • The recommended exposure time is 15-20 minutes.
  • It is possible to flush the mixture by any warm liquid - water, milk, grave champs.
  • The application procedure can be repeated once or twice a week.
  • It is recommended to apply masks from zucchini at home by courses. The optimal course is 10-15 procedures. After that, the skin needs to give rest.
As a rule, one course is enough in order to effectively prepare the epidermis for the cool time of the year - to moisten, get used by vitamins.

How to make a face mask from zucchini - Look at the video:

Zucchini masks are easy to prepare and use. And components for them are affordable and inexpensive. Therefore, such cosmetics are very popular for home use. Zucchini is especially useful for fading, wrinkled, flabby skin. It hoses perfectly and moisturizes the epidermis, smoothes small wrinkles.

Each of the representatives of the weaker sex at least once in his life thought about how not to lose its natural beauty. Cosmetics and all kinds of salons do not always help cope with skin problems. In some cases, the advertised procedures even harm it. So why spend huge money wasted when the most effective tool grows in your garden? A face mask from fresh zucchini will help your skin to find a tone, smoothness, velvety and incredible radiance.

Useful properties of zucchini

The zucchini has an active rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face. This is because it contains in its composition healing vitamins and trace elements.

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid pulls the skin, eliminating it from wrinkles.
  2. Vitamin A gives a healthy color leaning and feeds the epidermis.
  3. Folic acid protects the skin from stress.
  4. Potassium actively moisturizes the surface of the face.

Also, the zucchini is rich in manganese, and this is a rather strong antiseptic that promotes blood circulation normalization in vessels. In addition, iron helps protect the skin from ultraviolet and prepare it to low temperatures.

Who can apply masks from zucchini?

From the fact that we have already told above, it is not difficult to conclude that the mask from the young zucchini is suitable for those who want to avoid aging and withering their skin. It will be no less useful for those who suffer from various problems with the epidermis. Hurry to try zucchini masks if your skin:

  • fading, flaky, wrinkled;
  • dry and dehydrated;
  • tired and dull;
  • having lost a healthy look;
  • unnecessary pigmented;
  • receiving to ultraviolet.

They have no contraindications, so there is no allergies to this vegetable, there is nothing to fear. However, in order not to risk, it is worth putting a little pulp on the wrist and wait 15 minutes. If redomening and discomfort did not arise, it means everything is fine, you can start cooking a mask.

Popular zakachkov masks recipes

Before switching to the discipers of masks, consider the easiest andatic option. To moisturize, soften and raise the skin tone, you need to make a compress from zucchini. Fruit can finely grate and wrap in a thin, breathable fabric: the gauze is best for this. The resulting compress attach to the face of the face for 20 minutes. At the same time you can make a small massage - slightly patted for marage. Thus, the epidermis is better moisturized and the useful vitamins will absorb.

  1. A simple young zucchini mask for any skin type. The vegetable is cut by thin slices, better strips, so they will be easier to stay on the face, then applied to the skin. It is enough 20 minutes to make the mask to have a nutrient and moisturizing effect. After you removed the pieces of zucchini, you should wash warm water, and then cool - it is important for better stimulation of cells and vessels.
  2. Mask for dry-type epidermis. To normalize skin condition, you will need to connect zucchini juice with a yolk. This lotion needs to handle a person and after 15 minutes to remove the residues of the mixture with a wet cotton disc.
  3. Healing fatty mask. Reduce epidermis solidity will help a simple recipe. A piece of vegetable soda and add 20 g of flakes of dry Hercules porridge. Caring the mixture thoroughly, apply it to a smooth layer on the surface of the face. Be careful, dry cereals Hercules can scratch your gentle skin. Wash the mask with warm water, preferably boiled, after 15-20 minutes.
  4. . Mass from the zucchini perfectly smoothes small wrinkles and does not give to appear new. From fresh vegetable Separate a third, soda, add 20 ml of natural honey. Well mixtures, apply on a clean face. Remove after 20 minutes with warm water.
  5. For fading skin, a tightening mask from zucchini will fit. Full of the fetus need to grind on a shallow grater and squeeze juice. 1 Chicken yolk Add to extract and mix. Apply the resulting Cashitz on the clean face and wait 20 minutes. Remove the composition of warm water temperature.
  6. Mask of young zucchini for combined skin. Sutter zucchini, pour boiling milk and boil for about 2 minutes. A little cooled, apply a lot of face. Wash out the mask with a small amount of lemon juice.
  7. If your skin is too tired, it needs an invigorating mixture. From the lack of sleep and bags under the eyes you will help get rid of zucchini juice and strong natural coffee. Stir the drink with juice and wipe your tired face.
  8. A mask of a young zucchini will help get rid of inflammation. Due to the sufficient content of manganese in a vegetable, this mask will suit the owners of the skin, which is prone to rash. Connect the zucchini with milk, lemon juice and a tincture of a hunter in equal proportions. Move it very carefully and apply to the surface of the face for 20 minutes. Then rush warm water.

Choose a suitable mask for yourself and delight your skin with useful vitamins. We hope that our tips will help you determine the choice of home procedure. In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video about how using the zucchini can be returned with the skin elasticity.

Such a vegetable, like a zucchini, in the last summer months and in the autumn in the markets are sold literally for a penny. You can use a vegetable not only for the preparation of delicious and nutritious dishes, but also for the face - a delicate squabble mask has the most useful properties for our skin.

Action Mounting Zucchini on Skin

All parts of the zucchini in cosmetology can be used without a residue. The benefit will bring and the flesh itself, and the peel, and the juice of the vegetable (even not so important at the same time, you buy a young fruit or overwhelmed). The usefulness of the facial zucchini does not cause doubts and is proved by the enormous content of all the substances you need.

  • Ascorbic acid stimulates the work of collagen fibers, as a result of which the wrinkles become not as deep and over time completely disappear.
  • Folic acid creates a film that protects the skin of the face from sunlight and increased dryness of air.
  • Masks from zucchini in large quantities contain vitamin A. Cell beverage with this element allows you to strengthen all energy processes, improves their nutrition and structure.
  • A natural humidifier of potassium is both in the zucchka, the water balance of the skin is regulated under its exposure.

Zucchini mask appreciated and due to the content of the vitamins of the group B, for nicotine acid and niacin. The integrated effect of all these chemical elements on the skin of the face in the shortest term leads to amazing results, and therefore there should not be a simple vegetable to remain without your attention.

When is it best to use a zucchini mask?

A homemade skooking mask is distinguished by generous leather care, does not cause reactions of intolerance and can be used both in adolescence and when approaching old age.

But the undoubted benefit and the visible effect of the zucchki mask will provide if you enter it into your face improving program when determining such defects on the skin:

  • drying, mesh wrinkle;
  • loss of elasticity and reducing the clarity of lines;
  • change color to yellowed, dim or pale;
  • with increased dryness and negative reactions to ultraviolet;
  • to remove pigmentation from the face (in this case, the zucchini mask is advised to use regularly).

A zucchini mask in cosmetology belongs to the group gently acting on the skin of the means. Such care is almost never complicated by intolerance phenomena, but it is desirable that the mask for the first time was tested behind the ear or on the wrist.

Simple homemade recipes

The mask, the main component of which is a zucchini, is easy to prepare, has a delicate texture, does not tighten the face and is simply washed off from the face. The basis of the mask may be the juice of vegetable, his flesh, less often used peel and seeds. The juice is quite simple - using the juicer or after rubbing the core core on the grater. Whatever the recipe from the zucchini you choose, be sure to pay attention to the other ingredients, and most importantly - to the reaction of your skin on them. A homemade mask from ripened zucchini moisturizes the skin, rejuvenates the cells, will save from pigmented spots and will give the second youth.

    • With yolk
      Zucchini juice in the amount of one spoon should be mixed with one fresh yolk. The mixture applied to the face is withstanding 15 minutes.
    • With cereals Hercules
      The spoonful of the cereal of Hercules should be pouring two spoons of the boiling milk, after 10 minutes the mixture is divorced by two spoons of zucchini pulp. If the mask turned out too thick, then it is possible to dissolve it with heated milk to the desired state or use vegetable juice for these purposes.

  • With milk
    Four spoons with grated cores from zucchini need to pour two cups of milk and boil on fire at least 10 minutes, so that it turns out to be Cashier. The cooled flesh is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  • With sour cream
    Two spoons grate on the grater of the pulp zucchini need to mix with a spoon of sour cream and with an equal amount of liquid honey.
  • With coffee dense
    In equal amounts, it is necessary to mix the grazing flesh from the zucchini and thick from freshly coffee. The prepared mask has the most optimal tonic properties.
  • With flour
    Two spoons of the pulp of zucchini need to mix with the yolk, olive oil in the volume of one spoon and with wheat flour to the denot.
  • With herbs
    Two spoons of grated vegetable pulp needle with a teaspoon of juice from aloe leaves and with an equal number of Hypericum. The prepared composition is perfectly coping with inflammation.
  • With kefir.
    Passed pulpy the roll of the zucchini is stirred in an equal amount with kefir. Mask from zucchini and kefir advise to use for food and moisture.

A refreshing cosmetic tool from the zucchini will carefully care for your face for the warmth of the year and will give you a feeling of beauty and youth.

In the summer, every woman I want not only to look attractively, but also to protect your skin from the scorching sun and prepare it for the autumn season. Lover of natural cosmetics cooked at home can discover a means with not only nutritious and protective action, but also rejuvenating.

The most common mask from the facial zucchini, which is so easy to cook with your own hands, will be able to smooth down deep wrinkles, slow down the aging processes, make the skin smooth, elastic and elastic. If we consider that this vegetable is easily accessible and does not have a high price, it is worth thinking about its most active use.

Action on the skin

A truly magical action that has a facial mask on the skin on the skin is due to the chemical composition of all the usual vegetable. It contains a large number of various vitamins and elements that actively feed the skin, accelerate in cells various biochemical processes, from which its condition and appearance dependely depend. Make sure for yourself:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Activates in the cells of the epidermis synthesis of collagen and elastin - it is these substances that are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin, contribute to the effective smoothing of age and mimic wrinkles, so the zucchini masks strongly recommend applying women with faders, wrinkled skin;

  • folic acid (vitamin B9)

Real defender of the epidermis from various external stimuli and stress in the form of sunlight, winds, frost, low temperatures;

  • retinol (Vitamin A)

Known as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can be used to combat inflammation (and acne), it also improves skin color, eliminating gray and yellowness, actively nourishes it, preparing for the autumn season;

  • potassium

It takes control of the level of moisturizing in the cells of the epidermis, thereby preventing it from dryness, so cosmetics from this unique vegetable are distinguished by the amazing moisturizing effect that you will appreciate the advantage.

Due to such a cluster of useful substances, a zucchini mask is characterized by a pronounced complex effect on the skin - rejuvenating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, protective and nutritious. Regularly and competently applying it, you can not be afraid of the summer of burning in the sun and in all its glory, prepared, meet the autumn cold. There is nothing difficult in the preparation and use of these natural cosmetics for the face.

Preparation procedure

A homemade cabbage mask is preparing in just 15 minutes, plus 15-20 minutes will be required for its immediate application. So temporary and financial costs for it will be minimal. But the effect obtained after this rejuvenating procedure will delight you and cause a lot of admirations of others.

So that the cooked tool does not disappoint, try to follow certain rules: this peculiar instruction will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

  1. Indications for use: Zucchini masks are recommended to those who have a leather flabby, tired, wrinkled, fading, yellowed, who lost healthy radiance, and reacts too actively to ultraviolet.
  2. Contraindications: Individual intolerance, open, who did not have time to heal the wounds, not so long ago superimposed seams on the face.
  3. The pulp of the zucchini must be cleaned from the peel and seeds, chop by a grater or blender.
  4. It is impossible to leave mashed potatoes in air or in the refrigerator: when contacting with oxygen, it loses its useful cosmetic properties.
  5. Do not mix the pulp of the zucchini with hot products (water, honey, oils).
  6. Observe the accuracy of the proportion specified in the recipes, in order to avoid side effects and unwanted reactions.
  7. Before applying a mask on the face, experience it for the presence of allergens. Lubricate your wrist or an inner fold of the elbow and follow the reaction of your epidermis. In the absence of itching and rashes, the zucchini mixture can be used for purpose.
  8. The zucchini mask is distributed over the entire surface of the face evenly.
  9. It is withstanding about 15-20 minutes.
  10. It is washed off by any warm liquid (filtered water, milk, decoction of medicinal grass).
  11. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week.
  12. The course of rejuvenation ranges from 10 to 15 masks, after which the skin is needed to rest from such a powerful vitamin attack.

Usually one course is enough to prepare the skin to the cold season and get it all the necessary substances. Be sure to try to make a mask with zucchini at home with your own hands to make sure of its effectiveness. In the recipes, you will not have definition.

Recipes of zucchini masks

Masks from zucchini are good because they can be supplemented with the most different ingredients: they are perfectly combined with almost all products. Thanks to additional components, they strengthen their effectiveness. When choosing a recipe, focus on what kind of problem solves the mask and will not cause its composition allergies.

For dry skin

  • Moisturizing

Stretch of the zucchini put into the one-layer gauze, attach for 15 minutes to face.

  • Rejuvenating

The chopped meat of zucchini squeeze, the resulting juice (1 tablespoon) mix with 1 chicken fresh egg and 2 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. Such a mask is very good to use from wrinkles, ptosa, age and mimic folds.

For oily skin

  • Anti-inflammatory

Oatmeal (1 tablespoon) is poured with 2 tablespoons of hot milk, left for 10 minutes, mixed with the pulp of zucchini (2 tablespoons). If necessary, you can dilute the resulting mixture with warm milk.

  • From a sown brilliance

Grinding roll pulp (50 gr) pour hot milk glass, pecking 2 minutes, cool.

For normal skin

  • Nourishing

The chopped pulp of the zucchini (2 tablespoons) is mixed with a fat sour cream (1 teaspoon), fresh honey (1 tablespoon).

  • Whitening

Cool meat of zucchini (2 tablespoons) mix with cooled coffee grounding (1 tablespoon).

Any baked mask presented here with its proper use will be very useful for the face, especially in the summer period. Be sure to use these recipes and enjoy their effect. Food, moisturizing, protection and rejuvenation will be guaranteed by your skin.