Congratulations to the wedding with short items. The coolest congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money! Funny congratulations to the young on the wedding

Do you want to stand out and in an original way, so to speak in a special way, to congratulate the young people on their wedding day? Then you need Joke Wedding Gifts. After all, such comic gifts will help not only to make a pleasant young family, but also "charge" with positive and energy for several decades of family life! don't believe me? See for yourself.

Idea 1.
People marry for love. After all, it is love that is "to blame" for the fact that people create a family. But what if your newlyweds have "hot", passionate love, which, now, is about to grow into a flame and fire? That's right - put it out a little, so that love is enough for the whole life together.
That is why we give young people a fan!
And here are the verses to the fan:

Idea 2.
At first, it seems that everything will be just fine after the wedding. That after the wedding, nothing will change, but it will only be better and better. But actually it is not. Some time will pass, and everyday everyday life will become gray and unsightly. And so that this does not happen in this family, we give them paints!
Decorate the box with paints and brushes beautifully and tell the following verses when giving a gift:

Idea 3.
The gift is a carpenter's hammer and a chop hammer.
It is necessary to give with the following words:
“Dear newlyweds!
Today is your wedding day, today is your family's birthday! Today you and we are happy and happy for you. But happiness is so changeable that today it is, and tomorrow it is not. Therefore, you have to "forge" your own happiness! Accept these gifts from us: a carpenter's hammer for my husband to forge family happiness. And a chop hammer for his wife to keep an eye on her husband while he forges family happiness!
Congratulations! Bitterly!

Idea 4.
What unites young people? That's right - pastel. And every pastel has a pillow. It should be soft and fluffy. So the next gift is a pillow! Only you need to pack it beautifully and, if possible, make drawings or beautiful inscriptions on it.
And you can give a pillow with these verses.

  • In theory, the host should amuse people at the wedding banquet. But every guest is also able to take part in creating a cheerful atmosphere at the holiday: prepare a funny toast in verse, make an unusual congratulation, surprise or comic gifts for the wedding. Giving young people and guests a smile will take desire, imagination, a little time and a healthy sense of humor.

The main rule of a comic gift is timeliness and correctness. Choose a time for the gift when it is appropriate. For example, when reading out congratulations, at the beginning of the banquet, in order to create a relaxed atmosphere, within the framework of the competition (by prior arrangement with the toastmaster). Your gift and accompanying text should not in any way offend or affect the dignity of the young people. You should not joke about family values, family religion, mention the names of relatives.

What to present for a wedding comic

The main gifts for the wedding are still money, household appliances and household items. They can also be presented with humor.

We give money

There are many proven ways to give money for a wedding in an original way.

Conservation. Prepare jars of cucumbers and tomatoes. Place them neatly in a bag or bag so they don't break. Put money in different bills in the same jar so that there are a lot of them. Roll up the jar with a canning lid and sign "Family Cucumbers" or "In Stock." Congratulating the young at the banquet, take out one by one the cans of canned food, with the words "A cucumber for the groom, so that he is always well done", "And a tomato for the bride, so that life is without quarrels."

  • Money umbrella. An unusual present will surprise everyone present at the wedding. Present an umbrella and ask the young people to open it with the words "You can get money from us from troubles", or "So that the rain is only made of money, and the umbrella will protect you from bad weather in the house." When opening the umbrella, the newlyweds will be showered with bills suspended by threads.

  • A million in a case. Change big money into small bills (50 rubles each) and put them in stacks in a suitcase. Present the young people with a money case with the wish that the husband would bring his salary only in suitcases.

  • Non-childish "Kinder surprise". Carefully remove the falga from the kinder, cut the chocolate with a sharp thin knife, take out the capsule and carefully fold a large bill into it. The chocolate can be sealed with a hot spoon and wrapped again in foil. Give a surprise with the words, they say, we have a modest gift, there was not enough money for a lot.

  • Miracle matryoshka. Hide the money in the smallest matryoshka and let the bride and groom remember their childhood.

  • Balloons. Bills and confetti are placed in the balls. A surprise balloon is inflated and given with congratulations at the banquet. It looks impressive.

Household appliances with a surprise

Emphasize cleanliness, present a vacuum cleaner with a broom, toilet paper and soap. To have pure love in the house.

A coffee maker and slippers for one. So that the spouse takes turns making each other morning surprises.

Place pillows in the TV box. To live their own life, and not on-screen.

Fun items

Anything is easy to translate into a comic symbol of family happiness. Bring a bag with different items for the holiday: toilet paper, soap, medicines, food, baby clothes, sports and kitchen equipment, and give all this alternately to the bride and groom with funny wishes in verse.

To the groom

- Here's a tight-knit gauntlet for the girl to be obedient.

- Pour millet for the groom so that his wife will love.

- Here are radishes and parsnips to make the marriage strong.

- Plum for husband, cherry plum, do not chop it hot.

- We give the sword to the defender, so that the house would be a fortress.

There are many options. For example, give the groom books on apartment renovation so that he remembers his duties, a T-shirt with the words “Busy” with a picture of the bride, a shovel with glued coins “To row a shovel for money,” a real brick for a future home, etc.

To the bride

- Here is a turnip for the bride, so that love is strong, and here is a beet - so that life is bright.

- A rolling pin for democratic relations, and a hammer for chops - to make a fortune.

- Boxing gloves for civilized conversations.

- A book on culinary art - so that my husband can be fed deliciously.

For couple

Order T-shirts, home clothes or bedding with a fun print.

Now they will be not only under one blanket, but all their life in one plate. Order a painting on a large plate and give them as a symbolic souvenir, with the words: "So that everyone is considered common, not sharing mine and yours."

Decorate a bottle with wishes for a silver wedding. May they keep it until the cherished anniversary as a symbol of their family well-being.

How fun it is to give a gift

The presentation of comic gifts and congratulations on the wedding day can be translated into a drawing. Bring a box with a new set into the banquet hall, and drop it as if by accident. For the distinctive sound of breaking dishes, place old plates and glasses in the box. Or agree with the toastmaster about the background voice acting. And after everyone has believed in what happened, take out (now carefully) a real service. The same can be done with old and new equipment, such as a TV.

Remember, any funny gift that you decide to give your friends at a wedding must be correct. Do not forget that not only young people will gather in the hall, but also elderly people. Therefore, censorship, and censorship again.

Video of original wedding gifts

Happy Holidays!

A few years after the wedding, a lot will be forgotten and hardly anyone will then remember what kind of treat was at the wedding or what was the style of the bride's dress. But what the guests will definitely not forget is whether it was fun at the wedding or boring.

Therefore, it is so important to be able to create a real festive atmosphere at the wedding - joyful, cheerful, benevolent.

Cool gifts for a wedding - T-shirts for newlyweds

Of course, there is a toastmaster at the wedding, but guests should not be passive either. A sense of humor is not something to hide at a holiday. If you are invited to a wedding, we invite you to participate in creating everyone's fun.

To do this, you can present the newlyweds with various pranks and beat their presentation with humorous comments.

Usually these are humorous poems or just rhymed lines.

For example, such:

I give you a cucumber - so that your husband is well done,
handkerchiefs - so that you have daughters,
I give a mug - to give birth to Andryushka,
cabbage - so that the house is not empty

During the congratulations, all this is taken out of the bag in turn and ends with pulling out a wad of money from the bag. Such an author's mini-scene will certainly cheer everyone up and revive the feast.

An interesting wedding gift - a brick for laying a new house

The set of ideas for a comic gift is inexhaustible. You can jokingly give newlyweds:

  • Iron gloves in which you can keep your spouse. They are made from work gloves and ordinary pushpins;
  • two pairs of boxing gloves (for a “civilized” showdown);
  • dolls in a suit of the bride and groom, in case it is possible to select or order dolls that look like newlyweds;
  • a plate called "For Two" - with a real barrier, border and figures of border guards (you will have to do all this yourself);
  • a light bulb and soap (as a symbol of light and pure love);
  • a bunch of rolls of toilet paper with instructions for use (for the purity of relationships);
  • a gasoline lighter instead of a car (I give a thing in which gasoline is poured and then enjoy it);
  • rolling pin with the inscription "democratizer of family relations";
  • a carpenter's hammer and a chop hammer, tied together with a beautiful bow (each person is a blacksmith of his own happiness).

Funny wedding gift - plate for two with border

Comic wedding medals, diplomas and certificates

Nowadays, shops sell a lot of fun wedding paraphernalia - playful certificates, diplomas and medals. Also, all this can be done with your own hands using a computer and a printer. The presentation of such paraphernalia with a preliminary reading aloud evokes applause and a sea of ​​laughter from those present.

What are, for example, the inscriptions on "medals" for newlyweds - "Goddess", "Came, saw, conquered", "For conquering the heart."

Young people can be given a driver's license to drive a stroller and certificates for the right to use each other: the groom - a certificate for the right to kiss his wife, give her gifts, declare his love every day; the bride - a certificate for the right to force her husband to take out the trash, help her around the house, eat everything that she has prepared, etc.).

These are cool wedding gifts.

Of course, it is more customary for a wedding to give things that are useful in everyday life. But it is much more fun to give them, accompanied by playful comments. For example, you can donate:

  • a kettle and a heating pad for comfort and warmth in the house;
  • a coffee maker and one pair of slippers for the couple to take turns serving coffee to each other in bed;
  • a vacuum cleaner and a “guarantee” to it in the form of an ordinary broom;
  • bed linen with scenes from the Kamasutra;
  • a fan or air conditioner so that it is not too hot for love, etc.

Original piggy bank as a wedding gift with a border for wife and husband

Comic gifts for parents at a wedding

Often at weddings, gifts are given to the parents of the newlyweds. Of course, there is no question of anything particularly valuable in this case. These are comic gifts designed to make you laugh.

For example, it can be pink glasses for the father-in-law - so that he sees everything in a pink light. Or two empty bags for the father-in-law - to make supplies not only for himself, but also for the young family. Or a broom with an electric wire for the mother-in-law - to help the daughter-in-law in cleaning.

A funny joke - to give the mother-in-law slippers with bells with the words: "So that you don't wake your son-in-law, and walk on tiptoe."

A kind, cheerful atmosphere should reign at the wedding celebration. Many years later, the newlyweds themselves and the guests will remember how wonderful the wedding was. These memories will make you smile, especially when you remember funny wedding gifts.

The main work for entertaining guests lies on the shoulders of the toastmaster, but guests can also contribute to creating a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Funny greetings, funny poems and all kinds of pranks, all this will not let the newlyweds and other guests get bored. Here you need to show your imagination and come up with something unusual, comic, funny.


When thinking about a wedding gift, the first thing that comes to mind is an envelope with some sum of money. But why do it in such a traditional way, because you can not be banal and present the same bills in a special way, play up the situation with objects. For example, take a large bag, inside which there will be jars of pickles, and among them there is one jar with paper money signs closed in it. Gradually taking out jars of pickled vegetables, read cheerful congratulations in verse:

  • Here are cucumbers and tomatoes for the abundance of your hut;
  • Pickled cucumber for the groom.

In the end, when everyone around is in a little shock, you need to get a jar of money. Such presentation of a gift will definitely not be trivial.

Or another option, just put money in a jar, roll it up, and stick a cool label on top, such as: "Cabbage in the marinade", "Greens for dressing".

An interesting option is to present banknotes, attach them to the umbrella with strings, when the young people open it, they will be surrounded by money flying around them.

Another way to present a gift in the form of finance is to twist it into a tube and put it in a balloon. Having presented a bunch of balloons, invite the bride and groom to burst the balloons. Money will pour out of one of them.

A large piggy bank can become a pleasant gift, the first contribution to which can be made in full view of everyone, putting there the amount that was going to give.

It is important to be smart, to turn on the imagination, then the classic gift in the form of money will be remembered by the young and will be extraordinary.

What else to give a joke for a wedding?


In addition to valuable gifts, you can dilute congratulations on your wedding day with various draws. For example, each of the newlyweds receives a fork of common cabbage. Their task is to find a thread hidden in advance among the leaves. If the bride is the first to find the thread, then the girl-daughter will be the first to be born in the family, respectively, if the groom, then the son will please with his appearance. After a long and desperate search, without finding anything, the young will be at a loss. This is where you need to say to the guest: "Such adults, but still do not know that children do not grow in cabbage!"

Interesting jokes and little presents

Various funny and comic little gifts, in addition to the main one, will add some humor and defuse the atmosphere. For example, the bride can be presented with a rolling pin, on which the inscription flaunts: "Amulet from mistresses"

Also, the groom can be handed the “Shovel, raking in money”. It is enough to take a children's scoop decorated with various coins and decorate it so that it looks unusual.

Funny dishes

Often at weddings, it is customary to give all kinds of dishes, sets of plates or wine glasses. In addition to them, you can attach a set of plastic disposable plates, while advising the young that they do not break good dishes during quarrels, but take this plastic one.

Gifts with meaning

A gift with meaning, a decorative beautiful key with the words that this is not a simple key, but the one that opens the doors of family happiness. This should be kept, at least, until the silver wedding.

A little bit with a fright

A bit of a scary prank, when a guest comes out with a large box tied with a satin ribbon, supposedly filled with beautiful dishes. And when trying to present a gift, he drops everything with a bang on the floor. Of course, there is no service inside; there may be old kitchen items in the box that you do not mind breaking. After everyone is frozen and upset, it's fun to announce that it's for luck. And, then, already announce the joke and give a real gift. For sure, young people will remember this moment every anniversary.

All your gifts can be supplemented with various jokes and jokes. The internet is full of poems, funny and funny, with which you can replenish your arsenal when giving gifts. With a little ingenuity and enthusiasm, you can stand out from the bulk of the guests, not only giving the desired gift, but also cheering the crowd by joking or playing a trick on the newlyweds. This moment will become one of the brightest events of the celebration, will be captured in photos and videos. There will be something to remember!

Video on the topic of the article:

Good afternoon dear friends! Unusual wedding greetings units prepare, agree!

Therefore, I propose to continue the wedding theme. we have already discussed, we can proceed to the selection of presents for the main holiday of the newlyweds.

What do you think, if you were invited to a wedding celebration, is it necessary to prepare in advance? I think it's a must! Now I'm not talking about gifts for the young, but about how you will present your prepared presents to them.

After all, a new married couple, who decided to combine their lives into one, is certainly worthy of getting unusual congratulations on the wedding?

Why am I talking about non-standard greetings?

It's just that, in my opinion, most wedding events have one recurring moment.

When the time comes to present the newlyweds with gifts, the invited guests begin to congratulate the newlyweds one by one, reading standard poems from postcards, stuttering and stammering. And the rest of the guests at this time talk to each other, not listening to the words of the next speech. Yes, and young people sometimes can hardly make out the confused congratulations of friends and relatives.

And only when the guest who has prepared for the event begins to congratulate the groom with the bride, reads or shows the prepared and rehearsed congratulations by heart, the whole wedding freezes and begins to observe what is happening with interest. And, of course, such an action stands out from the crowd and is remembered by the bride and groom.

Have you come across a similar fact? I personally - more than once.

Therefore, our task with you is to prepare unusual congratulations to the wedding, to surprise the newlyweds and create a bright moment in the congratulatory part of the wedding event.

Unusual wedding greetings: creativity and fantasy

Of course, I will not be able to present you all the options, I will list only the simplest of those available to everyone and do not require any monetary investment:

  • Compose congratulations, all the words of which will begin with one letter of the alphabet (which one is up to you to choose, but you probably shouldn't use “x” :-)). Naturally, the longer the congratulation is, the more interesting it will sound. Next, ask the guests to come up with wishes for the newlyweds for the same letter. Thus, you will not only draw attention to your congratulations, but also revive the procedure for giving gifts.
  • Congratulate in the form of an interview - come up with cool questions for the bride and groom. The need to answer you will cheer up the newlyweds and add an interesting touch to the holiday.
  • If the two of you are together, you can make a congratulation in the form of a TV show. Make cardboard frames - "TV screens" and read out your congratulations (it should be appropriate), as announcers read the news on television. It can get pretty interesting.
  • If you are invited to a wedding by a company of several friends, you can make a small performance - remake one of the famous children's fairy tales for the “love story” of the newlyweds and portray it “in person” in the form of a scene.

When your original congratulations for the young are announced, you can give them your main gift with peace of mind.

By the way, if you are going to donate money, then you should also do it outside the box. Read how to prepare an original gift from money with your own hands in, and see how you can give your money present in an original way. Let your gift be the most unexpected and memorable!

Well, if you are going to a wedding with a large group of friends, then I advise you to prepare a cool surprise for the newlyweds! Read about it.

I think I gave you some direction for thoughts, and you yourself can be smart and come up with something interesting for the bride and groom.

And in this video you will see how it IS NOT WORTH to congratulate the newlyweds. Look, guys scoff at all of the commonly used wedding greetings in a humorous way.

So, dear friends, I suggest that you approach the preparation of your gifts responsibly and prepare unusual wedding greetings for the young. It will be pleasant for them and for you as well. Trust me :-)!

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